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Primary source is a document or physical object which was written during the time
under study or source were present during and experience, it also provides first hand testimony
or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation. They are created by witnesses or
recorders who experienced the events or conditions being documented. A primary source need
to be original. There are two ways to determine if the source is original; first is underived, and
second is first hand as to their testimony.

While secondary source interprets and analyses primary sources, it consists of

interpretations of people who read the works of the witnesses. The secondary sources are
printed materials and history textbook.


External criticism is use to test sources or documents and spot if it is fabricated of faked,
it is also a process by which historians determine whether a source is authentic by checking the
validity of the source. To test the authenticity of a sources or documents; historian dated the
documents, examines materials to see whether they are anachronistic, examine the possible
author of a certain document, and spelling of names and signature.

Internal criticism looks at the reliability of an authenticated source after it has been
subjected to external criticism. External and Internal criticism provide the basic methodology of
modern historical research.


Objectivity is acquiring detached and truthful knowledge; it is also obtained from data.

Subjectivity derived from testimony, they cannot be seen, feel, taste, heard and smelled,
it exists only in the observer’s historians mind.

Pre-Colonial Period

During Pre-Colonial (before 16th century) land was owned by the community known as
“barangay”. They practiced stewardship. Land cultivation done commonly by kaingin, maragtas-
code – only recorded transaction of land sale. Money was unknown, crops served as the
medium of exchange. Spanish introduced “Pueblo Agriculture”. Through the laws of Indies, the
Spanish crown awarded vast tract of land wit: Friar lands - religious orders, Repartiamentos –
Spanish military, Encomienda – Encomiendero.

When the Spaniards came to the Philippines, the concept of encomienda (Royal Land
Grants) was introduced. This system grants that Encomienderos must depend his encomienda
from external attack, maintain peace and order within, and support the missionaries. The
system, however degenerated into abuse of power by the encomienderos. The tributes soon
became the land rents to a few powerful landlords. And the natives who once cultivated the
lands in freedom were transformed into more share tenants.

American Period

 Philippine Bill of 1902 set the ceilings on the hectarage of private individuals and
corporations may acquire: 10 has for private individuals and 1024 has for corporations.
 Land Registration Act of 1902 (Act no. 496) provided for a comprehensive registration of
land titles under the Torrens System.
 Public Land Act of 1903 introduced the homestead system in the Philippines.
 Tenancy Act of 1933 (Act no. 4054 and 4113) regulated relationships between
landowners and tenants of rice and sugar can lands.

The Torren System which the Americans instituted for the registration of lands did not solve
the problem completely. Either they were not aware of the law or if they did, they could not
pay the survey cost and other fees required in applying for a Torrens title.
Commonwealth Period

Commonwealth Act No. 178 (An amendment to rice tenancy Act No. 4045), Nov. 13,
1936 provided for certain controls in the landlord-tenant relationship. Commonwealth Act No.
461, 1937 specified reasons for the dismissal of tenants and only with the approval of the
tenancy Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Japanese Occupation

Hukbalahap controlled whole areas of Central Luzon; landlords who supported the
Japanese lost their lands to peasants while those who supported hukbalahap earned fixed
rentals in favor of the tenants.


Retraction of Rizal – At first, Rizal doesn’t want to retract, but there are factors that
influence him to retract like he cannot marry Josephine. To make it short, during the last 24
hours of Rizal he wrote the retraction. The primary source of retraction document is found by
Manuel Garcia.

Not Retraction of Rizal – According to Ricardo R. Pascual, the points of difference

between the standard signatures together and the signature of the retraction are not just
differences. These are all traits of simulated forgery as regards this production of the signature
of the document in question. This examination and analytic comparison of the signatures alone
are sufficient to render verdict that the retraction signature was a forgery. Therefore, when the
signature was forged, then the retraction as a document is a forgery.

But in the end, if he retracts or not those writings will serve as a wheel to change the
Philippine Colonial Society and awakened our knowledge of nationalism.


First cry is referring to tearing of cedulas (community tax certificate) accompanied by

patriotic shouts. Cedulas signifies Spaniard’s oppression to the Filipinos. The first cy happened
at Balintawak on August 26, 1896, according to Guillermo Masangkay who made a claim that
during August 26, 1896, there was a meeting held at the house of Apolonio Samson, then the
Cabeza of the barrio of Caloocan. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss when the uprising
was to take place. During the meeting, some of them opposed the early start of the revolution
because they think people might be in distressed if the revolution would start without
adequate preparation.

Valenzuela used Rizal’s argument about the rich not siding with the Katipunan
organization. When Andres Bonifacio sensed that he would lose in the discussion, he left the
session hall and talk to the people. He told them that if they would return in the town, the
Spaniards will only shoot them. In short, he asked them to destroy their cedulas as a sign that
all of us have declared our severance to the Spaniards.

When people pulled out their cedulas and tore them into pieces, it was the beginning of
formal declaration of the separation of the Spanish rule. Meaning, they really want to
overthrow the Spaniard Government.


The contribution of Pigafetta’s work are; overturned many of the conventions of

traditional geography, provided a demonstration of the sphericity of the Earth and
revolutionized the solid belief, describes how to take the altitude of the pole stare to determine
latitude, know the wind direction and other minor navigation problems, and gave insights on
the discovery of the Philippines and culture it had during that period.

Pigafetta’s work is our primary source when it comes to Philippine culture during that
period. What we had before is continuously happening until now. I think, Aquino’s speech
doesn’t matter and has no part in Philippine history because she just only reminisced her
husband and we already know that Benigno Aquino II is a good person.


The controversies regarding the real site of the first mass in the Philippines was if it is in
Limasawa or Butuan. The issue aroused because there are two different claim about the place
where the first mass happened. Some claim that is in Butuan because Magellan had known the
Rajah of Butuan and the men of Magellan go to Butuan after his death.

But according to the first-hand evidence which is the Pigafetta’s work and Albo work
which are the eyewitness of the event that the site of the first mass was held on the island of
Leyte in Limasawa called as “Mazaua” not in the Masao Island Butuan. Also, it is impossible that
the first mass happened in Mindanao since only the survivor of Magellan army went to
Mindanao and the only location fit the Pigafetta’s sketch of map is the LIMASAWA.



 Local History is the study of a particular region’s past. The region in question tends to be
geographically small; usually a city, town or country. Local History concerns itself with
many different subject areas such as factual events, cultural heritage, genealogy and
 The main function of museums has traditionally revolved around collecting, preserving,
researching and displaying objects. Museums contains records of human presence and
the individual experience of people. It served as evidences of the human existence in
the depiction of history.
 Shrines are holy or sacred places, or a small area or monument dedicated to someone,
or a place known as the site of a religious occurrence or historical event.
 Fiestas are religious celebrations by the Roman Catholic people in honor of a particular
saint. While, festival is an event or community gathering, usually staged by a local
community, which centers on some theme, sometimes on some unique aspect of the
 Indigenous practices are practices that are observed on the different indigenous tribes
residing in the Philippines that are commonly found on the mountains.

The above information contributes the historical events and progress of different places
here in the Philippines. It is just an implication that those are indeed a big part in the history.
There are momentous events to be celebrated as a sign of different meaning and symbolism,
pilgrimage for visiting authentic and blessed churches, spectacular things that can be found at
museums and some other practices of indigenous people that makes it unique or exceptional.
factual events and cultural heritage will inform us how amazing and wonderful our country is. It
is an awakening for us to appreciate and continue to influence the young generations in order
to maintain a well-known culture of our nation.


It has variety of celebrations, themes, beliefs and cultures. We are diversified yet
connected. If there are some differences, that would be the way of perceiving, complying, and
ruling the traditions. Differentiated historical events and cultural heritage depends on a certain
place. These are distinguished and defined by its purpose and role to our society.

There are different interpretations and executions given by the following guidelines or
procedures. Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao are different islands with diverse cultures. They are
rich in principles, honor and admirable places, celebrations, shrines, museums, and local history
with dissimilar presentations and use that everybody must be proud of.

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