National Food Co. (AMERICANA) Environmental Operating Procedures

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National Food Co.

Environmental Operating Procedures
PAGE NO. 1 of 3 ISSUE NO 1
TITLE: Training, Awareness & Competence
Prepared By: Approved By


The purpose of this document is to define responsibilities and direct the controls applied to the
identification and assessment of training needs in support of the effective implementation of the
Environmental Management System.


The scope of this document covers the identification of training needs, the development of training
plans and the maintenance of training records.

Document References

Operating Policy EPM Clause 4.4.2 Training Awareness & Competence

ER 6-01 Environmental Training Record.
ER 6-02 Environmental Skills Matrix
ER 6-03 Environmental Induction Training Plan


The DGM is responsible for the review of the Company’s Environmental training needs in light of
short and long term business plans, technological advances and changes in governing legislation.

The EMR is responsible for the development of the Company’s Environmental Training plan, and
in liaison with Departmental Managers and Supervision for the co-ordination of Training activities.

Departmental Managers/Supervision are responsible for:

• The identification of the training needs of personnel within their areas of responsibility, and
for ensuring that all personnel are suitably trained in the concepts of Environmental
Management to the degree necessary to perform the tasks required. In particular, personnel
performing tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts must be competent on the
basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience.
• The maintenance of Environmental Training records and associated documentation pertaining
to their Department ensuring all Training Records are signed and counter-signed by both
Trainers and Trainees.
National Food Co. (AMERICANA)
Environmental Operating Procedures
PAGE NO. 2 of 3 ISSUE NO 1
TITLE: Training, Awareness & Competence

Procedure Content

1.0 Induction Training

2.0 Review & Planning of Environmental Training Needs

1-0 Induction Training

The EMR will:

1.1 Establish an Induction Training Program for all new employees to:

• Introduce the concepts of Environmental Management to them.

• Outline Company Environmental Policy and individual / corporate responsibilities for its
implementation and maintenance.

1.2 Ensure Induction training is performed within the individuals probationary period.

1.3 Record Induction Training on the Program gaining signatures of those attending.
Route copies to the associated Departmental Manager for file.

2-0 Review & Planning of Environmental Training needs

The DGM will:-

2.1 In liaison with the Senior Management Team, convene quarterly Environmental Training
Review meetings. Ensure the review:

• Considers all business activities in order to identify areas or activities that are affected by lack
of training or specialist personnel
• Considers training needs to meet existing Company Environmental Strategy and future
requirements in line with both short and long term business plans, new technology or changes
of legislation
• Reviews any External Training courses relevant to the business that will support the Company’s
Environmental Strategy
• Reviews the benefits derived from training already provided
National Food Co. (AMERICANA)
Environmental Operating Procedures
PAGE NO. 3 of 3 ISSUE NO 1
TITLE: Training, Awareness & Competence

The EMR will:

2.2 Record Minutes of the Training Review and based upon decisions, establish and
maintain a Training Plan, detailing:-
• Training Planned
• Venues
• Dates planned
• Trainees

2.3 Liaise with the Company Managers concerned to:

• Co-ordinate Training in line with the Training Plan.

• Record details of training given on the Environmental Training Record ER 6-01 gaining
signatures and remarks from the ‘trainee’ pertaining to the effectiveness and benefit of training
provided. Copy to Employee File and at Departmental Level. Maintain Original.
• Summarise training provided together with benefits derived for discussion at the
next Training Review Meeting

Departmental Managers will:-

2.4 Produce Departmental Training Plans to ensure that individuals at each relevant function or
level are aware of:
• The requirements of the Environmental Management System, the importance of conformance to
policies and procedures and their roles and responsibilities in implementation.
• The potential consequences of deviation from procedures
• The actual or potential significant environmental impacts of their work and the benefits of
improved personal performance.
Record the levels of competence and awareness achieved on the Departmental Environmental
Skills Matrix ER 6-02

2.5 Monitor the performance of employees, paying particular attention to new employees
and staff transferred to new assignments.

2.6 Report any specific training requirements identified accordingly to the EMR for consideration
and approval at the next Training Review Meeting

2.7 Ensure all Training provided is recorded and maintained for the employment term of the
individual employee, and for 3 years after cessation of employment.

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