Professional Goals - Psi

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Professional Goals/Growth Plan Template #1

Name: Jared Eygenraam

School: Wheatland Elementary

Practicum Dates: Nov. 16 – Dec. 18

Teacher Mentor: Vicky Smith, Donna Carlson

Faculty Mentor: Debra Ireland


Professional Goals

• Goal #1: To learn a variety of transitions and figure out what works for me

Rationale: It is important to give students transitions to help them move from activity to activity,
as well as body breaks and mind breaks.

• Goal #2: To learn to incorporate the smart board technology into my lesson.

Rationale: Create visuals for students so that they can have visual and oral instruction. Pre-made
PowerPoints are great for organizing class time and giving step-by-step instruction. Being able to
use the smart board and write on PowerPoints could be beneficial because we can put discussion
ideas on the board.

Strategies (How I will go about achieving my goals?)

• Strategies for addressing Goal #1:

 Practice different transitions that I learn from observing both teacher mentors, as well as
try techniques I learned in my course work.

• Strategies for addressing Goal #2:

 Researching information about using the promethean board

 Using the technology in my lessons to help students focus, understand, and engage more.

• Indicators of Progress for Goal #1:

 I have multiple transitions that I can use throughout my lesson.

 I am able to apply different transitions to different situations
 Students are ready to go for new lessons
 Students can settle down through breathing exercises

• Indicators of Progress for Goal #2:

 I am able to use different aspects of the promethean board (active/smart board) in my

 Students are benefiting from the active board by being more focused through visuals.
Students can participate in meaningful activities that promote growth because of the
active board.

D. Timeline for Completion

 Goal #1 – December 17
 Goal #2 – December 11


E. Summary of Growth and Goals Achieved

 Goal #1: During the practicum I have experimented with a variety of transitions. I have
learned that I prefer grounding and breathing exercises between activities. I find that
breathing and grounding exercises give students a break and get them prepared to be in
an optimum state for learning.
 Goal #2: By the end of the practicum I learned how to annotate overtop of presentations
and whatever is on the screen. I used this ability to make my PowerPoint presentations
more interactive because as a class we could add ideas to the Activeboard.

F. Reflections on Professional Growth

 I believe that my goals were great goals because they were achievable and assisted with
student learning. I was able to make progress towards both goals throughout my
practicum. Both my goals can be worked on throughout my career, but I think I took
great steps in the right direction. Goal #1 assisted student learning by preparing students
for the next activity and giving them a mind break where they could relax. Goal #2
assisted learning by giving students a more well-rounded learning experience. Students
were able to experience lessons through more in-depth participation, awesome visuals, as
well as auditory cues.

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