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for the NOVEMBER 3, 2020 General Presidential Election

November 3rd Election ~

• State of MI (2 constitutional amendments): 20-1 money from oil/gas mining to collect in state
funds and describe how funds are being spent; 20-2 Require Search Warrant to access
electronic date/communications
• Calhoun County (1): 9-1-1 Surcharge Proposal (58 precincts)
• City of Marshall: Street Improvement Bond Proposal (2 precincts)
• Tekonsha Twp: Fire Dept. Operating Millage Renewal Proposal (1 precinct)
• Homer Community School District: Operating Millage Proposal (6 Calhoun Co precincts, 3 out-county)
58 Calhoun County precincts open, 9 AVCBs (3 ICC’s = two G1130 high speed, one M160 low-end
scanner; 6 ICP’s, 44 AVCB pcts.), 106 ballot styles, 42 ICX’s, 64 ICP’s

We continue to find ourselves in the season of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic which
closed-down Michigan, America and the world just as we completed the March 10th, 2020
Presidential Primary canvass.
While Elections continue to be conducted during the pandemic, we must maximize safety of
election workers and voters while maintaining accessibility of the voting process based on
recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), State of Michigan Directives
and Governor Whitmer/Secretary of State Benson’s recommendations related to COVID-19.
Voters are encouraged to vote absentee; however, if they choose to vote in-person, they
are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering although they are not required while in the
polling place for purposes of voting [voters cannot be denied the ability to vote because
they are not wearing a mask.]. Poll workers, challengers and poll watchers are required
to wear face covering. All individuals in the polling place must remain 6’ from one another
at all times.
The Bureau is providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available with federal CARES
funds: gloves, face shields, face masks, wipes or spray, and hand sanitizer for each precinct
and AVCB. They have also offered reimbursement for other various election items.
The ‘Polling Place and Accessibility Guidelines’ have been updated for the Nov. 3rd
Election - please share this information with your inspectors so they are familiar with the
general safety and hygiene guidelines for voting locations; proper use of PPE’s and
Protective Supplies; precinct set-up and planning; tips on how to manage voters; FAQ for
Election Workers; Health Screening Questions and scripts for your workers; and numerous
posters and signs to post in the poll locations.
There are numerous documents available through the SoS to post around your jurisdiction
before/during the election.

Page 1
Processing Registrations: Election Officials’ Manual Chapter 2 Updated Nov. 2019
BoE Proposal 18-3 Tools: VR Changes, VR Last 14 Days, VR Election Day, VR Other,
Same Day Registrations, Vote from Home SoS flyer, Registration within 14 Days of ED

MAIL-IN Registrations….
Mail-in registrations must be postmarked by/on October 19, 2020 for elector to be eligible
to vote Election Day, November 3, 2020. When processing mail-in registrations (or a form
submitted by a third-party voter registration drive) in the QVF, use the postmark date and
the ‘Mail Registration’ option in the Registration Location drop down. NOTE: For any mail-in
registrations received here in our office, I will also mail the envelope to you showing the
postmark – if application was not received in an envelope (walk-ins), I will stamp a received
date on the registration application. Walk-ins will also be handed a Notice.

If POSTMARKED after October 19, 2020, local clerk must send the voter a mailed QVF
Notice informing the voter their registration is not effective for the upcoming election, and
they must take additional steps if they wish to be eligible to vote at the November 3, 2020
election (they must re-register in-person at their local clerk’s office). This notice is
generated from the QVF by clicking the Voter Notice Button found under the dymo label
button. The notice can be placed into a windowed envelope for mailing. There are 2
versions of the notice depending on whether the voter is brand new to Michigan or was
previously registered in another Michigan jurisdiction.

Additionally, the local clerk is encouraged to contact the voter by email or phone, if
information is provided.

If No POSTMARK is stamped on the Mail-in registration, it is considered received on time if

it is received by October 26, 2020 and is dated by the voter October 26, 2020 or earlier.

IN-PERSON Registrations…. October 20th through November 3rd

can be accepted in the local clerk’s office (not the polling location) and voter must provide
proof of residency. NOTE: this is the only time the voters must provide residency verification.

When registering an elector within 14 days of Election Day, the clerk must use the QVF in real
time before voter leaves your office or an AV ballot is issued. Perform a quick match to see if
the voter is already registered in the State of Michigan, and if an AV ballot has been issued.

If already registered click ‘Move In’ and update the record with an address in your jurisdiction.

If elector is not found, click on ‘Register New Voter’ and enter the information. The system
will also request the type of residency verification that was provided.

Proof of Residency ….
First request picture identification – this can be a MI Driver’s License or MI Personal
ID. If the voter does not have picture ID, he/she can sign the Affidavit of Voter Not in
Possession of picture ID.

In the final 14 days, the voter must also provide documentation with his/her name &

Page 2
If the voters DL or PID has the voter’s current address, this voter will likely already be in the
QVF. If so, the administrator will need to update the voter’s record with the residency
verification of the DL or PID, and the voter will be eligible to vote a Regular Ballot.

If the voters DL or PID does NOT have the current address where he/she wishes to
register, the voter will need to provide some other document with the voter’s name and
current address on it. A list of acceptable documents includes:
* Current utility bill; Government issued check; Bank statement; Other government
document; or Paycheck
If voter does not have a hardcopy, they are allowed to produce this information
electronically. This voter will be issued a Challenged Ballot.

If the voter cannot produce residency verification, you may still register the voter BUT the
registration will not be in effect for the November 3, 2020 election. NOTE: the voter can
return to your office prior to 8:00p with the proper documentation and qualify to vote on
Election Day.

Issue an AV Ballot or a Receipt …

If the voter is not requesting an AV Ballot, the clerk will print a Voter Receipt from the QVF
to give to voter. The QVF will only allow one registration change on Election Day.

As mentioned above, during these final 14 days, the SoS Branch Offices and Agencies of
DHHS will provide customers who register with a notice informing the voter that he/she
needs to take additional steps to be eligible to vote in the upcoming election. Also during
these final 14 days, the County will hand a notice to voters who come to register in-person
at the County office that informs the voter that he/she needs to take additional steps to be
eligible to vote in the upcoming election.

Watch the QVF Refresh Voter Registration 14 Days Prior VIDEO in the eLearning Center
(7:23) for specific details.

SATURDAY and/or SUNDAY, October 31 – November 1, 2020

Local clerks or other authorized personnel appointed by the clerk must be available in the
clerk’s office for at least 8 hours. Voters may register to vote with residency verification.
Enter the registration in to the QVF in REAL TIME, and if not requesting an AV ballot print
a receipt to give to the elector.

MONDAY, November 2, 2020

Electors may register in YOUR office up until 5:00p (Those who qualify can receive an
absent voter ballot up until 4:00p but must vote in your office. The AV ballot cannot leave
your office.) Enter the registration in to the QVF in REAL TIME, and if not requesting an
AV ballot print a receipt to give to the elector.

TUESDAY, ELECTION DAY November 3, 2020

The local clerk or a deputized staff member (not an election inspector) must be available in
the clerk’s office 7:00a until 8:00p on Election Day. Electors may register; clerk will issue a
receipt or AV ballot. These electors may vote at the precinct before 8:00p or may vote
absentee in YOUR office up until 8:00p. Note: have a supply of Official Ballots available in
your office for this purpose.


Page 3
Election Day Preparation:
Election Inspectors -
Prior to Election Day
• Must be appointed by Local Election Commission between Sept 24th and October 13th.
• Be certain your inspectors are certified to work this election (successfully completed
online training and certification test or attended the training at BC City, and
certification date is entered into QVF).
• Be certain all inspectors have access to the Managing Your Precinct on Election
Day, Election Inspectors’ Procedure Manual (Flipchart) January 2020
Enter all contact info on Page 2.
• Have extra inspectors trained/certified as ‘Back-ups’
• Inspectors assigned to the EPB: hands-on review of screens; be certain everyone
has a NEW username and password set-up; and practice, practice, practice!
• Notify the Republican and Democrat Chairman with a list of inspectors (name, party,
precinct assigned) w/I 2 days of appointment; and please send a copy to the County to
have on file! Contact info. is listed on our Misc. Election Information webpage.
• If inspectors change (or you add more), send a revised list to the chairmen and

Election Notices
Notice of Registration and Notice of Election were published Sept. 30th – Oct 3rd and Oct. 21st
– 24th. (The Joint Notices were published in the Marshall Advisor Chronicle and the Battle
Creek Shopper; Homer Community School District published in The Homer Index )
These notices are also posted on our 2020 Upcoming Elections web page.

YOU should also post both Notice(s) in at least 2 conspicuous placed in each precinct
(MCL 168.498).

ImageCast Precinct (ICP) (ElectionSource direct #1.888.742.8037)

Reference ElectionSource ICP 5.5 Operations Guide, Inserting the Cards, Opening the Polls.
• Be sure to modem results to the County during your Testing.
• Public Accuracy test must be concluded by Thursday, Oct. 29th (requires 48-hour notice
in newspaper of general circulation).
• Check and set time and date on each ICP [time changes Nov. 1st]
• After Public Test:
➢ Seal front Compact Flash Card door (using 1 or 2 seals, if you prefer the pull-tite
seal use the white one), record in Poll Book in the Clerk’s Preparation Certificate.
➢ Also seal INSIDE modem door … if sending results via Cellular Modem, use an
easy twist seal, luggage tag or blue spring-loaded seal, also record the seal
number in the Clerk’s Preparation Certificate.
If using RTM, this door can be permanently sealed with a luggage tag seal,
record this number on your letterhead stationery and keep in a safe place in your
office (same procedure as sealing the Tamper Resistant seals)!
➢ Send a copy of your Tabulator Program Testing and Security Certification to county.
• Start Election Day with a FULL thermal paper roll.

Page 4
ImageCast X Ballot Marking Device (ICX) (ElectionSource direct #1.888.742.8037)
• Reference Election Source ICX 5.5 Operations Guide and/or YouTube ICX Training
Videos (7:26). (use Google Chrome)
• Be certain to run your Test 4 ballots through the ICP Tabulator either separately or
add to your Test Deck. Refer to Test Procedure Manual (dated January 2019), page 32
for VAT test procedures; or the ICX Step-by-Step Instructions I provided.
• Be sure to test each ballot style, if applicable.
• Check and set time and date on each ICX. [time changes Nov. 1st]
• Be certain to order and use numbered Blank Ballot Stock paper (save unused stock for next
election). NOTE: tear off stub before putting ballot in printer tray – Nov. ballot is too long!
• After Public Test:
➢ Be certain the flash drive is removed and stored in your office, seal top and bottom
doors with white pull-tite seal, record seal numbers in the Poll Book in the Clerk’s
Preparation Certificate.
➢ Send a copy of your VAT Testing and Security Certification to the County.
➢ Place Privacy Shield around the screen.

ImageCast Central Scanner (ICC) (ElectionSource direct #1.888.742.8037)

• Reference Election Source ICC 5.5 Operations Guide.
• Be sure to test prior to Election Day.
• Record serial number in the Poll Book in the Clerk’s Preparation Certificate.

Security Stickers for ICP

The intent of this procedure is to secure the electronics of the ICP tabulator to insure nothing
is tampered with from testing through Election Day. A State Security Tamper Resistant Seal
should be permanently placed on both sides of the Tabulator placing the # on the sides where
it can be seen. Note: these seals will only be broken during maintenance.
Be certain to record the date, seal numbers and witness the information on your city/township
letterhead. Keep this in your office. If the seal is broken at the polls on Election Day, the seal
numbers must be recorded in the poll book.
Extra seals are available at the County Clerk-Elections office.

Voter Information Posters, Audio and Braille versions

Be certain to post Election Day Voter Information posters in each precinct each election.
These replace ‘What Every Voter Should Know’ posters and the ‘Michigan Rights and
Responsibilities’ placards used in the past; these new posters are REUSABLE!
• Election Day Change of Address/Authorization to Transfer Voter Registration
(salmon colored) replaced the old pink Change of Address and blue Authorization to
Cancel Registration forms.
• Additional supplies available through vendors and at the County Clerk-Elections
office: election seals, ‘sign here’ stickers, inspector name stickers, Emergency AV
applications, blue and yellow highlighters – feel free to stop by and take any supplies
that are available.
• Have white paper/scotch tape available for Challenged Ballots.
• Monday before the election after the 4p AV deadline, using QVF Refresh print out
a Precinct List as a back-up, including a current Cover Page and Notes (the MVIP
option no longer exists).

Page 5
Supplies continued
• Have an extra Regular Poll Book in your Precinct Supply Kit as a back-up.
• Be sure your Precinct and/or Receiving Board has 3-hole punched paper OR a 3-hole
punch for printing EPB reports.
• Be certain your Managing Your Precinct on Election Day, Election Inspectors’
Procedure Manual (Flipchart) January 2020 is readily available on Election Day
(laid out on table), AND Inspectors are familiar with where to find answers to
problems that arise during Election Day.
• Be certain your ‘Important Dates’ are on the table to reference when needed.
• Additional online resources are available on our Local Clerk Resources page.

Electronic Poll Book Preparing for 2020 (10/08/19) QVF Help Deck: 800.310.5697; [email protected]
• information due to QVF Refresh, Windows 10, and the BitLocker flash drive.
• QVF Refresh EPB process including the pre-election set up processes of preparing and
establishing geography, inspectors, and some new features which include entering your
ballot number series by ballot style and entering usernames and passwords of inspectors
– all prior to export! Also, new download process and upload of voting history.
➢ Follow the EPB Refresh Training Presentation 2019 (92 slides, very helpful!)
➢ Follow the EPB Practice Day QVF Refresh Features & Discussion of What’s New in the
eLearning Center (24.16 min)
➢ Review EPB Challenges & Solutions in the eLearning Center (22.56 minutes)
• Be certain to have these available for Election Day:
➢ EPB Refresh Clerk’s Manual for Windows 10 (UPDATED Sept. 2020),
➢ Windows 10 Election Inspector’s Manual (UPDATED Sept. 2020), and the
➢ EPB Flash Drive Guide for BitLocker (May 2016).
• Be certain each inspector using the EPB has their own username and password AND
USE IT – EACH PERSON should LOG IN when starting and LOG OUT when finished
Refer to EPB Refresh Training Presentation 2019 Slide 69
➢ EPB Training Database Instructions (7/2/19) Package w/scenarios, lists, etc.
➢ Review EPB Tips for Success (9/17/19)
• EPB Proposal 18-3 Supplemental Instructions (4/7/19)
• Dual EPB Supplemental Guide (Feb. 2020)

Provisional Ballots (NOTE: you’ll now have fewer Provisional ballots, but possibly more Challenged ballots)
• Before completing the process, a voter whose name does not appear on the registration
list should instead consider re-registering at the clerk’s office on Election Day.
• Review and know how to use the envelope.
• Prepare Notice with clerk contact information, place notices in envelope.

Review procedures with your Chairperson/Inspectors (State booklet ED-2, Appt, Rights and
Duties of Election Challengers) (UPDATED Oct. 2020), and the Challenge Process Q & A.
There were 3 interest groups who filed with the County between the 20-30-day deadline:
Lawyers Committee packet; NAACP packet; and A. Philip Randolph Institute packet.
Remember political parties may appoint Challengers at any time through the Election Day.
Review Challenger video (4.00 minutes)

Page 6
Challenged Ballots:
Have white paper and scotch tape available. Write the Ballot Number on the ballot (not the
stub), cover with a small piece of white paper using scotch tape. Be certain to cover and
smooth down all edges so it will not catch in the voting machine. Do not write on or cover up
any of the timing marks or ballot identifiers (bar code or ovals, etc.)

• Identify polling location with curb signs.
• Measure off and mark 100’ of any doorway used by voters to enter the building
• Measure off and mark 20’ from the doorway used by voters to enter the polling place
• Post signs outside for safest route into the polls for wheelchair users
• For Multiple precincts at same location – post clear directional signs to guide voters.

Check all parking lots to confirm that parking spaces for disabled voters are available and
appropriately identified.

Voting Booths
Be certain the proper Ballot Marking Instructions are posted in each Voting Station (page 3).

Polling Place Greeting Application Guide (November 2019)

A tool used mainly in voting locations that hosts multiple precincts. This is an electronic
application used to improve the voting experience by helping Election Inspectors direct
voters to the appropriate precinct.

Processing Voters: (BoE PPT slide)

• Establish a ‘Help Desk’ of election inspectors who are specially trained to assist voters.
• Use ‘Line Chasers’ to verify that voters standing in line are in the proper location!
• Precinct Chairperson should be free to roam around and assist with questions/problems.

FRIDAY, October 30, 2020

Electors may obtain an absent voter ballot via First Class mail up to 5:00p. Your office is
required to process all AV requests for absentee ballots placing the AV ballot in Friday’s mail.
NEW 2:00 FRIDAY: deadline to MAIL another AV ballot to replace a spoiled AV ballot
(remember request needs to be in writing).

SATURDAY and/or SUNDAY, October 31 – November 1, 2020

Local clerks or other authorized personnel appointed by the clerk must be available in the
clerk’s office for at least 8 hours. Voters may register to vote with residency verification
and/or request an absentee ballot in person. Voters may take the AV ballot with them.
2:00p SATURDAY: deadline for issuing a ballot to military or overseas voters.


Page 7
MONDAY, November 2, 2020
Electors may register and those who qualify to obtain an absent voter ballot may vote in
person in YOUR office up until 4:00p (the AV ballot cannot leave your office). Enter the
registration in to the QVF in REAL TIME, and a receipt will be printed to give to the elector.
NEW 10:00a MONDAY deadline for an AV voter to provide a written request to spoil their
original AV ballot; the replacement AV ballot cannot leave the local clerk’s office.
Between 4:00p and 5:00p the local clerk can only register electors (there is no provision in
current law to issue AV ballots between 4:00p Monday and 7:00a Tuesday).
AFTER 4:00p download all registered voters from QVF Refresh to your encrypted flash
drive and print a back-up Precinct List.

You will need to keep some ballots in your office for individuals registering and choosing to
vote absentee on Election Day, or for Emergencies.
If using an AVCB, they will need some ballots for Emergencies or Duplicating purposes also.

A voter may make an ‘emergency’ request for an AV ballot if they cannot attend the polls
because of personal injury or illness, or a family death or illness that requires him/her to
leave your community for the entire time the polls are open on Election Day.
The emergency must have occurred after 5:00p on Friday, October 30th.
Use an Emergency Application and issue an AV ballot from your local clerk’s office. (if you
do not have an Emergency Application, simply use a regular AV application, write
EMERGENCY at the top of the form, and have applicant indicate ‘person to transfer’ the AV
ballot. The local clerk may, but is not required to, transport the AV ballot. Local clerk should
consider having standards in writing for transporting the AV ballot …. Example: the clerk
and/or deputy clerk will deliver an emergency ballot to an address within 5 minutes of office.
Note: if using an AVCB, the AV ballot must be issued from the AVCB ballot supply.

Proper Processing of MOVE, FPCA, FWAB ballots

• Refer to Military and Overseas Voters Manual for Election Administrators. March 2018
Electronic or Federal Write-in ballots are recorded in the AV Module (Example: ET1).
These unopened AV ballot envelopes are sent to the precinct (or AVCB) for processing …
they are accounted for in Item B on the Ballot Summary.
The ballots will need to be Duplicated after the polls close at 8:00p (can be duplicated
during the day using an AVCB). Your inspectors should NOT know the identity of the
voter whose ballot they are duplicating. The number of ballots used for Duplicating is
recorded on the Ballot Summary, Item H (item F in AVCB PB). The ballot used for
Duplication is entered into the ICP (Item D on the Ballot Summary), while the original AV
ballot/envelope goes into the large #5 envelope.

Write-in candidates: Provide your Chairperson(s) with copies of Write-in Declaration of

Intent filings. County List available on 2020 Elections webpage. State List will be posted
when it becomes available.
Review Election Night process with them – record all votes as they see them written on the
ballots; and completing write-in form for local write in candidates to send to County.

Page 8
Election Day Reminders:
• Post and update A.V. information throughout Election Day (AV Posting Form) –
• Check post office, drop box, etc. after last mail delivery, before polls close.
• Remember that your inspectors Remarks are a diary of anything unusual that
happened Election Day.
• Keep ballots shrink-wrapped as long as possible (if rejected try a different orientation).
• Inspectors should check voting stations OFTEN for literature, stickers, voter guides,
etc. left by voters, and notate the time in the Remarks section.
• If voter objects to having their DL swiped, their name can be entered manually in the
• Have Emergency AV ballot applications on hand to use if the situation arises.
• Keep an eye on the parking lot to make certain vehicles bearing campaign signs or
bumper stickers within 100’ are not there longer than the person is voting.

TUESDAY, ELECTION DAY November 3, 2020

The local clerk or a deputized staff member (not an election inspector) must be available
at the clerk’s office 7:00a until 8:00p on Election Day. Sample Oath for Deputy Election
Electors may register, clerk will issue a receipt from the QVF. These electors may vote at the
precinct before 8:00p or may vote absentee in YOUR office until 8:00p.
NOTE: only issue AV ballots to electors who register after 4:00p on Monday.
NOTE: keep a supply of ballots in your office.

AV’s on Election Day

It is very important to run the Canceled/Rejected/Moved Out Ballot List Report in QVF
before AV’s are sent to the Precinct (this report provides information on AV ballots that
were rejected b/c the voter has moved out of the jurisdiction or where the voter status
changed to either canceled or rejected).
Remember …. Do NOT send spoiled AV ballots to the precinct (or AVCB)!!!
Absentee ballots must be returned by 8:00p on Election Day. Check the post office after
normal delivery for late arriving ballots (make necessary arrangements to obtain these
late arriving absent voter ballots). Also check your drop-box at 8:00p.
AV ballots issued on Election Day must be delivered to the precinct (or AVCB) for processing
as soon as polls close, along with an Updated/Addendum AV List.

ImageCast Precinct (ICP) (ElectionSource direct #1.888.742.8037)

• Reference ElectionSource ICP 5.5 Operations Guide, Opening the Polls.
• Have inspectors reference the pink ‘Election Morning/Closing the Polls’ instructions
(updated 10/28/19).
• Compare Zero Tape to Ballot to verify election date, precinct, offices, candidates,
proposals, etc. Do not tear off Tape; all inspectors’ present sign Tape.
• Confirm the seals number(s) on the front compartment door to the number(s)
recorded in the Clerk’s Preparation Certificate.
• If sending results via cellular modem, confirm the seal number on the inside modem
door to the number recorded in the Clerk’s Preparation Certificate.
• Start the day with a FULL thermal paper roll.

Page 9
ImageCast X Ballot Marking Device (ICX) (ElectionSource direct #1.888.742.8037)
• Reference Election Source ICX 5.5 Operations Guide, Opening Polls.
• Have inspectors reference the pink ‘Election Morning/Closing the Polls’
instructions (updated 10/28/19).
• Privacy Shield should be positioned on the ICX screen (adjust sides for maximum privacy).
• Confirm the serial and seals number(s) to the number(s) recorded in the Clerk’s
Preparation Certificate.
• Use colored paper marked ‘TEST BALLOT’ to test and print one ballot of each
ballot style (we are making certain the machine and printer are working!). This
BLANK ballot should be placed in to the #3 Local Clerk envelope.
• Use numbered Blank Ballot Stock paper when issuing ICX ballots to voters (save
unused stock for next election).

ImageCast Central Scanner (ICC) (ElectionSource direct #1.888.742.8037)

• Reference Election Source ICC 5.5 Operations Guide.
• Verify serial number in the AVCB Poll Book in the Clerk’s Preparation Certificate.

Maintaining Order at the Polls EOM Chapter 11, Page 3 October 2020; Flipchart (January 2020), pg 7
With a limited exception,* the use of video cameras, still cameras* and recording devices by
voters, challengers and poll watchers is prohibited in the polls during the hours the polls are
open for voting. (This includes the video camera, still camera and recording features built into
many cell phones.) *See exception below.
• Voters who have entered a voting booth to vote may take a photo of their own
ballot only, while they are within the voting booth.
• Voters are prohibited from taking “selfies” of themselves, either in the voting booth or
anywhere within the area where people are voting.
• Voters (and media personnel) are prohibited from taking any other type of photography
within the area where people are voting.
• Voters are prohibited from sharing images of a voted ballot within 100 feet from the
polling place.

Michigan photo and Federal ID requirements

Reference Flow Charts, and Election Day Procedures Q & A.

Missing Registrations / Provisional Ballots and Federal ID requirements EOM Chapter 11, Pg 6
Don’t turn a voter away just because they aren’t found in the ePollbook.
Voters have options, including the ability to register to vote on Election Day with their local
clerk. Instruct your inspectors to follow the BoE Handling Missing Voter Registrations chart
and the Same Day Registrations chart for assistance with these options.
Reference your Flipchart (January 2020), beginning on pages 34.
Provisional envelope ballots should be issued only in rare circumstances.
• If voter’s name does not appear in the EPB (or the Registration List), send the voter to the
local clerk to register if possible (they must have proof of residency). This will result in the
casting of a ballot on Election Day versus an envelope ballot that may or may not be
counted. If a voter is unwilling or unable to go to the clerk’s office, the voter is entitled to a
provisional ballot.
• If they choose not to register, then inspectors may use the Provisional form/envelope –
this voter qualifies for an Envelope ballot … it will NOT be tabulated. Prepare Notice.
• Remember to compile and report the total number of voters who sign the “Affidavit of
Voter Not in Possession of Picture ID” form ASAP after the Election.
Page 10
Election Law Crimes
Actionable Election Day Offenses (UPDATED Oct. 19, 2020) / Violations of MI Election Law and
Duty to Act
Election Law Crimes (Addendum) (UPDATED Oct. 22, 2020)

Election Night Details:

Duplicating Ballots
In the Precinct, AFTER 8p (refer to Page 5 in regular Poll Book “Ballots Requiring Duplication)
• Process MOVE Electronic Ballots, if any.
• Process FWAB (Federal Write-in Absentee Ballots), if any.
• Ballot Summary will balance … the MOVE or FWAB ballot will be included in your
‘B’ total at the top: absentee ballots. Since you are duplicating after the polls close,
your lowest unused ballot number will be the one AFTER duplication, and Item H is
also the # of ballots used for duplication.
• Also have the Validity of Optical Scan Ballot Markings sheet available for inspectors
who are duplicating ballots.

In an AVCB, DURING the day (refer to Page 4 in AVCB Poll Book “Ballots Requiring Duplication”)
• Process MOVE Electronic Ballots, if any.
• Process FWAB (Federal Write-in Absentee Ballots), if any.
• Ballot Summary (AVCB Poll Book Page 10) will balance … the MOVE or FWAB
ballot will be included in your ‘B’ total at the top: absentee ballots. Your lowest
unused ballot number will be the one AFTER duplication, and Item F is also the #
of ballots used for duplication.
• Also have the Validity of Optical Scan Ballot Markings sheet available for inspectors
who are duplicating ballots.

Write-in votes: Record votes for local write-in candidates and report to the County (form
provided). Check ballots to be certain an invalid write-in vote does not take a vote away
from a candidate on the ballot by virtue of a Straight Party mark or an individual mark.

ImageCast Precinct (ICP) (ElectionSource direct #1.888.742.8037)

• Reference ElectionSource ICP 5.5 Operations Guide, Closing the Polls, and the
pink ‘Election Morning/Closing the Polls’ instructions (updated 10/28/19).
• The Tabulator will automatically print 1 Results Tape; print 2 more, inspectors
present must sign all the tapes.
• If using Cellular Modem: Confirm seal number on inside modem door to the
number recorded in the Clerk’s Preparation Certificate in the Poll Book. Break seal
and connect the yellow end of the Cellular Modem device into the modem jack.
It is not necessary to reseal modem door.
• IF instructed by the Local Clerk: Confirm seal number on the front Compact flash
drive door to the number recorded in the Clerk’s Preparation Certificate in the Poll
Book. Break seal(s) remove both compact flash cards, seal both flash cards into
State-approved container. It is not necessary to reseal the front compartment door.

ImageCast X Ballot Marking Device (ICX) (ElectionSource direct #1.888.742.8037)

• Reference the pink ‘Election Morning/Closing the Polls’ instructions (updated 10/28/19).
• Be certain to ‘CLOSE POLL’, Power off and Unplug the ICX.
Page 11
ImageCast Central Scanner (ICC) (ElectionSource direct #1.888.742.8037) For closing procedures ….
• Reference Election Source ICC 5.5 Operations Guide, Pages 20 – 22.
• Reference Election Officials’ Manual Chapter 8 (updated February 2019) Page 6
• For each precinct, complete the Ballot Summary on Page 10 of your AVCB Poll
Book; Lines C and H must agree.
• For each precinct, complete the Certificate of Election Inspectors on Page 11:
the number of voters who were issued AV ballots must equal: the number of AV ballot
return envelopes received by the board, the number of invalid AV ballot return envelopes
kept in the local clerk’s office AND the number of Absent Voters who did not return their
AV ballot.

Electronic Poll Book Computer

Refer to the EPB Refresh Training Presentation 2019 Slides 72-83
• Save Backup file
• Save/Print Ballot Summary – be certain Summary balances, Item L should be ZERO!
• Save/Print List of Voters report
• Save/Print Remarks report
• Save Voting History
• Ensure all files are on the flash drive!

Poll Book Statement of Votes, Page 11

➢ After ‘Election Inspectors Completion Certificate’ has been balanced, seal all ballots
and appropriate envelopes in to approved ballot container(s).
➢ It is no longer necessary to enclose a Sample ballot in each of the #1, #2 and #3 envelopes.
➢ Complete Section 2 Seal Verification.
➢ All inspectors present must sign and provide a phone number in Section 3.
➢ Review Final Checklist (see below) to be certain everything is in order for Receiving
Board and for Board of County Canvassers.
Remove all EPB pages from your Notebook including the Cover. The Local Clerk will
keep the Notebook for next election. Place ring or brass fasteners in the top hole of your
EPB pages with the cover on the top, and seal into the #1 County Clerk envelope.
Remember, NO election materials can leave the Precinct unsealed!

Instruct your inspectors and/or Receiving Board to follow the checklists to a “T” (read AND
verify every detail!), then you will be assured their work is complete.
• Review the BoE Receiving Board Checklist (3rd page),
• Review BoE County Canvass Checklist, and/or
• Poll Book Page 12 (AVCB Page 12)

Properly Sealing Devices and Ballot Containers

Proper sealing of the ballot containers is VERY IMPORTANT! Sealing instructions can be
reviewed in the ‘Final Check’ tab of each Poll book, as well as numerous BoE videos.
• Seal all ballots and appropriate envelopes/materials in to approved ballot container(s).
➢ Properly Sealing Containers
➢ Sealing Process for New Voting Systems
➢ Election Day Transfer & Ballot Storage Containers with Seals (pages 72-74)
• TWO precinct inspectors from opposing parties may transport sealed containers to
the Receiving Board for their review.

Page 12
Transfer Container Certificate
• Use the Transfer Case Certificate for sealing your Compact Flash Cards, ICX flash
drive, EPB flash drive, etc. before these items leave the precinct. This certificate
requires 2 inspectors’ signatures of different political parties and can be folded to fit
in the Chamber Bag pouch.

Remind Inspectors ….
• they cannot duplicate ballots during the day* (must be AFTER all voters have cast their ballot)
* Exception ~ ballots can be duplicated during the day in an AVCB.
• the Results Tape with the Zero Report goes in the #3 Local Clerk envelope,
the shorter TOTALS tapes with results only go in the #1 and #2 envelopes.
• proper method for sealing materials into ballot bag/container – the inspector
verifying the sealing MUST VERIFY that it was done properly (not just sign their
name!). Inspectors should not use initials, but rather sign their first and last name.
• In the Poll Book at the bottom of Page 1: this section is ONLY for inspectors who
leave PRIOR to the polls closing (these inspectors do NOT sign the closing materials)!
• It is the INSPECTORS responsibility to Balance their Voters, Ballots, and Applications
(not the Receiving Board or Board of Canvassers responsibility)!

Receiving Board (last line of defense!)

Every Precinct is MANDATED to have a Receiving Board. The Receiving Board is made-up
of a team(s) of 2 people, opposing major political parties, who have been trained as Election
Inspectors (cannot be the Clerk, but may be a Deputy Clerk). Their job is to make certain the
Precinct is RECOUNTABLE. It is very important to have 2 fresh set of eyes to REVIEW and
CHECK all important details!
• Oath: only needs to be taken/completed once by all Receiving Board members.
• Certificate: used if a seal needs to be broken by the Receiving Board – you may
need to make copies if Receiving Board will review multiple precincts.
• Single jurisdiction precincts: if Receiving Board is in the precinct, it is NOT
necessary to seal envelopes until AFTER Receiving Board has done their review.
• Multiple-precinct jurisdictions: all materials must be sealed prior to leaving the polls!
• A printer is necessary to print the 3 reports from the EPB.
• Review the BoE Receiving Board Checklist OR the BoE County Canvass Checklist.


Page 13
Election Night Reporting:
Unofficial Results
• Modem results to the County on election night. Check our web site to confirm your
results (, under office of United States President
click to see Detailed results, then see if your precinct shows results according to your
Totals Tape).
• If your inspectors need to re-run the ballots thru the ICP Tabulator, they/you will first
need to CALL the County to let us know (269.781.0988), then Re-Modem results.
• Jurisdictions whose School District is not wholly contained in Calhoun County should
contact the out-county clerk for reporting Election Night Results (I will post results on our
• Bring your sealed #1 County Clerk and #2 Board of Canvasser envelopes to the County
immediately upon the Receiving Board inspectors completing their review (MCL 168.809).
➢ Be certain the information on the outside of each #1, #2 and #3 envelope is complete.
➢ Keep your EPB notebook; place the ring or brass fasteners in the top hole in your
EPB, and seal into the #1 County Clerk envelope.
➢ Deliver your #1 and #2 envelopes to our Marshall office immediately.
➢ Return your AVCB notebook with tabs & pages – you may need to seal it in to a
small box or large envelope – use red seals to secure.

After the election if you don’t want to store your left-over supplies, you are welcome to
return them to the County for future use (we can reuse some items). You are also
encouraged to return your turquoise colored Election Bag(s) for use the next election!

Phone numbers where you can be reached after 8:00p Election Night
Please confirm 2 phone numbers where I can reach YOU if necessary on Election Night
(please provide direct phone numbers … not switchboards or answering machines!!!)

Balancing Precincts:
If you are NOT in Balance by 11:00p, call the office 269.781.0998 to schedule a time for
Thursday that your inspectors will appear before the Brd. of Canvassers with all their
sealed ballot containers, compact flash cards, envelopes, etc. (bring everything!).
1) Modem results to County ASAP on Election Night.
2) Deliver envelopes to County immediately upon Receiving Board completing their


Page 14
Post-Election Reminders:
The Board of Canvassers will be meeting Thursday, November 5th beginning at 9:00a.
They will convene and reconvene if/as necessary until all results are certified.
Note: they will not be canvassing on Nov. 11th in honor of Veterans Day.
Be SURE you and your inspectors are available in case information is missing, the poll
book does not balance, or the canvassers have questions. If your precinct is requested to
report to the board of canvassers, we ask that a majority of the precinct inspectors be
present, and the local clerk accompany them!

EPB Tasks using QVF Refresh!

Refer to the EPB Refresh Training Presentation 2019, Pages 84 - 89
• Import Voting History into the QVF within 7 days of the ELECTION (slide 85)
• Uninstall EPB Software within 7 days of CERTIFICATION (slide 86)
• Delete the EPB files from laptop, flash drive & computer files (slide 87-89)

Provisional Ballot Reporting (EVERYONE MUST do)

• Account for Provisional Ballots: voter can satisfy ID and residency requirement during
6-day period; clerk needs to make determination within 6 days and forward to the county.
• The ‘City/Township Provisional Ballot Worksheet’ must be completed and submitted
On-Line in the eLearning Center within 6 days.
• Be certain to indicate the number of voters who completed an Affidavit of Voter not in
Possession of Picture ID form.

Post-Election Audits – refer to: Worksheet, Manual (January 2020), Audit Lessons Learned,
and Interactive online course (both in eLearning Center) to be prepared for a successful
Audit if requested by the BoE.
The State will make their selections and post the precincts that are required to be audited.
Risk Limited Audits will also be conducted.

Expenses / Reimbursement
Clerks can request reimbursement for additional expenses only; (additional programming costs).
I can work with you after the election/canvass.


a. YouTube Migov BOE Training Video Website
b. Campaigning reminders: know your 100’ mark, watch for and don’t allow
supporters, candidates or statewide initiative petitioners to collect signatures within
100’. ‘Campaigning’ video. (1.57 min)
Security, Security, Security!
• Maintain ballot secrecy at all times
• Spoiled ballots need secrecy maintained too

Update your City/Township Website …. any reference to registration deadlines or methods

of registering, requirements for voting absentee, drop box location, and extended office
hours prior to Election Day.

Page 15

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