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1. An oil company has introduced a new gasoline brand in its outlets in three (3) major cities. However, they are
not sure how the new brand is selling at the three (3) places since there is a lot of difference in the driving habits
of people in the three (3) cities. The company selected ten (10) outlets in each city and tabulated the data on an
average daily sale (Volume-in Gallon) at each of the selected outlets. The data is presented in the table below.
Items 1, 2, and 3 in the table represent the three (3) cities. Test the hypothesis at a 1% alpha level.

1. State the Null and Alternative Hypothesis.

 Ho= There is no significant difference among the means.

 Ha= There is a significant difference among the means.

2. Set the level of significance or alpha. The level of significance or the alpha is 0.01 or 1%.

3. Calculate the degree of freedom (df), F- Critical Value and the F- Value.
o Using the Microsoft excel the table shows the computation of the data.

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Mean Variance
Column 1 10 137.95 13.795 2.04802778
Column 2 10 77.25 7.725 3.20513889
Column 3 10 152.65 15.265 8.23891667

Source of Variation SS df MS F- value P-value F criitical
Between Groups 319.5247 2 159.7623333 35.5235725 2.7481E-08 5.488117768
Within Groups 121.4288 27 4.497361111

Total 440.9534 29

4. Make a statistical Decision.

o Using the F-critical Value Approach
-Since the computed f-value (35.52) is greater than to the f-critical value (5.49) we need to reject the
null hypothesis.

5. Make a conclusion.

At (0.01)level of significance, there is enough evidence to conclude that there is a significant difference
in the average daily sales volume of gasoline in each outlets in three(3) cities.

2. An official marathon contest was held in a particular city. The table below gives the times taken, in hours, by
twelve competitors to complete the course, together with their type of occupation and training method used.

Carry out an analysis of variance and test, at a 5% level of significance, for differences between types of
occupation and between training methods.

1. State the Null and Alternative Hypothesis.


2. Set the level of significance or alpha. The level of significance or the alpha is 0.05 or 5%.

3. Calculate the degree of freedom (df), F- Critical Value and the F- Value.
o Using the Microsoft excel the table shows the computation of the data.

Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication

SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance

Row 1 3 37.6 12.53333333 15.45333333
Row 2 3 38.25 12.75 17.4375
Row 3 3 33.8 11.26666667 18.01333333
Row 4 3 33.8 11.26666667 12.49333333

Column 1 4 55.7 13.925 0.755833333

Column 2 4 29.85 7.4625 0.702291667
Column 3 4 57.9 14.475 2.169166667

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Rows 5.742291667 3 1.914097222 2.234535874 0.184764148 4.757062663
Columns 121.6554167 2 60.82770833 71.0108634 6.66005E-05 5.14325285
Error 5.139583333 6 0.856597222

Total 132.5372917 11

4. Make a statistical Decision.

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Decision
Rows 5.742291667 3 1.914097222 2.234535874 0.184764148 4.757062663 Fail to Reject the Null
Columns 121.6554167 2 60.82770833 71.0108634 6.66005E-05 5.14325285 Reject the Null
Error 5.139583333 6 0.856597222

Total 132.5372917 11
o Using the F-critical Value Approach
-Since the computed f-value (2.23) is less than to the f-critical value (4.76) we need to accept the null
hypothesis at rows factor, while at column factor since the computed f-value (71.01) is less than to
the f-critical value (5.14) we need to reject the null hypothesis

5. Make a conclusion.

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