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The Commission on Higher Education

in collaboration with the Philippine Normal University

Teaching Guide for Senior High School


This Teaching Guide was collaboratively developed
and reviewed by educators from public and private
schools, colleges, and universities. We encourage
teachers and other education stakeholders to email
their feedback, comments, and recommendations to
the Commission on Higher Education, K to 12
Transition Program Management Unit - Senior High
School Support Team at [email protected]. We value
your feedback and recommendations.
Development Team
Team Leader: Jose Perico H. Esguerra, Ph.D.
Writers: Rommel G. Bacabac, Ph.D, Jo-Ann M.
Cordovilla, John Keith V. Magali, Kendrick A.
Agapito, Ranzivelle Marianne Roxas - Villanueva, This Teaching Guide by the
Commission on Higher Education is
licensed under a Creative
Technical Editors: Eduardo C. Cuansing, Ph.D, Commons Attribution-
Voltaire M. Mistades, Ph.D. NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International License. This means
Published by the Commission on Higher Education, 2016
 Copyreader: Mariel A. Gabriel
you are free to:
Chairperson: Patricia B. Licuanan, Ph.D. Illustrator: Patricia G. De Vera Share — copy and redistribute the
Commission on Higher Education
 material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and
K to 12 Transition Program Management Unit

build upon the material.
Office Address: 4th Floor, Commission on Higher Education,
The licensor, CHED, cannot revoke
C.P. Garcia Ave., Diliman, Quezon City
 Senior High School Support Team
 these freedoms as long as you
Telefax: (02) 441-0927 / E-mail Address: [email protected] CHED K to 12 Transition Program Management Unit follow the license terms. However,
Program Director: Karol Mark R. Yee under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give
Lead for Senior High School Support:
 appropriate credit, provide a link to
Consultants Gerson M. Abesamis the license, and indicate if changes
 were made. You may do so in any
Course Development Officers:

University President: Ester B. Ogena, Ph.D.
 reasonable manner, but not in any
John Carlo P. Fernando, Danie Son D. Gonzalvo, way that suggests the licensor
VP for Academics: Ma. Antoinette C. Montealegre, Ph.D.
 Stanley Ernest G. Yu endorses you or your use.
VP for University Relations & Advancement: Rosemarievic V. Diaz, Ph.D.
Lead for Policy Advocacy and Communications:
 NonCommercial — You may not use
Ma. Cynthia Rose B. Bautista, Ph.D., CHED
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Averill M. Pizarro
Bienvenido F. Nebres, S.J., Ph.D., Ateneo de Manila University
Teacher Training Officers:
 ShareAlike — If you remix,
Carmela C. Oracion, Ph.D., Ateneo de Manila University

Ma. Theresa C. Carlos, Mylene E. Dones transform, or build upon the
Minella C. Alarcon, Ph.D., CHED material, you must distribute your
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer:
 contributions under the same license
Gareth Price, Sheffield Hallam University

Robert Adrian N. Daulat as the original.
Stuart Bevins, Ph.D., Sheffield Hallam University
Administrative Officers: 

Ma. Leana Paula B. Bato, Kevin Ross D. Nera,
Allison A. Danao, Ayhen Loisse B. Dalena
Printed in the Philippines by EC-TEC Commercial, No. 32 St.
Louis Compound 7, Baesa, Quezon City, [email protected]
As the Commission supports DepEd’s implementation of Senior High School (SHS), it upholds the vision
and mission of the K to 12 program, stated in Section 2 of Republic Act 10533, or the Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013, that “every graduate of basic education be an empowered individual, through a
program rooted on...the competence to engage in work and be productive, the ability to coexist in
fruitful harmony with local and global communities, the capability to engage in creative and critical
thinking, and the capacity and willingness to transform others and oneself.”
To accomplish this, the Commission partnered with the Philippine Normal University (PNU), the National
Center for Teacher Education, to develop Teaching Guides for Courses of SHS. Together with PNU, this
Teaching Guide was studied and reviewed by education and pedagogy experts, and was enhanced with
appropriate methodologies and strategies.
Furthermore, the Commission believes that teachers are the most important partners in attaining this
goal. Incorporated in this Teaching Guide is a framework that will guide them in creating lessons and
assessment tools, support them in facilitating activities and questions, and assist them towards deeper
content areas and competencies. Thus, the introduction of the SHS for SHS Framework.

The SHS for SHS Framework, which stands for “Saysay-Husay-Sarili for Senior High School,” is at the
core of this book. The lessons, which combine high-quality content with flexible elements to
SHS for SHS accommodate diversity of teachers and environments, promote these three fundamental concepts:
Why is this important? How will I deeply understand this? What can I do with this?
Through this Teaching Guide, Given that developing mastery When teachers empower
teachers will be able to facilitate goes beyond memorization, learners to take ownership of
an understanding of the value teachers should also aim for their learning, they develop
of the lessons, for each learner deep understanding of the independence and self-
to fully engage in the content subject matter where they lead direction, learning about both
on both the cognitive and learners to analyze and the subject matter and
affective levels. synthesize knowledge. themselves.
Earth Science is a Core Subject taken in the first semester of Grade 11. This learning area is
About this
 designed to provide a general background for the understanding of the Earth on a planetary
Teaching Guide scale. It presents the history of the Earth through geologic time. It discusses the Earth’s
structure and composition, the processes that occur beneath and on the Earth’s surface, as
well as issues, concerns, and problems pertaining to Earth’s resources.
Implementing this course at the senior high school level is subject to numerous challenges
with mastery of content among educators tapped to facilitate learning and a lack of
resources to deliver the necessary content and develop skills and attitudes in the learners,
being foremost among these.
In support of the SHS for SHS framework developed by CHED, these teaching guides were
crafted and refined by biologists and biology educators in partnership with educators from
focus groups all over the Philippines to provide opportunities to develop the following:
Saysay through meaningful, updated, and context-specific content that highlights important
points and common misconceptions so that learners can connect to their real-world
experiences and future careers;
Husay through diverse learning experiences that can be implemented in a resource-poor
classroom or makeshift laboratory that tap cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains
are accompanied by field-tested teaching tips that aid in facilitating discovery and
development of higher-order thinking skills; and
Sarili through flexible and relevant content and performance standards allow learners the
freedom to innovate, make their own decisions, and initiate activities to fully develop their
academic and personal potential.
These ready-to-use guides are helpful to educators new to either the content or biologists
new to the experience of teaching Senior High School due to their enriched content
presented as lesson plans or guides. Veteran educators may also add ideas from these
guides to their repertoire. The Biology Team hopes that this resource may aid in easing the
transition of the different stakeholders into the new curriculum as we move towards the
constant improvement of Philippine education.
This Teaching Guide is mapped and aligned to the DepEd SHS Curriculum, designed to be highly
Parts of the
 usable for teachers. It contains classroom activities and pedagogical notes, and is integrated with
Teaching Guide innovative pedagogies. All of these elements are presented in the following parts:
1. Introduction
• Highlight key concepts and identify the essential questions
• Show the big picture
• Connect and/or review prerequisite knowledge
• Clearly communicate learning competencies and objectives
• Motivate through applications and connections to real-life
2. Motivation
• Give local examples and applications
• Engage in a game or movement activity
• Provide a hands-on/laboratory activity
• Connect to a real-life problem
3. Instruction/Delivery
• Give a demonstration/lecture/simulation/hands-on activity
• Show step-by-step solutions to sample problems
• Give applications of the theory
• Connect to a real-life problem if applicable
4. Practice
• Discuss worked-out examples
• Provide easy-medium-hard questions
• Give time for hands-on unguided classroom work and discovery
• Use formative assessment to give feedback
5. Enrichment
• Provide additional examples and applications
• Introduce extensions or generalisations of concepts
• Engage in reflection questions
• Encourage analysis through higher order thinking prompts
6. Evaluation
• Supply a diverse question bank for written work and exercises
• Provide alternative formats for student work: written homework, journal, portfolio, group/individual
projects, student-directed research project
On DepEd Functional Skills and CHED College Readiness Standards

As Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) welcome the graduates of On the other hand, the Commission declared the College
the Senior High School program, it is of paramount importance to Readiness Standards that consist of the combination of knowledge,
align Functional Skills set by DepEd with the College Readiness skills, and reflective thinking necessary to participate and succeed -
Standards stated by CHED. without remediation - in entry-level undergraduate courses in
The DepEd articulated a set of 21st century skills that should be college.
embedded in the SHS curriculum across various subjects and tracks. The alignment of both standards, shown below, is also presented in
These skills are desired outcomes that K to 12 graduates should this Teaching Guide - prepares Senior High School graduates to the
possess in order to proceed to either higher education, revised college curriculum which will initially be implemented by AY
employment, entrepreneurship, or middle-level skills development. 2018-2019.

College Readiness Standards Foundational Skills DepEd Functional Skills

Produce all forms of texts (written, oral, visual, digital) based on:
1. Solid grounding on Philippine experience and culture;
2. An understanding of the self, community, and nation; Visual and information literacies, media literacy, critical thinking
3. Application of critical and creative thinking and doing processes; and problem solving skills, creativity, initiative and self-direction
4. Competency in formulating ideas/arguments logically, scientifically, and creatively; and
5. Clear appreciation of one’s responsibility as a citizen of a multicultural Philippines and a
diverse world;

Global awareness, scientific and economic literacy, curiosity,

Systematically apply knowledge, understanding, theory, and skills for the development of
critical thinking and problem solving skills, risk taking, flexibility
the self, local, and global communities using prior learning, inquiry, and experimentation and adaptability, initiative and self-direction

Global awareness, media literacy, technological literacy,

Work comfortably with relevant technologies and develop adaptations and innovations for
creativity, flexibility and adaptability, productivity and
significant use in local and global communities accountability

Global awareness, multicultural literacy, collaboration and

Communicate with local and global communities with proficiency, orally, in writing, and
interpersonal skills, social and cross-cultural skills, leadership
through new technologies of communication and responsibility

Interact meaningfully in a social setting and contribute to the fulfilment of individual and Media literacy, multicultural literacy, global awareness,
collaboration and interpersonal skills, social and cross-cultural
shared goals, respecting the fundamental humanity of all persons and the diversity of
skills, leadership and responsibility, ethical, moral, and spiritual
groups and communities values

Grade: 12 Quarters: General Physics 1 (Q1&Q2)

Subject Title: General Physics 1 No. of Hours/ Quarters: 40 hours/ quarter
Prerequisite: Basic Calculus

Subject Description: Mechanics of particles, rigid bodies, and fluids; waves; and heat and thermodynamics using the methods and concepts of algebra, geometry,
trigonometry, graphical analysis, and basic calculus


1. Units The learners The learners are The learners...
2. Physical Quantities demonstrate an able to...
3. Measurement understanding of... 1. Solve measurement problems involving
4. Graphical Solve, using conversion of units, expression of
Presentation 1. The effect of experimental and measurements in scientific notation
5. Linear Fitting of Data instruments on theoretical STEM_GP12EU-Ia-
2. Differentiate accuracy from precision
measurements approaches, 2
2. Uncertainties and multiconcept, 3. Differentiate random errors from STEM_GP12EU-Ia-
deviations in rich-context systematic errors 3
measurement problems 4. Use the least count concept to estimate
3. Sources and types involving STEM_GP12EU-Ia-
errors associated with single
of error measurement, 4
4. Accuracy versus vectors, motions 5. Estimate errors from multiple
precision in 1D, 2D, and STEM_GP12EU-Ia-
measurements of a physical quantity
5. Uncertainty of 3D, Newton’s 5
using variance
derived quantities Laws, work, 6. Estimate the uncertainty of a derived
6. Error bars energy, center of quantity from the estimated values and STEM_GP12EU-Ia-
7. Graphical analysis: mass, uncertainties of directly measured 6
linear fitting and momentum, quantities
transformation of impulse, and 7. Estimate intercepts and slopes—and and
functional collisions their uncertainties—in experimental data
dependence to STEM_GP12EU-Ia-
with linear dependence using the
linear form 7
“eyeball method” and/or linear
regression formulae
Vectors 1. Vectors and vector 1. Differentiate vector and scalar quantities STEM_GP12V-Ia-8
addition 2. Perform addition of vectors STEM_GP12V-Ia-9
2. Components of STEM_GP12V-Ia-
3. Rewrite a vector in component form
vectors 10
3. Unit vectors 4. Calculate directions and magnitudes of STEM_GP12V-Ia-
K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 1 of 15
vectors 11
Kinematics: Motion 1. Position, time, 1. Convert a verbal description of a physical
Along a Straight Line distance, situation involving uniform acceleration STEM_GP12Kin-Ib-
displacement, in one dimension into a mathematical 12
speed, average description
2. Recognize whether or not a physical
instantaneous STEM_GP12KIN-
situation involves constant velocity or
velocity Ib-13
constant acceleration
2. Average
acceleration, and 3. Interpret displacement and velocity,
instantaneous STEM_GP12KIN-
respectively, as areas under velocity vs.
acceleration Ib-14
time and acceleration vs. time curves
3. Uniformly
accelerated linear 4. Interpret velocity and acceleration,
motion STEM_GP12KIN-
respectively, as slopes of position vs.
4. Free-fall motion Ib-15
time and velocity vs. time curves
5. 1D Uniform
Acceleration 5. Construct velocity vs. time and
Problems acceleration vs. time graphs,
respectively, corresponding to a given NSTIC Free-FALL Set
position vs. time-graph and velocity vs.
time graph and vice versa
6. Solve for unknown quantities in
equations involving one-dimensional
uniformly accelerated motion
7. Use the fact that the magnitude of
acceleration due to gravity on the Earth’s
surface is nearly constant and NSTIC Free-FALL Set
approximately 9.8 m/s2 in free-fall
8. Solve problems involving one-
dimensional motion with constant
acceleration in contexts such as, but not STEM_GP12KIN-
limited to, the “tail-gating phenomenon”, Ib-19
pursuit, rocket launch, and free-fall
Kinematics: Motion in 2- Relative motion 1. Describe motion using the concept of STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-
Dimensions and 3- 1. Position, distance, relative velocities in 1D and 2D 20
K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 2 of 15
Dimensions displacement, 2. Extend the definition of position, velocity,
speed, average and acceleration to 2D and 3D using
velocity, vector representation
instantaneous 3. Deduce the consequences of the
velocity, average independence of vertical and horizontal
acceleration, and components of projectile motion
instantaneous 4. Calculate range, time of flight, and STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-
acceleration in 2- maximum heights of projectiles 23
and 3- dimensions 5. Differentiate uniform and non-uniform STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-
2. Projectile motion circular motion 24
3. Circular motion 6. Infer quantities associated with circular
4. Relative motion motion such as tangential velocity, STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-
centripetal acceleration, tangential 25
acceleration, radius of curvature
7. Solve problems involving two
dimensional motion in contexts such as,
but not limited to ledge jumping, movie
stunts, basketball, safe locations during
firework displays, and Ferris wheels
8. Plan and execute an experiment
involving projectile motion: Identifying
error sources, minimizing their influence,
and estimating the influence of the
identified error sources on final results
Newton’s Laws of Motion 1. Newton’s Law’s of 1. Define inertial frames of reference STEM_GP12N-Id-
and Applications Motion 28
2. Inertial Reference 2. Differentiate contact and noncontact STEM_GP12N-Id-
Frames forces 29
3. Distinguish mass and weight STEM_GP12N-Id-
3. Action at a distance 30
forces 4. Identify action-reaction pairs STEM_GP12N-Id- NSTIC Cart-Rail
4. Mass and Weight 31 System
5. Types of contact 5. Draw free-body diagrams STEM_GP12N-Id-
forces: tension, 32
normal force, 6. Apply Newton’s 1st law to obtain
kinetic and static STEM_GP12N-Ie-
quantitative and qualitative conclusions
friction, fluid 33
about the contact and noncontact forces
K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 3 of 15
resistance acting on a body in equilibrium (1
6. Action-Reaction lecture)
7. Free-Body Diagrams 7. Differentiate the properties of static STEM_GP12N-Ie-
NSTIC Friction Set
8. Applications of friction and kinetic friction 34
Newton’s Laws to 8. Compare the magnitude of sought
single-body and quantities such as frictional force, normal STEM_GP12N-Ie-
multibody dynamics force, threshold angles for sliding, 35
9. Fluid resistance acceleration, etc.
10. Experiment on 9. Apply Newton’s 2nd law and kinematics
forces to obtain quantitative and qualitative
11. Problem solving conclusions about the velocity and STEM_GP12N-Ie-
using Newton’s acceleration of one or more bodies, and 36
Laws the contact and noncontact forces acting
on one or more bodies
10. Analyze the effect of fluid resistance on STEM_GP12N-Ie-
moving object 37
11. Solve problems using Newton’s Laws of
motion in contexts such as, but not
limited to, ropes and pulleys, the design
of mobile sculptures, transport of loads
on conveyor belts, force needed to move
stalled vehicles, determination of safe
driving speeds on banked curved roads
12. Plan and execute an experiment
involving forces (e.g., force table, friction 1. Force Table
board, terminal velocity) and identifying
discrepancies between theoretical 2. NSTIC Friction
expectations and experimental results Set
when appropriate
Work, Energy, and 1. Dot or Scalar 1. Calculate the dot or scalar product of STEM_GP12WE-If-
Energy Conservation Product vectors 40
2. Work done by a 2. Determine the work done by a force (not STEM_GP12WE-If-
force necessarily constant) acting on a system 41
3. Work-energy 3. Define work as a scalar or dot product of STEM_GP12WE-If-
relation force and displacement 42
4. Kinetic energy 4. Interpret the work done by a force in STEM_GP12WE-If-

K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 4 of 15
5. Power one-dimension as an area under a Force 43
6. Conservative and vs. Position curve
nonconservative 5. Relate the work done by a constant force
forces to the change in kinetic energy of a
7. Gravitational system
potential energy 6. Apply the work-energy theorem to obtain
8. Elastic potential quantitative and qualitative conclusions
energy regarding the work done, initial and final
9. Equilibria and velocities, mass and kinetic energy of a
potential energy system.
diagrams 7. Represent the work-energy theorem STEM_GP12WE-Ig-
10. Energy graphically 46
Conservation, Work, 8. Relate power to work, energy, force, and STEM_GP12WE-Ig-
and Power velocity 47
Problems 9. Relate the gravitational potential energy
of a system or object to the configuration
of the system
10. Relate the elastic potential energy of a
system or object to the configuration of
the system
11. Explain the properties and the effects of STEM_GP12WE-Ig-
conservative forces 50
12. Identify conservative and STEM_GP12WE-Ig-
nonconservative forces 51
13. Express the conservation of energy STEM_GP12WE-Ig-
verbally and mathematically 52
14. Use potential energy diagrams to infer
force; stable, unstable, and neutral
equilibria; and turning points
15. Determine whether or not energy
conservation is applicable in a given STEM_GP12WE-Ig-
example before and after description of a 54
physical system

K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 5 of 15
16. Solve problems involving work, energy,
and power in contexts such as, but not
limited to, bungee jumping, design of
roller-coasters, number of people
required to build structures such as the
Great Pyramids and the rice terraces;
power and energy requirements of
human activities such as sleeping vs.
sitting vs. standing, running vs. walking.
(Conversion of joules to calories should
be emphasized at this point.)
Center of Mass, 1. Center of mass 1. Differentiate center of mass and STEM_GP12MMIC-
Momentum, Impulse, 2. Momentum geometric center Ih-56
and Collisions 3. Impulse 2. Relate the motion of center of mass of a
4. Impulse-momentum system to the momentum and net
relation external force acting on the system
5. Law of conservation 3. Relate the momentum, impulse, force, STEM_GP12MMIC-
of momentum and time of contact in a system Ih-58
6. Collisions 4. Explain the necessary conditions for
7. Center of Mass, STEM_GP12MMIC-
conservation of linear momentum to be
Impulse, Ih-59
Momentum, and 5. Compare and contrast elastic and STEM_GP12MMIC-
Collision Problems inelastic collisions Ii-60
8. Energy and 6. Apply the concept of restitution STEM_GP12MMIC-
momentum coefficient in collisions Ii-61
experiments 7. Predict motion of constituent particles for
different types of collisions (e.g., elastic,
8. Solve problems involving center of mass,
impulse, and momentum in contexts
such as, but not limited to, rocket
motion, vehicle collisions, and ping-pong.
(Emphasize also the concept of whiplash
and the sliding, rolling, and mechanical
deformations in vehicle collisions.)

K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 6 of 15
9. Perform an experiment involving energy
and momentum conservation and
analyze the data identifying STEM_GP12MMIC-
discrepancies between theoretical Ii-64
expectations and experimental results
when appropriate
Integration of Data
Analysis and Point Refer to weeks 1 to 9 (Assessment of the performance standard) (1 week)
Mechanics Concepts
Rotational equilibrium 1. Moment of inertia Solve multi- 1. Calculate the moment of inertia about a
and rotational dynamics 2. Angular position, concept, rich given axis of single-object and multiple-
angular velocity, context problems object systems (1 lecture with exercises)
angular acceleration using concepts 2. Exploit analogies between pure
3. Torque from rotational translational motion and pure rotational
4. Torque-angular motion, fluids, motion to infer rotational motion STEM_GP12RED-
acceleration relation oscillations, equations (e.g., rotational kinematic IIa-2
5. Static equilibrium gravity, and equations, rotational kinetic energy,
6. Rotational thermodynamics torque-angular acceleration relation)
kinematics 3. Calculate magnitude and direction of
7. Work done by a torque using the definition of torque as a
torque cross product
8. Rotational kinetic 4. Describe rotational quantities using STEM_GP12RED-
energy vectors IIa-4
9. Angular momentum 5. Determine whether a system is in static STEM_GP12RED-
10. Static equilibrium equilibrium or not IIa-5
experiments 6. Apply the rotational kinematic relations
11. Rotational motion STEM_GP12RED-
for systems with constant angular
problems IIa-6
7. Apply rotational kinetic energy formulae
8. Solve static equilibrium problems in
contexts such as, but not limited to, see-
saws, mobiles, cable-hinge-strut system,
leaning ladders, and weighing a heavy
suitcase using a small bathroom scale
9. Determine angular momentum of STEM_GP12RED-
different systems IIa-9
K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 7 of 15
10. Apply the torque-angular momentum STEM_GP12RED-
relation IIa-10
11. Recognize whether angular momentum is
conserved or not over various time
intervals in a given system
12. Perform an experiment involving static
equilibrium and analyze the data—
identifying discrepancies between
theoretical expectations and
experimental results when appropriate
13. Solve rotational kinematics and dynamics
problems, in contexts such as, but not STEM_GP12RED-
limited to, flywheels as energy storage IIa-13
devices, and spinning hard drives
Gravity 1. Newton’s Law of 1. Use Newton’s law of gravitation to infer
Universal gravitational force, weight, and
Gravitation acceleration due to gravity
2. Gravitational field 2. Determine the net gravitational force on STEM_GP12Red-
3. Gravitational a mass given a system of point masses IIb-17
potential energy 3. Discuss the physical significance of STEM_GP12Red-
4. Escape velocity gravitational field IIb-18
5. Orbits 4. Apply the concept of gravitational STEM_GP12Red-
potential energy in physics problems IIb-19
5. Calculate quantities related to planetary STEM_GP12Red-
or satellite motion IIb-20
6. Kepler’s laws of 6. Apply Kepler’s 3rd Law of planetary STEM_GP12G-IIc-
planetary motion motion 21
7. For circular orbits, relate Kepler’s third
law of planetary motion to Newton’s law
of gravitation and centripetal acceleration
8. Solve gravity-related problems in
contexts such as, but not limited to,
inferring the mass of the Earth, inferring STEM_GP12G-IIc-
the mass of Jupiter from the motion of 23
its moons, and calculating escape speeds
from the Earth and from the solar system
Periodic Motion 1. Periodic Motion 1. Relate the amplitude, frequency, angular STEM_GP12PM-
K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 8 of 15
2. Simple harmonic frequency, period, displacement, IIc-24
motion: spring- velocity, and acceleration of oscillating
mass system, systems
simple pendulum, 2. Recognize the necessary conditions for
physical pendulum an object to undergo simple harmonic
3. Analyze the motion of an oscillating
system using energy and Newton’s 2nd
law approaches
4. Calculate the period and the frequency of
spring mass, simple pendulum, and
physical pendulum
3. Damped and Driven 5. Differentiate underdamped, overdamped, STEM_GP12PM-
oscillation and critically damped motion IId-28
4. Periodic Motion STEM_GP12PM-
6. Describe the conditions for resonance
experiment IId-29
7. Perform an experiment involving periodic
motion and analyze the data—identifying
discrepancies between theoretical
expectations and experimental results
when appropriate
5. Mechanical waves 8. Define mechanical wave, longitudinal
wave, transverse wave, periodic wave, Slinky Coil
and sinusoidal wave
9. From a given sinusoidal wave function
infer the (speed, wavelength, frequency,
period, direction, and wave number
10. Calculate the propagation speed, power
transmitted by waves on a string with STEM_GP12PM-
given tension, mass, and length (1 IId-33
Mechanical Waves and 1. Sound 1. Apply the inverse-square relation between
Sound 2. Wave Intensity the intensity of waves and the distance
3. Interference and from the source
beats 2. Describe qualitatively and quantitatively STEM_GP12MWS-
4. Standing waves the superposition of waves IIe-35
5. Doppler effect 3. Apply the condition for standing waves STEM_GP12MWS- 1. DC String Vibrator
K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 9 of 15
on a string IIe-36
2. Musical
Miniature Guitar
4. Relate the frequency (source dependent)
and wavelength of sound with the Resistance Board
motion of the source and the listener
5. Solve problems involving sound and
mechanical waves in contexts such as, STEM_GP12MWS- Musical Instrument,
but not limited to, echolocation, musical IIe-38 Miniature Guitar
instruments, ambulance sounds
6. Perform an experiment investigating the 1. Loudspeaker
properties of sound waves and analyze
the data appropriately—identifying 2. Resonance Tube
deviations from theoretical expectations STEM_GP12MWS-
when appropriate IIe-39 3. Sound Signal

4. Tuning Fork Set

Fluid Mechanics 1. Specific gravity 1. Relate density, specific gravity, mass, STEM_GP12FM-IIf-
2. Pressure and volume to each other 40
3. Pressure vs. Depth STEM_GP12FM-IIf-
2. Relate pressure to area and force
Relation 41
4. Pascal’s principle Open U-Tube
3. Relate pressure to fluid density and STEM_GP12FM-IIf-
5. Buoyancy and Manometer with
depth 42
Archimedes’ Pressure Sensor
Principle 4. Apply Pascal’s principle in analyzing fluids STEM_GP12FM-IIf-
6. Continuity equation in various systems 43
7. Bernoulli’s principle 1. Archimedes
5. Apply the concept of buoyancy and STEM_GP12FM-IIf- Principle
Archimedes’ principle 44
2. Beaker, Plastic
6. Explain the limitations of and the
assumptions underlying Bernoulli’s Air Blower
principle and the continuity equation

K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 10 of 15
7. Apply Bernoulli’s principle and continuity 1. Air Blower
equation, whenever appropriate, to infer STEM_GP12FM-IIf-
relations involving pressure, elevation, 46 2. Archimedes
speed, and flux Principle
8. Solve problems involving fluids in
contexts such as, but not limited to,
floating and sinking, swimming, Beaker, Plastic
Magdeburg hemispheres, boat design,
hydraulic devices, and balloon flight
9. Perform an experiment involving either 1. Archimedes
Continuity and Bernoulli’s equation or Principle
buoyancy, and analyze the data STEM_GP12FM-IIf-
appropriately—identifying discrepancies 48 2. Air Blower
between theoretical expectations and
experimental results when appropriate 3. Beaker, Plastic
Temperature and Heat 1. Zeroth law of 1. Explain the connection between the
thermodynamics Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, STEM_GP12TH-
and Temperature temperature, thermal equilibrium, and IIg-49
measurement temperature scales
2. Thermal expansion 2. Convert temperatures and temperature
3. Heat and heat differences in the following scales:
capacity Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin
4. Calorimetry 3. Define coefficient of thermal expansion STEM_GP12TH- Coefficient of Linear
and coefficient of volume expansion IIg-51 Expansion
4. Calculate volume or length changes of STEM_GP12TH-
solids due to changes in temperature IIg-52
5. Solve problems involving temperature,
thermal expansion, heat capacity,heat
transfer, and thermal equilibrium in
contexts such as, but not limited to, the
STEM_GP12TH- Coefficient of Linear
design of bridges and train rails using
IIg-53 Expansion
steel, relative severity of steam burns
and water burns, thermal insulation,
sizes of stars, and surface temperatures
of planets

K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 11 of 15
6. Perform an experiment investigating
factors affecting thermal energy transfer
and analyze the data—identifying STEM_GP12TH-
deviations from theoretical expectations IIg-54
when appropriate (such as thermal
expansion and modes of heat transfer)
7. Carry out measurements using STEM_GP12TH-
thermometers IIg-55
8. Solve problems using the Stefan-
5. Mechanisms of heat
Boltzmann law and the heat current STEM_GP12TH-
formula for radiation and conduction IIh-56
(1 lecture)
Ideal Gases and the 1. Ideal gas law
Laws of 2. Internal energy of 1. Enumerate the properties of an ideal gas
Thermodynamics an ideal gas
3. Heat capacity of an 2. Solve problems involving ideal gas
ideal gas equations in contexts such as, but not STEM_GP12GLT-
4. Thermodynamic limited to, the design of metal containers IIh-58
systems for compressed gases
5. Work done during 3. Distinguish among system, wall, and STEM_GP12GLT-
volume changes surroundings IIh-59
6. 1st law of 4. Interpret PV diagrams of a STEM_GP12GLT-
thermodynamics thermodynamic process IIh-60
Thermodynamic 5. Compute the work done by a gas using STEM_GP12GLT-
processes: dW=PdV (1 lecture) IIh-61
adiabatic, 6. State the relationship between changes
isothermal, isobaric, internal energy, work done, and thermal STEM_GP12GLT-
isochoric energy supplied through the First Law of IIh-62
7. Differentiate the following
thermodynamic processes and show STEM_GP12GLT-
them on a PV diagram: isochoric, IIh-63
isobaric, isothermal, adiabatic, and cyclic

8. Use the First Law of Thermodynamics in

combination with the known properties
of adiabatic, isothermal, isobaric, and

K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 12 of 15
isochoric processes

9. Solve problems involving the application

of the First Law of Thermodynamics in
contexts such as, but not limited to, the STEM_GP12GLT-
boiling of water, cooling a room with an IIh-65
air conditioner, diesel engines, and
gases in containers with pistons
7. Heat engines STEM_GP12GLT-
10. Calculate the efficiency of a heat engine
8. Engine cycles IIi-67
9. Entropy 11. Describe reversible and irreversible STEM_GP12GLT-
processes IIi-68
10. 2nd law of 12. Explain how entropy is a measure of STEM_GP12GLT-
Thermodynamics disorder IIi-69
11. Reversible and STEM_GP12GLT-
irreversible 13. State the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
processes 14. Calculate entropy changes for various
12. Carnot cycle processes e.g., isothermal process, free STEM_GP12GLT-
13. Entropy expansion, constant pressure process, IIi-71
15. Describe the Carnot cycle (enumerate
the processes involved in the cycle and
illustrate the cycle on a PV diagram)
16. State Carnot’s theorem and use it to
calculate the maximum possible
efficiency of a heat engine
17. Solve problems involving the application
of the Second Law of Thermodynamics in
context such as, but not limited to, heat STEM_GP12GLT-
Engine Model
engines, heat pumps, internal IIi-74
combustion engines, refrigerators, and
fuel economy
Integration of Rotational
motion, Fluids,
Refer to weeks 1 to 9
Oscillations, Gravity and (Assessment of the performance standard) (1 week)
K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 13 of 15

Code Book Legend

Sample: STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-73


Learning Area and Science, Technology, Units and Measurement EU

Strand/ Subject or Engineering and Mathematics
Specialization General Physics Vectors V
First Entry
Kinematics KIN
Grade Level Grade 12 STEM_GP12GLT
Newton’s Laws N

Uppercase Domain/Content/ Ideal Gases and Laws of Work and Energy WE

Letter/s Component/ Topic Thermodynamics
Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collisions MMIC
Roman Numeral Rotational Equilibrium and Rotational Dynamics RED
*Zero if no specific Quarter Second Quarter II
quarter Gravity G
Letter/s Periodic Motion PM
*Put a hyphen (-) in
between letters to
Week Week 9 i
Mechanical Waves and Sounds MWS
indicate more than a
specific week Fluid Mechanics FM
State Carnot’s theorem and Temperature and Heat TH
use it to calculate the
Arabic Number Competency
maximum possible efficiency
73 Ideal Gases and Laws of Thermodynamics GLT
of a heat engine

K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 14 of 15


Cummings, Karen; Laws, Priscilla; Redish, Edward; and Cooney, Patrick. Understanding Physics. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 2004. (Reprinted in the Philippines, MG
Reprographics for Global Learning Media)

Hewitt, Paul G. Conceptual Physics, 11th Edition. San Francisco: Pearson, 2010.

Resnick, Robert; Halliday, David; and Krane, Kenneth. Physics Vol.2, 5th Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 2002. (Reprinted in the Philippines by C & E Publishing)

Resnick, Robert; Halliday; David; and Krane, Kenneth. Physics Vol.1, 5th Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 2002. (Reprinted in the Philippines by C & E Publishing)

Serway, Raymond, and Belchner, Robert. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 5th Edition. Orlando: Harcourt College Publishing, 2000.

Tipler, Paul. Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th Edition. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1999.

Tsokos, K.A. Physics for the IB Diploma, 5th Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Young, Hugh D., and Freedman, Roger A. Sears and Zemansky's University with Modern Physics, 11th Edition. San Francisco: Pearson, 2004.

K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – General Physics 1 August 2016 Page 15 of 15
General Physics 1 180 MINS

Units, Physical Quantities, Measurement, Errors and

Uncertainties, Graphical Presentation, and Linear Fitting
of Data

Content Standards 7. Estimate intercepts and slopes—and their uncertainties—in
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: experimental data with linear dependence using the “eyeball
• the effect of instruments on measurements; method” and/or linear regression formula (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-7)
• uncertainties and deviations in measurement;
Specific Learning Objectives:
• sources and types of error; accuracy versus precision;
• uncertainty of derived quantities; The learners will be able to solve measurement problems involving
• error bars; and, graphical analysis: linear fitting and conversion of units, expression of measurements in scientific
transformation of functional dependence to linear form. notation; differentiate accuracy from precision; differentiate random
errors from systematic errors; use the least count concept to
Performance Standards
estimate errors associated with single measurements; estimate
The learners shall be able to solve using experimental and
theoretical approaches, multi-concept and rich-context problems errors from multiple measurements of a physical quantity using
involving measurement. variance; estimate the uncertainty of a derived quantity from the
estimated values and uncertainties of directly measured quantities;
Learning Competencies
and estimate intercepts and slopes—and their uncertainties—in
At the end of the lesson, the learners:
experimental data with linear dependence using the “eyeball
1. Solve measurement problems involving conversion of units,
expression of measurements in scientific notation method” and/or linear regression formula.
(STEM_GP12EU-Ia-1) Materials
2. Differentiate accuracy from precision (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-2) Ruler, Meterstick, Tape measure, Weighing scale, Timer (or watch)
3. Differentiate random errors from systematic errors
(STEM_GP12EU-Ia-3) Resources
4. 4. Use the least count concept to estimate errors associated with • Resnick, D., Halliday, R., & Krane, K. S. (1991). Physics (4th ed.).
single measurements (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-4) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
5. Estimate errors from multiple measurements of a physical • Young, H. D., & Freedman, R. A. (2007). University Physics with
quantity using variance (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-5)
modern Physics (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.
6. Estimate the uncertainty of a derived quantity from the
estimated values and uncertainties of directly measured
quantities (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-6)

1. Introduce the discipline of Physics:
• Invite learners to give the first idea that come to their minds whenever they hear “Physics”.
• Let some learners explain why they have such impressions of the field.
• Emphasize that just as any other scholarly field, Physics helped in shaping the modern world.

2. Steer the discussion towards the notable contributions of Physics to humanity:

• The laws of motion(providing fundamental definitions and concepts to describe motion and derive the origins of interactions between
objects in the universe)
• Understanding of light, matter, and physical processes
• Quantum mechanics (towards inventions leading to the components in a cell phone)

3. Physics is science. Physics is fun. It is an exciting adventure in the quest to find out patterns in nature and find means of understanding
phenomena through careful deductions based on experimental verification. Explain that in order to study Physics, one requires a sense of
discipline. That is, one needs to plan how to study by:
• Understanding how one learns. Explain that everyone is capable of learning Physics especially if one takes advantage of one’s unique way of
learning. (Those who learn by listening are good in sitting down and taking notes during lectures; those who learn more by engaging others
and questioning can take advantage of discussion sessions in class or group study outside classes. )
• Finding time to study. Explain that learning requires time. Easy concepts require less time to learn compared to more difficult ones.
Therefore, one has to invest more time in topics one finds more difficult. (Do learners study Physics every day? Does one need to prepare
before attending a class? What are the difficult topics one finds?)



Explain that Physics is an experimental science. Physicists perform experiments to test hypotheses. Conclusions in experiment are derived from
measurements. And physicists use numbers to describe measurements. Such a number is called a physical quantity. However, a physical
quantity would make sense to everyone when compared to a reference standard. For example, when one says, that his or her height is 1.5 m,
this means that one’s height is 1.5 times a meter stick (or a tape measure that is 1-m long). The meter stick is here considered to be the
reference standard. Thus, stating that one’s height is 1.5 is not as informative.

Since 1960 the system of units used by scientists and engineers is the “metric system”, which is officially known as the “International System” or
SI units (abbreviation for its French term, Système International).

To make sure that scientists from different parts of the world understand the same thing when referring to a measurement, standards have been
defined for measurements of length, time, and mass.

Length – 1 m is defined as the distance travelled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 second. Based on the definition that the speed of light
is exactly 299,792,458 m/s.

Time – 1 second is defined as 9,192,631,770 cycles of the microwave radiation due to the transition between the two lowest energy states of
the Cesium atom. This is measured from an atomic clock using this transition.

Mass – 1 kg is defined to be the mass of a cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (Sèvres,

Conversion of units
Discuss that a few countries continue to use the British system of units (e.g., the United States). However, the conversion between the British
system of units and SI units have been defined exactly as follows:

Length: 1 in = 2.54 cm

Force: 1 lb = 4.448221615260 newtons

• The second is exactly the same in both the British and the SI system of units.
• How many inches are there in 3 m?
• How much time would it take for light to travel 10,000 ft?
• How many inches would light travel in 10 fs? (Refer to Table 1 for the unit prefix related to factors of 10).
• How many newtons of force do you need to lift a 34-lb bag? (Intuitively, just assume that you need exactly the same amount of force as the
weight of the bag).

Rounding off numbers
Ask the learners why one needs to round off numbers. Possible answers may include reference to estimating a measurement, simplifying a
report of a measurement, etc.
Discuss the rules of rounding off numbers:
• Know which last digit to keep.
• This last digit remains the same if the next digit is less than 5.
• Increase this last digit if the next digit is 5 or more.

In nuclear physics, atomic nuclei with a magic number of protons or neutrons are very stable. The seven most widely recognized magic numbers
as of 2007 are 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126 – round the magic numbers to the nearest 10.

Round off to the nearest 10:

314234, 343, 5567, 245, 7891
Round off to the nearest tenths:
3.1416, 745.1324, 8.345, 67.47

Prefix Symbol Factor Prefix Symbol Factor

atto a 10-18 deka da 101

femto f 10-15 hecto h 102

pico p 10-12 kilo k 103

nano n 10-9 mega M 106

micro μ 10-6 giga G 109

milli m 10-3 tera T 1012

centi c 10-2 peta P 1015

deci d 10-1 exa E 1018

Système International (SI) prefixes

Conversion of units:
A snail moves 1.0 cm every 20 seconds. What is this in inches per second? Decide how to report the answer (that is, let the learners round off
their answers according to their preference).

In the first line, 1.0 cm/20 s was multiplied by the ratio of 1 in to 2.54 cm (which is equal to one). By strategically putting the unit of cm in the
denominator, we are able to remove this unit and retain inches. However, based on the calculator, the conversion involves several digits.
In the second line, we divided 1.0 by 20 and retained two digits and rewrote in terms of a factor 10 - 2. The final answer is then rounded off to
retain two figures.
In performing the conversion, we did two things. We identified the number of significant figures and then rounded off the final answer to retain
this number of figures. For convenience, the final answer is rewritten in scientific notation.

*The number of significant figures refers to all digits to the left of the decimal point (except zeroes after the last non-zero digit) and all digits to
the right of the decimal point (including all zeroes).

*Scientific notation is also called the “powers-of-ten notation”. This allows one to write only the significant figures multiplied to 10 with the
appropriate power. As a shorthand notation, we therefore use only one digit before the decimal point with the rest of the significant figures
written after the decimal point.

How many significant figures do the following numbers have?

Perform the following conversions using the correct number of significant figures in scientific notation:

1. A jeepney tried to overtake a car. The jeepney moves at 40 km/hour: convert this to the British system (feet per second)?
2. It takes about 8.0 minutes for light to travel from the sun to the earth. How far is the sun from the earth (in meters, in feet)?
3. Let learners perform the calculations in groups (two to four people per group). Let volunteers show their answer on the board.


1. Measurement and experimentation is fundamental to Physics. To test whether the recognized patterns are consistent, physicists perform
experiments, leading to new ways of understanding observable phenomena in nature.
2. Thus, measurement is a primary skill for all scientists. To illustrate issues surrounding this skill, the following measurement activities can be
performed by volunteer pairs:
• Body size: weight, height, waistline
• From a volunteer pair, ask one to measure the suggested dimensions of the other person with three trials using a weighing scale and a tape
• Ask the class to express opinions on what the effect of the measurement tool might have on the true value of a measured physical quantity.
What about the skill of the one measuring?
• Pulse rate (
• Measure the pulse rate five times on a single person. Is the measurement repeatable?


Scientific notation and significant figures

Discuss that in reporting a measurement value, one often performs several trials and calculates the average of the measurements to report a
representative value. The repeated measurements have a range of values due to several possible sources. For instance, with the use of a tape
measure, a length measurement may vary due to the fact that the tape measure is not stretched straight in the same manner in all trials.

So what is the height of a table? A volunteer uses a tape measure to estimate the height of the teacher’s table. Should this be reported in
millimeters? Centimeters? Meters? Kilometers?

The choice of units can be settled by agreement. However, there are times when the unit chosen is considered most applicable when the choice
allows easy access to a mental estimate. Thus, a pencil is measured in centimeters and roads are measured in kilometers.

How high is Mount Apo? How many Filipinos are there in the world? How many children are born every hour in the world?

Discuss the following:

• When the length of a table is 1.51 ± 0.02 m, this means that the true value is unlikely to be less than 1.49 m or more than 1.53 m. This is
how we report the accuracy of a measurement. The maximum and minimum provides upper and lower bounds to the true value. The
shorthand notation is reported as 1.51(2) m. The number enclosed in parentheses indicates the uncertainty in the final digits of the number.
• The measurement can also be presented or expressed in terms of the maximum likely fractional or percent error. Thus, 52 s ± 10% means
that the maximum time is not more than 52 s plus 10% of 52 s (which is 57 s, when we round off 5.2 s to 5 s). Here, the fractional error is
(5 s)/52 s.
• Discuss that the uncertainty can then be expressed by the number of meaningful digits included in the reported measurement. For instance,
in measuring the area of a rectangle, one may proceed by measuring the length of its two sides and the area is calculated by the product of
these measurements.

Side 1 = 5.25 cm
Side 2 = 3.15 cm

Note that since the meterstick gives you a precision down to a single millimeter, there is uncertainty in the measurement within a millimeter. The
side that is a little above 5.2 cm or a little below 5.3 cm is then reported as 5.25 ± 0.05 cm. However, for this example only we will use 5.25 cm.

Area = 5.25 cm × 3.15 cm = 16.5375 cm2 or 16.54 cm2

Since the precision of the meterstick is only down to a millimeter, the uncertainty is assumed to be half a millimeter. The area cannot be
reported with a precision lower than half a millimeter and is then rounded off to the nearest 100th.

• Review of significant figures

Convert 45.1  cm3 to in3. Note that since the original number has three significant figures, the conversion to in3 should retain this number of
significant figures:

Show other examples.

Review of scientific notation

Convert 234 km to mm:

Reporting a measurement value

A measurement is limited by the tools used to derive the number to be reported in the correct units as illustrated in the example above (on
determining the area of a rectangle).

Now, consider a table with the following sides:

What about the resulting measurement error in determining the area?

Note: The associated error in a measurement is not to be attributed to human error. Here, we use the term to refer to the associated
uncertainty in obtaining a representative value for the measurement due to undetermined factors. A bias in a measurement can be associated
to systematic errors that could be due to several factors consistently contributing a predictable direction for the overall error. We will deal with
random uncertainties that do not contribute towards a predictable bias in a measurement

Propagation of error

A measurement x or y is reported as:

The above indicates that the best estimate of the true value for x is found between x – Δx and x + Δx (the same goes for y).

The central problem in error propagation or uncertainty propagation is best conveyed in the question “How does one report the result when a
derived quantity is dependent on other quantities that can be measured or estimated only with a finite level of precision (i.e. with non-zero
uncertainty)?” It turns out that the rules for error propagation are straightforward when the derived quantity can be expressed as a sum,
difference, quotient or product of other quantitites; or when a derived quantity has a power law dependence on a measured or estimated

Addition or subtraction: Suppose we want to calculate the uncertainty or error , Δz, associated with either the sum, z = x+y, or difference, z = x
– y - it is assumed that the quantities x and y have uncertainties Δx and Δy, respectively.

To be more specific, suppose we want to calculate the total mass of two objects. Suppose the mass of Object 1 is x and is estimated to be 79 ±
1 g while the mass of Object 2 is y and estimated to be 65 ± 2 g. 

How should the total mass , z = x+y be reported?
Answer: The total mass of the objects is approximately 79g + 65g = 144 g. But the total mass can be as high as 80 g + 67 g = 147 g or as low
as 78 g + 63 g = 141 g. The total mass should therefore be reported as 144 ± 3 g.

How should the difference in mass, z = x-y, be reported? (Note that the symbol z now denotes the difference instead of the sum of two
measurements )

Answer: The mass difference is approximately 79 g – 65 g = 14 g. But that mass difference can be as low as 78 g – 67 g = 11 g or as high as 80
g – 63 g. The mass difference should therefore be reported as 144 ± 3 g.

Hence, if z = x + y or z = x - y, then the uncertainty of z is just the sum of the uncertainties of x and y: Δz = Δx and Δy.

Multiplication or division
Suppose we want to calculate the uncertainty or error , ∆z, associated with either the sum, z = xy, or quotient, z = x/ y - it is, again, assumed
that the quantities x and y have uncertainties ∆x and ∆y, respectively. In this case the resulting error is the sum of the fractional errors multiplied
by the original measurement.

The fractional uncertainty Δz/z can be calculated through the formula:

Hence the uncertainty of z is given by:

If the measured quantities are x ± ∆x, and +∆y, then the if derived quantity is the quotient z = x/y. The uncertainty ∆z can also be calculated

through the formula or equivalently,

The estimate for the compounded error is conservatively calculated. Hence, the resultant error is taken as the sum of the corresponding errors
or fractional errors.

Example: The length and width of a rectangle are measured to be 19 ± 0.5 cm and 15 ± 0.5 cm. How should the area, A, of the rectangle be

Answer: The area of the rectangle is approximately A = 19 x 15 cm2=285 cm2. The fractional uncertainty is

Hence The area should therefore be reported as 285 ± 17 cm2

Power law dependence: Suppose the derived quantity z is related to the measure quantity x through the relation z = xn , then the uncertainty
∆z can be calculated as follows:

The above prescriptions for estimating the error or uncertainty provide conservative error estimates, the maximum possible error is assumed.
However, when the calculated or derived quantity is calculated based on a large number of other quantities a less conservative error estimate is

For addition or subtraction:

For multiplication or division:

Statistical treatment

The arithmetic average of the repeated measurements of a physical quantity is the best representative value of this quantity provided the errors
involved is random. Systematic errors cannot be treated statistically.


Standard deviation:

For measurements with associated random uncertainties, the reported value is: mean plus-or-minus standard deviation. Provided many
measurements will exhibit a normal distribution, 50% of these measurements would fall within plus-or-minus 0.6745(sd) of the mean.
Alternatively, 32% of the measurements would lie outside the mean plus-or-minus twice the standard deviation.

The standard error can be taken as the standard deviation of the means. Upon repeated measurement of the mean for different sets of random
samples taken from a population, the standard error is estimated as:
Standard error:


If a derived quantity y is related to a measured quantity x through the relation y = f (x) , the uncertainty, ∆y or ∆f, in the derived quantity can be
obtained as follows:

Figure: Function of one variable and its error Δf. Given a function f(x), the local slope at xo is calculated as the first derivative at xo.


Suppose the measured quantity is reported as x = x0 ± Δx, and the derived quantity is given by

y = sin (x)

The uncertainty Δy is calculated as follows:

Alternatively, the following approach can be used:

y = sin (x)
y ± Δy = sin (x0 ± Δx) = sin(x0)cos(Δx) ± cos (x0)sin(Δx)

When the uncertainty is small, i.e. |Δx| ≪ 1, one can use the approximations sin(Δx) ≈ Δx and cos (Δx) ≈ 1. Hence y ± Δy ≈ sin (x0) ± Δx cos (x0) ,
and it follows that Δy ≈ cos (x0).


1. Graphing relations between physical quantities.

Figure: Distance related to the square of time (for motions with constant acceleration): the acceleration a can be calculated from the slope of
the line, and the intercept at the vertical axis do is determined from the graph

The simplest relation between physical quantities is linear. A smart choice of physical quantities (or a mathematical manipulation) allows one to
simplify the study of the relation between these quantities. Figure 3 shows that the relation between the displacement magnitude d and the
square of the time exhibits a linear relation (implicitly having a constant acceleration; and having no initial velocity). Another example is the
simple pendulum, where the frequency of oscillation fo is proportional to the square-root of the acceleration due to gravity divided by the
length of the pendulum L. The relation between the frequency of oscillation and the root of the multiplicative inverse of the pendulum length
can be explored by repeated measurements or by varying the length L. And from the slope, the acceleration due to gravity can be determined.

2. The previous examples showed that the equation of the line can be determined from two parameters, its slope and the constant y-intercept.
The line can be determined from a set of points by plotting and finding the slope and the y-intercept by finding the best fitting straight line.

Fitting a line relating y to x, with slope m and y-intercept b. By visual inspection, the solid line (colored red in the online version) has the best fit
through all the points compared with the other trials (dashed lines)

3. The slope and the y-intercept can be determined analytically. The assumption here is that the best fitting line has the least distance from all
the points at once. Legendre stated the criterion for the best fitting curve to a set of points. The best fitting curve is the one which has the least
sum of deviations from the given set of data points (the Method of Least Squares). More precisely, the curve with the least sum of squared
deviations from a set of points has the best fit. From this principle the slope and the y-intercept are determined as follows:

! y = mx + b

' N $' N $
N ∑ (xi yi ) − % ∑ xi "% ∑ yi "
m = i =1 & i =1 #& i =1 #
N 2
2 ' N $
N ∑ xi − % ∑ xi "
i =1 & i =1 #

' N 2 $' N $ ' N $' N $

% ∑ xi "% ∑ yi " − % ∑ xi "% ∑ xi yi "
b = & i =1 #& i =1 # & i =1 #&2 i =1 #
' $
N ∑ xi2 − % ∑ xi "
i =1 & i =1 #
The standard deviation of the slope sm and the y-intercept sb are as follows:

4. The Lab Report

Explain that in performing experiments one has to consider that the findings found can be verified by other scientists. Thus, documenting one’s
experiments through a Laboratory Report is an essential skill to a future scientist. The sections normally found in a Lab Report are listed below.
For senior high school a maximum length of four pages for the lab report is reasonable for a 1 hour experiment.

- A concise description of the entire experiment (purpose, relevance, methods, significant results and conclusions).

- A concise and summarized list of what needs to be accomplished in the experiment.
- An account of the experiment intended to familiarize the reader with the theory, related research that are relevant to the experiment itself.
- A description of what was performed, which may include a list of equipment and materials used in order to pursue the objectives of the
- A presentation of relevant measurements convincing the reader that the objectives have been performed and accomplished.
Discussion of Results
- The interpretation of results directing the reader back to the objectives
- Could be part of the previous section but is not intended solely as a summary of results. This section could highlight the novelty of the
experiment in relation to other studies performed before.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Vectors Introduction
Quick review of the previous lessons on 5
Content Standard physical quantities, and a mathematical
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: (1) vectors and vector addition; refresher on right triangle relations (SOH-
(2) components of vectors; and (3) unit vectors. CAH-TOA) and the distinction between
vectors and scalars
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to solve using experimental and theoretical Motivation Exercise illustrating vectors. Options include: 5
approaches, multiconcept, rich context problems involving vectors. paddling on a flowing river, tension game,
random walk
Learning Competencies
The learners shall be able to: Instruction Discussion on the geometric representation 30
of vectors, unit vectors, vector components,
1. Differentiate vector and scalar quantities (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-8)
and vector addition
2. Perform addition of vectors (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-9)
Enrichment Seatwork exercises on vectors 10
3. Rewrite a vector in component form (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-10)
4. Calculate directions and magnitudes of vectors (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-11) Evaluation If the learners have mastered learning 10
competencies for the lesson, and there is
Specific Learning Outcomes time left for an in-class activity, make the
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to differentiate vector and class go through an exercise on the
scalar quantities; perform addition of vectors; rewrite a vector in component components of a rotating vector and
form; and calculate directions and magnitudes of vectors.
 introduce rotation matrix.

For Learners: graphing paper, protractor, ruler
For Teachers: two pcs nylon cord (about 0.5 -m long), meter stick or
tape measure

1. Resnick, D., Halliday, R., & Krane, K.S. (1991). Physics (4th
ed.) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
2. Young, H.D., & Freedman, R. A. (2007). University Physics
with Modern Physics (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Addison-
1. Do a quick review of the previous lesson involving physical quantities.
2. Give a mathematical refresher on right triangle relations, SOH-CAH-TOA, and basic properties
involving parallelogram .
3. Give several examples and ask which of these quantities are scalars or vectors. Then ask the
learners to give examples of vectors and scalars.
4. Mention that vectors are physical quantities that have both magnitude and direction while scalars
are physical quantities that can be represented by a single number

MOTIVATION (5 MINS) Teacher tip

1. Option 1: Discuss with learners scenarios involving paddling upstream, downstream, or across a For Option 1 – In paddling across the
flowing river. Allow the learners to strategize how should one paddle across the river to traverse the running river, you may introduce an initial
angle or velocity or let the students discuss
least possible distance? their relation.
2. Option 2: String tension game (perform with careful supervision)

-Ask for two volunteers
 For Option 2: If necessary, you may provide
the hint that a stronger force, in this case
-One learner would hold a nylon cord at length across two hands
 the tension, must be represented by a
-The second learner loops his nylon cord onto the other learner’s cord
 longer vector.
-The second learner pulls slowly on the cord; if the loop is closer to the other learner’s hand, ask the
class how the learner would feel the pull on each hand, and why An intuition on tension and length relation
can be discussed if necessary. Vectors can
3. Option 3: Total displacement in a random walk
 be drawn separately before making their
-Ask for six volunteers
 origins coincident in illustrating geometric
-Blindfold the first volunteer about a meter away from the board, let the volunteer turn around two addition.

to three times to give a little spatial disorientation, then ask this learner to walk towards the board
and draw a dot on the board. Do the same for the next volunteer then draw an arrow connecting
the two subsequent dots with the previous one as starting point and the current dot with the arrow
head. Do the same for the rest of the volunteers.

After the exercise, indicate the vector of displacement (thick, gray arrow) by connecting the first
position with the last position. This vector is the sum of all the drawn vectors by connecting the
endpoint to the starting point of the next.

Figure: Summing vectors by sequential connecting of dots based on the random walk exercise


Part 1: Geometric representation of vectors

1. If Option 3 above was performed, use the resulting diagram to introduce displacement as a vector. Otherwise, illustrate on the board the
magnitude and direction of a vector using displacement (with a starting point and an ending point, where the arrow head is at the ending

Figure 2: Geometric sum of vectors example. The sum is independent of the actual path but is subtended between the starting and ending
points of the displacement steps

2. Discuss the following notational conventions:

A vector is usually represented by either a letter with an arrow above the letter: etc or a bold-face letter: A, B, a, b etc.

The magnitude of a vector is represented by either a lightface letter without an arrow on top or the vector symbol with vertical bars on both

sides. The magnitude of vector can be written as A or or A.

3. Illustrate the addition of vectors using perpendicular displacements as shown below (where the thick gray arrow represent the sum 

of the vectors and B):

Figure: Vector addition illustrated in a right triangle configuration

Explain how the magnitude of vector C can be expressed in terms of the magnitude of vector A and the magnitude of vector B by using the
Pythagorean theorem.

The final equation should be

4. Explain how the components of vector C in the direction parallel to the vectors A and B can be expressed in terms of the magnitude of
vector C and the cosines or sines of the angles Ø and Ø.

The component of vector C in the direction parallel to A is |C| cos ( Ø )

The component of vector C in the direction parallel to B is |C| cos ( Ø )

5. Use the parallelogram method to illustrate the sum of two vectors. Give more examples for learners to work with on the board.

Figure: Vector addition using the parallelogram method

6. Illustrate vector subtraction by adding a vector to the negative direction of another vector. Compare the direction of the difference and the
sum of vectors A and B. Indicate that vectors of the same magnitude but opposite directions are anti-parallel vectors.

Figure: Subtraction of vectors. Geometrically, vector subtraction is done by adding the vector minuend to the anti-parallel vector of the
subtrahend. Note: the subtrahend is the quantity subtracted from the minuend.

7. Discuss when vectors are parallel and when they are equal.

Part 2: The Unit Vector

1. Explain that the direction of a vector can be represented by a unit vector that is parallel to that vector.
2. Using the algebraic representation of a vector, calculate the components of the unit vector parallel to that vector.

Figure: Unit vector

3. Indicate how to write a unit vector by using a caret or a hat: Â

Part 3: Vector components

1. Discuss that vectors can be represented in terms of components of the vectors and unit vectors. For example, a vector with no z-
component, can be represented as:

2. Discuss vectors and their addition using the quadrant plane to illustrate how the signs of the components vary depending on the location
on the quadrant plane as sections in the two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.
3. Extend discussion to include vectors in three dimensions.

4. Discuss how to sum (or subtract vectors) algebraically using the vector components.


Ask the learners to do the seatwork exercises of the following type (no calculators allowed):

Calculation of vector magnitudes: Calculate the magnitude of the vector

Addition of vectors using components: Add the vectors and

Determination of vector components using triangles : Determine the x-component and y-component of a vector with magnitude 20.0 that is
directed at a 30o angle as measured counterclockwise from the positive x direction.

EVALUATION (10 OR 15 MINUTES) Teacher tip

For group discussions or for advanced learners or for homework Some learners may benefit if you
continually rotate a stick while
explaining how the components of
1. Illustrate on the board how the components of a uniformly rotating unit vector changes with time. the vector change with time.

Note that this magnitude varies as the cosine and sine of the rotation angle (the angular velocity
magnitude multiplied with time, ø = ωt)

2. Calculate the components of a rotated unit vector and introduce the rotation matrix. This can be extended to vectors with arbitrary
Draw a vector, that is ø degrees from the horizontal or x-axis. This vector is then rotated by ø degrees. Refer to the following figure.

Figure: Rotating a vector using a matrix multiplication

Calculate the components of the new vector that is ø + ø degrees from the horizontal by using trigonometric identities as shown below.

The two equations can then be re-written using matrix notation where the 2 × 2 (two rows by two columns) matrix is called the rotation matrix.

For now, it can simply be agreed that this way of writing simultaneous equations is convenient. That is, a way to separate vector components
(into a column) and the 2 × 2 matrix that operates on this column of numbers to yield a rotated vector, also written as a column of components.

The other column matrices are the rotated unit vector (ø + ø degrees from the horizontal) and the original vector (ø degrees from the
horizontal) with the indicated components. This can be generalized by multiplying both sides with the same arbitrary length. Thus, the
components of the rotated vector (on 2D) can be calculated using the rotation matrix.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Displacement, Time, Average Velocity,

Instantaneous Velocity
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of position, time, distance, LESSON OUTLINE
displacement, speed, average velocity, and instantaneous velocity.
Introduction/ Review the previous lesson on vectors 15
Performance Standards Motivation with some emphasis on the definition of
The learners shall be able to solve using experimental and theoretical displacement. Explain how the use of
approaches, multi-concept and rich-context problems involving displacement, vectors leads to more precise
time, average velocity, and instantaneous velocity. descriptions of motion. Conduct a
Learning Competencies walking activity. Ask the learners to
The learners shall be able to: differentiate speed and velocity.
1. Convert a verbal description of a physical situation involving uniform Instruction Discussion on the aspects of motion 25
acceleration in one dimension into a mathematical description along a straight line
Enrichment Seatwork exercises on vectors 20
2. Differentiate average velocity from instantaneous velocity
3. Recognize whether or not a physical situation involves constant velocity or
Timer (or watch)
constant acceleration (STEM_GP12KIN-Ib-13)
Meter stick (or tape measure)
Interpret displacement and velocity , respectively, as areas under velocity-
versus-time and acceleration-versus-time curves (STEM_GP12KIN-Ib-14) Resources
1. Resnick, D., Halliday, R., & Krane, K.S. (1991). Physics (4th
Specific Learning Outcomes ed.) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
The learners should be able to convert a verbal description of a physical
2. Young, H.D., & Freedman, R. A. (2007). University Physics
situation involving uniform acceleration in one dimension into a mathematical
with Modern Physics (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Addison-
description; differentiate average velocity from instantaneous velocity;
introduce acceleration; recognize whether or not a physical situation involves
constant velocity or constant acceleration; and interpret displacement and
velocity , respectively, as areas under velocity-versus-time and acceleration-versus-time curves.

1. Do a quick review of the previous lesson on vectors with some emphasis on the definition of displacement.
2. In describing how objects move introduce how the use of distance and time leads to the more precise use by physicists of vectors to
quantify motion with velocity and acceleration (here, defined only as requiring change in velocity)
3. Ask for two volunteers. Instruct one to walk fast in a straight line from one end of the classroom to another as the other records the duration
time (using his or her watch or timer). The covered distance is measured using the meter stick (or tape measure). Repeat the activity but this
time let the volunteers switch tasks and ask the other volunteer to walk as fast as the first volunteer from the same ends of the classroom. Is
the second volunteer able to walk as fast as the first? Another pair of volunteers might do better than the first pair.
4. Ask the class what the difference is between speed and velocity.


1. Discuss how to calculate the average velocity using positions on a number line, with recorded arrival time and covered distance (p1, p2, …,
p5). For instance at p1, x1 = 3m, t1 = 2s, etc.

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5

3m 5m 8m 11m 20m
2s 10s 30s 50s 300s

The average velocity is calculated as the ratio between the displacement and the time interval during the displacement. Thus, the average
velocity between p1 and p2 can be calculated as:

What is the average velocity from position p2 to p5?
Note that although the positive direction is often taken to be the rightward, upward, or eastward, we are free to assign any other direction as a
positive direction. However, after the positive direction has been assigned, the opposite direction has to be towards the negative.
2. Emphasize that the average velocity between the given coordinates above vary (e.g., between p1 to p2 and p1 to p4). The displacement
along the coordinate x can be graphed as a function of time t.
Figure: Average velocity.

Discuss that the average velocity from a coordinate x1 to x2 is taken as if the motion is along a straight line between said positions at the given
time duration. Hence, the average velocity is geometrically the slope between these positions.
Is the average velocity the same as the average speed?
3. Now, discuss the notion of instantaneous velocity v as the slope of the tangential line at a given point. Mathematically, this is the derivative
of x with respect to t.

Figure 2: Tangential lines

4. Discuss which time points in Figure 3 (left) correspond to motion with constant or non-constant velocity, negative or positive constant
(Answers: The velocity is non-constant in the time intervals from t0 to t1, and from t2 to t3. The velocity is constant in the time intervals from t1
to t2, and from t3 to t4. The velocity is constant and positive in the time interval from t1 to t2. The velocity is constant and negative in the time
interval from t3 to t4 )

Figure 3 (right) shows instantaneous velocities as slopes at specific time points. Discuss how the values of the instantaneous velocity vary as you
move from v1 to v6.

Figure 3: x-t graph
5. Show how one can derive the displacement based on the expression for the average velocity:

Note that when the velocity is constant, so is the average velocity between any two separate time points. Thus, the total displacement
magnitude is the rectangular area under the velocity-versus-time graph (subtended by the change in time).

Figure 4: Constant velocity

6. Show that for a time varying velocity, the total displacement can be calculated in a similar manner by summing the rectangular areas defined
by small intervals in time and the local average velocity. The local average velocity is then approximately the value of the velocity at a given
number of time intervals. Say, there are n time intervals between time t1 and t2, the total displacement x is obtained by summing the
displacements from the small time intervals as follows:

Figure 5: Sum of discrete areas under the velocity-versus-time graph

7. Discuss that as the time interval becomes infinitesimally small, the summation becomes an integral. Thus, the total displacement is the area
under the curve of the velocity as a function of time between the time points in question.

8. Introduce average acceleration as the change in velocity divided by the elapsed time (in preparation for the next lesson).


Ask the learners to do seat work exercises of the following type:

Calculation of average velocities given initial and final position and time:
The x-coordinates of an object at time t = 1.00 s and t = 4.00 s are 3.00 m and 5.00 m respectively. Calculate the average velocity of the object
on the time interval t = 1.00 s to 4.00 s.

Calculation of the instantaneous velocity at a specific time, given x as a function of time: The position of an object is x(t) = 1.00 + 2.00 t - 3.00
t2, where x is in meters and t is in seconds. Calculate the instantaneous velocity of the object at time t =3.00 s.

Calculate the total displacement over a time interval, given the velocity as a function of time:

The velocity of an object is v(t) = 1.00 - 3.00 t2, where v is in meters per second and t is in seconds. Calculate the displacement of the object in
the time interval from t = 1.00 s to t =2.00 s.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Average and Instantaneous Acceleration

Content Standard
The learners shall be able to solve, using experimental and theoretical
approaches, multi-concept and rich-context problems involving the use of
average and instantaneous accelerations.

Performance Standards Introduction/ Review the previous lesson on 5

The learners shall be able to solve using experimental and theoretical Motivation displacement, average velocity and
approaches, multi-concept and rich-context problems involving displacement, instantaneous velocity
time, average velocity, and instantaneous velocity. Instruction Discussion on the aspects of 1D - motion 20
Learning Competencies Delivery Series of exercises on the interpretation 20
The learners shall be able to:
and construction of position vs. time,
1. Convert a verbal description of a physical situation involving uniform velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs.
acceleration in one dimension into a mathematical description time curves.
Enrichment Written exercise involving the 15
2. Recognize whether or not a physical situation involves constant velocity or
interpretation of a sinusoidal
constant acceleration (STEM_GP12KIN-Ib-13)
displacement versus time graph
3. Interpret velocity and acceleration, respectively, as slopes of position versus
time and velocity versus time curves (STEM_GP12KIN-Ib-15)
Graphing papers, protractor, ruler
4. Construct velocity versus time and acceleration versus time graphs,
respectively, corresponding to a given position versus time-graph and velocity Resources
1. Resnick, D., Halliday, R., & Krane, K.S. (1991). Physics (4th
versus time graph and vice versa (STEM_GP12KIN-Ib-16)
ed.) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Specific Learning Outcomes 2. Young, H.D., & Freedman, R. A. (2007). University Physics
The learners should be able to recognize whether or not a physical situation
with Modern Physics (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Addison-
involves constant velocity or constant acceleration; convert a verbal
description of a physical situation involving uniform acceleration in one
dimension into a mathematical description; interpret velocity and acceleration,
respectively, as slopes of position versus time and velocity versus time curves; Construct velocity versus time and acceleration versus time
graphs, respectively, corresponding to a given position versus time-graph and velocity versus time graph and vice versa

Do a quick review of the previous lesson on displacement, average velocity and instantaneous velocity.

The acceleration of a moving object is a measure of its change in velocity. Discuss how to calculate the average acceleration from the ratio of
the change in velocity to the time elapsed during this change.

Figure 1: Average acceleration

Recall that the first derivative of the displacement with respect to time is the instantaneous velocity. Discuss that the instantaneous acceleration
is the first derivative of the velocity with respect to time:

Figure 2: Instantaneous acceleration

Thus, given the displacement as a function of time, the acceleration can be calculated as a function of time by successive applications of the
time derivative:

Given a constant acceleration, the change in velocity (from an initial velocity) can be calculated from the constant average velocity multiplied by
the time interval.

Figure 3: Velocity as area under the acceleration versus time curve

Special case: motion with constant acceleration

Derive the following relations (for constant acceleration):

Based on the definition of the

average acceleration, we can derive
an equation relating the final
velocity to the initial velocity,
acceleration, and time elapsed.

Use the definition of average
velocity and the notion that the
displacement is an area under the
velocity vs. time curve to derive an
equation relating the average
velocity to the initial and final
velocities. The relevant area for
calculating the displacement from
time t1 to time t2 is that of the blue
trapezoid on the right.

Use Eq.1 and the relation between

displacement, initial velocity, and
final velocity to derive an equation
relating the displacement to the
initial velocity, acceleration, and
time elapsed (Eq.3); and another
equation relating the displacement
to the acceleration, and the initial
and final velocities (Eq.4).

Discuss that with a time-varying acceleration, the total change in velocity (from an initial velocity) can be calculated as the area under the
acceleration versus time curve (for a given time duration). Given a constant acceleration (Figure 3), the velocity change is defined by the
rectangular area under the acceleration versus time curve subtended by the initial and final time. Thus, with a continuously time-varying
acceleration, the area under the curve is approximated by the sum of the small rectangular areas defined by the product of small time intervals
and the local average acceleration. This summation becomes an integral when the time duration increments become infinitesimally small.


Lead the learners through a series of exercises on the interpretation and construction of position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs.
time curves. Review the relations between displacement and velocity, velocity expressed as time derivatives and area under the curve within a
time interval. Next, discuss how one can identify whether a velocity is constant (zero, positive or negative), or time varying (decreasing or
increasing) using Figure 4.

Warning: the non-linear parts of the graph were strategically chosen as sections of a parabola—hence, the corresponding first derivate of these
sections is either a negatively sloping line (for a downward opening parabola) or a positively sloping line (for an upward opening parabola)

Figure 4: Displacement versus time and the corresponding velocity graphs

Replace the displacement variable with velocity in Figure 4 (which now becomes Figure 5) and discuss what the related acceleration becomes
(constant or time varying).
Warning: the non-linear part of the graph were strategically chosen as sections of a parabola—hence, the corresponding first derivate of these
sections is either a negatively sloping line (for a downward opening parabola) or a positively sloping line (for an upward opening parabola)

Figure 5: Velocity versus time and the corresponding acceleration graphs.

Displacement versus time:
• Graph of a line with positive/negative slope positive/negative constant velocity

• Graph with monotonically or constantly increasing slope increasing velocity

• Graph with monotonically or constantly decreasing slope decreasing velocity

Velocity versus time:

• Graph of a line with positive/negative slope positive/negative constant acceleration

• Graph with monotonically or constantly increasing slope increasing acceleration

• Graph with monotonically or constantly decreasing slope decreasing acceleration

Ask the learners to solve a problem of the following type:

1. Given a sinusoidal displacement vs. time graph (displacement = A sin(bt); b = 4π/s, A = 2 cm), ask the class to graph the corresponding
velocity vs. time and acceleration vs. time graphs. (Recall that the velocity is the first derivative of the displacement with respect to time and
that the acceleration is the first derivative with respect to time.)
• At which parts of the displacement vs. time graph is the velocity zero? maximum? minimum?
• At which parts of the displacement vs time graph is the acceleration zero? maximum? minimum?
• What happens to the velocity and acceleration at the positions where the displacement is zero?


a) After taking time derivatives, the resulting expressions for the velocity and acceleration are shown to be v(t) = bAcos(bt) and by a(t) = -
b2Asin(bt). The velocity vs. time graph and acceleration vs. time graph are shown below. (The dashed lines are guides for the eye.)

b. The velocity is zero at points where the displacement is either maximum or minimum:

The velocity is maximum at points where the displacement vs. time graph is steepest and increasing from left to right:

The velocity is minimum at points where the displacement vs. time graph is steepest and decreasing from left to right:

c) The acceleration is zero at points on the displacement vs. time graph where there is no concavity:

The acceleration is maximum at points on the displacement vs. time curve which are concave upward and where the slope is changing most

The acceleration is minimum at points on the displacement vs. time curve which are concave downward and where the slope is changing most

d) The acceleration is zero at points where the displacement is zero.

The velocity is either maximum or minimum at points where the displacement is zero.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Standing waves LESSON OUTLINE

on a string
Introduction Review of the principle of superposition. 5
Motivation Describe the kind of waves that form on 5
the strings of a guitar and distinguish it
from a travelling wave
Content Standard
The learners shall be able to learn about (1) interference and beats, and (2) Instruction/ Discussion on the following: 30
standing waves. Delivery
-Qualitative description of a standing
Learning Competency wave
The learners shall be able to apply the condition for standing waves on a string -Condition for standing wave
(STEM_GP12MWS-IIe-36) -Nodes and anti-nodes
Specific Learning Outcomes -Normal modes on a string
At the end of the unit, the learners must be able to:
Practice Plug-and-play problem 5
1. Identify the condition for standing waves to form on a string.
Enrichment Actual or video demonstration on how to 5
2. Determine the wave function for a standing wave using the principle of
superposition. form harmonics on a guitar

3. Locate nodes and antinodes in a standing wave. Evaluation Problem solving exercise 10
4. Visualize normal modes on a string. Materials
5. Identify the frequency of the normal modes of a string.
 Guitar (optional)l slinky toy

Young, Hugh D., Freedman, Roger A. (2008). University
Physics (12th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Review the principle of superposition. Emphasize how the wave function of the resulting interference is just the sum of the individual wave


Describe a travelling wave in a string. Then describe the kind of wave that happens on a guitar string. Show this either by using a guitar or just
the image below. Ask the class if they could spot the differences between the two. Emphasize that since the guitar string is fixed at both ends,
the wave cannot travel. Instead, it is standing.


1. Give a qualitative description of a standing wave. If possible, show an animation.

2. Cite the condition for standing waves to occur: A wave must interfere with another wave of equal amplitude but opposite in direction of
propagation. Cite the simplest example of how this condition is satisfied: a string fixed at one end and wiggled at the other end. Incident waves
will travel toward the fixed end. These waves will reflect from the fixed end. The interference of the incident and the reflected waves form a
standing wave. If possible, show an animation.

3. Write down the wave function corresponding to the incident and reflected waves:
y1 (x,t) = A cos(kx + ωt)

y2 (x,t) = -A cos(kx - ωt)

Tell the class that the negative sign comes from the fact that waves invert when they reflect from a fixed end. Write down the wave function of
the resulting interference by principle of superposition. You will need to use a trigonometric identity.
y(x,t) = y1(x,t) + y2(x,t)

y(x,t) = A cos(kx + ωt) - A cos(kx - ωt)
y(x,t) = 2A sin ωt sin kx
Tell the class that this can be interpreted as a sine function in position with an amplitude that oscillates in time.

4. Distinguish between nodes and antinodes: Nodes are points in the standing wave that do not move and antinodes are points in the standing
wave that moves the greatest. Show the figure below, or if possible, an animation. Derive the positions of the nodes by setting y(x,t) = 2A sin
ωt sin kx = 0 and solving for x:

Emphasize that, from the above equation, it follows that consecutive nodes are half a wavelength apart.

5. Underline that fixed ends must be nodes, which restrict the possible wavelengths that can occur on a string fixed at both its ends (the
previous figure can serve as a visual reinforcement). Draw a string of length L fixed on both ends on the board. Have the class imagine a
standing wave occurring on this string. Tell them that there are many possible answers. Then show the class the figure below. Define these
patterns as normal modes.

6. Call on a student to hold one end of a slinky. Hold the other end and wiggle it to form the first, second, and third normal modes. Mention
that that you need a faster wiggle, and therefore a larger frequency, to get higher frequencies. You can also let the student wiggle his end while
your end stays in place.

7. Have some students count the number of cycles that occur in each normal mode. Argue then that for the first situation to occur,

for the second situation to occur, and so on, which, in general, leads to the expression below:

Solve for λ to get the wavelength of the normal modes:

Using the relation derive the expression for the frequency of the normal mode:

Define the n = 1 frequency as the fundamental frequency, the n = 2 frequency as the second harmonic, the n = 3 frequency as the third
harmonic, and so on.

Note: It is important for the teacher to practice this before coming to class. Standing waves will only form for specific wiggle frequencies.


Give a specific length of a string, and let students identify the wavelengths of the fourth and fifth normal mode (n = 4). Give a specific wave
speed, and let the students identify the fourth harmonic. Use up all the time to go around the class and make sure everyone gets the correct
answer with the correct solution.


1. Establish the fact that amplitude and frequency are perceived by humans as volume and pitch, respectively.
2. Show a video or an actual demonstration on how to produce harmonics on a guitar:
a. Tell the class that when you pluck a guitar string, it produces all possible normal modes, but Teacher tip
The midpoint of the string lies between the
the loudest frequency is the fundamental frequency, followed by the first harmonic, then the second
12th and 13th fret of the guitar.
harmonic, and so on. Let a guitar string ring.
b. Tell the class that you can mute the fundamental frequency by lightly pressing the midpoint
of the string, thereby making the first harmonic the loudest mode. Explain why this works while using
the previous figure of the normal modes as visual reinforcement: The midpoint of the string is an
antinode for the first normal mode. By lightly pressing on that point, you force it to be a node, thereby
not allowing the string to produce the first mode. Lightly press on the midpoint of a guitar string and
let it ring.

c. Tell the class that you can mute the fundamental frequency and the first harmonic by lightly
Teacher tip
pressing a point a third of the way from one end of the string, thereby making the second harmonic the The point a third of the way through the fret
loudest mode. Explain why this works while using the previous figure of the normal modes as visual end of the string lies between the 7th and
reinforcement: The point a third of a way through one end of the string is an antinode for the second 8th fret of the guitar.

normal mode. By lightly pressing on that point, you force it to be a node, thereby not allowing the
string to produce the second mode. Lightly press on the point a third of a way through one end of a
guitar string and let it ring.


1. Let the students answer the following problem: The A-string of a guitar has a fundamental frequency of 110. Hz.
• Which of the following is NOT a frequency of a normal mode of the string?
• 110. Hz
• 930. Hz
• 1210 Hz
• 1430 Hz
ANSWER: 1430 Hz. From the equation for the frequencies, it follows that the higher harmonics are multiples of the fundamental frequency. 930
Hz is not a multiple of 110 Hz, and hence is not a frequency of a normal mode.

• If the wavelength of the third normal mode is 45 cm, what is the length of the string?

ANSWER: for n = 3

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Doppler Effect for Sound LESSON OUTLINE

Content Standard
The learners shall be able to learn about (1) sound, and (2) doppler effect. Introduction Review of the kinds of waves. 5
Motivation Emulating what they hear when an 5
Learning Competency ambulance passes by them.
The learners shall be able to relate the frequency (source dependent) and Instruction/ Discussion on the following: 35
wavelength of sound with the motion of the source and the listener Delivery
-Speed of sound in air
-Derivation of the Doppler effect for a
moving source
Specific Learning Outcomes -Derivation of the Doppler effect for a
At the end of the unit, the learners must be able to: moving listener
1. Describe Doppler effect. Derivation of the Doppler effect for a
2. Solve for the frequency of a sound wave from a source as perceived by the moving source and moving listener
listener for the cases when the source is moving, the listener is moving, or Practice Simple exercise on selecting the correct 5
both the source and listener are moving.
 signs in the Doppler effect equation.
Enrichment Describing a sonic boom and explain it 5
using Doppler effect.
Evaluation Problem solving exercise 5
Identical balls

Young, Hugh D., Freedman, Roger A. (2008). University
Physics (12th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Review the kinds of waves (transverse, longitudinal, combination). Establish that sound waves are longitudinal waves. Review the fact that
amplitude and frequency are perceived by humans as volume and pitch, respectively.


Ask the students to emulate what they hear when an ambulance passes by them. They should be able to identify the increase then decrease in
volume and pitch.

Recall in class that the intensity of sound waves is larger when the source is closer and cite this as the reason for the change in volume.

Tell the class that the variation in pitch is due to the motion of the ambulance. Ask the students to identify when the pitch increases and
decreases. They should be able to identify that the pitch increases when the ambulance approaches them and decreases when it recedes from

Emphasize that the frequency of the source does not change; only the frequency as perceived by the listener changes. Tell the class that this
also happens when the listener is moving. Define this dependence of the perceived frequency to the motion of the source and/or listener as the
Doppler effect.


Speed of sound in air

Teacher tip
Tell the class that the speed of sound in a fluid depends on the bulk modulus and density of the fluid. Practice this before coming in to class. The
balls must roll with the same speed.

Mention that in room temperature, the speed of sound is

Derivation of the Doppler effect for a moving source
Roll balls at regular intervals while you are stationary, like how wave fronts are “thrown” periodically in a
travelling wave. Tell the class to think of the stream of balls as a wave wherein you are the source, and
each ball as a wave front of the wave. Establish the fact that the distance between two balls represents
the wavelength of the wave.
Now roll balls at regular intervals, this time while you are moving forward. Ask the class if they noticed a change in the wavelength. They should
notice a decrease in wavelength. Again, roll balls at regular intervals, this time while you are moving backward. Ask the class if they noticed a
change in the wavelength. They should notice an increase in wavelength. Argue that this change in wavelength, from the expression v = λf ,
leads to a change in frequency, i.e. Doppler effect.

Define variables to be used in the succeeding derivations:

• Let v be the wave speed in air.
• Let vs be the speed of the source.
• Let primed variables (e.g. λ’, f’ ) be quantities perceived by the listener.

From the previous demonstration, argue that the wavelength perceived by the listener is different from the wavelength of the source by an
amount vsT (speed of the source times the period): λ’ = λ ± vsT where where the plus sign is for when the source moves away from the listener
and the minus sign is for when the source moves towards the listener.
By using the expression v = λf in the previous equation, derive the equation:

Do a simple check on how the value of changes when the source is moving toward and away from the listener. Reinforce the results with the
observations from the demonstration and/or the ambulance scenario.

Give this simple example: A guitarist plucks a C-note (523 Hz) while moving at a speed of 20.0 m/s towards a fangirl. What frequency does the
fangirl hear?


Derivation of the Doppler effect for a moving listener

Do the previous demonstration but this time ask a student to stand some distance in front of where the balls will roll. Tell the student to pick up
each ball when it reaches his/her feet. Tell the class that the rate at which the student receives the balls represents the perceived frequency of
the listener.

Roll balls again, but this time while the student is moving towards you. Ask the class if they noticed a change in the rate at which the student
picks up the balls, i.e. the perceived frequency. They should notice an increase in the perceived frequency. Roll balls again, but this time while
the student is moving away from you. Ask the class if they noticed a change in the perceived frequency. They should notice a decrease in the
perceived frequency. Emphasize that the wavelength of the wave did not change; it was the relative motion of the listener with the wave that
caused the change in frequency.

Define variables to be used in the succeeding derivations:

• Let v be the wave speed in air.
• Let vL be the speed of the listener.
• Let primed variables (e.g. λ’, f’ ) be quantities perceived by the listener.

From the previous demonstration, argue that the perceived wave speed of the listener is equal to the relative speed of the wave with respect to
the listener: v’ = v ± vL where the plus sign is for when the listener is moving toward the source and the minus sign is when the listener is
moving away from the source. Argue that since the wavelength is unchanged, using v = λf, the perceived wave speed corresponds to the
perceived frequency

Using v = λf once more, derive the equation

Do a simple check on how the value of f’ changes when the source is moving toward and away from the listener. Reinforce the results with the
observations from the demonstration and/or the water waves analogy.

Give this simple example: A guitarist plucks a C-note (523 Hz) while a fangirl moves at a speed of 20.0 m/s towards him. What frequency does
the fangirl hear?

Derivation of the Doppler effect for a moving source and a moving listener
Argue that for the case wherein both the source and the listener are moving, the perceived frequency is given by

Teacher tip
“For example, if both the source and the
listener are moving to the right, then the
Emphasize that the previous equations can be obtained by setting either vL = 0 or vs = 0, or , and source is moving toward the listener, and
hence they only need to remember this single equation for all Doppler effect problems. the listener is moving away from the source.
The former should result to an increase in
frequency, so it must be v - vs in the
Summarize the sign conventions. Emphasize that to decide for the correct signs, they can just think of expression (so that the denominator
decreases and the fraction increases). The
what should happen to the frequency (increase or decrease) in real life, and base the signs from that.
latter should result to a decrease in
One moving toward the other should result to a frequency increase, and one moving away from the frequency, so it must be v - vL in the
other should result to a frequency decrease. expression (so that the numerator decreases
and the fraction decreases).”


Give this exercise: The figure indicates the directions of motion of a sound source and a detector for six situations in stationary air. For each
situation, is the detected frequency greater than or less than the emitted frequency, or can’t we tell without more information about the actual
Source Detector Source Detector

(a) ・0 speed (d)

(b) ・0 speed (e)

(c) (f)

ANSWER: (a) increase; (b) decrease; (c) can’t tell; (d) can’t tell; (e) increase; (f) can’t tell. Everything can be figured out from what is observed in
real life, except (c) and (d). For (c) and (d), we must look at the equation for the perceived frequency. For (c), the equation becomes

and for (d), the equation becomes

In both cases, the answer will depend on the source and listener speeds. In fact, if they are equal, then the numerator cancels out the
denominator, and there won’t be a change in the perceived frequency.


1. Describe a sonic boom in an airplane.

2. Explain how it is created, using the figure below as a visual aid: When the source is as fast or faster than the speed of sound in air, the wave
fronts pile up in front of the source. These piled up waves correspond to a loud sound that we hear as the sonic boom.

3. Tell the class that the crack of a bullet and a whip are also sonic booms.


Give the class this problem: A truck and an ambulance move at the same rate of 13 m/s toward each other but on different lanes. If the
ambulance siren emits sound of frequency 1200 Hz, what is the frequency of the sound that the truck driver hears?

Since the truck driver and the ambulance are both moving toward each other, then the signs of the numerator and the denominator must be set
in such a way that they increase the frequency heard by the listener. So it should be a plus in the numerator and a minus in the denominator.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Context rich problems involving sound

and mechanical waves
Content Standard LESSON OUTLINE
The learners shall be able to learn about 

(1) Sound Problem- Group activity 40
(2) Wave Intensity Session
(3) Interference and beats Presentation Group demonstration 20
(4) Standing waves of Solutions

Learning Competency Materials

Solve problems involving sound and mechanical waves in contexts such as, but Pen and paper
not limited to, echolocation, musical instruments, ambulance sounds

Specific Learning Outcomes Young, Hugh D., Freedman, Roger A. (2008). University
At the end of the unit, the learners must be able to solve multi-step, multi- Physics (12th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education, Inc.
concept problems involving the topics of sound, wave intensity, interference
and beats, standing waves, and Doppler effect.

The formula for the Doppler effect in
electromagnetic waves is different. But
Ask the class to form groups of four to five members. Make sure that everyone contributes to the when the speed of the source/listener is
discussions. Tell the class that you will ask a member of a group to present the solution to a question, very small compared to the speed of the
so that everyone will be encouraged to participate. Answer the following problems: wave, such as in this problem, then the
Doppler effect for sound still holds.

1. Travelling waves occur on a certain string. The displacement of a point on the string varies with time
according to the first graph. The second graph shows a snapshot of the string at time t = 0

a. Write down the corresponding wave equation.

b. Draw a snapshot of the string at a time equal to half the period T of the wave.

2. A 20-N weight is attached to the end of a string draped over a pulley; the other end of the string is attached to a mechanical oscillator that
moves up and down at a tunable frequency. The length between the oscillator and the pulley is 1m. You slowly increase the frequency from zero
until a standing wave formed at 60 Hz. What is the linear mass density of the string?

3. A tuning fork that plays a G-note (384-Hz) was detuned due to improper handling. You try to identify its frequency by playing it side by side
with another G tuning fork that is still in tune. After simultaneously striking the forks, you heard a pitch slightly lower than G. You also heard
beats at 0.100-s intervals. What is the frequency of the detuned fork?

4. A French submarine move toward an essentially motionless U.S. submarine in motionless water. The French sub moves at speed vF = 50.00
km/h. The U.S. sub sends out a sonar signal (sound wave in water) at 1.000x103 Hz. Sound waves travel at 5470 km/h in water, hitting the French
sub and reflecting back to the U.S. sub at 1.018x103 Hz. What is the speed of the French sub?


Select a random member from each group and let them present a problem. In case there are more groups than problems, divide the problems
into sections and assign groups to those sections, so that all groups are able to discuss in class.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Experiment involving
mechanical waves or Introduction/ Review sound waves and standing waves 5

Review/ on a string. Blow on the opening of
Motivation different glass bottles (e.g. soft drink
bottles) at some angle such that a sound
Content Standard of constant pitch can be heard. Ask the
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: (1) Sound, and (2) Sound waves students how the sound waves are
formed, and why does the pitch differ
Performance Standards
from one bottle to another.
The learners shall be able to identify the speed of sound through an
experiment involving standing sound waves on a tube. Instruction/ Discuss how standing sound waves are 15
Delivery formed in a tube that with one open
Learning Competency
end. Prepare the materials. Demonstrate
The learners shall be able to perform an experiment investigating the
the experiment. Distribute the materials
properties of sound waves and analyze the data appropriately—identifying
to the students.
deviations from theoretical expectations when appropriate (STEM_GP12MWS-
IIe-39) Practice/ Let the students perform the 40
Enrichment experiment, gather data, and answer the
guide questions in the worksheet. Assist
the students throughout the experiment.
open tube(preferably transparent), tuning fork, pail filled with water,

1. Young, Hugh D., Freedman, Roger A. (2008). University
Physics (12th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education, Inc.
2. Tube resonance experiment (

Review sound waves and standing waves on a string, specifically the concept of node/antinode. Emphasize that for a string, the fixed ends must
be nodes. Mention the speed of sound in air.

Blow on the opening of different glass bottles (e.g. soft drink bottles) at some angle such that a sound of constant pitch can be heard. Ask the
students how the sound waves are formed, and why does the pitch differ from one bottle to another.


Answer the previously posed question: The sound that we hear from blowing the opening of a glass bottle comes from the standing waves that
form inside the bottle. The pitch depends on the dimensions of the bottle, in the same way that the normal modes on a string depends on the
length of the string.

Teacher tip
Discuss how standing sound waves are formed in a tube. Start with the fact that since air cannot move The more accurate explanation for why the
freely on the closed end of a tube, it must be a node of a standing sound wave. Point out the analogy open end of the tube must be an antinode
with the fixed ends of a string. Proceed with the fact that since air can move freely on an open end of a can be found in Section 16.4 of the
University Physics by Young and Freedman
tube, it must be an antinode of a standing sound wave*. Describe the different standing waves that can (12th edition).
form on a tube with one closed end and one open end, using the figure below as visual reinforcement.

Students might get confused with this

figure, since it depicts transverse amplitudes
rather than the longitudinal ones that occur
for sound waves. If they look confused upon
seeing the figure, clear this up with them.

Prepare the materials. Demonstrate the experiment as detailed in the manual. Then distribute the
materials to the students.

Assist the students in filling up water. Make
sure that valuables, especially electronic
Let the students perform the experiment, gather data, and answer the guide questions in the gadgets, are far from the experimental set-
worksheet. Assist the students throughout the experiment. The students would need to pass a up.
worksheet containing the data and their answers to guide questions.

Determining the speed of sound through standing waves on a tube

Objective: In this experiment, the students are expected to
• produce a standing wave on a tube using a tuning fork and a pail filled with water
• obtain the wavelength of the standing wave
• and calculate the speed of sound using the obtained value of the wavelength and the known frequency of the tuning fork

• open tube (preferably transparent)
• tuning fork
• pail filled with water
• ruler

Standing sound waves can form on a tube, much like how standing transverse waves can form on a string. Since air cannot move freely on the
closed end of a tube, it must be a node of a standing sound wave. On the other hand, since air can move freely on an open end of a tube, it
must be an antinode of a standing sound wave. There are many possible standing waves of different wavelengths that can fit these criteria, but
the standing wave with the largest wavelength, called the first normal mode, occurs when the node and antinode of the open and closed ends
are adjacent in the wave:

A node and its adjacent antinode are a quarter of a wavelength apart. Hence the first normal mode occurs when the length of the string is a
quarter of a wavelength. In this experiment, a tube with both ends open will be used. One end will then be dipped in water. The surface of the
water acts as a closed end. It follows that the effective length of the tube wherein standing waves form is only the fraction that is not dipped in

• Fill a pail with water. Dip one end of the pipe to the water.
• Read and record the label value of the frequency of the tuning fork. Strike the tuning fork on your palm
(Caution: striking the tuning fork to a hard surface may cause damage to the tuning fork.), then place it near
the open end of the tube.
• While the tuning fork still rings, hold the tube and slowly move it up and down. You should notice a height
wherein you hear the loudest sound. This is the height wherein the first normal mode form. Measure the
length of the tube that is not submerged in water. Record this as the effective length of the tube.
• Calculate the wavelength corresponding to this length.
• Calculate the speed of sound from the measured wavelength of the standing wave and the label value of
the frequency of the tuning fork, using the formula v = λf
• Compare this with the theoretical value of the speed of sound. Calculate the percent deviation.

Table 1: Data for calculating the speed of sound in air.
Frequency of the tuning fork (Hz)

Effective length of the tube (m)

Calculated wavelength of the standing wave (m)

Calculated speed of sound (m/s)

Percent deviation (%)


Questions: (Use extra sheets if necessary)
• What was the purpose of the water? Is it possible to form standing waves without it?
• Using the same set-up, is it possible to hear the second normal mode? Explain.
• What are the possible sources of error in the experiment?

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Fluid Statics Part 1 LESSON OUTLINE

Introduction/ Review prerequisite concepts such as mass, 5
Content Standards
Review volume, force, area, and acceleration due to
The learners shall be able to learn about (1) fluid density, and (2) pressure
Performance Standards
Motivation Show the regular and diet soft drink demo 10
The learners shall be able to solve multi-concept, rich context problems using
concepts from rotational motion, fluids, oscillations, gravity, and Instruction/ • Discuss density and specific gravity 15
thermodynamics Delivery Discuss the concept of sinking and
Learning Competency
The learners shall be able to: • Discuss pressure as force per unit area

Relate density, specific gravity, mass, and volume to each other • Define gauge pressure and absolute
Relate pressure to area and force (STEM_GP12FM-IIf-41) Practice Discuss sample problems on density and 10
Relate pressure to fluid density and depth (STEM_GP12FM-IIf-42)

Solve problems involving fluids (STEM_GP12FM-IIf-47) Enrichment Conceptual questions 10
Evaluation Conceptual questions on density and 10

aquarium or any transparent water container, unopened
Regular coke in can, unopened Coke Light in can, water

Cassidy, D. C., Holton, G., & Rutherford, F. J. (2002). Understanding
physics. Springer Science & Business Media.

Hewitt, P. G. (2007). Conceptual physics (Vol. 8). Addison-Wesley,

(Additional resources at the end of lesson)


Show the outline of the chapter.

Fluid Mechanics have two branches. Fluid statics deals with the study of fluids at rest. Fluid dynamics deals with the study of fluids in motion.
• Density
• Fluid Statistics
• Pressure in a Fluid
• Pressure, depth and Pascal’s Law
• ︎Absolute pressure, gauge pressure and pressure gauges
• Buoyancy
• Fluid Dynamics
• Fluid Flow
• ︎Continuity Equation
• Bernoulli’s Equation

Discuss Fluids
A fluid is a collection of molecules that are randomly arranged and held together by weak cohesive forces and by forces exerted by the walls of
a container. It is any substance that does not have definite shape and exhibits the phenomenon of flow. It includes liquids and gases.
Liquids flow under gravity until they occupy the lowest possible regions of their container. Gasses expand to fill their containers regardless of its


1. Show the class the two cans of soft drink. (Any regular soft drink and its diet counterpart will do)
2. Ask the students to predict what will happen to the two cans if you put it in the aquarium that is filled with water.
3. Have a show of hands on the following choices:
• Both cans will float.
• Regular coke will float; Coke light will sink.
• Regular coke will sink; Coke light will float.
• Both cans will sink. 

4. Emphasize the difference of the content of the two cans. They have the same volume but different mass. This difference is due to the
formulation of the fluid inside the can. They have different density.


1. Discuss density.
Density is mass per unit volume. The Greek letter ρ (rho) is usually used to denote density:

2. Show a table of density of common substances. Emphasize that density is unique for each substance. 

3. Discuss the concept of sinking and floating.

When an object’s density is greater than that of water it will sink in water. When its density is less it will float. For floating object, the fraction of
the volume of an object that is submerged in any liquid equals the ratio of the density of the object to that of the liquid.

Example, the density of ice is 0.92 g/cm3. This means 92 percent of the volume of ice is submerged in water.
4. Discuss specific gravity and the standards for liquids and gases.

Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a material to a standard density. It is a unitless quantity.

The standard density for liquids is the density of water at 4°C: 1 g/cm3 or 1000 kg/m3. For gases, the standard is the density of oxygen at 0°C
and pressure of 1 atm: 1.43 kg/m3.


1. Consider two identical blocks.
Teacher tip
The students might be confused with the
difference of pressure and force. In
everyday language the words ''pressure''
and "force" may mean the same thing.
However, in Physics these words describe
different quantities. Fluid pressure acts
perpendicular to any surface in the fluid, no
matter how that surface is oriented.
a. Which block exerts greater force on the surface? Therefore pressure has no intrinsic direction
of its own; it's a scalar. Force, on the other
(ANSWER: They exert the same amount of force on the surface. This force is equal to the weight of the hand, is a vector with a definite direction.
b. Which block exerts greater pressure?
(ANSWER: Block B exerts greater pressure.)

2. Discuss pressure
Pressure is force per unit area. The unit of pressure is Pascal (Pa).

4. Discuss liquid pressure. Emphasize its dependence on the liquid density and that pressure is depth dependent, not volume dependent.

The pressure at depth h in a liquid is given by P = P0 + pgh

The pressure P︎ at a depth h︎ is greater than the pressure P0 ︎ at the surface by an amount pgh. Pressure in a liquid at any location is exerted in
equal amount in all direction. Note that the pressure is the same at any two points at the same level in the fluid. The shape of the container
does not matter. Pressure is also not volume dependent

As expected, P = P0 at the surface, where h ︎= 0.Pressure︎ P0 is often due to the air or other gas above the liquid.︎ P0 = 1 atm = 1.013 x 105 Pa for
a liquid that is open to the air.

However, ︎ P0 can also be the pressure due to a piston or a closed surface pushing down on the top of the liquid.

5. Differentiate gauge pressure and absolute pressure.

If the pressure inside a car tire is equal to atmospheric pressure, the tire is flat. The pressure has to be greater than atmospheric to support the
car. When we say that the pressure in a car tire is "32 pounds" (actually 32 Ib/in2, equal to 220 kPa or 2.2x105 Pa), we mean that it is greater
than atmospheric pressure (14.7 Ib/in2 or 1.01x105 Pa) by this amount. The total pressure in the tire is then 47 lb/in2 or 320 kPa. The excess
pressure above atmospheric pressure is called gauge pressure, and the total pressure is called absolute pressure.


1. A nurse administers medication in a saline solution to a patient by infusion into the patient’s arm. The density of the solution is 1 x 103 kg/m3.
And the pressure inside the vein is 2.4 x 103 Pa. How high must the container be hung?

For the solution to enter the vein, the liquid pressure should be equal to the pressure inside the vein

solving for h:

2. Lake Pinatubo is the deepest lake in the Philippines. Find the pressure at a depth of 10 m below the surface of Lake Pinatubo if the pressure
at the surface is 1 atm. Assume that the water in the lake is pure water with a density of 1.00x103 kg/m3.


1. The sphere on the right has twice the mass and twice the radius of the sphere on the
left. Compared to the sphere on the left, the larger sphere on the right has
A. twice the density
B. the same density
C. 1/2 the density
D. 1/4 the density
E. 1/8 the density

ANSWER: C 1/2 the density

2. At what depth is the pressure twice the atmospheric pressure?
Consider four containers of varying shape. In which point is the pressure greatest?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. Pressure is the same at all points



Knight, R. (2007). Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with
Modern Physics [and Mastering Physics TM]. Pearson Education.

Tipler, P. A., & Mosca, G. (2007). Physics for scientists and engineers. Macmillan. Young, H. & Freedman, R.(2008). University Physics with
modern physics 12th ed.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Fluid Statics Part 2 LESSON OUTLINE

Content Standards Introduction/ Ask students some preliminary questions to 10

Motivation determine whether they have heard of
The learners shall be able to learn about (1) Pascal’s principle, Buoyancy, and
Pascal’s law or Archimedes’ principle or any
(2) Archimedes’ Principle
of the physics concepts behind them.
Performance Standards
Instruction Discussion Proper 30
The learners shall be able to solve multi-concept, rich context problems using
concepts from rotational motion, fluids, oscillations, gravity, and Practice Discuss sample problems on Pascal’s Law 20
thermodynamics and buoyancy

Learning Competencies Evaluation Conceptual questions on Pascal’s Law and 5

The learners shall be able to Apply Pascal’s principle in analyzing fluids in buoyancy
various systems (STEM_GP12FM-IIf-43); apply the concept of buoyancy and Resource
Archimedes’ principle (STEM_GP12FM-IIf-44); Solve problems involving fluids 

(STEM_GP12FM-IIf-47) Cassidy, D. C., Holton, G., & Rutherford, F. J. (2002).
Understanding physics. Springer Science & Business Media.

Hewitt, P. G. (2007). Conceptual physics (Vol. 8). Addison-

Wesley, Massachusets.

Knight, R. (2007). Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A

Strategic Approach with Modern Physics [and Mastering
Physics TM]. Pearson Education.

Tipler, P. A., & Mosca, G. (2007). Physics for scientists and
engineers. Macmillan. Young, H. & Freedman, R.(2008).
University Physics with modern physics 12th ed.


Ask students some preliminary questions to determine whether they have heard of Pascal's law or Archimedes' principle or any of the physics
concepts behind them.
a. Who knows why ships float? 

b. When you are swimming in a pool, do you feel lighter or heavier than when you are walking on the ground? How much lighter are you? 

c. How do hydraulic jacks work?


1. Discuss Pascal’s principle. 

Pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid and the walls of the containing vessel.
2. Discuss its application on hydraulic lifts. 

A common application of Pascal’s Principle is a hydraulic lift used to raise a car off the ground so it can be repaired. A small force applied to
a small-area piston is transformed to a large force at a large-area piston. If a car sits on top of the large piston, it can be lifted by applying a
relatively small force to the smaller piston.


1. A hydraulic lift was made by fitting a piston attached to a handle into a 3-cm-diameter cylinder, which is connected to a larger cylinder of 24-
cm diameter. If a 50 kg woman puts all her weight on the handle of the smaller piston, how much weight can be lifted by the hydraulic lift?



1. Discuss Archimedes’s Principle. 

When a body is completely or partially immersed in a fluid, the fluid exerts an upward force on the body equal to the weight of the fluid
displaced by the body.

2. Discuss buoyancy.

The upward force exerted by the fluid is called buoyant force. As stated by Archimedes’ Principle this force is equal to the weight of the
fluid displaced by the body.

where FB is the buoyant force

Pf is the density of the displaced fluid 

Vf is the volume of the displaced fluid 

g is the acceleration due to gravity

If the weight of the submerged object is greater than the buoyant force, it will SINK. If the weight of the submerged object is less than the
buoyant force, it will FLOAT. 

3. Cite some examples of buoyancy.

a. Fish use volume change as a means of altering buoyancy. A fish has an internal swim bladder, which is filled with gas. When it needs to rise
or descend, it changes the volume in its swim bladder, which then changes its density.
b. Swimming in fresh water and salt water shows that buoyant force also depends on the density of the fluid. Fresh water has a density of 

1.00 x 103 kg/m3 while that of salt water is 1.03 x 103 kg/m 3. Thus, salt water provides more buoyant force than fresh water.
c. Boats float, even though it weighs a lot, because it displaces a huge amount of water that weighs even more.


A 15.0-kg solid gold statue is being raised from a sunken ship. What is the tension in the hoisting cable when the statue is at rest and
a. completely immersed?

b. out of the water?

We are given the mass of the gold statue m = 15.0 kg, the density of gold Pg = 1.93 x 104 kg/m3),and the density of salt water Pf = 1.03 x 103
Drawing the free-body diagram for the first case (a),

Since the statue is completely immersed, the volume of displaced fluid is equal to the volume of the statue.


This can be given as a graded quiz or a quick assessment (show of hands)

A container is filled with oil and fitted on both ends with pistons. The area of the left piston is 10 mm2; that of the right piston 10,000 mm2.
What force must be exerted on the left piston to keep the 10,000-N car on the right at the same height?

A. 10N
B. 100N

C. 10,000N

D. 106N

E. insufficient information

Answer: A

General Physics 1 60 MINS


Content Standards Introduction/ Ask the students to hold one sheet of paper 5
Motivation close to their bottom lip and blow hard
The learners shall be able to learn about (1) continuity, and (2) Bernoulli’s
across the upper surface; let them observe.
Instruction Discussion Proper 20
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to solve multi-concept, rich context problems using Practice Discuss sample problems on Continuity 20
concepts from rotational motion, fluids, oscillations, gravity, and equation and Bernoulli’s principle
Enrichment Show that Torricelli’s Theorem is a special 10
Learning Competencies case of Bernoulli’s Equation
The learners shall be able to explain the limitations of and the assumptions Evaluation Conceptual questions on Continuity 5
underlying Bernoulli’s principle and the continuity equation (STEM_GP12FM- equation and Bernoulli’s principle
IIf-45); apply Bernoulli’s principle and continuity equation, whenever
appropriate, to infer relations involving pressure, elevation, speed, and flux Materials 2 sheets of paper

(STEM_GP12FM-IIf-46); and solve problems involving fluids (STEM_GP12FM- Resource

 • Hewitt, P. G. (2007). Conceptual physics (Vol. 8). Addison-
Wesley, Massachusets.
• Knight, R. (2007). Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A
Strategic Approach with Modern Physics [and Mastering
Physics TM]. Pearson Education.
• Tipler, P. A., & Mosca, G. (2007). Physics for scientists and
engineers. Macmillan.
• Young, H. & Freedman, R.(2008). University Physics with
modern physics 12th ed.
• Dynamics of Flight: 12/


1. Ask the students to get 2 sheets of paper and follow the instructions below.
a. Hold one of the sheets of paper close to your bottom lip and blow hard across the 

upper surface. What happens?
b. b.Hold the two sheets of paper upright, a few inches apart in front of your face. Again, 

blow hard and watch what happens.
2. Ask some students their observation. Tell the students that the same principle can explain 

how airplanes fly.
3. Introduce today’s topic which deals with fluid flow.


State the assumption that we are considering IDEAL fluids, i.e. fluids exhibiting the following characteristics:
A. Non-turbulent flows. Turbulent flow is irregular flow characterized by small whirlpool- 

like regions.
B. Steady-state flow. In steady (laminar) flow, the velocity of the fluid at each point 

remains constant.
C. Non-viscous fluid. Internal friction is neglected. An object moving through the fluid 

experiences no viscous force.
D. Incompressible fluids. Density is constant throughout the fluid. 

Discuss the continuity equation.

A1v1 = A2v2
where A is the pipe cross-sectional area and v is the fluid speed. 

The product of Av is the volume flow rate. 

Emphasize the implication of the continuity equation. If the pipe cross-section area decreases, the flow velocity will increase. We can relate it to
everyday activities such as watering the plants using a garden hose. If you your finger to close a part of the hole, the waters’ speed increases as
it come out of the hose.


A horizontal pipe of 25 cm2 cross-section carries water at a velocity of 3.0 m/s. The pipe feeds into a smaller pipe with a cross section of only
15 cm2. What is the velocity in the smaller pipe?

v2 = (v1A1)/A2

v2 = (3.0 m/s)(25 cm2)/(15 cm2) 

v2 = 5.0 m/s


Discuss how Bernoulli’s Equation relates pressure, flow velocity, and height for flow of an ideal fluid.

Emphasize the similarity of Bernoulli’s equation to the conservation of energy equation so that the students can easily remember it.

Explain how airplanes fly. Lower pressure is caused by the increased speed of the air over the wing. Since the pressure is higher beneath the
wing, the wing is pushed upwards.

Airplane wings are shaped to make air move faster over the top of the wing. When air moves faster, the pressure of the air decreases. So the
pressure on the top of the wing is less than the pressure on the bottom of the wing. The difference in pressure creates a force on the wing that
lifts the wing up into the air.


Water enters a house through a pipe with an inside diameter of 2.0 cm at an absolute pressure of 4.0x105 Pa (about 4 atm). A 1.0 cm diameter
pipe leads to the second floor of the bathroom 5.0 m above. When the flow speed at the inlet pipe is 1.5 m/s. Find the flow speed, pressure
and volume flow rate in the bathroom.

We are given the diameter of the inlet (d1 = 2.0cm) and outlet (d2= 1.0cm) pipe. To calculate for the flow speed at the outlet pipe, we first need
to calculate the cross-sectional area of each pipe.

Using the equation the calculated cross-sectional area of the inlet pipe is A1 = 3.14 x 10-4 m2 and that for the outlet pipe is A2 =
7.85 x 10-5 m2.

To calculate the flow speed in the bathroom, we use the continuity equation:

The volume flow rate is given by

This is also equal to

To calculate for the pressure at the bathroom pipe, we will use Bernoulli’s principle:

We set the height of the inlet pipe y1 = 0 and the bathroom pipe is at a height y2 = 5.0 m.


Show that Torricelli’s Theorem is a special case of Bernoulli’s Equation.

Torricelli’s Theorem states that the speed of efflux of a liquid from an opening in a reservoir equals the speed that the liquid would acquire if
allowed to fall from rest from the surface of the reservoir to the opening.

Consider a large tank of water which has a small hole a distance h below the water surface.

We apply Bernoulli's equation to points a and b.

Since the diameter of the hole is much smaller than the diameter of the tank, we can neglect the velocity of the water at the top (point a).


Concept Tests. This can be given as a graded quiz or a quick assessment (show of hands)

1. An incompressible fluid flows through a pipe of varying radius (shown in cross-section). Compared to the fluid at point P, the fluid at point Q

A. greater pressure and greater volume flow rate.

B. greater pressure and the same volume flow rate. 

C. the same pressure and greater volume flow rate.

D. lower pressure and the same volume flow rate. 

ANSWER: D. lower pressure and the same volume flow rate. 

2. An incompressible fluid flows through a pipe of varying radius (shown in cross-section). Compared to the fluid at point P, the fluid at point Q

A. 4 times the fluid speed.

B. 2 times the fluid speed.

C. the same fluid speed.

D. 1/2 the fluid speed.

ANSWER: A. 4 times the fluid speed.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Fluid Experiment LESSON OUTLINE

Content Standards Introduction/ Review on buoyant force 2

The learners shall be able to learn about buoyancy and Archimedes’ principle
Motivation Tell the story of Archimedes’ eureka 5
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to solve, using experimental and theoretical
approaches, multiconcept, rich-context problems involving measurement, Instruction Discussion of Objectives 3
vectors, motions in 1D, 2D, and 3D, Newton’s Laws, work, energy, center of
Practice Experiment with the students 30
mass, momentum, impulse, and collisions
Enrichment If time permits, let the students predict 5
Learning Competencies
and observe what will happen if all
The learners shall be able to perform an experiment involving buoyancy
liquids are combined
(STEM_GP12FM-IIf-48); and identify discrepancies between theoretical
expectations and experimental results (STEM_GP12FM-IIf-48) 
 Evaluation Reporting of the results of experiment 15
Materials Graduated cylinder, distilled water, oil,
kerosine, string, metallic cylinder (or any
object that can fit in the graduated
cylinder), weighing scale

• Hewitt, P.G. (2007). Conceptual Physics (Vol 8). Addison-Wesley,
• Knight, R. (2007). Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A
Strategic Approach with Modern Physics [and Mastering Physics
TM]. Pearson Education.
• Tipler, P.A. & Mosca, G. (2007). Physics for Scientists and
Engineers. Macmillan.
• Young, H., & Freedman, R. (2008). University Physics with
Modern Physics 12th Edition.
• Physics 81 Laboratory Manual, University of the Philippines Los

Review Archimedes’ Principle.

Archimedes’ Principle states that when a body is wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, the fluid exerts an upward force on the body equal to
the weight of the fluid displaced. The weight loss of the body when immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid dispersed.

MOTIVATION (5 MINS) Teacher tip

There are different (some longer, some shorter)
versions of this story on the internet and in
Tell the story about how Archimedes determine the density of a crown without damaging it.
science books/textbooks. Make sure that the
version of the story to be told comes from
INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY (3 MINS) credible academic sources.

1. Discuss the objectives of the experiment. Teacher tip

You may use any three liquids with known
2. Show the materials to be used. density.

3. Distribute the materials to the students.
For the metallic cylinder, you may use any object
which can fit in the graduated cylinder.
Let the students conduct the experiment.

 Teacher tip
ENRICHMENT (5 MINS) Density of water (ρH2O) = 1000 kg/m
If time permits, let the students predict and observe what will happen if all liquids were combined. Density of oil (ρoil) = 920 kg/m

Density of kerosene (ρk) = 810 kg/m

The students will report to class the results of the experiment. The students will submit the data
sheet and answers to questions.




At the end of the activity, the students should be able to:

1. determine the buoyant force exerted by the different fluids;
2. relate the buoyant force to the density of the fluid; and
3. compare the experimental values of buoyant force with the theoretical values.


• graduated cylinder
• distilled water
• oil
• kerosene
• string
• metallic cylinder (or any object which can fit in the graduated cylinder)
• beaker
• weighing scale


1. Fill a graduated cylinder with 100-ml water.

2. Tie a string on the metal cylinder. Submerge the metal cylinder and observe the rise in the water level. 

3. Pour into an initially weighed beaker the water in excess of the initial volume. Record the volume of the displaced fluid in 

Table 1.
4. Weigh the beaker. Record the weight in Table 2. 

NOTE: The weight that you will be recording in Table 2 is the weight of the displaced fluid, not the total weight of the beaker+fluid.

5. Make 2 more trials, repeating steps 1-4.

6. Repeat steps 1-5 using oil instead of water. Wipe the graduated cylinder and metal cylinder with tissue paper to avoid 

contamination of fluid.
7. Repeat steps 1-5 using kerosene instead of oil. Wipe the graduated cylinder and metal cylinder with tissue paper to avoid 

contamination of fluid. 


Weight of the beaker: ________ kg

Table 1. Volume of the displaced fluid (m3).

Fluid Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average




Table 2. Weight of the displaced fluid (N).

Fluid Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average




Table 3. Comparison of experimental and theoretical value of the buoyant force.

Fluid Average weight of displaced fluid (N) Calculated buoyant force Percent Difference





1. Archimedes’ Principle states that when a body is wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, the fluid exerts an upward force on the body equal
to the weight of the fluid displaced. Derive an expression for the buoyant force in terms of the density ρf and volume Vf of the displaced
fluid. Use this equation in determining the calculated buoyant force in Table 3.
2. Compare the experimental and theoretical values of the buoyant force. Are the corresponding values of the buoyant forces for each liquids
in good agreement? Justify your answer.
3. Which fluid exerted the greatest buoyant force on the submerged object? Why?

1. Predict what will happen if you will combine all three liquids in one beaker.
2. To verify if your prediction is correct, pour all three liquids in one beaker. Use a big beaker so that it will not spill over. Discuss your
General Physics 1 60 MINS

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

and Temperature Measurement; LESSON OUTLINE
Thermal Expansion Introduction/ Review of the knowledge on volume and
Review density; review of the students’ skills in

Content Standards using laboratory equipment

The learners shall be able to acquire knowledge and applications of:
Motivation Brief discussion on understanding of 5
• Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and Temperature
• Thermal expansion
Instruction Small observation experiment 5
• Heat and heat capacity
• Calorimetry Discussion Discussion on Zeroth Law of 40
Thermodynamics and Temperature
Performance Standards
Measurement and Thermal Expansion
The learners shall be able to
• Explain the difference and relationship of temperature and heat as well as the Enrichment Reading Assignment 10
mechanisms involved in heat transformation and transfer;
Materials Bowls of hot water, cold water, and room
• Relate the concepts of heat to the concepts of energy, basic kinetic molecular temperature water; and thermometers
theory, and states of matter;
• Apply the mechanisms of heat and its transfer to various phenomena; and, Resource
Sears’ and Zemansky’s University Physics by Young and Freedman
• Analyze and solve problems in both the theoretical and practical sense. (13th Edition) Physics by Cutnell and Johnson (8th Edition)
Learning Competencies
The learners shall be able to explain the connection between the zeroth law of
thermodynamics, temperature, thermal equilibrium, and temperature scales (STEM_GP12TH-IIg-49); Convert temperatures and temperature
differences in the following scales: Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin (STEM_GP12TH-IIg-50); Define coefficient of thermal expansion and coefficient
of volume expansion (STEM_GP12TH-IIg-51); and, Calculate volume or length changes of solids due to changes in temperature


1. Make sure that students have prerequisite knowledge on volume and density.
2. Make sure that students have the following skills: use of thermometers, handling of glassware with liquids.
3. Ask how temperature is measured by a thermometer (recall what they may have learned from lessons in previous grades): 

a. The liquid inside the thermometer expands (rises) when the temperature increases.

b. The thermometer has the same temperature as the object.


1. Ask students about their understanding of temperature and how it affects daily life (some examples given below):
a. Hot and cold food
b. Wearing appropriate clothes for the weather
c. Effect of temperature in weather, etc. 

2. Discuss the qualitative definition of temperature:

a. The hotness or coldness of an object as a measure of its temperature
b. The reliance of this measurement on the sense of touch
c. The unreliability of the senses to make measurements


If the hand is placed in a particular temperature
(hot or cold) long enough, the nerve endings of
1. Have a student place one hand into the warm water and one hand in the cold water.
the hand get used to the first temperature and
2. Wait about a minute and ask the student to close their eyes. “desensitizes” it. Putting the hand in water that
is just a few degrees cooler or warmer, it feels
3. Have the student lift his hand out of the water and switch the bowl of warm water for the bowl
the opposite. So the hand placed in warm water
of room temp water. (Make sure the student doesn’t open his eyes while you do this.) Ask them when placed in room temp water feels cold and
if the water is hot or cold. the hand placed in the cold water when placed
in the room temp water feels hot.
4. After he has answered, do the same thing for the cold water hand and ask the same question. 

Alternatively, you can ask two different students
to experience the warm and cold water.
1. Discuss the“unreliability”of the senses as a standard for temperature measurement.
2. Place one glass each of hot and cold water on the table and show a thermometer to introduce the concept of thermal equilibrium:
a. Hold the thermometer and ask why the reading is not zero (it’s actually measuring room temperature)
b. Ask students to observe what happens to the “liquid”inside the thermometer as you place the thermometer in the hot water (the
liquid rises) and in the cold water (the liquid sinks)
c. Ask students why the liquid in the thermometer stops rising or sinking (the temperature of the water and the thermometer are now
the same)
d. Define thermal equilibrium: (i) the thermometer and its surroundings now have the same temperature and (ii) no further change
happens to both the thermometer and its surroundings.
e. Ask: What does the thermometer measure? (The thermometer actually shows its own temperature. However, because it rapidly gains
thermal equilibrium with its surroundings, then we can consider its temperature as the temperature of the object it is in contact with.)
3. Discuss the Zeroth Law:
a. Introduce insulators (materials that did not allow interaction between substances) and conductors (materials that allowed 

materials to interact) and provide examples
b. Two objects have temperatures A and B and are placed side-by- side. Both A and B are conductors. What will happen to their

If temperatures A and B are the same, nothing changes. If temperature A is higher than B, then A will become cooler and
B will become warmer. If temperature A is lower than B, then A will become warmer and B will become cooler.

c. Discuss: If no change occurs to either A or B, then we know that their temperatures are the same. In this condition, if B is placed
beside another object with temperature C and no change happens to both, then we know that B and C have the same temperature.
What would happen if we then place C beside A? (The temperature of A is the same as C.)
d. This is called the Zeroth Law (note that similarity to the transitive property in mathematics): If object A is in thermal equilibrium with
object B and object B is in thermal equilibrium with object C, then objects A and C are in thermal equilibrium: If TA = TB and TB = TC,
then TA = TC


4. Discuss temperature scales
a. To ensure that the measurement of temperature is objective, a standard is established. There are several standard temperature
scales, three of which are shown in the diagram below:

b. Discuss how to convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit scales:

i. Note the freezing point (0oC and 32oF) and the boiling point 

(100oC and 212oF) of water in the scale
ii. Note also the difference in the number of degrees between the temperature points (0 – 100 or 100 for Celsius and 32 – 212 or
180 for Fahrenheit)
iii. Thus the proportion will be TC : TV = 100 : 180 or TC : TF = 5 : 9. Proportionally, these scales then: Considering that the
Celsius scale is started at 0 and the Fahrenheit scale at 32, then we can write a conversion between scales as:
c. Discuss how to convert between Celsius and Kelvin scales:
i. Same number of degrees/calibrations for both scales but freezing point in the Kelvin scale is 273.15 K (note that 

Kelvin does not use “degree”)
ii. Thus, TK = TC + 273.15.
d. Provide drill examples for conversion and discuss. Use familiar temperatures, such as weather temperatures, body temperatures, etc.
5. Introduce thermal expansion by asking students what happens to objects when temperature increases and to cite examples:
a. Objects expand when temperature increases
b. Some examples: jar cover can be removed by putting the cover in hot water, roads have gaps so they don’t buckle during summer, 

sea levels rise because of warmer temperatures, etc.
6. Define thermal expansion as “the increase in the dimensions of an object as its temperature increases”:

a. Linear expansion is expressed as and the new length can be expressed as
i. Expansion can be explained at the molecular level by the increased vibration in the connections between atoms
ii. All linear dimensions increase so an object with volume will expand volumetrically
iii. The coefficient of linear expansion is constant for specific materials (see table of coefficients)
b. Volume expansion is expressed as where the coefficient of volume expansion is constant for specific materials and
are usually higher for liquids than for solids
7. Solve sample problems of thermal expansion:
a. Concept check: You are given four rectangular sheets.The dimensions of each are: (i) L x L, (ii) L x 2L, (iii) L X 3L, and 3L x 3L. They are all
made from the same material and their temperature is increased to the same amount. Rank the plates according to the increase in their
areas, greatest first. Explain your reasoning.
b. An aluminum baseball bat has a length of 0.86 m at a temperature of 17oC. When the temperature of the bat is raised, the bat lengthens
by 0.00016 m. Determine the final temperature of the bat.
c. One rod is made from lead and another from quartz. The rods are heated and experience the same change in temperature. The change
in length of each rod is the same. If the initial length of the lead rod is 0.10 m, what is the initial length of the quartz rod?
d. A test tube contains 2.54 x 10-4 m3 of liquid carbon tetrachloride at a temperature of 75.0oC. The test tube and the carbon tetrachloride
are cooled to a temperature of – 13.0oC, which is above the freezing point of carbon tetrachloride. Find the volume of tetrachloride in
the test tube at – 13.0oC.
8. Discuss the “anomalous” thermal expansion of water and how this favors life:
a. The temperature vs. density graph for water is shown below. Note that water is at its densest near 0o (actually, about 4o):

b. If mass remains constant, a decrease in density would mean an increase in volume (since ) ; note the decrease in density 

(thus increase in volume) as the temperature increases
c. Conversely, as temperature decreases, volume should also decrease. Note the graph as temperature goes below 0o;
water actually expands as it cools down (this is of course simultaneous with the change of phase from liquid water to solid ice)
d. Cite examples: ice floating in water, lakes freezing at the surface in winter but are water underneath (thereby allowing fish to survive
even in winter), etc.
9. Discuss thermal stress:
a. Roads are built with gaps in between blocks. Why? These gaps are placed to cope with the changes in temperature that the road is
exposed to. Figures below illustrates this:

b. This is called “thermal stress”and can be related to the nature of the material. Derive the expression:

Discuss a sample problem: A steel wire whose length L is 130 cm and whose diameter is 1.1 mm is heated to an average temperature of 830oC
and stretched taut between two rigid supports. What tension develops in the wire as it cools to 20oC?


1. Various kinds of thermometers and how they function (special attention to thermal properties)
2. The basis of each temperature scale: (Celsius,Fahrenheit,Kelvin)


Ask students to explain their reasoning/answers:

a. A piece of square copper sheet with a hole in the middle was heated. Because of thermal expansion, the sheet itself will expand. Will
the hole in the middle expand or shrink with the metal? Explain your answer.
b. Is there a relationship between the Young’s modulus and the thermal linear coefficient of a material? If there is, what is this relationship?

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Heat and Capacity; Calorimetry

Content Standards
The learners shall be able to learn knowledge and application of: LESSON OUTLINE
1. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and Temperature Introduction/ Review on the prerequisite knowledge 5
Review on temperature
2. Thermal expansion
3. Heat and heat capacity Motivation Discussion of previous lesson’s 5
4. Calorimetry assignment

Performance Standards Instruction Experiment Activity 15

The learners shall be able to: Practice Presentation of Activity Results 20
1. Explain the difference and relationship of temperature and heat as well as
Enrichment Discussion of molar heat capacity 5
the mechanisms involved in heat transformation and transfer;
2. Relate the concepts of heat to the concepts of energy, basic kinetic Evaluation Pair-up discussion 10
molecular theory, and states of matter; Materials (for each group) iron stand or tripod,
3. Apply the mechanisms of heat and its transfer to various phenomena; and, alcohol lamp or burner, heat resistant
4. Analyze and solve problems in both the theoretical and practical sense. beaker, 100g mass (metal) math, two
thermometers, two Styrofoam cups (one
with lid), stirrer, weighing scale
Learning Competencies
The learners shall be able to differentiate between temperature and heat; Resource
• Sears’ and Zemanky’s University Physics by Young and
Define heat capacity and explain how it affects the increase and decrease in
Freedman (13th Edition)
temperature of an object.; Solve problems involving temperature,thermal
expansion, heat capacity, heat transfer, and thermal equilibrium in various • Physics by Cutnell and Johnson (8th Edition).
contexts (STEM_GP12TH-IIg-53); Perform an experiment investigating factors
affecting thermal energy transfer (STEM_GP12TH-IIg-54); Carry out measurements using thermometers (STEM_GP12TH-IIg-55).


1. Make sure that students have prerequisite knowledge on temperature.

2. Make sure that students have the following skills: setting-up experiments, measuring quantities using appropriate tools, and handling
hazardous (hot) materials; analyzing data
3. Define heat:
a. Heat is energy that flows from an object of higher temperature to an object of lower temperature
b. An object does not contain heat; an object has internal energy that can be converted to heat and transferred to another object
4. Discuss common conceptions of heat:
a. A body with high temperature is said to be “hot”and to contain“heat” (the idea that “heat” is something that an object “possesses”
and can pass to another)
b. “Isara ang pinto, lalabas ang aircon” (the idea that it is cold air that moves outward, opposite the notion that heat moves from an
object of higher temperature to one of lower temperature)
5. Discuss specific heat capacity:
a. The heat that must be removed or added to an object depends on three factors: (i) the change in temperature, ∆T; (ii) the mass of
the object, m; and (iii) the specific heat capacity, c.
b. These are combined in the equation: Q = mc∆T, where Q = heat lost or gained
Teacher tip
c. From this, a definition of specific heat capacity can be obtained: Alternatively for item 6, you may want to discuss
hot pizza or any pie in which the crust may be
d. Thus, specific heat capacity can be defined as: “the amount of heat needed to raise the
cool enough to eat but not the filling or the
temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 10C” cheese. Lead with the question, “Does the crust
e. The unit for heat is the Joule. and the filling have the same temperature?” Or
hot chocolate may also serve as a good
6. Discuss examples using table of specific heat capacities: example.
a. metals have lower heat capacities so they heat up faster
b. cheese and pie filling have higher heat capacities than the crust, etc.


1. Discuss the previous lesson’s assignment:

a. Types of thermometers (emphasize the scientific principles applied)

Teacher tip
b. The basis of temperature scales. You can sometimes procure a still-working
thermostatic switch from a refrigerator repair
c. How the Kelvin scale was determined (Focus on the graph below) shop.

2. Cite applications of thermal expansion:

a. Tight-fitting metal rods
b. Thermostatic switches


Remind students to: (1) read through the procedure before starting; (2) discuss the procedure first To anticipate student questions as well as to
before proceeding; and (3) record all their data and prepare a short presentation of their results of have approximate results, the teacher should
the following experiment/activity. perform this activity beforehand using the mass
that will be used by the students.
1. Check that the mass of the object is indeed 100 g. Place it in a beaker of water so that it is
completely submerged (but do NOT fill the beaker to the brim!).
2. Boil the mass and the water. Measure the temperature of the water. What does the temperature of the
water tell you about the temperature of the mass? Why are we able to make this assumption?
3. Stack the two Styrofoam tops one on top of the other. Measure the mass of the two cups. Pour cold water
into the topmost cup by approximating just enough to cover the mass. Measure the mass of the water.
Describe how you measured the mass of the water.
4. Cover the cold water (the colder, the better) with the cup lid. Insert the thermometer through the straw-
hole (see figure below) and measure the temperature of the cold water inside the cup. Why do we need
to cover the cup? Also, what is the purpose of stacking the cups?

5. Using a pair of tongs, carefully remove the mass from the boiling water and transfer it to the cup with cold water. Take care that the
thermometer in the lid is placed aside so that it does not come into contact with the mass.
6. Stir the water in the cup slowly about three times. What is the purpose of the stirring?
7. Replace the lid with the thermometer, taking care that the thermometer is not touching the mass. Measure the temperature of the water.
8. Fill the data below:
Mass of standard mass (in g) = ________________

Mass of cold water (in g) = ________________

Initial temperature of standard mass (in oC) = ________________

Initial temperature of water in cup, without mass (in oC) = ________________
Final temperature of water in cup, with mass (in oC) = ________________ 

Using the available data, is it possible to approximate the specific heat capacity of the standard mass? If yes, how would you go about it? Show
your analysis.


1. Let students present and discuss the results of the activity:

a. The boiling water and the standard mass are supposed to achieve thermal equilibrium (this should occur quickly since metals have
low heat capacities)
b. There must be a heat exchange between the standard mass (hotter) and the water in the cup (colder) so that the heat lost by the
standard mass should be equal to the heat gained by the water, as described in Q = mc∆T
c. It is possible to compute for an approximate of the specific heat capacity of the standard mass:

d. This measurement is an approximate because of the energy lost to the environment. 

2. Define calorimetry: “measuring heat”or“ changes in energy of a system by measuring the heat exchanged with the surroundings”
3. Discuss heat exchange and phase change:
a. Discuss the details of the graph below:

b. The amount of heat transferred during a phase change is described by: Q = ± mL ; where m is mass and L can be Lf (heat of fusion)
or Lv (heat of vaporization)
c. When a substance undergoes a phase change directly to gas from a solid without passing through the liquid state, it undergoes
d. A substance that is cooled to a temperature below its freezing point without changing from the liquid phase is supercooled.
4. Discuss examples of calorimetric calculations:
a. Examples with no phase change involved
b. Examples with phase changes involved

1. If time is adequate, discuss molar heat capacity and the Dulong-Petitrule.

2. Provide additional reading on“calorie”as a heat measurement and the“food-calorie”. Ask students to write a synthesis for extra credit. An
article discussing the history of the calorie can be found in:


1. Pair up students to discuss the following questions with the additional caution that their answers must consider the concepts discussed in the
two succeeding lessons (55 & 56):
a. A cool drink“sweats”at room temperature. Why is this so?
b. Putting isopropyl alcohol in your skin makes it feel cold. Why?
c. Why does it sometimes feel very warm right before a thunderstorm? Hint: Try to relate it to humidity and the processes of
condensation and evaporation.
d. If you put your hand inside an oven,your hand does not get burned as long as you don’t touch any of the oven parts. The air
temperature (inside the oven) and the oven temperature are supposed to be the same. Why would this be the case? 

2. Ask pairs (select randomly) to discuss their answers. Discuss, explain, and correct whenever necessary. The students will report to class the
results of the experiment. The students will submit the data sheet and answers to questions.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Mechanisms of Heat Transfer with

Stefan-Boltzmann Law and Applications of
Heat Current Formula for Conduction
Content Standards
The learners shall be able to learn knowledge and application of:
1. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and Temperature LESSON OUTLINE
2. Thermal expansion
Introduction/ Review on the prerequisite knowledge 5
3. Heat and heat capacity Review on temperature and heat capacity
4. Calorimetry
5. Mechanisms of Heat Transfer Motivation Simple observation activity 5
Performance Standards
Instruction Discussion on heat transfer, convection, 30
The learners shall be able to:
conduction, and radiation
1. Explain the difference and relationship of temperature and heat as well as the
mechanisms involved in heat transformation and transfer; Enrichment Discussion of Stefan-Boltzmann Law 10
2. Relate the concepts of heat to the concepts of energy, basic kinetic
molecular theory, and states of matter; Evaluation Essay 10
3. Apply the mechanisms of heat and its transfer to various phenomena; and,
Materials Large beaker of cold water, small
4. Analyze and solve problems in both the theoretical and practical sense. stoppered flask of coloured warm water
Learning Competencies (small enough to fit into the beaker)
The learners shall be able to describe the various modes of heat transfer; Solve
problems involving temperature,thermal expansion, heat capacity, heat transfer, Resource
and thermal equilibrium in various contexts (STEM_GP12TH-IIg-53); Solve • Sears’ and Zemanky’s University Physics by Young and
problems using the Stefan-Boltzmann law and the heat current formula for Freedman (13th Edition)
radiation and conduction. (STEM_GP12TH-IIh-56) 
 • Physics by Cutnell and Johnson (8th Edition).


1. Make sure that students have prerequisite knowledge on temperature and heat capacity.
2. Make sure that students have the following skills: mathematical problem solving, equation analysis.


1. The following activity can be performed in groups or you may demonstrate and let students observe and explain:
a. Pour cold water into a large beaker. Prepare a flask of hot water (about 500C) and color it with food dye. Close it with a stopper with
two holes.
b. Lower and immerse the flask into the beaker of cold water. If the hot water does not flow, you may need to prod one of the holes
with a stirrer to start it.
2. List student observations and explanations (can be done in groups or dyads):
a. Relate densities of cold and hot water to the observed behaviour
b. Provide examples of common phenomena that exhibit the same behaviour (e.g. hot air rises, cold air sinks)
3. Review previous discussions
a. Temperature and thermal expansion
b. Heat capacities
4. Review conventions and definitions
a. Heat moves from object of higher temperature to one of lower temperature
b. Heat is not stored energy; the form that energy takes as it is transferred from one object to another object

MOTIVATION (5 MINS) Teacher tip

If you have access to the internet, the following
site provides good introduction of the three
1. Prepare a cup of hot water and ask students: How will I know if the water is hot or not without modes of heat transfer:

touching the water itself and without using a thermometer content/
2. The answer to the question is related to the fact that the skin is a “thermal sensor”: mit-k12/mit-k12-physics/v/heat-transfer

a. Touch the cup (heat travels to your hand by conduction)
b. Put your hand above the cup of hot water (heat travels to your hand by convection)
c. Put your hand a certain distance from the warm cup (heat travels to your hand by a combination of radiation and convection) 


Teacher tip
How does conduction occur? Sample animation
1. Define heat transfer (the process by which energy from an object of higher temperature is
transferred to an object of lower temperature through heat). meteo003/sites/www.e-
2. Discuss convection:
a. Convection is the process of transferring heat through the movement of a fluid.
b. Differentiate between natural and forced convection by citing examples and
technological applications. (Refer to recommended references or search.) 

3. Discuss conduction:
a. Conduction is the process of transferring heat through the contact of two materials.
b. Some materials are better at conducting heat (thermal conductors) than others (thermal
insulators). Cite examples of objects that are conductors and those that are insulators.
c. Find a table of thermal conductivities of different materials, like the one in the figure on
the right. Which group of substances has high thermal conductivity? Which group of
substances has low thermal conductivity? Based on your answers to the previous
questions, speculate on what makes an object a thermal conductor.
d. Consider a bar that is being heated as shown in the figure. What factors should we
consider as heat transfers from the flame to the hand through the bar? How do these
factors relate to each other?
e. There are several factors that affect conduction:
i. More heat flows for longer time: Q t
ii. The amount of heat that flows is proportional to the difference in temperature
between two objects: Q ∆T

iii. A larger cross-sectional area will mean more heat flowing: Q A
iv. A longer bar will mean longer length for heat to pass through and less heat conducted:
f. We summarize these factors: and Q =

where k is the thermal conductivity (dependent on the kind of material conducting the heat)
g. Provide worked mathematical examples:
i. Conduction through a single material
ii. Conduction through several materials
4. Discuss radiation
a. Radiation is the process of transferring heat through electromagnetic waves.
b. Radiation transfers heat even in the absence of a “medium” (i.e. through a vacuum), the way that sunlight 

travels through space to earth.
c. Briefly discuss EM radiation and how it relates to heat energy:
d. Discuss examples of emitters, absorbers, and reflectors and their various applications:

e. A perfect blackbody is both perfect emitter and a perfect absorber.

f. Discuss: Consider the sun as an emitter. What factors would affect the amount of heat that it emits?
i. The amount of time it is radiating: Q t
ii. The area of the radiating surface: Q A
iii. (experimentally) The absolute temperature: Q T4
g. Discuss the implications of these factors:
a. Thus we get the proportionality and the equation Q = T4 At, where is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 5.67 x
10-8 J/ (s. m2. K4).
b. The equation above is good only for a perfect emitter. For less-than-ideal emitters, an emissivity number e is included in the
equation. The emissivity e is the ratio between the actual emission of the object and its projected emission if it were a perfect
emitter. (Note that e is dimensionless number.)
c. Thus, an object that is emitting 80% of its projected emission will have an emissivity of e = 0.8 and its heat emission will be Q
= (0.8) T4 At. The inclusion of emissivity in the equation is the Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation: Q = e T4 At.


Discuss how the Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law is used to determine the size of stars.
i. Some mathematical examples are presented in the references.
ii. The Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law can be re- written as: which is “luminosity” 

and used to determine the size of stars as well as classify them through the Hertzsprung- Russell diagram.


Is the picture accurate? Explain your answer.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Context-Rich Problem Solving in Heat

and Mechanisms of Heat Transfer
Content Standards
The learners shall be able to learn knowledge and application of:
1. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and Temperature
2. Thermal expansion Introduction/ Review on the prerequisite knowledge 15
3. Heat and heat capacity Review on temperature and heat capacity
4. Calorimetry
Instruction Content-rich Problem Solving 45
5. Mechanisms of Heat Transfer
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to: Materials pen and paper, calculator
1. Explain the difference and relationship of temperature and heat as well as the Resource
mechanisms involved in heat transformation and transfer; • Sears’ and Zemanky’s University Physics by Young and
2. Relate the concepts of heat to the concepts of energy, basic kinetic molecular Freedman (13th Edition)
theory, and states of matter; • Physics by Cutnell and Johnson (8th Edition).
3. Apply the mechanisms of heat and its transfer to various phenomena; and,
4. Analyze and solve problems in both the theoretical and practical sense.
Learning Competencies
The learners shall be able to describe the various modes of heat transfer; Solve problems involving temperature,thermal expansion, heat
capacity, heat transfer, and thermal equilibrium in various contexts (STEM_GP12TH-IIg-53); Solve problems using the Stefan-Boltzmann law
and the heat current formula for radiation and conduction. (STEM_GP12TH-IIh-56) 


1. Make sure that students have prerequisite knowledge on temperature and heat capacity.
2. Make sure that students have the following skills: mathematical problem solving, equation analysis.
3. Review the students on the main ideas and concepts of the two chapters:
a. Temperature scales
b. Temperature and Heat
c. Thermal Expansion
d. Heat Capacity
e. Phase Changes and Heat
f. Modes of Heat Transfer 

4. Clarify muddy points and reinforce ideas when necessary:

a. Differences across constants, such as coefficient of linear/volume expansion, specific heat capacity, latent heat, etc. and the instances
when and where they apply
b. Distinguishing between temperature (oC) and temperature difference(Co)
c. Determining modes of heat transfer


Teacher tip
These problems were chosen to show the width
1. (This problem is a straightforward illustration of conversion among the various temperature
and breadth of the two chapters preceding
scales. You can use this problem to repeat the emphasis on why the Kelvin scale does not use thermodynamics and intend to emphasize the
the degree, “0”, symbol. It also provides an example of the medical application of the “cold major concepts in heat. Most of the problems
treatment” for certain disorders.)
 are pretty straight-forward because students will
have to take into consideration a lot of different

ideas as well as certain conventions (e.g. When
Dermatologists often remove small precancerous skin lesions by freezing them quickly with is heat lost? When is it gained?). As teacher, you
liquid nitrogen, which has a temperature of 77 K. What is this temperature on the (a) Celsius and will know your students best and you can always
(b) Fahrenheit scales? exercise the option of giving them more
complicated problems to analyze. Consider
these as a “starter pack”.

2. (This problem provides a good discussion point regarding the coefficient of linear expansion; the expression that is generated shows that
the coefficient can be derived from the ratio between the change in length and its original length for a given change in temperature. Thus,
for any given temperature change, a substance with a higher coefficient of thermal expansion will also have a higher increase/decrease in
length. The problem also demonstrates how to spot temperature differences – the unit is written in CO instead of OC and the presence of
the verbal clue phrase of “raised by”.)

When the temperature of a coin is raised by 75 CO, the coin’s diameter increases by 2.3 x 10-5 m. If the original diameter of the coin is 1.8 x
10-2 m, find the coefficient of linear expansion.

3. (This is a challenge problem in the sense that students must be able to figure out that the sum of the changes in length of the brass and
aluminum bars must equal the air gap. Once the student is able to figure this out, it is a matter of applying algebraic principles.) 

The brass bar and the aluminum bar in the drawing are each attached to an immovable wall. At 28OC the air gap between the rods is 1.3 x
10-3 m. At what temperature will the gap be closed?

4. This is an introductory problem for the ideas relating to heat gain and heat loss. The idea of “metabolic rate” in terms of heat lost to the
environment is also explored in this problem. Note that in this problem the person experiences “heat loss” that is equal to the water’s “heat
gain”. This is also an opportunity to appreciate how substantial water’s heat capacity is.) 

When resting, a person has a metabolic rate of about 3 x 105 joules per hour. The person is submerged neck-deep into a tub containing 1.2
x 103 kg of water at 21OC. If the heat from the person goes only into the water, find the water temperature after half an hour.

5. (This type of problem is almost a standard for heat capacity problems but it demonstrates the important point of heat being “additive”. This
problem also allows us to recall the relationships between work, energy, and heat while reviewing the concept of power.) 

A 0.35-kg coffee mug is made from a material that has a specific heat capacity of 920 J/(kg.CO) and contains 0.25 kg of water. The cup and
water are at 15OC. To make a cup of coffee, a small electric heater is immersed in the water and brings it to a boil in three minutes. Assume
that the cup and water always have the same temperature and determine the minimum power rating of this heater.

6. (This problem involves a change in phase and is distinguished from the previous problem because changes in phase require a different
constant – heat of fusion as opposed to heat capacity. It is also possible to discuss the direction of heat gain – by the ice cubes – because of
the heat loss of the water. This problem also reviews the concept of density to complete the required values to solve the problem.) 

A thermos contains 150 cm3 of coffee at 85OC. To cool the coffee, you drop two 11-g ice cubes into the thermos. The ice cubes are initially
at 0OC and melt completely. What is the final temperature of the coffee? Treat the coffee as if it were water.

7. (This is almost exclusively an exercise in algebra, were it not for the illustrative comparison of the relationship between conductivity and
length. It shows that, for the same values of temperature difference, rate of heat, and surface area, materials that have high thermal
conductivity can be made longer than materials with lower thermal conductivity.) 

Due to a temperature difference ΔT, heat is conducted through an aluminum plate that is 0.035 m thick. The plate is then replaced by a

stainless steel plate that has the same temperature difference and cross-sectional area. How thick should the steel plate be so that the same
amount of heat per second is conducted through it?

8. (This type of problem explores the use of implicit, as opposed to explicit values. Many student difficulties in problem solving stem from their
inability to grasp context clues. In this problem, the student must be able to surmise that the temperature difference between the ends of
the rods is 100CO. This is a good way to recall the standard temperatures of water in the Celsius scale. This problem also combines with the
concepts of conduction the previous concepts of heat exchange resulting in a change in phase.) 

A copper rod has a length of 1.5m and a cross-sectional area of 4 x 10-4m2. One end of the rod is in contact with boiling water and the
other with a mixture of ice and water. What is the mass of ice that melts per second? Assume no heat is lost through the side surface of the

9. (This problem can be used to re-discuss the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. It is also good practice in algebraic substitution.) 

Sirius B is a white star that has a surface temperature (in kelvin) that is four times that of our sun. Sirius B radiates only 0.040 times the power
radiated by the sun. Our sun has a radius of 6.96 x 108m. Assuming that Sirius B has the same emissivity as the sun, find the radius of Sirius

All data for Sirius B is subscripted as "Si" while that for the sun will have "Su".
10. (This problem is a good discussion point on why bald heads have lower emissivity than heads with hair. You should have a fun discussion.) 

A person is standing outdoors in the shade where the temperature is 28OC. (a) What is the radiant energy absorbed per second by his head
when it is covered by hair? The surface area of the hair (assumed to be flat) is 160cm2 and its emissivity is 0.85. (b) What would be the
radiant energy absorbed per second by the same person if he were bald and the emissivity of his head were 0.65?

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Experiments on Heat Transfer

Content Standards
The learners shall be able to learn knowledge and application of: LESSON OUTLINE
1. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and Temperature Introduction/ Review on the prerequisite knowledge 10
2. Thermal expansion Review on temperature and heat capacity
3. Heat and heat capacity
Instruction Experiment on Heat Transfer 35
4. Calorimetry
5. Mechanisms of Heat Transfer
Performance Standards Evaluation Concluding questions 15
The learners shall be able to:
Materials construction steel cable in various
1. Explain the difference and relationship of temperature and heat as well as the
mechanisms involved in heat transformation and transfer; lengths (at least 3 shorter than 0.5
meter), meter stick, ice, Bunsen burner
2. Relate the concepts of heat to the concepts of energy, basic kinetic molecular
or alcohol lamp, tripod, beakers,
theory, and states of matter;
calipers, 2 metal cans, awl (anything
3. Apply the mechanisms of heat and its transfer to various phenomena; and, sharp to pierce a hole in the can),
4. Analyze and solve problems in both the theoretical and practical sense. weighing scale, graduated cylinder,
protective gloves
Learning Competencies
The learners shall be able to perform an experiment investigating factors Resource
affecting thermal energy transfer and analyze the data – identifying deviations • Sears’ and Zemanky’s University Physics by Young and
from theoretical expectations when appropriate. (STEM_GP12TH-IIg-54) Freedman (13th Edition)

 • Physics by Cutnell and Johnson (8th Edition).

Students will be using an open flame and
objects with high temperatures so it is necessary
1. Make sure that students have prerequisite knowledge on modes of heat transfer, heat capacity to ensure their safety. If available, protective
and heat of fusion. gear must be used.
2. Make sure that students have the following skills: use of laboratory equipment such as calipers
and thermometers and handling of hot (1000C) materials.
3. Review the equation for heat conduction:
4. Introduce the activity: The purpose is to examine and confirm the relationship of the variables in the equation above as well as measure an
approximate value for thermal conductivity of the metal rod.
5. Review lab safety procedures.


1. Experiment: Measuring Thermal Conductivity:

a. Measure the length of three rods and their cross-sectional areas
b. Make a small hole around the middle of the cans. Put water in one can up to the level of the hole and boil it. Put ice in the other can
and cover it with insulating but non- absorbent material. Thread one of the metal rods into the holes in the cans. The set-up is
roughly diagrammed as follows:

c. Maintain this set-up for about three minutes after which remove the rod. Immediately pour out the water from the melted ice and
measure its mass. (Note: if there is no weighing scale, the volume can be measured and the mass computed using the density of
water.) Repeat this procedure three times.
d. Repeat the procedure in (c) for the two other rods. 

e. Fill up the table below and discuss the results: 

Time (s) Δ T (CO) Area (m2) Mass of Compute for Q Compute for k
Melted ice

Rod 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Rod 2

Rod 3

Teacher tip
Students will require some guidance in
EVALUATION (5 MINS) presenting their results. The use of graphs and
1. Ask students to present their results and discuss. diagrams during their discussion would be
2. Ask students to devise another experiment to confirm the relationship of other variables. 
 helpful. Provide sufficient guidance in the
creation of these.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Ideal gas law and applications; Internal

energy of an ideal Gas; Heat capacity of ideal gases
Content Standards
The learners shall be able to learn knowledge and application of:
1. Ideal gas law Introduction/ Cite instances wherein the interplay of 5
Review pressure, temperature, volume, and/or
2. Internal energy of an ideal gas
number of particles of a gas is observed.
3. Heat capacity of an ideal gas
Instruction Discussion of the following: 35
4. Thermodynamic systems
• Ideal gas law
Learning Competencies
The learners shall be able to numerate the properties of an ideal gas • Kinetic theory of ideal gases
(STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-57); Solve problems involving ideal gas equations in • Heat capacity of ideal gases
contexts such as, but not limited to, the design of metal containers for Practice Plug and play problem 5
compressed gases (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-58); Distinguish among system, wall, and
surroundings (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-59). Enrichment Use of ideal gas law in explaining 5
storage tank implosion

Evaluation Problem solving exercise 10
• Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday and Resnick (9th Edition)
• Storage tank implosion:

Teacher tip
1. Cite instances wherein the interplay of pressure, temperature, volume, and/or number of Blowing up a microwave using a bottle of water:
particles of a gas is observed.
a. When you microwave food in a container, you make sure you remove the lid. This is
because when you heat the food, the temperature of the air inside the container
increases. Also, water molecules evaporate, increasing the number of gas particles inside the container. As a result, the pressure
inside the container increases until it’s enough to pop the lid off, or worse, break the container.
b. In some car engines, air is mixed with a mist of fuel. To ignite the fuel, the gas chamber is compressed. The volume of the air-fuel gas
decreases, and as a result, temperature increases until it’s hot enough that the fuel ignites.
3. Pressure decreases with altitude. So when an airplane ascends, the pressure in air-tight containers decreases, and as a result, the
volume of the air inside air-tight packages increases, making them look inflated.*
2. Summarize the results and state the objectives of the lecture: the pressure, temperature, volume, and number of particles of a gas are
interrelated. The exact relationships vary from one gas to another, but under certain conditions, all gases behave similarly. In this lecture, we
will discuss this general behavior.


Ideal Gas Law
1. Point out that the relationship of pressure, volume, temperature, and number of particles differs from one gas to another, but under small
enough pressures and high enough temperatures, the discrepancies tend to disappear. All gases approach the so-called ideal gas.
2. State the ideal gas law: Under small enough pressures and high enough temperatures, all gases follow the equation of state
pV = nRT
where p is pressure, V is volume n is the number of moles of gas, T is temperature, and R is a constant of proportionality.

State the other form involving the number of particles N of the gas:

pV = NkT

Point out that R = kNA, where NA, is the Avogadro’s number. Emphasize that an ideal gas is just an idealization and is only applicable under
certain circumstances.

Kinetic theory of ideal gases

1. Ask a series of questions that would lead the class to the objective of this part of the lecture:
a. Does a gas have energy?
b. Can we compute for the energy of a gas? What expression can we use?
c. How do we get the speed?
Yes, a gas has energy. Each particle in the gas moves, so it must have a kinetic energy. We can compute for the energy if we knew the
masses and speeds of each particles; the kinetic energy of the gas would just be the sum of all The speeds differ from one particle
to another, but we can get the average speed by relating it to pressure. That means, at best, we can only compute for the average energy of
a gas. State the objective of this part of the lecture: We want to derive an expression for the kinetic energy of an ideal gas.
2. Consider an ideal gas confined in a cube of side length L. Consider one particle striking one of the
walls. Convince the class (using the figure below as visual reinforcement) that by impulse
momentum theorem, the impulse delivered by the wall on the particle along the x-axis is given by

and hence, by Newton’s 3rd Law, the impulse delivered by the particles on
the wall is +2mvx.
3. Convince the class that the time in between collisions with this wall is equal to the time it takes for
the molecule to travel to the opposite wall and then back again, that is

4. From the previous two equations, derive an expression for the force on the wall:
Teacher tip
Students might get confused between
(pressure) and (x-component of momentum). It
might be better to just spell out the word
momentum in the derivation to avoid confusion.
5. Convince the class that the pressure on the wall is the sum of the forces due to all particles.
Derive an expression for the pressure on the wall:

There might be a need to go slow here and
emphasize what each symbol means. If the
students are not yet familiar with the summation
symbol, just write down it down in expanded
Multiply and divide the right-hand side of the equation by the N. Point out that the average
value of the square of the speeds is

and so the previous relation can be written as

6. Perform the following manipulations on the board:

By ideal gas law,

Cancel out N and multiply both sides by 1/2.

Notice that the right-hand side is the average kinetic energy of a particle for the motion along the x-axis. We still need to add the contributions
of motions along the y- and z-axes. By symmetry, they should all have the same contributions. Hence, the average kinetic energy of a particles is

and the total kinetic energy of the system is

Emphasize the simplicity and significance of the equation: When we measure the temperature of an ideal gas, we are also measuring the
average kinetic energy of the particles comprising it.

Heat capacity of ideal gases

1. Review the concept of heat capacity. Write down the previously derived expression for the heat required to increase a temperature when
volume is held constant:

2. Recall in class that heat is energy in transit, and argue that the heat we put into a system amounts exactly to the energy increase of the

3. Using the previous two expressions, derive an expression for the heat capacity of an ideal gas:
Teacher tip
This is only true because we held the volume of
the container constant. Otherwise, there will be
work done to the environment, and by then the
1st law of thermodynamics must be used.


1. Give a simple plug-and-play example: What is the volume, total kinetic energy, and heat capacity (at constant volume) of a container with 1
mole of an ideal gas at standard temperature and pressure (STP)


1. Show the students this video of a storage tank imploding:

2. Give an introduction: Steam was used to clean the interior of a storage tank. The hot gas was left to cool without properly venting it. This is
what happened next.
3. Give a minute for the students to think about the reason why the storage tank collapsed in the context of ideal gas law.
Give the explanation: As the steam cooled down, temperature decreased. Also, some of the steam condensed to water, decreasing the number
of gas molecules. The volume (prior to implosion) was constant. It follows from ideal gas law, pV=NkT, that the pressure should also decrease.
The internal pressure reached a value so low that the external pressure outside was able to crush the tank.


1. Give the class 2 or 3 plug-and-play problems, similar to the practice problem but solving for different unknowns.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Work done during Volume Changes and

the First Law of Thermodynamics
Content Standards
The learners shall be able to learn knowledge and application of:
1. Thermodynamic Systems
2. Work done during volume changes Introduction/ Brief history of the engine; definition of 5
Review terms
3. First Law of thermodynamics
Learning Competencies
Motivation Observation activity 5
The learners shall be able to define thermodynamic systems and processes; Instruction Discussion proper 40
state and explain the Zeroth and First Law of Thermodynamics; apply the First
Law of Thermodynamics to the appropriate situations; Compute the work done
Enrichment Review of the Zeroth Law of 5
by a gas using dW=PdV (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-61); and, state the relationship Thermodynamics
between changes in internal energy, work done, and thermal energy supplied Evaluation Computation activity 5
through the First Law of Thermodynamics (STEM_GP12GLT-IIH-62).
Materials rice cooker, water, more reference

materials if available
• Sears’ and Zemanky’s University Physics by Young and
Freedman (13th Edition)
• Physics by Cutnell and Johnson (8th Edition).

Review students’ understanding of equations of
state, energy transfer through mechanical means
1. Use the demonstration above to discuss the history of the engine in the industrial age and the and heat, and law of conservation of energy.
early beginnings of thermodynamics. (Please Google: “history of thermodynamics”, if you have
internet access) Discuss the need for engines for manufacture and transport that do not require Review the following skills: recall of appropriate
related concepts, symbolic analysis of quantities,
animals or people as source of mechanical energy. Discuss how steam was the first option for
associating appropriate phenomena to scientific
engines. (Or you may ask a group of your students to prepare a short presentation on this.) concepts.
2. Define some starting terms: For item 1, an advanced assignment to students
will provide for a more engaged discussion.
a. Thermodynamics - the study of relationships involving heat, mechanical work, and other
aspects of energy and energy transfer (from University Physics) or
b. Thermodynamics: therme (heat) + dynamis (power or force causing motion)
c. Thermodynamic system – an object or group of objects with the capacity to exchange
energy with its surroundings through a thermodynamic process
d. Thermodynamic process – a change in a system’s pressure, volume, temperature, or
mass, which is sometimes referred to as a “change in state” (review from previous
lessons on the ideal gas)

MOTIVATION (5 MINS) Teacher tip

Emphasize the heat transfer from flame to water,
Boil some water in the rice cooker before the class so that, by the beginning of the class, the water the changes that water undergo as it is heated
(conversion to steam), the energy carried by the
will already be boiling. Boil just enough so that the resulting steam will be strong enough to lift the water (steam) at the higher temperature, and its
lid (the steam will periodically “rattle” the lid). Ask the class, in open discussion, to observe and ability to do work in this state.
explain their observations. Use directing questions such as, “what do you think lifts the lid?” and
“why does the lid fall back down?”


1. Discuss an example of a thermodynamic system by referring to the earlier demonstration:

a. Ask: Which of the materials here can be considered a thermodynamic system?
b. Emphasize: A thermodynamic system must have the capacity to exchange energy with its surroundings through a thermodynamic
c. Discuss: Steam can be considered a thermodynamic system because it can lift the lid (do work on the lid – mechanical energy
transfer) by expanding (changing its volume state)
d. Ask students for other examples of possible thermodynamic systems (the general rule being these examples should require a change
of state for the object or objects)
2. Discuss the work done by a thermodynamic system and how it relates to changes in state:
a. Consider a gas inside a container that has a movable piston:

b. The gas exerts pressure on its container given by: or

c. The gas is able to move the piston upwards by a certain displacement, d, which we can refer to as d = dx︎ so that ︎W = Fdx when
cos⦵ = 1.
d. Substitution of F = PA to W = Fdx yields: W = PAdx︎︎. We note that ︎Adx = dV, or a change in volume.
e. Thus, the work done by an expanding gas can be written as: W = PdV.
3. Discuss further details of the work done by an expanding gas:
1. This is also called an isobaric thermal process and can be graphed thus:

2. The area under the curve can be computed as PdV, which indicates that this area is a representation of the work done by the gas.
3. Discussion point: What happens to the work done if the values of final and initial volumes are exchanged? (Recall discussion on
“work done by system” and “work done on system”)
4. Discuss P-V diagrams and the implication to the work done:

The work done in P-V graphs can be computed from the “area under the curve”(in the graphs below, the curve is the blue line); note that
work is positive when volume increases (Vf > Vi), work is negative when volume decreases (Vf < Vi), and work is zero if there is no change in
volume (graph not shown – ask students to draw that graph)

5. Review previous lessons on energy and heat and how they affect internal energy:
a. In mechanics, we learn that W = ± ︎∆U︎ and there are two possible outcomes:
i. If the system does work, Ui > Uf and ∆U = -W

ii. If work is done on the system, Uf > Ui and ∆U = W
b. In heat transfer, we learn that ︎Q = ∆U︎ and there are two possible outcomes:
i. If there is heat loss, Ui > Uf and ∆U = -Q
ii. If there is heat gain, Uf > Ui and ∆U = Q

6. Discuss: Consider a thermodynamic system that is able to absorb heat and do work:
a. If W = 0 and Q is added, then: ∆U = Q
b. If Q = 0 and W is done by the system, then ∆U = -W
c. Thus, combining these would yield: ∆U = Q - W
7. Restate 4c: Q = ∆U + W
a. The heat gain of a thermodynamic system changes its internal energy and allows it to do work.
b. Statement 4c and its restatement are both statements of the First Law of Thermodynamics and show the relationship between
internal energy, mechanical work, and heat. It is also a restatement of the Law of Conservation of Energy.
c. Ask students to explain why we can consider the statement/s above as being the same as the Law of Conservation of Energy.
8. Discuss implications of the First Law of Thermodynamics:

a. While the term ∆U︎ indicated potential energy in mechanics, it is now used to indicate internal energy, which may be considered as
the sum of potential and kinetic energies possessed by the system – thus, the measurement of internal energy is always indirect and
only through the change that is caused by either Q or W.
b. Special case 1: When ∆U= 0, or Ui= Uf,the system is said to have undergone a cyclic process so that Q = W︎. This essentially means
that all the heat that enters a system is transformed into work.

c. Special case 2: When a system does no work on its surroundings and there is no heat flow, W = Q = 0 so that there is also no change
in the internal energy. This kind of system is an isolated system.
9. Discuss sample problems:
a. You propose to eat a 900-calorie candy bar and then walk up stairs until you have “burned” all the energy you have taken in. How
high do you have to climb to achieve this? Assume that your mass is 50 kg. 

We recall that a 1 food calorie = 1000 calories = 4,190 Joules. Thus, the energy from the candy bar is 3.77 x 106 Joules. We assume
that this energy comes in the form of heat gain for the body and you propose to convert this all to work (Special Case 1) so that: Q
= 3.77 x 10︎6︎ Joules. The work needed to climb the stairs is equal to your weight and the vertical displacement so that: W = mgh.

Thus, Q = W = mgh and h = Q/mg. We get and answer of h = 7,696 m; quite a long way to go for a candy bar.
b. One gram of boiling water (1cm3) becomes 1671 cm3 of steam when boiled at constant pressure of 1.013 x 105 Pa. The heat of
vaporization at this pressure is Lv = 2.256 x 106 J/kg. Compute: (a) the work done by the water when it vaporizes and (b) its increase
in internal energy. 


In (a), the work done is defined by the change in volume so that W = PdV. We note the quantities of: ︎P = 1.013x︎105 Pa Vi = 1 ︎x 10-6
m3, ︎and Vf︎ = 1671 x︎ 10-6m3︎. Substitution to the equation yields that the work done by the vaporizing water is: W = 160 J. 

In (b), the change in internal energy is given by: ∆U = Q - W︎︎. We compute for the heat gained by the water from: ︎Q︎= mLv = (1x10-3
kg) . By substituting the values to the equation, we obtain: ∆U = Q - W = 2256J - 160J = 2,087J.
c. The P-V diagram below shows a series of thermodynamic processes. In process ab, 150 J of heat are added to the system. In process
bd, 600 J of heat are added. Find (a) the internal energy change in process ab; (b) the internal energy change in process abd; and (c)
the total heat added in the process acd. 

We begin by writing what is given at the onset: Qab = 150 J and Qbd = 600J.

To answer (a), we note that dV = 0 so W = 0. This means that ∆Uab = Qab - Wab = 150J - 0 = 150J.

To answer (b), we note that: Wabd = Wab +

Wbd such that Wab = 0 and Wbd = PdV =

(8x104Pa)(5x10-3m3 - 2x10-3m3) 240J. And the heat is:

Qabd = Qab + Qbd = 150J +600J = 750J. We can solve for

the change in internal energy by: ∆Uabd = Qabd - Wabd =

750J - 240J = 510J.

To answer (c), we note that the path abd and acd are

equivalent (both lead to point d and internal energy is not path

dependent) so that we can assume that the internal energy

change is the same for both: ∆Uabd = ∆Uacd = 510J. To find the

heat added, we first look at the work done in acd: Wacd = 

Wac + Wcd = PdVac + 0 (since there is no volume change from

c to d). We thus solve: Wacd = (3x104Pa)(5x10-3m3 -

2x10-3m3) =90J. From here, we go back to: ∆Uacd = Qacd - 

Wacd and Qacd = ∆Uacd + Wacd = 510J + 90J = 600J.

Review the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics:
a. Explain why it is called the “zeroth” (i.e. there was already a “first” law but that the zeroth law is more fundamental than the other
b. Recall thermal equilibrium: Two objects with the same temperature are in “thermal equilibrium” because no heat will flow between
objects of the same temperature
c. Recall heat flow: Heat will flow from an object of higher temperature to an object of lower temperature in an attempt to achieve
thermal equilibrium
d. State and explain the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: “Two systems individually in thermal equilibrium with a third system are in
thermal equilibrium with each other.”
Ask students to recall what mathematical property of equality is similar to the Zeroth law (transitive property).


The graph below shows the thermodynamic changes in a lung as it inhales and exhales (Note: this graph
is a straightened approximation). How many joules of net work does this lung do during one complete

General Physics 1 120 MINS

Application of 1st Law of

Thermodynamics to Adiabatic, Isothermal,
Isobaric, and Isochoric processes; Heat engine
and Engine Cycles.
Introduction/ Review of prerequisite knowledge 10
Content Standards
The learners shall be able to learn knowledge and application of:
1. 1st law of Thermodynamics and Thermodynamic processes Motivation Observation activity 15
2. adiabatic, isothermal, isobaric, isochoric process
3. Heat engines
Instruction Discussion proper 80
4. Engine cycles
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to Solve multi-concept, rich context problems using Enrichment Homework
concepts from rotational motion, fluids, oscillations, gravity, and

Learning Competencies Evaluation Seatwork 15

The learners shall be able to differentiate the following thermodynamic
processes and show them on a PV diagram: isochoric, isobaric, isothermal,
adiabatic, and cyclic (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-63); Use the First Law of Resource
Thermodynamics in combination with the known properties of adiabatic, • Essentials of College Physics, Serway
isothermal, isobaric, and isochoric processes (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-64); Define • Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Tipler
the mechanism of a heat engine and describe it using an energy-flow diagram; 

• University Physics with Modern Physics, Young and Freedman
explain how a heat engine can operate in reverse; calculate the efficiency of a
• Physics, Cutnell and Johnson
heat engine (STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-67).


1. Make sure that students have prerequisite knowledge on PV diagrams, First Law of Thermodynamics, work done on a gas, heat, internal
energy, temperature, and heat capacity.
2. Make sure that students have the following skills: Sketching PV diagrams and the direction of energy flow, performing basic differential
calculus techniques, performing integration to solve for the area under a curve, and doing simple arithmetic calculations.
3. Review the students on the following topics:
• Definition of an ideal gas and the ideal gas equation of state
• Heat capacity of a gas
• Work done on a gas at constant pressure and the effect on its 

internal energy
• PV diagrams, calculating the area under the curve by integration, 

and path dependence.
• First Law of Thermodynamics and practical applications in 

contexts such as human metabolism.


1. Do a quick demonstration on cloud formation in a water bottle. For the procedure, refer to the link:
categories/experiments/weather/2011/03/make-a-cloud-in-a- bottle.aspx; the alternative address is
2. While squeezing the bottle, ask the students the following:
• Does the number of air molecules inside the bottle change?
• Does the air pressure inside the water bottle increase or decrease?
• Compare the pressure inside the bottle with the atmospheric pressure.
• Does the temperature inside the water bottle increase or decrease?
3. As you remove the bottle cap, ask the students the same set of questions as the ones listed above.
4. Explain how the clouds are formed inside the water bottle
• Importance of the smoke (i.e. it acts as the condensation nuclei).
• Temperature, pressure, work and internal energy relations during the process.

An important thermodynamic process happens during cloud formation; introduce the term adiabatic cooling. 


In calorimetry, the latter is the one usually being
measured since the atmosphere dictates the
1. As a prerequisite, define the heat capacities at constant volume and at constant pressure, cv and pressure which is approximately constant at sea
cp, respectively. level
2. Relate cv and cp. Teacher tip
• The heat capacity at constant pressure is greater than the heat capacity at constant volume by Students may encounter the inexact differential
of some variable x, đ#. This refers to the path
an amount given by the gas constant and the number of moles of that gas. dependence of a variable. As an example,
• As a result, some gases such as helium and carbon dioxide have different gas constants. internal energy is path independent since only
the endpoints matter; it doesn’t matter if the
• The ratio of the heat capacities cp/cv!is given by the adiabatic index, γ 
 process happens fast or slow or if it changed
first in between before settling in its final state,
hence it can be expressed as an exact
differential. Heat and thermodynamic work is
path dependent because they describe a

Cv Cp Cv - Cp
γ = Cp/Cv
J/mol - K J/mol - K J/mol - K
Type of Gas Gas

Monatomic He 12.47 20.78 8.31 1.67

Ar 12.47 20.78 8.31 1.67

Diatomic H2 20.42 28.74 8.32 1.41

N2 20.76 29.07 8.31 1.40

O2 20.85 29.17 8.31 1.40

CO 20.85 29.16 8.31 1.40

Polyatomic CO2 28.46 36.94 8.48 1.30

SO2 31.39 40.37 8.98 1.29

H2S 25.95 34.60 8.65 1.33

Molar heat capacities of some gases at low pressure.

3. Define a thermodynamic process and discuss the different thermodynamic processes.

4. Adiabatic process
a. The change in internal energy of a system is solely due to the work done on the system. Hence, there is zero energy transfer by heat.
i. Such a process occurs when the system is thermally isolated.
ii. It also depends on the brevity of the process (i.e., a very fast thermodynamic process can be considered adiabatic since there
is no time for any significant transfer of energy by heat.). 

b. Write the First Law for an adiabatic process and discuss what happens to the following state variables when an ideal gas is
compressed and expands adiabatically:
i. Internal energy
ii. Temperature 

c. Show the PV diagram for an adiabatic process and compare the steepness of the curve with respect to an isotherm passing through
the same point. The behavior of the curve can be expressed in terms of the adiabatic index γ:
PVγ = constant
d. Provide real life examples of adiabatic processes (e.g. opening a cork from a bottle of champagne).
5. Isothermal Process
a. The temperature of a system is constant during an isothermal process
i. A heat reservoir supplies energy onto the system by heat as the system uses up its energy to perform work, hence
maintaining a constant temperature.
ii. In an ideal gas, since the temperature is a constant, the change in internal energy dU is zero.
b. Given the conditions, write the First Law for an ideal gas undergoing an isothermal process and interpret this new expression.
c. Hence, an ideal gas in an isothermal process follows Boyle’s Law:
pV = constant
d. Show the PV diagram; the curve for which the temperature is constant is called an isotherm.
e. e. Have real life examples of isothermal processes (e.g. phase changes).
6. Isochoric process
a. A system undergoes a thermodynamic process at a constant volume with no work done during the process.
b. Formulate the First Law for an ideal gas proceeding in an isochoric process and show that the change in internal energy is equal to 

the energy transferred by heat.
c. Sketch the PV diagram for an isochoric process; the vertical line is called an isochor. The students would easily see that there is no 

area and hence, no work.
d. Have real life examples of isochoric processes (e.g. pressure cookers
7. Isobaric Process
a. At constant pressure, formulate the First Law for an ideal gas. Its internal energy change would have the form:
dU = đQ − pdV
b. Sketch the PV diagram for an isobaric process; the horizontal line is called an isobar. The area under the curve for this process would
then be analogous to the area of a rectangle.
c. Have real life examples of isobaric processes (e.g. heating a monatomic gas in a cylinder covered by a movable frictionless piston). 

8. Define a heat engine and discuss its importance and applications in various contexts such as in automotive vehicles, appliances, and power
9. Discuss how a heat engine works by focusing on the following:
• Reversible and cyclic processes
• Ideal heat engines and thermodynamic equilibrium
• Working substance
• Formulation of the First Law of Thermodynamics
10. Flash or sketch the energy flow diagram of a heat engine and discuss how heat is partially converted to work and the remaining to be
absorbed by the cold reservoir.

11. Ask the students if it is possible to convert all the input heat into useful work (after some pauses, hint the students on the Second Law of
Thermodynamics which will be fully studied later as the lecture progresses).
12. Starting with the First Law, derive the expression for the efficiency of a heat engine.

13. As an application, discuss how heat engines can operate in reverse, i.e., consider heat pumps and refrigerators.
• Show the energy-flow diagram of a refrigerator
• Explain the coefficient of performance (COP) for both heating and 

cooling modes
14. Have the following problems as examples:
• An automobile engine has an efficiency of 22% and produces 2510 J of work. How much heat is rejected by the engine? (See ref. 4)
• The energy absorbed by an engine is three times greater than the work it performs. (a) What is its thermal efficiency? (b) What
fraction of the energy absorbed is expelled to the cold reservoir?
• 2.00 L of leftover soup at a temperature of 323 K is placed in a refrigerator. Assume the specific heat of the soup is the same as that
of water and the density is 1250 kg/m3. The refrigerator cools the soup to 283 K. (a) If the COP of the refrigerator is 5.00, find the
energy needed, in the form of work, to cool the soup. (b) If the compressor has a power rating of 0.250 hp, for what minimum length
of time must it operate to cool the soup to 283 K? (The minimum time assumes the soup cools at the same rate that the heat pump
ejects thermal energy from the refrigerator.).

1. An ideal compressible monatomic gas of n moles occupies a volume at STP whose equation of state is given by the ideal gas equation:

pV = nRT
a. Express this equation in a form such that it is independent on the amount of the gas, that is, relate the ideal gas equation with density ρ. 

b. Suppose that the gas expands at the expense of its energy, however, a heat bath is in contact with the system compensating for the loss in
energy. What happens to the density of the gas? 

Density, therefore depends on the state variables. In oceanography, a term called isopycnal, is useful to distinguish different layers of water

arising from a process known as stratification. Define an isopycnal. 


1. As an assessment tool, have the students answer the following questions and place it on a 1⁄4 sheet of paper:
a. Given the following processes:
i. Expansion of the burned gasoline – air mixture in the cylinder of an automobile engine;
ii. Opening a bottle of champagne;
iii. Filling a scuba tank with compressed air;
iv. Partial crumpling of a sealed, empty water bottle, as you drive 

from the mountains down to the sea level. 

b. Identify (a) which has a negative or positive work done on the gas and (b) which process has increased or decreased the internal energy
of the gas
c. You want to cool a storage cylinder containing 20 moles of compressed gas from 41oC to 25oC. For which kind of gas would this be
easiest? (a) Monatomic, (b) diatomic, (c) polyatomic, (d) it would be equally easy for the three
d. Cite one example for each type of thermodynamic process. 

2. Show a video of a toy called insatiable birdie in action.

• Call on a student and have him/her explain why it is repeatedly tipping off using the principles of a heat engine from his/her
• If there were no volunteers, you may do a cold call.
• Discuss how it works as you close the lecture


Heat capacities at constant pressure and temperature:

Writing the First Law of Thermodynamics at constant volume would mean,

Which then follows that,

At constant pressure, dU can be expressed in terms of cp as,

dU = cpdT - pdV
Since we are dealing with ideal gases, recall that the equation of state and taking dp = 0 gives,
pdV = nRdT
Substituting the terms, and solving for dU,
dU = cpdT - nRdT
Recall that the internal energy of an ideal gas only depends on temperature; even if the volume is changing, cv would still be equal to
dU/dT. Therefore,

cvdT = cpdT - nRdT

cp - cv = nR
cp - cv = nR
Heat capacity ratio of ideal gases:

General Physics 1 60 MINS

2nd Law of
Introduction/ Recall the First Law of Thermodynamics 2

Thermodynamics Motivation Ask the students to predict what will happen

if you left some ice cubes floating in a glass
of water for 5 minutes

Content Standards Instruction/ A. Discuss the second law of 30

2nd Law of Thermodynamics; Reversible and Irreversible processes Delivery thermodynamics
B. Discuss the Clausius statement of the
second law.
Performance Standards
Solve multi-concept, rich context problems using concepts from rotational C. Discuss the Kelvin-Planck Statement of
motion, fluids, oscillations, gravity, and thermodynamics the second law of thermodynamics
D. Discuss the equivalence of the Heat
Engine and Refrigerator Statements
Learning Competencies E. Discuss irreversible and reversible
1. (STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-70) State the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. processes
2. (STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-68) Describe reversible and irreversible processes. F. Discuss the conditions for reversibility

 G. Give examples of irreversible processes.

Practice Using peer instruction strategy, ask the 10

students to give examples of reversible and
irreversible processes and discuss them
among themselves

Evaluation Give a quiz on determining whether a 10

process is reversible or irreversible

See Appendix


Recall the First Law of Thermodynamics.


Now, consider some ice cubes floating in a glass of water. If we let it be for 5 minutes, what will happen to the ice and water? Which of these
two scenarios are more probable to happen:

A. The ice will melt and the water will be the colder.
B. The ice will be larger and the water will be hotter.

ANSWER: A. The ice will melt and the water will be the colder. 

In the first scenario, there is flow of energy from the substance with higher temperature (water) to the substance with lower temperature (ice). In
the second case, the flow of energy will be from the ice to the water that is why the ice became more frozen and the water’s temperature
increased. Both scenarios do not violate the first law of thermodynamics. Energy can be conserved in each case. However, the first law of
thermodynamics does not tell the whole story. Many thermodynamic processes proceed naturally in one direction but not the opposite. For
example, heat by itself always flows from a hot body to a cooler body, never the reverse. Why not? It has something to do with the directions of
thermodynamic processes and is called the second law of thermodynamics.


1. Discuss the second law of thermodynamics.

The second law of thermodynamics states that:

Heat energy is transferred spontaneously from a hotter to a colder system but never from a colder system to a hotter system.

2. Discuss the Clausius statement of the second law.

Consider the process shown in the diagram.


Heat flows from a hot reservoir to a cold reservoir through some material. As long as QH is equal to QC, this process obeys the 1st Law.

Long experience has taught us that heat does indeed flow spontaneously from hot to cold. But what about if heat flows in the opposite
direction? Is that possible?

It is possible to make heat flow from a cold reservoir to a hot reservoir. One way to do this is to use a heat pump. However, a heat pump
cannot operate without any work input.

There are many ways to state the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. The form that is easiest to understand is the Clausius Statement of the 2nd

Clausius Statement: It is impossible for any process to have as its sole result the transfer of heat from a cooler to a hotter body.

This is also called the “refrigerator” statement of the second law. Basically, this statement means that heat pumps require a net work input.

3. Discuss the Kelvin-Planck Statement of the second law of thermodynamics. 

Experimental evidence suggests strongly that it is impossible to build a heat engine that converts heat completely to work--that is, an
engine with 100% thermal efficiency. This impossibility is the basis of one statement of the second law of thermodynamics, as follows: 

Kelvin-Planck statement: It is impossible for any system to undergo a process in which it absorbs heat from a reservoir at a single
temperature and converts the heat completely into mechanical work, with the system ending in the same state in which it began. 

This is also called the “engine” statement of the second law. Basically, it says that thermodynamic cycles cannot completely convert heat
into work. 

4. Discuss the equivalence of the Heat Engine and Refrigerator Statements 

We can prove that the heat-engine and refrigerator statements (or the Kelvin and Clausius statements) of the second law of thermodynamics
are actually equivalent by showing that if either statement is assumed to be false, the other must also be false. 

Consider an ordinary refrigerator as shown in the figure. 


This refrigerator uses 50 J of work to remove 100 J of energy from a cold reservoir and reject 150 J of energy to a hot reservoir. If the heat
engine statement of the second law were not true, a perfect heat engine could remove energy from the hot reservoir and convert it
completely into work with 100% efficiency. We could use this perfect heat engine to remove 50 J of energy from the hot reservoir and do 50

J of work. Then, using the perfect heat engine in conjunction with the ordinary refrigerator, we could construct a perfect refrigerator that
would transfer 100 J of energy from the cold reservoir to the hot reservoir without requiring any work. But, this violates the refrigerator
statement of the second law. Therefore, if the heat engine statement is false, the refrigerator statement is also false.

5. Discuss irreversible and reversible processes. 

The Kelvin-Planck Statement tells us that the efficiency of a heat engine must be less than 100%.What is the maximum efficiency for a heat

To determine the maximum efficiency of a heat engine we need to define an ideal process and determine the efficiency of such a process.
The ideal process is called a reversible process.

Reversible processes are processes in which both the system and its surroundings can be simultaneously returned to their initial states after
the process has been completed.

It is important to realize that reversible processes are ideal processes and no real process is completely reversible. This leads us to the
definition of an irreversible process.

Irreversible processes are processes in which the system and its surroundings cannot be simultaneously returned to their initial states after
the process has been completed. Irreversible processes are those that proceed spontaneously in one direction but not the other.
Thermodynamic processes that occur in nature are all irreversible processes. Heat flow with finite temperature difference, free expansion of
a gas, and conversion of work to heat by friction are all irreversible processes. In these processes the system is not in thermodynamic
equilibrium at any point until the end of the process. They are all nonequilibrium processes.

It is often easy to return the system to its initial state, but while doing so we often disturb the surroundings by the exchange of heat or work
with the system. In fact, no real process is completely reversible. We can never return the entire universe to the state it was in before any
given process took place.

6. Discuss the conditions for reversibility. 

A. No work must be done by friction, viscous forces, or other dissipative forces that produce heat.
B. Heat conduction can only occur isothermally.
C. The process must be quasi-static so that the system is always in an equilibrium state (or infinitesimally near an equilibrium state). 

7. Discuss examples of irreversible process. 

Here are some examples of irreversible process: 

A. Heat transfer through a finite temperature difference 

Consider a warm cup of liquid. Heat is transferred from the hot liquid to the cooler ambient air until both are at the same temperature.
We could use a heat pump to restore the liquid in the cup to its original temperature, but that would require a work input. As a result,
the surroundings would not be returned to their initial state. We cannot simultaneously restore both the liquid and its surroundings to
their initial states. Therefore, the heat transfer from the liquid to the ambient air is irreversible. 

B. Friction 

Friction is associated with bodies in motion that are in contact with each other. The bodies could be: Two solids (e.g. A block sliding
down an inclined plane), a solid and a fluid (e.g. a car moving through air), two fluids at different velocities (e.g. wind blowing across the
surface of a lake)

Frictional force acts to oppose any motion. Work is required to overcome the frictional force. Work input is converted to thermal energy.
Friction causes the block and surroundings to heat up. If you push the block up the plane the block and surroundings will not cool to
their initial temperature. Since we cannot simultaneously return the system and the surroundings to their initial states, we conclude that
any process that includes friction is irreversible.

C. Unrestrained or fast expansion or compression of a fluid 

Consider a cylinder and a piston device. Molecules within the fluid cannot redistribute quickly enough to get out of the way of the
piston. Excess molecules near the inner face of the piston cause the pressure force that must be overcome in order to compress the gas
to be greater than if the piston moved at an infinitesimal rate. More work must be done to compress the gas than if the compression

had occurred at an infinitesimal rate. The additional energy input in the form of work causes the gas in the cylinder to get warmer. When
we return the system to its original state by an infinitesimally slow process, we get less work out of the system because the restraining
force is always equal to the pressure within the cylinder. As the system returned to its original volume it is still above its original
temperature. We must then transfer heat out of the system to bring it back to its initial temperature. What has happened to the
surroundings during this process? The surroundings have done a net amount of work on the system, but have gotten back the same net
amount of energy in the form of heat. This means that the process is irreversible. In order to return the surroundings to their initial state,
we would have to convert ALL of the heat received from the system into work. A heat engine that could accomplish this task would
violate the Kelvin-Planck Statement of the 2nd Law. So, it is impossible to simultaneously restore both the system and the surroundings
to their initial states. We may conclude that compression at any finite rate is an irreversible process. A very similar analysis of a fast
expansion would reveal that any expansion at a finite rate is also irreversible.

D. Mixing of two different substances 

Let say you put ink in water. Molecules spontaneously migrate or diffuse from regions where their concentration is high into regions
where their concentration is low. The reverse process does not occur spontaneously because work is required to separate the ink and
water molecules once they have mixed. We can conclude that any process that happens spontaneously requires work to be reversed
and is, therefore, irreversible.


Peer instruction strategy: This can be done in pairs. The students may learn better
from discussions with their peers.

Give two examples of reversible processes and two examples of irreversible processes in purely mechanical systems, such as blocks sliding on
planes, springs, pulleys, and strings. Explain what makes each process reversible or irreversible.


Peer instruction strategy: This can be given as a quiz. The students may discuss their answers with their classmates. Studies have shown that
students learn better from discussions with their peers.

A pot is half-filled with water, and a lid is placed on it, forming a tight seal so that no water vapor can escape. The pot is heated on a stove,
forming water vapor inside the pot. The heat is then turned off and the water vapor condenses back to liquid. Is this cycle reversible or
irreversible? Why?


(1) Hewitt, P. G. (2007). Conceptual physics (Vol. 8). Addison-Wesley, Massachusets.
(2) Knight, R. (2007). Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics [and Mastering Physics TM]. Pearson
(3) Tipler, P.A. & Mosca, G. (2007). Physics for scientists and engineers. Macmillan.
(4) Young, H., & Freedman, R. (2008). University Physics with modern physics 12th edition.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Carnot Cycle
Introduction/ Introduce Sadi Carnot and the Carnot Cycle 5
Content Standards
Instruction/ A. Discuss Carnot Theorem 25
Carnot cycle
Delivery B. Discuss the steps of the Carnot Cycle
C. Discuss Carnot efficiency
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to solve multi-concept, rich context problems using
Practice Solve sample problems on calculating the 15
Carnot efficiency and other related problems
concepts from rotational motion, fluids, oscillations, gravity, and
thermodynamics Enrichment Give assignment 5
Evaluation Quiz on the steps of the Carnot cycle or 10
Carnot efficiency calculation
Learning Competencies
1. (STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-72) Describe the Carnot cycle. Resources
• Cassidy, D. C., Holton, G., & Rutherford, F.J. (2002). Understanding
2. (STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-73) State Carnot’s theorem and use it to calculate the
physics. Springer Science & Business Media.
maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine.
• Hewitt, P. G. (2007). Conceptual physics (Vol. 8). Addison-Wesley,

Specific Learning Outcomes • Knight, R. (2007). Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic
Approach with Modern Physics [and Mastering Physics TM]. Pearson
1. Enumerate the processes involved in the Carnot cycle
2. Illustrate the Carnot’s cycle on a PV diagram. • Tipler, P.A. & Mosca, G. (2007). Physics for scientists and engineers.
3. State Carnot’s theorem. Macmillan.
• Young, H., & Freedman, R. (2008). University Physics with modern physics
4. Use Carnot’s theorem to calculate the maximum possible efficiency of a
12th edition.
heat engine.


Introduce Sadi Carnot and the Carnot Cycle

According to the second law, no heat engine can have 100% efficiency. The question now is: Is
there a limit to the maximum possible efficiency given two heat reservoirs at temperatures TH and

This question was answered in 1824 by the French military engineer and physicist Sadi Carnot
(Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, 1796-1832). Carnot sought to answer two questions about the
operation of heat engines: "Is the work available from a heat source potentially unbounded?" and
"Can heat engines in principle be improved by replacing the steam with some other working fluid
or gas?" He attempted to answer these in a memoir, published as a popular work in 1824 when he
was only 28 years old. It was entitled Réflexions sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu ("Reflections on the
Motive Power of Fire"). 


In all calculations involving the Carnot cycle,
1. Discuss Carnot theorem you must make sure that you use absolute
(Kelvin) temperatures only. That's because
the Carnot efficiency equation come from
Carnot theorem can be stated as: No engine working between two given heat reservoirs can be the ideal-gas equation pV=nRT, in which T is
more efficient than a reversible engine working between those two reservoirs. absolute temperature.

A reversible engine is thus an ideal engine, in that it operates with the greatest possible efficiency.
A reversible engine working in a cycle between two heat reservoirs is called a Carnot engine, and
its cycle is called a Carnot cycle.

2. Discuss the steps of the Carnot Cycle.

The Carnot cycle consists of two reversible isothermal and two reversible adiabatic processes as
shown in the Figure.


The figure shows a Carnot cycle using an ideal gas in a cylinder with a piston as its working substance. It consists of the following steps:
i. The gas expands isothermally at temperature TH, absorbing heat QH (ab).
ii. It expands adiabatically until its temperature drops to TC (bc).
iii. It is compressed isothermally at TC, rejecting heat |QC| (cd).
iv. It is compressed adiabatically back to its initial state at temperature TH (da). 

3. Discuss the Carnot efficiency

If no engine can have a greater efficiency than a Carnot engine, it follows that all Carnot engines working between the same two reservoirs
have the same efficiency. This efficiency, called the Carnot efficiency, must be independent of the working substance of the engine. Since all
Carnot cycles have the same efficiency independent of the working substance, the equation will be valid in general.

The Carnot efficiency is given by the equation:

εc = 1 - TC

where Tc and TH is the temperature of the cold and hot reservoir, respectively.

The efficiency of an engine can also be determined by getting the ratio of the work we get from it to what we have to supply.


where W is the work done by the engine and QH is the heat extracted from the hot reservoir.

Because of the limits placed by Carnot’s finding on heat engines, it is sometimes important not only to give the actual efficiency of a heat
engine but also to specify how close it comes to the maximum possible value.

Many large electrical heat-engine devices, such as refrigerators and air conditioners, now come with an “energy guide” sticker indicating
the efficiency of the apparatus and the potential annual savings in electricity costs.


1. A steam engine works between a hot reservoir at 100°C and a cold reservoir at 0°C. What is the maximum possible efficiency of this engine?

ANSWER: The maximum possible efficiency is the Carnot efficiency as given by

εc = 1 -

We should first convert the given temperature values to absolute temperature before using them in the equation.

TC = 0°C = 273K and TH = 100°C = 373K

TC 273K
εc = 1 - =1- = 0.268 = 26.8%

TH 373K

2. A Carnot engine extracts 240 J from its high-temperature reservoir during each cycle, and rejects 100 J to the environment at 15°C.
A. How much work does the engine do in one cycle?
B. What’s its efficiency?
C. What’s the temperature of the hot reservoir?

A. To solve this problem, we will use the first law of thermodynamics to find the work done by the engine in one cycle. Since there’s no
change in internal energy over one cycle, the first law requires that the work W done by the engine be equal to the net heat

W = Qin - Qout = 240 J - 100 J = 140 J

W 140J
B. ε = = = 58.3%
QH 240J
TC TC 288K
C. From the equation εc = 1 - , we can derive an equation for TH. This will give us TH = = = 691 K = 418°C.
TH 1 - εc 1 - 0.583


Assignment: Some physicists include a third law among the laws of thermodynamics. The third law states that no system can be cooled to
absolute zero. If we include the third law, the three laws of thermodynamics can be summarized as:

1. You cannot win; you can only break even;

2. You can break even only at absolute zero;

3. You cannot reach absolute zero.

Explain how these statements are related to the three laws of thermodynamics.


1. Tell the students that they may work in pairs. Ask the students to illustrate the steps of the Carnot cycle in a PV diagram and describe each


2. An electric power plant boils water to produce high-pressure steam at 400°C. The high-pressure steam spins a turbine as it expands, then
the turbine spins the generator. The steam is then condensed back to water in an ocean-cooled heat exchanger at 25°C. What is the
maximum possible efficiency with which heat energy can be converted to electric energy? 


TC 298K
εc = 1 - =1- = 0.56 = 56%

TH 673K

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Introduction/ Review the second law of thermodynamics. 2
Review Relate the second law to entropy.
Content Standards
Motivation Ask the students what will happen to the 3
Entropy as a measure of disorder; Entropy calculations for isothermal, free
state of the system if a glass or vase
expansion, and constant pressure processes

Instruction/ A. Define entropy. 30

Performance Standards Delivery B. Discuss how to calculate for entropy
The learners shall be able to solve multi-concept, rich context problems using changes for various processes: isothermal
concepts from rotational motion, fluids, oscillations, gravity, and expansion of an ideal gas, free expansion
thermodynamics of an ideal gas, constant-pressure
processes, and Carnot cycle

Learning Competencies Practice Solve sample problems on entropy change 15

1. (STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-69) Explain how entropy is a measure of disorder for different thermodynamic processes

2. (STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-71) Calculate entropy changes for various processes Enrichment Give a reading assignment about the“heat- 5
e.g., isothermal process, free expansion, constant pressure process, etc. 
 death” of the Universe or problem solving
assignment on entropy change.

Evaluation Quiz. Identify if the entropy of the named 5

system increase, decrease, or state the same

• Cassidy, D. C., Holton, G., & Rutherford, F.J. (2002). Understanding
physics. Springer Science & Business Media.
• Hewitt, P. G. (2007). Conceptual physics (Vol. 8). Addison-Wesley,
• Knight, R. (2007). Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic
Approach with Modern Physics [and Mastering Physics TM]. Pearson
• Tipler, P.A. & Mosca, G. (2007). Physics for scientists and engineers.
• Young, H., & Freedman, R. (2008). University Physics with modern physics
12th edition.

1. Review the second law of thermodynamics. Relate the second law to entropy.

The second law can be stated as a quantitative relationship with the concept of entropy.


1. Show the students a glass or a vase.

2. Ask the students what will happen if the glass or vase dropped. 

POSSIBLE ANSWER: The glass/vase will break into pieces. 

The glass/vase goes from an ordered to a disordered state. Its entropy increased. 


1. Define entropy. Note that entropy is a state function, its
change when the system moves from one
state to another depends only on the
Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system. The change in entropy dS of a system when it system's initial and final states, not on the
process by which the change occurs.
goes from one state to another is defined as

dS =

where dQ is the heat that must be added to the system in a reversible process that brings the
system from the initial state to the final state. Entropy has units of energy divided by temperature;
the SI unit of entropy is J .

If a total amount of heat Q is added during a reversible isothermal process at absolute temperature
T, the total entropy change ∆S = S2 - S1 = Q , is given by
∆S = S2 - S1 =

The general equation to calculate entropy change for any reversible process leading from one state to another is

∆S = ∫21

2. Discuss how to calculate for entropy changes for various processes.

A. Entropy of an Ideal Gas

Consider a reversible quasi-static process in which a system consisting of an ideal gas absorbs an amount of heat dQ. The entropy
change for this ideal gas that undergoes a reversible expansion from an initial state of volume V1 and temperature T1 to a final state of
volume V2 and temperature T2 is given by

T2 V2
∆S = CVln + nR ln
T1 V1

B. ∆S for an Isothermal Expansion of an Ideal Gas

When an ideal gas undergoes an isothermal expansion, T2 = T1 and its entropy change is

∆S = nR ln V2
This can be derived from the previous equation. Since T2 = T1 , ln = 0.

The gas expanded, therefore V2 is greater than V1. Based on the given equation, the entropy change of the gas ispositive.

The entropy change of the gas is +|Q|T. Since the same amount of heat leaves the reservoir at temperature T, the entropy change of the
reservoir is −|Q|T. The net entropy change of the gas plus the reservoir is zero.

We refer to the system under consideration plus its surroundings as the "universe."

In a reversible process, the entropy change of the universe is zero.

C. ∆S for a Free Expansion of an Ideal Gas

In the free expansion, a gas is initially confined in one compartment of a container, which is connected by a stopcock to another
compartment that is evacuated. The whole system has rigid walls and is thermally insulated from its surroundings so that no heat can
flow in or out, and no work can be done. When the stopcock is opened, the gas rushes into the evacuated chamber.

Since the change in the entropy of a system for any process depends only on the initial and final states of the system, the entropy
change of the gas for the free expansion is the same as that for the isothermal expansion.

∆S = nR ln

Note, however, that there is no change in the surroundings. So, the entropy change of the gas is also the entropy change of the
universe. This entropy change is positive since V2 is greater than V1.

In an irreversible process, the entropy of the universe increases.

A gas does not spontaneously compress by itself into a smaller volume. This leads to another statement of the second law of

For any process, the entropy of the universe never decreases.

D. ∆S for Constant-Pressure Processes

When a substance is heated from temperature T1 to temperature T2 at constant pressure, the change in entropy is given by

∆S = Cpln

If the substance is cooled, T2 is less than T1 which gives a negative entropy change.

E. ∆S for a Carnot Cycle

Since a Carnot engine works in a cycle, its entropy change is zero.

PRACTICE (15 MINS) Teacher'Tips:'

Note that in entropy calculations we must
Solve sample problems on entropy change for different thermodynamic processes. always use absolute, or Kelvin,

1. Entropy change in melting. Five kilograms of ice at 0°C is melted and converted to water at 0°C.
Compute its change in entropy, assuming that the melting is done reversibly. The heat of fusion of
water is Lf = 3.34 X 105 J/kg.

This is a reversible isothermal process. The system is at constant temperature T = 0°C = 273 K. The
amount of heat added in terms of the heat of fusion is

3.34 x 105J
Q = mLf = (5kg) ( ) = 1.67 x 106 J

We can calculate the entropy change using the equation

∆S = Q = 1.67 x 10 J = 6.12 x 103 J


T 273 K K

This increase in entropy corresponds to the increase in disorder when the water molecules go from
the highly ordered state of a crystalline solid to the much more disordered state of a liquid. When
we refreeze the water, Q has the opposite sign, and the entropy change of the water is ∆S =
-6.12x103 . The water molecules rearrange themselves into a crystal to form ice, so disorder and
entropy both decrease.

2. Entropy change in a temperature change. Two kilograms of water at 0°Cis heated to 100 °C. Compute its change in entropy.

The temperature of the water is increased reversibly in a series of infinitesimal steps, in each of which the temperature is raised by an
infinitesimal amount dT. The heat required is dQ = mc dT.

∆S = ∫ 21 dQ = ∫TT 2 mc dT = mc ln ( T2 )
T T T1

J 373 K
= (2kg) (4190 ) (ln )
kg · K 273 K
= 2.62 x 103

The entropy change is positive, as it must be for a process in which the system absorbs heat.

3. Entropy change for a free expansion of an Ideal Gas. A 0.5 mol of an ideal gas expands freely from a volume of 1 L to 3 L. What is the
entropy change the ideal gas.

For a free expansion of an Ideal Gas, the entropy is given by

∆S = nR ln V2
= (0.5 mol) (8.31 ) (ln 3)
mol · K
= 4.56

4. Entropy change for constant pressure processes. One kilogram of water at temperature 20°C is mixed with 0.500 kg of water at 80°C in a
calorimeter of negligible heat capacity at a constant pressure of 1 atm. Find the change in entropy of the system.

When the two amounts of water are mixed, they eventually come to a final equilibrium temperature Tf that can be found by setting the heat
lost equal to the heat gained. To calculate the entropy change of each mass of water, we consider a reversible isobaric (constant pressure)
heating of the 1-kg mass of water from 20°C to Tf and an isobaric cooling of the 0.500-kg mass from 80°C to Tf. The entropy change of the
system is the sum of the entropy changes of each part.

Let m1 = 0.500 kg and T1 = 80°C = 353K, the mass and temperature of the hot water, respectively, and m2 = 1.00 kg and T2 = 20°C = 293K,
the mass and temperature of the cold water, respectively. To calculate the final temperature Tf,

Qlost = Qgained
m1cp (T1 - Tf) = m2cp (Tf - T2)
m1cpT1 - m1cpTf = m2cpTf - m2cpT2
m1cpTf + m2cpTf = m1cpT1 + m2cpT2
(m1 + m2)cp f = cp(m1T1 - m2T2)

(m1T1 - m2T2)
Tf =
(m1 + m2)

= (0.500 kg)(353K) + (1.00kg)(293K)

(0.500 kg + 1.00 kg)

Tf = 313K

We can calculate the entropy change in the isobaric cooling of the 0.500-kg mass from T1 = 80°C = 353 K to Tf using the equation,

∆S = Cp ln
= mcp ln
J 313 K
= (0.500 kg) (4190 ) (ln )
kg · K 353 K

∆S1 = -252 J

Likewise, the entropy change for the isobaric heating of the 1.00-kg mass of water from T2 =20°C=293K to Tf is given by

∆S2 = Cp ln
= mcp ln
J 313 K
= (1.00 kg) (4190 ) (ln )
kg · K 353 K

∆S2 = 277

The entropy change of the system is the sum of the entropy changes of each part.

∆S = ∆S1 + ∆S2 = - 252 + 277 = 25

5. Entropy and the Carnot cycle. A Carnot engine takes 2000 J of heat from a reservoir at 500 K, does some work, and discards some heat to
a reservoir at 350 K. Find the total entropy change in the engine during one cycle.

First we calculate for the heat discarded by the engine.

Qc = -QH
= -(2000J)

= -1400 J

All four steps in the Carnot cycle are reversible, so we can use the expression for the change in entropy in a reversible process.

∆S =
There is no entropy change during the adiabatic expansion or adiabatic compression. During the
isothermal expansion at TH = 500 K the engine takes in 2000 J of heat, and its entropy change is
given by

∆SH = QH = 2000 J = 4.0
TH 500 K K

During the isothermal compression at TC = 350 K the engine gives off 1400 J of heat, and its
entropy change is

Qc -1400 J J
∆SC = = = -4.0
Tc 350 K K

The total entropy change in the engine during one cycle is

∆S = ∆SH + ∆SC = 4.0 + (-4.0 ) = 0

ENRICHMENT (5 MINS) The idea of a “heat-death” of the Universe
is based on predictions from
Give homework. Choose one from below. thermodynamics. All familiar processes are
to some degree irreversible, and thus
contribute to an increase in the entropy of
A. Give questions in the Practice section that was not discussed in class as problem solving the Universe. As this happens, the
usefulness of the heat available for work in
engines will decline. Lord Kelvin predicted
that eventually all bodies in the Universe
would reach the same temperature by
B. Read The Last Question, a short story by Isaac Asimov. Write an essay about the idea of a “heat-
exchanging heat with one another. When
death” of the universe.
 this happened, it would be impossible to
produce any useful work from heat, since
work can only be done by means of heat

engines when heat flows from a hot body to
a colder body. Finally, the Sun and the other
stars would cool, all life on Earth would
cease, and the Universe would be dead.

In each of the following processes, does the entropy of the named system alone increase, decrease, or stay the same? (a) A balloon deflates; (b)
cells differentiate in a growing embryo, forming different physiological structures; (c) an animal dies, and its remains gradually decay; (d) an
earthquake demolishes a building; (e) a plant utilizes sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to manufacture sugar; (f) a power plant burns coal and
produces electrical energy; (g) a car’s friction-based brakes stop the car.

ANSWER: (a) increase; (b) decrease; (c) increase; (d) increase; (e) decrease; (f) increase; (g) increase.

General Physics 1 60 MINS

Context rich problems involving

Ideal Gases and the Laws of
Content Standards LESSON OUTLINE
Ideal Gases and the Laws of Thermodynamics
Introduction Discuss the rationale of solving context-rich 2
problems in Physics.
Performance Standards Instruction/ Discuss the steps or framework for problem- 3
The learners shall be able to solve multi-concept, rich context problems using Delivery solving
concepts from rotational motion, fluids, oscillations, gravity, and
thermodynamics Practice Using the cooperative Group Problem 40
Solving strategy, let each group of students
answer 1-2 context-rich problems involving
Learning Competencies Ideal Gases and the Laws of
1. (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-58) Solve problems involving ideal gas equations in Thermodynamics.
contexts such as, but not limited to, the design of metal containers for Evaluation Let the students report to class to allow 15
compressed gases students to be familiar with problems that
2. (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-65) Solve problems involving the application of the they are not assigned to solve
First Law of Thermodynamics in contexts such as, but not limited to, the
Materials Writing materials and other materials to be
boiling of water, cooling a room with an air conditioner, diesel engines, and determined by the students depending on
gases in containers with pistons the problem
3. (STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-74) Solve problems involving the application of the
Second Law of Thermodynamics in context such as, but not limited to, heat See appendix.
engines, heat pumps, internal combustion engines, refrigerators, and fuel

1. Discuss the rationale of solving context-rich problems in physics.

2. Prepare students for group work by: 

A. Showing group/role assignments and classroom seating map;

B. Passing out Problem and Useful Information and Answer Sheet


Discuss the steps or framework for problem-solving. 


1. Using the Cooperative Group Problem Solving strategy, let each group of students answer 1-2 context-rich problems involving Ideal Gases
and the Laws of Thermodynamics.
2. Introduce the problem by telling students:

A. what they should learn from solving problem;

B. the part of the solution you want groups to put on board
3. Coach groups in problem solving by:

A. Monitoring (diagnosing) progress of all groups
B. Helping groups with the most need.
4. Prepare students for class discussion by:
A. giving students a ”five-minute warning”
B. selecting one person from each group to put specified part of solution on the board. 


1. Let the students report to class to allow students to be familiar with problems that they are not assigned to solve.
2. Lead a class discussion focusing on what you wanted students to learn from solving the problem (your goals) 

A. Start by asking open-ended questions.

B. Follow up with questions specific to your goal or observed common errors.


1. A seafood restaurant hires Lou to run its advertising campaign. Lou figures that snorklers are a great pool of potential customers for
seafood, so he prints ads on Mylar balloons that he ties to the coral of an underwater reef. Each balloon has a volume of 4 L and is filled
with air at 20°C. At 15 m below the ocean surface, the volume has diminished to 1.60 L. What is the temperature of the water at this depth? 

2. On a cool morning in Baguio, when the temperature is 15°C, you measure the pressure in your car tires to be 30 psi (2.07x105 Pa). After
driving 30 km on the highway, the temperature of your tires is 45°C. What pressure will your tire gauge now show? 

3. Aliwagwag Falls in Davao Oriental is considered by hydraulic engineers as the highest waterfalls in the Philippines. At Aliwagwag Falls, the
water drops 340 m. If the change in potential energy goes into the internal energy of the water, what is the increase in its temperature? (This
temperature rise is not observed because the water cools by evaporation as it falls.) 

4. You kick a soccer ball, compressing it suddenly to 2/3 of its original volume. In the process, you do 410J of work on the air (assumed to be
an ideal gas) inside the ball. (a) What is the change in internal energy of the air inside the ball due to being compressed? (b) Does the
temperature of the air inside the ball rise or fall due to being compressed? Explain. 

5. A typical doughnut contains 2.0g of protein,1 7.0g of carbohydrates, and 7.0g of fat. The average food energy values of these substances
are 4.0 kcal/g for protein and carbohydrates and 9.0 kcal/g for fat. During heavy exercise, an average person uses energy at a rate of 510
kcal/h. How long would you have to exercise to ''work off" one doughnut? If the energy in the doughnut could somehow be converted into
the kinetic energy of your body as a whole, how fast could you move after eating the doughnut?

6. An inventor wants you to invest money in his company, offering you 10% of all future profits. He reminds you that the brakes on cars get
extremely hot when they stop and that there is a large quantity of thermal energy in the brakes. He has invented a device, he tells you, that
converts that thermal energy into the forward motion of the car. This device will take over from the engine after a stop and accelerate the
car back up to its original speed, thereby saving a tremendous amount of gasoline. Now, you’re a smart person, so he admits up front that
this device is not 100% efficient, that there is some unavoidable heat loss to the air and to friction within the device, but the upcoming
research for which he needs your investment will make those losses extremely small. You do also have to start the car with cold brakes after
it has been parked awhile, so you’ll still need a gasoline engine for that. Nonetheless, he tells you, his prototype car gets 500 miles to the
gallon and he expects to be at well over 1000 miles to the gallon after the next phase of research. Should you invest? Base your answer on
an analysis of the physics of the situation. 

7. There has long been an interest in using the vast quantities of thermal energy in the oceans to run heat engines. A heat engine needs a
temperature difference, a hot side and a cold side. Conveniently, the ocean surface waters are warmer than the deep ocean waters.
Suppose you build a floating power plant in the Pacific Ocean where the surface water temperature is 30°C. This would be the hot reservoir
of the engine. For the cold reservoir, water would be pumped up from the ocean bottom where it is always 5°C. What is the maximum
possible efficiency of such a power plant? 

8. You and your mom went to the appliance store to buy a new refrigerator. At the store, the sales man shows you the DreamFridge. According
to its sticker, the DreamFridge uses a mere 100 W of power to remove 100 kJ of heat per minute from the 2°C interior. According to the fine
print on the sticker, this claim is true in a 22°C kitchen. Should you buy? Explain. 

9. To maintain the temperature inside a house at 25°C, the power consumption of the airconditioner is 6kW on a day when the outside
temperature is 31°C. At what rate does this house contribute to the increase in the entropy of the universe? 

10. Jay approached his guru in a depressed mood. "I want to change the world, but I feel helpless," he said. The guru turned and pushed a 5-
kg rock over a ledge. It hit the ground 6 m below and came to rest. "There," said the guru. "I have changed the world." If the rock, the
ground, and the atmosphere are all initially at 300 K, calculate the entropy change of the universe.


(1) Heller, Kenneth, and Patricia Heller. “Cooperative Problem Solving in Physics: A User’s Manual.” Retrieved October 28, 2015. https://
(2) Polya, Geroge. How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method. Princeton university press, 2014.
(3) Knight, R. (2007). Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics [and Mastering Physics TM]. Pearson
(4) Young, Hugh D., and Roger A. Freedman. University physics with modern physics. Pearson Higher Ed. 2015.

Biographical Notes
Jose Perico H. Esguerra, Ph.D. ROMMEL G. BACABAC, PH.D.
Team Leader Writer
Dr. Rommel G. Bacabac earned his MS in Experimental
Physics in 2001 and his PhD degree (cum laude) in 2006 from the
Dr. Jose Perico Henson Esguerra is a registered physicist
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He graduated in
and Professor at the National Institute of Physics, University of
1998 at the University of San Carlos (USC), Cebu City, Philippines
the Philippines Diliman where he has been working for over ten
(BS Physics). Dr. Bacabac currently heads the Medical Biophysics
years now. Dr. Esguerra has also taught in UP Los Banos, UP San
Group of the University of San Carlos, which pursues research
Fernando, and the De La Salle University specializing in Statistical
interests on the physics of life by investigating the elastic
Mechanics, Approximate Analytical solution Schemes for
properties of biopolymers and living cells, using laser light to
Quantum and Nonlinear Problems, and Physical applications of
catch and watch microscopic probes, in order to derive new
Fractional Calculus
insights for clinical applications, diagnostics, and understanding
Dr. Esguerra is member of organizations such as the
health and disease at the molecular and cellular levels.
International Astronomical Union, the Organizing Committee of
the Philippine Astronomy Olympiad, and the National Research
Council of the Philippines. He is the current Chair for the Physics Jo-Ann M. Cordovilla
Education Committee of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas and Writer
has served as Technical Committee Member for the Philippine Ms. Jo-Ann M. Cordovilla is currently the Director of of
Physics Olympiad. Dr. Esguerra’s service is extended to the Regional Science in Bicol University. She has held numerous
government as he works as consultant for the Department of positions under the school administration since 2005, such as
Education and Technical Panel Member for Physics at the being Planning Officer and Department Chair among others. She
Commission on Higher Education. is also the current Chairperson under the Technical Working
Dr. Esguerra has received a number of citations including Group of the Provincial Search for Outstanding Teachers &
the Silver Pillar Award by the Department of Science and Principals. She has been active as a Plenary Speaker and
Technology and the Outstanding Youth of Pampanga. His Workshop Resource Person for Physics Education in the
scholarly works and studies are published in National and Samahang Pisika ng Visayas at Mindanao Annual Conference and
International Science Citations Index Journals. He received his Workshop since the year 2000. Ms. Cordovilla completed her
doctorate degree in Physics at the University of the Philippines master’s degree in Science Teaching at the University of San
Diliman. He completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Carlos and her bachelor’s degree in Physics for Teachers at the
Physics at the same university. Philippine Normal University.
JOHN KEITH V. MAGALI Eduardo C. Cuansing, Ph.D.
Writer Technical Editor
Mr. John Keith V. Magali is currently a project assistant for Dr. Eduardo C. Cuansing is an associate professor at the
the Philippine Higher Education Research Network (PHERNet) Institute of of Mathematical Sciences, University of the
and Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Philippines Los Baños. He has contributed numerous publications
Disaster Risk Management Foundation, Inc. (The OML Center). and research content that focus on theoretical and computational
He graduated from the University of the Philippines Los Baños physics of quantum transport and nonequilibrium properties of
with a Bachelors of Science in Applied Physics. Currently, he is electrons and phonons in nanoscale systems using
accomplishing his Masters of Science in Physics at the Ateneo de nonequilibrium Green’s functions. He earned his Bachelor of
Manila University. Mr Magali has been actively participating in Science in Physics, (cum laude), at the University of the
numerous seminars, science camps, and research colloquiums Philippines Diliman. Dr. Cuansing received his MA degree in
since 2009 in line with his undergraduate and current master’s Physics at Purdue University, USA. He also received his doctorate
degree. degree in Physics at the same university.

Ranzivelle Marianne Roxas-Villanueva, Ph.D. Voltaire M. Mistades, Ph.D.

Writer Technical Editor
Dr. Ranzivelle Marianne Roxas-Villanueva is currently an Dr. Voltaire M. Mistades is currently the Dean of the Br.
Associate Professor 3 at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education (BAGCED) and
and Physics (IMSP), University of the Philippines Los Baños. She Associate Professor at the De La Salle University. Prior to this
specializes in numerous scientific fields such as Physics position, he has served as the University Registrar at the same
Education, Complex Systems, and Video & Image Processing. In university. His skills and expertise cater to Teaching and Learning,
addition to her faculty status, she also leads the research group Science Teaching, & Pedagogy and Education. Most of his
on Instrumentation Physics at IMSP as well. Dr. Roxas-Villanueva articles and publications primarily on adopting alternative
completed her doctorate and master’s degrees in Physics at the instruction methods in teaching Physics and improving student
National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman. perception of the subject matter in the classroom. Dr. Mistades
She earned her bachelor’s degree in Applied Physics at the same completed his doctorate degree in Science Education at the De
university. La Salle University Manila. He completed his Masters of Science
in Physics and Masters of Arts in Counselling at the same
university. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Physics with
Computer Applications and BS Education also at the De La Salle
Mariel A. Gabriel
Ms. Mariel Gabriel is a senior level communications
specialist, professional editor, research, and writer with eight years
of experience in the field of international communications, mass
media, editing, and information analyses and dissemination. She
graduated with a Master in Global Communication at the
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on December, 2014. Ms. Gabriel is
currently working as a Communications Specialist at the Philippine
Information Agency (PIA) and a Copy Editor (Consultant) at Taste,
Travels, and Trends Media Inc.

Juan Miguel M. Razon

Mr. Juan Miguel M. Razon graduated with a degree in
Bachelor of Science in Management and Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology Entrepreneurship, Minor in Literature
from the Ateneo de Manila University. He worked at IBM
Philippines and contributed in the ideation and implementation of
the intranet-based “knowledge hub” for the employees of IBM.
He also served as the Finance Commissioner of the Ateneo
Commission on Elections and the Vice President for Public
Relations for Ateneo Kaingin. He intends to pursue a long-term
career in business intelligence, corporate finance, and graphic

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