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Working with groups


Dishant Rathod

Roll No- T2017basw026

Course Title - Working with groups


Teacher Name - Manoj Joseph


● REFLEXIVE JOURNAL 1…………………………………………...3

● Groups

● REFLEXIVE JOURNAL 2 …………………………………………..6

● Portfolio

● REFLEXIVE JOURNAL 3…………………………………………...10

● Plan

● REFLEXIVE JOURNAL 4…………………………………………...14

● Focused group discussion

● REFLEXIVE JOURNAL 5…………………………………………...27

● PART A- Confronting Negative Self Evaluation

● PART B- Cognitive behavioural change therapy techniques


In the flow of the life process. It took a long time for me to realize that, i
am a guy who hardly mix up with anyone. But, feels happiness in watching TV or living
alone. As i started mixing up with peoples i came across so many problems with my self.
Like while making a conversation i used to became little uncomfortable and start to think too
much and project myself.But, there are certain groups which over a period of time changed
my way of living my life.Its started after getting into my bachelor degree education. This
time i intentionally started getting in with people trying to be more extrovert. Always peoples
used to tell me that you are so silent.But, this kind of type casting by peoples always made
me feel painful. So,i wanted to be more open up and little naughty. After becoming the part
of the drama club in my college. I started feeling little confident and comfortable. Then,i
become part of students council and then i became part of so many other groups like
Samvaad, Literary club and then skip a meal group.
This various group helped me to challenge my own possibilities and expand them. It even
took a long time but given me so many valuable experiences. Which i learned from my
mistakes. Along with all of this groups the most important group who they taught me a lot
about not just life but also my personal relationships are my friends. This are the groups i
think have more specific meaning to me.


Always we want to do something creative, adventurous and mind blowing. which drives us
with passion and enthusiasm. Carrying an purpose and Idea that is so meaningful and alive.
Ek awaaz is the group which tries works on recent issues and topics to present it in a
interesting way. Which carries a story full of emotions and also variations.
Every year ek awaaz conduct its auditions through which more students get into it. Some are
as actors and others as script writers. While performing an play. This group makes storyline
and characters by it self.
We always see the world around us in both good and bad or positive or negative manner. But,
most of the time we even ignore the fact that there are so many things that we usually don't

care about. But Ek Awaaz is the group which tries to express an basic idea with lot of
elements and factors added into it.It also enhances skills in the artist working in this group.
There are lot of roles and responsibilities that has to be carried out while making an whole
drama. Like there are narrators which fills up the gap between the scenes. There is also the
important role of the scriptwriter is there.One who actually creates the screenplay of the
drama. Finally the actors which are the main artist in the whole process.Which adds up with
the creativity in the lines with their actions and dialogues.
Doing something funny and creative feels me with energy and happiness. I always enjoy to
perform and make it good with my own touch.There are so many ideas getting into mind.
But being able to express them in the most creative forms that can be interpreted by others
with so ease it's the biggest task. To hold everyone one even for a minute with so much
curiosity and emotions is the most important for me.
EK Awaaz is the best working group in the whole college. Which puts lot of efforts for take
their work at the level of excellence and memorable. But, there are also some things like
creative differences and also sometimes rumble happens for the important role.


This is the elected body which is fully democratic. It has to serve its own constitution and
have its own task. Also it looks into the various issues faced by students. It has the main
purpose to connect the gap between the administration and the students.
All the members of the council are selected from all the various classes. So the number of the
representatives depends on the number of the class. All the members have their own
specifically assigned task which they have to perform.
This council looks after all the various aspects related to the students affairs. For instance
from Dinning hall to the canteen and cultural,literary and cultural activities are being carried
out by the students council.
Annually the election is being taken for the selection for the new council body. To become
the member of the council one have to get through the election process.
Each member have their own task assigned. Also at the time of election members choose the
certain position as their position in the council. There is seven executive posts and other
Eleven all together it's eighteen posts.

Mostly the council members organise their monthly meetings
and also the general body meeting with al​l ​the students for discussing their problems,issues
and also suggestions. It makes the council more effective in their working style.
The group so many power and also they get certain privileged feeling. Council has the
economic power limited only in the executive body of the council. So, some certain decision
are being taken by only the executive body and not the whole council.
All this groups mostly helped in increasing my confidence and made me
for efficient and function. Alaway getting in with peoples was hard for me. But, after
involving in so many groups it became so easy for me to handle everything so easily.
Sometimes i feel that the peace and silence i got before is somewhere lost and i just can not
sit somewhere without doing anything. Its is said that with the powers comes responsibilities
and same happened with me also that even if you commit a small mistake.
You have to face wrath of the peoples surrounded by you. But atlast i
have learned to deal with such situations and meanwhile unconsciously
i become something else than i was before in a good sense.Some of the basic things came
across my way like for carrying out my responsibilities i had to sacrifice so many things like
free time. Due to some work always i was unable to spend time with my friends. My personal
study also got affected by this. Any way everything was a good experience. (PAGE -03)



All the peoples living in the village have their own way to live their
life. Their are so many good things that we find in the village like the green fields, various
domestic animals and also, the culture of village their dressing style, their way of talking and
the kind of food they eat. We may find it so good. But, there are some factors in the village
that are needed to be changed from the regular traditional cultural practices. Doing open
defecation is common in the most of the village. Which not only affects the health and
hygiene but also makes the village look so ugly place. There are various efforts has been
regularly taken up by the government which is seem to be failed in most of the states. There
are also certain cases in which the state declared itself as Open defecation free even before it

Trying to break the traditional practices of doing open defecation by
making people aware about its overall impact on life. Like the impact on health
causing higher expenses on healthcare and waste of time.

Changing the mentality of villagers through various tools and techniques.
Making them aware of the bad impact on their health which indirectly affects their work and
atmosphere of village.Along with this, providing a feasible and very cheap, village friendly
toilet building methods. Which they can build by themselves will require less water and
feasible for waste management in the ground.

This group consist of mainly 6 to 8 members minimum.Which consist of
Social worker and assistant social workers. Also this group consists of the 2 or 3 villagers for

The social worker leads this group and provides proper guidance to all.

Trained social workers and some of the suitable villagers.

● SIZE :-
The size of group consist of 6 to 8 members maximum.

The social worker initially provides the training of to the other members.
All the discussion happens with in the group for the planning. Also the interaction with
members selected from the village. To get the basic idea about the village.

There are various concerns related to the health issue and open defecation.
Spreading of various bacterias due to the open defecation can reach back to them by air and
water. As there are various bacterias in the human waste that can reach to the water resources
if the OD is done in the 30 feet radius of the water sources. As the bacteria can travel 30 feet
through soil in its life span. The bacteria if contaminated in the drinking water can cause
various health problem on larger scale in the village. Causing the waste of time, inability to
work , high expenses in the hospital and affecting the whole family.
Also this bacterias can reach to the food by the Houseflies carrying this
waste on their legs to the food that we eat. Also the unhygienic habits to remain hands
unwashed after the defecation. The bacteria can through the unwashed hands or long nails
can reach into stomach directly while eating the food. So the knowledge about proper
hygiene methods along with the cleaning the water, washing hands with soap, safety of food
and its hygiene. At the end use of the toilet and stopping the open defecation.
Human beings are animals having the natural essence of their prestige and
honour. In village setting while starting the peoples to know the essence of the hygiene. The

group can use emotional and mental triggers to change the opinions of the villager about the

1. Village Mapping:- Gathering people in the central or main part of the village and with
the help of powder the white, green , blue, yellow and other colours. With the help of
the villagers we can make the village of the map gradually by asking them to first
make the main roads in the village. Then after making the various paths going in
different part of the village with the white powder. Then we can ask to make the
important places such as gram panchayat , post office, schools , anganwadis, hospital
etc. with the red powder or pink powder and like this Houses by white powder. Now
we can ask to draw temples then water sources by blue powder. The trees and
agricultural land surrounding the village with the green powder.
Now after completing the village mapping we can ask the villagers
about the overall beauty of their village through this map. There are chances that most of the
people will be happy or likely to comment something good on this map. After completion of
this whole process ask the villagers to take the yellow powder and spread on the various
places where they do open defecation.
Now the village map after spreading the yellow powder can look very different and dirty
from the previous map. Now we can ask the villagers how they are feeling now after making
the village dirty by themselves. This is the initially used tool in this process.

2.Tool of Water Bottle :- After providing the knowledge that how the defecation can reach to
our food and drinking water through the water and air. We can do a experiment with drinking
water. Anyone will drink the water through the mineral water bottle for instance KINLEY
water bottle. We will take one such filtered water bottle which is nicely packed. Now we can
ask anybody to drink this water. After this now we can take the tour of the peoples to the area
where they do open defecation. Now we can ask any one of them to give their one hair and by
carrying the human waste through this hair we can add this into the bottle. Now ask the
villagers to drink the water. The villagers being aware of the contamination of human waste
will never drink this water. But when the group members will make them realize that how
they are consuming this indirectly through water. It can make a direct impact on the villagers
to think.

3.Tool of Safety :- Going for open defecation in the farms or anywhere can be so dangerous.
As there is always the danger of creatures and snakes. Also in the rainy days it's hard for
everyone to go openly. Problems for the old age members in the family is also very
considerable. The old members can't walk too much or the members in the family who they
are injured or ill members. In all of this case mentioned above it's always hard to adjust with
the practices of the (PAGE -04)
open defecation. The group members with discussion with the villagers can make this points
the major reasons to influence the villagers to built toilets.

4.Tool for the peoples of Rigid Opinions :- This tools starts by telling the story of 4 pigs.
This pigs are offered by the god to live in the heaven. This pigs were so happy by this offer.
All of them agreed to go heaven. After reaching the heaven, full of all comfort , beauty and
cleanliness. This pigs started feeling bad. This pigs after one week living in the village started
asking to god to send them back to dump on the earth. This pigs liked the dirt more than the
heaven. Even the god offered them better life. Anyway those who can't understand what is
better life. We can do anything with them. This story ends up by specifically targeting those
particular people who they are so rigid in their opinions.

Basically the idea of this group is to make peoples aware by making them
involved in this process of spreading sanitation in the village. So many better things can be
happened sanitation in the village. The village is a beautiful place and by the sanitation
prosperity can be developed in the village.



in the campus there are a lot of students who are looking for relations within the
campus as they treat it as a second home.Friendship
● Romantic relations


● Blood relations
● Relation with faculty and staff
● Relation flora and fauna


● Couple relationship
● Infatuation
● Admiration


● Between friends
● Between groups
● Between faculty and staff
● Personal grudges

● What type of relations do you have in this campus?
● Which type of relationship would you prefer the most?
● If you had been in any romantic relation and it had ended abruptly what
did you learn from it?

● Why do you think you need any type of relationship in this campus
whether it is friendship, romantic etc.?

● Have you ever experienced conflicts in the campus?
● If you had experienced any conflicts how did you deal with it?
● After break up with a friend or a romantic partner how is your relation
with them?
● Have you ever had any conflict with the faculty or the staff in the campus?
● What is your relation with the flora and fauna within the campus and also
● Do you agree with the statement “ Ishq Mohabbat dhoka hai, Padhle beta
mauka hai”?


The member for the focus group are selected by the number of years that he/she have
spent in this campus; mainly having more than 4 years of experience in this campus.
We are aiming for 5-6 members in the group.


● Nagendra R- Facilitator
● Kunal Basantani- Facilitator
● Siddhi Pol- Transcriber
● Dishant Rathod- Observer
● Akshay Kharade- Observer
● Avinash Waghmare- Recorder

SN Name of the Group members Role

1 Nagendra facilitator

2 Kunal Facilitator

3 Siddhi Transcribe & observer

4 Dishant Transcribe & observer

5 Akshay observer

6 Avinash Recorder


As the topic for the group discussion is sensitive we have decided to follow
these major guidelines which are as follows:

● We will not take their original names in the transcript rather we have decided
to give them names like GP1, GP2 and so on.
● We tell them beforehand that some of the question in the FGD will be personal
and they can decide if they want to answer that question or pass on to the next
● After the FGD we will show the participants what all we have collected and if
they have certain problems with any of the data; we will delete or correct the
data in front of them.
● We assure that there will be no conflict over the concept of junior-senior
during the group discussion by ensuring that everyone has equal voice.
● We will make sure that all the participants will get a chance to voice their
opinion there will any dominant participant.
● We will get a consent form signed by all the participants confirming that they
have no issues with any of the question being answered.


This form is to confirm that you are willingly participating in this focus
group discussion on the topic relationship, romance and conflict. The following
are the guidelines that are going to be followed in the discussion:
I. Your name will not be disclosed rather a code name will be used in the FGD for
example: GP1, GP2 and so on.
II. You will not be forced to answer any of the questions, it will be entirely up to you
whether to answer or not.
III. The timing of the group discussion will be decided taking into consideration your
time and rest of the participants.
IV. We will not share this information that we have collected from you to any third
party and the recording that we are taking during the time will be deleted after
making the transcript.
V. After collecting the data we will revise it with you and if you want to remove or
correct any of the information we will do it on the spot.
VI. We assure you that no form of domination of any type will be there during the
VII. All the information given in the FGD will remain highly confidential.
VIII. If you have any problem during the FGD please be comfortable in asking the
IX. If you further have grievances such as unethical practices you could get in contact
with our course instructor:
Dr. Manoj Joseph
Tata Institute of Social Sciences.

If you agree with all the guidelines given in the form sign in the area provided.



Our topic for Focused group discussion was the Romance, Relationship and
conflict. While starting the FGD I observed there was a high level of excitement in everyone.
Some of the participants were little nervous about the discussion. As we first started the
discussion the first thing came in noticed that, every participant had their different opinions
about the relationship. Such as somebody said it’s important for making your life meaningful,
for making yourself motivated and humane. Some said relationship is important because you
can’t enjoy by yourself. About the romance some said that this is also important. As every
relationship is very important such as relationship with friends, relationship with faculty,
relationship with parents etc. There is also relationship of roommates and friends while doing
addiction. Everyone has their different importance as they help us in different ways.

About the conflict somebody said that there is no such conflict but off course
there are arguments in class while discussion. Also, some talked about the taking the conflict
in positive way to make it inspire you. Let it motivate you and take it forward. Another one
said that while in the conflict there should be sensibility. That one of both persons in conflict
should take it very calm fully and with patience.

The most important thing in the FGD is was the different personality of
participants and their different opinions. The GP1 was a kind of person who always liked to
live within the specific group of their friend circle. Who answered all the questions mostly
related to his particular friend circle. That how the friends and relationship with friends
always helped him to be motivated and to do various things he was afraid to do before. Also
he became so much confident and open up while talking with everyone. About the romantic
relationship he said there is no such opportunity came until now but those who get it very
Nice!. This person was a kind of person who is happy with his friends. Conflicts he said
mostly happens in games but very less in usual life. Gp2 said that she likes to do conflict and
keep fighting with her friends but their should be a sense of awareness that where this is
going to lead us. She was I think very much experienced in the conflict thing.
(PAGE -01)

In personal she is a open person and is very 1 frank with everyone. Gp3 was a kind of same
person very open up and a funny person. His opinion about romance was that its good but it
depends upon situation. But, all kind of relationship is very important and their roles in our
life helps us to live us in better way. Gp4 was a little serious kind of person not comfortable
while talking with us. He simply agreed with the opinions with everyone and given some
opinions. Gp5 had his opinions very different from others like his opinion about the conflict
that their should be ignorance if conflict happens and romance is must so you can focus on
your work. Gp6 was a kind of introvert person who didn’t given talk to much. So didn’t faced
conflict until now and never had in romantic relationship but only friendship is so important
in his life. Most of the time all of their opinions were seemed to be right but, sometime they
given opinions but it was not practically applicable in their life. (PAGE -01)


Facilitator - What type of relations have you been in this campus?

Group member 1

Firstly, started with friendship when I came in the campus, initially I was a little scared but
the people out here supported a lot thus the relationship which was build was motivating and
up pulling. After meeting different people I could open up, also because of them I could
participate and indulge in different activities like dance, group discussion, presentation etc.
which I could not before entering the college.

Facilitator –

Sidelining friendship what other kind of relationship did you had?

GP – 1

Only had some strong friendship.

GP – 4

Firstly the most important relation is with the family, after coming here there wasn’t any
personal experience only friendship was most important. There is always a motivating factor.
Also, teacher student relation is really different here compared to the school settings as this is
a residential campus all of this was a different experience from past life.

GP – 3

After family, I had met some people during the interview. In our class there are 25 of us,
initially we all thought we are different but as we did a lot of activities and works together it
made us friends. There are 500 students in this campus and we all meet or at least each other
3-4 times a day. Here it is important that we should support each other in terms of the
requirement or any help. On a friendship note we all are able to adapt. As GP-2 said; we have
realized that apart from our colleagues and friends we have our teachers who are very
friendly, if we have to discuss anything they do help us because we all know that at the end of
the we all have to do the work all together for example the placement work. How we can
manage our responsibilities and how we can lead our self, for all this we need support.


Any other relationship as such in the campus or outside?

GP – 3

No, not yet in the campus. Have been in a romantic relationship which has ended up on its
own note, there were many pros and cons with its different understanding. It should be
mutual between both.

GP – 4 (PAGE -03)

As a SW student, we came for the interview and made some good friends who still are my
friends, there was a bond that we made. After selection when I came to the class, there was a
bond created between them also. Lived with 5 of the friends in the room which was a

different friendship and bond. In 5-10 days we all know each other and during playing games
also in made friends, also made certain friends who were as brothers often called them as
‘bada bhai’, ‘chota bhai’. There were also such friends who were above the friend zone line.

Facilitator – Something towards romantic side?

GP – 4

There is a romantic relation going on, and there is no problem. Everything is going fine.

GP – 2

It is different from friendship.

GP – 4

It is a friendship only but its perspective is different (romantic), it is just that you can express
yourself in front of that person and the person understands well.

GP – 5

When I first came in the college, the experience was totally different. The prior college that I
was studying in had a thing that the seniors ignored us if we asked them for any help but
when I came here there were a lot of people helped me in making presentations and
answering my questions and co operating with me. And the teachers here are good.

Facilitator – Any romantic relation?

GP – 5

When I was in Pune, I had a romantic relationship. She was my friend’s friend. She never
told me about her feelings but one day she confessed.

GP – 6

All the friends here support me. I never have much talk with people. So all my friends force
me and motivate me to speak up.

Facilitator -

Which type of relationship would you prefer the most? And why?

GP – 1

Family is the most important relationship for me. After then comes friendship and after that
comes romantic relationship which I don’t have. I prefer friendship at this moment because I
cannot hear any bad thing about my friends and family, at the same time I can hear bad about
myself. Example if my friend drinks, my family would think that I being in his or her
company will start drinking, but defending my friend in front of my family; that my friend
does not drink is true friendship. I have always kept my friends on a priority, after my family
they are the most important for me.

GP – 2

I don’t prefer any one kind of relationship because every relationship has its own importance.
Family is important on its side and friendship on its side, romance also has its own sweetness,
has its own space. If you ask me about my preference, I will always prefer my family.
Because every time they support you in your ups and downs.

GP – 3

If we talk about different relationships, as GP-2 said, we cannot always give preference to a
single one. After birth you have different relations in your life till your death. Firstly under
the family, who have taught us the basic cultures and values which in turn helps us to make
friends. Romantic relationships are not that important. If you can talk to everyone, the one
whom you’re comfortable with, becomes your friend or more than that. But the preference
will always be the family as it provides unconditional love. Without a friend, the life is
meaningless. Therefore I will prefer family and friends currently, as there is no romance in
my life, but would love to have one.

GP - 4 As GP 2 mentioned family supports you in every condition. They motivate you, give
direction to achieve your goals whereas friends accompany you on the path of success and
not make the journey boring. The friend list which you have

(PAGE -05)

further divides into brotherhood, best friends, soulmates for life. Every relation has its own
importance. You learn different things from different relations, every lesson has its own

importance. At this point of time, I cannot give any preference to any relation, it depends on
the condition.

GP – 5

When we love someone we tend to put a lot of conditions saying you don’t do this, don’t do
that, don’t sit with him/her, all of this is wrong, because when you’re in love with someone
you don’t limit him/her and set him or her free.

GP – 6

Where ever I have been till now, my family has always been with me, thus my preference
will always be my family.

GP – 5

I think GP-6 is straightforward.

Facilitator –

If you had been in a romantic relationship and if it had abruptly broken up, then what have
you have learnt from it?

GP – 1


GP – 2

There hasn’t been any relationship, which has ended or any situation.

GP – 3

There have been relationships which have abruptly ended, I sometimes feel bad about it. It's
about thinking and believing in a humble way. I have learnt to keep confidence in myself. If
you do that the world is yours.

GP – 4

It depends on the type of relationship. There are situations where we think I cannot take it and
will die. It also happens in the family, when the people who care for you are not with you, it
teaches you to handle yourself, be

independent and behave in a certain way. Such as certain times at a very young age, then at
16-17 you have to earn or find an alternative. In that condition, it teaches you a lot. Secondly,
if your are emotionally attached to someone, and you get hurt, then you get distracted. Every
relation has its own effect and impact on the future as well as the present.

GP – 5

I think if someone had a breakup, I literally had, which made me realize forever is myth.
Everything is temporary. When there is a heartbreak, we always tend to find some emotional
support. I too get nightmares that I will die, but it teaches us to be prepared and strong. We
can defend ourselves that we don’t get these nightmares.

F-(Note) This Is up to you if you want to answer it or not, if you answer it we will feel good
if not that’s OK!

F-What are the romantic place that you recall, in the campus. Romantic in the sense like it
can be intimidated. Even if you are not in the relationship like you would have liked to be at
that place?

Gp4-Like Taj Mahal is , It can be Taj Mahal.

F-Let’s start with Gp6

F-You can also explain what a romantic place should be.

Gp6- I would like to pass.

Gp3- Romantic place! So let’s start it with campus. Until now it didn’t happened in campus.
If I would like to go with someone in the campus its third hill. So that you can chat properly
there so it’s very nice. The views there are nice. And romantic place is where both of you are
comfortable that is the most romantic place. But if I would have been at my home there are
some few good places that I know or roof top or anywhere there you can make it romantic.
That would be a good place.

Gp4- Campus is very nice, anywhere it’s good.

Gp1- yes its right.

Gp3-yes it’s.

Gp1- Campus is very nice and its last year so I’m feeling like! I’ll do WASH. So it’s like
anywhere in the campus. If it’s in the campus then everywhere it’s the same.

Gp2- like in the campus everywhere it’s good. But, third hill is so clichéd. Everybody go
there, so I won’t go there. Somewhere else instead of this. Like behind the canteen. All these
places are nice. I always had a fascination for Punjab. So I would like to go there. Because I
personally like that place so much. If the guy is Punjabi it would be better.

Gp4 – If talking about campus. Like they said third hill and mostly anywhere.

F- Where? Like any secret place. Any place that you recall.

Gp4- There is no such thing like secret place but there are few places. Where you feel
comfortable, suitable place like no one will disturb you. Like there is no problem.
Individuality should be maintained their. Third hill is good. Outside my village is good more
beautiful than third hill that’s it.

Gp5- I think in the campus people literally fight for the place near the generator. If someone
is sitting they just scold them and go “YAAR who taken our place, we could have sat there”.
Second is third hill for relaxation. If you want to do long talks. Outside the campus where
there is no one you know.

F-Q. Why do you think having a relationship in the campus is necessary whether its
friendship or any relationship?

Gp1- there can be two kind of relationships romantic and friendship. Like for those who
taking intoxicants, like they don’t need anybody they can do it by themselves. But without
friends you cannot enjoy. And those who get romantic it’s good!

Gp2- relationship, it might be of any kind. It’s important because there are ups and downs
and all up downs have their own importance. Either you learn or adjust. You became humble
and more humane.

Gp3- Relationship, obviously it’s hard for a person to be alone. You are studying in a social
sciences college. You have to survive in the society. To be comfortable with them and
understand. It depends on you how much friends you make. Even doing addictive stuff you

cannot enjoy without friends. Also for focused group discussion we are friends somewhere.
So it’s important, if not

I would have being friends with only my classmates. But, I came here I became a friend of
all here. I played volleyball for first time. I have seen everyone. Everybody is having some
talents. If you can know other person you cannot explore yourself.

Gp4- like they said you have to do conversation. Like you cannot talk with until they talk
with you. Like you want somebody to share your feelings with doing discussion. You are
going in the village and you have to adjust here and there. All things we learn in friend zone
when talking with senior and junior. You learn how to talk.

Gp5- I think relationship in the campus is must. When a person is single he/she feels a mental
pressure. He/she feels like my friend has a romantic relation and why he/she does not have a
romantic relationship.

Gp6- It’s important because they motivate you.

F.Q- How you ever experienced conflicts in the campus?

F- OK let’s start.

Gp3- If it’s about campus there is no such conflict. But in class disagreement in argument. So
if somebody don’t want to listen you, you may have to change your behaviour. We are here
for ten months. So we have to agree to our mistakes or we can make negotiations by taking
down our ego.

Gp5- For me we both are friends. If have fight with each other and its resolved. It’s better, so
there are no conflicts but arguments. Also with friend who was stopping me from smoking
but now it’s ok.

Gp1- Conflict is such concept which makes you adjusted to your friends. Like you came.
You see in the campus there are 70 people. You make preconception this kind of conflicts in
mind you adjust with it. Yes there are conflicts but with time gets better.

F- Next.

Gp2- Conflict, we have been fighting from childhood, here it’s in sports. I can fight with Gp1
on any subject. It’s good to keep it going.

Gp4- there have been no conflicts as such. There are arguments not conflicts. In sports it
happens. If you’re attached with somebody it should not change.

Gp6- I don’t talk too much as a result there were no chance of conflict.

F.Q- This question is connected to the latter one. If there are any conflict that happened with
you how it impacted on you and how did you dealt with it?

Gp4- there are such conflicts with big impacts. But in future if it happens you should tell
what your problem is and let other also. Where we are wrong then find solutio. There should
be nothing related to it. Find something else to fight.

Gp1- You should take fight in a positive manner, like it is motivating for us. Like something
which motivates. Like if I fought with gp3 and he tells me you cannot do it. So why I can’t do
it. It should not end up with conflict.

Gp3- Not in campus. But there was conflict between my sister and mom. There is extra talk
when you get heat up. But you should be calm and cool in that moment. People should be
sensible of that moment. Like GP1 said in positive way. My grandfather said to my father
you cannot do anything in life but he cracked a entrance of IIT. So there should be positive

Gp5- some time there is no middle path like its high level of conflict. So you should ignore
like he is dead. But if it’s in campus don’t do backstabbing and just ignore.

Gp6- First you think before you talk. Understand what impact it makes on other.

Gp2- I agree conflicts can come up. But you should resolve it by talking. Either one of the
two should be sensible. This what I learned until now.

Facilitator –

After breakup with a friend or a romantic partner, how is the relationship with them?

Group member 3

After break up with romantic partner, relationship is very normal there is no hesitation
among. Now we are very normal.

Group member 5 (PAGE -10)

After breakup if we see the partner then we recall the memories of past with them then don’t
be just friend avoid them if we are getting pain. Just forget about them.

Group member 1

Activities we does before minimizes after the break. Everything goes right but we don’t
involve in life of her/his. Hi hello type conversation continues but not too much

Group member 4

Change comes after the relationship, they don’t get involved too much as they before

Group member 2

In friendship first you become normal friends after you become good friends then after then
you become best friend, buddies. Also in romantic relationship after breakup bond with your
partner decrease and at end you stop the conversation with your partner.

Facilitator –

Have you ever had conflict with faculty or staff in the campus?

Group member 1

There are some faculties who are bias while teaching. I had an incident that if someone is
talking while class then teacher doesn’t say anything, but when I talked then they shouted and
expanded the topic.

Group member 4

While taking printout from the cc I had a conflict with staff that I have to submit my
assignment and it was deadline, and also I don’t had any coupons, I requested him to give me

five printouts and I’ll give you coupons tomorrow then he said no, rule has been changed and
then I took the printouts then I submitted without giving any coupons. Then sir called me and
then they told me and they explained me.

Group member 2 (PAGE


I had conflict and as I learned from my conflicts I acted sensibly and I wrote an apology letter
and solved the conflict.

Group member 3: Never

Facilitator –

What is your relationship with the flora and fauna in the campus?

Group member 1:

I had a good relationship with the dogs. I never harmed any pet in campus.

Group member 3:

The campus is blessed by the nature and we all admit that. And we also pollute that. We say
good things about the nature but in actual we don’t take of the nature. We have to improve
our habits. And we love the campus and animals like dogs.

Group member 3

Not too closer to dogs but loves the dogs and also the trees in the campus.

Group member 2

I had very limited interaction with flora and fauna. Keep away from the dogs but love trees.


Do agrees with statement of ishq mohbatt dhoka hain pdhle beta mauka hai?

Group member 1

100% agree.

Group member 3

I would like to agree with that. But if person can manage then it is okay. We are here to
achieve something hence I would like to agree with that.

Group member 5

I am not agreeing with that. Someone is needed to share the feelings hence it should be there.

Group member 4 (PAGE -12)

I am agreeing with that because it is the only time to do something that things can be happen
sometime. Both things have its own importance in life. From that you can be motivated or
also you can be depressed. It is depending on how you utilize your time; there also you can
learn about persons.

Group member 6

You have to learn how to manage things, then it okay.


Thank you for choosing us. No complaints everything was okay. Thank you (PAGE -13)

● Confronting Negative Self-Evaluation

Sl. Feedback Nature of feedback in terms of Reframe feedback in a better

No. desirability, impact, and fashion.

1 Try not taking The feedback was helpful and also This feed back made me little
excessive stress. useful as it has made me think about the self aware about my life.
stress we have how can i manage it Which i should live with
better, making myself more organised . peace and joy and little
amount of stress not too
much.It helped me to make
analysis about myself.

2 Always happy Every human being likes to be This is good because it

and helpful. praised,so this statement is a desired inspires me to be more happy
one and make me happy. and helpful. Also its
motivating statement.

3 A genuine This statement has made an impact on It's good to get known about
person. me cause i never thought of myself as a your goodness by others.As it
genuine person and that someone would is a authentic quality within
find genuineness in me. myself

4 Annoying but This feedback has again created an This feedback made me feel
nice. impact on me,a positive one in which i good because i always
need self evaluate my behaviour and try wanted to be more than nice.
becoming a better person. Sometimes being annoying is

5 Try changing This feedback is helpful as it Of Course no one is perfect

your behaviour. encourages me to find the flaws in my and at some point we have to
behaviour and eliminate them. change our beliefs, thoughts
and behaviour. This feedback
is urging the need to be
changed in me, it's simply

6 A nice and This feedback is the desired feedback This feedback is always not
caring person. and is appreciated and extensively desired feedback as
desired sometimes from the person i
love or connected too much i
don't expect this kind of
feedback from them. But, yes
its feedback makes me feel
better inside.

7 Hard working This statement is helpful one as it This statement is very very
person. instills a sense of pride in me that i am nice if i'm really a hard
a hardworking and honest person and worker at that moment of
that i can succeed. life. It can motivate me to do
more hard work. It creates a
long term self respect for

8 Lives in own It has created an impact on me as it has It can be wonderful thing to
world. encouraged me to actually look if i have my own world. As i
remain cooped up in life and do i really don't care about the world
need to open up more in life. and i'm doing something
unique than others.

9 Organised and This type of feedback is desired and is This feedback is helpful
sincere person. needed to make me happy and while i'm doing some work
focused to keep doing what i'm doing. with full of responsibility.
Which can lead to more
better result in future.

10 Try opening a This has also created an impact on me This made me little more
bit more to as i feel i should open up more to sensible towards the essence
people. people but at the same time be cautious of getting in with peoples.As
so as to not be caught off-guard. its important in the society to


Sl. Feedback Reflect on the nature of feedback Reframe

No. in terms of desirability, impact feedback in a better fashion.
and helpfulness

1. Sporty I appreciate the fact that I am not Happy to know that some people
considered as a lethargic have this view about me. It's really
person. perfect to inspire you to be a real
sporty even if you not.

2. A great dancer. This impacts me. It would It's very wonderful feedback
Expression queen. motivate me to dance well boosting up my confidence and
further. making my personality more

3. You are the best. I feel happy being considered as Love you too, yes i am the best it
Love you. the best by someone. feels awesome.

4. You are very This would let others come to me It's the feedback influence me to
approachable. for help which I would be glad create more practical and realistic
to. approach towards my work. Glad
to help others with more updated

5. You are a very This makes me feel desirable and The good dancer i would consider
good dancer and would boost my self a compliment is necessary for the
very beautiful too. confidence. artist to be preserved about his
work to be consistent, but beautiful
can create false pride sometimes.
If its about my values then its
more better.

6. Always smile at Knowing that my smile makes an It's good to know that i'm happy in
everyone. impact on other’s mind makes life and and also making other feel
me happy and feel desirable. comfortable and happy around me.

7. Good singer, sing This boosts my self confidence This will make go straight on stage
out before us. and creates an impact on my and sing a song. It's really so
motivation scale. helpful to feel comfortable as an
artist while performing. Develops
inner happiness and satisfaction.

8. Love how you Creates an impact on my love for Develops and humble approach
love dance. the art and drives me to work towards my work and makes me
better on it. more compassionate and dedicated
to it.

9. Stay the same as I feel good and desirable. It's good creates confirmation with
always. me. But change is also necessary
in some manner. But the good
qualities within me can get a
strongness due to this.

10. Most friendly in This makes me feel desirable and Wow just great feedback. It has
class and the happy. I can reach out to more enormous potential to change
funniest too. people and help them. anybody and also for me its most
desirable for my personality

11. Super sweet and Creates an impact and makes me Creates good image about myself.
very helpful. look forward to help more Which help me to deal with
people. various things in my life.

12. Smart girl. Creates a positive impact on my It's absolutely self confidence
personality and would make me a boosting feedback for me. Can
better lead to a positive change in me.


S. No. Reframe
Feedback feedback in a better fashion.

Reflect on the nature of the
feedback in terms of desirability,
impact and helpfulness

1 Very helpful. It is helpful because it inspires me It's good that your helpfulness is
to help more to others. being recognized by somebody
which indirectly stimulates to do
such things more.

2 Please talk. I think I am talkative only with It will take time but for me
whom I feel comfort. And talking should be limited to only
he/she will give me a guarantee the essential amount. Which
that she/he wont judge me. So I am should be purposeful not a
talkative only with few peoples. I garbage stuff. Sometimes if it's
was expecting that someone will important i am the most talkative
write that. person in the room.

3 You are very shy I am beautiful, everyone is Being beautiful is ok. Everyone
and beautiful. beautiful. But i shy to talk with is having something good in
new people. I feel uncomfort. them. But i find no connection.
Of shy and beautiful it will make
me to think do the person giving
me feedback have some
intentions towards me. I Don't
like to be shy but its natural with
in me.

4 Interact more As I told I shy so don't interact Yes it's important to interact with
often people. with new people but okay I will try others. But only its important
and this is helpful for me. and feels me needed.

5 A person who Everyone shows only happy face It shows my inner emotions that
always smile. in public realm. Everyone have a i'm happy and doing good in life
some kind of problems in their life even with problems. It will make
but still we always smile. I me keep going like this.
feel so good after reading this
because it will help me to keep

6 Hard Working, I try to improve myself everyday, I Its very nice feedback which
inspirational for work hard for my makes you more passionate and
me. improvement. I get failure many full of spark about your work.
times, my family supports me to Being consistent and
go ahead. I will keep working hard hardworking is always desired to
so you will also do more efforts . me.

7 Energetic. I am energetic physically more Being energetic shows that i use

than mentally. So i feel good. my energy only on good things.
Feels superb and feels me up
with more energy.

8 I am innocent because i never get Being innocent is desirable to me
jealous on anyone or I never think but only with the good peoples.
bad for anything with anyone. So With other kind of peoples im
it's helpful I will keep myself little different.

9 Too talkative. You feel I am talkative means I am Being talkative is good it means
comfortable with you. im alive.

10 I don't like your I get hurt a lot. I can't pronounce R No, problem you can call me as
name ( D silent). alphabet. I have tongue issue. In you will like.
my name D is not silent but it is
hard to pronounce marathi
alphabet “DNYA” do for make
easier I ask to keep D silent.

11 A different Everyone is different. Everyone is Yes but i would like be different

person. unique in the world. And I is good terms which is more
am not exception. helpful to others.


S.No. Feedback Reflect on the nature of feedback in terms Reframe feedback in a

of desirability, impact and helpfulness better fashion.

1 Very friendly, helpful This is a positive feedback, and Being friendly is in my

and obviously a good desirable in the sense that it gives me nature and doing help
photographer a sense of more confidence. It is to others obviously
helpful too. helps to be satisfied

2. Sometimes arrogant This is a negative feedback, it is This is obviously

undesirable and something to be undesirable and helpful
worked on. to broke my arrogance
and ego

3. Mast h bhai, jogging This is a very desirable feedback, and Thank You for giving
karte jaa it was very helpful as it is truth, I good advice as
really need to do jogging. feedback. Tends me to
be consistent at doing
good job

4. Sometimes rude, but This feedback is desirable, it is This is desired one.

very helpful helpful in a sense that I need to work Shows me both sides of
on it. myself a true analysis.

5. Reduce your laziness, This is a needy comment, I will work This is enlightening
carefree on this. feedback. Making me
lot aware the things to
be changed within me.

6. You are strange, but This is a feedback I had never thought This feedback is good
good someone would comment. that somebody is
showing faith on me. It
can create the sense of
comfort with that

7. Well dressed This is really an appreciable feedback, It's good to make me

it gives me a sense of confidence and feel confident and also
increases my self- image. develops my

8. Serious This is a quite uncommentable, it can feedback is may be due
be both ways depending on the to some past
context of the writer. experience. But is its
true i don't know if i
can take it so lightly . I
don't care.

9. Polite and helpful This is really a visible comment made It's a feedback
by the writer. Many others have reflecting some of my
also come up with the same opinion good values which are
for me. really motivates to be
nice to othe

10. Talk more This is quite confusing as I don’t talk I don't know
much to people whom I meet for the but i'll definitely work
very first time. on it. I'll talk when ever
its essential

11. Perfect Photographer This is quite motivating and I would feedback is desirable to
like to enhance my skill to next level. make me work more
but i'll keep it as source
of inspiration while

12. Sexyyy This is a sexy comment, surely made Yeah, makes me feel
by one of my closest friend. totally alive and feel
really cool

13. Come out of the room This is an appreciable comment. This feedback is always
and play needed as im not so
much self disciplined.

14. Great guy with great Comments like this make my day, I This is such nice
personality really appreciate the person who has feedback really
written this appreciable if it's true

15. Cutiepie This is lovable comment. So cute feedback.

16. Dashing, have a good This is a comment to be marked up,

sense of clothing i’ll surely keep up to my standards. Yes, as its really a very
big thing for me.

● TABLE NO 5 Feedback Reflect on nature of feedback in Reframe

terms of desirability, impact feedback in a better
and helpfulness fashion.

01. It's been a blessing that i I feel its desirable. Its most desirable.
meet you, keep Hope i have made a positive impact If i'm making some good
changing others life. on the person. impact on others i'll keep
doing this.

02. You can easily mingle That’s my quality of being sociable. This is wonderful quality in
up with lot of people. It is impactful. me. Always helpful, good

03. Happy, helpful and I am always happy so a positive It's good for me to keep up the
always leads the way. impact on my personality. good work i'm doing.

04. Pure soul. I keep pure thoughts inside out. It’s It's absolutely desirable very
definitely desirable. lovely feedback. Creating a
highly positive impact on me.

05. Outgoing and very Desirable attitude. Keeps motivating Yep, So wonderful feedback
hardworking. me. can make me go through hard
times also.

06. You are really caring. Helpfulness at its best. Always ready to help. It is the
thing which makes me more
contented inside and satisfied
to live happy life.

07. The most innocent A helpful feedback. Thank You i'll consider is at
person. my soft side. It has impact on
me that'll be the same.

08. Very childish but a Impactful on my personality. It will help me to make

lovely person. assessment towards my

09. Bubbly. Funny. Impactful. No words but will make me


10. Extrovert. Covert behaviour. Desirable. Yes, make me good at the

present moment and helps me
to drive the the moment.

11 Very friendly. Helping my personality. Can be helpful to create ease

in the life. make my life go

● Cognitive Behavioural change Therapy Techniques.

Statement about self-perception Reflect on the nature of Restructure the
statement statement in
accordance to the
principle of CBC

1 I am an introvert person The person is self It's better to be a

confident and free of introvert person.Who
anxiety, so its self is always connected to
enhancing statement. his world only.

2 Silent & focused It's a appropriate Being a silent and

statement, So its self focused person helps
enhancing. me a lot to work with
high potential.

The person has putted I believe in smart work

3 Not hardworking him self down, which more than hard work.
shows self defeating

4 Self Centric & Selfish Person is overly critical, Its helps to be selfish in
Self defeating. today's world.

The person may be I am more careful about

5 Very emotional putting himself down or others which makes me

self criticised, so its self more emotional.

6 Flexible/adjustable to work with anyone Positive statement, so self It's the feature which is
enhancing helpful to collaborate
with others.

Playing sports builds up

7 Play sports This statement shows some certain values in

good qualities hence its a you and it's good for
self enhancing. health also.

Being punctual shows a Punctuality always

8 Punctual positive feature of a made me to start and
person its a self finish my work on
enhancing statement. right time.

9 Non-judgemental attitude This statement is Being non judgemental

instructive and positive. helps me to be happy.
So its a self enhancing


S.No Statement about self-perception Reflect on the nature of Restructure the

statement statement in
accordance to the
principle of CBC

1 I am very confused person Self defeating,In the Its due to my hectic work
statement the person has schedule, which will
putted him down. change when ill be free.

2 I am very extrovert when it comes to This statement shows a It's better to be

making friends free behaviour, its a self extrovert more
enhancing statement. interactive , its good
for making connection
with friends.

3 I love to write down my thoughts This person is showing Writing my thoughts

his positive feature its a down gives me a
self enhancing. freedom. It feels good

The only reason to care

4 I care a lot about my friends or anyone Its instructive about my friends is i love them
behaviour and positive, so and we have good
related to me
self enhancing statement. connection.

5 I worry about what other people think This is a mind reading Its because it helps me
about me. statement , it's a self know how i should
defeating statement. behaviour in the

6 I have a lot of mood swings This is overgeneralizing I am moody person

the behaviour, its a self and don't care what
defeating. others think. Its helps
me to live free and

Trusting anyone easily It's because i see good
7 I trust people easily shows carelessness, it a in everyone and every
which can create situation.
difficult situation.

It's good feature and

8 I work hard to achieve my goals It's a self enhancing as the only key to
it shows the good success. ALways
feature of persons. helped me to be best.

Being competitive is
9 I am very competitive person. Self enhancing , as it very good as it is
shows some helpful to work with
behavioural feature higher potential.
which is good.

● TABLE NO- 3.

S.No Statement about self-perception Restructure statement

Reflect on the nature of in accordance to the
statement principle of CBC

1 I am an extrovert Being extrovert is not extrovert i always feel
bad and not good also free to talk with

it depends on the anybody.

2 I am someone who bottles feeling up Its self enhancing as its It's good because you
the ability of person should be non reactive
shows feature of with certain emotions.

For everyone being a

3 I am a good listener It's good to be a good good listener is first
listener, its self
step to be a good be a
enhancing feature.
good speaker and
human being.

4 I am very approachable & I love Self enhancing, as it This helps me to

talking to new people. shows a positive know knew peoples
behaviour of the and talk to them, learn
person. something from them.

5 I get emotionally attached to people It can be both self We are humans and
(and dogs) very easily. enhancing and self human is tend to be
defeating but it socialized with others
depends on the person and be connected .I
and situation. feel good to do this.

This is self defeating Being stubborn helps me

6 I am very stubborn statement as it shows to be convicted to my

some kind of rigidity in beliefs.

7 I am quite indecisive Self defeating, as its a Sometimes i like both

negative feature of a things which makes
person. me indecisive. But it's
only due to my wider

8 I forgive people easily and don't hold Self enhancing, as its It's helpful to live
past grudge. positive behaviour in your present life more
the person. happily with

It's nice to be loyal

9 I am a loyal and compassionate friend and compassionate
or peer Its self enhancing which affects the
shows positiveness in work in good manner
the behaviour. bringing good results
in work.

10 I am quite adventurous and not afraid We have very short

to take risks. Self enhancing, as it life to live so. For me

shows some instructive doing adventures and

features of the crazy things is so

behaviour. important.


S.No Statement about self-perception Reflect on the nature of Restructure the

statement statement in accordance
to the principle of CBC

1 Patients would be a virtue I cherish This is clearly self Patients always help
about myself enhancing and positive person to be keeping up
statement of the good work.I tend to
appreciating self. perform toughest jobs
only due to patient.

2 An listen to people for a good period of It depicts the self To be a good person
time and can be a good listener with enhancing feature as its you have to be a good
less intervention a positive and listener and this kind of
instructive statement in qualities will help us to

the sense of good improve.


3 Need my space and time away from the it's a self enhancing a free space and time in
statement as it shows the life gives you more
crowd and noise
clear opinion about the freedom and a it feels
needs blissful

The statement shows that Its because im so think

4 I can get influenced by the events the person is being about other behaviour
affected by atmosphere which tends me to feel
happen around me
around. Which is self empathetic about others.
defeating statement as a
person should develop
thick skin.

I always make efforts

5 Gets affected by what people thinks Self defeating,as it that everyone should
about me, but by only those people who shows the person does think good about me
matters to me. mind reading and a lot and i guess how others
tensed. is thinking about me to
make assessment.

6 It makes me happy to do something for This statement shows Ultimately the purpose
people a basic good behaviour of life can be helping
of helpfulness to others and gives a real
others,which shows happiness inside.
self enhancing

7 Rarely I form opinion about others This statement shows Be a happy and relaxed
less reactive in person.we should be
behaviour and positive neutral in life.
attitude of person.


S.No Statement about self-perception Reflect on the nature of Restructure the

statement statement in
accordance to the
principle of CBC

1 I am optimistic It shows the Being optimistic you

positiveness in can see what others

behaviour, so its a self can't see. Which can

enhancing statement. be beneficial in the


2 I am good at decision making This statement shows For becoming
instrictive element of successful it's
behaviour.Its a self important to be good
enhancing statement at decision making.
Everyone should have
this feature for
leading a good life.

Being confident is
3 I am over confident at some times It's a self defeating good and helps to
statement as it shows perform with your
the feature of best.Sometimes you
exaggerating the can't control it. But at
emotions, which is not the end it's beneficial
good. as you will learn
something from it.

4 I am extremely proud of what I am Really fantastic to be What is more cool

proud of what you are then being proud of
because it defines who who you are?Being
you are. It's clearly a yourself is always
self enhancing as it better than trying to
highlight positive be someone else.
aspect in the person.

5 I am patient Self enhancing Sometimes in hard
statement as it situations we need to
characterizes a higher have some hold on
value in person . ourselves. So being
patient is very
precious thing.

6 I try not hurt people's emotions Always trying to make Most of the time i like to
others not to feel bad is a make others near me
good and represents a feel really happy and
positiveness. comfortable. So i cant
hurt them and make
them feel bad

When you laugh even

7 I laugh when in stress This is a self coping very big difficulties
statement as being gets eradicated. This
happy in difficult create a support for
situation is not easy. me in my mind.

8 I can be rude at times, but try to make This is a self enhancing I know that i'm not
up for mistakes as soon as I realize it statement as it portrays most of the times but
the self actualisation sometimes very rude.
and improvement But always when ever
efforts being taken. i realize it i try to
work on it to make it

9 I am emotionally strong This is a self enhancing Even it's the most
statement as it reflects the toughest time in my life
strength and positiveness , even it's so hard on
in the behaviour of the me.I like to stay strong
person. and not lose my faith
which makes me
balanced and I
understand the situation
in more better way.


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