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Unit 5 Story

1 Remember the story. Read and write.

1 Katy and her dad were in the country .
2 Something was very .
  trees film set
3 Katy saw something move in the . bat sea
4 Katy and her dad saw a giant . country

5 Suddenly there was a loud .
6 It wasn’t a normal .

7 Suddenly, they saw a big boat in the .

8 Katy and her dad weren’t on an island. They were on a .

2 Find nine words from the story. Write.

s l d i n o s a u r Animals Places Adjectives

c p p e c s w j i d bat
a a o g o p x o p l
r t s j u f i s h m
y i e p n h s t b l
j e d o t m l r q s
r n m t r f a a p h
e t a h y b n n e s
y b w p a y d g s i
f i l m s e t e u y

3 Write about yourself.

I like being with my dad. fl like being with

I’m happy when I’m in fl’m happy when

the country.

I’m scared of giant bats! fl’m scared of

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Unit 5 Vocabulary and grammar 1

1 Match and write.

ice-  ci-  vol-  
pyr-  can-  pl-
-yon  -ty  -cano
-amid  -berg  -ain

2 Write. rainbow  mountain  ocean  island  forest  village

™i µum! fl’m having a gr

eat ti
(1) village where we are me! †hiš iš the
a little (2) staying. flt’š on
in the middle of the
(3) . †hat’š our hotel, at the
of the (4)   top
near the (5) .
†oday it’š raining and su
nny. †here’š a  
(6) in the sky! Lots of love,

3 Look. Write questions and answers.

Joe’s holiday

1 go
∂id ¯oe go on holiday with hiš mum?
˙o, he didn’t. ™e went on holiday with hiš dad.
2 find

3 write

4 wear

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Unit 5 Vocabulary and grammar 2
1 Read and cross out the words.
Jack had a strange dream last
night. This morning he wrote a
(1) letter / story about it. In the
dream he wore a (2) funny hat /
shorts. He was on a beach. He
(3) heard / found a guitar. It was
lovely. A boat appeared and Joe
(4) swam / ran to it. There was a
friendly pirate in the boat. The
boat was magic. Joe and the pirate
(5) flew / ran to an island. They
(6) found / heard a group playing
music. Joe can’t remember the end
of the dream!

2 Write.
present past present past
write wrote
wear fly

swim find

run hear

3 Write questions and answers about Joe. Use find, fly, run, write and wear.
1 ∑hat did he find? ™e found a guitar.





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Unit 5 Cross-curricular Learn more at the top ▼

1 Read and write. in the middle ▶

top  bottom  middle  skyscraper
cathedral  swirling clouds cathedral skyscraper at the bottom ▲

This landscape shows a busy

1 top
city. At the top of the picture
2 there are two skyscrapers.
There’s a grey sky with swirling
3 clouds. In the middle of the
picture there’s a road with lots
of cars. At the bottom there’s a
cathedral and a Town Hall.
To the left of the Town Hall
there’s a park. There are lots of
people walking.


2 Draw and write. Choose a town / city / jungle or countryside landscape.

†hiš landscape

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