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Iona Rutledge

Lauren Bradburg

English 101

22 November, 2020

Police Body Cameras; Are they Necessary?

The use of body cameras in the police force is a controversial topic. Despite the overwhelming

proof that employing body cameras would benefit the police force, many think that the miniscule

negatives far outweigh the positives. Police body cameras create safer environments that benefit both the

officers and civilians, creating more opportunities for effective reform.

Body cameras can improve the behavior of those on the job. If cops are monitored it would

become difficult for them to abuse their power. It can also hold officers who abuse their power or act

unfairly accountable for their actions, which can aid in police reform.In one case the body camera of

officer Pinheiro caught him falsifying evidence, though Pinheiro’s case was dropped the video evidence

put police reform activist into action.

Police reform is necessary, body cameras aid in making reform much easier. The presence of

cameras can create a safer environment and be used as a way to keep officers from bad behavior on the

job. An example of how these devices create safer environments is a database from the Washinton Post

the recounts six shootings in Montana “Those numbers came from news reports confirming that each

shooting was a unique incident. Of those six shootings, only one was recorded on a police body camera.”

(Lutey). The fact that only one of the shooters was wearing the camera cannot be ignored, of course
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cameras won’t fix the problem immediately but out of the 5 other cases how many would have been

prevented if all of the officers in the area where required to wear the cameras on duty?

The use of body cameras can make heated situations between cops and civilians easier to

understand with the extra perspective. They could provide evidence on crime scenes that can be replayed

to view details. They also provide footage of non compliance and other interactions that an officer or

citizen could lie about. Playing back this information helps other officers and citizens understand

circumstances and could help provide clearer pictures of events on the job. Domestic violence cases are

where body cameras have proven themselves in this aspect, the evidence provided from cameras during

heated situations becomes very important later on. ““When the cops are called and come through the

door, the victim is very happy and relieved to see them,” said Elliot Knetsch, prosecutor for the city of

Burnsville. “They feel safe. They tell the officer what happened. That statement given right at that

moment is more likely to be the truth than what comes out even half an hour later, when the implications

of what has happened start to set in.” (Prather).

Police need to wear body cams to create a safer environment for citizens and to aid in the reform

of the justice system. It will prevent abuse and neglect to hold cops accountable for actions by having

those actions recorded clearly.

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Works Cited

Kishor. “10 Pros and Cons of Police Body Cameras.” Honest Pros and Cons, 20 Nov. 2020,

Lutey, Tom. “Daines backs police reform bill that includes more body cameras and accountability

.” Billings Gazette, Daines backs police reform bill that includes more body cameras and

accountability, 18 June 2020,



Prather, Shannon. “Police Body Cameras Are Newest Tool against Domestic Violence.” Star

Tribune, 27 Apr. 2015,


Rector, Kevin. “Caught fabricating evidence, convicted Baltimore police officer remains on force

2½ years later

.” The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore Sun, 9 Mar. 2020,

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