Research Article: 3D Finite Element Modeling of Single Bolt Connections Under Static and Dynamic Tension Loading

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Shock and Vibration

Volume 2015, Article ID 205018, 12 pages

Research Article
3D Finite Element Modeling of Single Bolt Connections under
Static and Dynamic Tension Loading

Emily Guzas, Kevin Behan, and John Davis

Division Newport (NUWCDIVNPT), US Naval Undersea Warfare Center, 1176 Howell Street, Newport, RI 02841, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Emily Guzas; [email protected]

Received 1 May 2014; Accepted 4 August 2014

Academic Editor: Senthil S. Vel

Copyright © 2015 Emily Guzas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The Naval Undersea Warfare Center has funded research to examine a range of finite element approaches used for modeling bolted
connections subjected to various loading conditions. Research focused on developing finite element bolt representations that were
accurate and computationally efficient. A variety of finite element modeling approaches, from detailed models to simplified ones,
were used to represent the behavior of single solid bolts under static and dynamic tension loading. Test cases utilized models of
bolted connection test arrangements (static tension and dynamic tension) developed for previous research and validated against
test data for hollow bore bolts (Behan et al., 2013). Simulation results for solid bolts are validated against experimental data from
physical testing of bolts in these load configurations.

1. Introduction 2. Literature Review

The Navy relies heavily on finite element analysis for assess- Previous research on simplified approaches to connection
ments of various systems and components during stowage modeling has focused on finite element modeling of bolted
and handling operations, as well as during potential shock connections with validation through experiment, although
events. Analytical assessments usually involve finite element much of this research has focused on non-Navy applications.
models that are necessarily very complex in order to ade- This research falls into a variety of categories including sim-
quately represent the overall system response. These systems plified connection models for applications ranging from pro-
often include bolted connections, which must be incorpo- gressive collapse to pipe structure behavior and to plate struc-
rated into the finite element models due to requirements to ture behavior.
evaluate the response of any bolts to the external loading of
In the field of progressive collapse modeling, work has
interest. Given that the level of detail necessary to accurately
focused on developing simplified models, or macromodels,
model these systems creates finite constraints on model
size and run time, the bolted connections in these systems of steel and concrete beam-column connections using com-
are rarely modeled in a detailed fashion. Of course, the binations of beam and discrete spring elements [1–6]. These
quality of results from a structural assessment depends on macromodels were used to examine the progressive collapse
the accuracy of the underlying bolt representations. Thus, resistance of a variety of 2D frame [1–3] and 3D building
the focus of the current research is to examine a range of structures [4–6].
finite element modeling techniques used for representing Prior research on simplified modeling of joints in pipe
bolted connections subjected to various loading conditions. structures was carried out by Luan et al. [7]. They developed
Numerous finite element modeling approaches, from detailed a simplified nonlinear model with bilinear springs to model
models to simplified ones, were used to model the behavior of the bolted flange joints in cylindrical pipe structures. They
single bolts under tension loading in as-tested physical con- compared the performance of this model against dynamic
figurations, and results were compared to experimental data. impact loading test data, as well as results using a simple beam
2 Shock and Vibration

Shock machine
interface plate

Tensile plate Tensile plate



Base fixture Bolt fixture

(a) (b)

Figure 1: Section view of (a) static tension test and (b) dynamic tension test.

model of the entire joint and a detailed finite element model on various aspects of joint behavior including joint stiffness,
of the pipe, joint, and bolts. bolt rotation, bolt-hole contact area, stress distribution in
Previous research has been conducted on simplified mod- the laminate, and the onset of failure. Prior research at
eling of bolted connections in generic or plate structures [3, NUWCDIVNPT, by Behan et al. [13], involved the devel-
8–10]. Kwon et al. [8] modeled bolt behavior using a detailed opment of highly detailed finite element models of bolt
model and a selection of simplified “practical” models for arrangements as tested in actual physical experiments, where
both static loading and modal analysis experiments. Kim et model results compared favorably to experimental data for
al. [9] modeled bolt behavior using four different approaches: hollow bore bolts subjected to static and dynamic shear and
a solid bolt model, a coupled bolt model, a spider bolt model, tensile loading.
and a no-bolt model. Their detailed solid-element based This work builds on previous work in that the detailed
model with contact and their simplified coupled bolt model, and simplified finite element models of a bolted connection
which used a single beam element with degree-of-freedom were tested under both static and dynamic loading, for tensile
coupling between its nodes and the solid element nodes of test arrangements. The intent was to test the performance of
the plates on their outermost surfaces, produced the most a given set of finite element model representations of a single
accurate results as compared to experimental results [9] for solid bolt under both static and dynamic tension loading
a static loading experiment of a simple lap joint. conditions.
Shi et al. [10] investigated a bolted joint where a thin
plate was connected by a single bolt at each end to a thicker 3. Experimental Background
plate that was fixed to a main frame. They developed twelve
simplified models, which were used to simulate a drop test Previous research detailed a set of experiments carried out to
where the middle of the thin plate was hit by an impactor. The investigate bolt behavior under a variety of load types [13, 14]
best results using a simplified approach were produced using using hollow bore bolts. For the current research, similar
deformable shell elements to model the bolt-nut assembly, experiments were performed with single noninstrumented
where the bending stiffness of the cylindrical shell had been solid bolts, and data from these tests were used for validation
set equal to that of the bolt shank and contact between the of the numerical results presented later in this paper. The bolt
bolt shank and the plates was included. material was K-Monel K500, and the bolts themselves were
A variety of work has carried out regarding detailed finite 15.24 cm (6 in) long and 6.35 mm (0.25 in) in diameter, with
element modeling of bolted connections with validation a hex head and a standard 1.9 cm (0.75 in) length of 20UNC-
through experiment. McCarthy et al. [11] and C. T. McCarthy 2A thread. Prior to loading, bolts were torqued to provide a
and M. A. McCarthy [12] presented results on single-lap, pretension force equivalent to 2/3 of the yield stress for K500,
single-bolt composite joints with titanium bolts. Base model consistent with standard practice for naval structures.
development and validation against experimental strain The test configurations for the static tension and dynamic
gauge data from the joint surface and experimental joint tension experiments are shown in Figures 1(a) and 1(b),
stiffness data is discussed in [11], and C. T. McCarthy and respectively. During the static tension tests, the tensile force
M. A. McCarthy [12] examined the effects of bolt clearance was applied to a tensile plate via an adapter connected to
Shock and Vibration 3

an Instron machine, as in Figure 1(a). For the dynamic 1500

tension tests, the test bracket was mounted onto an interface
plate on a Lightweight Shock Machine (LWSM) [15], in the
manner shown in Figure 1(b), and the impact of the LWSM
vertical hammer on the interface plate produced accelerations

True stress (MPa)

in the directions shown in the figure. Further details of the
testing are discussed in [13].
Although these experimental configurations are named
for pure loading states, the authors realize that the loads
actually imparted to the test bolts were not restricted to 500
pure tension. Naming conventions follow from idealized test
conditions, where each configuration has the potential to
produce a loading state near to a pure one.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
4. Numerical Modeling True plastic strain (mm/mm)

Finite element models of the test fixture hardware and bolts Figure 2: Material model for K-Monel K500.
were developed in ABAQUS, using ABAQUS/Standard for
the static models and ABAQUS/Explicit for the dynamic
models. To represent the constitutive behavior of the K- comparing model results between the two models and it was
Monel K500 of the bolts, a piecewise hardening model was found that there was extremely good agreement between both
fit to quasistatic tensile test data from coupons of the bolt models for bolt axial force as measured at each increment
material [13, 14], as shown in Figure 2. Mechanical and in applied displacement. Thus, it was determined that the
physical properties of the K500 material included a density submodel was indeed sufficient to accurately capture the
of 8.435 g/cm3 (7.893 × 10−4 lb-s2 /in4 ), elastic modulus of 𝐸 = response of the tested configuration, and all subsequent
analyses utilized the submodel in order to save computational
178.2 GPa (25.8 × 103 ksi), Poisson’s ratio of ] = 0.32, yield
strength (0.2% offset) of 𝜎𝑦 = 729.5 MPa (105.8 ksi), and
All of the numerical simulations of the static test included
ultimate strength of 𝜎𝑢 = 1367.2 MPa (198.3 ksi) [13, 14].
a static preload to 2/3 of the yield stress for K500, consistent
The test fixture was modeled with linear elastic materials. In
with the physical experiments. This pretightening force was
previous work, it was shown that rate-dependent material
applied in the first stage of the static analysis using the ∗ PRE-
properties did not have a significant effect on simulation
results for hollow bore bolts in the same experimental test
which worked together to incrementally develop a prescribed
configurations as those employed for the current research,
force over the bolt cross-section in the direction of the bolt
where comparisons were made between models using qua-
longitudinal axis [16, 17]. After completion of the preload,
sistatic material properties and models with estimated rate-
the main static analysis proceeded with incremental appli-
dependent material properties at a strain rate of 1000/s [13].
cation of displacement, where an arc length algorithm was
Given that the hollow bore bolts and solid bolts experienced
used to guide the solution process. The arc length method
similar rates of deformation in the same experimental config-
in ABAQUS/Standard is a modified Riks algorithm that
urations (on the order of 25/s for the dynamic tension test, as
assumes proportional loading and calculates each increment
quantified by the full resolution models described later in this
in load proportionality factor based on the current arc
paper), it is reasonable to use the quasistatic K500 material
length and increment in displacement [18–20]. Arc length
properties to represent the bolt material in simulations of
parameters used in the static analyses included an initial arc
both static and dynamic test configurations.
length of 0.0254 mm (0.001 in), maximum length of 25.4 mm
For the bolts themselves, element types were varied by
(1.0 in), and minimum length of 0.00127 mm (5 × 10−5 in).
modeling approach. The detailed models included contin-
Displacements were incrementally applied to the top face of
uum elements (C3D8 and C3D6) and the simplified models
the tensile plate, in the sense shown in Figure 3, and the load-
employed a variety of element types and kinematic con-
displacement response was calculated using the described arc
straints as described in a later section of this paper. For all
length method.
models, the test fixture hardware was meshed with a combi-
nation of continuum elements (C3D8 and C3D6) [16, 17]. 4.2. General Model Setup: Dynamic Tension. For the dynamic
tension test arrangement, a submodel approach was not
4.1. General Model Setup: Static Tension. For the static tension sufficient to accurately capture the response of the tested
test configuration, two separate models were developed to configuration, given the eccentric nature of the applied
represent the test fixture hardware, a full model and a loading to the test fixture and the finite compliance of the test
submodel. The full model included all components contained fixture. Thus, the entire test fixture was explicitly modeled, as
within the test fixture, and the submodel included just the shown in Figure 4.
tensile plate and the upper portion of the test bracket, In the dynamic models, the static bolt preload was ac-
as shown in Figure 3. Preliminary studies were conducted counted for by using the ∗ INITIAL CONDITIONS keyword
4 Shock and Vibration

Full fixture model, static tension Submodel, static tension

Applied Applied displacement

plate displacement


Bolted support Roller Fixed
plate (spans test
bracket legs)
X Test
Y bracket

Z Fixed

Figure 3: Submodel of static tension test.

with the simplification that the threads were arranged in

a concentric pattern rather than the helical angle seen in
the physical specimens. This modeling approach captured
the effect of the reduced area in the threads without adding
the complexity of producing a well-behaved mesh along a
helically varying thread profile. Figures 5(a) and 5(b) show
details of the tension test bolt mesh, which included 469,500
elements. The test fixture and tensile plate were modeled
using a total of 146,100 elements, and the nut and washer were
Base fixture modeled with 46,300 elements.
driven with In models that included the detailed bolt representations,
measured contact between the washer and fixture, washer and nut, bolt
velocities head and tensile plate, and bolt threads and nut was modeled
using tied contact for the static tension tests and finite sliding
contact for the dynamic tension tests. Finite sliding contact
Model response at this was included between all other moving parts, as applicable
location compared to (bolt body and tensile plate/bracket, tensile plate and test
test data bracket, and tensile plate and guide rods).
Figure 4: Schematic of the model for dynamic tension.
4.4. Simplified Bolt Models. In addition to the detailed bolt
models, five simplified bolt models were developed and
investigated. Figure 6(a) depicts the outline of the detailed
[16, 17] to apply an initial stress, equivalent to 2/3 of the model, and Figures 6(b)–6(d) show the various simplified
yield stress, to the bolt shank prior to the initiation of the models. For brevity, Figure 6(b) actually represents simplified
transient dynamic analysis. During the dynamic analysis, the models #1–3, since these models have similar pictorial rep-
base fixture was driven with experimental velocity histories resentations. All simplified models used linear Timoshenko
measured at the accelerometers mounted on the LWSM beam elements (element type B31), with uniform circular
interface plate during the tests, as depicted in Figure 4. The cross-sectional area, to represent the bolt body. Shear effects
main analysis was conducted using explicit time integration were accounted for using the ∗ TRANSVERSE SHEAR option
with automatic time stepping. [17]. Along the shank of the bolt, the cross-section diameter
was set to the nominal bolt diameter, 6.35 mm (0.25 in). In the
4.3. Detailed Bolt Models. For the detailed bolt models, the threaded region, the beam elements were assigned a reduced
solid bolt was meshed with mostly C3D8 elements, with a cross-sectional area, with diameter set to the bolt thread
few C3D6 elements [16, 17]. Since it was observed that the minimum pitch diameter, 4.84 mm (0.19 in), except as noted.
bolt specimens typically failed in the threaded region, the
threaded region of the detailed bolt models was modeled 4.4.1. Simplified Model #1: Timoshenko Beams with Coupling
using the correct profile for 20UNC-2A thread [21], but Constraints, with a Hole. In this model, the body of the bolt
Shock and Vibration 5


(a) (b)

Figure 5: Section views of static tension finite element model, (a) detail of threaded end, and (b) detail at head.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 6: Static tension bolt modeling approaches, including (a) detailed model, (b) simplified model with end linkages (#1–3), (c) simplified
model with shell head and embedded end, with a hole (#4), and (d) simplified model with shell head and embedded end, without a hole (#5).

was modeled with 8 Timoshenko beam elements, with 6 4.4.3. Simplified Model #3: Timoshenko Beams with Rigid
elements to represent the bolt shank and 2 elements for the Links, with a Hole. This model employed the same bolt body
threaded region. The node at each end of the bolt was modeling approach as simplified models #1 and #2. However,
designated as an independent node, with degree-of-freedom the linkage at each end was achieved using rigid links. For
coupling between this node and the surrounding plate nodes the static tension tests, these elements were of type RB3D2
at the edge perimeter of the through hole. Degree-of-freedom (available only in ABAQUS/Standard) and were associated
coupling, for the translational degrees of freedom, was with the keyword ∗ RIGID BODY, and for the dynamic ten-
achieved via the keywords ∗ KINEMATIC and ∗ COUPLING sion tests, truss elements of type T3D2 were used [17].
4.4.4. Simplified Model #4: Timoshenko Beams with Shell Head
4.4.2. Simplified Model #2: Timoshenko Beams with Multipoint and Embedded End, with a Hole. In this model, the body of
Constraints, with a Hole. This model was the same as model the bolt was modeled with 10 Timoshenko beam elements,
#1 except that the degree-of-freedom coupling was achieved with 6 elements for the bolt shank and 4 elements for the
via multipoint constraints. The relevant keyword was ∗ MPC, threaded length of the bolt. The bolt head was modeled
with the BEAM option [17]. using S4 shell elements. For the static models, tied contact
6 Shock and Vibration

was defined between the shell elements of the head and the
solid elements of the tensile plate in the vicinity of the bolt Applied displacement
hole; however, the dynamic models all employed finite sliding
contact with friction between these surfaces. The washer and
the nut were explicitly modeled with solid elements and the
endmost beam element in the threaded region shared its end
nodes with the nut. It is important to note that this approach
would be less complicated for bolted joints involving blind
holes rather than a through hole like the one tested in the
described experiments, because the endmost beam element
could share nodes with the component at the bottom of the
blind hole and no nut would have to be added to the simula-
tion to provide the necessary constraint at the threaded end. Output bolt forces at

4.4.5. Simplified Model #5: Timoshenko Beams with Shell Head Figure 7: Schematic of axial force measurement location for
and Embedded End, without a Hole. This model was the detailed static tension model.
same as model #4 except that the bolt hole was not explicitly

5. Results and Discussion Figure 8. This is consistent with the physical experiments,
where the bolts ultimately fractured at the threads. For the
Comparisons were made between the numerical models and contours of effective plastic strain shown in Figure 8, the
the experiments using global metrics, since local metrics such maximum effective plastic strain has been set at 20%, corre-
as strain data in or on the bolts were not available. For the sponding with the strain at the ultimate stress of the tested
static tests, load-displacement data served as the validation K500 material [13, 14].
metric. For the dynamic tests, comparisons were made The detailed model force-displacement results are com-
between experimental and simulated velocity data at the pared to experimental load-displacement data in Figure 9.
accelerometer location on the tensile plate, shown in Figure 4. The numerical results exhibit very good correlation with the
Static tension model simulations were performed on four experimental data.
cores of a local HPC cluster, where each core included a
2.67 GHz Intel Xeon processor and 32 GB RAM. Simulations
5.1.2. Simplified Models, Static Tension. The force-displace-
with the detailed bolt model required approximately 3.8
ment results for the simplified models can be grouped into
hours of wall clock time to fully trace the nonlinear equi-
two sets for models with similar end conditions. Simplified
librium load-displacement path to a maximum displacement
models #1–3, which used kinematic constraints or rigid links
of 4.1 mm (0.16 in). However, analyses with the simplified
as the linkages from the bolt body to the tensile plate and
bolt models required 0.2–1.3 hours of wall clock time to
test bracket, produced similar results, as shown in Figure 10.
reach a maximum displacement of 4.7–2.2 mm (0.18–0.09 in).
When using the minimum pitch diameter in the threaded
Dynamic tension analyses were carried out on the SGI Altix
region, the results compare very well to experimental data.
ICE (Spirit) HPC cluster at the US Air Force Research
Laboratory (AFRL). Using 16 cores, the detailed bolt model Simplified models #4-5 used shell elements to model the
required 260 hours of wall clock time to produce 150 ms of bolt head and the endmost beam element in the threaded
response. Running on 16 cores, the simplified bolt models region of the bolt body shared nodes with a detailed model
needed 17–26 hours of clock time to yield 150 ms of response. of the nut. The presence of the bolt hole did not seem to
matter for this case, as exhibited by the similarity in force-
5.1. Static Tension. For all static tension models, force-dis- displacement results for simplified models #4-5 shown in
placement results were compared to experimental load-dis- Figure 11. When using the minimum pitch diameter in the
placement data. In the numerical simulations, the axial force threaded region, the results compared well to experimental
in the bolt at the midpoint of its grip length was recorded data.
for each increment in applied displacement. For the detailed A small parametric study was carried out using simplified
model, the force was calculated over a user-defined section model #1 in order to ascertain the effect of the value used
using the ∗ SECTION PRINT keyword [17]. Figure 7 shows a to model the bolt diameter in the threaded region. For this,
schematic of the cross-section location in the detailed static three simulations were performed, each with a different bolt
tension bolt model. diameter assigned to the beam elements in the threaded
region. The diameter values used corresponded to mini-
5.1.1. Detailed Model, Static Tension. Simulations of the static mum (minor) thread pitch, 4.84 mm (0.19 in); basic thread
tension test arrangement using the detailed bolt model pitch, 5.52 mm (0.22 in); and maximum (major) thread pitch,
indicated that the bolt experienced high levels of deformation 6.35 mm (0.25 in). As shown in Figure 12, the best results were
in the reduced-area region of the bolt threads, as shown in produced using minimum thread pitch.
Shock and Vibration 7

Contour plot
PEEQ-equivalent plastic strain (scalar value)
Simple average
2.000E − 01
1.778E − 01
1.556E − 01
1.333E − 01
1.111E − 01
8.889E − 02
6.667E − 02
4.444E − 02
2.222E − 02
0.000E + 00
No result
Max = 6.170E − 01
PART-1-1 1911091 X
Min = 0.000E + 00
PART-1-1 1274511

Figure 8: Contours of effective plastic strain at maximum applied displacement, detailed static tension model.

35 40

30 35

Load (kN)
Load (kN)

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)

Experiment (test 16) Experiment (test 16)

ABAQUS, detailed ABAQUS, simp. #1, min pitch
ABAQUS, simp. #2, min pitch
Figure 9: Force-displacement results for static tension test, detailed ABAQUS, simp. #3, min pitch
Figure 10: Force-displacement results for static tension test, simpli-
fied model #1–3.

5.2. Dynamic Tension. For the dynamic tension models,

velocity histories at the accelerometer location on the tensile the tested bolt did not fail in the experiment, it did exhibit
plate were compared to experimental accelerometer data. In slight stretching and visible damage in the threads, which is
the numerical simulations, the velocity in the direction of consistent with the simulated results. Contours of effective
the hammer blow on the LWSM was recorded every 1 ms plastic strain at 150 ms are shown in Figure 13, where the
and the data were extracted from and averaged over several maximum effective plastic strain has been set at 20%.
elements located on the tensile plate surface underneath the Velocity results at the accelerometer location obtained
accelerometer footprint. using the detailed model are plotted against the first 80 ms of
experimental data in Figure 14. The simulated data compare
5.2.1. Detailed Model, Dynamic Tension. Similar to the static well with the experimental data.
tension arrangement, results produced for the dynamic ten-
sion configuration using the detailed bolt model showed 5.2.2. Simplified Models, Dynamic Tension. Although the
that the bolt experienced the highest levels of deformation simulated results for the static tension test configurations fell
in the reduced-area region of the bolt threads. Although into two groups with similarly modeled end conditions (#1–3
8 Shock and Vibration

35 to one another, as would be expected since both models

employed kinematic coupling to transfer bolt forces to the
30 plates comprising the bolted joint.
The differences in response between the two groups can
25 be attributed to their differences in end constraints. For
simplified models #1-2, the bolt body end nodes essentially
Load (kN)

20 stay in place in a relative sense. In simplified model #1, the

translational degrees of freedom of the perimeter nodes of
the solid elements at the edge of the through hole are kin-
ematically coupled to the displacements of the bolt body
end node. Similarly, simplified model #2 (MPC, type BEAM)
provides multiple rigid beams between the bolt body end
node and the perimeter nodes at the edge of the through
hole, where no relative rotation is allowed between the
0 1 2 3 4 bolt body end beam element and the notional rigid beams.
Displacement (mm) However, simplified model #3 does not include any rotational
constraints on the relative motion between the bolt body and
Experiment (test 16)
ABAQUS, simp. #4, min pitch
the linkages, creating a pinned end condition between the
ABAQUS, simp. #5, min pitch bolt body and the linking elements. This is not a problem
for the static tension configuration, given the very controlled
Figure 11: Force-displacement results for static tension test, simpli- motion of the bolt during this test. However, for the dynamic
fied model #4-5. tension case, the resulting motion of the bolt during the test
is physically unrealistic because the resistance to rotational
motion between the bolt head and shank is not captured by
40 this model. This leads to a marked overprediction of tensile
plate velocity at the accelerometer location for the first few
35 peaks of the velocity response for simplified model #3, seen
in Figure 17.
Simulated results are very similar to each other for sim-
25 plified models #4-5, which used shell elements to represent
Load (kN)

the bolt head and where the bolt shank was tied to the nut
via shared nodes in the endmost beam. Analogous to the
15 static tension results, the presence of the bolt hole did not
have much effect, as shown by the similarity in the simulated
10 velocity results shown for each model in Figure 18.
It is interesting to note that models employing a shell
element-based head appeared to produce velocity results that
0 were more modulated than the test data in contrast with the
0 1 2 3 4 5
other simplified models. This was also the case for the detailed
Displacement (mm) model results, as seen in Figure 14. In fact, the detailed model
Experiment (test 16) and simplified models #4-5 produced results very similar
ABAQUS, simp. #1, min pitch to one another, as shown in Figure 19. This modulation is
ABAQUS, simp. #1, basic pitch thought to result from applying the velocity inputs from the
ABAQUS, simp. #1, major pitch interface plate directly to the test fixture rather than explicitly
modeling the interface plate (and its interaction with the base
Figure 12: Force-displacement results for static tension test, simpli-
fied model #1, using diameter values equal to minimum, basic, and fixture).
maximum thread pitch in the threaded region. For all of the simplified models, contact was not included
between the beam elements representing the bolt shank and
the surface of the through hole. In the dynamic tension tests,
this modeling assumption led to violations of physical bolt
and #4-5), it is more appropriate to sort the simulated results clearance effects. To briefly investigate this, an analysis was
for the dynamic tension tests into three groups. Figure 15 run with simplified model #4 where contact was included
depicts results from simplified models #1–3, together with the between the beam elements representing the bolt shank and
test data and shows that results from simplified models #1- the surface of the through hole and it was found that inclusion
2 are very similar to one another but that they differ from of this contact did not have an appreciable effect on system
results using simplified model #3. response at the accelerometer location. Despite the exclusion
Simplified models #1-2 and #3 have been plotted against of bolt clearance effects, all simplified models were able to
test data separately in Figures 16 and 17, respectively. Sim- produce results that correlated well with test data in both
plified models #1-2 produced results that were very similar static and dynamic test configurations.
Shock and Vibration 9

Contour plot
PEEQ-equivalent plastic strain (scalar value)
Simple average
2.000E − 01
1.778E − 01
1.556E − 01
1.333E − 01
1.111E − 01
8.889E − 02
6.667E − 02
4.444E − 02
2.222E − 02
0.000E + 00
No result
Max = 5.805E − 01
PART-1-1 1963331
Min = 0.000E + 00
PART-1-1 1803284 Z


Figure 13: Contours of effective plastic strain at 𝑡 = 150 ms, detailed dynamic tension model.

6 6

5 5

4 4
Velocity (m/s)

3 3
Velocity (m/s)

2 2

1 1

0 0

−1 −1

−2 −2
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time (ms)
Time (ms)
Experiment (test 26) Experiment (test 26)
ABAQUS, detailed ABAQUS, simp. #1, min pitch
ABAQUS, simp. #2, min pitch
Figure 14: Velocity results for dynamic tension test, detailed model. ABAQUS, simp. #3, min pitch

Figure 15: Velocity results for dynamic tension test, simplified

model #1–3.
5.3. Russell Comprehensive Error. The Russell comprehensive
error metric, which calculates variations in magnitude and
phase between two transient data sets, was used to quantify
In (1), 𝑐𝑖 and 𝑚𝑖 represent the calculated and measured
the correlation between the experimental and simulated
responses, respectively. In the context of a comparison of
velocity data. The phase (RP) and magnitude (RM) Russell
simulated and experimental velocity data for a certain data
error metrics were used to calculate a comprehensive (RC)
set, subjective measures of correlation have been tied to
Russell error metric as follows [22]:
set values of the Russell comprehensive error metric [22].
These subjective measures of correlation were “excellent,”
1 −1 ∑ 𝑐𝑖 𝑚𝑖 “acceptable,” or “poor,” where these levels are defined as
RP = cos ( ),
𝜋 excellent, RC ≤ 0.15; acceptable, 0.15 < RC ≤ 0.28; and poor,
√∑ 𝑐2 ∑ 𝑚2 𝑖 𝑖 RC > 0.28 [22].
(1) The Russell comprehensive error metric was calculated
RM = sign (𝑚) log10 (1 + |𝑚|) , for all of the dynamic tension cases. Comparisons were made
𝜋 between the experimental data and the numerical data and
RC = √ (RM2 + RP2 ). the results are listed in Table 1. Per the subjective measures
10 Shock and Vibration

6 6

5 5

4 4
Velocity (m/s)

3 3

Velocity (m/s)
2 2

1 1

0 0

−1 −1

−2 −2
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time (ms) Time (ms)

Experiment (test 26) Experiment (test 26)

ABAQUS, simp. #1, min pitch ABAQUS, simp. #4, min pitch
ABAQUS, simp. #2, min pitch ABAQUS, simp. #5, min pitch

Figure 16: Velocity results for dynamic tension test, simplified Figure 18: Velocity results for dynamic tension test, simplified
model #1-2. model #4-5.

6 5

5 4
Velocity (m/s)

4 3

3 2
Velocity (m/s)

2 1

1 0

0 −1

−1 −2
0 20 40 60 80
−2 Time (ms)
0 20 40 60 80
ABAQUS, detailed
Time (ms)
ABAQUS, simp. #4, min pitch
Experiment (test 26) ABAQUS, simp. #5, min pitch
ABAQUS, simp. #3, min pitch Figure 19: Velocity results for dynamic tension test, detailed model
and simplified model #4-5.
Figure 17: Velocity results for dynamic tension test, simplified
model #3.
of correlation [22], all finite element approaches used to
model the bolt produced “acceptable” results. The detailed
Table 1: Russell comprehensive error (RC) results.
model and simplified approaches #4 and #5, which used shell
elements to represent the bolt head and with shared nodes
Measured data, Calculated data, to anchor the bolt body to the nut, produced results with
Case RC
𝑚𝑖 𝑐𝑖 slightly superior correlation with the data, but all modeling
Dynamic tension Experiment ABAQUS, detailed 0.18 approaches were comparable in terms of correlation with test
Dynamic tension
Experiment ABAQUS, simplified #1 0.19
Dynamic tension Experiment ABAQUS, simplified #2 0.19
6. Conclusions
Dynamic tension Experiment ABAQUS, simplified #3 0.19
Dynamic tension Experiment ABAQUS, simplified #4 0.17 In this paper, a variety of approaches were used to model
the response of bolted connections involving single solid K-
Dynamic tension Experiment ABAQUS, simplified #5 0.18 Monel K500 bolts. Detailed finite element models, as well as
Shock and Vibration 11

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