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Objective: Plan the audit so that it will be knowledgeable people outside the entity
performed in an effective manner
1. Overall audit strategy vi. Publications related to the industry
vii. Legislation and regulations that
2. Overall audit plan significantly affect the entity
viii. Visits to entity’s premises and plant
3. Draft audit programs detailing the work to be
ix. Documents produced by entity


Risk Assessment procedures
 Sets out the:
 Audit procedures performed to obtain an
o Scope
understanding of the entity to identify and
o Timing
assess the risk of material misstatement
o Direction  Risk assessment procedures to be performed:
o Guides audit plan o Inquiries of management and other within
the entity
 Documented in a strategy document o Analytical procedures
 Often combined with overall audit plan and o Observation and inspection
included in the Audit Planning Memorandum
I. Inquiries
MAJOR AUDIT PLANNING ACTIVITIES  Generally obtained from management and
responsible for FR
1. Obtaining an understanding of the client and its  Parties to whom inquiries can be directed to:
environment o Those charged with governance-
2. Assessing the possibility of non-compliance environment to which FS in prepared
3. Establishing materiality and assessing risk o Internal Audit Personnel- design and
4. Identifying related parties effectiveness of internal control
5. Performing preliminary analytical procedure o Employees who are involved in initiating,
6. Determining the need for experts processing or recording complex or
7. Development of overall audit strategy and unusual transaction- appropriateness of
detailed audit plan accounting policies
8. Preparation of preliminary audit o In-house legal counsel- legal matters
o Marketing or sales personnel- changes in
A. Obtaining an understanding of the client
the entity’s marketing strategies, sales
and its environment
trends, or contractual arrangement
 Develop an audit plan that includes description
II. Observation and inspection
i. NTE of planned audit risk assessment  Support inquiries
ii. NTE of planned future audit procedures at  Examples:
assertion level o Observation of activities and operations
iii. Other planned audit procedures that are o Inspection of documents
required to be carried out so that it o Reading reports prepared by management
complies with PSAs o Visit entity’s premises and plant facilities
 Sources of Understanding of the Entity and the o Tracing transactions (walkthrough)
i. Previous experience with the entity and
its industry
Required understanding of the entity and its
ii. Discussion with people with the entity
iii. Discussion with internal audit personnel
and review of internal audit reports  Industry- misstatements in the nature of
iv. Discussion with auditor and legal and business or degree of regulation
other advisors who have provided  Legislative and regulatory requirement-
services to the entity or within the determines applicable FRFramework
Nature of the entity
 Operations o Discuss the legal and regulatory framework
 Ownership and Governance Structures with auditors of subsidiaries in other
 Types of investments that entity is making and countries
plans to make
 Entity structure and how it is financed.
Entity’s selection and application of acco
policies, including reasons for change thereto
 The understanding encompasses: C. Establishing Materiality and Assessing
o Methods in accounting significant and Risk
unusual transactions
o Effect pf accounting policies in controversial  Identify materiality for FS as a whole
areas which lacks authority guidance  Determine performance materiality for
o Changes in acco policies assessing risk of material misstatement and
determining NTE
Objectives and strategies and the related
business risks that result in risk of material  Performance materiality- set to reduce to an
misstatement appropriately low level he probability that the
aggregate of uncorrected or undetected
 Objectives- overall plans
misstatement in the FS exceeds materiality for
 Strategies- operational approaches to achieve
FS as a whole
the objectives
 Business risk- result from significant
conditions that could adversely affect the
o During planning
entity’s ability to achieve objectives and execute
1. Establish a preliminary judgement about
Business risk is broader that risk of material 2. Determine tolerable misstatement
misstatement o At audit completion
1. Estimate likely misstatement and
 It arises from change or complexity
compare the totals to preliminary
 RMM is included in Business risk
judgement about materiality
 Auditor does not have a responsibility to identify
business risk
 Preliminary Judgement about materiality-
 Have financial consequences and has an effect
maximum amount that would not cause the
to FS
auditor to believe that decisions of reasonable
Measurement and review of entity’s financial users would be affected.
performance o Not required to be quantified
o Normal practice to document a range of
 Helps identify what is important activities
Internal control  Bases for quantifying materiality
o % effect on Net income before taxes
 Processes designed and effected by those Most common (less than 5% immaterial;
charged with governance, management and more than 10% material)
other personnel o % effect on total revenue
o % effect of total assets
B. Assessing the Possibility of Non-
Compliance  Planning materiality- resulting materiality
 Noncompliance- act of omission or amount in pesos. May be adjusted for
commission by the entity being audited which qualitative factor
are contrary to laws and regulations
 Tolerable misstatement (Performance
materiality)- Amount of planning materiality
 To have general understanding of legal and that is allocated to an account balance or class
regulatory framework: of transaction
o Use existing understanding of entity’s o Done judgmentally or formal qualitative
industry, regulatory and other external procedure
factors o The lower the tolerable misstatement, the
o Inquire entity’s policies and procedures higher the audit procedure
o Inquire laws or regulations that may have o
fundamental effect to operations  Aggregate uncorrected misstatements
o Policies and procedures for litigation claims (likely misstatements) comprises:
and assessments
o Specific misstatements (incl net effect of D. Identifying Related Parties
uncorrected misstatements during previous
Related party transaction- transfer of resources,
services, or obligations between related parties,
o Auditor’s best est of other misstatements
regardless of whether price is charged
which cannot be specifically identified
 Assessing the risk of material misstatement. (Table for related parties page 274)
Perform the following:
1. Identify the risk Reasons why auditor needs to be aware of
2. Relate identified risk to what can go wrong at related parties:
assertion level
 Applicable FRF may require disclosure for
3. Consider whether risk are of a magnitude
that could result in material misstatement relationships and transactions
ASSESSMENT OF INHERENT RISK  Existence of such might affect FS
 Source of audit evidence affects the auditor’s
 Factors in assessing inherent risk (FS level): assessment of reliability. Greater degree of
1. Integrity of management reliance goes to the unrelated third party
2. Management experience and knowledge and  Related party transaction may be motivated
changes in management during the period other than ordinary business considerations like
3. Unusual pressures on the management fraud
4. Nature of the entity’s business
E. Performing Analytical review procedure
5. Factors affecting the industry in which the
entity operates  Analytical procedures- evaluations of financial
information made by a study of plausible
 Factors in assessing inherent risk (Account relationship between a financial and non-
balances and transaction level): financial data
1. FS accounts susceptible to misstatements o Required in planning and final review
2. Complexity underlying transactions which stages of audit
requires experts o Helps identify relationships among data
3. Degree of judgement such as existence of unusual transactions
4. Susceptibility to loss or misappropriation  Analytical Procedure during planning stage
5. Completion of unusual and complex o Objective: enhance auditor’s
transactions understanding of the client, its business
6. Transactions not subject to ordinary and industry to identify potential risk
F. Determining the need for auditor’s expert

ASSESSMENT OF CONTROL RISK  Auditor is not expected to have the expertise of

a person trained in specific practice of another
 Substantive test depends on the reliability of profession
Internal control system  Things to be considered in determining the
 More reliable internal control = lesser need for auditor’s expert:
substantive procedures 1. Engagement team’s knowledge and previous
2. Risk of material misstatement based on
EFFECT OF AUDIT RIK ON AUDIT nature, complexity and materiality
PROCEDURES 3. Quantity and quality of audit evidence
 Objectivity of the expert may be impaired
↑ IR + CR
and increases when:
↓ DR 1. Employed by the entity
2. Related in some other manner to entity
↑ Audit Procedures
 Audit risk and materiality has an inverse G. Development of the Audit Strategy
 Designing optimized audit approach that seeks
↑ Audit risk to achieve the necessary audit assurance at the
↓ Materiality lowest cost within the constraints of information
To compensate for a high audit risk and low  Establishment of overall audit strategy
materiality: involves:
1. Characteristics of engagement that defines
 Reduce assessed risk of material misstatement
the scope
 Reduce detection risk by modifying NTE of
2. Reporting objectives of the engagement to
planned substantive procedures
plan timing of audit and the nature of
communication required
 Scope of an Audit Engagement (278) 8. Issuance of special report, if any
 Reporting Objectives, Timing of the Audit 9. Availability of FS for BoD meeting
and Nature of Community (279) 10. Filing of FS/returns with BIR, SEC and other
 Direction of the audit agency
o Focus on:
Other Planning Consideration
 With respect to materiality
-Setting materiality for planning purposes  Arrangements for Company Assistance
-Setting and communicating materiality o Listing of schedules and analysis to be
for auditors of components provided by client, with dates and by who,
-Reconsidering materiality as audit should be prepared.
procedures are performed during the  Consider the work of the internal auditor
audit o Their works should be determined including
-Identify material components their availability for coordination or direct
 Audit areas where there is higher risk of assistance.
material misstatement o In areas where works of internal auditor is
 Impact of the assessed risk of material effective, arrange for coordination in areas
misstatement like:
 Selection of the engagement team 1. Observation of inventory count
 Engagement budgeting 2. Confirmation of receivables
 (more page 280) 3. Review of fixed assets additions
H. Development of the Detailed Audit Plan and disposal
4. Review of depreciation provision
 Address various matters identified in overall 5. Bank recon preparation
audit strategy 6. Review of loss events
 Includes description of NTE of  Direction, Supervision and Review
o risk assessment procedures o Supervision- directing the efforts of
o further audit procedures (test of control and assistance who are involved in the
substantive test) objectives and determining whether
o other audit procedures objectives were accomplished.
 Documentation serves as record of proper o Supervision involves following activities:
planning and performance of audit procedures 1. Coordinating staff assignments and
 Planning takes place over the course of the knowing whether they are capable of
audit plan for the engagement develops. doing it
2. Assigning work to assistant
I. Preparation of the preliminary audit programs
3. Reviewing all fieldwork
 Audit program- most important control 4. Conducting job training
mechanism. It is a list of procedures used to 5. Resolving significant accounting,
gather sufficient appropriate evidence auditing and matters relative to
 Two types of audit programs: engagement
o Test of control of audit program
(compliance test audit program)- when a
reliable control is identified by the auditor PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: to plan the audit so
o Substantive audit program- prepared that the audit will be performed in an effective
regardless of the approach used by the manner.
J. Timing of Audit Work
It involves:
 Key in maximizing the effectiveness and
monetary return of accounting firm  Establishing overall audit strategy for the
 Not all audit procedures must be performed engagement
after the end of period being audited  Developing and audit plan
 Significant dates-audit engagements
1. Physical inventory count BENEFITS OF ADEQUATE PLANNING
2. Confirmation of receivables (ITOWD)
3. Commencement of field work
4. Submission of required schedules and 1. Appropriate attention is devoted to
analysis important areas
5. Work-papers and data for consolidation to 2. Potential problems are identified and
arrive from other location resolved on a timely basis
6. Closing conference 3. Proper organization and management of
7. Submission of auditor’s report and the audit engagement leading to an
management letter effective and efficient performance
4. Work are properly assigned to and the nature of the communications
appropriate engagement team members required;
5. Assistance in coordinating work done by  Consider the factors that, in the auditor’s
other auditors and expert professional judgement, are significant in
6. Assistance in direction, supervision and directing the engagement team’s effort
review  Consider results of preliminary engagement
activities and whether knowledge gained on
other engagements performed by the
engagement partner for the entity is
1. Size and complexity of the entity  Ascertain the NTE of resources necessary
2. Previous Experience with the entity of key to perform audit engagement
management team members (partner,
manager, and staff-in-charge)
3. Changes in circumstances that occur during  Address various matters identifies in the
the audit engagement overall audit strategy, taking into account
4. Timing of the Appointment of the the need to achieve the audit objectives
independent auditor through the efficient use of the auditor’s
 Audit plan is more detailed than audit
 It is not a discrete phase  Includes NTE of audit procedures
 A continual and iterative process that  This may be documented in an audit
begins shortly after the completion of program
previous audit
 Continues until the completion of current
audit engagement Serve as a:
MAJOR AUDIT PLANNING ACTIVITIES  Set of instructions to assistants involved in
the audit; and
An overall audit strategy that sets the scope,
 Means to control and record the proper
timing and direction of the audit, and that
execution of the work
guides the development of the audit plan after
performing the following procedures: It contains:
9. Obtaining an understanding of the client  Audit objectives for each criteria; and
and its environment  Time budget in which hours are budgeted
for various audit areas or procedures

10. Assessing the possibility of non-compliance

11. Establishing materiality and assessing risk AND AUDIT PLAM

12. Identifying related parties  Audit plan and audit program should be
revised as necessary
13. Performing preliminary analytical procedure
14. Determining the need for experts AND AUDIT PLAN
15. Development of overall audit strategy and  They are closely interrelated since changes
detailed audit plan in one may result in consequential changes
16. Preparation of preliminary audit to the other
 Plan shall be initially completed prior to
THE OVERALL AUDIT STRATEGY AND consideration of internal controls or
AUDIT PLAN performance
Overall audit strategy PLANNING DOCUMENTATION
 Identify the characteristics of the Document the following:
engagement that define is scope;
 Ascertain the reporting objectives of the a. Overall audit strategy
engagement to plan the timing of the audit b. audit plan
c. any significant changes made during the c. Consider whether the risk are of a
audit engagement to the overall started or audit magnitude that could result in material
plan, and the reason for such changes misstatement of the FS
d. consider the likelihood that the risks
could result in a material misstatement of
For initial audits, the auditor may consider in RISK ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES
developing the overall audit strategy and audit
a. Inquiries
plan include the following:
b. Analytical procedures
 Arrangements to be made with the c. Observation and inspection
predecessor auditor to review prior year’ss
working papers
 Any major issues discussed with the
management in connection with the initial  Consist of evaluations of financial
selection as auditors, the communication of information made by a study of plausible
these matters to those charged with relationships among both financial and non-
governance and how these matters affect financial data
the overall audit strategy and audit plan  Investigation of identified fluctuations and
 The planned audit procedures to obtain relationships that are consistent with other
sufficient appropriate audit evidence relevant information or that differ from
regarding opening balances; and expected values
 Other procedures required by the firm’s
system of quality control
NTE of these in the engagement team  Nature of the entity: operations, ownership
members and review of their work depends on: and governance structure, types of
investments that entity is making and plans
 The assessed risks of material
to make; and the way the entity is
structured and how it is financed
 Size and complexity of the entity
 Entity’s selection and application of
 Area of audit
accounting policies, including reasons for
 Capabilities and competence of personnel
changes thereto;
performing the audit work
 Entity’s objectives and strategies, and those
reared business risk that may result in risk
of material misstatement
 Measurement and review of the entity’s
 Identifying and assessing the risks of  Internal control
material misstatement through
understanding the entity and its
 Risk assessment procedures are audit
procedures performed to obtain an
understanding of the entity to identify risks
of material misstatement
 Risk assessment procedures and related
The auditor shall:
a. Identify risk throughout the process of
obtaining an understanding of the entity and
its environment
b. Relate the identified risk to what can
go wrong at the assertion level;
smallest aggregate amount applicable to all
 ASSERTION LEVEL- largest tolerable
To reduce detection risk:
a. As to nature- more effective procedure
b. As to timing- closer or nearer to year-end
c. As to extent-larger sample size

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