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Listening Exercise: A Thief in the Night


 thief/ robber- a person who takes things

theft- the act or the time when a robber takes something
steal- (verb) to take something that is not yours (past tense- stole)
bizarre- very strange, unusual
small/medium/ large build- the size of a person's body. A very big man would have a large
describe- to tell how something looks or how something is (noun- description)
knock down- (verb) to make something fall
refrigerator- cold place where we keep our food

Police Officer: I understand you had a theft tonight. Could you tell me everything that happened?

Mrs. Grady: Yes, of course. I was sleeping and I heard a loud noise in the kitchen.

Police Officer: And what did you do?

Mrs. Grady: I got up and went downstairs very quietly. Then I saw a man going out of the

Police Officer: Can you describe the thief?

Mrs. Grady: Sure. He had dark hair and a medium build. I couldn't see his face well, but he was
wearing a blue shirt.

Police Officer: Did he steal anything?

Mrs. Grady: Well, it was very bizarre.

Police Officer: What do you mean?

Mrs. Grady: He knocked down the refrigerator and stole all the food!

Questions and Answers

1. What was Mrs. Grady doing when she heard the thief?

2. What was the thief doing when Mrs. Grady saw him?

3. What did the thief look like?

4. What was the thief wearing?

5. What did the thief knock down?

6. What did the thief steal?

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