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Media Information Literacy

Name: ___________________________________________ Year/Section: ____________________
General Instruction: Read the question carefully; choice the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answer on the space provided.
____1. It refers to anything that blocks or changes the source’s intended meaning of the message
1. Medium c. Individual
2. Technology d. Interference
____2. It refers to tools used by the source to disseminate information to the receivers.
a. Media c. Literacy
b. Technology d. Information
____3. It pertains to any information that is passed on through communication.
a. Receiver c. Message
b. Media d. Source
____4. It refers to the atmosphere, physical and psychological, where you send and receive messages.
a. Context c. Feedback
b. Environment d. Interference
____5. New media is also referred to as .
1. Social Media c. the Internet
2. Wi-Fi d. Artificial intelligence
____6. What composes of the New Media?
a. TV and radio c. Books and newspapers
b. Internet and Social Media d. AIs and robots
____7. All are cybercrime offenses EXCEPT one:
a. Content-related offenses c. Copyright infringement
b. Computer-related offenses d. Profile stalking
____8. Businesses will always be connecting with customers, both actual and potential ones, and social
media enable for a more fast and __________ mechanism.
a. Cost-efficient c. Amazing
b. Hassle d. Challenging
____9. This refers to the kind of education where students need not attend classes physically.
a. Modular c. Distance learning
b. Mobile Education d. Summer class
____10. The media assists the working of a __________ system through facilitating free speech and
unrestricted public debate . 
a. Unfair c. Dictatorial
b. Balanced d. Democratic
____11. Refers to ABS-CBN’s citizen journalism arm.
a. Ipaglaban Mo! c. It’s Showtime!
b. Bayan Mo Ipatrol Mo! d. TV Patrol
____12. Media, as a vehicle of these targeted contents, brought about action and mobilization
a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. Doubtful
____13. What is the revolution in Egypt called?
a. Libyan Revolution c. Ukrainian Revolution
b. Arab Spring d. Million People March
____14. Who was the Philippines President when the Million People March was actualized?
a. Erap Estrada c. Benigno Aquino III
b. Gloria Arroyo d. Rodrigo Duterte
____15. Refers to using business and marketing techniques to encourage people to adopt certain
behaviors that would lead to better physical and mental health, and eventually to wide-scale social
a. Social Marketing c. Promotions
b. Business Marketing d. Protests
____16. Another term for MOOC.
a. Distance Learning c. Online Information Hub
b. E-school d. Internet School
____17. It refers to the model delivering content online to any person who wants to take a course,
with no limit to attendance.
a. Education Model c. Massive Open Online Course
b. Model of Online Learning d. Electronic Learning Model
____18. The letter M is MOOC stands for?
a. Media c. Market
b. Massive d. None of the Above
____19. Which of the following is not a material suitable for 3D printing?
a. Concrete c. Glass
b. Plastic d. Human tissue
____20. Which of the following is not a type of wearable technology with health applications?
a. Pedometer c. Calorie Tracker
b. Heart-rate monitor d. None of the Above
____21. A technology that helps instructors evaluate their students’ learning.
a. Analytics c. Online exams
b. Learning trackers d. All of the above
____22. This refers to a society’s characterized by the shift from letters to e-mails, newspapers to
news web pages, books to e-books, and so on.

a. Electronic Society c. Paperless Society

b. Internet Society d. Digital Society
____23. Which of the following is not an element of the 3D environment?
a. Height c. Length
b. Width d. Depth
____24. Which of the following is not an example of modern wearable technology?
a. Smart Watches c. Smartphones
b. Fitness Trackers d. Headsets
____25. Refers to a type of learning that happens anytime, anywhere, and with anyone.
a. Ubiquitous Learning c. Wide Learning
b. Global Learning d. None of the Above
____26. It creates visual interest to text elements
a. Contrast c. Alignment
b. Repetition d. Organization
____27. A simple and flexible format of presenting information or conveying ideas whether
hand written, printed or displayed on screen.
a. Format c. Decorative
b. Text d. Script
____28. This font is usually used in wedding invitation cards or other formal events.
a. Format c. Decorative
b. Serif d. Script
____29. This refers to how the text is positioned in the page. This can be left, right, center or
a. Contrast c. Alignment
b. Repetition d. Script

____30. This concerns consistency of elements and the unity of the entire design.
a. Organization c. Contrast
b. Repetition d. Alignment
____31. What shot is used to represent a character as having power?
A. High angle shot C. Establishing shot
B. Low angle shot D. Canted shot
____32. What shot is used to show the emotions on a character’s face?
A. Extreme close up C. Aerial shot
B. Close up D. Scooby doo shot
____33. Why is a shot-reverse-shot used?
A. To show the location C. To manipulate situations
B. To show something forwards and backward D. To show two-sides of a conversation
____34. An establishing shot/long shot is used to set the location of a scene
A. True B.False
____35. What shot is this?

A. Medium shot
B. Long shot
C. Canted shot
D. Extreme long shot

____36. What is a wide shot?

A. When it makes a character looks really fat
B. When a character takes up the whole frame
____37. What shot would be used to establish the full costume of a character in TV drama?
A. Establishing shot C. Close up
B. Long shot D. Extreme close up
____38. Why is a mid-shot used?
A. To show a character facial expression while still showing a lot of their body
B. To show someone’s feet
C. To show someone walking
____39.This is an aerial shot

A. True
B. False

____40. What does an over the shoulder shot represent?

A. Someone’s facial expressions.
B. To show one persons side of the conversation.
C. The view someone can see.

------------------The great thing about social media was how it gave a voice to
voiceless people.-----------------
Jon Ronson

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