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Delegation of Medication Administering Intradermal Injections

Administration to Module/Skill Checklist

Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP)

At the completion of this module, unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) should be able
1. administer medications by intradermal injection.
2. document medication administration in the client’s healthcare record.

Intradermal injections are used to inject a very small amount of medication (e.g., 0.01 to
0.1 mL) into the dermal layer just under the top layer of the skin. This method of
medication administration is commonly used for tuberculosis screening and allergy

1) The RN or LPN is permitted to delegate ONLY after application of all components of
the NCBON Decision Tree for Delegation to UAP and after careful consideration that
delegation is appropriate:

a) for this client,

b) with this acuity level,
c) with this individual UAP’s knowledge and experience, and
d) now (or in the time period being planned).

2) Successful completion of the “Infection Control” module by the UAP should be

documented prior to instruction in medication administration by this or ANY route.


1. Communicate to the UAP any special information needed prior to the

administration of the medication.

2. Cleanse hands and observe other appropriate *infection control procedures.

3. Gather appropriate materials.

 Gloves
 Appropriate syringe – 1 mL tuberculin syringe
 Appropriate size needle - ¼ to 5/8 inch length with #25 to #27 gauge
needle as directed by the licensed nurse in the plan of care or per agency
policies and procedures
 Antiseptic or alcohol swab

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Origin: 6/4/2014
Delegation of Medication Administering Intradermal Injections
Administration to Module/Skill Checklist
Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP)

 Medication ampule or vial

 Client’s medication administration record or medical order
 Adhesive bandage (as indicated)

4. Prepare work area to be clean and well lit.

5. Check for client allergies by:

 asking the client about their allergies, and
 reviewing the Medication Administration Record (MAR), plan of care,
and/or client medical record.

6. Verify the SIX RIGHTS of medication administration:

 Right client and right MAR
 Right medication
 Right dose
 Right time
 Right route
 Right documentation is performed after the medication administration

7. Verify RIGHT MEDICATION by comparing the MAR against the label of the
 when it is taken from the medication cart/drawer,
 before withdrawing the medication, and
 after withdrawing the medication.

8. Check the expiration date of the medication.

9. Prepare the RIGHT DOSE of medication for the RIGHT ROUTE.


Medication Vial:
 Use **sterile technique to assemble the syringe and needle.
 Remove the vial cap and cleanse the rubber top with an alcohol swab.
 Remove the needle guard maintaining **sterile technique and pull back on the
syringe plunger to fill it with the amount of air equal to the amount of
medication to be withdrawn. Attach a filter needle as required by agency policy.

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Origin: 6/4/2014
Delegation of Medication Administering Intradermal Injections
Administration to Module/Skill Checklist
Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP)

 Place the vial upright on a flat surface. Carefully insert the needle into the
center of the rubber cap maintaining sterile technique. Inject air into the vacant
area of the vial keeping the needle bevel above the surface of the medication.
 Withdraw the prescribed amount of medication using one of two methods.
i. Hold the vial down with the base lower than the top. Guide the
needle tip so that it is below the fluid level and slowly withdraw
the desired amount of medication.
ii. Invert the vial and guide the needle tip so that it is below the fluid
level. Slowly withdraw the desired amount of medication.
 Hold the syringe and vial at eye level to determine the correct dosage of medication
is withdrawn into the syringe. Withdraw a slight amount more medication (e.g.,
0.25 mL) than ordered.
 Gently tap the syringe barrel to dislodge any air bubbles and expel as necessary.
 If a filter needle is used, remove and replace with the needle to be used for the
injection while maintaining sterile technique. If changing needles prior to injection,
replace with the needle to be used for the injection while maintaining sterile
 Expel air from the new needle and verify the correct medication volume before
 Write the date, time, and initials if opening a multi-dose vial.

Medication Ampule
 Flick or tap the ampule stem to release all the medication fluid to the base of
 Hold the ampule base and grasp the ampule stem using an alcohol swab or dry
gauze. Snap the ampule stem off so that it breaks away from the person preparing
the medication.
 Attach a filter needle to the syringe maintaining **sterile technique.
 Place the ampule on a flat surface or invert the ampule.
 Remove the syringe needle guard and insert the filter needle into the center of the
ampule while maintaining **sterile technique.
 Gently aspirate to withdraw the medication. Tilt the ampule slightly to the side as
needed. Withdraw a slight amount more medication (e.g., 0.25 mL) than ordered.
 Remove the filter needle and replace it with the needle to be used for the injection
maintaining sterile technique.
 Dispose of all needles and ampule parts in the appropriate container.
 With the syringe at eye level, push the medication solution to the prescribed

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Origin: 6/4/2014
Delegation of Medication Administering Intradermal Injections
Administration to Module/Skill Checklist
Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP)

Note: Change the needle on the syringe after withdrawing the medication and
before injection as directed by the licensed nurse in the plan of care, and as required
by agency policies and procedures.

10. Identify the RIGHT CLIENT (client’s identity) for medication administration
using agency protocol.

11. Explain the procedure to the client.

12. Put on clean gloves.

13. Select a site for the injection. The site selection is directed by the licensed nurse
in the plan of care or per agency policies and procedures. The site should be free
of scars, hair, lesions, bruises, edema, and skin irritation. Sites for injection are
 inner aspect of the forearm below the antecubital space and above the wrists,
 upper chest, and
 back scapulae area.

14. Administer the medication at the RIGHT TIME.

Medication Administration:
 Cleanse the area with an alcohol swab using a circular motion moving from inside
outward. Allow the alcohol to dry.
 Place and hold the swab in nondominant hand between the third and fourth fingers
or on the client’s skin above the intended injection site.
 Remove the needle guard or cap maintaining **sterile technique.
 Expel any air bubbles from the syringe by gently pushing the plunger forward.
 Gently pull the client’s skin tight at the injection site, with the forefinger and thumb
of the non-dominant.
 Hold the syringe between the thumb and forefinger of the dominant hand with the
needle placement almost parallel to the surface of the skin. The needle bevel should
face upward.
 Slowly insert the needle at a 5 degree to 15 degree angle; no more than 1/8 inch
below the skin.
 Slowly inject the medication while observing the site for bleb formation.
 Withdraw the needle at the same angle as inserted. Activate the needle safety
 Pat the site with dry gauze. Do not massage the area.

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Origin: 6/4/2014
Delegation of Medication Administering Intradermal Injections
Administration to Module/Skill Checklist
Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP)

 Apply a bandage if indicated.

 Dispose of needle and syringe in an appropriate container.
 Circle the injection site with a pen for future assessment. If more than one test site
is being performed, number the injection sites.

15. Remove and discard gloves, Cleanse hands.

16. Implement the sixth right of medication administration, RIGHT

DOCUMENTATION. Documentation of medication administration on the
client’s MAR and/or client record includes:
 Date and time of administration
 Medication and dosage
 Route of medication administration
 Site of administration
 Signature of person administering the medication
NOTE: If the client refuses the medication, document this in the MAR and/or client
chart. The UAP is responsible for reporting this to the person delegating and
supervising the medication administration. Medications that are not administered
within the agency approved time period for administration should be documented.
Dispose of the medication according to agency policy.

17. Maintain security of medications during medication administration and insure the
medication cart/cabinet/room is locked when not in direct attendance.

* Information to support the teaching of hand hygiene and use of gloves is located
in the teaching module “Principles o f Infection Control”.

** Information to support the teaching of standard precautions for medication

administration and sterile technique are located in the teaching module “Principles
of Infection Control”.


Pediatric Clients:
 Obtain assistance to immobilize or restrain the client as needed.
 Demonstrate to the child, the injection procedure on a doll or teddy bear using
a syringe without a needle.
Geriatric Clients:
 Use caution during insertion into aging fragile skin.
 Apply gentle pressure when withdrawing the needle.

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Origin: 6/4/2014
Delegation of Medication Administering Intradermal Injections
Administration to Module/Skill Checklist
Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP)


_________________________________ _________________
Student Name (print) ID Number
1. Obtain any special information needed prior to the
administration of medication.
2. Cleanse hands; observe infection control procedures.
3. Gather materials and supplies.
4. Prepare work area: clean and well lit.
5. Check for client allergies:
 Ask client about allergies
 Review MAR for allergies
6. Verify Six Rights of medication administration:
Client, medication, dose, time, route, documentation
7. Verify the right medication by comparing MAR
against medication label:
 When taken from the medication cart/drawer
 Before withdrawing the medication
 After withdrawing the medication
8. Check expiration date of medication.
9. Prepare the right dose of medication for the right
 Prepare medication from a vial
 Prepare medication from an ampule
10. Identify the right client for medication
11. Explain the procedure to the client.
12. Put on clean gloves.
13. Select the site for injection as directed by the
licensed nurse or per agency policies and procedures:
 inner aspect of the forearm below the
antecubital space and above the wrist
 upper chest
 back scapulae area

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Origin: 6/4/2014
Delegation of Medication Administering Intradermal Injections
Administration to Module/Skill Checklist
Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP)

14. Administer the medication at the right time

15. Remove and discard gloves. Cleanse hands
16. Right documentation – record the medication
administration on client’s MAR:
 Date and time
 Medication and dosage
 Route
 Site
 Signature
17. Maintain security of medications and medication
a. Pass b. Redo

_________________________________ _________________
Evaluator Name Date

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Origin: 6/4/2014

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