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Chartering the FinTech Future

Charles W. Calomiris *

December 2020

* Chief Economist and Senior Deputy Comptroller for Economics, Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency (OCC). This paper was prepared for presentation at the Cato Institute’s 38th Annual
Monetary Economics Conference, November 19, 2020, and is forthcoming in the Cato Journal.
The opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency or the U.S. Government. The author thanks the members of the
OCC Economics Working Group on FinTech and Financial Inclusion for assistance, including
Chau Do, Kristoffer Jackson, Sean Lewis-Faupel, Irina Paley, and Chris Reynolds, and thanks
Peter Stella, Stephen Karolyi, Chau Do, Murillo Campello, and Bryan Hubbard for helpful
comments on earlier drafts. The author retains all the responsibility for any errors or omissions.
1. Introduction

What we use as our medium of exchange is subject to dramatic change over time, and sometimes

bank regulation has accelerated such changes. The National Banking System, founded in 1863,

envisioned the creation of a uniform medium of exchange in the form of national bank notes,

which replaced the preexisting system of state bank note issuance. But the creation of the

national banking system soon resulted in the diminished importance of bank notes as a medium

of exchange. Under the new system, state banks faced a prohibitive tax of 10% per year on any

notes they issued, and national banks had to maintain collateral at the Treasury for their

outstanding national bank notes equal to 111% of their outstanding notes, and also had to

maintain an additional 5% in required government-currency (“greenback”) cash reserves on

hand. That meant that if a bank wanted to make loans it had to find an alternative to bank notes

as a funding source for those loans. Deposits had been growing in importance leading up to the

National Banking Act of 1863, but the Act accelerated the growth of deposits markedly, and they

became the primary funding vehicle for loans. As Comptroller Eckels remarked in 1896: “And

thus it has come about that deposit taking is now the feature, and the issuing of circulating notes

but the incident, in national banking, instead of, as in the early history of the system, the note-

issuing function being the feature and deposit banking but the incident [emphasis added].”1

Furthermore, bank notes were not issued by all banks prior to the 19th century. Bank

notes were a 17th century innovation, and they were not the primary medium exchange or the

main liability for many important banks in the 18th and early 19th centuries. For many

transactions, bankers acceptances and bills of exchange were both the primary vehicle of credit

Eckels (1896), p. 565.

and the medium of exchange, and banks like Amsterdam’s famous Wisselbank functioned

primarily as a clearinghouse for such bills.

Clearly, the history of successful bank chartering informs us that banking has always

been defined by the core functions that banks engage in – lending funds or clearing payments, or

both. In fact the word bank has been linked to both of those functions, and scholars debate

whether payments transfers (initially accomplished on a “bench”) or the creation of a portfolio of

loans (a “mound,” or bank, of loans) has the greater claim to the origins of the word. The

particular means banks use to lend or transfer payments changes over time as a function of

technological and regulatory changes. In particular, transfers can be made via bills of exchange,

bank notes, deposits, credit cards, electronic balance transfers, or exchanges of crypto currency

tokens via block chain. History also teaches us that banks don’t always provide both lending and

payments services. Some banks specialize in one or the other. Indeed, I will show that it requires

some rather complicated and specialized economic modeling assumptions to explain why banks

sometimes choose to bundle lending and payments services within one intermediary. Those

assumptions do not always hold, which explains why bundling is not always a good idea.

Sometimes changes in banks’ structures and functions are predictable. The rise of deposit

banking in the mid-19th century United States was predictable as a matter of arithmetic if one

recognized that banks would continue to act as lenders (given that notes could no longer serve as

a funding source for loans after the passage of the National Banking Act). The rise of nationwide

universal banking in the U.S. after 1980 was also predictable, given the evident inefficiencies of

the preexisting U.S. banking system (Calomiris 2000, Calomiris and Haber 2014).

Similarly, the demise of traditional models of banking today (including nationwide

universal banking provided by today’s too-big-to-fail banks) has similar elements of

predictability based on clear trends that are driving change. In this essay, I consider why current

changes are occurring, and consider what the new structure of chartered banks likely will be in

the future. I don’t offer a single forecast of that future, but rather a conditional set of forecasts. If

special interests, many of which already are currently struggling hard to preserve the status quo,

fail to halt the path of progress, then I believe that technology will lead us down a path of

substantially increased efficiency and stability, and the expansion of chartering to encompass

novel banks. But the evolution of banking has never been entirely determined by technology or

economic logic. Politics is at least equally important in shaping the chartering of banks. If special

interests are successful in blocking progress (as our history shows they often have been), then a

very different path – one of persistent inefficiency and instability designed to preserve the status

quo – is also possible, at least for the foreseeable future.

Section 2 considers the post-1980 emergence of a nationwide universal banking system,

and explains how and why technological changes now favor “unbundling” and the ascendance of

new FinTech banks2 capable of providing services that threaten that status quo. It also includes a

detailed analysis of how FinTech banks are improving financial inclusion, not just improving

efficiency for existing bank customers. Section 3 describes how I believe the chartered banking

system could and would evolve over the next decades if special interests fail in their attempt to

preserve the status quo. In the near term, this evolution could see substantial numbers of FinTech

shadow banks becoming chartered national banks, including many that do not rely on deposits as

a source of funding. As part of that analysis, I show that there may be substantial advantages

from the standpoint of efficiency, convenience, and stability to encouraging the creation of a

Throughout this paper, I use the term Fintech bank to mean a FinTech firm engaged in either lending, payment
services or both. I use the term FinTech bank to apply to both chartered and shadow banks, where I define shadow
banks are those that operate without a state or national bank charter.

chartered national bank network of stable value coin banks issuing non-depository liabilities.

Section 4 identifies the powerful special interests that either are attacking, or that may oppose the

chartering of FinTech banks. Section 5 concludes.

2. From Bundling To Unbundling

In the 1980s and 1990s, the U.S. moved from a system in which banks were fragmented by

location, and in which financial services were provided by specialist firms (bank lenders,

insurance companies, broker/dealers, and asset managers) to a system dominated by nationwide

universal banks. By 2000, a handful of large banks operating throughout the country provided an

unprecedentedly wide range of services. Based on the evident historical shortcomings of the

U.S.’s fragmented financial system (see Calomiris 2000, Calomiris and Haber 2014), the new

banking structure made sense as a means of achieving greater portfolio diversification through

geographic integration across bank locations, reusing customer relationship information, and

economizing on advertising and marketing economies of scale. After two centuries of regulation-

induced geographic and service fragmentation, by 2000 it seemed that we finally had arrived at

what some of us imagined would be a new nirvana of stable and efficient nationwide universal


But only 20 years (and one major financial crisis) later, the bloom of efficiency and

stability is off the rose of nationwide universal banking. We experienced one of the worst

financial crises in history in 2007-2009. Since then, the traditional chartered banking system

wallows in a state of unprofitability and inefficiency. For the first time in history, new entry into

chartered banking has been virtually nonexistent for over a decade. Banks’ services remain

expensive (and some have become more expensive since 2009), and more than 60 million

Americans are still described an “un-banked” or “under-banked.”

As has always been the case in banking history, the drivers of these facts are regulation

and technological change, which are themselves interdependent. With respect to regulation, the

merger wave of 1980 to 2005, which produced the integrated nationwide banking system,

occurred as part of a political bargain that drove merging banks to increase their real estate risk

exposures, thereby also increasing systemic risk (Calomiris and Haber 2014, Chapters 6-8). The

Card Act of 2009 and the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 did little to remedy those incentives (banks’

exposures to real estate risk remain very high), but instead added to the already heavy

compliance burdens and other costs banks bear (Calomiris 2017, Calomiris and Campello 2018).

With respect to technological changes, new methods for providing loans and payment

services by “shadow banks,” especially by FinTech banks over the past several years, are

accelerating the long-term trend of financial disintermediation from chartered banking by

providing more attractive alternatives to customers (Jagtiani and John 2018, Thakor 2019).

According to Statista, the chartered banks’ share of personal loans granted fell from 40% in 2013

to 28% in 2018 while FinTech banks’ personal loans rose from a 5% market share in 2013 to

38% in 2018. Interestingly, these new competitors are structured very differently from traditional

banks. They tend to focus on one or two lines of business, and typically provide either loan

services or payments services, but not both. In sharp contrast to the pre-2000 trend toward

universal banking, FinTech providers are demonstrating a new model of financial intermediation

“unbundling.” The new wave of innovative, low-cost, unbundled FinTech providers that are

making behemoth universal banks look as necessary as buggy whips. They are gaining market

share in both the payments and lending side dramatically over the past several years, are out-

competing traditional banks for talent, and are attracting huge amounts of new investor capital

owing to their extremely high profit rates. What is driving the new unbundling trend?

First, it is worth noting that there have always been profitable examples of unbundled

banking. The famous Wisselbank of Amsterdam, chartered in 1609, revolutionized the clearing

of payments associated with international trade by clearing bills of exchange, but made almost

no loans during its first century of operation. In the U.S. in the late twentieth century, narrowly

focused credit card banks specialized in this type of loan and payments service, which replaced

deposits for executing many transactions, and some chartered banks still specialize in providing

credit card-based loans and payments. Initially, banks funded their credit card receivables with

deposits but subsequently many banks replaced deposits with securitization as the funding source

for credit card lending, finding it cheaper to fund their credit card receivables with securitized

debt offerings. Academic research explaining that change pointed to the cost-savings from

securitization, which among other advantages, provided a better and more disciplined means for

the timely processing of information about the evolving risks of credit card receivables, which

also permitted risk to be managed better. This was accomplished through a novel securitization

intermediation process involving rating agency tracking of receivables performance, early

amortization triggers (that punish excessive surprises in defaulting receivables) and the spread of

new information technologies in the 1990s that made such tracking possible. Securitization also

segmented risk into various pieces to better align debt risks with debtholders’ differing risk

preferences, further reducing funding costs (Calomiris and Mason 2004).

Second, there is no overarching economic theory that generally favors bundled banking.

Indeed, it requires some rather complicated and specialized assumptions to motivate bundled

banking. That is not to say that those assumptions rarely hold. On the contrary, until recently, I

would argue that the assumptions necessary to explain bundled banking have been more the rule

than the exception historically. Until now.

In any business, absent a strong advantage to bundling, there are good managerial reasons

to avoid it. Businesses that combine multiple lines of business suffer from a lack of strategic

managerial focus. And large, multi-line organizations can be too tolerant of poor performance;

under-performing business segments sometimes avoid making hard but necessary changes

because they ride on the coattails of successful business segments. Absent a strong advantage

from bundling, unbundled service providers generally will be more efficient and profitable.

In theory, bundling of payments and lending generally is understood to reflect

informational advantages from combining both within the same intermediary. Tracking a

borrower’s payments history may provide timely information to a lender about how their

business is doing (Mester and Nakamura 2005). Or a bank engaged in opaque lending may find it

advantageous to fund itself with demand deposits because of the discipline that comes from

exposing itself to sudden withdrawal risk. Such discipline may ensure that the bank behaves

honestly and manages credit risk more efficiently (Calomiris and Kahn 1991, Calomiris, Heider

and Hoerova 2018). In both of these theories, the informational challenges of screening and

monitoring bank borrowers underlie the advantages of bundling deposit taking and lending.

Such bundling advantages become less relevant as new screening and monitoring

technologies provide alternative approaches to reducing information costs associated with

lending. Banks have new data resources they can use to screen and monitor borrowers, making

the need to bundle a borrower’s deposits and loans less necessary. And those same informational

improvements may allow banks to convey information about their own lending practices, thus

reducing the need to use the discipline of deposit withdrawal risk to reduce their funding costs.

Consider, for example, the information services provided by OakNorth, which collects

information about small and medium-sized businesses, which it packages for lenders. OakNorth

developed its system in the U.K., where it also used the system as a lender. In the U.S.,

OakNorth provides informational services to other lenders. It draws real time information about

borrowers from thousands of databases and makes that information conveniently accessible to

lenders. Not only do these data assist lenders in screening borrowers, they flag potential

problems in loans early, often before there are any delays in payments or other traditional

indicators of potential loan losses. These sophisticated monitoring procedures have made many

of the traditional screening and monitoring procedures used in the past less important, including

the need to gather information from observing a borrower’s checking account.

Furthermore, the efficiency improvements from unbundling credit from payments often

includes the ability – demonstrated decades ago in credit card securitization – to match specific

sources of funding to their preferred portfolio risks. For example, at least one innovative FinTech

mortgage provider allows competing mortgage purchasers to express their portfolio preferences

by bidding for mortgages whose characteristics fit their portfolio preferences.

Some of the gains from universal banking had resulted from other cost savings from the

reusability of information across banking services. For example, a lender that has served a firm

for many years may more easily be able to underwrite securities for the same firm (Calomiris and

Pornrojnangkool 2009). Or a consumer lender may be in a better position to offer insurance to its

borrower. But now big data systems permit all would-be lenders or insurance providers to access

information that allows them to compete to provide a service without a prior history of providing

other services; the advantages of bundling thus are reduced.

Another advantage that drove nationwide banking was the portfolio diversification that

came from a larger geographic footprint (i.e., bundling across different geographies). Being able

to branch across state lines meant that banks could pool risks related to different industries or

crops to the extent that those industries or crops had locational specificity (as they often do). And

nationwide banks also could expand their branch networks to gather lower-cost deposits from

new locations. But FinTech providers are able to make loans and raise funds on the internet

without having to maintain costly physical branches or loan offices. Furthermore, a local

geographical presence is not nearly as important as it used to be for lenders who need to gather

soft information about borrowers, as the example of OakNorth illustrates.

Unbundled FinTech enterprises that can customize loan portfolios to meet the specific

preferences of loan funders, that can take advantage of state-of-the-art information processing

when screening and monitoring borrowers, and that can avoid the physical costs of maintaining

branch networks, will increasingly win the competitive struggle to serve customers.

Given the regulatory and technological changes in recent years, it is no wonder that

unbundled FinTech providers are increasing their market shares in payments and lending

dramatically. Of course, some customers still find bundled relationships more convenient, or

they are less comfortable with internet-based banking. But others may dislike or distrust

traditional banks and feel more comfortable transacting with FinTech banks on the internet.

Indeed, some FinTech banks have modeled their business precisely to attract such customers.

FinTechs and Financial Inclusion

Not only are new unbundled FinTech providers more profitable and efficient than

traditional banks, their technologies are proving to be very promising for improving access to

financial services for many people who have not been served well by traditional banks,

especially lower-income people. The U.S. banking system serves about 80% of American

families’ needs to make payments, save, and borrow. But what about the other 20%, the so-

called “un-banked” and “under-banked”? What barriers explain why the normally reliable

pressure of market competition has not led banks to compete for the business of such a large

fraction of the population? How are FinTech banks breaking down some of those barriers?

Historically, the barriers that have kept the un- or under-banked from becoming fully

integrated into the formal financial sector consist of several supply-side and demand-side factors.

On the supply side, these include challenges lenders face in differentiating borrowers’ risks, the

high transaction costs of serving small-dollar customers, and the costs of regulatory uncertainty

(which are often defined on a per-customer basis, and therefore, disproportionately disadvantage

small-dollar customers). On the demand-side, factors such as the limited financial resources of

low-income customers, their limited experience with financial service providers, and their

preferences for particular kinds of products can limit access.

With respect to demand-side factors, how have FinTech banks improved financial access

for the un- or under-banked? According to an FDIC survey, 13 percent of unbanked households

state that banks do not offer products or services that they need. For example, a majority of un-

or under-banked households live paycheck to paycheck, cannot afford the high standard

minimum balances or account fees banks require, and do not live near branches.3 To meet some

of these demands, FinTech banks have developed different products that may be particularly

attractive to un- or under-banked households. In particular, FinTech banks provide novel

Indeed, about nine percent of unbanked household cite inconvenient location or inconvenient hours as the reason for
not having a bank account.

products with low-cost fees or and smaller minimum small dollar amount loans. For example,

some offer free overdraft protection (typically limited to up to $100)4 or 0% APR cash advance

that requires no credit check and no monthly fee (limited to $250).5 Many now offer bank

accounts with no monthly fees, no overdraft fees for limited overdraft protection, and no

minimum balance fees, as well as no ATM fee access for in-network ATMs.6 The common

denominator of these products is that physical cost savings from operating as a FinTech provider

make it more economical to serve small-dollar amount customers, which is particularly

advantageous to low-income customers.

Other FinTech banks have designed products to smooth spending in the face of high-

frequency fluctuations in customers’ incomes. Because there is a lag between the days wages are

earned and the day that employees are paid, some FinTech banks have attracted un- and under-

banked customers by offering “paycheck deposits.”7 Instead of depositing paycheck funds into a

customer’s account with the traditional delay (waiting for the funds to cleared from the

employer’s bank), these FinTech banks deposit the funds as soon as the transfer instructions are

received, taking on the minimal risk that the employer’s bank is unable to fund the transaction.

This decreases the customer’s waiting time by two days. Other FinTech banks offer customers

access to their wages in advance of the pay day on terms that are generally far superior to payday

lenders or to the costs of paying traditional bank overdraft fees.8

FinTech banks also cater to un- and under-banked customers’ demands by designing

innovative and convenient means for customers to access services through mobile phones,

8 and

therefore obviating the need to be near a branch. Because the majority of un- and under-banked

households have mobile phones, FinTech banks have been able to attract many low-income

customers by offering mobile phone access.

Consumers with limited financial experience sometimes make financial decisions that

damage their credit record and leave high-cost lenders as their only option. Financial education

and counseling services can reduce these costly mistakes. While academic evidence regarding

the impact of financial education and counseling has been mixed, there is evidence that certain

approaches provide benefits. In particular, education appears to be most effective when it is

targeted to a particular borrower’s needs and is delivered at the time the knowledge can be used.9

For example, research has shown that mortgage counseling conducted at the time a mortgage is

originated can reduce default rates.10

Many FinTech banks provide precisely this form of financial counseling as part of the

loan products they offer. They use a wide range of educational services to build relationships

with customers that have limited experience with financial transactions. One online lender offers

lower rates for completing their online courses on managing debt,11 while another online lender

prominently advertises “community support” whereby borrowers are connected with free and

trusted financial counselors.12 Other FinTech banks produce free content for customers or

potential customers to help explain when and how their products fit into a well-managed

financial plan or to instruct customers on managing finances and debt more generally.13 Finally,

many comparison shopping FinTech banks provide free tools for consumers to evaluate

Fernandes, Lynch, and Netemeyer (2014).
Agarwal, Amromin, Ben-David, Chomsisengphet, and Evanoff (2020).

alternative debt scenarios, such as debt consolidation, or to create a plan to reach a savings

goal.14 To reduce confusion or misunderstandings that can undermine trust, some FinTech

providers have developed products that alert customers when they are at risk of being charged a

fee, thus helping to reduce fees and improve their decision making.15

With respect to supply-side factors, many innovative FinTech business models are

reducing the costs of serving customers. These costs consist of physical costs and information

costs. Physical costs are lower for FinTechs because they avoid the high overhead costs of

traditional banks, which is especially beneficial to small-dollar account customers.

With respect to information costs, many un- and under-banked customers are “credit

invisibles” – people without formal credit scores. That lack of information makes it challenging

to lend to them. For an estimated 26 million Americans,16 traditional credit products remain out

of reach because they lack a credit score. These “credit invisibles” often turn to payday lenders,

pawn shops, or auto-title lenders, or end up paying high overdraft fees at traditional banks. Such

borrowing is expensive, with APRs as high as 300 percent.17 What’s more, repayment of these

loans often doesn’t establish a credit score so experience in these markets brings borrowers no

closer to cheaper credit. Instead, they end up in cycles of accumulating debt. Such borrowing

amounts to over 280 million transactions per year and roughly $78 billion in revenue.18

An important aspect of FinTech banks’ ability to provide improved access to credit for

consumers comes from their use of new sources of information (Jagtiani and Lemieux 2017). By

using information not traditionally found in a credit report, lenders are able to safely and

Opportunities for mobile financial services to engage underserved consumers, FDIC, 2016

affordably lend to customers with little or no credit history. FinTech banks such as Oportun and

Upstart have advertised that using alternative data has allowed them to successfully provide

credit to households who lack the formal credit scores required by most financial institutions.

Some FinTech lenders have started to use consumers’ cash flow history—how much income

flows into the person’s bank accounts and how much spending draws out of them—to underwrite

credit, while other FinTech lenders use utility- and telecom-payment data to inform their risk-

scoring. One study finds that roughly half of credit invisibles interested in obtaining credit have

stayed current on all of their bills in the past twelve months.19 By using such alternative credit

data to approve loans, FinTech lenders can offer lower prices than their traditional counterparts.

A LexisNexus study finds that of the 24% of consumers in their sample without a credit bureau

score,20 86% became scorable using RiskView, a credit score that uses alternative data.

However, the proportion of un- and under-banked consumers who would benefit from such a

score or other applications of alternative data is hard to estimate precisely.

3. From Chartered FinTechs To Stable Value Crypto Banks

We are seeing only the beginning of what FinTech banks can do to improve the

efficiency of the financial system and promote financial inclusion. The industry continues to

evolve as new and better approaches enter the market. As with traditional lending, FinTech

lending entails safety, soundness, and fairness risks. But the financial services industry and its

regulators are well equipped to handle these risks. And agencies like the OCC are encouraging

Consumers who did not have enough credit history to be scorable because it either did not have recent activity on
their credit, only non-tradeline data, or no credit obligations open for a long enough duration.

FinTech banks to reach their full potential by coming out of the shadows and joining the

chartered banking system.

In particular, some Fintech banks may be able to deepen their resource base and broaden

their customer reach by becoming national banks. Additionally, an OCC charter carries with it a

thorough and strict examination process that can create value for member banks. Examination

creates value by providing critical analysis of business strategies and operations, which can

enhance a member bank’s credibility in the market (Calomiris 2020). The OCC has made it clear

that it welcomes innovative financial service providers to apply for national bank charters. Given

the evolving banking landscape, it makes no sense to restrict bank charters to bundled providers,

or to banks offering one kind of payment product, such as deposits. Unbundled banks that

execute payments through means other than deposits, or those that confine themselves to lending

rather than payment services, should be free to become chartered banks, if they so choose.21

I emphasize that I am not arguing in favor of requiring all FinTech shadow banks to

become chartered banks. For some firms, the benefits of the charter outweigh the costs of the

charter, while for others the benefits may not outweigh the costs. For that reason, forcing all

FinTechs to become chartered banks could reduce the supply of banking services.

At the OCC, we know that new technologies and consumer preferences, not regulators,

will decide the future of banking, and will determine what combination of novel and traditional

banking businesses will evolve over time. Government or court decisions on chartering,

however, can decide how much of that future occurs within the chartered banking system.

Allowing FinTech shadow banks to bring their novel approaches to applying technological

For some, but not all, FinTech business strategies access to Fedwire is also a potential source of value creation
related to becoming a chartered national bank. That is especially true for FinTech shadow banks that currently rely
on partnering with chartered banks to gain access to that system.

changes to the needs of customers’ preferences into the chartered banking system will help those

banks by giving them access to the value-creating aspects of bank charters.

Some have questioned how the OCC can apply prudential standards to novel banks

whose cash flows may not arise from traditional intermediation practices, and whose balance

sheets may contain only small amounts of tangible assets. In fact, the OCC has been setting

prudential regulatory standards for many years for lines of business within traditional banks for

which substantial cash flows arise without a connection to tangible assets on the balance sheet.

Such prudential standards take into account the volatility of the bank’s cash flows, and the ability

of the bank to meet its expenses, including operating costs and debt service. There is no

legitimate cause for concern about the ability to establish effective prudential standards for banks

with small amounts of tangible assets. Capital ratios on novel banks with only intangible assets

(present values of future cash flows) can be determined to achieve the same safety and soundness

criteria as for banks with mainly tangible assets (such as loans).

Chartered Banks and Stable Value Crypto Currencies

Recently, the OCC has clarified the regulation of national banks with respect to

transactions involving some crypto assets. The OCC clarified that national banks may act as

custodians of crypto assets, and also may hold the reserve balances of certain stable value crypto

currency providers. These actions reduce regulatory uncertainty and simply recognize the fact

that crypto assets are a significant and growing part of the global financial system.

What about chartering crypto currency providers? The state of Wyoming has been among

the most progressive authorities in establishing state chartering of banks involved in producing

crypto currencies. The UK and the EU also seem willing to pursue similar initiatives. Whether

and how other U.S. states or the OCC might follow suit remains unclear. The question of how to

properly charter stable value coin providers as banks is an open one. Which business models

should be considered within the scope of chartering for the OCC? How should algorithms set by

crypto coins be regulated and examined? What prudential capital and cash asset standards should

be applied? In my discussion here I do not mean to suggest that the OCC has decided the

answers to these questions. I do, however, believe that there are several identifiable advantages

from doing chartering stable value crypto currency providers with safe and sound business

models as national banks. In what remains of this section I consider the prospective advantages

of chartering stable value crypto currency providers as national banks. I first identify several

advantages from permitting stable value crypto coin providers (whether as shadow banks or

chartered banks) to eventually develop a new non-depository payments network separate from

the existing central bank-based network. At the end of that analysis I also consider some reasons

why it may be desirable to permit such banks to become chartered banks.

For the purpose of my example, to be concrete, I will consider a particular form of a

stable value crypto coin issuing bank. But my conclusions about the potential advantages of this

arrangement apply more broadly than to just this model, although it would not apply to all

potential business models for stable value coins. The point of this example is to show that a non-

depository stable value crypto coin can be issued in a safe and sound manner, and that it could

have substantial efficiency, convenience and stability advantages, if it were designed properly.

Imagine a bank that sells a total number of S coins, selling each coin it issues for $1. The

coins can be used to transact in goods and services through block chain clearing (i.e., through

gross real time settlement at nearly the speed of light). The bank maintains a secondary market in

its coins. Specifically, it commits contractually to buying coins whenever their value falls to

$0.99 at that price and selling coins whenever their value rises to $1.01 at that price. It does so

automatically as long as it possesses sufficient cash on hand to buy or sell coins at those prices.

If it is unable to purchase coins at $0.99 (due to a lack of cash), then its financial claims are

revised, as described below. The secondary market purchase and sale policy is contractually

credible and executed automatically by an algorithm. There is no redemption option for the coins

and they never mature. The coins are effectively a kind of perpetual preferred stock in the bank.

The only claims on the bank are coins and common shares. If the bank is unable to

purchase coins in the secondary market due to a lack of cash, its financial claims are revised as

follows: Coins enjoy a strict prior claim on the assets, and this is implemented by setting the

value of preexisting common shares owned by the bank stockholders to zero in this state of the

world. In that eventuality, the quantity of preexisting coins is reduced (written down) in amount

by 5%. This avoids any need for a liquidation of assets or other bankruptcy proceedings. Coin

holders then receive pro rata amounts of new common shares that give them the remaining

residual interest in the bank. If, after this initial write down, the bank is still unable to meet its

secondary market purchase obligation, then a second 5% write down occurs, and so on, until the

bank has deleveraged sufficiently so that the value of its assets exceeds the value of its coins.22

I reiterate that this is only one model for how a non-depository stable value coin provider

might operate in a safe and sound manner. I do not mean to suggest that it is the best model, but I

find this example simple to analyze, and it allows one to see some advantages that arise from a

Notice that, although in the model presented here, stable value coins always maintain their $1 value in
equilibrium, the stable coin algorithm provides for a case where the stable value coins decline in value below $1.
Why might this happen? Fraud, processing errors, or other operational errors are practical considerations that apply
in reality even though they are not modeled here explicitly. The bank’s design permits those risks borne by equity
holders to a certain extent, but if equity proves inadequate for that purpose, the coins will be written down
automatically, which avoids the inconvenience and delay associated with a receivership, as would occur under
traditional depository banking.

liability structure different from typical depository banking. I now proceed to consider the

services and risks entailed by this banking model.

Because the bank operates in a competitive environment (and has near zero physical

costs) I assume that the bank contractually commits to paying interest on the coins equal to the

U.S. Treasury bill rate. I initially assume that the bank’s tangible assets consist of cash assets

($C) in the form of U.S. Treasury bills. I later consider deviations from that assumption. I also

assume that the bank possesses an intangible asset equal to the present value of fees it expects to

earn from executing payments ($F). To simplify our discussion, but without loss of generality,

the amount of transaction fees expected to be earned in each period is not expected to grow over

time. $F is the discounted value of that constant expected stream of earnings. But $F is

stochastic; the arrival of news about changing transactions demand can affect $F. The lower

support (lowest dollar value) of $F is $F’. The value of the bank’s equity ($E) at any moment in

time, owned by its common shareholders, is given by $E = $F + $C – $S.

If the bank sets S < $C, what will be the value of each of its coins, and in that case (where

S < $C) will it ever fail to be able to honor its promised secondary market purchase policy?

So long as the bank is known to operate credibly under the above set of rules (i.e., its

holdings of cash assets are deposited in a safe place and are observable to its coin holders, and its

commitment to purchase and sell at the specified prices in the secondary market are contractually

binding on it), then in equilibrium, each coin will trade at a value of $1 and the bank will never

have to write down its coins. The bank can arrange a line of credit from another chartered bank

collateralized by its Treasury bills that will allow the stable value coin bank to draw an amount

of cash equal to its Treasury bill holdings, if needed.

No depositor has an incentive to sell coins in the secondary market because it is not

possible to profit from selling them at $0.99. The coins are riskless and useful for transacting in

the market for goods and services, and the bank is always able to pay the contractual interest rate

(the market interest rate on riskless cash assets). Therefore, the bank will never need to actually

draw upon its line of credit. In equilibrium, the coins will be valued $1 each.

Can the bank reduce the amount of tangible assets it holds (by paying a dividend to its

stockholders) without creating the possibility of a failure to maintain this riskless stable coin

equilibrium?23 Yes, if there is a known lower bound to $F equal to $F’, then the bank can pay out

some of its cash assets as a dividend. To maintain a riskless commitment that keeps stable coins

at the value of $1 the bank just has to maintain cash assets $C such that $C + $F’ = S. The bank

will maintain a line of credit equal to $C + $F’, and as before, it will never have to draw on that

line of credit because coin holders never have an incentive to sell coins below the price of $1 in

the secondary market. Note that this implies a form of riskless fractional reserve banking. The

bank can also pay all of the transaction fees it earns per period out as dividends without running

the risk of failing to maintain the $1 value of its stable coins.

Note that because the bank does not rely on deposit funding and does not offer a first-

come first-served rule for redeeming its coins, it cannot experience a run. Coin holders see no

advantage to being first in line to sell their coins in the secondary market.

Is it realistic to imagine that coin holders would demand these stable value coins rather

than deposits in a conventional bank? Yes, for several reasons. First, this bank has zero overhead

costs (more realistically, its overhead costs are much lower than for a conventional bank) so it is

able to offer a higher interest rate on coins than depository banks can offer on deposits, which are

In this model, the bank can also pay all of the transaction fees it earns per period out as dividends without running
the risk of failing to maintain the $1 value of its stable coins.

similarly riskless. Second, the coins are more useful than deposits. A payment can be made with

instant finality and can be accompanied by a message that assists in executing the transaction,

which is the service that account for the fees charged for payments. Stable value coin producers

already are creating novel services that facilitate transactions, which will further increase

demand for their coins as media of exchange. For example, if the purchaser wishes to convey

selective information about himself during a transaction that can be done credibly by using

verification procedure through the block chain. A purchaser may wish to convey that he is older

than 18 years so that he can engage in gambling on line, or may want to convey his state of

residence so that he can pay sales taxes on the transaction.

Furthermore, the coin holders gain from the fact that a block chain payments network is

much less vulnerable to cyber attack or hacking than the existing centralized payments network

operated by the Fed. That advantage also has positive systemic risk consequences. Eisenbach,

Kovner and Lee (2020) argue that a cyber attack on a member of the existing centralized network

will disrupt payments throughout the network, with large spillover effects on other banks and

their customers. But because block chain clearing through a decentralized network it offers an

environment that is much more secure from hacking, coin holders throughout the block chain-

based network bear less risk from hacking or cyber attacks.

How should governments react to this type of stable value coin issuing bank? Its

existence adds to systemic stability for several reasons. First, coin holders bear no risk of default

and there is no possibility of a run. Second, the systemic risk from cyber attack would be lower.

Third, an additional systemic risk advantage comes from the absence of insured deposits, and the

unbundling of lending and clearing. The current bundling of lending with insured deposits has

been shown to be a substantial source of systemic risk. Insuring the deposits of banks that engage

in risky lending encourages banks to increase their lending risk,24 as evidence across many

countries’ and more than a century of experience has demonstrated (Demirguc-Kunt and

Detragiache 2002, Demirguc-Kunt and Huizinga 2004, Kane 2010. Calomiris and Jaremski

2016, Calomiris and Chen 2020). For example, Brewer (1995) shows that insurance of the

deposits of savings and loans in the U.S. substantially increased the risk taking of those

institutions during the 1980s. Gorton and Pennacchi (1992) propose a solution to the problem of

deposit insurance funding of loans: banks that provide transactions accounts backed by riskless

assets can give consumers the ability to hold riskless balances for payments without creating the

systemic risks associated with insuring the deposits of lenders. The stable value coin bank

modeled here is an example of such an intermediary.

Fourth, because transactions are executed via block chain, which permanently records

every transaction, regulation can credibly require the bank’s transacting algorithm to contain

protocols that minimize the possibilities of money laundering and tax avoidance (which could be

required by law and enforced by examination ex post). That could substantially reduce such

criminal activities.

So far I have only considered bank policies that result in a riskless stable-value coin

issuing bank. Could a risky version of this bank arise in equilibrium (where the stable value coin

bank would convert a significant fraction of its cash assets into risky assets)? This seems

unlikely. It is hard to see why that would appeal to coin holders. The stable value coin issuing

bank has no obvious comparative advantage in lending or stock picking, so it is not clear why it

would seek to substitute stock holdings for Treasury bills. If the bank were to buy a diversified

An alternative policy of providing conditional lender of last resort assistance in lieu of unconditional deposit
insurance would permit the government to deal with the risks attendant to financial crises without contributing so
much to systemic risk (Acharya and Thakor 2016).

portfolio of stocks with some of its cash assets, that would make coin balances riskier with no

obvious gain to consumers given that the coin holders can purchase shares on the same terms if

they so desire. Most importantly, people generally like to keep low-risk transaction balances

separate from their long-term risky asset holdings (this is a defining characteristic of payments-

related balances held by firms and consumers throughout the ages).25 Furthermore, setting up a

risky stable value coin bank likely would not appeal to the bank’s organizers either; note that my

model assumes that if the bank is unable to meet its contractual commitment in the secondary

market, the preexisting shareholders of the bank would forfeit all of their common stock.

Even if I am missing some reason why a risky version of a stable value coin bank might

appeal to coin holders and bank organizers, such a bank would not create any new risks for the

rest of the economy from losses it incurs. In contrast, traditional depository banks do magnify

risk in the economy when they suffer losses on their portfolios, especially through withdrawal

pressures as a consequence of those losses (Calomiris and Wilson 2004), which can lead them to

curtail the supply of lending, liquidate risky assets, and reduce the prices of the risky assets being

liquidated. Recall that the stable value coin bank modeled here operates under a coin write down

protocol that automatically converts preexisting coins into new coins (of lower value) and creates

new common shares to replace old ones. Thus, even if a risky stable value coin bank were

created for some reason I cannot fathom, given that it does not rely on redeemable deposits, it

would not contribute to systemic risk in the way that standard depository banks do.

If transactions balances are withdrawn from traditional banks and converted into stable

value coins, will that undermine the ability of banks to lend? For example, Calomiris and Kahn

(1991) show that lenders might need to establish traditional banking structures funded with the

Gorton and Pennacchi (1990) explain why this is true, in theory. Calomiris and Wilson (2004), among others,
show empirically that even when banks are uninsured, market discipline forces them to offer very low-risk deposits.

discipline of redeemable or short-term debt. First, as discussed in Section 2, improvements in

information technology may have mitigated the theoretical motivations that drive this contracting

structure of intermediation. Second, if lenders still need the discipline from borrowing short-term

funds in the market, then that is best provided by risky debt, not insured deposits. Lenders can

rely on commercial paper or repo, as many finance companies and hedge funds have done since

the 1960s. Here again, efficiency is served by unbundling lending from payments, and stable

value coins offer a means of improving transacting. I see no gain to be had from preventing that.

In summary, a payments system founded on sound business models for stable value

coins, operating via a decentralized block chain network, would reduce transaction costs,

increase payment speed, reduce hacking risks, raise interest paid on accounts, and allow new

services (such as the communication of information about the payer) to be provided efficiently.

That decentralized network would also lower systemic risk and reduce criminal activity.

Should the OCC and state banking authorities charter stable value coin banks like those

that are modeled here? Although the details of the OCC’s chartering policy remain a subject for

study and ongoing debate as we gather all the facts about appropriate business models and ways

of regulating and supervising these banks, my analysis contributes to the argument in favor of the

view that it would be desirable to allow such banks to obtain national bank charters. By

chartering them, we allow banks’ customers to gain from credible examination of their

algorithms and accounting and managerial skills. By encouraging shadow banks of all kinds

(including stable coin banks) into the chartered system, examination can ensure that consumers

are not taken advantage of by unscrupulous, dishonest, or misleading practices. The government

would also gain because examination would ensure that the bank’s algorithms comply with laws

against money laundering and tax evasion, and that its accounting is honest.

Will some stable value banks be willing to join the ranks of chartered banks? I think so.

First, they would reap the advantages from having examinations help them build market

credibility for their algorithms and managerial practices. And a national bank charter, in

particular, helps banks to expand their market reach across state lines. Finally, stable value coin

banks, like other novel banks whose business models do not require that they borrow deposits,

will be able to reap those advantages while avoiding some of the regulatory apparatus that makes

traditional banking more costly. For example, a national bank that avoids issuing deposits does

not have to be regulated by the FDIC or obtain deposit insurance (which is superfluous to it). A

non-deposit bank also can be owned by a holding company without having to face the regulatory

burdens of Fed oversight (which in many cases also would be superfluous, given the simple

business models of stable value coin banks). It would be regulated by the OCC, but some of the

costs of OCC regulation would be reduced for non-depository banks. For example, non-

depository banks are not subject to the Community Reinvestment Act. The gains from avoiding

those various regulatory burdens largely would accrue to consumers (recall that regulatory costs

are one of the barriers that prevent traditional banks from serving small-dollar bank customers

affordably). I conclude that stable value coin bankers, their customers, and the government all

stand to gain from chartering stable value banks. The same logic that favors the chartering of

unbundled FinTech banks today likely also applies to stable value coin banks in the future.

4. But Misery Loves Company and Power Is Addictive

Not everyone welcomes a future in which unbundled FinTech banks become an important part of

the chartered national and state banking systems. The idea that today’s unbundled FinTech

banks, and possibly tomorrow’s stable value coin banks, should become chartered banks is

anathema to the special interests that profit from keeping progressive financial intermediaries in

the shadows. And some powerful entities may be especially threatened by the idea that a banking

system could arise to accomplish payments transfers without needing to maintain liabilities in the

form of deposits. After all, powerful special interests possess huge economic rents that are

conferred on them as a consequence of preserving the status quo. Who are those special interests

and how likely are they to be successful in preventing a chartered FinTech future?

State authorities that license shadow banks are one special interest group that has already

identified itself as hostile to the chartering of FinTech banks. The State of New York is suing to

prevent the OCC from chartering non-depository FinTech banks (Lacewell v. OCC). In 2019

alone, New York State earned over $100 million in licensing fees. Not only would chartering

FinTechs move fees out of the state coffers for the banks that migrate to the national system, the

state licensing authorities would likely lose from the consequent decline in the fortunes of other

financial service firms that they license because those firms may find themselves in a less

competitive position. For example, payday lenders are entirely state-licensed and regulated.

Chartering FinTech banks as national banks (including those with financial inclusion strategies

discussed above) could substantially reduce the market share of payday lenders. That would

benefit consumers throughout the country by reducing the cost of small-dollar loans, but state

licensing fees from payday lenders likely would fall.

Traditional banks, especially the least efficient among them, should and do see chartered

FinTechs as a threat that would likely accelerate their declining market shares and profits.

Traditional banks are struggling. With few exceptions their business models are antiquated. Net

interest margins for traditional banks today are at historic lows, and branch networks have

become highly unprofitable owing to the low-interest rate environment that has prevailed since

2009. With the wholesale interest rate near zero, the interest savings from attracting core deposits

(the primary purpose of bank branches) are also near zero, which means that noninterest

expenses associated with operating branches are a source of value destruction for the banking

enterprise. This effect is visible in the declining values of core deposits to banks’ enterprise

values (Calomiris and Nissim 2014).

The bundled, universal, too-big-to-fail banks already are waging a battle to discredit

progressive FinTech banks. They wage this battle mainly through their policy advocacy arm,

known as the Bank Policy Institute (BPI). Articles published by BPI economists either stoke fear

that new technologies will be destabilizing, or argue that it is unfair to allow unbundled banks to

provide services to consumers with lower regulatory costs than the too-big-to-fail banks are

forced to bear.26 It is somewhat astounding to see these large banks asking regulators to preserve

their businesses from more efficient competitors. It never seems to occur to them that they might

change their business models instead, by taking to heart the trend toward unbundling, by

becoming more focused in their strategies, and by making more efficient use of resources.

Sometimes traditional bank advocates even join the state licensing authorities in making the self-

serving and contra-historical argument (as the introduction to this article showed), that the very

definition of a chartered bank requires a reliance on deposit funding.

This is no surprise given that the too-big-to-fail banks have reason to be concerned about

their future. Their business models are not doing well, and their size and complexity make it

especially challenging for them to conceive of ways to adapt to the new competitive

environment. Not only are they displaying low profitability, two of the largest four bank holding

companies in the United States have total common shares worth less in market value than the

See Rosenthal and Court (2020) and the references therein to other BPI policy papers.

value of their tangible common equity, which implies that the present value of their non-tangible

assets is negative.27 In other words, their business models destroy value rather than create value.

It is likely that traditional banks – especially the large banks and their advocates – will

continue to lose market share to FinTechs, whether or not FinTechs become chartered national

banks. Inefficient banks would do more for their shareholders by improving their business

models than complaining as the future of financial services unfolds before them.

There are other potential losers from the chartering of FinTech banks who may also join

the buggy whip coalition. The Federal Reserve is a very powerful organization that stands to lose

its monopoly over the payment system as block chain-based networks develop. The Fed’s

political power is closely linked to the centralized payment system that it controls, and it has

always been mindful of expanding and preserving its power (Calomiris 2019). Furthermore,

some FinTech firms are choosing to structure their chartered banks in ways that will not require

Federal Reserve Board oversight of their holding companies, implying another potential decline

in Fed power. Finally, Fed digital currency is a possibility being discussed by many economists.

Advocates of a Fed cyber dollar see its creation (alongside the abolition or restriction of the use

of paper dollars) as a means of empowering the Fed. A cyber dollar could pay negative interest,

thereby removing the zero lower bound on interest rates as an obstacle to the Fed’s ability to

pursue expansionary policy. FinTech banks, especially stable value crypto coin producers of the

future operating via block chain, are an important prospective source of competition that could

limit the Fed’s ability to impose negative interest rates on consumers and firms.28

Note that bank accounting treatment sets tangible asset books values at market value, which is why market-to-
book measures are so informative of value creation or value destruction (Calomiris and Nissim 2014).
It would be possible for the Fed to set the yield on Treasury bills at a negative nominal value through open market
purchases. It could at the same time also pay a negative interest rate on cyber dollar reserves to its member banks.
Banks would be forced by competitive pressure to pass on the negative interest rate to their depositors. If a stable
coin bank pegged its currency to the cyber dollar, and held Treasury bills as reserves, it too, would be forced to pass
on a negative interest rate to its coin holders. In that case, however, consumers and firms could decide to shift

Given that the Fed could lose substantial power as the result of the chartering of non-

depository FinTech banks, it may oppose them. One can hope that the Fed will be guided more

by public interest than a desire to preserve its own power. As far as I know, the Fed has not taken

an official position on the question of FinTech chartering. Time will tell.

What about community organizations, such as the members of the National Community

Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC)? One would hope that these organizations, too, which have

given themselves the mission of helping to advance the lives of America’s poor and

underprivileged, would see the advantages for financial inclusion of chartering FinTech banks, as

described in detail above. On the other hand, the heads of these organizations make large salaries

and have gained substantial power by serving as poverty intermediaries. As agents of the poor,

they (like all agents) can be conflicted. In particular, NCRC members have gained a great deal

personally (in salaries and power) from the regulation of traditional depository banks under the

Community Reinvestment Act, which entailed transfers of trillions of dollars (either in the form

of grants or targeted lending) to their organizations (see Calomiris and Haber 2014, Chapter 7).

As with the Fed, it is too early to know how these organizations will greet the chartered FinTech

future. Will they prioritize improving the lives of the poor, even if doing so weakens their own

control over resources? Again, time will tell.

I conclude that, although the chartering of FinTech banks as national banks would

promote efficiency and inclusion, there are powerful vested interests that either have already

holdings to stable value coin providers that peg to something other than the cyber dollar. For example, some stable
value coins already are backed by foreign currency assets. Another possibility would be to adopt a commodity
standard (which could be done relative to gold, or to a broader basket of commodities). If gold were used as the unit
of account, then gold holdings would serve as reserves. If a broader commodity standard were chosen as the unit of
account, then a basket of futures contracts could serve as reserves. Stable value coin chartered national banks
conceivably could participate in non-cyber dollar denominated coin issuance too. There is precedent for national
banks to avoid using the legal tender dollar as their unit of account. National gold banks issued notes redeemable in
gold rather than legal tender dollars in the late 19 th century. These banks were created under the Currency Act of
July 12, 1870. Ten national gold banks were chartered, nine in California and one in Boston.

expressed hostility to the idea (the too-big-to-fail banks and state licensing authorities) or that

may do so in the near future (the Fed and NCRC members). These are all powerful players in

what Stephen Haber and I call the political Game of Bank Bargains, and it would be naïve to

think that the chartering of FinTech banks is a foregone conclusion as the result of its compelling

economic logic. Politics has its own logic, and it isn’t always pretty.

4. Conclusion

I have shown that the chartering of FinTech shadow banks as national banks is a desirable

development. In the near term, this will occur in the form of unbundled, novel providers of

payments or lending services. Some of their business models entail borrowing deposits, but some

do not. All of them are banks. They and their consumers stand to benefit greatly from coming out

of the shadows and becoming chartered banks. For many shadow banks, the advantages of

greater geographic reach and enhanced market credibility from OCC examination will outweigh

the new costs of regulations they will bear. That is especially so if they are able to avoid

unnecessary regulatory burdens on their organizations.

I emphasize that I am not arguing in favor of requiring FinTech banks to obtain national

charters. This would impose regulatory burdens on all banks, some of which would be less able

to meet customer needs as a consequence. I also emphasize that the externality argument often

used to justify forcing traditional intermediaries that issue deposits to be chartered does not apply

to unbundled non-depository FinTechs. Traditional banks that use deposits to fund loans can

magnify recessions as the result of the combination of deposit taking and lending. Losses on

loans create credit crunches when banks facing loan losses cut lending to maintain a low risk of

default on deposits, and such banks can face a risk of runs if they are unable to keep deposit risk

low (Calomiris and Wilson 2004). Unbundled banking does not create these sorts of

externalities, and therefore, there are no obvious arguments for forcing FinTech shadow banks to

obtain charters unless doing so creates value for their enterprises.

The point of chartering FinTech banks should be to allow them to reap the net gains of a

charter, if those gains are positive for them. This approach ensures chartering only occurs when

the charter creates value. Furthermore, by permitting, but not requiring, FinTech banks to obtain

charters, society reaps a further benefit: technology serves as a check on excessive regulation. If

chartering authorities know that excessive regulatory burdens will discourage FinTech banks

from coming out of the shadows, then regulators will be more mindful of the costs of


Consumers stand to gain dramatically from allowing FinTechs to obtain national bank

charters. Chartered FinTechs, in many cases, could offer lower costs, better service, and greater

access to financial services, especially for the un- and under-banked. Consumers will also gain

from improved supervision of these banks, which will help to ensure that their customers are

treated fairly, and that the banks are run on a safe and sound basis. For all these reasons, the

OCC is welcoming novel FinTech banks to apply for national bank charters.

Does it make sense to extend the national bank charter to encompass stable value crypto

coin providers? I show that doing so could have some important advantages. The OCC is

currently considering this possibility, although the policy framework that would guide national

bank chartering of stable value coin providers remains a topic of study and ongoing debate.

Some might argue that FinTech banks should be forced to obtain charters because of the reduced systemic risk
externalities that come from the regulation of chartered banks. I don’t find this argument convincing when applied to
FinTech shadow banks. As I pointed out in my discussion of stable value crypto banks, because they avoid issuing
deposits, and because they do not combine deposits with lending, then do not generate the sorts of negative
externalities related to systemic risk (credit crunches or stock market value declines) that traditional banks can

When considering whether FinTech shadow banks, including stable coin providers, will

eventually become an important part of the chartered banking system, it is crucial to take into

account the political power of the special interests who stand to lose from doing so. Whether

consumers are able to realize the gains of a chartered FinTech future ultimately will depend as

much on politics as it will on economics.


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