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The theory of social bonding is a control theory focused on the premise that individuals are
fundamentally Self-interested, so it tries to understand why certain individuals refrain from crime
instead of engaging in crime. The theory indicates that offending activity is induced by social ties with
law-abiding individuals and organizations that are weakened or broken. Four elements (attachment,
commitment, involvement, and belief) consist of social relations, and the existence of each element
promotes law-abiding actions. law-abiding actions.

Attachment Commitment
Emotional ties to individuals/peers, school, Investment in convention goals/aspirations for
jobs; We don't want to damage relationships. success; fear of consequences/what you have
to lose. Rational component of the social bond

Involvement Belief
Conventional activities make people too busy Acceptance of conventional standards; Belief
to be delinquent; Crime begins to decrease as in morality.
people become busier with family, marriage
and employment.


 Individuals feel something they want.

 People are motivated to acquire desires.
 People claim a control degree that is desired.
 People have a tendency for illegitimate temptations.


 People feel something they may not like or feel like.

 The cost of acquiring the wants is servere.
 The influence of social control impacts illegal behavior.
 Social Bonds control the attraction to illegal temptations and ensure conformity.

Through the development of social control theory, the general theory of crime, also known as
self-control theory, originated. Gottfredson and Hirschi further developed their understanding
of the causes of crime and encapsulated it into a new paradigm: the general theory of crime,
much as Hirschi had built on previous control theories with his introduction of the theory of
social control.


 The theory makes sense, it is logical

 Possesses a vast amount of research


 Assume that an individual can never change their level of self-control. They have
either high or low self-control throughout their lives.

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