Eat More Plant Based Meals PDF

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RD Resources for Consumers:

Eat More Plant-based Meals

More and more people have become concerned about Find recipes and cookbooks that you like
their health, the environment or the animals that are and create time to cook.
raised for food and are eating more vegetarian meals. Skip the gourmet cookbooks (unless you are a
gourmet chef!) and go for the ones that are most
According to a 2012 National Harris Poll* 47% of similar to your cooking style. Today there is a wide
Americans eat at least one vegetarian meal a week and selection of vegetarian cookbooks that cater to a
as many as 14 million adults consider themselves to be number of tastes, style and type of vegetarian. And
vegetarians. If you are interested in becoming a vegetarian there’s no better way to control what food you eat
or just adding more plant-based foods to your diet, than to prepare it at home. The internet has millions
this resource will help make that change easy, fun and of vegetarian and vegan recipes (see below for our
sustainable. favorites sites).
Eat more of the plant-based foods you already eat. Explore familiar – and unfamiliar – stores.
Do you eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? How Health food stores, grocery stores and ethnic
about oatmeal with nuts and raisins? You are probably markets carry a variety of plant-based foods like
already eating vegetarian foods and don’t even realize non-dairy beverages, meat alternatives, interesting
it! Start by expanding these foods and meals. Add more produce and a variety of products that you’ve
fruits, vegetables or beans to the meals that contain probably never seen before! There are many types
animal products. Slowly make them more and more of soymilk, rice, grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts
vegetarian. and seeds and even more ways to eat or prepare
Don’t give up all of your favorite animal foods them. Make time to try different products and the
immediately. different preparation methods for each. Have fun
with this!
If you love pepperoni pizza more than life itself, suddenly
removing it from your diet may bring more gloom than Stock your kitchen with the healthy plant-
boom. The most sustainable changes come when they are based whole foods you want to eat.
done over time. Make the easiest changes first and when If you do this, it will be harder to lapse into old
those no longer feel new, move onto the more difficult ways. Form habits and prepare your environment
ones. so when you are busy and pressed for time you
have healthy, plant foods available to eat. Canned
Eliminate the animal foods you don’t eat often.
or prepared soup and beans and pre-cooked grains
You won’t miss these so let them go first. Substitute plant stored in the fridge reduce preparation time. Foods
protein for meat protein in recipes you already love. Try like hummus and other non-dairy dips with baby
adding beans or choose from a plethora of ‘fake meats’ carrots, lightly steamed cauliflower and broccoli,
that mock the taste and texture of chicken, beef or pork. and apple slices makes snacking easy and healthy.
RD Resources for Consumers: Eat More Plant-based Meals

Stay informed on nutrition. Fruits and vegetables are good for you. Just because
Read about plant-based nutrition from reliable sources you are a vegetarian doesn’t mean this is any less true!
(see resource list below). If you are going strictly vegan Every meal should have a fruit or vegetable. Find the
(eliminating all animal foods) make sure you are getting ones you like best and always have them on hand.
a reliable source of vitamin B12, which is found only in Broccoli and kale are nutrient-dense and easy to cook.
fortified plant foods like breakfast cereals, breads, and They can easily be sautéed with garlic and onions and
some soy milks, meat analogues and energy bars. served over pasta with marinara sauce or added to rice
and beans.
Involve the people around you. Nut butters are amazing. They can be added to
Cook, shop and plan with others. Invite friends over for breakfast foods, fruit and even as a base for plant-
a vegetarian feast. Involving friends and family with based sauces. Healthy fat, nutrient-dense and low-cost,
your dietary change makes it easier, more fun and more nut butters can be a key component to your plant-
likely to last. Just like there are benefits of exercising based diet. Peanut is great but try others like almond,
with a friend or a group, eating is no different. sunflower and sesame!
Find other vegetarians and vegans!
Most will be super excited to share their favorite foods,
recipes and restaurants. There are many types of VN DPG:
vegetarians with varying food preferences, so talk to as See our Resources on Vitamin B12, Soy, Calcium and other hot topics
many as possible! Check out local vegetarian and vegan
International Vegetarian Union:
meet-ups and groups.
Vegetarian Resource Group:
Nutrition Tips Veg Web:
Save time. While dried beans and fresh produce may Meatless Monday:
be ideal, don’t hesitate to use canned beans and frozen Plant Based on a Budget:
fruits and vegetables. It saves time and is still healthier
and cheaper than ordering take-out. Books by Registered Dietitians
Become familiar with a variety of grains. Pasta and
rice are common, but have you tried rice noodles, Vegan For Life - Ginny Messina and Jack Norris
quinoa or barley? Keep a number of these on hand and The Idiot’s Guide to Plant-based Diets - Julieanna
if you are pressed for time, start cooking them as soon Hever
as you get home. Then decide what you are going to Plant-powered Diet - Sharon Palmer
eat with them.
Appetite For Reduction - Isa Moskowitz and Matt
Beans, beans, the magical fruit. Okay, so they aren’t Ruscigno
fruit but they sure are magical! Soy is popular with
vegetarians, comes in numerous forms and can be See for an ongoing list
prepared in an infinite number of ways. And don’t
forget about lentils, chickpeas, pinto and black beans, * Poll:
which should be included on a daily basis. Try adding
chickpeas to pasta dishes or cooking your own pinto
beans with onions and garlic for burritos. If beans are
new to you, add them to your diet slowly to help with

RD Resources are a project of the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group. More topics available at Professional resources also available for members at © 2013 by VN DPG.
Written by: Matt Ruscigno, MPH, RD
Expires December 2018.

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