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Lab No.


Digital filtering using DSP

Designed by : Dawar Awan

Oct 2012 – Feb 2013
CECOS College of Engineering and IT [email protected]
Notch filter
 A special band stop filter used to reject a single frequency
 Normally used to suppress the A.C power line noise
 Quality factor = fo/f
Magnitude Response of Notch filter


fo fs/2
CECOS College of Engineering and IT [email protected]
Peak filter
 A special band pass filter used to enhance a single frequency
 Quality factor = fo/f
 Ab is normally -3 db
Magnitude Response of Notch filter



fo fs/2
CECOS College of Engineering and IT [email protected]
Notch/Peak filter design
 ‘DFD IIR notch peak’ can be used to design notch/peak

DFD IIR notch peak

CECOS College of Engineering and IT [email protected]

Comb Filter
 A special filter having notches at integral multiples of a notch
frequency fo

Notch type I

CECOS College of Engineering and IT [email protected]

Comb Filter
 ‘DFD IIR Comb’ can be used to design notch/peak comb
 ‘Filter type’ specifies the type of notch or peak comb filter
 Df represents f

CECOS College of Engineering and IT [email protected]

Comb Filter Design and analysis

Block Diagram Front Panel

CECOS College of Engineering and IT [email protected]

Notch filter - Example

CECOS College of Engineering and IT [email protected]

Notch filter - Example
 Use ‘DFD Filter’ Express VI to import the filter coefficients
provided in the folder ‘Lab 13-14’

CECOS College of Engineering and IT [email protected]

1. Design and implement a notch filter to remove the 200Hz tone
from ‘Notch_Noise(200Hz)’
2. Assign a DIP switch on the DSP kit which when turned ON
implements the filtering
3. Design a comb filter to remove the noise from
‘Comb_Noise(100Hz).wav’. Show the magnitude response of the
filter and spectrum of the audio signal

CECOS College of Engineering and IT [email protected]

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