Coiled Tubing English

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1. How is the maximum working pressure of the stripper assembly determined?

a) Pressure testing
b) Manufacturer’s data for test pressure
c) Type of stripper (conventional, side door, radial)
d) Manufacturer’s data for working pressure.

2. In Figure 1 some of the components in the conventional stripper have been
numbered. Enter the number in each box below that matches the correct

Lower Bushing Upper Bushing/Split Cap

Non Extrusion Ring Lock Pins

Packing Insert Energiser

3. Identify each assembly by entering the drawing letter beside the descriptions
below. (Figure 2)

Conventional Stripper Assembly

Radial Stripper Assembly

Side Door Stripper Assembly

4. In a conventional stripper, the hydraulic pressure is applied to the wellhead
pressure port and compresses the packing upward.
a) True
b) False.

5. When the stripper in Figure 3 is packed, if wellhead pressure increases, does it
assist the assembly to pack the stripper?
a) Yes
b) No.

6. What happens when the stripper in Figure 4 is energised?

a) Hydraulic pressure is applied to the lower bushing and compresses the
packing upward
b) Hydraulic pressure is applied to the upper bushing and compresses the
packing downward

c) Wellhead pressure will pack the stripper without the assistance of hydraulic
d) The hydraulic pressure is applied to the wellhead pressure port and
compresses the packing upward.

7. When the stripper in Figure 4 is packed, if the wellhead pressure increases, does
it assist the assembly to retract the stripper?
a. Yes
b. No.

8. Figure 5 shows a standard combination BOP configuration. Match the correct
numbers to the following components description.

Pressure Sensor Port Shear – Blind Ram

Kill Port Pipe – Slip Ram

Hydraulic Actuator Equalising Valve

9. What are the main advantages of the combination BOP over the quad BOP?
(Select Two)
a) Less height

b) When CT pipe is cut and the blind is closed, it is easier to pump the kill fluid
c) Minimise steps for BOP emergency operation
d) When the lower set of rams on a combination BOP are closed, it is possible to
pump-down the CT annulus
e) A combination BOP has more flexibility in carrying out operations.

10. What is the purpose of a shear seal BOP? (Figure 6)

a) To provide additional shear capacity in the BOP stack
b) To replace a quad or combination BOP
c) To effect a seal on the pipe
d) To shear tubulars without sealing the well.

11. Why is an annular BOP installed in the rig up?

a) When the stripper assembly is not available

b) When there is a need to seal around tools which have a different outside diameter
than the CT
c) When extra security is desired for high-pressure work
d) When it is required to strip the coiled tubing into the well under pressure.

12. What essential precautions should be taken when stripping through an annular
BOP? (Select Two)
a) Lubricate the tubing
b) Have a spare annular insert available
c) Closely monitor annular operating pressure and weight indicator reading
d) Consult fishing (dimensional) diagram of BHA
e) Set strippers to retract.

13. Which set up of well control equipment is more suitable for higher pressure
coiled tubing operations? (Figure 7)
a) A
b) B.

14. If the choke line in figure A were leaking, would you be able to repair the leak
with the coiled tubing in the hole? (Figure 7)
a) Yes
b) No.

15. If the CT parted between the gooseneck and the reel, and the check valves did
NOT hold, which stack configuration would allow you to secure the well and kill
it by circulating down the CT and taking returns to the choke? (Figure 7)
a) A
b) B.

16. In either stack configuration, is it possible to change the stripper element with
CT in the hole, while maintaining two barriers? (Figure 7)
a) Yes
b) No.

17. Which are not acceptable configurations of coiled tubing bottom-hole assembly?
List Three
a) CT connector, check valve 1, release joint, check valve 2, circulating port ,DH
b) CT connector, release joint, check valve 1, check valve 2, circulating port, DH
c) CT connector, check valve 1, check valve 2, release joint, circulating port, DH
d) CT connector, release joint, circulating port, check valve 1, check valve 2, DH

18. What is the purpose of having a check valve in the coiled tubing bottom-hole
a) The coiled tubing does not have to be pressure tested before running in hole
b) The bottom-hole assembly will not be exposed to pressure
c) Pressure control can be maintained if the coiled tubing fails at surface
d) The coiled tubing will not collapse if exposed to annular differential pressure.

19. Why are flapper type check valves preferred over ‘ball and seat’ types for coiled
tubing operations?
a. They can withstand more pressure

b. Balls, plugs, or darts can be pumped through them to other tools in the
c. They will close faster
d. They require less maintenance.

20. One of the main purposes of blowout preventers, is to contain well pressure?
a) True
b) False.

21. What pressure does the manufacturer use to carry out a body test of a new
10,000 psi working pressure BOP?
a) 15,000 psi
b) 10,000 psi
c) 20,000 psi
d) 17,500 psi.

22. Single ram type BOP are designed to hold pressure from below only?
a) False
b) True.

23. What is the purpose of the blind/shear Rams?

a) To shear coiled tubing while simultaneously sealing the hole
b) To shear coiled tubing without sealing the hole
c) To effect a seal on the coiled tubing in the hole.

24. What is a 71/16” 10,000 psi flange?

a) This flange is designed for RX ring gasket type
b) This flange has a 10,000 psi test pressure and 5,000 psi working pressure

c) This flange has a 10,000 psi working pressure and 71/16” ID.

25. What would be the effect of fitting a 71/16“ X 5,000 psi flange to a 10,000 psi
rated BOP stack?
a) The rating would remain at 10,000 psi
b) The rating would become 5,000 psi
c) The rating would become 7,500 psi.

26. Some components in Figure 8 are numbered. Match the correct number to the
component descriptions below.

Opening chamber cover Closing chamber port

Body Pack-off units

Piston position indicator Head

27. Accumulator bottles are pre-charged with Air?
a) True
b) False.

28. What is the meaning of the expression ‘6BX’ for a flange?

a) Type
b) Dimension
c) Trademark
d) Serial number.

29. Figure 9 illustrates an annular preventer commonly used for surface
installations. Some components have been marked with a number. Match the
correct numbers to the component descriptions below.

Vent Body

Pack-off port Sleeve

Bonnet Wear ring

30. Four types of check valves are illustrated in Figure 10 below. Match the correct
type of the check valve to the descriptions below by entering the valve letters in
the boxes.

Flapper Valve

Ball and Seat Valve

Removable Cartridge Flapper Valve

Dome Valve

31. Which of the following statements is true of a coiled tubing deployment system?
a) On a semi-submersible it supports the weight of the injector head, stripper and
b) On a land job, it is the frame that supports the injection head
c) It is the equipment that is used to insert a long BHA through the injection head
d) It is the equipment that is used to run a long BHA into the well.

32. A ball has been dropped to open a circulating sub above the check valves and
reverse circulation has been carried out. The well remains live.

Which of the following statements are true? (Select Two)

a) The reel valve will have to remain closed while pulling out of the hole, to
maintain proper coil internal well control
b) There will be no mechanical barriers at the bottom of the coil while pulling out of
the hole
c) The coil can be pulled out of the hole in the normal way after successfully testing
the check valves
d) Reverse circulation will have to be continued while pulling out of the hole to
maintain proper well control.

Coiled Tubing Answers

Questions Answers Questions Answers

1 D 2 6, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5

3 B, A, C 4 A

5 A 6 B

7 B 8 6, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5

9 A, C 10 A

11 B 12 C, D

13 B 14 A

15 B 16 A

17 A, B, D 18 C

19 B 20 A

21 A 22 B

23 A 24 C

25 B 26 1, 5, 9, 3, 7, 11

27 B 28 A

29 3, 6, 1, 4, 5, 9 30 D, A, C, B

31 D 32 B,D


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