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Sample Programming – Josh

Military + LEO

Sample Day 1
Front squat 6×3@ 80%
8 min amrap
2 rope climbs 15’
20 burpees
Rest 2 min
8 min amrap
20/15 cal bike
20 goblet squat 70#/53# kB
 Not for time-
5 sets
6-8 weighted pull ups
30 sit-ups
20 lunge steps

Sample Day 2
Warm up
200 kick
200 swim
200 pull
200 swim
Rest 15 sec
4×100 on 2 min
200 swim
8×50 on min
200 swim
16×25 on 40 sec
200 swim
Tread water for 8 min
6×3@ 80%
Then: 10 min on min
5 squat snatch plus 4 barfacing burpee each min
Pick a weight that is heavy but you should be able to complete this within the minute
Sample Day 3
50 bench press at body weight plus 15#’s/10’s#
Every time you break run 400 meters
3 sets rest 3 min between sets
50 du
30 ghd
20 sand bag cleans 150#/100#
8 sets of sled push 50’ Heavy
Rest 1 min between each push


Sample Day 1
Power clean and jerk on min adding 10# till failure
Start at 185/115
9 power cleans 275/185
12 power cleans 225/155
16 power cleans 185/135
25 power cleans 135/95
Scale as needed
8 sets
On the min
A. 18/14 cal bike
B. 10 lunges front racked 155/105
C. 20 ghd
So should taken 24 min (A-B-C-A-B-C..etc)

Sample Day 2
50 cal row
40 wall balls 25#/16# (not a wussy, not a hero)
30 box step overs 20″ 55#/40# dumbbells
20/15 muscle ups
10 manmakers 55# db/40#
Rest 10 min
10 manmakers
20/15 muscle ups
30 box step overs 20″ 55#/40#
40 wall balls 25#/16#
50 cal row
If you dont own those wall balls, 20/14#
Power snatch
6×3 building to heavy triple. Does not have to be touch and go. 
Snatch pulls
5×3 @ 95%

Sample Day 3
20 min amrap
10 cal bike
160′ sled push with 2 reds/blues
You go then your partner goes
20 cal bike
160′ sled push 4 reds/blues
You go then your partner goes
30 cal bike
160′ sled push 6 reds/blues
Start over  at 10 cals once you finish the round of 30 cals, keep doing  this for 20 min.
Rest 10 min
If no partner 1:1 rest to work
20 min amrap
20 cal ski
5 tire flips (sub Heavy Hang Power Cleans)
30 cal ski
10 tire flips
40 cal sk
15 tire flips
Then start at 20/5 again
Back squat work up to heavy single
80%x3 on the min for 5 min


Sample Day 1
For time:
4 Rounds:
400 M run
200 m farmers carry (Heaviest weight you can muster)
30 sit ups

Sample Day 2
EMOM 24 (Each Station 8 times):
1.  20 Push ups
2. 30 air squats
3. :40 Hollow Hold
Then, DU Practice 
Accumulate 100 good reps, or 4 UB sets of 50

Sample Day 3
Push Press :
Every  minute for 10 minutes (10 sets):
3 reps at 50%
3 reps at 60%
3 reps at 65%
3 reps at 70%
2 reps at 75%
2 reps at 80%
1 rep at 85%
1 rep at 90%
6 reps at 70%
6 reps at 75%
Power Snatch 115/75 (Barbell or DB)
Burpees over bar
Go Hard
Rest 5 minutes 
Then Repeat!

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