Interview Reflection

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One-Page Reflection on Interviewing Process/Prep

Interviewing is all part of getting a job. It allows employers to see what skills you can
bring to the team, what kind of person you are, and if you are a good collaborator. For
some employers, the interview process is a way for them to get to know you as an
employee and as a person. This is why it is very important that you show up with your
best self put forward. In my program, we touched on the important aspects of an
interview and talked about what we should and shouldn’t do before, during, and after
the interview. One of the things that was covered was looking your best. It’s important
that you look your best, because how you display yourself is going to go a long way
when you make your first impression. For me personally, I like to always assume the
interview is formal, and dress up accordingly. For example, I usually shower
beforehand, pick out my outfit the night before, and make sure that it is not wrinkly or
dirty in any way. This ensures that I will not give the interviewer a bad first impression,
and that I take this job interview very seriously. Another topic that we covered in my
program was how to best handle questions that interviewers might ask us. We had
many exercises on what to expect, and came up with a few ways on how to be prepared
for those questions. For example, when I am preparing for an interview, I always briefly
make a list of the specific skills and experiences that could relate to the field. This way
when I am asked about these things, I have a rough idea of what I am going to say.
Ultimately, you never really know what someone may ask you in an interview, so it is
always a good idea to have some non-specific topics or answers ahead of time. As
mentioned, when my program covered topics related to the interview process, we also
had individual assignments based around how to conduct yourself at an interview. The
assignment stated that we should be in groups of 4 and to take turns interviewing each
other, while providing feedback to the interviewee at the end. When it was my turn to
receive feedback, I was told that I spoke with a clear voice, demonstrated a clear
understanding of the field, and answered all the questions very well. In my personal
reflection where I was the one giving myself feedback, I mentioned that I tried to
demonstrate appropriate body language, and that I used a professional vocabulary
when I was answering the questions. I am generally a people person, and really enjoy
engaging with multiple groups of unique individuals. Saying that, interviewing is not
easy, and there are always points for me to improve on. Some of my points that I could
improve on would be making sure that I don’t mumble or speak too fast, nor do I stray
far away from the topic we are talking about in the interview. While it is important to
provide the interviewer with information, it is also important to know when I am talking
too fast, or providing unnecessary and unrelated answers.

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