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Assignment #2

OPER8340 – Fall 2020

Time Limit: 30 minutes

Assignment #2
(Drawn from Module 2; Units 1 - 5)

This assignment is marked out of 20 points and is worth 4% of your course grade.

1. For a large big box retailer, such as Home Depot or Walmart, describe four selection
criteria that the buyer will use to assess potential suppliers. (4 points)

 _____________________________________________________________

 _____________________________________________________________

 _____________________________________________________________

 _____________________________________________________________

2. A grocery chain produce purchaser finds out that some of the banana plantations
that supply his distributor use child labour. (4 points)

 What risk does this pose for the grocery chain? Answer:



 What recommendation should the purchaser make to grocery chain

management to mitigate this risk? Answer:



OPER8340 – F20 -1-

Assignment #2

3. A U.K. company has a Romanian manufacturing contractor who makes a specially

designed angle grinder. The company finds out that versions of its product are being
sold at flea markets in several of Romania’s neighbouring countries. (4 points)

a. What does this indicate?




b. What action should the company take?




4. A pharmaceutical firm is considering outsourcing HR benefits services for its

employees. It is also considering outsourcing its customer service call centre
management. (4 points)

List two risks for each service being considered for outsourcing.

 HR benefits services outsourcing:

o ______________________________________________

o ______________________________________________

 Customer service outsourcing:

o ______________________________________________

o ______________________________________________

OPER8340 – F20 -2-

Assignment #2

5. List four qualities that the buyer and the supplier must have in order to have a
successful supplier relationship. (4 points)


 _________________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________________

OPER8340 – F20 -3-

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