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​Final Examination-Health Assessment

Multiple Choice

1.​ ​Using violence during sex is a form of *

a.​ ​physical abuse
b.​ ​sexual abuse
c.​ ​economic abuse
d.​ ​psychological abuse

2.​ ​Which is not an example of newborn reflexes *

a.​ ​Grasp reflex
b.​ ​Rooting reflex
c.​ ​Stepping reflex
d.​ ​Skipping reflex

3.​ ​He expanded Piagets's thoughts on morality and develop a comprehensive theory of
moral development. He viewed justice as a goal of moral judgment. *
a.​ ​Lawrence Kohlberg
b.​ ​Erik Erickson
c.​ ​Albert Bandura
d.​ ​John Piaget

4.​ ​During pregnancy, the breasts and abdomen of a woman will; *

a.​ ​increase
b.​ ​enlarge
c.​ ​double
d.​ ​be the same

5.​ ​ ​When assessing an infant’s inner ear, Nurse Nika know that she must hold the pinna *
a.​ ​up and down
b.​ ​up and back
c.​ ​down and back
d.​ ​down and forward

6.​ ​This is said to be the persons's emotional and cognitive functioning *

a.​ ​Mental health
b.​ ​Mental status
c.​ ​Mental state
d.​ ​Mental illness

7.​ ​When assessing the patient's pulse, Nurse Kaye knows that she must observe the
characteristics of the following: *
a.​ ​pain, elasticity, contour, shape
b.​ ​rate, rhythm, amplitude and contour, elasticity
c.​ ​tenderness, pressure, location, color
d.​ ​temperature, rigidity, shape, color
8.​ ​Korsakoff syndrome is most commonly caused by: *
a.​ ​smoking
b.​ ​alcohol misuse
c.​ ​addiction
d.​ ​none of these

9.​ ​BMI is computed using the formula ; *

a.​ ​BMI = weight in kg / height in meter squared
b.​ ​BMI= age x weight in kg. / height in meters
c.​ ​BMI= height in cm x weight in pounds
d.​ ​all of these

10.​ ​Which of the following is an example of a physical measurement of the body? *

a.​ ​Blood pressure
b.​ ​Cholesterol
c.​ ​Blood sugar
d.​ ​Hip circumference

11.​ ​Type of family abuse includes the following, except; *

a.​ ​economic abuse
b.​ ​physical and emotional neglect
c.​ ​sexual abuse
d.​ ​rational abuse

12.​ ​What will be the appropriate action Nurse Audrey will perform when an irregular pulse is
assessed? *
a.​ ​ask the client to cough forcefully
b.​ ​let the client maintain prone position
c.​ ​count the radial pulse in one full minute for an accurate rate
d.​ ​refer to the doctor immediately

13.​ ​Threatening to hurt children is a form of *

a.​ ​physical abuse
b.​ ​psychological abuse
c.​ ​sexual abuse
d.​ ​economic abuse

14.​ ​Solid food can be introduced when the infant is: *

a.​ ​2 - 4 months
b.​ ​4 - 6 months
c.​ ​6 - 8 months
d.​ ​8 - 10 months

15.​ ​The following are use to assess fluid related changes, except; *
a.​ ​observe for skin moisture
b.​ ​check for pitting edema
c.​ ​auscultate heart sounds
d.​ ​check skin turgor
16.​ ​ ​Which equipment is not included in assessing nutritional status? *
a.​ ​skin fold calipers
b.​ ​measuring tape
c.​ ​stethoscope
d.​ ​weighing scale

17.​ ​Anthropometry is: *

a.​ ​decreased menstrual flow
b.​ ​a measurement and evaluation of growth, development and body composition
c.​ ​an abnormally large hips which often signifies obesity
d.​ ​weak extremities

18.​ ​Term use to the physiologic changes during pregnancy the darkens the face of the pregnant
woman also known as "mask of pregnancy" *
a.​ ​Chloasma
b.​ ​Striae
c.​ ​Erythema
d.​ ​Papule

19.​ ​An efficient and easy method of identifying a client's food intake is called; *
a.​ ​14-hour food recall
b.​ ​16 hours intermittent fasting
c.​ ​24-hour food recall
d.​ ​36 hours food tasting

20.​ ​Individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM) are twice as likely to have nutritional deficits *
a.​ ​True
b.​ ​False

21.​ ​The following are anthropometric measurements, except; *

a.​ ​mid upper arm circumference (MUAC)
b.​ ​head chest ratio
c.​ ​weight measurement
d.​ ​hip/ waist ratio

22.​ ​BMI of 17.6 is considered *

a.​ ​Normal
b.​ ​Overweight
c.​ ​Obese
d.​ ​Underweight

23.​ ​Which is an appropriate pain assessment tool for pediatric client? *

a.​ ​Verbal descriptor scale
b.​ ​Numeric rating scale
c.​ ​Visual analog scale
d.​ ​Faces pain scale
24.​ ​Changes in the musculoskeletal system is due to fetal growth, hormonal influences and
maternal weight gain during pregnancy. *
a.​ ​True
b.​ ​False

25.​ ​Family members should not be present during interview with patient suspected as victim of
violence because: *
a.​ ​family member may be ashamed to hear patients statement
b.​ ​patient may become hostile
c.​ ​family member may be the perpetrator of abusive behavior, thus the patient may be
hesitant to honestly answer questions
d.​ ​family member may influence patients statement

26.​ ​Is the following statement true or false? Erickson's developmental task for young adults is
intimacy versus isolation *
a.​ ​True
b.​ ​False

27.​ ​The process of giving birth to children is called; *

a.​ ​childrearing
b.​ ​childgearing
c.​ ​childbearing
d.​ ​all of these

28.​ ​Pinkish color on the palmar surface of the hands in pregnant woman is called? *
a.​ ​Palmar erythema
b.​ ​Spider Nevi
c.​ ​Stretch marks
d.​ ​Chloasma

29.​ ​The normal value of a body temperature in adult. *

a.​ ​37 degrees Celcius
b.​ ​33 degrees Celcius
c.​ ​40 degrees Celcius
d.​ ​35 degrees Celcius

30.​ ​Body temperature is lowest early in the morning and highest late in the evening *
a.​ ​True
b.​ ​False

31.​ ​Term use for an increase respiration rate. *

a.​ ​Tachypnea
b.​ ​Bradypnea
c.​ ​Hypernea
d.​ ​Hyponea
32.​ ​When can the general inspection be started? *
a.​ ​the moment the client is well rested
b.​ ​as soon as the examiner first sees the client
c.​ ​when the examiner is ready
d.​ ​after taking the vital signs

33.​ ​The anterior fontanelle of a newborn closes between *

a.​ ​12 - 18 months
b.​ ​8 -16 months
c.​ ​4-8 months
d.​ ​8-10 months

34.​ ​Cheesy white substance that is visible on the skin of a newborn at birth *
a.​ ​Lanugo
b.​ ​Milia
c.​ ​Vernix caseosa
d.​ ​Linea Nigra

35.​ ​In what order should Nurse Kym assess the vital signs? *
a.​ ​Temperature, Pulse, Respiration, Blood pressure
b.​ ​Pulse, Pain, Temperature, Respiration
c.​ ​Temperature, Blood pressure, Pulse, Respiration
d.​ ​Respirations, Pulse, Blood Pressure, Temperature

36.​ ​Difficulty producing or understanding language, caused by motor lesions in the dominant
cerebral hemisphere. *
a.​ ​Aphasia
b.​ ​Dysphonia
c.​ ​Dysarthria
d.​ ​Broca's aphasia

37.​ ​Which of the following suggests physical abuse? *

a.​ ​threatening to hurt children or pets
b.​ ​use restraints on a victim
c.​ ​preventing the victim fro seeking job
d.​ ​using violence during sex

38.​ ​As the person gets older, the arterial walls becomes less elastic, increasing resistance and
decreasing compliance. How does this changes affect the blood pressure? *
a.​ ​bp does not change
b.​ ​bp decreases
c.​ ​bp is erratic
d.​ ​bp increases

39.​ ​ ​In assessing the body temperature, rectal temperature is *

a.​ ​lower than the normal oral temperature
b.​ ​higher than the normal oral temperature
c.​ ​same as oral and axilla
40.​ ​The mid-upper arm muscle circumference estimates. *
a. smooth muscle reserves
b. amount of lean body mass
c. skeletal muscle reserves
a.​ ​A&B
b.​ ​B&C

41.​ ​Pain associated with recent injury *

a.​ ​Acute pain
b.​ ​Chronic pain
c.​ ​Cancer pain
d.​ ​all of these

42.​ ​APGAR means *

a.​ ​Attitude, Person, Guilt, Absence, Respect
b.​ ​Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration
c.​ ​Appear, Poise, Grace, Astute, Repair
d.​ ​Appearance, Purse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration

43.​ ​Nurse Maica knows that the normal fetal heart rate in utero is between; *
a.​ ​80-100bpm
b.​ ​100-140bpm
c.​ ​120-160bpm
d.​ ​140-180bpm

44.​ ​Which characteristics define religion? *

a.​ ​Informal
b.​ ​Subjective
c.​ ​Ritualistic
d.​ ​Non-organized

45.​ ​The physiological state of an individual, which results from the relationship between nutrient
intake and requirements and from the body's ability to digest, absorb and use the nutrients. *
a.​ ​Nutrition
b.​ ​Nutritional status
c.​ ​Overnutrition
d.​ ​Malnutrition

46.​ ​The difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. *
a.​ ​Pulse rate
b.​ ​Pulse pressure
c.​ ​Pulse rhytm
d.​ ​all of these

47.​ ​BMI of 27.3 is considered *

a.​ ​Normal
b.​ ​Overweight
c.​ ​Obese
d.​ ​Underweight
48.​ ​What hormones greatly influence the changes in the body during pregnancy? *
a.​ ​Estrogen and Progesterone
b.​ ​Estrogen and Serotonin
c.​ ​Estrogen and Prolactin
d.​ ​Estrogen and Cortisol

49.​ ​Stages of Piagets Cognitive Development (check all that apply) *

4 points
o​ ​Sensorimotor stage
o​ ​trust versus mistrust
o​ ​concrete operational stage
o​ ​preoperational stage
o​ ​integrity versus despair
o​ ​initiative versus guilt
o​ ​formal operational stage

50.​ ​Which intervention helps prevent osteoporosis to an older adult? *

a.​ ​increase sedentary lifestyle
b.​ ​increase protein intake
c.​ ​encourage regular exercise
d.​ ​encourage to decrease calcium intake

51.​ ​Perception that one's world view is the only acceptable truth and that one's beliefs, values,
and sanctioned behaviors are superior to others *
a.​ ​Stereotyping
b.​ ​Ethnocentrism
c.​ ​Culture
d.​ ​all of these

52.​ ​The early sign of pregnancy characterized by a bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina and
labia. *
a.​ ​Chadwick's sign
b.​ ​Hegar's sign
c.​ ​Goodell's sign
d.​ ​Ladin's sign

53.​ ​When planning for a health interview with an older adult, the nurse must take into
consideration the following: (select all that apply) * ​KULANG PANG ISA (BASED TO SA
5 points
o​ ​physical set up
o​ ​age and ethnicity of the patient
o​ ​culture
o​ ​timing for minimal distractions
o​ ​level of education
o​ ​annual income
o​ ​number of children
o​ ​methods to develop trust and rapport
54.​ ​Nurse Reizel uses the following techniques in physical health assessment, which includes;
(select all that apply) * ​(KAHIT 4 PTS LANG?) HAHA
4 points
o​ ​percussion
o​ ​interview
o​ ​documentation
o​ ​palpation
o​ ​palpitation
o​ ​auscultation
o​ ​inspection

55.​ ​The term use for the softening of the cervix as one of the early sign of pregnancy; *
a.​ ​Chadwick's sign
b.​ ​Hegar's sign
c.​ ​Goodell's sign
d.​ ​Ladin's sign

56.​ ​Which characteristics define spirituality?(check all that apply) *

5 points
o​ ​subjective
o​ ​self reflection
o​ ​organized
o​ ​Formal
o​ ​informal
o​ ​experience
o​ ​non-organized

57.​ ​Clients open eyes, answer questions and falls back to sleep *
a.​ ​conscious
b.​ ​lethargic
c.​ ​coma
d.​ ​Stupor

58.​ ​Linea nigra is considered normal finding in pregnant woman. *

a.​ ​True
b.​ ​False

59.​ ​Type of malnutrition that is evident of loss of body fat and muscle in children *
a.​ ​Marasmus
b.​ ​Kwashiorkor
c.​ ​Vit.A deficiency
d.​ ​Stunting

60.​ ​Nurse Nicca knows that the following affect a person's dietary habit, except; *
a.​ ​Culture
b.​ ​Medical condition
c.​ ​Age
d.​ ​none of these
61.​ ​What is the term use when cardiac rate is 110 beats per minute?​ *
a.​ ​bradycardia
b.​ ​hypocardia
c.​ ​tachycardia
d.​ ​hypercardia

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