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Installation Guide

Version 2019.1.0
Table of Contents

Move2019.1.0 Software and Supporting Documentation 3

Move2019.1.0 Software 3
Move2019.1.0 Release Documentation 3
System Requirements 4
Operating Systems 4
Graphics Card 4
Hardware 5
Installing Move 6
Installing on Windows 6
Move Link for Petrel v2019.1.0 8
System Requirements 8
Installation 8
Move Link for OpenWorks R5000 9
Installation (client) 9
Contacting Petroleum Experts 10
2019.1.0 Installation Guide


Move2019.1.0 Software

Move2019.1.0 Software Installers for Move and Knowledge Base

Move2019.1.0/Windows64 Installers for Windows (64-bit)

License Manager Software

Petroleum Experts License Manager Software including documentation available as a separate download

Beginning with MOVE 2019, MOVE is licensed solely using the Petroleum Experts HARDLOCK License
Manager.The FlexNet Activation licensing method has been removed from the software and licensing
system. In summary:

l Support for FlexNet licensing manager has been removed from the software and licensing system.
l MOVE 2019 requires a HARDLOCK license and will not work with previous FlexNet License Manager
l The MOVE 2019 installer installs a Windows Service (Petroleum Expert Licensing) that allows MOVE to
communicate with the HARDLOCK License Manager, or a BITLOCK Licensing Dongle.
l Following the installation of MOVE 2019, the Setup HASP Bitlock Driver program needs to be run
from the Petroleum Experts Licensing folder of the Windows Start menu. This installs the device
driver for the BITLOCK Licensing dongle.

Move Link for Petrel Software Installers

MoveLinkforPetrel/Petrel 2017 MSI and PIP Installers for Petrel 2017

MoveLinkforPetrel/Petrel 2018 MSI and PIP Installers for Petrel 2018
MoveLinkforPetrel/Petrel 2019 MSI and PIP Installers for Petrel 2019

Move2019.1.0 Release Documentation

The following documents, Tutorials, and Knowledge Base are provided with Move2019.1.0

The Knowledge Base resource contains all the Move Help Pages, Tutorials, Monthly Features and release
documentation presented in a single, offline, searchable entity, independent of Move.

The Knowledge application is now installed alongside MOVE via the installer.

l Move2019.1.0 Release Notes PDF

l Move2019.1.0 Installation Guide PDF
l Move2019.1.0 Tutorials
l Move2019.1.0 Tutorial Data Files
l Open Server User Guide PDF

2019.1.0 Installation Guide


Operating Systems

Please check to ensure you have at least the minimum specification before installing:

Windows 64-bit OS releases only; latest tested and supported version -

Windows 10.0.18362 1903 (May 2019 Update).
Compatible with 64-bit versions of Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, and
Windows Windows 8.1.
(native) MOVE is not supported on Windows XP, or Windows Vista.

Windows requires .NET Framework 4.6. or higher.

Microsoft Azure - for Move to function effectively it requires an Azure N-

Series VDI optimised specification for or similar eg NCv3-series (Tesla
V100 GPU), ND-series (Tesla P40 GPU)

Amazon EC2 - for Move to function effectively it requires an EC2 P3 VDI

optimised specification for or similar eg p3.2xlarge (1 Tesla V100 GPU) ,
p3.8xlarge (4 Tesla V100 GPUs)
Google Cloud - for Move to function effectively setup your Compute
Engine instance to add GPUs eg NVIDIA Tesla P100 Virtual Workstations:

Schlumberger DELFI - MOVE is now provisionally supported in the DELFI


Graphics Card

Move is a graphics intensive application and takes advantage of modern hardware GPUs in order to speed up
3D rendering. The more memory on the graphics card the better Move will handle larger 3D/2D Seismic files,
DEMs and Image overlays.

Graphics Card minimum requirements (Notebook or Workstation)

l Minimum of 4GB of RAM, Graphics card drivers fully up to date, Pixel Shader 2.0 or later, OpenGL

Notebook Graphics Card mid-range:

l NVIDIA with 4-6 GB RAM e.g. Quadro M4000M, M22000, P2000, P3000, P3200

2019.1.0 Installation Guide

Notebook Graphics Card high-end

l NVIDIA with 8-16 GB RAM e.g. Quadro P/M5000, P/M6000,M5500, P4000, P5000, P4200, P5200

Workstation Graphics Card mid-range

l NVIDIA with 4-8 GB RAM eg. Quadro M2000, M4000, M5000, P1000, P2000, P4000

Workstation Graphics Card high-end

l NVIDIA with 12-32 GB RAM e.g. Quadro K6000, M6000, P5000, P6000, GP100, GV100


The following list is provided as a general guide only. If your system configuration is different and you are
unsure of its capability then please email us: [email protected] with your system details for further
information. The hardware requirements greatly depend on the size of data sets you are using. If you are
working with large data sets and utilising Move applications simultaneously then we would strongly suggest
the following recommendations.


For example, Dell Precision 5820, 7820, 7920

Specification Recommended Minimum Recommended Ideal

Intel i5 quad-core  Intel i7 /Xeon E5

Memory 8 GB 16-128 GB+


For example Dell Precision 5 5530 15", 7530 15”, 7730 17”

Specification Recommended Minimum Recommended Ideal

CPU Intel i5 4C Intel i7/i9 4C/6C

Memory 8 GB 8-64 GB+


l Minimum screen resolution is a single monitor/screen with 1920 x 1080 pixels (full HD 1080p)
l Move is a graphics intensive application supporting multiple simultaneous views of your data model,
and we recommend as much screen space as you can afford in order to maximise your experience and
attention to detail.
l Move will support dual monitors which are recommended at 30” in size and above.

2019.1.0 Installation Guide


Installing on Windows

It is recommend that you should be a Windows Power user/ Administrator or have UAC (user access control)
elevated to administrator to install on Windows.

Move2019.1.0 requires .NET Framework 4.6.

l Desktop - .NET Framework 4.6 comes pre-installed with Windows 10 first version and all versions
thereafter. Can be downloaded for Windows 8.1, 8 and 7.
l Server - .NET Framework 4.6 comes pre-installed with Windows Server 2016 and all versions
thereafter. Can be downloaded for Windows Server 2012 R2, 2012, 2008 R2 SP1, 2008 SP2.

To begin the installation process you must browse to the installer file, for example:


Installation Folder

Select the folder in which you wish to install Move. You may select your own location by clicking Choose or by
typing the explicit location in the input box. By default it is:

C:\Program Files\Petroleum Experts\Move2019.1.0

2019.1.0 Installation Guide

Uninstalling Move on Windows

Please use the Control Panel to uninstall Move.

Using Windows Remote Desktop

When connecting to a remote system using Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Services you may experience
issues when using larger models. This is due to limitations with the software OpenGL driver that is used when
using the remote connection. There are several ways to work around such issues:

Use another remote display application that uses the hardware capabilities of the host machine.

Start Move on the host machine BEFORE connecting to it. This requires physical access to the host system.

Use the alternate software OpenGL drivers provided with Move. These are located in the bin/mesa3d folder
inside the location where Move was installed. When Move senses that it is running remotely then it will
prompt the user that the software drivers are being copied into the bin folder and being utilised. See notes

Cloud and Virtual machine usage additional notes:

Clients can use Move via remote or cloud solutions or technologies e.g. HP RGS, VMware vSphere, Citrix
Xen, Microsoft Azure, OpenText Exceed, or Windows Server 2016 DDA/Remote FX.

You must ensure for the best experience that the remote machine or technology has dedicated or a virtual
GPU resource that will enable 3D graphics, OpenGL, and GPU capability. The Azure Cloud (N-Series), or
Windows Server 2016 DDA/Remote FX capability both provide GPU solutions.

You can run Move on the Windows Server environment using basic RDS/RDP technology, however Move will
fall-back to “software” rendering for OpenGL or GPU code. This is satisfactory to a degree, however will be
much slower that “native” or managed “virtual/cloud” solutions, with 2D or 3D Seismic rendering being
especially very limited.

The number of choices for deployment to the cloud or a virtual environment is really client preference, and
we cannot recommend one solution over another. We also cannot test Move in all end-user virtual
environments due to sheer number of possible software and hardware configurations, however we can
assist with any problems you may come across when the environment or solution is being tested prior to

3D PDF Animations

On machines without Adobe Flash Player installed, the 2D animation controls in the 3D PDF output fail to
function. Flash is NOT required for viewing the 3D content files, only the 2D Section Animations. Install Flash
Player software to resolve this issue.

The Acrobat Player error message links to here:

2019.1.0 Installation Guide


The Move Link for Petrel* provides a means for Petrel users to share and transfer data with Petreoleum
Experts Move product.

Once installed, the Link allows the Petrel user to specify objects within the input tree to send across to Move.
Once in Move, it is then possible to perform model building, editing and analysis or utilise functionality within
the modelling modules to perform restoration, validation, balancing, Fault Analysis, Stress Analysis,
Geomechanical Modelling, Fracture Modelling and Fault Response Modelling on the transferred objects (if
licenses for these modules have been purchased and are available).

*Mark of Schlumberger

System Requirements


To use the Move Link for Petrel (version 2019.1.0), users are required to have a valid licence of:

l Petroleum Experts Move application 2019.1.0 (Move2019.1.0)

l Schlumberger’s Petrel seismic to simulation software version 2018.x, 2017.x, or 2016.x
l Move Link for Petrel version 2019.1.0 from Petroleum Experts. For clarification on compatibility please
email [email protected].

Operating System

Petrel is a Windows only product and therefore the Move Link for Petrel will only be available where all
products are running on Windows. See the Move system requirements and the Petrel software system
requirements for details.


Move Link for Petrel can be either be installed using the Ocean Plugin Manager, or directly using the provided
msi installer package files.

To install using the Plugin manager.

l Access the Ocean Plugin Manager... (when using the ribbon interface this is accessed via the File ->
Options menu, and in the Classic User interface via the Help menu)
l Select Install plugin.
l Browse to the appropriate pip fie on the installation disk( see table below ).
l Close down Petrel.
l When Petrel is restarted, the Move Link icon will be visible (If using the ribbon interface, this will be in a
new MVE group in the Home tab, and when using the classic interface, as a tool button in the File
Actions toolbar.

It is recommended that the plugin is installed using administrator privileges.

Move Version Petrel Version Move Link for Petrel Version (via pip or msi)

Move2019.1.0 (64-bit) 2019.x (64-bit) MoveLink2018forPetrel2019.pip

Move2019.1.0 (64-bit) 2018.x (64-bit) MoveLink2018forPetrel2018.pip
Move2019.1.0 (64-bit) 2017.x (64-bit) MoveLink2018forPetrel2017.pip

2019.1.0 Installation Guide


The Move Link for OpenWorks R5000 provides a means for Landmark OpenWorks users to share and transfer
data with Petroleum Experts Move Application of the Move Suite.

The Link allows the Move user to directly import objects within an OpenWorks R5000 database via the input
tree to send them across to Move. Once in Move, it is then possible to perform model building, editing and
analysis or utilise functionality within the modelling modules to perform restoration, validation, balancing,
Geomechanical Modelling, Fracture Modelling and Sediment Modelling on the transferred objects (if licenses
for these modules have been purchased and are available).


To use the Move Link for OpenWorks R5000, users are required to have a licence of:

l Move Link for OpenWorks R5000 software from Petroleum Experts.

l Move software from version Move2019.1.0 from Petroleum Experts.
l Windows - Landmark OpenWorks software from version 5000.10.5 back.
l Oracle software version 11g onwards.

For clarification on compatibility please email: [email protected].

Operating System

Please check to ensure you have at least the minimum specification before installing:

Windows Microsoft Windows Windows 7 (64-bit).

Installation (client)

The Link will work whether running Move from the same machine as OpenWorks is installed on or
alternatively from a client machine on the network that can see the OpenWorks and Oracle installations.

Linux Move clients should ensure that Oracle and OpenWorks installations are on your PATH and LD_
LIBRARY_PATH and visible on the network. Optionally on Linux you can install a local client of Oracle

Windows clients MUST install Oracle client and OpenWorks client software before you run Move. See the
installation guides from these products for more information. Petroleum Experts do not supply Oracle or
Landmark OpenWorks clients; these can be obtained as part of your own OpenWorks installation - contact
your own local OpenWorks administrator. Some environment variables that need to be set or will help set-up


2019.1.0 Installation Guide


Contact Details

Edinburgh Office
Petroleum Experts Ltd.
Petex House, 10 Logie Mill
Edinburgh, EH7 4HG, UK

T: +44 (0) 131 474 7030

F: +44 (0) 131 474 7031
Email : [email protected]

Houston Office
Petroleum Experts Inc. US
757 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 510
Houston, Texas

T: +1 281 531 1121

F: +1 281 531 0810
Email : [email protected]


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