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First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: _______________________________ Date :__________

Grade/Section: ________________________ Week : 6
Track/Strand: _________________________



The government in the Spaniards implemented in the country evolved in the time of
their colonization of the Philippines. During their first settlement in the country they impacted
the enconmienda system since they had limited resources and people that they put into power
and they also had the agreement with the leaders of the native and they used the highest social
class to control the lower classes. In this lesson, we will learn more on the contributions and
influences of the Spanish to the historical development of the Philippine politics and
government during the Spanih Era.


Content Standard:
 The learners demonstrate an understanding of the historical background
of Philippine democratic politics, the executive, the legislative, the
judiciary, and decentralization and local governance.
Performance Standard:
 The learners explain the roles of different political institutions.
After the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. discuss the centralized government;
2. identify the functions of the different officials in the government; and
3. evaluate the impact of Spanish government to the Philippine government in the


Let’s review your History class.

List down at least five (5) influences of Spanish to our Philippine culture during the
Spanish Era.

1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________


In order to penetrate the Philippine society, the Spanish colonizers had the treaty with
the Maharlikas, they were able to get the cooperation of the maharlikas because of the following
conditions; first, the Maharlika maintained their status, second the Spanish recognized their
rights, third they a exempted in the Polo Y Servicios and in the payment of taxes, fourth they
maintained their properties and their land was subjected to enconmienda and fifth, the Datus
will receive monthly salaries. Since they were able to attain the trust of the ruling class and the
lower classes were submissive to the lower class so they are able to get the support of the other
social classes.

The Spanish Colonial government in the Philippines had no sufficient funds to bring
Spanish armies or recruit local armies to control the Philippines so the first Spanish Governor,
Miguel Lopez de Legaspi divided the land of the pacified Filipinos and assigned the loyal
Spaniards or those who contributed a lot for the colonization as the administrator or the
enconmiendero. The enconmiendero collected the tribute from the natives living inside the
enconmienda, maintained the peace and order in the place and controled the rebellion of the

There are three types of enconmienda, the Enconmienda Royal, the land was given to
the loyal friend of the King and half or tributes collected went to the Spanish monarchy, the
Enconmienda Privado, the land given to those people who contributed a lot to the colonization
of the Philippines and the tribute went to the private persons and third was the Enconmięnda
Ecclesiastical, the tribute of the land went to the church. In the 18th century the Spaniards
abolished the enconmienda system but the land of the natives did not return to them and
instead the land was converted to hacienda but the power to collect taxes was transfered to the
gobernadorcillo and the Cabeza de Barangay.


King of Spain (De jure

executor, judiciary,
[Spanish Empire]
Council of the Indies (De
jure legislator)

[Spanish colonies]

Governor General (De facto


executor, judiciary,
[Philippines (Province
Encomendero (later alcalde-
[Municipality: Encomienda
and later alcadia-mayor]
- - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -
-- - Gobernadorcillo
-- - - - -- -
[pueblo or town]

THE BARANGAY Cabeza de barangay

[barangay (later
The Spaniards maintained the Highest Social Status in each barangay and the datu was
disappeared into the barrio]
assigned as the barangay head or the Cabeza de Barangay. Each barangay was composed of
several Sitios and the sitio was composed or not more than 10 families. The main function of
the Cabeza was to collect tributes from the community and in returned they were exempted to
Polo Y Servicios They specified the limited number or the families in each barangay to manage
them efficiently; they only assigned 40 to 45 families in each barangay.

The Pueblo or Barrio

The several pacified Barangay were unified and form the barrios or pueblos, the barrios
was serviced by the cebecera or the place where the main church was located. Each pueblo had
the gobernadorcillo as their chief and he was assisted by four lower officials such as the

1. Teniente mayor or town deputy.

2. Juez de Policia who was in charge of the peace and order.

3. Juez de Sementeras who was in charge of the lands and crops.

4. Juez de ganados who was in charge of livestock and the butchering of animals for

In the 17th century, the Gobernadorcillo was chosen by the representative of the king
out of the nominated three people from the election held during January 1 until February 28
every year and only the adult male in each pueblo could nominate a candidate. And because
they wanted to attain the position, the nominees tried to get the support of the people in the
town thru organizing fiestas, gaining the support of the priest in cebecera and sponsoring the
wine for the social gatherings. The chosen gobernadorcillo stayed in his position for one year
and did the responsibility of tax collection and the execution or laws formulated by the Consejo
de Indias. The Gobernadorcillo had no power to create law but he could delay the
implementation of the law. However, the gobernadorcillo needs to prepare his residencia or the
list of his accomplishments and activities to check the abuses.


Several pueblos formed an alcaldia and the chief official of the alcaldia or province was
the Alcalde Mayor. In the 17th century, there were 12 alcaldias or provinces in the Philippines,
the pacified provinces was called Alcaldia while the not pacified were called corregimientos.

The alcaldia was governed by the alcalde mayor while the corregimientos were
governed by the corregidores. The alcalde mayor or the corregidores was the chief executive of
each province, the head of the Audiencia or the judicial department and the head of the
military. However, his main objective was to act as the mediator between the head government
in Manila and the local government of the gobernadorcillo and to ensure that all laws coming
from the Manila and Madrid were implemented properly. He had the power of Indulto de
Comercio or the power of the Alcalde Mayor to engage into trading. He was also in charge in
the administration of the arsenal and he was earning an annual salary of 300 pesos.


The head of the country is the Governor General he had the executive, judicial and
military powers. He needed to implement laws created by the Consejo de Indias but he had the
power of Cumplace or the power to choose the laws that he implemented in the country where
he was assigned. He was the head of the Royal Audiencia or the Supreme Court and the head
of the Council of Judges or Oidores.

The Governor General was also the head of the Military and he was assisted by the
Segundo Cabo or the deputy commander. He also controlled the treasury of the country and
had the power of Vice Real Patrona or the power to nominate bishops and approve the budget
for the mission in line with Catholicism. And because of the vast power of the Governor
General he had the following people who checked his administration:

1. The archbishop of Manila.

2. The Royal Audiencia which composed of the fiscal or the prosecuting attorney, an
alguacil mayor or the chief constable, teniente de gran canceller or the deputy of the
chief chancellor. The members of the Royal Audencia met thrice a week however
because of the low salary they often accepted bribery.

3. The Juez de Residencia or the special court which residee in the country and the
Visitador or the body which visited the country once a year to check the Governor


The Spanish rules the Philippines indirectly, they ruled the country through the viceroy
in Mexico and the Consejo de Indias or the Council of Indies. The Viceroy was the one who
appointed the Governor General and the other higher officials and to be appointed they needed
to pay fixed amount of money. The position in the Philippine government was sold in public
auction and the one who had the highest bid and could pay in cash could assume the position
in the country so in return they exploited the people and resources of the Philippines to become
rich and save money for their return to Spain. The highest officials in the Philippine government
were assumed by the people who did not deserve and not capable of the position became part
of the government in the Philippines. So corruption and abuse in their power were rampant.

The administration of Justice was done in the audencia where in the head for each town
or pueblo was the gobernadorcillo and for the next level or the province was the Alcalde Mayor
who could hear the appeal after the gobernadorcillo had the decision in the certain case. In the
criminal and civil cases which were not cover by the customary laws released by the central
government, the Roman Catholic laws were utilized.


The Royal Audiencia was the Supreme Court in the Philippines headed by the Governor
General. In every Province and pueblo there were Audiencia, the Alcalde Mayor was the head
of the Audencia the province and the gobernadorcillo was the head in each pueblo. The rules
implemented in the country came from the Consejo de Indias in Mexico and the Spanish Cortes
wherein the Filipino had no representation. The imposed social class by the Spaniards where in
the highest class were the Peninsulares or the Spanish born in Spain and the Insulares or the
Spanish born in the Philippines affected the justice system. The Indios or the social class of the
natives usually experienced abused and violation of human rights but did not attain justice
from the Audiencia.

The Problems in the Judicial System

1. The long judicial process.

2. The Audiencia had the right to refuse to hear cases as its discretion.

3. The nepotism in the government.

1. The Spanish colonial government in the Philippines was centralized.

2. The highest position in the government were controlled by the
3. The Royal Audiencia function as the Supreme Court in the
Philippines during the Spanish Era.
4. The Gobernor General had the power of Cumplace, Taxation and
5. The Vice Real Patrono principle give opportunity to the friars to
intervene in the decisions of the government and give way to the Union
or Church and State.



Direction: Answer the following question. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. How was the Philippines ruled during the Spanish regime?

A. The Philippines was ruled directly by Spain.

B. The Philippines was ruled directly by Portugal.

C. The Philippines was ruled indirectly by Spain.

D. The Philippines was ruled indirectly by Mexico.

2. What is a viceroyalty?

A. It is a kind of colony that is directly ruled by Spain and the leader is called the

B. It is a kind of colony that is indirectly ruled by Spain and the leader is called the
governor general.

C. It is a kind of colony that is directly ruled by Spain and the leader is called the
governor general.

D. It is a kind of colony that is indirectly ruled by Spain and the leader is called the

3. Which of these statements is NOT TRUE about the governor-general?

A. The governor general is appointed by the Consejo delas Indias.

B. The governor general is appointed by the Viceroy of Mexico.

C. The governor general is appointed by the Alcalde Mayor.

D. The governor general is appointed by the King of Spain.

4. What is a gobernacion?

A. It is a kind of colony that is directly ruled by Spain and the leader is called the

B. It is a kind of colony that is indirectly ruled by Spain and the leader is called the
governor general.

C. It is a kind of colony that is directly ruled by Spain and the leader is called the
governor general.

D. It is a kind of colony that is indirectly ruled by Spain and the leader is called the

5. What is the reason why Spain ruled the Philippines indirectly?

A. Because the Philippines is not important to Spain.

B. Because the Philippines is too distant for Spain to rule directly.

C. Because the Philippines is not qualified for direct rule.

D. Because the Philippines is too difficult to administer.

6. What kind of government was established in the Philippines during the Spanish regime?

A. Federal Government

B. Decentralized Government

C. Democratic Government
D. Centralized Government

7. Which among these statements does not describe the Governor General?

A. Ruler of the encomienda

B. Representative of the king of Spain

C. He has the power of Cumplase

D. Supreme commander of the Spanish armada

8. Which among these statements would BEST describe the power of cumplase?

A. It is the power to create any institution of government.

B. It is the power of the governor general to engage in business.

C. It is the power to make any law that is applicable to the colony.

D. It is the power to make judicial decisions.

9. What is a gobernadorcillo?

A. The chief executive of the barangay

B. The chief executive of the province

C. The chief executive of the city

D. The chief executive of the town

10. What kind of government was established in Philippines during the Spanish regime?

A. Federal Government

B. Decentralized Government

C. Democratic Government

D. Centralized Government

11. Which among these statements does not describe the Governor General?

A. Ruler of the encomienda

B. Representative of the king of Spain

C. He has the power of Cumplase

D. Supreme commander of the Spanish armada

12. Which among these statements would BEST describe the power of cumplase?

A. It is the power to create any institution of government.

B. It is the power of the governor general to engage in business.

C. It is the power to make any law that is applicable to the colony.

D. It is the power to make judicial decisions.

13. What is a gobernadorcillo?

A. The chief executive of the barangay

B. The chief executive of the province

C. The chief executive of the city

D. The chief executive of the town

14. How do you call the power of the gobernadorcillo to engage in business transactions?

A. Indulto de Comercio

B. Insulto de Comercio

C. Indulhencia de Comercio

D. Inpunto de Comercio

15. What is the main function of the Royal Audiencia?

A. To check the power of the Gobernadorcillo

B. To deliver justice to the people

C. To create laws

D. To check the powers of the friars


Direction: Identify the term being describe in the following statements. Write the answer in the
line after the number.

1. The power of the Governor General to choose law that he will implement

2. The head of the Corregemiento _______________________________________.

3. The tax collector in each Barangay _______________________________________.

4. The head of the Province _______________________________________.

5. The administrator of the colonies of Spain _______________________________________.

6. The body which formulate laws for the colonies


7. The power of the Alcalde Mayor to engage into Business


8 The one created by the unification of the pacified barrios


9. The power of the Governor General to appoint the friars in each church


10. The head of the Royal Audiencia in the Nacional level



Direction: Enumerate the term being asked by the following statements. Write the answer on
the line

A. The functions of the Gobernadorcillo

1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________

B. The Functions of the Alcalde Mayor

1. ____________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________

C. The Functions of the Governador General1

1. ____________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________

D. The Problems in the Justice System in the Philippine during the Spanish Colonization

1. ____________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________




Francisco, P. & Francisco, V. (2016). Philippine Politics and Governance for Senior High School.
Mindshappers Co., Inc., Intamuros, Manila.

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