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Economics 202A Final Exam Answers

Fall Semester 2007

1.(a) The Hamiltonian for this problem is

H = u(c) + (y + ra c) :

The rst-order conditions are

= u0 (c) = 0;
_ = @H
= ( r) :
0 = lim e t (t)a(t):

(b) Since now u0 (c) = c 1=

;we can write the last equation as

u00 (c)c_ = u0 (c) ( r) ;

or as
c_ u0 (c)
= 00 ( r) = (r ):
c cu (c)
(c) We need to solve the equation
Z 1 h i
(r )t rt
a(0) = c(0)e y e dt

for the initial (optimal) consumption level, c(0): The solution is

a(0) + (y=r) a(0) + (y=r)
c(0) = R 1 (r )t rt = R 1 (r )t rt
0 [e ] e dt 0 e dt
a(0) + (y=r)
= n o
[ (r ) r] 1 e[ (r ) r]t j0
= [ ( 1) r] [a(0) + (y=r)] :

The assumption that ( 1) r = (r ) r < 0 ensures that above,

limt!1 e[ (r ) r]t = 0.
(d) Looking at the preceding consumption function, we see the three ways
a rise in the interest rate r will a ect saving:

1. The marginal propensity to consume out of total wealth is ( 1) r:
When r rises, that coe cient falls with an e ect proportional to . This
is the substitution e ect.

2. The substitution e ect is counteracted by an e ect proportional to

unity that tends to make ( 1) r rise when r rises. This is
the income e ect. The coe cient 1 in the marginal propensity
( 1) r captures the balance between the substitution and income
e ects.

3. In addition, y=r falls when r rises | there is a fall in lifetime wealth

and so consumption falls. This is the wealth e ect.
(e) (Extra credit) If ( 1) r = (r ) r > 0 then the preceding
integrals do not converge. In economic terms, what does this mean? It
means that no consumption path satisfying the rst-order Euler condition
= (r ) can be consistent with the individual intertemporal budget
constraint. That, in turn, means that the individual's lifetime problem has
no solution | there is no maximum. Why? No feasible plan can everywhere
satisfy the rst-order conditions for a maximum (i.e., the intertemporal Euler
condition). This means that there is always room for a small intertemporal
reallocation of consumption, say, between one period to the next, that still
satis es the intertemporal constraint but makes the consumer better o .

2. (a) See Lecture 16a.

(b) See Lecture 19.

3.(a) The individual's Euler equation for tree holdings is

qu0 (c1 ) = E fu0 (c2 )y2 g :
(b) If we substitute equilibrium consumption above, we get
qu0 (y1 ) = E fu0 (y2 )y2 g :
Thus, the equilibrium tree price is
E fu0 (y2 )y2 g
q= :
u0 (y1 )

(c) If y1 goes up, people will want to spread the extra period 1 output
over both periods of their lifetimes by saving (buying more tree). In the
aggregate, though, they cannot save, because the output is perishable. So
they will succeed only in bidding up the price of the tree. The price stops
rising when for each individual, the amount of period 1 consumption forgone
to purchase more tree (which is proportional to the asset price) exactly equals
the expected future bene t from doing so.
(d) For the quadratic, u0 (c) a bc: Applying the preceding formula to
this special case, we get
n o
E f(a by2 ) y2 g E ay2 b (y2 )2
q= = :
a by1 a by1
n o
Since E (y2 )2 = 2
y + 2
y, we may write this alternatively as
2 2
a y b y b y
q= : (1)
a by1
Observe that when y2 rises, q falls. It seems intuitive that a rise in the
uncertainty of dividends depresses the stock's price, but this actually is not a
general result. Remember that the economic de nition of risk, in this model,
would relate to the covariance between y2 and u0 (y2 ), which is necessarily
negative. (Why?) Does this covariance rise or fall when y2 rises? You might
wish to think that through over winter break. (Hint: Think of Jensen's
(e) Because c2 = c2 = 21 (y2 + y2 ), the equilibrium price of a tree for this
case would be
n o
y2 +y2
E ay2 b 2
q= : (2)
a by1
As the two countries are completely symmetric, we need only look at the
home tree; the foreign tree looks the same. Notice that
2 2
y2 + y2 E (y22 ) + Ey2 y2 y + + (Ey2 ) (Ey2 ) + Cov (y2 y2 )
E y2 = =
2 2 2
2 2y + y2 + y2 2 1 + 2
= = y + y:
2 2

Thus, plugging into equation (2), we get
2 1+ 2
a y b y b 2 y
q= : (3)
a by1

(f) The answer comes from comparing the old pricing equation (1) that
holds before trade (i.e., in the closed economy) to equation (3), which holds
after trade. You can see that if < 1, allowing the two economies to trade
with each other will lead to a general rise in tree prices | a global equities
boom. Because people have now diversi ed their consumption, each country's
marginal utility of consumption is less tightly linked to its own harvest, so
trees are less risky for everyone in the world. If = 1, however, so that the
two trees are perfectly correlated, there is no such risk reduction | there
is no diversi cation possible because the two assets have identical payo s in
every state of nature.

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