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How to Make Wine at Home

How to Make Your Own Wine At Home

Mike Carraway

Brought to you by:

Homemade Wine Recipes Club

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Complete Illustrated Guide to Homemade Wine
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How to Make Wine at Home

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The author represents that he/she has the sole legal right to
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be incorrect, please contact the publisher.


All rights Reserved

Copyright © 2008 Mike Carraway

Equity Publishing Company

Birmingham, Alabama

Printed in the United States of America 2
How to Make Wine at Home


1. Foreword............................................................4
2. How to Make Wine at Home..................................5
3. A Special Note About Sugar and Fruit.....................6
4. Patience is a Virtue..............................................8
5. Before We Get Started........................................10
6. OK, Let's Gather What We Need...........................11
7. Cleanliness is Next to Godliness...........................12
8. Fermentation Vessels..........................................14
9. Let's Get Started................................................15
10. Primary Fermentation - The First Stage.................17
11. Racking Your Wine..............................................19
12. Secondary Fermentation - The Second Stage.........20
13. Stabilizing Your Wine..........................................21
14. Bottling Your Wine..............................................22
15. Wrapping it All Up..............................................24
16. BONUS – A Few EXCELLENT Wine RECIPES............26
17. Where to Go From Here?.....................................30 3
How to Make Wine at Home


When I was in high school, me and a friend of mine heard

this rumor that we could take some grape juice, add some
sugar, throw in some yeast, put a balloon over the bottle and
then wait a month and we would have – ALCOHOL!

And that is what we were after at that time. And it worked!

We sat down on a Friday afternoon and passed that jug back

and forth and within an hour, we were both acting very
stupid. Ahhh… those were the days.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't drink that stuff now. Almost 30

years later, I have come to enjoy GOOD wine. Wine that
costs $35 to $60 a bottle. You could call me somewhat of a
wine connoisseur.

About 15 years ago, it came to my attention that it was

possible to get the same kind of flavor and consistency by
making wine at home. From that moment on, I began

This book will show anyone how to get a very good start on
making quality wine from home. No need to keep paying
huge prices, AND, you can make all you want…sort of.

The U.S. Government has put a limit on us – 200

Gallons/year. That's the law. But – that's 1000 bottles of wine
– about 3 bottles a day, plenty for you and me. 4
How to Make Wine at Home

How to Make Wine at Home

There is not much to making wine. Humans have been

making wine for thousands of years. People make wine and
DRINK it in the Bible.

It's not rocket science.

The earliest mention of wine-making is in some

Mesopotamian texts – hieroglyphics – and they detail how to
ferment the juice of grapes. Apparently, we were making it
long before written text.

It turns out that when grapes grow, there is actually yeast

ON the outside of the grapes. If all you do is crush the
grapes and keep the juice around 75 degrees, the juice will
ferment all by itself.

Of course, the types of yeast found on the outside of grapes

are many and not all of them produce a fine tasting wine.

Over the years, winemakers have developed many different

strains and varieties of yeasts. These yeasts are specifically
designed to extract exactly what we want out of the grape
juice or fruit juice.

You could use Baker's yeast and it would work. Feel free to
do so if you do not have access to a local wine or brew shop.
Or, you can go to an online store and order some EC-1118
winemakers yeast. 5
How to Make Wine at Home

A Special Note About Sugar and Fruit

Grapes that are harvested at exactly the correct time are

brimming with natural sugar. They are tested electronically
while still on the vine to determine the exact peak time of
day when the sugar content is the highest. These types of
grapes never need sugar added – they already have enough.

Click here for a complete guide on growing your own grapes

Grapes that you get at the grocery store are harvested

unripe so that they will not spoil during the delivery to your

It is difficult, at best, to make a good wine from these store

bought grapes. They were not ripe when they were picked,
and the sugar content was probably very low.

If you use grapes from the store, you will need to check the
sugar content with a hydrometer (see equipment chapter)
and you will probably need to add quite a bit of sugar. 6
How to Make Wine at Home

The best thing to do is always use a hydrometer and check

the sugar content yourself.

If you are going to buy Fruit Juices at the store, use natural
whole juices with NO PRESERVATIVES. Preservatives will KILL
YEAST – that's what they are there for.

A word to the wise – read the label. 7
How to Make Wine at Home

Patience is a Virtue

When I first set out to make my own wine, I discovered one

thing very quickly: Patience is a virtue.

Making GOOD wine takes some time – and by time I mean

months – not days or weeks. Also – patience is required
during the fermenting process, the racking process, the
bottling process, and the aging process.

Patience, Patience, Patience. Believe me – it will pay off. Go


Can you make wine fast and drink it? ABSOLUTELY!

However, no one else but you will drink it. It will not taste
good to anyone else but you (and YOU will usually think it
tastes bad, too). Sorry.

Can you make wine fast and bolster the alcohol content so
that it is 18% or more?


But again, YOU will be the only drinker of this wine.

I have included a section in this book on making fast wine,

and also making fast lightning wine. Be my guest. Just
remember that no one except you will see any drinkable
value in what you have produced except you. It just won't
taste good. 8
How to Make Wine at Home

If you ever feel like you have to hurry, you are doing
something wrong. You will read over and over that it's BAD to
expose your wine to AIR. Yes, that's true.

But we are talking hours and hours – that's bad, not just the
few minutes it takes to rack the wine from the primary
fermentor to the secondary.

So, don't worry about letting your wine come into contact
with the air for a few minutes, it's not going to hurt it.

When I was first starting out, I had read so many times

about how it's SO IMPORTANT to keep air away from your
wine that I would almost panic when it was time to move the
wine from one vessel to another. I ended up sloshing the
stuff all over the place.

It's best just to go slow. 9
How to Make Wine at Home

Before We Get Started

Planning and preparation. There is a lot that can be said

about those two words. Especially when it comes to making

You should PLAN what you are going to make. You should
PREPARE everything in advance. This way, you will not get
caught in the middle of doing something and not have what
you need.

You should also PLAN where your work area will be. Sure,
you could do this in your kitchen, but it's a lot nicer to have a
spot staked out that is your “WINEMAKING” area.

When I first started out I used a corner of my basement. I

set up 2 work tables and a set of shelves.

That's really all it takes.

I have since progressed and now have a little nicer setup. I

have a nice work desk area and two storage cabinets large
enough to hold my primaries and secondaries.

Nobody bothers my stuff and I know where to find what I

need at a glance. I recommend the same thing for you. Make
it EASY. 10
How to Make Wine at Home

OK, Let's Gather What We Need

Before you ever crush the first grape, process the first peach,
or open the first can of frozen concentrate, get everything
you are going to need. This includes corks, bottles and a
corker. It also includes siphon tubing, chemicals, and primary
and secondary fermentation vessels.

Read and then re-read the recipe to make sure you have
everything before you get started. There's nothing quite like
having your juice in the primary and realizing that you don't
have any Campden (potassium or sodium metabisulfite)

Oh, and it's Sunday afternoon and the wine shop isn't open.

Plan ahead. Check your list. Make sure everything is together

BEFORE you get started. 11
How to Make Wine at Home

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

Did you ever wonder how those scientists get bacteria and
other little bugs to grow?

Simple, they put them in a nice warm sugar/water mixture.

Just about all kinds of microscopic bugs love that kind of
environment. So – DON'T give it to them.

We want one kind of microbe to grow – not hundreds. We

want our yeast to grow and that's all. We are not trying to
have a microbe party and invite everyone.

Remember to clean and sanitize everything you will be

working with…and ON. This means all surfaces in your work
area should be routinely disinfected.

Dirty equipment results in very crappy wine with nice little

unpleasant tastes. You can clean your spoon. But if you put it
down on your workbench and then pick it back up and put it
in your wine…. Well, you're “spreading germs” as momma
used to say.

The perfect thing to do is to sterilize all your work surfaces.

The best thing to use is something called B-Brite

Sanitizer/Cleanser. It is an easy to use percarbonate cleanser
that sanitizes with active oxygen and does not contain
chlorine or bisulfite. You can just wipe this mixture on
everything and it kills all the microbes. 12
How to Make Wine at Home

If you don't have it or cannot get it, crush up a Campden

tablet and fully dissolve it in a half gallon of hot water. This is
a nice sanitizing substitute.

Before you start, you want to wipe down EVERYTHING you

are going to use with the sanitizing solution. This includes
the inside and outside of your fermenters, as well as all of
the equipment you may use. KILL all the bugs at the
beginning. That way, they won't have a chance to grow later.

Sulfites are very good at this bug killing thing. Remember,

many antibiotics in use today are made from sulfur and
sulfites. Hmmm – must work. 13
How to Make Wine at Home

Fermentation Vessels

You need a fermentation vessel like a milk jug or a sanitized

food grade storage container. The food grade storage
container is best and you can get them free by just asking at
a restaurant. I do not recommend using the ones they use
for pickles.

You can use milk jugs, sanitized of course, or you can also
use 1 gallon wine jugs. The wine jugs actually work pretty
good and it's easy to find stoppers to fit in the top of them.

The one gallon milk jugs could cause your wine to have an
“off taste” or a plastic odor. Yuck. 14
How to Make Wine at Home

Let's Get Started

All you need is some kind of fruit juice (or vegetable or spice
or pepper or whatever!) that has a sugar content high
enough to let yeast feed on it. This is what fermentation is –
it's YEAST eating SUGAR.

The by products of the yeast consuming the sugar are

alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Remember – sanitize everything before you begin.

The best way to know if you have enough sugar is to follow a

good recipe, or, to measure the Specific Gravity. Usually – a
specific gravity of about 1.1 will do it.

Learn more about specific gravity and hydrometers in the

Complete Illustrated Guide to Homemade Wine.

If the sugar content is not high enough, you will need to heat
some water on the stove and dissolve sugar in it and then
pour it into your fruit juice. You can use ice to cool it down.
Your mixture should taste sweet but not overpoweringly so.

If the sugar content is too high, or it tastes sickly sweet, add

water and give it a good stirring.

Ad 1 crushed Campden tablet per gallon of juice mixture. Put

a towel or something over the bucket or use a rubber band
and put a paper towel over the top of the jug. We want to let
air in and out but not bugs or little flying insects. 15
How to Make Wine at Home

At this point, if you were a little more into advanced wine-

making, you would want to measure the acid content and
also add any other additives like pectin enzyme or nutrient.
These are all covered in detail in The Complete Illustrated
Guide to Homemade Wine and the Home Winemaker's Inner

Let this mixture, called the “MUST” sit overnight. This lets
the sulfur gas go into solution, kill the microbes, and then
come out into the air.

Don't worry, you won't even smell it. 16
How to Make Wine at Home

Primary Fermentation - The First Stage

Once you have the sugar content right and your must
sanitized with sulfites, then all you need to do is toss in
(pitch) the yeast (some yeasts make very good wine while
others, like bakers yeast, do not).

Find out more details on yeast in the Complete Illustrated

Guide to Homemade Wine and the Home Winemaker's Inner
Circle. The temperature of the mixture (“must”) should be
between 72 and 78 degrees F and should be kept there.

Within 24 hours, you will have fermentation happening. The

mixture will be bubbling and it will sound like a can of soda
that you have opened. It will be fizzing.

This is called the “Primary Fermentation” or the 1st Stage

Fermentation. The first 5 to 10 days is really when all the
action takes place. Almost all of the alcohol is created during
this time.

After it has been bubbling or fizzing nicely for at least 24

hours, either stir the must (if it's in a food container), or give
the jug a pretty good shake.

If you are stirring, remember to SANITIZE whatever you are

going to stir it with BEFORE you put it in the must.

This agitation redistributes the sugar and the yeast and will
cause even more fermentation to take place…which is exactly
what we are looking for. 17
How to Make Wine at Home

Let this mixture ferment for at least 8 days with just a paper
towel or rag rubber banded over the opening of your
fermentation vessel.

Once 8 days have passed, you will need to put on an airlock

of some sort. An airlock does nothing more than let the
carbon dioxide escape but not let air in. Usually, you can find
the materials to make one of these around the house.

(The Complete Illustrated Guide to Homemade Wine has a

video of how to make a simple airlock from
household items).

Now, if you want to boost the alcohol content, the 5 to 7 day

point is where you would do it. All you have to do is add
some concentrated sugar water to the must. This give the
yeast something else to feed on. Don't wait until all of the
fizzing and bubbling has stopped – just wait until it starts
slowing down.

To make sugar water, just heat a cup of water on the stove

and put sugar in it until it won't dissolve any more. Cool it
down and then add it to the must.

The next day, you should see renewed vigor in the bubbling
department. 18
How to Make Wine at Home

Racking Your Wine

Sounds painful doesn't it?

In this hobby and business, instead of saying “siphon the

wine in the primary container into the secondary container”,
we say RACK the wine from the Primary to the Secondary.
Why? I'm still researching that one…

After about 4 days of no visible bubbling, probably on day

10, it's time to remove the wine from the Primary and put it
in a secondary container that's about the same size as the
first one.

The reason is that you will have a LOT of DEAD YEAST (called
lees) on the bottom of the Primary vessel and it can give the
wine a bad flavor if it sits on it for days. So the purpose is to
get all the wine, and leave as much of the dead yeast, or
lees, as you can in the Primary.

Once you have racked the wine over, you may have lost a
little so top up the jug to near the top with regular tap water.

By the way, if you are using the 5 gallon food container, you
have probably figured out by now that you will have to move
that 5 gallons of wine into another 5 gallon container. If you
are making this much just starting out, you need to get a 5
gallon glass CARBOY. You can buy them at wine-shops or
online for about $25 to $40. 19
How to Make Wine at Home

Put an airlock of some kind on your secondary and… WAIT.

Secondary Fermentation - The Second Stage

Leave the airlock on for 4 weeks. At the end of 4 weeks, it's

wine. The longer you let it sit in the secondary, the better the
wine is going to be, up to a point anyway.

The wine sits unexposed to air during this second stage. The
little yeast that is still active is still turning sugar to alcohol.
Let it do it's thing. This prolonged time also lets all of the
smaller solids that can make a wine cloudy fall to the bottom.

When it's time, you will have to carefully pour off the wine
from the sediment that has settled at the bottom of your

If your wine is cloudy, let it sit for another week or so with

the airlock on until it clears. (The Complete Illustrated Guide
to Homemade Wine details several methods of clearing

The Secondary fermentation stage, depending on the type of

wine you are making, can sometimes take 3 months. Mead, a
wine made out of honey, can sometimes take 2 months in
the primary and then 6 months in the secondary.

The key is to find a recipe and follow it. 20
How to Make Wine at Home

Stabilizing Your Wine

Okay, we are done with the primary and the secondary

fermentation! The wine looks clear!

We are ready to bottle it right? WRONG.

This fermentation thing is a microbiological process. Although

we cannot see it, we may still have a small amount of
fermentation going on in the wine.

If we were to just bottle it now, the small amount of carbon

dioxide being produced could cause our bottles to explode.
We need to do something to STOP the fermentation form
taking place.

This is called stabilizing the wine.

The most common stabilizer is called Potassium Sorbate. The

common dosage is ½ teaspoon per gallon. You can get this at
a wine shop – or online.

Potassium Sorbate doesn't kill the yeast, it just makes it

harder for the yeast to multiply and reproduce. It's sort of
like a contraceptive. It will not stop the fermentation
instantly but over the next few days.

After you add the stabilizer, you will need to wait about 3
days for it to do it's work and then you will be ready to 21
How to Make Wine at Home


Bottling Your Wine

I just go to local restaurants and ask them to save me cases

of bottles at a time. If you want, there are wine-shops that
will sell them to you for pretty cheap – but why buy them if
you can get them free?

Soak used wine bottles in hot soapy water until the labels
begin to fall off and then scrub them up nicely so they are
sparkly and have no label glue left on them.

The is part of that PLANNING thing I mentioned earlier. Get

ALL of the bottles you will need ready BEFORE you are ready
to bottle the wine. You will also need corks. Again – online or
a wine shop.

Uhhh…. Okay I admit it, I have even used USED corks. But
ONLY after I soaked them in HOT, SULFITE saturated water
for about an hour.

The corks are LARGER than the hole in the top of the wine

This presents a problem for home brewers. You NEED a

corker. This is the only real tool you MUST buy. If you cannot
get one (if you're reading this, you can obviously get one
online), you will have to use something like resealable plastic
pop bottles to put your wine in.

Makes me shudder just thinking about it… 22
How to Make Wine at Home

Sanitize everything, the bottles, the corks, and the siphon

tube that you will use to siphon the wine from the secondary
into the bottles. (There are a few nifty tools that can help
you with this process and they are all covered in The
Complete Illustrated Guide to Homemade Wine and the
Winemaker's Inner Circle.)

You will need some way to “pinch” the siphon tube to stop
the flow of wine when the bottle gets nearly full.

Fill each bottle to the bottom of it's neck. You can fill ALL the
bottles and then cork them all at the same time.

Again, a little air isn't going to spoil the batch.

When you are siphoning into the bottles, be careful to splash

the wine around as little as possible. You DO NOT want to
aerate the wine, just quietly siphon it into the bottles.

Use a corker that you have purchased. The more expensive

the corker, the easier it will be to use. For a long time, I used
a simple hand corker but I was only bottling 30 bottles at a

I have graduated to a larger one because I now make 60 to

90 bottles at a time. The hand corker is just too much work
for that many corks. 23
How to Make Wine at Home

Wrapping it All Up

There are literally hundreds of things you can do to improve

the quality of your wine. There are different additives,
different flavors, fortifiers, etc. In addition, some fruits or
wines require chemicals to be added before primary

You can find recipes, learn to make champagne, learn to

make brandy and many other things once you get the basics
of wine-making down. Find out more in The Complete
Illustrated Guide to Homemade Wine.

The book that you are currently reading is not intended to be

an all out, in-depth, encompassing review of the winemaking
process. It is more of a beginner's overview and guide. Using
the techniques and information contained in this book will get
anyone started making GOOD homemade wine.

I look forward to hearing about your wine making

adventures! If you have not already done so, please
subscribe to winemakers free newsletter and watch your
email for upcoming issues of the Winemakers Secret eLetter.

(If you got this eBook without signing up for the free eLetter,
you sign up for it FREE at 24
How to Make Wine at Home

In the eLetter, you will learn more valuable tips and tricks to
making your wine better and better. In addition, there will be
questions and answers from our subscribers as well as
winemaking success stories!

Mike Carraway
Your 21st Century Wine-making Coach 25
How to Make Wine at Home


1. Peach Wine

Category: Fruit
Yield: One Gallon US

Beginning SG/PA 1.1


2 1/2 lbs. peaches (about 10 peaches)

7 pts. water
Enough sugar to make the SG = 1.100 (about 2 lb)
1 Campden tablet, crushed
1 1/2 tsp. acid blend
1 tsp. pectic enzyme powder
1/2 tsp. yeast energizer
1/4 tsp. tannin
1 pkg. wine yeast


1. Wash peaches, quarter, remove stones and any brown

2. Place peach quarters in nylon straining bag and place in
3. Crush peaches, extracting as much juice as possible.
4. Add dry ingredients to primary except yeast.
5. Add hot (tap hot works fine) water and mix thoroughly. 26
How to Make Wine at Home

6. Cover and let set for 24 hours.

7. After 24 hours, add wine yeast.

8. Ferment for 3-5 days (SG=1.040).

9. Rack into secondary and attach lock.
10. Rack in 3 weeks and again in 3 months.
11. Clarify, stabilize, bottle and age as expected.

2. Blackberry Wine

Category: Fruit
Yield: One Gallon US

Beginning SG/PA 1.1


4 lbs. blackberries (fresh or frozen)

4 1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp. yeast nutrient
1 tsp. acid blend
1 tsp. pectic enzymes
1 Campden tablet
1 pkg. all-purpose or Bordeaux wine yeast


1. Crush the fruit in the primary and pour in all the additives
and the sugar.
2. Stir well and top up to 1 gallon with hot water.
3. Let sit until cool and the sulphate (Campden) dissipates 27
How to Make Wine at Home

(about 24 hours).
4. Add the yeast and start the ferment.
5. Rack clarify and bottle as per normal.

3. Strawberry Wine

Category: Fruit
Yield: Five Gallons Imperial

Beginning SG/PA 1.095


4 kg. damson plums (freeze and thaw out to remove pits

and improve juice extraction)
2 kg. strawberries
16 kg. (1 case) palomino grapes
1/2 liter red grape concentrate
15 liters water
1 tbsp. pectic enzyme
2 tsp. nutrient
1 tsp. sulfite crystals
Sugar to SG 1.095
Acid blend 'B' to 3.8 sulfuric
1 pkg. wine yeast (Lalvin D 47 or K1-V1116)


1. Chop fruit and add to crushed grapes.

2. Put into primary fermentor and stir in all ingredients
except yeast.
3. Make SG and Acidity adjustments. 28
How to Make Wine at Home

4. Cover primary and let sit 24 hrs.

5. Sprinkle yeast and let sit undisturbed on surface for 2
6. Stir vigorously and cover primary.
7. Stir several times per day until Specific Gravity reaches
1.030 (4 to 5 days).
8. Squeeze juice from ferment and place into glass
9. Attach airlock.
10. When fermentation is complete (S.G. 1.000 or lower /
15-20 days) rack off sediment into clean secondary and
reattach airlock.
11. Rack every 7-8 weeks and add 0.1 gr/l. sulfite crystals
during aging (6-7 months).
12. Add 1/2 tsp sulfite crystals before bottling.
13. If you desire a sweeter wine, at this point can add 1 1/2
tsp. stabilizer and a solution of 30 gr/l. dissolved sugar.

How to Make Your Own Wine at Home

Mike Carraway, 2008

Complete Grape Growing Course 29
How to Make Wine at Home

Where to Go From Here?

Hope you found this beginner's, “How to Make Wine at

Home” guide useful.

To take your wine-making skills to the next level you might

want to get the advanced, fully illustrated guide to
homemade wine and subscribe online to the elite
Winemaker's Inner Circle: - 30
How to Make Wine at Home

Get This Illustrated Guide to Homemade Wine

Click Here for Details

Visit 31

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