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Selected publications from a variety of subjects of psycho-scientific research. Editor: Rolf

Linnemann (Certificated Engineer) * Steinweg 3b * 32108 Bad Salzuflen * Tel. (05222) 6558

Internet: E-Mail: [email protected]

Translator’s email: [email protected]

Protocol of an extra-terrestrial report of the year 1958

Title : Before the landing

Contactee : Medialer Friedenskreis Berlin

Mediums : Uwe Speer and Manuela Speer

These published words of the INTER-PLANATARIANS were received by the Medialen

Friedenskreis Berlin, a Christian/Spiritual community, during many public seances. We deal here
manly with fully automatic handwritten messages, which were subconsciously recorded by mediums
with years of experience. These mediumistic messages are complete and were left in their original
quality. The work of the two mediums began when they were 15 and respectively 17 years old. The
total production is considered the absolute pinnacle of psycho-scientific exploration. Other spiritual
circles have tried to copy their work, but its quality was never achieved. The distribution of these
recently re-catalogued messages and protocols is explicitly encouraged and are not covered by any

Preface by the publisher

In February 1996, I was able to ask a small Christian/Spiritual working circle a few questions in
regards of the activities of the SANTINER. Here is an extract from that protocol:

Question: It is puzzling why the SANTINER behave so reservedly. This veil of secrecy has led to
the situation that they are not taken serious enough. Is there not a danger that through their
reservedness the SANTINER will continue to loose credibility? With an increasing number of
sightings, people would slowly show more interest and would also listen to the transmitted
INDOCTRINATIONS. Apart from that, it would give added support to all those helped by the
explanations of the SANTINER. How does the spiritual realm view this problem?

Answer: This line of reasoning is correct, but it’s unfortunately still too early. Many souls (people)
wouldn’t know what to do with it - Or to put it a better way, we would trigger a lot of anxiety in
many people. At the present situation, this action would come too soon - but it will come! Many
souls are well on their way and ready to make their divine SPARK shine. But this still needs time
and patience. People who are open and live in a divine MANNER have contact, either through
sightings, in dreams or through astral travelling. - If you would remember everything, you would be
astonished about the number of times you have had contact and have been taught and talked with the
SANTINER, your FRIENDS. Think about your INNER VOICE! Turn within and listen! You will

discover your SELF and many questions will become clear and simple. You and everybody else
have your MASTER and the answers within yourselves. Take time out for your SELF!

Question: Why doesn’t the memory of it flow into my daytime consciousness after waking up?

Answer: It serves your own protection! - You would cope with the VIBRATIONS and the
EXPERIENCE with great difficulty here on Earth. The inner connection is there and you feel the
presence of the SANTINER too.
Bad Salzuflen, July 1996

Preface (by Herbert Viktor Speer, leader of the Medialen Friedenskreis Berlin)
There are mediums who speak in a trance and it has been established that they are used as tools by
the intelligences on the other side. These psychic tools of the HIGHER POWERS create quite a
sensation in many countries. But there are still a substantial number of doubters - and the
representatives of academic knowledge always find sufficient explanations for this factuality, who’s
active state they place squarely at the ingenious, unilluminated and unconscious subconscious. In
spite of that, every practitioner will ridicule the absurd contortions of these illiterates of the psycho

 The whole political misery of our Earth stems from this unbelievable and simply inexplicable
attitude of those exponents of academic laureateship.

The mediums of the Medialer Friedenskreis Berlin are two young people aged 22, respectively 24
years. Both of them have a decent lob and like any other social member of the public, do their best.
They place their psychic ability without remuneration at the disposal of the Friedenskreis and
sacrifice their spare time for this task. These mediums are not in a state of trance of any kind.

During these public meetings, there where always guests from intellectual circles, photographers and
journalists present, these mediums proved their extraordinary abilities again and again.
Unfortunately, any outsiders can’t even get an impression of the overpowering persuasion of
OTHERWORLDLY FORCES. The training was conducted through GUIDANCE and
INSTRUCTIONS by ENTITIES from the other side. It lasted five to seven years.

 The prerequisite for this was great humility and a positive resolve for the common advancement
of one’s fellow human beings.

The MESSENGERS of LIGHT as well as the astral UFO occupants prove with their exceptional
individuality and their supernatural KNOWLEDGE about subjects yet unknown to us, their absolute
existence. If an open minded reader considers all these answers and indoctrinations free of prejudice,
he must accept the fact that it would be utterly impossible for a young person with limited
experience of life, to write with rapid speed and astonishing dexterity these kinds of answers.

Sometimes reading aloud is problematic as the writing is quite often, due to the high speed, very
squiggly and all the words are written so they connect with each other. As further definite prove is
the fact that both mediums, independently from one another, continue the same theme whereby the
graphical characteristics and the personality of the MESSENGER of LIGHT or UFO occupant
remains intact and can be recognised immediately.

It is in the long run not possible to dispute the facts about an INVISIBLE WORLD, where intelligent
people live.

The UFO occupants fill the gaps, which have been a hindrance for us in this respect.

SPIRITUALISM is the bridge to UNIVERSAL PEACE!Herbert Viktor Speer

Schematics of the INTERPLANETARY organization



Action Action Action Action Action

METHARIA Mars Venus Saturn Jupiter
(Home planet)

Space-station Space-station Space-station Moon



Spaceships Mother-ships Vimanas Remote-controlled


Transport Supply Surveillance and Reconnaissance


Collectively :Five flotillas with a crew of five million.

Armament :Ultra-sound – artificial heat and coldness – electromagnetic super-energy.

Defence :Speed – dematerialisation – force-fields.

Prime mover :Gravitational photons and levitation-rays.


Introductory words by ASHTAR SHERAN

These golden WORDS handed down by ANGELS, coming from unimaginable

distances as divine REVELATIONS directed at the humanity of a planet for

development called Earth, I recommend the high PROTECTION and the wise

PATRONAGE of an almighty GOD.



TRUTH shall make you free.

But mankind of this Earth defends the errors with bombs and canons.

TRUTH is the effort to gain insight into eternal life - and not the effort for terrestrial death.

Those that seek god call to the MESSIAH. Your MESSIAH is the totally authorised TRUSTEE
instated by GOD. His name is:

J E S U S C H R I S T.

He called on MESSENGERS of LIGHT and HELPERS from others stars to announce the TRUTH
to this human race, so that the mistakes the anti-spirit stoked and defended can be eradicated.

With every day and every hour, the HIGHER POWERS from other dimensions and spheres
concentrate on this planet, without restricting the freedom bestowed by GOD.

 If you come across a dead body, you cannot have a conversation with it or ask of it to perform

 If you come across a living body, it demonstrates intelligence and is qualified to plan and act

In both cases, the body is visible and perceptible. But the intelligence is invisible, only its
expression is perceptible. It has either contact with the body or it has regained its independence.

Who would dare to doubt that either one is present?

Birth unites both parts together.

Death tears them asunder again.



Attention! - Attention! - Citizens of Earth!

We are MESSENGERS from other stars and have the MISSION to make contact with you. We
have arranged many contact sites. Concentrate on our MESSAGE, it signifies your future existence.
It is more important than anything else on your star. Write down our MESSAGES immediately.

We appeal to you to participate in a universal peace, a PEACE ACROSS ALL FRONTIERS, a

peace between brothers, between sisters, between stars and a peace between GOD and all human
beings throughout the universe!

You don’t take psychic contacts serious enough, it represent contact with an unimaginable

You don’t take these words serious, they could provide you with magnificent prosperity.

We are in constant contact with this HIGHER WORLD and have been invoked for years to bring
you help. Millions of pitiable people languish in bondage and are at the end of their tether. The
despair on this Earth is unimaginable for the mental capacity of one person.

We bring you MESSAGE after MESSAGE and cry with the despondent.

We are not in a position to visit you daily in our astral condition and to speak to you or write to you
personally. We come from another star and are of a different physical solidness, which hinders us
very much from spending longer periods of time with you. We have to make extensive use of our
spiritual potential to communicate with you, for this reason.

I’m a MEDIATOR who understands your language to some degree and I will serve you as an
interpreter. My name is irrelevant, as it wouldn’t mean anything to you. But my position in the
service of a powerfully organised and serious MISSION is my validation. I’m a living member of a
humanity that can’t be counted in numbers and of which most have found the connection with the

We know that many of you ridicule our existence; but we also know that to ridicule something is
the strongest weapon of all ungodly elements.
Frivolousness has always been the ruin of even the greatest and most powerful spirits. Your
frivolousness, which expresses itself in mockery and derision against all HIGHER CONCEPTS and
TRUTHS, will be your downfall, but from this downfall a new golden age will rise.

 When to old collapses, the NEW will triumph!

Many scientists, technicians, politicians, doctors and other academics of this Earth have accurate
knowledge about our efforts, but they do not have the courage to support this fact and to confess
that they are fully convinced that we exist.

He who discerned the TRUTH is under obligation to GOD to uphold this TRUTH. He who is
afraid of his environment and therefore conceals the TRUTH, confesses to cowardice. But this
cowardice is the enemy of all TRUTHS. Cowardice governs your whole world! Your widespread
cowardice creates all insecurity on your star and you have to invent and build unmatched tools of
destruction so that you can defend your cowardice.

 Fear and cowardice are the attributes of an indescribable demon, which can only find visible
expression in human beings.

A hot potato

Our MESSAGES are not exactly new to you, we transmit them on nearly all of your continents.
Many MESSAGES have been misinterpreted and many are just forgeries. We have managed to
establish a few very important contact sites in Germany and also one in England.

Unfortunately your knowledge of the occult disciplines, that is to say of the supernatural, is only
imperfect. You have neglected and ridiculed this most important science and you have called it a
“hot potato”. Genuine prophets were treated like liars. Telepathy is used for horseplay and used by
your doctors to analyse the soul. You label higher sensory aptitudes unconscious spiritual activity
of an individual and call this unusual achievement “subconsciousness”.

You ask yourselves the question: “How can something physical recognise GOD and make contact
with HIM, if (according to your notions) there is no GOD?”

We, people from another star, enter your bodies and perform many strange miracles of
transcendental communication. Why do you call this well-known fact a “hot potato”? - You know
as well as we do that there is a process happening in your body, which allows you to comprehend
the world around you and which leads you to the conclusion, that you are entities placed above
common creation.

You too have established schools and institutes of higher learning on your planet, which deal with
every “hot potato” even if it’s very hot. You investigate every pestilence, analyse the greatest
rubbish - and neither danger nor disgust deters you from investigating the smallest processes of a
microbic world, to ascertain the LAW behind it. You explore coarse matter; but anything to do
with life within yourselves, is negated and rejected with an incomprehensible shyness and scorn. -
You know that heaven is within you, but you don’t consider this possibility. The heaven within you

 Expand your senses and prepare your soul to make contact with HIGHER WORLDS.

With this contact, GOD the CREATOR is no secret anymore, but an open minded REALITY in
your spiritual range of energy.

Billions of your past citizens have suffered and were killed because they rejected supernatural
TRUTH. Those with the right knowledge suffered death without dread. But millions of people on
this Earth especially fear death, it doesn’t really exist the way your scholars describe it.

 Suffering on this Earth is without equal and everything appears to be senseless. - You don’t
look for the interpretation in your error in reasoning, but in the apparent cruelty of nature.

But there is an absolute difference between man and beast.

 The organic relationship is certainly present, but the souls of animals, the spirit of animals and
man are entirely different, in fact so different that you would be ashamed of yourselves if you
knew its reality.

Above all you lack the necessary KNOWLEDGE, the required INSIGHT, you can definitely
destroy the body, but not life itself. This is why you are not capable to mount a sound accusation
against the iniquity of your scientists and theologians.

We from another star, consciously aware of a far higher universal INSIGHT, accuse the
universities, your state administrations and your Church leaders all across the world, because the
have prevented and ridiculed one of the most important researches.

The image of GOD

There is a great difference between you and us:

We have the greatest respect for the great UNIVERSAL GOD SPIRIT, especially because HE
created a being of such high significance, the way man represents it.

Man as a living being has a consciousness, an individuality, which is nowhere else to be found in
this form, in all of creation. He has his own will, high intelligence and an enormous imagination, he
can plan and construct and he can change and rearrange the existing world.

Man is a part of all of GOD’S attributes and we found out this important insight by looking at
ourselves and our brothers and sisters, we are deeply touched by the wonderful power and
sublimeness of all the functions present in our human spirit and human body. This is why we have
recognised GOD not just in a philosophical sense, but in reality in the image of GOD, in ourselves
as human beings.

We approach, without exceptions, all our fellow human beings with the greatest respect, then every
insult, rebuke and injury appears to us to be a BLASPHEMY. - HIS completed WORK is our
power of devotion and we aim to maintain, cherish and to honour this exalted WORK of GOD.

This also is why it is a very hard test for us to concern ourselves with your disregard and to censure
you. You do not respect GOD’S exalted act of creation in man, in your fellow man, because you
have no concept of the sublimeness of the Great Spirit you call GOD. You persecute and kill the
supreme and most splendid entity, which is capable of comprehending, besides GOD and his
angels, all of creation.

If one considers the development throughout the universe, humanity of planet Earth is
unfortunately very backwards. This star is a meeting place for backward souls, which have an
unplanned existence either bound to or separated from the physical.

Arrogant and intolerant groups of people dare to mistreat and hinder the development of millions of
people created by GOD, who owe their very existence to the CREATOR, by exploiting and
threatening their life, yes even take their life to the disgrace of universal mankind.

 Murder is the greatest theft; and if it happens in great numbers, we consider this
misdemeanour a superlative robbery of the PROPERTY of GOD.

The hour of Earth’s humanity has unfortunately already struck dear brothers and sisters and your
downfall would already have happened, if the SPIRITUAL WORLD of the great CREATOR had
not called upon us to prevent the downfall of more than 2 billion people on Earth, with our
supernatural mediators and prophets. Not because there is an acute danger that this star might start
to change its molecular structure, but because the atmosphere is totally contaminated by rays which

are completely unknown to you, so that later generations will not be born healthy or will be able to

 The reason is your dissension, born out of a false outlook of the true life.

 A false attitude towards the SPIRITUAL PLANE created religions and cults, which cannot be
accepted by rational thinking people - and that rightly so.

But much that is denied is actually present, but in another way than interpreted and made into a
cult. A religion disfigured by dogmas and fantasies, as is has been developed and popularised in
many variations on this star, would never dare to present our children with fairytales.
It is therefore no surprise that your sensible people just laugh about it and simply refuse to believe
those miracles, because apart from a few philosophies, they have nothing better to put in its place.

 An bloated mistake, anchored in hundred of thousands of book, immortalized in the

bookshelves of libraries, cultivated as the highest fountain of knowledge and used in idolatry
services, defies description.

We know that you also ridicule us and refuse to believe in our existence, exactly the way you
refuse to believe in GOD and the devil, even thou you would have to find confirmation of their
powerful existence every second of your daily life.

Can thoughts and remembrances or concepts be written down by machines and equipment and be
recorded and presented so that everyone can comprehend them, without spirit making their
comprehension and understanding possible? - No! You know too well that your are not advanced
enough to register these spiritual vibrations, but you would not dream to deny the existence of the
spirit because of this.

Why do you deny quite contrary to this fact, a SPIRITUAL WORLD?

You see for instant our spaceships, you register and photograph them. You have highly developed
instruments you call radar and with it, you can locate us precisely. But in spite of this, the people
on Earth who do not have the same opportunity of a definite point of reference, do not get to hear
the TRUTH, and therefore can’t acknowledge the fact of our existence, unless they do, by chance,
see one of our disks with their own eyes.

 The fainthearted should not know what the powerful know and plan.

Language fails

The term “technology” is your sacred cow.

 With technology, you would like to dethrone the UNIVERSAL GOD SPIRIT.
 With technology, you kill people and animals.
 With technology, you would like to eliminate the living soul of everybody.
 With technology, you would like to attack the whole universe and overtrump GOD.

The technology we developed is not there to kill. We don’t use electricity or explosives or rays for
any kind of murder, unless we kill animals in a painless fashion.

The more powerful your technology evolves, the more at risk is human existence on your planet.
Every new invention brings new dangers for all life on this Earth.

We have a lot to tell you, but we can only very seldom talk to you face to face, because even
though our plane of existence is somewhat similar to yours, it is still so very different, that we have
to overcome some difficulties, which we are working assiduously to solve. In spite of this, we have
sufficient power to keep you under control, if we are forced to do so.

But such an action doesn’t conform to our insight and development. We therefore endeavour to use
other means, which have nothing to do with violence against you, against our brothers. It may be
true that the higher authorities of this Earth look upon us as enemies, but we are all children of a
great CREATOR and the word “enemy” is not in our vocabulary at all. Unless there are sick and
ignorant people we do have to call enemies and we do have to eliminate, because with their
thoughts and actions they can do damage to other people.

You are afraid of these sick and ignorant people, especially because they are unpredictable. We
don’t fear them, because we are healthy and make more positive use of our minds, than sick and
ignorant souls could do. We don’t counter violence with violence, because the result is completely
unpredictable, but we apply logic and the mind to give this unpredictable violence the opportunity
to realise its mistakes.

Violence destroys itself and thereby solves all problems in connection with it. You developed and
established you technology manly for mass murder and general destruction.

 You have produced so much armament, that you are incapable of work for peaceful purposes,
because your own technology is threatened from all sides.

War technology is the greatest maldevelopment and must inevitably lead to destruction. There is no
protection from war technology, then as a slave of the physical, man is helpless and is always in the
sights of that pitiable spirit, whom has become insane out of its heightened craving for power - and
whom you call the devil.

Only spiritual concentration on the sense of the physical existence of man can overcome this
calamity. We would like to help you do this - but you don’t expect this kind of help from us, but
you expect a help that enhances your technology and make it even more powerful, even more
dangerous for mankind on Earth already suffering enormously.

We would never do this, because we don’t want to be accessories after the fact. We are not inclined
to transmit technological data to you, which could strengthen, in any possible way, your power
over life and death over your fellow human beings.

But we are prepared the transmit to you HIGHER INSIGHTS, especially on a spiritual,
respectively religious or occult, that is to say, magic level, if we see that you are willing to accept

Unfortunately language always represents a huge hindrance with all of these DOCTRINES. We are
therefore forced to communicate with you in a very primitive manner. We have to use your and not
our vocabulary. But your entire vocabulary is insufficient and mixed with superfluous concepts.
You do have a lot of different languages and dialects, but what is the advantage in that?

 You have a large repertoire of expressions and designation - and this is still not enough to
explain the glorious and at the same time spiritual CREATION with all its important functions.

Just as deficient as your knowledge is in these areas, your language is just a poorly, it lacks
expression and power of explanation, no matter what language on Earth we talk about, so that you
are especially uninformed about the highest FIELDS of KNOWLEDGE and thereby can’t find any
explanations for the highest PHENOMENON and for any “non-supernatural”, but extraterrestrial
occurrence, which you simply dismiss with words like “miracle” or “mystery” without delving
deeper into its actual essence.

This fact hampers our MISSION exceedingly, as we don’t want to serve you with childish phrases,
but we want to be taken completely seriously by all scientific and leading agencies of this Earth’s

 The higher VALUES of divine ACTIONS and everything connected with it, are no mere
bagatelle but something serious, which can decide the whole physical existence of mankind.

Owing to the many gaps in the conceptual vocabulary of your languages, our MESSAGES and
COMMUNICATIONS seem to be primitive at first and are therefore regarded as tracts of religious
fantasies by many of your faultfinders. But we put up with this mockery, as we don’t undertake
long journeys, measured in light-years, through space, if your SURVIVAL was not endangered.

 You have more to loose than just a physical life!

Give our way of expressing ourselves more consideration, it hinders us, because we only have one
option to communicate with you, unless it’s through heightened telepathy. But the translator often
fails too, he might have a bit of an idea, but he can’t put it in words. This is why we prefer to do it
in a supernatural way, like angels, even though we are far from being angels.

Space is inhabited

 Many years ago, space seemed to be empty space.

 Sometimes later you knew that this space was filled with gases.
 These days you already know that space is filled with energies.

But you still are not aware that space is actually alive, something we have known for many, many

The energies present in space are of the finest composition and are the carriers of an unimaginable
INTELLIGENCE. We are dealing here with a cosmos extending into infinity, filled with

Every person has a share of an especially designated wavelength in the cosmos, in your words: of an
attuned FREQUENCY. No human being can go beyond its individual FREQUENCY, but one’s own
wave range can certainly be highly developed.

A decision made, thus a spiritual, respectively a mental act of will, has an influence over matter. A
thought can be expressed. A foot or an arm can be moved. All muscles can be moved by spiritual
commands. This is a visual power of the spirit and it’s compelling.

Every movement can be guided by the mind. The command is invisible and a spiritual process, it
isn’t guided by the brain, but guided via the brain from the cosmos, through an individual
FREQUENCY into matter, that is to say, according to the respective molecules and atoms.

 Molecules and atoms react to the power of these spiritual commands. - Molecules and atoms
also react to spiritual commands that originate from the whole cosmos.

The spirit of man makes use of divine LAWS, to which matter is also subordinated through divine
LAWS. Therefore the human body reacts to commands that come from the whole cosmos - and you
simply call it “vegetative behaviour”, even though it would have to be called “intuitive behaviour”.
But all movements of the body, which originate from an individual, respectively an allocated
cosmos, which you call your “consciousness”, you denote as “conscious activity”.

GOD doesn’t know of such a conscious activity, as HE hasn’t got an organic body and therefore
cannot become active in this manner. But GOD uses other possibilities. HE stimulates every atom
and every spiritual VIBRATION through HIS will.

Accordingly, GOD is a spiritual TRANSMITTER, who sends his WAVES throughout the universe
and initiates reactions through innumerable FREQUENCIES or keeps them under control. At the
very moment this CENTRAL cosmic TRANSMITTER of coercive INTELLIGENCE would stop its
function, the whole universe would have to become utter chaos and would collapse within itself and
disintegrate, as the GREAT LAW, the GLUE that binds it all, would be missing.

Man can’t disturb this TRANSMITTER or stop it from functioning. He can only disturb certain
areas, which are supplied by the TRANSMITTER.

GOD has virtually the MASTER KEY to all rooms, even if the single rooms called “man”, has its
own key, it doesn’t fit any other room.

 The great UNIVERSAL SPIRIT GOD has access to all the memory of a person, if HE uses his
MASTER KEY to the cosmos.

It is at least some worldly progress that you recognise thought-transference (telepathy). Therefore,
thoughts must race through space invisibly. They move as delicate WAVES through the cosmos, but
they don’t emanate from the brain, but from the transcendental soul.

The THOUGHTS of GOD also race through space, but not everyone has gone to the trouble to
expand their range of reception to such an extend, that he can receive these WAVES, but it would
certainly be possible for everybody.

We, the inhabitants of UFO’S have developed these abilities greatly through exercise and receive our
best inspirations from the high WAVELENGTH of the THOUGHTS of the genial CREATOR - and
it was only through this, that we could build our spaceships!

All of this is very hard to explain, as your language is inadequate and you could absolutely not
imagine anything, if we would explain to you that the process, using your vowels and resonance,
would sound something like: “Sen-kuama-rieh-tan-tu”.

Every molecule, every atom and every x-particle is alive, as it’s spiritually receptive, if one uses the
correct spiritual language. This way, every atom and x-particle reacts intuitively. There are therefore
no miracles, but only a natural reaction of the x-particles, atoms and molecules, if they are
appropriately and positively “animated”.

The LAW inherent within these particles is binding, as long as the supply for these particles comes
from the whole cosmos, from divine WILL. But if another force opposes this supply, the behaviour
of the particle changes, it reacts more or less to the new spiritual transmission.

De-materialisation, telekinesis, levitation and magic apparitions of light are reactions to these kind

Matter used for spiritual TRANSMISSION is divine ORIGINAL MATTER, which one could
describe, with your wisdom, as an enormous, invisible and immeasurable LIGHT. The ENERGY is
enormous as it has the greatest power of penetration and range.

This invisible LIGHT fills all divine REGIONS of the universe and space; consciousness and actions
of thought are based on this material.

 GOD’S THOUGHTS as well as the thoughts of all other creatures are alive as cosmic LIGHT.

Error reigns

Nearly all the despots and responsible war experts of this planet are aware that nuclear test pose an
extreme danger to the continuity of mankind.

We have continuously mentioned this crime and warned you accordingly! - Our warnings were not
exactly ridiculed, but were regarded as an impossible demand.

The political past of this planet is horrific, and fear of superiority of the enemy governs all nations,
because on this Earth there are nations and not one closed humanity.

But you have not yet recognised the true, invisible enemy; rather, you don’t take him serious enough.
Races and nations have separated from each other. Earth was divided up and separately claimed by

 Birth decides the home, not the reincarnation on this star.

The borders are barricaded by a violent death; the machines are robots with neither heart nor soul,
which guard over these calamitous borders that separate brother from brother. Heart and soul are
missing along these borders and only show an interest in the insensitive execution of the gained
powers and further isolation of the various types of people.

The development of this humanity has gone in a number of directions, which in turn has separated
them quite a distance from each other. A unified path cannot be walked on, because one or the other
nation already travelled too far on a particular path would have to turn around so that they could
walk along the new path. This is an impossibility in your eyes, because the other nation has always
paved the way on the dangerous path already. To merge is impossible. This unique situation in
GOD’S universe has had the result, that all people on Earth walk on the wrong path and get lost.

The meaning of your nations is to threaten the neighbours.

Your science and technology have created options, adequate enough not just to kill people, but to
completely annihilate whole nations, yes even change the Earth into a cloud of ash.

For mankind, Earth is not a home anymore, but can be compared to death row, where everyone is
waiting for his execution, not knowing if it will be carried out today or tomorrow.

 Earth is not a divine PLACE for BETTERMENT, but a physical hell, where Lucifer has free
reign and willing helpers.

In such a situation, freedom is not possible!

We, people and creatures from the star METHARIA had to occupy ourselves with your problems,
trying to find a way out. Based on our own history, we can only ascertain that:

Error reigns!

If one nation would disarm, the other nation would triumph. To give up one’s power would really
mean to bow down and to hasten one’s downfall. Good will would be interpreted as weakness.
Humanity on Earth could only be saved, if we execute an example of our might, which would
completely upset your whole armament systems.

You would ask the question, could we really do this?

 We too have the means at our disposal to completely wipe out humanity on this Earth, without
risk of casualties on our side.

We have asked ourselves the question many times, if we would serve UNIVERSAL HUMANITY
by doing this, and if in the eyes of GOD, such a punishing action would be justified? Our
EXPERIENCE and INSIGHT answers this with an emphatic: No.

No nation on Earth is prepared to take the first steps of general disarmament and detente. As the
situation presents itself at the moment, even we, from the other planet of redemption, can’t
understand what you have given rise to, by your competitiveness to kill, that nobody wants to give
up one’s power, that is to say, one’s assume security. But a situation like that can’t be sustained for a
long time.

 Power is not security.

 Power is constant threat.
 There is only one POWER that doesn’t represent a threat: the great power of LOVE, as long as
this POWER doesn’t suddenly turn to hate.

We would dearly like to help you with unimaginable and enormous POWER of LOVE. But we have
come to realise long ago, that there can’t be LOVE without true KNOWLEDGE of GOD.

 The term or name GOD, CREATOR etc. can never be separated from the term LOVE. Because
wherever LOVE gains independence and separates itself from GOD, it soon turns to hatred.

This is where the whole problem of this humanity on Earth lies!


You have no real perception of GOD and of LOVE, and this is why you’ll never be free of all your
difficulties. The stronger your powers grow, the greater become your difficulties and the further you
separate yourselves from GOD and from LOVE.

We had large conferences on Venus dealing solely with the power struggles on Earth. We have also
come to the conclusion that there is only one way to rescue you. This rescue can only be non-violent
and this is why we are so extremely careful in our decision to maybe visit your Earth demonstrably,
according to one of our plans. We don’t want to be misunderstood. We certainly have no evil

The fact that mankind is incorrectly governed everywhere cannot be kept a secret nor can it be
distorted. You might show surprise, but you know this already. You will ask us the question: “Where
is one incorrectly governed?” - I say to you as a mediator between you and the people from other
stars: “Everyone is incorrectly governed everywhere on Earth!”

This is not intended to be a call to arms for a world revolution. Revolt has always had the same
negative results as war. Wherever carnage takes place, injustice reigns anyway. It’s not the idea that
does the fighting all the time, but sin.

 War is anger that would like to appease itself through destruction.

But as you are not willing or able to give up your lust for war and to mutually apply yourselves to
progress, you must disarm something else. Don’t be horrified about what I’m a going to recommend
to you by order of a divinely aligned HUMANITY:

Disarm your false religion!

This doesn’t imply that one should separate from GOD or from the TRUSTEE of this Earth, JESUS
CHRIST, nor from BUDDHA or other great FOUNDERS of RELIGION.

 But you are lacking the elemental KNOWLEDGE about creation, about the spiritual and
physical life of man and this applies also to your fathers of the Church and your preachers.

Our RELIGION is not about the investigation of the existence of GOD, but an close association
with all existing human souls, whether they’re to be found in a visible or invisible, in this or that
sphere, on this or another PLANE of VIBRATION.

 RELIGION means: The veneration of GOD in living MAN.

You don’t have the prerequisites for the disarmament of your terrible tools of destruction anymore.
But you do have the power and the prerequisites to disarm, to simplify and to verify your more or
less fantastic religions so that everybody can understand the TRUTH. If you go along the road of
organized world peace, then the disarmament of all adverse installations and machines will follow

One of the brutal governments on your Earth has recognised that earthly religion instigates
pronounced harm and is therefore on their list of banned institutions. But the same government
didn’t just distance itself from false priesthood, but at the same time rejected the golden granule
called TRUTH.

 The hatred of past mistakes has unfortunately lead to spiritual blindness.


After all, GOD is not elected states-president, unless the people come to HIM. But we come as
MISSIONARIES of SPACE RELIGION and bring you KNOWLEDGE of eternal life and an
existence in the realm of GOD, which encompasses innumerable stars.

Wayfarers of this Earth - do not turn into blind and crippled beggars, then the mighty of your
planets humanity will be small, when they realise that they haven’t past their test on Earth.

Many of you want the same as the major antagonist of GOD wants, namely to make people, the
brother, sick and to destroy him, body and soul. You call every elemental spirit “devil” or “Lucifer”.
What shall I call those brothers and sisters on Earth, which do exactly the same?

Your force is directed against innocent nations, against those who toil arduously and have no say in
matters of life and death. Your force, concentrated in your state administrations, has the power to
eradicate false doctrines. The disarmament of false doctrine and prophets, that is to say, dangerous
errors, is your highest duty of state, it demands faithfulness to absolute TRUTH, which represents a
duty to the great CREATOR of the universe and everything that exists.

You already know the real TRUTHS, but they are ridiculed or quashed as hypothetical nonsense.
People with a negative attitude in fine and meaningful positions repeatedly come up with new and
fishy excuses, to twist, to minimise or to destroy these TRUTHS.

Fishy excuses can sound very intelligent indeed and lies too can sound highly logical. The
application of high intelligence doesn’t necessarily have to be positive, it doesn’t have to strike at the
heart of the TRUTH. In your case, high intelligence is at work to discredit the highest concepts of
existence and to bring about inescapable chaos, because this intelligence is misused by high, but
negative spiritual powers of the cosmos.

The TRUTH towering above all political objectives is as follows:

 There exists a spiritual POWER, which is the bearer of an unimaginable thinking

INTELLIGENCE, whose willpower can decisively influence everything in existence. In the
English language, this POWER is called: G O D .

All mankind’s throughout the universe are made out of the same substance, the same light as the
UNIVERSAL SPIRIT - and are therefore DIVINE.

Mankind is not something special, restricted only to this Earth, but distributed throughout the
universe. The levels of development are different and adapted to the firmness of the respective
physicality. All human beings have a tri-level existence.

(1) Soul with fluid (spiritual) body.

(2) Soul with fluid (spiritual) and physical body.
(3) Soul with purified LIGHT BODY.

Reincarnation (born into flesh) happens by degrees, according to the LAWS of spiritual
development, for as long as it takes to overcome a planetary level. According to these LAWS, man
will return to Earth until he has redeemed his own mistakes (karma) - to then be introduced to a
HIGHER LEVEL, after some preparations. We, the UFO occupants, respectively METHARIER,
that is to say, people from another star, have thankfully reached already.

 After a life on a planet, a fluid (spiritual) existence follows immediately, with an impaired
individuality of consciousness. Only the activities of the senses can be handicapped, if the
appropriate spiritual advanced development is missing.
 As reincarnation takes place, the capacity to remember the many negative attributes gained in a
previous life expires.
 But negative attributes can be regained.

After reincarnation and physical death, the remembrance of many physically and spiritually
experienced levels of existence occurs after some time.

Everyone thinks and acts individually - but his perceptions are not individual, they’re the same for

A higher level of sensorial talent is possible and desirable for every soul.

 Whatever someone gained spiritually during a lifetime, isn’t lost, it is his SOUL’S PROPERTY.


We have been in close contact with the INTELLIGENCE of the invisible universe for thousands of
years. The SPIRITUAL WORLD continues to give us the MISSION to take care of the destiny of
planet Earth and all its people. We, the people from neighbouring star, have the deepest empathy for
all those people, who suffer because of these errors.

We have promised ourselves and our communal UNIVERSAL SPIRIT to consider and utilise every
appropriate possibility, to bring you positive HELP. First and foremost is the possibility of
influence, which happens with technical supported telepathy.

 We will certainly not attack you, but we have all intentions to interfere, if the people of this star,
in their entirety are exposed to serious danger.

 Day X is the moment, when mankind on Earth begins with its own destruction. At this point in
time, we will concentrate all our might on planet Earth.

If such HELP wouldn’t be possible, our MISSION would be at an end and the CREATOR would
have the LAST WORD.

This is all about a contest between superior spirits.

Even though we cannot know the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT’S LAST WORDS, we believe that we have
some idea, and we have taken it into consideration at all our conferences on Venus.

The spiritual world has been informed that GOD is preparing a special sphere, in case HE has to
have the LAST WORD in the matter between Lucifer and mankind.



Contact with SETUN SHENAR (Representative of ASHTAR SHERAN)

Dear SETUN SHENAR, we great you with all our heart and we can tell you that thousands of
people are waiting for you, are praying for you and are with you in thoughts and dreams. We are
grateful that you care about us and that you are endeavouring to help us - and that we are allowed to
have contact with you. We are happy to work with you and are willing to be your mouthpiece, when
you have something to say to mankind.

ARGUN : I write through the medium of the UFO entity, SETUN SHENAR.

SETUN : PEACE ACROSS ALL FRONTIERS, my brothers and sisters on this glorious but
however damaged planet. Please ask your questions quickly as I’m pressed for time. 1

Question : You know the structure of our legislation, administration and jurisdiction. Can you please
tell us in a few short sentences, how this applies to you?

SETUN : On our home planet METHARIA, nobody professes to be a judge, but might function as
an attorney, judgment however is passed down by the jurisdiction from the world
beyond, with which we have excellent contact on a continuous bases.

Question : Do you have written laws or do you have customs, traditions and education that are
anchored in law?

SETUN : Just like you, we have written laws, but these laws can be changed, if rational reasons are
presented. We are not conservative, but we still have traditions.2

Question : Who carries out the legislation and makes the changes?

SETUN : We co-ordinate with the world beyond, they have a better perspective.

Question : Do you also have TEN DIVINE COMMANDMENTS? Do these COMMANDMENTS

coincide with ours?


GOD IS LOVE, GOD IS OUR CREATOR, strive to emulate HIM!

Question : Which agency is responsible for the laws you created?

SETUN : Agency? - Well, we are not as complicated as you are. They are always very educated,
selected and deserving people of our world, selected to make these decisions and
continuous changes.

One of these days, when your world is morally on the same level as ours, everything will
be very simple; you don’t need a large police force or agencies, as you call them.

Question : When you made contact with your friend Adamski, why did you hand him just some
small items, like vases instead of some convincing piece of technology?
SETUN SHENAR comes to us in his astral body as a separation from the physical body is dangerous and time consuming.
The automatically written answers are instantaneously and the hand is guided very rapidly. The medium has no time to think and is surprised by every
question and answer. These seances are no secret. The American spiritualists Mark Probert Controls have been in psychic contact with UFO’S since
1950. Similar contacts exist in England.

SETUN : We don’t want to go into this. It is of no importance. We are not a variety show. We’re
more into clarifying things and we instruct in our own way, but suddenly it all gets out of

Question : Can you tell us more about gravity, which you control so very well? We would be able to
impress with this kind of information a lot better than by showing some vases, the way
Adamski did. We need information so that science starts to listen and says: “This is
right.” We then would have convincing evidence.

SETUN : In all of our science there is nothing more extensive and complicated than gravitation and
levitation. With our present state of technology, it takes special words to explain to you
the many possible applications of the gravitational forces. You would have to be inducted
in our language, as we can’t find the appropriate words in your languages.

Question : Do small satellites, for example those we send into orbit, or smaller meteorites in space,
have their own gravity as a body?

SETUN : Yes, they have this without doubt. If a small satellite is stationary in space, it only seems
to do so. It orbits the Earth - and if this satellite sends a smaller satellite in close
proximity, the smaller satellite will circle the larger one; but it depends on the material
and the size. It can also be attracted and crash into the larger satellite. In all of these
processes, the rotation of the larger satellite is of great importance.

Question : If we send a rocket to the moon for instance, can it attract smaller fragments from space,
which could maybe circle it and then crash into it?

SETUN : Yes, certainly.

Question : In a case like that, do the fragments penetrate or circle the rocket?

SETUN : It depends on the way these fragments approach the rocket, whether they just graze the
rocket or are on a direct collision course, it also depends on the material the rocket is
made of. One can construct a rocket in a way that it would repel meteors.

Question : Are your experiences with rockets already behind you?

SETUN : For certain! This is way in our past. It is also an incorrect and expensive way.

Question : Can you tell us something about our rocket research, respectively, what were your
conclusions about your own trials?

SETUN : We have come to the conclusion that rockets represent a technical pastime that gobbles
up money like nobody’s business.

Question : Could this mean that our rockets are not suitable for space travel?

SETUN : The problems of space travel cannot be solved in this way. The way to achieve this is
completely different. In this respect, your technology hasn’t got the foundation; it has
chosen the wrong directions, most of the time.

In our opinion, space travel is for you a subordinate problem, as you have completely
different worries, whose alleviation is much more important than your rockets. What use
is it to you, if you can fly throughout the universe and still be afraid of death?

There are actually politicians and scientists on Earth who occupy themselves with the
idea to emigrate to another star, to then explode the Earth to its complete destruction
from an assumed safe distance.

Question : Will we be able to reach another star through our tests?

SETUN : With the rocket propulsion system, “missiles” can be launched to the moon, but for the
transportation of people, these rockets are completely unsuitable. Gravity has to be
regulated on a large scale to guarantee the survival of people on a long space journey.

As mentioned before, we solved the problem of space travel with the help of de-
materialisation. You simply can’t grasp this possibility, because your haven’t got the
necessary experience with the grouping and dissolving of arranged atoms into a more
solid form.

Observe our spaceships, which can change their form during flight, very carefully. We
can make molecular and atomic changes at any time. We change solidified LIGHT
(matter) into flowing LIGHT, this makes the periphery of the flying objects light up

The tragic of Earth

Question : Can you tell us something about the representative arts on your planet?

SETUN : We have various categories of art. Please pick one of them!

Question : Let’s take the theatre as we have it, for instance. What I mean to say is, is there any
acting going on?

SETUN : The art of acting is going to be as old as the humanity of all planets.

Question : Do you have plays, musicals or something similar the way we have them?

SETUN : No, nothing like that. As our technical possibilities are completely different, they are
more ideally suitable for plays and have a more comprehensive content.

Question : How are your artists discovered and promoted?

SETUN : The spectators play a large part in the production. Our theatres are especially equipped
for this and the manuscripts worded accordingly. The spectators plays an active part
whilst sitting down and have therefore more involvement in the play.

Question : I take it that you know a few of our theatres. Can you give us an opinion on them?

SETUN : You theatres are very nice, but unfortunately not large enough. Apart from that, your
stages should be circular. Our theatres are of different constructions, especially in the
construction of the stage. We have theatres for examples, which are build so that the

spectators in their seats, can move right across the stage, turn left and right so that they
can observe everything more closely. The proceedings on stage can sometimes extend
across a number of rooms, it is therefore more of a rooms-levels-stage.

Question : Do you have musicals or operettas comparable to our musical performances? Or are there
other contents for you performances?

SETUN : Yes, we also have similar musical performances. But at the moment, stage productions
dealing with the tragic situations and the population of Earth are especially popular.

We are very well informed about everything that is happening on your star and it is an
exciting but devastating example for us. Similarly to the way you have an interest in
dramas and plays, which depict the seriousness of life in certain situations, the terrible
events on your star give us enough material so we can grapple with your problem of
mutual destruction.

The conditions on your Earth give us a certain excitement in our theatres, and keep
everybody in suspense. It is not utopia, but a devastating truth, even if it is on another
star, we show a lot of interest in.1

Question : What is the sense, the object and the aim of your acting?

SETUN : First and foremost as entertainment, but also as art and above all, as indoctrination.

Question : Are there any public dance events your planet?

SETUN : GOD arranged it very peculiarly. There are two legged, intelligent entities, that is to say
people, born on different planets and they quite often don’t know about one another, but
there still are a lot of parallels. As an example, we like to dance just as much as you have
liked to dance for eons of time. But our dance remains within the boundaries of harmony.
There are no ecstasies or senseless throwing around of limbs, which nearly border on
lunacy, as it happens with you. Dance emerges from feelings.

Your dance events, more so your dances show us clearly that the people on Earth,
especially the young generation, has no control and becomes ever more disharmoniously,
until it has used up all its nervous energy. Music also plays a large part in this.

Music and dance should not tax the nervous system, but should be a finding of oneself in
beautiful harmony. From this harmony, LOVE should grow. But how can LOVE and
harmony grow from your dance concerts and your physical exertions? You don’t look at
the deeper meaning of such pleasures, you’re only after money and crazy sensations.

 By continuously looking for something new, you disfigure and mangle in a terrible
way everything old that was still in tune with harmony and LOVE.

We get the feeling that we are actually dealing with very small, inexperienced and
disobedient children, which one doesn’t like to punish, but which one can’t allow the
smallest of liberties because they get up to mischief and endanger the whole house. You
It is really distressing to hear from the space brothers that mankind provides the themes for the great theatre tragedies
played on the stages of other planets, to capture the imagination of the spectators. People from Earth, where is your
sense of shame, exposed like that to the universe of GOD?

certainly haven’t got a place in the HOUSE of GOD, then disobedient children like that
are send to the filthy courtyard.

But GOD surely knows how to bring you up.

We offer an example.

Follow our example without ridiculing us.

The atom and its potential

Question : For writing and printing and for many other applications, we use paper as a medium.
What sort of medium do you use for those kinds of applications?

SETUN : We also have a kind of paper. One cannot really call it paper. But we also have a very
thinly pressed material, like your paper, made out of synthetic material. It comes in
various qualities, it’s either produced so it can easily be torn or so that it’s indestructible.

Question : What is the basic material used to make this paper, which would have to be produced in
large quantities?

SETUN : As a building material we have “atoms”, which we arrange and group, as we want it. But
we naturally have a different name and concept for “atom”.

Question : Do you also have deposits of coal on your star?

SETUN : If we condense some of the freely available “atoms” floating in space and rearrange them
according to our requirements, that is to say, group them, we virtually create materials
from nothing. We can give these fairly variable forms, to some extent. But we are still
pretty much at the beginning with this invention. We only just started to delve into this.
This process uses enormous equipment and excellent workmanship, they are absolutely
necessary for these experiments. Our technology has completely different possibilities,
they are less dangerous.

Question : Do you exploit the raw materials on your planet in a similar fashion as we do here on

SETUN : No, but we have in parts depleted the resources of our star very much, but since this new
invention in regards to the controlled grouping of free atoms, it will soon not be
necessary anymore to harvest materials from the subsurface of our planet.

Question : Does this mean that food is also produced from these freely available atoms?

SETUN : Yes, we have been doing this for quite some time, but only selected items of food. We
know of no contamination happening during the conversion process, as it occurs
unfortunately in your case.

Question : Do you have any comments about our technology?


SETUN : You are much too complicated, even if not dumb on this subject. If one takes your
opportunities into consideration, you achieve an enormous amount. But this path will
lead you only slowly towards simplicity. But in a lot of ways, you are on the right path.

Question : Which branch of technology is the right one, so we can advance?

SETUN : Your equipment becomes ever more beautiful in shape, smaller and more practical. You
are even starting to miniaturise and round things off, I’m now talk about furniture and

Question : Are your large enterprises owned by the state or are they in private hands?

SETUN : It may sound communistic, even if isn’t communism in your sense of the meaning, but
they are owned by the people.

Question : Do you have political parties?

SETUN : No, we have gone beyond that. Party politics is a conflict without an end.

To be righteous is everything

Question : Are there certain power struggles between employers and employees, the way they are
the norm here on Earth?

SETUN : Yes, very frequently, but it never happens that anybody looses their cool and fails to play
their part. Common sense has always prevailed up to now, and an acceptable solution for
both sides has always been found. The harmony between people may not be disturbed by
just demands. To be righteous is everything. You lack trust in justice and this with good

Question : How are the prices of your products determined and who decides them?

SETUN : The price is determined by the quality of the product, its availability or lack thereof.
Machines generate the prices.

Question : Are people disadvantaged by unjust prices or speculations?

SETUN : Never, a machine is inequitable. As our economy is not interest based, the prices
calculated by machines can be trusted. Man is a higher, I mean to say, the highest being
in creation, created for physical life. Man has a claim for absolute justice, in this and the

Question : There are a lot of people who believe in the “theory of apes”. If this were the case, there
would have to be apes living on other planets capable of sustaining life?

SETUN :  Darwin’s theory of evolution is complete nonsense.

There have never been creatures like that where we come from, but there have been
others. The fact that such human-like creatures live on this star is for us definite proof

that the great antagonist and archenemy of GOD resides here permanently. He also has
his respective image. He appears to be full of humour and harmless, but he is two-faced
and of dual character. One might as well assume that because of our organic similarities
to all warm blooded animals, material, respectively physical man evolved from there.
Nearly all animals have a heart and kidneys, excrete faeces and reproduce along the same
lines. Organs are life support systems adapted to living conditions. - You are looking for
the origin of man and you look at the lower spectrum of the animal world. The phases of
development of the embryo have nothing to do with the creation of mankind. The origin
of mankind is not to be found on this star.

Question : Does the absolute monopoly of the monetary based economy hinder the development on

OTHAR SHIIN: Earning money is a comprehensible concept. What isn’t comprehensible is the
mishandling of the gained assets. Whoever gained a certain state of affluence is obligated
to make contributions to welfare; otherwise he is systematically eliminated from the
community and loses any rights of co-determination, as you might say, he loses his civil
rights through sheer self-interest. All citizens safeguard against this judicial decision,
otherwise they would find themselves at the end instead of the beginning of their

Question : Does this mean that assets are charged with a welfare tax?

OTHAR SHIIN: No, this is not the way to interpret this. Contributions to welfare are completely
voluntarily. The prosperous can decide the good purpose their money should go to. He
donates it freely, but is still obligated to do so if he wants to exist and be respected as a
human being within the community.

When doubt creeps in (by H. V. Speer)

The reader might have asked themself the question, where from and how these MESSAGES from
our SPACE BROTHERS came to us. The messages are psychic, but unfortunately only very few
people know the great importance of the word “psychic”. Even a respected scientist will only accept
the things his mind understands, in what he believes and what his own experience teaches him, or
what can be impeccably repeated in an experiment.

But if the respected scientist is incorrectly informed and under no circumstance wants to believe in
GOD, and if he is of a contradictory nature and hasn’t been able to gain any experiences of his own
in the psychic (paranormal) field, how can he make comments about supernatural possibilities or
facts bordering on miracles (they actually are miracles), which are happening outside of all our
known laws? - Occultism has to fight against these sort of difficulties. The Christian Church never
overcame these difficulties.

Well known psychologists have always preferred to place anything supernatural down to the sub
conscience of man. The fault with this is that this consciousness in man, respectively in the physical,
visual man is made of, is assumed to be there. But we shouldn’t forget that radio waves, as carriers
and transmitters of many broadcasts, pass right through the body, without leaving a visible trace.
Therefore the human organism is just a guided, remotely controlled tool, where the central control is
not located in the brain, but outside the physical. The brain with all its neural connections functions
only as a relay and interactive organ to the whole body.

The soul as the true perceptual organ is cosmic and receives its VITALITY from the cosmos. Why
does an amputee still feel his lost limbs? (Phantom pains) It is inconceivable to him at first that he
should have lost a limb, as he didn’t register a change. This important realisation has been recorded
very extensively in literature. There might be a few errors present, but the fact that there is life after
death is not affected by these mistakes.

Experiences in the field of the paranormal confirm most of these conclusions. It is not the exercise of
these messages to give instructions about the supernatural abilities of man. There are enough
specialized journals available. What is of importance is that these MESSAGES from UFO’S have
come to us through the astral mode. There are very young, uninfluenced but well experienced people
at our disposal, to bring you these MESSAGES. They are honorary mediators, which are capable of
complete separating from their own resolve, so they can be utilised by invisible INTELLIGENCES.

 It is of the utmost importance to deal with this problem, as herein lies the actual source of the

Because of the previously mentioned reasons, the “Revue”, a magazine issued in Munich, in its 30th
edition from the 26th of July, 1958, thought it important enough to produce a special pictorial
edition about the establishment of these UFO MESSAGES by both mediums of the Medialer
Friedenskreis Berlin. This report is titled: “Monika Speer talks to space”.

Many of the readers of these UFO MESSAGES know that both mediums are absolutely trustworthy.
Their psychic ability is not questioned. But the readers still ask themselves, if this on its own,
guaranties the security, that one is not dealing with a misdirection from the netherworld. We have to
take this suspicion into consideration and create clarity; otherwise these messages are worthless.

The following reasons support the TRUTH:

The mediums have been tutored by the OTHER WORLD for seven years, without gaining any
material advantage for themselves. The LEADERSHIP from the other side has demonstrated with
their excellent INDOCTRINATIONS, that the willingness to help us was in every way above-board.
About 1,000 protocols bear witness for the high, Christian preparedness and LOVE, to indoctrinate,
to warn the human race and to raise us to a higher spiritual and moral, as well as social level.

These MESSENGERS of LIGHT, the mediums promote a first-rate friendship with, also introduced
the SPACE BROTHERS into the circle and provided the necessary escort through the lower,
invisible Earth spheres, where dangers lurk.

It is unthinkable that these proven spirits (MESSENGERS of LIGHT or TEACHERS from the
OTHER SIDE), with their high state of purification, would allow themselves to be used for quite
evident hoaxes and lies. The special kind of flying saucers they announced, were actually spotted in

 The UFO occupants cannot be summoned, they appear unannounced, when it suits them!

 The pressure applied during automatic writing varies. The UFO occupants have different
graphical characteristics and guide the hand in a dissimilar fashion than the SPIRITS.

Whoever would like to know more about the UFO occupants, should red the three highly interesting
factual reports: Nicht von dieser Erde, (Not from this world) Part 1-4, published by Herbert Viktor

Speer. These reports include a number of psychically drawn pictures by the MESSENGER of
LIGHT, JOHN SHERIDAN. The medium was Uwe Speer.

The way of angels

We people from far off worlds know that your spiritual guardians deal with our existence and hold
the belief that we are angels. One thing is for certain, our forefathers have visited you ages ago.

We UFO occupants - as you like to call us, of late we even have been called IFO - are not GOD’S
angels. We don’t want to be confused with these BEINGS of LIGHT, as that would be
BLASPHEMY. But we are very close to GOD’S SPIRIT WORLD, exchange thoughts and plans and
allow ourselves to be instructed and act on behalf of these radiant BEINGS, because GOD’S SPIRIT
WORLD has very little contact with the physical.

 We’re a link between the spiritual and the physical world.

Many, many years ago, your world also had such a link to the astral plane, as an example, your
beloved CHRIST you have a lot to be thankful for, who in spite of his suffering maintained contact
with the HIGHER SPHERES of the glorious OTHER WORLD.

In spit of many warnings, the people on Earth have continuously allowed themselves to be duped by
the visible world. True happiness isn’t found in physical, but in spiritual possessions, one of them
decomposes while the other continues.

You look at things from your perspective and are continuously deceived, especially by your inverted
measurement of time. Many think it unnecessary to bother with spiritual treasures, because they’re
hooked on mockery, but you risk your physical life for material possessions.

Your poor spiritual attitude brought forth many incurable deceases. Earth’s citizens also believe that
they haven’t got enough time, so they amass and own things, above all, they want to take advantage
of all their abilities gained on Earth as quickly as possible and their thoughts and actions end up
being superficial.

We UFO occupants, we’re actually called METHARIANS, know very precisely, that time is endless,
divided into separate sections of development and we can never loose our acquired abilities, nor can
we miss out on something someone has achieved before us.

The highest ability and the highest KNOWLEDGE are on a very specific level of our existence, that
is our Insight. Whatever we have learned and experienced stays with us, and we take it with us on
our journey to the other side, where our experiences will also advance our development. But we
leave our material possessions with those still living a physical life, we are not unhappy about this -
and we also do not grieve over our departed ones, because we know with absolute certainty, that
they continue to exist in another LAND, but are still connected with us. If it were different, the
whole creation of GOD would be senseless and a waste of time and effort.

But you believe unimaginable nonsense in our point of view, namely that a universe of unimaginable
dimension and grandeur exists, unreachable for you, because people exist only on Earth and they
soon turn to ash and dust, without leaving behind a LIFE ENERGY, nor a soul or consciousness that
could survive this destruction and decay. But your ignorant Churches teach you about a resurrection,
you shouldn’t know if it will take place in a few hours or in hundred of thousands of years.

Above all we know that we couldn’t kill a person. We can probably push him out of his physical
body, but we know too well, that the bell will also toll for us one day and that we would inevitably
meet up with our victims. The victims waiting for your are too many to count. You have no idea
what it means to meet all those you begrudged a life on Earth.

You are terribly frivolous and frightfully brash, because you believe in the vengeance of a GOD, but
experience tells you that a GOD of vengeance doesn’t exist. This doesn’t mean that there isn’t a
GOD of LOVE. But this GOD of LOVE has his LAWS and you know that these LAWS are binding,
even more binding on the enormous planes of the spirit. _ Just listen to your negative philosophers,
they were masters at limiting life’s experiences. Therefore listen to them, if you want to blaspheme
GOD and his HELPERS.

 We have no philosophy, only life’s experiences.

Human thought on its own is not enough. There are people amongst you who have found their way
back to GOD - and they feel this brilliant connection that pulls the veil from their eyes. They warn
you in HIS NAME, but you don’t believe them, because this planet is a star of falsehood, where all
fallen spirits mess about.

Human kind on Earth is our patient and a very impatient and vicious one at that, who doesn’t want to
take the prescribed medicine, because it’s a bitter pill to swallow. He doesn’t want to follow the diet
we recommend. But the thermometer indicates a maleficent fever.

One expects our arrival today or tomorrow, as a belligerent army of soldiers who have to carry out a
great invasion on day X. One expects us as if our world was made from the same substance as

Well, it doesn’t work like that. -

We would certainly be in a position to surprise you like that. But it would tax our wellbeing too
much. You also wouldn’t enter a chamber filled with poisonous gas without researching and
analysing this gas first. We act exactly the same. We send our spaceships to investigate and collect a
lot of samples from your atmosphere. We then build the equipment that should make a longer stay
on your Earth possible, accordingly. Could you for instance walk on the bottom of the ocean, just
climb out of a submarine and converse with sharks? We can’t do this either. This is why we stay in
our large spaceships in space and only send our small shuttlecraft down into Earth’s atmosphere.

I said that we couldn’t even talk on a personal level, it would be like a conversation under water. We
therefore lie down and go to sleep and concentrate our astral body out of our physical body with the
help of a ray machine, to visit you like the angels do. (See picture on page ?) HIGH SPIRITUAL
ENTITIES from the realm of GOD are our PROTECTORS and COMPANIONS. We place our trust
in specifically chosen and authorized LIGHT ENTITIES, who lead us to qualified mediums.

But there is unfortunately a nearly insurmountable problem. You have no idea about these kind of
invisible visitations. This is why we visit people and circles on your Earth who understand
something about and experiment in this field. But the ignorant imagine themselves to be smart and
laugh about it.

One of the greatest dangers for you is the fact that you have completely negatively orientated all
your large communications media. Radio, newspapers, television and also motion pictures are all

dangerous instruments capable of generally poisoning peoples minds, as many useless people are at
work not just spreading mistakes, but also unequalled devilries.

The world of invisible existences is much more extensive than you guess, and if it wouldn’t exist,
your body wouldn’t have a soul, no spirit, no thoughts and actually no conscious I (ego). - Research
the field of the invisible intelligence and you’ll achieve much more than by spending billions on
death and destruction.

 Don’t waste your time with super-mass-murder, but concentrate on SUPER-MASS-LIFE, which
fills the whole universe.

What does freedom really mean?

OTHAR SHIIN: Dear brothers and friends, dear sisters on this star GOD equipped with beauty and
richness. We know what moves you, what your aim is and what obstacles you have created for

The volition of man is not always the volition of GOD and the power of man is far from being the
power of GOD. You have destroyed substantial elements of your gained insight. Distorted remnants
in the shape of demonic dances and necromancy indicate a long forgotten knowledge. Man is
intelligent enough to realise that the whole design and operation of nature is ACCORDING to a
PLAN and ORDERLY, according to permanent LAWS. But man is dumb enough to deny himself
the belief in this order and systematics.

But man belongs more than ever into this divine SYSTEMATICS and ORDER - and his existence is
not an automatic occurrence, but a material VOLITION of GOD. Who would ever even consider
that a mechanical electro-brain would create itself? This technical miracle also needs an intelligent
creator, namely a human being, who in turn is also a work of GOD.

You once knew your mission and the divine PLAN, but your priests have simply and unscrupulously
struck the knowledge about reincarnation from divinely revealed KNOWLEDGE. You now moan
because of the consequences of this malicious abnegation of a UNIVERSAL EXISTENCE. Now
this divine freedom is getting dangerous for you and you’re seduced into misusing it.

 Your religions have managed to restrict the freedom of man and to detain him in a web of lies
and false promises.

Your religion teaches you to sin. Your religion based on lies states: Pray and ask GOD for
forgiveness and your sins will be forgiven. Planet Earth’s citizens now make use of this promise.
They keep on sinning and believe that a few words can undo everything, because GOD is LOVE.
This is the most brazen demand asked of the great CREATOR and it makes us all blush with
embarrassment, because we are also human beings and you are our brothers.

 The is no other forgiveness than to change a sinner into a better person. Universal justice is
unimaginable and untouchable. Whoever doesn’t accomplish the change to the better will be
immersed in this misery until he’s had enough of it, and turns from the darkness towards the

I warn you urgently: Freedom is dangerous, because your false assessment encourages you to misuse
this freedom. Do not regard your earthly existence as a gamble. -

The penchant for communistic freedom is destined to fail, because there is no communism without
accepting that there is also a spiritual man. There is no communism without GOD, then communism
really means: A just existence for everybody.

Have you ever come across justice without regards to the LAWS of GOD? The so-called Eastern
Block politics has distanced itself from Church religion and this with some justification in view of
the false doctrines and the sanctimonious behaviour within the Church. But a dangerous gap
appeared, which is now being filled with inhuman behaviour. By rejecting the false priesthood,
mistaken thinkers have actually rejected GOD as well.

But now global communism confuses the term freedom with intemperateness. One party can only be
a certain part and never the whole. One part can never be the only correct goal. Therefore don’t
engage in party politics, but in universal politics. Follow our example and finally adapt yourselves.
Don’t exhibit national pride, but avow to UNIVERSAL PRIDE, then EXISTENCE is larger than
your little Earth.

Picture: An irridation device at the space station of the METHARIANS affects the exit of the soul from a living
body. The rays penetrate the body from top to bottom. The UFO soul seeks to make contact with the medium if
the working circles. Copy of the psychically drawn original DIN A 3. Medium: Uwe Speer. Drawn by the
MESSENGER of LIGHT JOHN SHERIDAN. Due to multiple copying the quality has unfortunately suffered.



I know that all people do not like to hear the word GOD. Somehow people are afraid that they could
come under suspicion of believing in GOD. They know that GOD is not held in high esteem and
therefore don’t want to be looked upon as outsiders. This is sadly the way of modern man, he
participates in everything the masses consider to be all right. This is why atheism is fashion and we

as TEACHERS, find it difficult to remind you over again that there is really a CREATOR.
BELIEVERS in GOD are labelled fools.

Well, it can’t go on like that, otherwise is spells the end of progress on this world.

Instead of GOD, I could use different terms, for example providence or nature. If you prefer the term
nature, nothing really changes, then GOD is really the same as nature. But you are not too sure about
the difference between natural and unnatural.

Whatever is natural is also divine. But everything that is unnatural, is not nonsense, but the opposite
of divine, it is antagonistic towards GOD.

 This is why unnatural people are antagonistic towards GOD.

 Everything evil is unnatural, because it is also antagonistic towards GOD.
 Sin is unnatural and therefore many of your present-day habits and passions are unnatural and
antagonistic towards GOD, that is to say, they are contradicting the wise PLAN of GOD.
 Abstract art is unnatural, therefore antagonistic towards GOD.
 Gruelling and nerve titillating dances are unnatural.

But LOVE, especially cooperativeness is natural. The UFO occupants are not unnatural, on the
contrary, they are very natural, because play a large part in GOD’S PLAN. Their flying saucers are
not unnatural, because they have been realised through inspiration from the divine realm.

When a psychic person suddenly sees a deceased relative or even telepathically exchanges a few
words, it couldn’t be considered unnatural at all, as he is in the realm of GOD. But if someone,
because of his negative attitude, blasphemes about it and twists the TRUTH into a lie, because he
wants to express his ungodly opinion by hook and by crook and force it onto other people, that is

The case of Lucifer is therefore unnatural and even for GOD unfathomable. But your nuclear tests
and especially your wars are unnatural, they offend GOD, because they don’t create anything but
destroy the created and constructed reality.

You don’t know about the enormous POWER SOURCES, from whence one can draw glory. They
are at the disposal of every creature. Such a POWER SOURCE is the sun. It is an unimaginable
power source, as light is the greatest power in the whole magnificent universe.

There are two variations of light, namely physical light and SPIRITUAL LIGHT.

Physical light is an ORIGINAL ENERGY. Particles of light rush through the longest of distances
and are extremely fast. Light has a high gravitation, similar to those of solid light bodies. It is a great
force of attraction, pulling every plant and everything in existence upwards. If you fire a rocket, you
know that it takes a lot of power to propel it forwards. But light is unbeatable in its power to move
forwards; it is more powerful than any kind of magnetism or electricity. The UFO occupants have
recognised this force and have thereby proceeded along the correct technical path, as gravity and
levitation are closely related to physical light.

The INVISIBLE LIGHT is even stronger, is has the pure POWER of GOD and is the carrier of
INTELLIGENCE. Its range and speed towers above anything that exists in the universe.

Please notice:

 Physical light with its secondary rays, like magnetism and electricity, acts vegetatively and
intuitively on all atoms and cells and controls and aligns them in groups.
 The PHYSICAL LIGHT provides the power and substance for all spiritual existence and the
POWER for every intelligent individuality.

It is a great mistake to assume that the physical can bring forth some kind of intelligence, with its
atoms and molecules it can’t even surpass magnetism and the conductivity of electrical impulses.

Organic life can never exist without SPIRITUAL LIGHT. Through these light oscillations, all
intelligent orders and individual expressions of life vibrate.

All light oscillations take place in lawful harmony. Where this harmony is disturbed, all vibrations
become unnatural and direct themselves against the LAW.

Your nuclear bomb explosions occur without LAWFUL harmony and go against divine ORDERS.
You can work it out for yourselves what the consequences which follow little by little, are going to
be, if the most important LAWS of CONTINUATION are thrown into confusion, respectively, if
they are ignored.

 GOD’S LAWS are laws of nature, they are natural and have to be obeyed.

 COMMANDMENTS are not LAWS, they should be obeyed.

Poor Earth

Question : Are we here on Earth, compared to others stars, really lagging behind by 1,000 years?

AREDOS: The METHARIANS are not a thousand years ahead of you. They have in fact taken a
different direction, a direction more in tune with GOD, with the result that it brought
them a higher and better technology in nearly the same time frame.

Question : Can we also go along the same technical road?

AREDOS: No, you have gone too far already in the wrong direction. You can’t just throw
everything on a heap and start anew. One can’t just start a new direction from somewhere
in the middle. The only possibility is to eliminate the biggest worldly ideologies. Some
of these are:
 The inaccuracies in religion,
 dogmas and the erroneous knowledge about the existence of the human soul.
 The doctrine of reincarnation has to be reinstated, ultra-existence and
 judgment day have to be correctly interpreted and
 GOD has to be acknowledged as thinking INTELLIGENCE with human like, but
enhanced sensory activity.

Question : The political opposition to this is much too strong here on Earth. How can we
accomplish these changes?

AREDOS: The political leaders gain all their knowledge from academic circles and institutions. But
as neither the circles nor the institutions are positively informed about cosmic TRUTHS,

they are lacking transcendental KNOWLEDGE. If these circles would finally take the
trouble to investigate the spiritual realm and include it amongst the empirical sciences
and at the same time eliminate the outdated philosophical errors of reasoning, the leaders
of states would become more careful and wouldn’t engage in negative patriotism.

Question : Are we, the people on Earth virtually condemned to a particularly tough existence?

AREDOS: You are certainly not condemned to this by the divine WORLD, but you reap to fruits of
your own labour. Even present day troublemakers and warmongers, atheists and negative
teachers will reap the fruits of their own sown seeds one day, if not already in this life
then in another. The radioactive contamination of the gene pool in people will be their
punishment. They have condemned themselves already, to vegetate as a wretched
creature, when life on this planet will have fundamentally changed. They’re not aware
that they are actually going to be the future generation that pays for past mistakes. To
curtail this terrible danger is the assignment of the METHARIANS.

Question : The future doesn’t therefore look rosy for Earth?

ARGUN : No, my dear friend, you may not say this. The Earth is wonderful and its inhabitants too.
Earth has beautiful and fragrant plants, beautiful animals and multifaceted life. GOD also
created it and it is no punishment to live on it. Only you can arrange it the way you want
it. It is in your hands and not in the hands of GOD. It hasn’t got more or less riches than
other stars. Therefore listen to the MESSAGES of the MESSENGERS of LIGHT and the

We warn you repeatedly: Don’t be godless!!

The PLAN of the CREATOR isn’t completed by a long shot, and all of us have to be
actively involved. But believe me, if all of us are filled with good intentions and give
GOD a helping hand instead of attacking HIM, his great antagonist will loose and good
will triumph. Then the day will come when Earth will orbit in space in serenity and
peace, free from war and suffering.

Question : If the UFO occupants arrive on Earth in the shape of an invasion to help us, will the
spilling of blood be unavoidable?

ARGUN : Oh yes. - Weapons won’t be used to fight, as you believe. What can weapons do against
an unshakeable BELIEF turned into empirical science? The UFO occupants will not shed
any blood, these are not the directives from the realm of GOD. They want to bring you
peace and not destruction.

 You have the support of the UFO occupants and that means GOD‘S HELP. Do not
reject this wonderful HELP and do not mock the UFO people, it would also be a

Question : Can you tell us the greatest obstacle arresting our advancement?

AREDOS: Yes, to make it short and clear: You make the huge mistake by wishing the “dead” an
eternal and peaceful sleep. No disembodied soul having shed its mortal coil, sleeps or
rests. On the contrary - immediately after death, the individual becomes uncommonly
lively. All spiritual functions run, as it were, flat out.

LOVE beyond all borders

AREDOS: People studying the bible have heard about the BATTLE of ARMAGEDDON. We deal
here with a visionary prophecy. This BATTLE is no saga, no myth, but a spiritual quarrel in a world
that is invisible to you. But this battle becomes more and more apparent on the physical plane of this

You don’t believe in GOD and therefore certainly not in the devil. But disregarding belief or
disbelief: Lucifer has lost all his positions in the spiritual realm and on the many stars in the universe
and is looking for a last refuge on this planet, where a spiritually retarded humanity helps him.
Lucifer fights with everything at his disposal to defend this Earth and to monopolise it.

It is the most tragic situation throughout the universe that most people on this Earth cannot grasp nor
want to believe what goes on behind the physical scenes on Earth.

Superstition or TRUTH, that is the question - and the answer is:

 Without GOD, everything transcendental is only superstition.

 With GOD, everything supernatural is the purest TRUTH possible.

The forces from heaven and hell are concentrating ever stronger on this Earth. The age you live in is
just as grandiose and troubled as to Noah’s times, when one third of the surface of the Earth sank
beneath the flood. GOD’S LAWS did’t annihilate any Indians (American) or native tribes, but the
well-advanced intelligence and technology of that era. People of culture, who rebelled against GOD,
foundered and drowned in these enormous floods.

But mankind didn’t disappear from Earth because of this.

 There are over two and a half billion souls reincarnated on this earth (1958) and there are many
souls amongst them who drowned in these floods.
 But the consequences from that time also have to be atoned for. Cancer, polio, pestilence and
cholera, typhoid and the flue - all of these terrible ailments are the results of this sin, as the
terrible contamination of the atmosphere by the frivolous hand of man made all of these woes
possible for the generations that followed.

GOD stands by his children. His LOVE emanates across all borders. HE draws his HELPERS from
the furthest regions of his universe and gives them instructions and power, so that they can look after
the destiny of this human race and to prove themself in the SERVICE of LOVE.

Politicians and scientists have always held religion in low esteem, they love power and control of
nations and find gratification in a barbarous game with death. These people bear reference to GOD,
when they initiate a war or when their own life is on the line.

LOVE ACROSS ALL BOUNDARIES is the highest LAW of the universe.

LOVE is identical to HARMONY and PEACE.



 Your borders kill LOVE and its barriers inhibit any humanness between the various nations.

Don’t regard the people living on the other side of a manmade border as your enemies. Whether
these people are black, yellow, red or white, whatever colour they may be, they are people with
rationality and feelings, enabling them to recognise GOD’S creation even if their cultures differ.

ASHTAR SHERAN: As the leader of the large spaceship flotilla “ACTION VENUS” I would like
to tell you that this great flotilla under my command, doesn’t represent a combat flotilla, but a
spaceship flotilla of UNIVERSAL PEACE:

 We don’t use force which can lead to enslavement or to the death of people.

Before the landing of our spaceships, the population of planet Earth should be enlightened as much
as possible so that they don’t have to face this grandiose phenomenon with complete horror and
ignorance. - This is our most difficult task.

We desire a well-balanced harmony and no disharmonious conflict. We distain any dispute and we
wouldn’t like to put at risk our great friendship with the HIGHEST WORLD, which guides us.

Mankind burdens our feeling of responsibility and out worldly conscience. Our prophets have
predicted everything and the visions they experienced have all come to pass with extraordinary

 This star is in great danger and its inhabitants even more so.

You are not interested in prophets but very interested in canons. Your religious guardians even have
the nerve to bless your tools of mass murder in the name of GOD the eternal LORD and MASTER
over life and death! - To use your words: “That’s the absolute limit!”

The holy hierarchy of ANGELIC BEINGS, which have to guard the whole universe, is psychically
tortured by your behaviour, something which is not repeated anywhere in the whole range of divine
EXISTENCE. I’m devastated to have this mission to censure a humanity that has fallen by the
wayside. We are all ashamed of the fact that we have brothers and sisters who share a common cause
in the service of the dark angel with his army of murderers and cutthroats, they are now psychically
and physically tormented to death.

We are used to uttering loving words. But my tongue is dry and my eyes are red when I have to
witness the conditions that dominate on this star. In the truest sense of the word: “It stinks to high

You had a divine ENVOY on Earth and you have preserved his DOCTRINES. But you mock these
DOCTRINES and ridicule GOD in the most unbelievable fashion, when you turn TRUTH into lies
in the name of the holy Christian church and consider a nuclear death as the only solution out of
your self-inflicted misery.

The ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, who’s responsible for the outcome of the devilish events played out
on Earth, is the General Field Marshall of this huge ACTION supported by GOD, mobilising all of
us. We have preferred the German language, because it suits us better.

The angel of darkness, the exiled bearer of light, the egotistic antagonist of GOD, lives spiritually on
this star. It is his last domicile and the great debt will have to be payed off right here on this Earth.

The phenomenon present in the firmament represent already a visible signal for the final conflict of a
quarrel that had its origin on another planet. This Earth is saturated with the blood of millions and
millions of people. The maleficent instincts of Lucifer have rampaged here. Here he has made his
threats come true.

 Pull yourselves free from the scoundrel and antagonist of GOD, who is clinging to you and has
brought his associates to this Earth, to carry out his grand scheme of destruction.

If you are still of sound mind, please don’t make it too hard for us. We are ready to help you in any
rational and possible way.

 Take notice of our WARNINGS and MESSAGES!

 There is not a lot of time to loose. We can bring you only a few of these MESSAGES. We will
only have a few more opportunities to do so.
 Look after your divine existence, it is of COSMIC importance and eternity.
 Don’t follow Lucifer into a darkness from which no CHRIST will be able to redeem you.
 Observe our spaceships and flying saucers, they prove to you, that you haven’t been abandoned.
 Pray that the difficult clash with the anti-spirit, with his unimaginable power and cunning, may
 Don’t increase his powers any more through your frivolousness and by humiliating and killing
your fellow man. Every drop of blood spilled on this Earth is a victory for the ungodly!

If mankind makes one mistake, the anti-spirit with its unimaginable concentration will win the day
on this planet. His victory would announce:



I don’t know what else I could say to you. - It is all in your hands now.





PREFACE BY THE PUBLISHER.....................................................................................................................................1


SCHEMATICS OF THE INTERPLANETARY ORGANIZATION.............................................................................3

INTRODUCTORY WORDS BY ASHTAR SHERAN.....................................................................................................4

IN MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM........................................................................................................................................4

ATTENTION! - ATTENTION! - CITIZENS OF EARTH!............................................................................................5

A HOT POTATO.................................................................................................................................................................6

THE IMAGE OF GOD........................................................................................................................................................7

LANGUAGE FAILS............................................................................................................................................................8

ERROR REIGNS................................................................................................................................................................12

DISARM YOUR FALSE RELIGION!............................................................................................................................14

OUR MISSION...................................................................................................................................................................16

CONTACT WITH SETUN SHENAR (REPRESENTATIVE OF ASHTAR SHERAN)..........................................17

THE TRAGIC OF EARTH...............................................................................................................................................19

THE ATOM AND ITS POTENTIAL..............................................................................................................................21

TO BE RIGHTEOUS IS EVERYTHING.......................................................................................................................22

WHEN DOUBT CREEPS IN (BY H. V. SPEER).........................................................................................................23

THE WAY OF ANGELS...................................................................................................................................................25

WHAT DOES FREEDOM REALLY MEAN?...............................................................................................................27

LIGHT IS ORIGINAL ENERGY....................................................................................................................................28

POOR EARTH...................................................................................................................................................................30

LOVE beyond all borders....................................................................................................................................................32

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