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First Examination

Name: _________________________________ Grade XI- AGUINALDO

I. Developing effective paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting
details. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. How do you call a group of sentences that deals with one particular idea?
a. Stanza b. Vocabulary c. Paragraph
2. How can a paragraph be defined?
a. By how it is brainstormed and written
b. By how the controlling idea and its support
c. By how long it is
3. Which is NOT a part of a paragraph?
a. Outline b. Topic c. Supporting Details
4. How do topic sentences function in paragraphs?
a. Topic sentences tell the reader the main idea of the paragraph.
b. Topic sentences reveal what the writer generally wants to propose,
argue, or explain
c. Topic sentences function both functions in A and B.
5. Why should there be supporting details?
a. To elaborate the topic sentence.
b. To give life to the sentence.
c. To give meaning to the sentence.
6. How can a topic sentence be supported?
a. By providing examples.
b. By providing opinions.
c. By providing dates.
7. When can a supporting detail be qualified as good?
a. If it is related to the topic.
b. If it expounds the topic.
c. If it is pleasant to hear.
8. Which property of an effective paragraph is observed when the sentences
in the paragraph are made sure to talk about a single idea?
a. Unity b. Coherence c. Organization
9. Which is observed when the sentences in the paragraph are well-
a. Unity b. Coherence c. Adequate development
10. Which is observed when the sentences in the paragraph are thoughtfully
arranged that it can be understood easily?
a. Unity b. Coherence c. Adequate development
Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live in. 2First, Canada has
an excellent health care system. 3All Canadians have access to medical
services at a reasonable price. 4Second, Canada has a high standard in
Education. 5Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged
to continue studying at a university. 6Finally, Canada’s cities are clean and
efficiently managed. 7Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space to
live. 8As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.

11. What sentence number is the topic sentence?

a. 1 b. 3 c. 5
12. What sentence numbers are the supporting details?
a. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 b. 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 c. 2,3,4,5,6,7
13. Which sentence number served as the conclusion?
a. 1 b. 4 c. 8
Many fast-food chains make their profits from adding a special ingredient called
“forget sauce” to their foods. 2Made largely from edible oil products, this
condiment is never listed on the menu. 3In addition, this well-kept industry secret
is the reason why ingredients are never listed on the packaging of victuals sold
by these restaurants. 4“Forget sauce” has a chemical property that causes
temporary amnesia in consumers. 5After spending too much money on barely
edible food bereft of any nutritional value, most consumers swear they will never
repeat such a disagreeable experience. 6Within a short period, however, the
chemical in “forget sauce” takes effect, and they can be depended upon to return
and spend, older but no wiser.

14. What sentence number contains the topic?

a. 1 b. 4 c. 6
15. What sentence number explained why the sauce is called “Forget
a. 2 b. 4 c. 5
II. Selecting and Organizing Information
16. Why should one learn selecting and organizing information?
a. To choose information from the many information available at the tips
of the fingers.
b. To prevent extremely valuable information from being dormant and not
helping at all.
c. To make writing as organized as possible.
17. The following are techniques in selecting and organizing information
EXCEPT one. Which one is the exception?
a. Brainstorming List
b. Graphic Organizers
c. Note-taking
18. Which technique is used if members of a group gather ideas
a. Brainstorming List
b. Graphic Organizers
c. Note-taking
19. What technique does not pressure to be brilliant?
a. Brainstorming List
b. Graphic Organizers
c. Note-taking
20. What technique is considered to be crucial that it should involve team, and
that everyone in the team must see what is happening?
a. Brainstorming List
b. Graphic Organizers
c. Note-taking
21. Chapman (2016) suggests to use this element to help in making notes
and diagrams clearer?
a. Number
b. Colors
c. Graphic Organizers
22. Which of the following will help students in successful learning?
a. Graphic Organizers
b. Diagrams
c. Learning Tools
23. Which of the following statements explains the importance of graphic
a. Graphic organizers facilitate materials.
b. Graphic organizers facilitate in internalizing what the students learn.
c. Graphic Organizers guide students in their dreams.
24. Which of the following statements is true about graphic organizers?
a. It helps in identifying areas of focus within a broad topic.
b. It helps the students to hide relationships between and among ideas.
c. It helps in identifying which is the topic.
25. Which is true about graphic organizers?
a. They integrate colors and visuals.
b. They integrate sound and visuals
c. They integrate text and visuals.
26. When planning to compare and contrast, which should be used?
a. Hierarchical b. Outline c. Venn Diagram
27. To which kind of learners do graphic organizers greatly help?
a. Visual b. Auditory c. Bodily-Kinesthetic
28. What is the other term given to an outline?
a. Basic Outline b. Hierarchical Outline c. Sequential Outline
29. What type of outline uses groups of words in arranging thoughts?
a. Topic Outline b. Sentence Outline c. Direct Outline
30. What type of outline uses topics in outlining?
a. Topic Outline b. Sentence Outline c. Direct Outline
Write the / mark if the statement is a benefit in using graphic organizer, and an X
mark it is not.
____ 31. Graphic Organizers help students structure writing project.
____ 32. Graphic Organizers encourage students to make decisions.
____ 33. Graphic Organizers make it easy for students to classify ideas and
____ 34. Graphic Organizers allow students to examine relationships.
____ 35. Graphic Organizers guide students in demonstrating their thinking
____ 36. Graphic Organizers help students increase reading comprehension.
____ 37. Graphic Organizers make it easy to brainstorm.
____ 38. Graphic Organizers encourage students to organize essential concepts
and ideas.
____ 39. Graphic Organizers make it easy to remember unessential information.
____ 40. Graphic Organizers guide students in remembering everything.

Have fun! God bless!

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