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EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.

EasyIO FC-20
Programming Guide
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Document Change Log

15thMay 2013
Document created.

10th July 2013

Added in kits descriptions.

24th July 2013

Final version of FC virtual tool release.
Changes in kits.

6th May 2014

Temperature Table configuration via Virtual Device.

24th Sept 2014

New kits added for firmware v2.0 BTL certified.
Updated doc with CPT Tool.

24th Dec 2014

Minor updates

07th July 2015

Added user guide for gateway and tunneling download.

17 Jan 2018
Updated disclaimer and support channel emails addresses
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2


Confidentiality Notice
The information contained in this document is confidential information of EasyIO Holdings Pte Ltd. Such
information and the software described herein, is furnished under a license agreement and may be used
only in accordance with that agreement.
The information contained in this document is provided solely for use by EasyIO Holdings Pte Ltd
employees, licensees, and system owners; and, except as permitted under the below copyright notice, is
not to be released to, or reproduced for, anyone else.
While every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of this document, EasyIO Holdings Pte Ltd is not
responsible for damages of any kind, including without limitation consequential damages, arising from
the application of the information contained herein. Information and specifications published here are
current as of the date of this publication and are subject to change without notice. The latest product
specifications can be found by contacting our corporate headquarters or support channel.

Trademark Notice

EasyIO logo are registered trademarks of EasyIO Holdings Pte Ltd.

CPT Tool is by Online Tools Inc.

BACnet and ASHRAE are registered trademarks of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
Conditioning Engineers. All other product names and services, mentioned in this publication, that are
known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks are the property of their respective

Copyright and Patent Notice

This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced
to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior written consent from EasyIO Holdings
Pte Ltd

Copyright © 2017 EasyIO Holdings Pte Ltd. All rights reserved

The material in this manual is for information purposes only. The contents and the product it
describes are subject to change without notice. EasyIO Holdings Pte Ltd makes no
representations or warranties with respect to this manual. In no event shall EasyIO Holdings Pte Ltd be
liable for any damages, direct or incidental, arising out of or related to the use of this manual.

EasyIO Holdings Pte Ltd

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EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.

FCC Caution
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement

This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator &
your body.
RF Exposure: A distance of 20 cm shall be maintained between the antenna and users, and the
transmitter module may not be co-located with any other transmitter or antenna.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Virtual Device FC20 .........................................................................................................................................7
Construct Program logic ...............................................................................................................................10
Customize Temperature Table......................................................................................................................12
Download Program into EasyIO FC20 ...........................................................................................................15
Serial USB to RS485 connection ...............................................................................................................15
Modbus TCP via Tridium Niagara JACE .....................................................................................................18
BACnet IP via BACnet Router (Local Network) .........................................................................................22
BACnet IP via BACnet Router (Internet – Direct Public IP ) ......................................................................26
BACnet IP via BACnet Router (Internet – VPN).........................................................................................31
Temperature Table Appendix .......................................................................................................................36
Table 01 / NTC 10K Type 2 ........................................................................................................................37
Table 02 / NTC 10K Type 2 Shunt 11K ......................................................................................................38
Table 03 / NTC 10K Type 3 ........................................................................................................................39
Table 04 / NTC 10K Type 3 Shunt 11K ......................................................................................................40
Table 05 / NTC 3K .....................................................................................................................................41
Table 06 / NTC 20K ...................................................................................................................................42
Table 07 / RTD 1K Platinum ......................................................................................................................43
Table 08 / RTD 1K Balco ............................................................................................................................44
Technical Support .........................................................................................................................................45
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

1. It is good to go through the EasyIO FC-20 – Firmware Flashing User Guide before proceeding
with this user guide.
2. FC20 Controller running latest firmware. At the time of document V2.2.06 is the latest firmware.
3. FC Series Virtual Device program.
4. USB to RS-485 converter.

This is a program to emulate the FC device in the windows environment.

All the files for Virtual Device above have to be in a same folder.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Virtual Device FC20

The virtual device GUI is as below.
The virtual device is able to display the firmware version, serial number and also register version once an
EasyIO FC-20 device is connected. If the virtual device is not connected to any hardware, it will display as

The port drop down menu is for use to set the serial comm. that will be
used to connect to an EasyIO FC-20 device.

In this case, the settings are as below.

Serial Port Serial port use selection

Serial settings EasyIO FC-20 hardware pre-defines settings.

Device ID EasyIO FC-20 devices ID to be connect. This is

set via the EasyIO FC-20 DIP switch.

EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

When connect button is press, the virtual device will obtain the hardware information from the device.

Create a project file

By creating a project and run it, the virtual device will emulate an EasyIO FC controller running in the PC.
However the virtual device only gives user the programming environment and NOT the Input Output real
time capability.

Step 1
The virtual device is capable of creating and saving apps for future use. To create a new project go to
drop menu File and hit Project > New.

Step 2
Give the project name and select the latest Profile Type, which in this case FC-HVAC 2.2A profile and then
click OK.
This will mimic an EasyIO FC controller in your computer.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 3
The virtual machine GUI will display as below.

Debugging messages window FC-20 IO emulator

At the EasyIO FC controller image in the Virtual Device, all the physical input and output are represented.
The virtual EasyIO FC gives you virtual Digital Output, Digital Input, Analog Input and Analog Output.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Construct Program logic

This section describes about connecting to a virtual EasyIO FC that is emulated by the EasyIO Virtual
Device and construct standalone program logic.
Make sure you Virtual Device program is running or else refer to Virtual Device FC20 chapter.
A physical EasyIO FC20 device is not required at this time in order to build program logic.

Step 1

To launch the CPT application by double click the icon.

Step 2
To connect to a FC controller, go to File > Open App or use the shortcut in the middle of the screen.
User can create another device and use the details as below.
Since the Virtual Device is running in the same computer, the Host address will be localhost.
Select the Sedona Data folder to reference to SedonaFC.

Step 3
Once you are connected to the virtual device, user should be able to see the Sedona programming
Please note that EasyIO FG-20 is not a Sedona controller; it is just utilizing the Sedona workbench or CPT
tool environment for programming purpose.

**Important: All objects/programming can only reside in the “FC20” folder. No additional folders
**Adding/putting components/objects in to additional folders or folder other than FC20 will cause
program to be unstable.
**Important: additional kits are not allowed. Only kits with the prefix of easyioFC are allowed to use.
**Installing additional non easyioFC kits might result in controller crash or program does not run
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 4
Proceed with logic constructing.
Drag and drop objects into the FC20 folder to build your program.
Below is an example with tick tock object controlling 2 Digital Outputs.
Maximum 150 objects are allowed in each EasyIO FC20 controller.

Step 5
Users can verify the logic by checking the virtual device.
The DO should toggle On and Off according to logic built.

Step 6
Once the program is completed, you can save the application at the Virtual Device.
The project can be reuse in future for editing.

Step 7

The saved file has an extension of **.VD.

This file can be stored in any folder within Windows environment.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Customize Temperature Table

Each EasyIO FC20 controller comes with 16 temperature tables for most commonly used temperature
sensors in the market.

Table number Sensor Type Remarks

Table 01 NTC 10K Type 2 Editable
Table 02 NTC 10K Type 2 Shunt 11K Editable
Table 03 NTC 10K Type 3 Editable
Table 04 NTC 10K Type 3 Shunt 11K Editable
Table 05 NTC 3K Editable
Table 06 NTC 20K Editable
Table 07 RTD 1K Platinum Editable
Table 08 RTD 1K Balco Editable
Table 09 NTC 10K Type 2 Read-only
Table 10 NTC 10K Type 2 Shunt 11K Read-only
Table 11 NTC 10K Type 3 Read-only
Table 12 NTC 10K Type 3 Shunt 11K Read-only
Table 13 NTC 3K Read-only
Table 14 NTC 20K Read-only
Table 15 RTD 1K Platinum Read-only
Table 16 RTD 1K Balco Read-only

There are 8 tables (table 1 to table 8) which you can modify/edit to suit the requirement.
To access the temperature table menu go to drop down menu Settings > Temperature Table.

Step 1
Open the temperature table window by clicking at the Settings > Temperature Table menu.

Step 2
A pop up window will display. There are 8 tables configurable, Table 1 to Table 8 since they are editable.
Table 9 to table 16 are not customizable.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

By default these tables are predefined with commonly used temperature sensors tables.
The below table describes each table details.

Table 1 NTC 10K Type 2 Temperatures sensors

Table 2 NTC 10K Type 2 Shunt 11K Temperature sensors, usually older Invensys sensors
Table 3 NTC 10K Type 3 Temperatures sensors
Table 4 NTC 10K Type 3 Shunt 11K , usually older Invensys sensors
Table 5 NTC 3K Temperatures sensors
Table 6 NTC 20K Temperatures sensors
Table 7 RTD 1K Platinum Temperatures sensors
Table 8 RTD 1K Balco Temperatures sensors

To edit the table values double click any row and an edit window will display.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 3
By default, all temperature table values configured to degree Celsius.
To convert the temperature values from degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit click .

Select the temperature unit and click OK.

Step 4
To save the temperature table configurations, click OK at the temperature table window.
A confirmation pop up will display if the table is saved successfully.

Step 5
All temperature configurations are saved into **.VD file as it is part of the project.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Download Program into EasyIO FC20

There are 3 options to downloading a program into a physical EasyIO FC controller.

1. Serial USB to RS485

2. Modbus TCP via Niagara JACE.
3. Bacnet IP via Bacnet router.
4. BACnet IP through internet (BBMD).

Serial USB to RS485 connection

The following diagram shows the physical connection of the USB Serial RS485 to the EasyIO FC controller.

Step 1
Connect a generic USB to RS-485 converter to the PC.
Connect the 2 wire from the USB – RS 485 to the EasyIO FC RS 485 Port 1 or Port 2.
If connecting to port 1, make sure the protocol is set to Modbus (DIP 1 = Off position).

Step 2
Open the Virtual Device FC-20.exe if it is not running with administrator rights.
In some cases the computer anti-virus might block the program to run. Allow the program to run.
Optionally turn off with antivirus program.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 3
At the Settings drop down menu, select “Modbus Serial Port Connection” to mark as active connection.

Step 4
Next configure the serial port settings, click at Settings drop down again, select “Modbus Serial Port

Select the COM port used. Verify COM port in use by looking at My Computer > Properties > Device
Manager (Windows 7).

Configure the serial properties settings according to EasyIO FC20 controller.

Device ID is the device address of EasyIO FC20. (Configured via DIP switch)

Step 5
Locate and open the **.VD file. Assume the VD file is a saved project done previously.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

If no VD file found please refer “Construct Program Logic” above.

Step 6
Click connect button . The virtual device will connect a physical EasyIO FC20 controller.
If a connection is successful, the virtual device will display EasyIO FC information including serial number
and firmware version.

Step 7

Click download the program will into EasyIO FC20 controller.

The program will execute immediately after the download process is finish.

Every download will overwrite the program in the EasyIO FC-20.

A successful download will prompt a pop up window.

EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Modbus TCP via Tridium Niagara JACE

** This option only available for Tridium Niagara users. **
** Recommended for Tridium Niagara certified users only **

The following diagram shows the physical connection of the PC, Tridium Niagara JACE and EasyIO FC20

Step 1
Locate the jar file which is included in the EasyIO FC20 bundle.
The jar file is easyioFC20ModbusAsyncBridge.jar.

Step 2
Copy this jar file into niagara/niagara_version/modules folder.
A restart of Niagara workbench is required in order for workbench to recognize the file.

Step 3
Connect to a Niagara station.
Integration for EasyIO FC20 and Niagara has to be with ModbusAsync driver.

Step 4
Open Driver/ModbusAsyncNetwork property sheet.
Open easyioFCModbusAsyncBridge palette.

Drag and drop the ModbusAsyncTcpBridge object into the ModbusAsync driver property sheet.

The ModbusAsyncTcpBridge must be a child component of ModbusAsyncNetwork.

EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 5
Configure the Modbus TCP port is the default port is not 502.
If port TCP 502 is used as Modbus TCP communication then leave it default.

Step 6
Make sure the device you wish to connect via Virtual Device is added into the ModbusAsyncDriver as a
If the device is not part of the ModbusAsync driver, the virtual device will not able to connect to it.

Step 7
Open the Virtual Device FC-20.exe if it is not running with administrator rights.
In some cases the computer anti-virus might block the program to run. Allow the program to run.
Optionally turn off with antivirus program.

Step 8
At the Settings drop down menu, select “Modbus IP Connection” to mark as active connection.

Step 9
Next configure the Modbus IP settings, click at Settings drop down again, select “Modbus IP Setting”.

Configure the Niagara Station IP address at the Device IP Address field.

Configure the Modbus TCP port number at the Port field.
Configure the device ID which you want to connect to at the Device ID field.
Device ID is the device address of EasyIO FC20. (Configured via DIP switch)
In the example below,
Niagara JACE IP address is
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Niagara Modbus TCP port is 502

EasyIO FC20 serial address is 1.

Step 10
Locate and open the **.VD file. Assume the VD file is a saved project done previously.
If no VD file found please refer “Construct Program Logic” above.

Step 11
Click connect button . The virtual device will connect a physical EasyIO FC20 controller.
If a connection is successful, the virtual device will display EasyIO FC information including serial number
and firmware version.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 12

Click download the program will into EasyIO FC20 controller.

The program will execute immediately after the download process is finish.

Every download will overwrite the program in the EasyIO FC-20.

A successful download will prompt a pop up window.

EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

BACnet IP via BACnet Router (Local Network)

The following diagram shows the physical connection of the PC (BACnet Client), BACnet Router and
EasyIO FC20 controller.

Step 1
Open the Virtual Device FC-20.exe if it is not running with administrator rights.
In some cases the computer anti-virus might block the program to run. Allow the program to run.
Optionally turn off with antivirus program.

Step 2
Locate and open the **.VD file. Assume the VD file is a saved project done previously.
If no VD file found please refer “Construct Program Logic” above.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 3
At the Settings drop down menu, select “BACnet/IP Connection” to mark as active connection.

Step 4
Next configure the serial port settings, click at Settings drop down again, select “BACnet/IP Setting”.

In the pop window, give the Local Device ID a unique number. In the example below I have put it as
Select the Adapter which the local PC used to connect to the BACnet router.
Configure the BACnet port if default port is not used.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 5
Click connect button . The virtual device will pop up a BACnet discovery window.
Click discover to discover all BACnet device in the network.

In this discovery process will list all BACnet devices connected in the network.
In the example below, the Virtual Device found 2 devices in the network.
A successful discovery will display Device Name and all other properties.

Device ID 88888 is the BACnet router.

Device ID 2424964 is an EasyIO FC20.

Step 6
Click at Device ID 2424964 to select or any other device listed in the window and click OK.
Make sure they are EasyIO FC20.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 7
Click connect button . The virtual device will connect a physical EasyIO FC20 controller
through the BACnet router.
If a connection is successful, the virtual device will display EasyIO FC information including serial number
and firmware version.

Step 8

Click download the program will into EasyIO FC20 controller.

The program will execute immediately after the download process is finish.

Every download will overwrite the program in the EasyIO FC-20.

A successful download will prompt a pop up window.

Depending to the internet speed and quality, the download process might take longer.
If an error prompt saying fail to download, repeat the download process again.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

BACnet IP via BACnet Router (Internet – Direct Public IP )

The following diagram shows the physical connection of the PC (BACnet Client), BACnet Router and
EasyIO FC20 controller.

Step 1
Open the Virtual Device FC-20.exe if it is not running with administrator rights.
In some cases the computer anti-virus might block the program to run. Allow the program to run.
Optionally turn off with antivirus program.

Step 2
Locate and open the **.VD file. Assume the VD file is a saved project done previously.
If no VD file found please refer “Construct Program Logic” above.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 3
At the Settings drop down menu, select “BACnet/IP Connection” to mark as active connection.

Step 4
Next configure the serial port settings, click at Settings drop down again, select “BACnet/IP Setting”.

In the pop window, give the Local Device ID a unique number. In the example below I have put it as

Select the Adapter which the local PC used to connect to the Internet.

Configure the BACnet port if default port is not used.

Configure the BBMD IP address. The IP address is the public IP address of the remote BBMD device.
In this case the public IP for the BACnet router is
Port forwarding is require at the other side of the network so the BBMD BACnet router.

An example of port forwarding done for the BBMD BACnet router is shown below.
The IP address is a Contemporary Control BACnet Router.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Please make sure the BBMD device Public IP is correct to make sure the connection is
In order to retrieve correct Public IP, make sure you are in the BBMD network.
Go to this URL :

Step 5
Click connect button . The virtual device will pop up a BACnet discovery window.
Click discover to discover all BACnet device in the network.

In this discovery process will list all BACnet devices connected in the network.
In the example below, the Virtual Device found 2 devices in the network.
A successful discovery will display Device Name and all other properties.

Device ID 88888 is the BACnet router.

Device ID 2424964 is an EasyIO FC20.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 6
Click at Device ID 2424964 to select or any other device listed in the window and click OK.
Make sure they are EasyIO FC20.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 7
Click connect button . The virtual device will connect to the EasyIO FC20 controller through
the BACnet router.
If the connection is successful, virtual device will display EasyIO FC20 information including serial number
and firmware version.

Step 8

Click download the program will into EasyIO FC20 controller.

The program will execute immediately after the download process is finish.

Every download will overwrite the program in the EasyIO FC-20.

A successful download will prompt a pop up window.

Depending to the internet speed and quality, the download process might take longer.
If an error prompt saying fail to download, repeat the download process again.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

BACnet IP via BACnet Router (Internet – VPN)

The following diagram shows the physical connection of the PC (BACnet Client), BACnet Router and
EasyIO FC20 controller.

In case a secure internet connection is required such as VPN, the guide below will be useful.
Assuming the VPN connection is established at the local computer use to connect to BACnet BBMD
router, follow the below steps to download a program into the EasyIO FC20 controller.

**To create or connect to a VPN connection, please refer to windows user guide. **

Step 1
Open the Virtual Device FC-20.exe if it is not running with administrator rights.
In some cases the computer anti-virus might block the program to run. Allow the program to run.
Optionally turn off with antivirus program.

Step 2
Locate and open the **.VD file. Assume the VD file is a saved project done previously.
If no VD file found please refer “Construct Program Logic” above.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 3
At the Settings drop down menu, select “BACnet/IP Connection” to mark as active connection.

Step 4
Next configure the serial port settings, click at Settings drop down again, select “BACnet/IP Setting”.

In the pop window, give the Local Device ID a unique number. In the example below I have put it as

Select the Adapter which the local PC used to connect to the Internet.

Configure the BACnet port if default port is not used.

Configure the BBMD IP address. This is the local IP address of the remote BBMD device.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 5
Once VPN connection is successful, from the windows start menu, run command prompt.
Ping the BACnet router local IP address. In this case the BACnet router local IP address is
If ping is success the BACnet router connection via VPN is good.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 6
Click connect button . The virtual device will pop up a BACnet discovery window.
Click discover to discover all BACnet device in the network.

In this discovery process will list all BACnet devices connected in the network.
In the example below, the Virtual Device found 2 devices in the network.
A successful discovery will display Device Name and all other properties.

Device ID 88888 is the BACnet router.

Device ID 2424964 is an EasyIO FC20

Step 7
Click at Device ID 2424964 to select or any other device listed in the window and click OK.
Make sure they are EasyIO FC20.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Step 8
Click connect button . The virtual device will connect to the EasyIO FC20 controller through
the BACnet router.
If the connection is successful, virtual device will display EasyIO FC20 information including serial number
and firmware version.

Step 9

Click download the program will into EasyIO FC20 controller.

The program will execute immediately after the download process is finish.

Every download will overwrite the program in the EasyIO FC-20.

A successful download will prompt a pop up window.

Depending to the internet speed and quality, the download process might take longer.
If an error prompt saying fail to download, repeat the download process again.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Temperature Table Appendix

All temperature values are in degree Celsius.

Table number Sensor Type Remarks

Table 01 NTC 10K Type 2 Editable
Table 02 NTC 10K Type 2 Shunt 11K Editable
Table 03 NTC 10K Type 3 Editable
Table 04 NTC 10K Type 3 Shunt 11K Editable
Table 05 NTC 3K Editable
Table 06 NTC 20K Editable
Table 07 RTD 1K Platinum Editable
Table 08 RTD 1K Balco Editable
Table 09 NTC 10K Type 2 Read-only
Table 10 NTC 10K Type 2 Shunt 11K Read-only
Table 11 NTC 10K Type 3 Read-only
Table 12 NTC 10K Type 3 Shunt 11K Read-only
Table 13 NTC 3K Read-only
Table 14 NTC 20K Read-only
Table 15 RTD 1K Platinum Read-only
Table 16 RTD 1K Balco Read-only

Table 9 to table 16 is a repetition of table 1 to table 8.

EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Table 01 / NTC 10K Type 2

Below is the default resistance value versus temperature value in degree Celsius.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Table 02 / NTC 10K Type 2 Shunt 11K

Below is the default resistance value versus temperature value in degree Celsius.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Table 03 / NTC 10K Type 3

Below is the default resistance value versus temperature value in degree Celsius.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Table 04 / NTC 10K Type 3 Shunt 11K

Below is the default resistance value versus temperature value in degree Celsius.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Table 05 / NTC 3K
Below is the default resistance value versus temperature value in degree Celsius.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Table 06 / NTC 20K

Below is the default resistance value versus temperature value in degree Celsius.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Table 07 / RTD 1K Platinum

Below is the default resistance value versus temperature value in degree Celsius.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Table 08 / RTD 1K Balco

Below is the default resistance value versus temperature value in degree Celsius.
EasyIO FC-20 Programming Guide v2.2

Technical Support
For technical issue, please contact

Worldwide and Asia Pacific Support : [email protected]

Americas Support : [email protected]
Europe Support : [email protected]

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