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Opiana, John Christoffer I MATH

11-Agncillo MINITASK 1



The commission on Higher Education is conducting drug testing in

college and universities. You are the office assigned to conduct the test
in Sayote Institute of Technology. The school has a population of 672
students. The school director has given you a list of the names of these
students. You only need 10 randomly selected students to be tested. You are
to give instructions to the school director on how you are going to select
the 10 students by applying your knowledge of methods of sampling. To do
the task well, you need to ensure that the sample is selected randomly.
After doing this, list all the names of the 10 students to be tested and
give it to the school director.



a. Differentiate, between probability sampling and non-probability

b. Enumerate and explain the different probability and non-probability
sampling techniques
c. Identify the appropriate method of sampling in a given situation.
d. Apply the appropriate sampling techniques in different situations in

A. Differentiate, between probability sampling and non-probability


Probability sampling is a sampling technique in which sample from a

larger population are chosen and this uses methods of sampling that
utilizes a form of random selection and where a small randomly
selected sample of the population can be used to estimate the distribution
of an attitude or opinion in the entire population. Non-probability
sampling does not involve random selection and probability sampling does
represent a group of sampling techniques that help researchers to
select units from a population that they are interested in studying. A core
characteristic of non-probability sampling techniques is that samples are
selected based on the subjective judgment of the researcher, rather
than random selection and in non-probability sampling the odds of any
members being selected for a sample cannot be calculated

B. Enumerate and explain the different probability and non-probability

sampling techniques

Types of Probability sampling:

Simple random sampling: is a completely random method of selecting

subjects. These can include assigning numbers to all subjects and then
using a random number generator to choose random numbers. Classic ball and
urn experiments are another example of this process (assuming the balls are
sufficiently mixed). The members whose numbers are chosen are included in
the sample.

Stratified Random Sampling: involves splitting subjects into mutually

exclusive groups and then using simple random sampling to choose members
from groups.

Systematic Sampling: means that you choose every “nth” participant from a
complete list. For example, you could choose every 10th person listed.

Cluster Random Sampling: is a way to randomly select participants from a

list that is too large for simple random sampling. For example, if you
wanted to choose 1000 participants from the entire population of the U.S.,
it is likely impossible to get a complete list of everyone. Instead, the
researcher randomly selects areas (i.e. cities or counties) and randomly
selects from within those boundaries.

Multi-Stage Random sampling: uses a combination of techniques

Types of Non-Probability sampling:

Convenience Sampling :this involves collecting a sample from somewhere

convenient to you: the mall, your local school, your church.

Haphazard Sampling: where a researcher chooses items haphazardly, trying to

simulate randomness. However, the result may not be random at all and is
often tainted by selection bias.

Purposive Sampling: where the researcher chooses a sample based on their

knowledge about the population and the study itself. The study participants
are chosen based on the study’s purpose. There are several types of
purposive sampling. For a full list, advantages and disadvantages of the
method, see the article: Purposive Sampling.

Expert Sampling: in this method, the researcher draws the sample from a
list of experts in the field.

Heterogeneity Sampling / Diversity Sampling: a type of sampling where you

deliberately choose members so that all views are represented. However,
those views may or may not be represented proportionally.

Modal Instance Sampling: The most “typical” members are chosen from a set.
Quota Sampling: where the groups (i.e. men and women) in the sample are
proportional to the groups in the population.

Snowball Sampling: where research participants recruit other members for

the study. This method is particularly useful when participants might be
hard to find.

C. Identify the appropriate method of sampling in a given situation.

The simple random sampling will be the method that I will use because every
set of individuals has an equal chance to be in the selected as a sample

Step 1: list all the name of the students

Step 2: Assign a sequential number to each students

Step 3: Use a random number generator to select the sample as long as it is

between 1 to 672.

Names Given Numbers

Elton Alexander Falcon 624
Althea Josefa Marinduque 194
Eros Petrakis 428
Jade Collins 236
Finn Martins 521
Nina Peres 21
Knight Velasquez 634
Sweet Monday Lopez 162
Alexandra Denise Dizon 253
Ten Ozury Ace Caserwalt 30

Each students is assigned with a number and whatever the 10 numbers that
are generated will be the participants for the drug test

D. Apply the appropriate sampling techniques in different situations in


The simple random sampling can be used during party as a game where
each players will pick something in a box inside the box are list of
different dares here we can see that there are chances to pick different
dares because there will be 5 players and the list of dare would be 15 to
avoid any repetition.

Reflective Journal:

1) Yes, because the simple random sampling in the 672 students we will
only pick 10 so by using this sampling it is way easier or simple and in
this sampling there will be no bias because this is random and giving each
students has an equal chance of being a sample.
2) First I search for all of the sampling methods and by reading this and I
found one of the most appropriate method to use which is the simple random
sampling and with my knowledge I applied this to see if this method is

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