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New Inside Out Elementary Unit 14 Test

Name _______________________ Score ______/50

Part A
TV programmes

1 Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

channel on programme switch watch

Lucia: Do you want to (1) _________________ something on TV?

Dave: OK. What’s (2) _________________ TV tonight?
Lucia: Well, on (3) _________________ 1, there’s a film. And there’s a (4) _________________
about Africa.
Dave: Africa sounds interesting. (5) _________________ it on.

(5 points)

2 Add the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to complete the TV programmes.

a) g_m_ sh_w
b) s__p _p_r_
c) r__l_ty TV sh_w
d) d_cum_nt_ry
e) th_ n_ws
f) ch_t sh_w

(6 points)

Future forms: want to, would like to, hope to

3 Underline the correct phrase.

a) One day I would like to / like to be rich.

b) My mother always does the lottery. She hopes / hopes to win one day!
c) I wouldn’t / wouldn’t like to go on TV.
d) Do you want to / would like to learn to speak Chinese?

(4 points)

New Inside Out Elementary Unit 14 Test p1

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007
4 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.

a) be / I / on / to / TV/ want
b) get / want / Jake / to / married / doesn’t
c) like / children / Would / to / lots / have / you / of ?
d) to / be / I / like / famous / wouldn’t
e) do / hope / retire / When / to / you ?

(5 points)

Future forms: (be) going to

5 Complete with the correct form of (be) going to and the verbs in brackets.

a) I ______________________ (buy) a house.

b) He ______________________ (live) in Boston next year.
c) Your parents ______________________ (see) Karen tomorrow.
d) She ______________________ (spend) her money on her children.
e) We ______________________ (eat) in a restaurant tonight.
f) You ______________________ (miss) your friends.

(6 points)

Future forms: want to, would like to, hope to, (be) going to

6 Complete the short answers for the questions.

a) Are you going to see Elena tonight? Yes, I _____________ .

b) Is she going to have a party? No, she _____________ .
c) Do you want to go out tonight? Yes, I _____________ .
d) Would you like to be on TV? No, I _____________ .

(4 points)

New Inside Out Elementary Unit 14 Test p2

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007
Useful phrases
7 Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

I’ll look idea it’s OK let’s go shall we

Steve: (1) ________________ go out tomorrow?

Joanna: OK. Where?
Steve: I don’t know.
Joanna: (2) ________________ to the theatre.
Steve: Good (3) ________________ . What’s on?
Joanna: (4) ________________ on the internet. Oh! Hamlet with Toby Stephens. He’s great!
Steve: Not Toby Stephens again!
Joanna: Shall I book tickets?
Steve: (5) ________________ . I’ll go to the pub.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Elementary Unit 14 Test p3

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Part B
Sentence stress

[Track 33]

8 Listen and underline the stressed words in each question.

a) What do you want to eat?

b) Why do you want to go?
c) What are you going to see?
d) Who are you going to meet?
e) Where do you want to live?

(5 points)

[Track 34]

9 Listen to Anna and Charlie talking about TV. Choose the correct information to
complete the sentences.

a) The new soap opera is about _______________ .

(1) bad people (2) a pop star (3) a hospital

b) People on the game show want to win _______________ .

(1) money (2) a car (3) clothes

c) _______________ is at nine o’clock.

(1) A documentary (2) Big Brother (3) A game show

d) The documentary is about _______________ .

(1) a hospital (2) sharks (3) people

e) Anna is going to watch _______________ .

(1) the news (2) the documentary (3) the soap opera

(5 points)

New Inside Out Elementary Unit 14 Test p4

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10 Read the text and underline the correct information.

a) Edward won £11,000,000 yesterday / last week.

b) Edward is going to buy a car / house first.
c) Edward is going to buy houses / cars for his five sisters.
d) Edward would like to travel for his job / around the world.
e) Edward is / isn’t going to spend all his money.

Last week Edward Lee from Barnsley won £11,000,000. That’s the biggest prize in two years! We spoke to
Edward at his home yesterday.
‘I’m very happy. I can’t believe it!’ he said.
What is Edward going to do with the money? ‘Oh, I don’t know,’ he said. ‘First, I’m going to buy a new car. Then a
house and car for my parents and houses for my five sisters. Then I’d like to travel, so I’m going to leave my job
and go around the world.’
Is Edward going to spend all his money? ‘Well, I’m going to spend some, save some, and I’m going to give some
to Greenpeace,’ he said.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Elementary Unit 14 Test p5

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