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Thermo-Fluid Lab Prof.

Taha Aldoss


I. Objective:
1. To determine experimentally the center of pressure on a vertical
immersed surface
2. To compare the experimental results with the calculated theoretical

The experiment is to be carried out for both the fully immersed as well as
the partially immersed surfaces.

II. Draw a neat sketch of the apparatus. Show and name all parts.

III. Description of the experiment setup:

A vertical surface is made to immerse inside a tank full of water
The hydrostatic force of water on the surface is balanced by a moment
about a pivot using known weights

IV. Procedure:
1. Level the base of the apparatus
2. Fill the apparatus with water
3. Use all balancing weights available
4. Reduce the balancing weights gradually
5. Keep the apparatus in balance for each set of balancing weights by
draining water out.
6. Record the following variables for each step:
a. the height of the water surface
b. the value of the weights
7. Measure the dimensions of the immersed surface
8. Repeat until the whole surface is uncovered of water
Thermo-Fluid Lab Prof. Taha Aldoss

V. Analysis:

Yc : the depth of the area centroid from the free surface of the water
Ycp: the center of pressure, measured down from the water free surface
A : the area of the immersed surface

FR : resultant pressure force = ρ g Yc A

Then from theory

Ycp = Yc + Ic /Yc .A

Ic = WH3 /12,

W : is the width of the immersed section, and
H : is the height of the immersed part of the section

VI. Experimentally

Calculate the balancing hydrostatic force; take moment about the pivoting
Wt x L = FR x Yc
Thus Yc = Wt x L / FR
Where FR = Pc x Aimm

Compare the above calculated Yc with one calculated from the theory, i.e.
Ycp = Yc + Ic /A. Yc

Plot (Ycp – Yc) vs. (Yc) for both experimental and theoretical values for

VII. Questions to be answered:

1. Draw a sketch of the apparatus show all the details.

2. What will happen to the center of pressure as the height of liquid
above the surface decreases?
3. How viscosity of fluid affect the center of pressure.
4. Why we do not consider pressure forces on the immersed curved
surfaces of the apparatus
Thermo-Fluid Lab Prof. Taha Aldoss

Work Sheet:

- Determine experimentally the center of pressure on a vertical immersed

Thermo-Fluid Lab Prof. Taha Aldoss
Thermo-Fluid Lab Prof. Taha Aldoss

- Compare the experimental results with the calculated theoretical results

Plot (Ycp – Yc) vs. (Yc) for both experimental and theoretical values.

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