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Religion and Expressive Culture

The Bisayareligion is animistic; there are shamansand diviners. Illness is caused by soul loss,

and a spirit mediumis used for retrieval. The dead are revered, but there is no
trueancestorworship. Spirits of the dead can be dangerous if not properly mourned. The wealthy
give large amounts of food for the "crocodile" or harvestceremony, the main agricultural

Bisaya - Orientation
The name "Bisaya" is applied primarily to those people living on the middle reaches of
rivers in Sabah and Sarawak draining into Brunei Bay on Borneo. The Bisaya are
culturally diverse; in mainland Sabah, they are primarily Muslims engaged in wet-rice
cultivation, but in Sarawak most are neither Muslim nor Christian (though one large
group, the Limbang, are now converted to Christianity). The Bisaya live in small groups
interspersed among other peoples, and have adapted many of their cultural features
from these peoples. The Bisaya language belongs to the North Indonesian Branch of
the Austronesian Family. In 1983, the Sarawak Bisaya numbered 4,000; in 1960 the
Brunei Bisaya numbered approximately 7,000, and in 1970 the Sabah Bisaya
population was 14,000.
Little is known of Bisaya history. Presently, their contact with the Malays gives them
access to buffalo, boats, and fish. Some Bisaya gain prestige by paying Malays to
slaughter buffalo at ceremonial feasts.

Bisaya - Settlements
Villages have between 30 and 200 people, and though they have centers, they also
stretch alongside riverbanks. In addition, there are sometimes temporary encampments
in the interior. There are no public buildings, but there are rice granaries. Villages are
permanent, and contain at least one longhousewith at least four apartments (lobok).
Longhouses are rectangular and are built on pilings 3 to 4.5 meters high; they may be
as much as 60 metersin length. They are bisected lengthwise, and there is a
closed verandafor ceremonies. Longhouses may have as many as seven apartments,
though they formerly had more.

Bisaya - Economy
The Bisaya staple food is rice, which is grown by both wet and dryhorticulturein
swiddens. Because of declining fertility, disputes, and omens, wet-rice swiddens rarely
are used for more than two years. The Bisaya use a dibble stickrather than the plow.
Rice swiddens also produce the following crops (raised between rice plants) for sale:
chilies, corn, cucumbers, gourds, pumpkins, yams, and others. Fruitsraised are
bananas, breadfruit, coconut, and jackfruit. Hunting is much more important than
fishing; game includes wild pigs, wild buffalo, deer, and pheasants, which are killed with
guns, spears, and blowguns. Bisaya women (and some men) gather ferns, amaranths,
and fruits for food, as well as medicinal plants, honey, camphor, and gutta percha. The
Bisaya also raise buffalo, pigs, and chickens. Though they are accomplished
carpenters, the Bisaya never learnedto smelt or forgemetal or to weave cloth. (Before
they traded for cloth, clothing was made of bark.) They trade primarily with the Chinese
(and formerly with Malays), receiving cloth, metal goods, and potteryitems. All property
belongs to one of the following classes: ancestralproperty, personal property, marital
property, and house-group property. Real propertyrightsare inherited ambilineally. Once
land is abandoned, however, it becomes available for use byanyone living in the village.

Bisaya - Kinship
The Bisaya kinship terminological system is bilateral with Eskimocousin terminology.
Descent is ambilineal, without corporate descent groups; descent group affiliation is
used to establish land rightsand figures in the payment of respect to influential people. A
majorkin group is the apartment family (sanan lobok), which shares food and has a
common hearthand common prayers for horticulture. Anotherkin group is the house
family (sanan alai), which shares some ceremonial objects, the performance of some
rituals, and the chores of house repair.

Bisaya - Marriage and Family

The most desirable marriages are to kin, in the following order of preference: second or
third cousins, first cousins, and fourth or fifth cousins. Only parents or siblings are
forbidden as marriage or sexual partners. Polygyny is allowed but is rare because of the
expense. Sororal polygyny is forbidden. Parents often arrange first marriages,
sometimes making matches with children as young as 8 years of age.Residenceis
ambilocal, and the newlyweds must live in the same apartment as the parents; only
when the couple has a child does it move to live in its own apartment. Inheritance is
ambilateral with no preference for either gender.
Bisaya - Sociopolitical Organization
Government-selected headmen were first appointed in 1930; before that there were no
headmen, but rather a councilof elders. Presently, the Limbang Bisaya are headed by
three officials appointed by the federal government. Status is based on wealth, but there
are no social classes. The wealthy must give feasts, which serve to redistribute wealth.
Gossip and ridicule are the major forms of social control; feuding is practiced. Warfare is
defensive, and the Bisaya do not hunt heads.

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