MLCC Replacements For Tantalum Capacitors

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MLCC replacements for

tantalum capacitors
The past 5 to 10 years have seen increases of between 10
MLCC replacements for tantalum capacitors 10 and 100 fold in capacitance per unit volume for both
ceramic multilayer capacitors and solid tantalum price
capacitors (Refs 1 and 2). Figure 1 shows this increase
for ceramic capacitors.As a result, the application areas
for MLCCs have gradually extended into those formerly 1

dominated by tantalum capacitors and these, in turn, tantalum

have extended into even higher capacitance application
areas formerly occupied by, for example, electrolytics. MLCC Y5V

1985 1990 1995 2000

Fig. 2 Cost reduction for 1 µF capacitors.
10-1 Since in each application area the requirements of
SUMMARY X7R electrical performance differ, it’s necessary to make a
For certain capacitance values, many circuit comparison per functional application area. In this
designers who traditionally use tantalum 10-2 publication, therefore, we shall compare two typical
capacitors might well find that their application application areas in which MLCCs and tantalum
is now better served by MLCCs. Moreover, the capacitors compete: decoupling and smoothing.
ever higher production levels of MLCCs coupled 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
with new developments such as the introduction First, however, let’s look at the general differences in
of base-metal electrodes have greatly reduced Fig. 1 MLCC capacitance per unit volume increase specification and performance of tantalum capacitors
the unit production cost of MLCCs. This means and MLCCs.
on price too, they can now compete with In the area of overlap between 0.1 µF and 100 µF,
tantalum capacitors in many applications. therefore, the two technologies compete and many General comparison of specifications
circuit designers who traditionally use tantalum
capacitors might well find that their application is now A general problem in comparing capacitors made by
better served by MLCCs. The ever higher production different technologies is that in nearly all relevant
levels of MLCCs (currently 600 billion annually specification points there are small or larger differences
compared with 25 billion for tantalum capacitors) (see Table 1).
coupled with new developments such as the
introduction of base-metal electrodes have also greatly Table 1 Comparison of specifications:
reduced the unit production cost of MLCCs, which MLCCs versus tantalum capacitors
means on price too, they can now compete with
tantalum capacitors in many applications. MLCC tantalum
Figure 2 gives a schematic view of the price decrease capacitance 1 kHz, 120 Hz
between 1985 and 1995 for 1 µF capacitors in ceramic measurement 1 V AC 0.5 V AC
multilayer and tantalum technology. In 1990,Y5V MLCC conditions
prices reached the tantalum level and since 1995 X7R size: 0603 1.6 x 0.8 mm 1.6 x 0.85 mm
types too have reached the price levels of 1 µF tantalum 0805 2.0 x 1.25 mm 2.0 x 1.35 mm
capacitors. life-test conditions max. temperature max. temperature
2 x U rated U rated
In this graph the cheapest solutions in both
technologies are compared based on equal nominal These differences originate from the early days of
capacitance. In this publication, however, it will be shown capacitor development in which specifications were set
that instead of comparing costs of equal nominal more by the performance inherent to the specific
capacitance it is better to compare costs of manufacturing technology than by common customer
capacitance/size combinations which give equal needs. Ceramic capacitor manufacturers, therefore, set
electrical performance. up their specifications to provide comparisons with
2 other capacitors of similar technology, as did 3
manufacturers of tantalum capacitors, electrolytics and In general, X5R and X7R specifications are comparable to 102
MSD101A of the Y5V capacitor becomes lower than that of the
capacitors in other technologies. those of tantalum in the temperature range 0 to 85 °C. tantalum capacitor of the same values shifts from
This does not mean, however, that in comparing impedance approximately 60 kHz to 200 kHz. Although this
Bearing this in mind we start comparing basic tantalum capacitors with MLCCs, one should consider suggests that the frequency range over which the
performance characteristics of MLCCs and tantalum only X5R or X7R products. As we’ll show later, Y5V tantalum capacitor competes with the MLCC is
capacitors by looking at major categories such as MLCCs despite their strong temperature dependence extended at these higher temperatures, most modern
capacitance/volume per case size, rated voltages and can offer attractive alternatives to tantalum capacitors applications in, for example, EDP and power supplies
temperature characteristics. in certain areas. 1 operate at frequencies well in excess of 100 kHz which
means that even with this relatively high dependence of
Capacitance per unit volume Other general specification items MLCC impedance on temperature, the Y5V MLCC is usually
Based on nominal specifications, tantalum capacitors There are many other differences between the general still preferred.
offer the highest maximum capacitance at rated voltage specifications of MLCCs and tantalum capacitors. Table
of 2 to 4 V. For higher rated voltages, however, i.e. 2 gives a survey of these differences many of which may, X7R/X5R MLCCs
between 6 and 10 V, there is little difference in maximum in particular cases, be decisive in deciding on which For X7R and X5R MLCCs, the low frequency
capacitance between 0603, 0805 and 1206 Y5V MLCCs technology to choose. 10-2 impedance up to 10 kHz is approximately the same as
10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 102
and tantalum capacitors. f (MHz) for tantalum capacitors. Above this frequency, however,
Table 2 General comparison of MLCCs these MLCCs show rapidly decreasing impedance
In contrast, X7R MLCCs offering the same maximum and tantalum capacitors Fig. 3 Impedance as a funcion of frequency for a 1 µF relative to tantalum and this impedance remains lower
capacitance are at least one and sometimes two case tantalum capacitor (16 V) and a 1 µF Y5V MLCC over the whole frequency range above 10 kHz.
sizes larger than their counterparts in Y5V or tantalum. characteristic Y5V X7R solid
MLCC MLCC Ta Since decoupling performance, in particular, is often X7R and X5R capacitors show hardly any variation in
Rated voltage capacitance range ++ + ++ determined by the capacitor’s impedance, the lower impedance with temperature so that with increasing
For tantalum capacitors, the rated voltage is close to the bipolarity ++ ++ - impedance of the MLCC for frequencies above 100 kHz temperature, the difference in impedance between a
breakdown voltage and is clearly to be interpreted as resistance to pulse voltage ++ ++ + in this case makes it the preferred choice. tantalum and X7R/X5R capacitor stays approximately
more or less the maximum voltage at which the lifetime at T > 85 °C +/- + - the same.
capacitors can operate. In the interests of reliability, high-frequency performance + ++ - Influence of temperature on impedance.
therefore, designers commonly derate tantalum breakdown voltage ++ ++ - The influences of temperature on the decoupling Influence of DC-bias on impedance
capacitors to operate at voltages between 20% and 50% voltage dependency (DC) - +/- + performance should also be taken in account. For the A well-known feature of tantalum capacitors is that
below their rated voltage. product height ++ ++ + 1 µF capacitors in the example above, Fig.4 shows the their capacitance remains relatively unchanged when
SMD compatibility ++ ++ + temperature dependence of impedance between 0 and DC-bias voltage is applied.
In contrast to tantalums, the rated voltage of MLCCs is reliability ++ ++ + +85 °C.
far less than their breakdown voltage and is usually 103
MSD102A In contrast, the capacitance of class 2 MLCCs falls with
determined by the performance in dry endurance tests. In many instances, the criteria in Table 2 may make the impedance
DC bias voltage.The magnitude of this fall depends both
A point worth noting here is that in order to comply choice between MLCC and tantalum clear. In other (Ω) on the dielectric material and on the applied field
with EIA and EIAJ standards, MLCCs are required to instances, however, to make a proper choice we need to 102 strength. It therefore differs for X7R and Y5V and for
undergo long-term reliability testing at twice their rated look further at the influence of frequency, temperature each rated voltage.
voltage. and bias voltage on the more fundamental properties of MLCC 85 ˚C
impedance, ESR and ESL. 10 For X7R MLCCs, this effect is limited.A typical 16 V type
The obvious conclusion of this is that in circuits where Ta 85 ˚C will lose a maximum of 20% of its capacitance when a
either type may be used, to get the same circuit reliability Comparison of impedance 1
Ta 20 ˚C 16 V bias is applied.
it would be necessary to choose a tantalum with roughly Figure 3 gives a comparison of room-temperature
twice the rated voltage of the equivalent MLCC. impedance as a function of frequency for 1 µF For a 16 V Y5V MLCC, the effect is relatively large, a
capacitors in tantalum and Y5V MLCC technologies. 10-1 capacitor losing over 80% of its impedance when a 16 V
Temperature characteristics MLCC 20 ˚C
bias voltage is applied.
In the temperature range 0 to 85 °C, tantalum capacitors
offer a relatively flat temperature characteristic. 10-2 Figure 5 shows the influence of this change on the
10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 102
f (MHz) impedance of the capacitor. Again we see that, despite
MLCCs, on the other hand, come in different the large dependence on bias voltage, for frequencies
temperature classes defined by their dielectric, such as Fig. 4 Impedance as a function of frequency and above 100 kHz the impedance levels of the MLCC are
Y5V, Z5U,Y5U, X7R, and X5R.As a general rule one can temperature for a 1 µF 16 V tantalum capacitor and much lower than those of the tantalum capacitor. In the
say that for MLCCs, temperature characteristic can a 1 µF 16 V Y5V MLCC 1 to 10 MHz region, the difference is a factor 10.
always be improved at the expense of capacitance per
unit volume. From this figure we see that at low frequencies the
impedance of a 1 µF Y5V MLCC roughly doubles its
value between room temperature and 85 °C. Chiefly
4 because of this, the frequency at which the impedance 5
MSD105A In practice, this means that for tantalum capacitors the Table 3 Type selection for comparison of
impedance minimum frequency from which the impedance is tantalum capacitors and MLCCs. A: 3.2 x 1.6
(Ω) MLCC at Vdc = 10 V C determined by the ESR is much lower than it is for mm (1206) C: 6.0 x 3.2 mm D: 7.3 x 4.3 mm
102 (µF) MLCCs.
MLCC at Vdc = 5 V Y5V 10 µF MLCC Type Size Cap Rating Cost
at 20 ˚C If a tantalum capacitor with a lower ESR is required, it’s (µF) (V) Index
possible to select a type with the same capacitance but MLCC Y5V 0805 0.1 25 15
10 with a higher rated voltage or one with a larger MLCC Y5V 0805 1 16 30
Ta at Vdc <16 V capacitance. It is often also necessary to choose a larger MLCC Y5V 1206 10 6 152
1 Y5V 10 µF MLCC
at 40 ˚C case size. MLCC X7R 0805 0.1 25 23
MLLC at Vdc = 0 V
10 µF Ta cap. MLCC X7R 0805 1 10 76
and at Vdc = 3 V
at 20-85 ˚C
10-1 Equivalent Series Inductance (ESL) MLCC X7R 1206 2.2 10 121
When a capacitor discharges into an IC, the series Tantalum A 1 16 100
Y5V 10 µF MLCC at 85 ˚C
inductance impedes the process in two ways. First, the Tantalum A 10 10 100
10-2 1 series inductance of the discharge path, which a second Tantalum A 22 4 107
10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 102 10 102 103 104
f (kHz) order effect, reduces the discharge speed. Second, the Tantalum C 33 4 150
f (MHz)
Fig. 7 Capacitance as a function of frequency for Y5V current change induces a voltage across the series Tantalum D 100 4 303
Fig. 5 Impedance as a function of frequency and DC MLCCs and 16 V tantalum capacitors inductor which adds to the ripple voltage. The primary
voltage for a 1 µF 16 V tantalum capacitor and a variable in ESL is the size of the capacitor. Y5V and X7R/X5R type MLCCs were selected for the
16 V Y5V MLCC For tantalum capacitors the effect of capacitance comparison because the performance of Z5U and Y5U
reduction with increasing frequency depends on the For both tantalum capacitors and MLCCs, the capacitors, in general, falls between that of an X7R /X5R
Effective capacitance construction of the capacitor. In general, versions with inductance is in the region of 1 to 3 nH but the intrinsic and Y5V types.
Besides the variations of capacitance with temperature lower rated voltages start losing capacitance at design characteristics of MLCCs and their greater
and bias voltage just described, variation of capacitance lower frequencies: a 4 V type, for example, loses possibilities for miniaturization both offer greater To assess the electrical performance, one must in fact
with frequency must also be taken in account since the approximately 80% of its capacitance at 500 kHz, while possibilities to reduce ESL. look at different frequencies, operating temperature
two technologies (MLCC and tantalum) show some a 16 V type loses about 50% at 500 kHz. ranges and bias voltages. The present comparison is
marked differences in this area. Though ESL considerations can be important for limited to the conditions as given in Table 4.
Equivalent series resistance (ESR) decoupling HF signals, in view of the similarities
Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the general trend. Figure 6 Here we speak of ESR of a capacitor not as the between the capacitor technologies in this respect and Table 4 Frequency, temperature and bias voltage
shows that the capacitance of X7R MLCCs remains minimum value but as a function of frequency. ESR is the fact that ESL usually becomes important at for the comparison of Table 3
relatively constant with frequency and Fig.7 shows that also a function of temperature but its dependence on frequencies that are so high that MLCCs are preferred
the capacitance of Y5V MLCCs increases at higher frequency is far greater. in any case, we shall not consider this parameter further parameter selection
frequency. Both figures show that the capacitance of in the publication. frequency 100 kHz, 200 kHz
tantalum capacitors falls strongly at higher frequency. It’s Because of the differences in their construction, the 500 kHz, 1 MHz
worth noting, however, that these effects are all much value of ESR for MLCCs and tantalum capacitors differs Functional performance per temperature 40 °C, 60 °C, 85 °C
smaller than those due to variations in temperature and greatly. Fig.8 gives an example for 10 µF capacitors. application area DC bias 5V
bias voltage. In any design decision, electrical performance is not the
MSD106A only criterion. Component cost too must be taken into For the capacitor types in Table 3 and the parameters in
MSD104A account. For each application area such as decoupling, Table 4, the minimum effective capacitance, impedance
ESR smoothing and noise suppression the requirements on and ESR values have been determined. The effect of
C (Ω) functional performance differ. We shall therefore temperature dependence on ESR has not been taken
(µF) compare the functional performance of tantalum into account since the effects are relatively small. For
1 capacitors and MLCCs per electrical function. both technologies ESR decreases with temperature
10 µF tantalum capacitor
over this frequency and temperature range (Ref.3).
X7R 1 µF MLCC at 20 ˚C Major application areas are decoupling and smoothing.
1 Table 3 makes a comparison between a set of typical With this set of data, electrical performance per
X7R 1 µF MLCC at 85 ˚C tantalum capacitors and MLCCs considering both application is simulated to provide meaningful
electrical performance and cost. comparisons between the two technologies.

10 µF 4 V Ta cap. 1 µF 16 V Ta cap. 10 µF Y5V MLCC
at 20-85 ˚C at 20-85 ˚C
Smoothing is one of the important application areas in
10-2 which MLCCs and tantalum capacitors often compete.
10 102 103 104
10-1 f (kHz)
10 102 103 104
f (kHz) Fig. 8 ESR as a function of frequency for 10 µF MLCCs One of the most common areas for smoothing is found
Fig. 6 Capacitance as a function of frequency for X7R and tantalum capacitors in switched-mode power supplies (SMPS) which cover a
6 MLCCs and 16 V tantalum capacitors very broad spectrum of output powers and ripple 7
currents. Even so, design constraints such as maximum From Fig.9, the following conclusions can be drawn: 4

operating temperature, capacitance required and high- • Within the MLCC range, a cheaper solution can be
cost cost
frequency switching requirements of modern SMPS found for all performance levels index index
designs often make the choice of capacitor technology • For low and medium performance levels, a Y5V MLCC 100 µF 100 µF

clear. In those areas where the choice is not clear, is the most cost-effective solution 3 3

however, it is sensible to make a cost-performance • For high performance levels (including the best level) tantalum
analysis. an X7R MLCC is always the best choice.
In a next step we look at the effects of an increase of 2 2
For this we use what’s known as a spice model (Ref.3) to operating temperature. The results are summarized in 2.2 µF
10 µF
compare the smoothing performances of the products Fig.10 which gives the cost-performance at 60 °C, 2.2 µF
in Table 3. The simulation circuit consists of a full-wave 100 kHz and 5 V bias. 10 µF 1 µF 1 µF
1 1
rectifier bridge excited by a 10 V sine-wave voltage 10 µF
source with an internal resistance of 1 Ω. The rectifier MSD108A 1 µF
0.1 µF 0.1 µF
bridge is smoothed by either an MLCC or an tantalum
capacitor.The circuit is loaded with a 100 Ω resistor.The cost
0 0
10-2 10-1 1 10 10-2 10-1 1 10
capacitor models are basically RLC-models with the 100 µF ripple index ripple index
values properly chosen as a function of frequency, 3 Fig.11 Cost-performance diagram at 85 °C, 1 MHz, 5 V Fig.12 Cost-performance diagram at 40 °C, 100 kHz, 5 V
temperature and bias voltage. This approach is valid tantalum bias for smoothing bias for decoupling
because the circuit is simulated for a single frequency.
10 µF
2 Influence of the DC-bias levels From Fig.12 it’s evident that at 100 kHz and 40 °C, a
Based on the cost index as given in Table 3, the These results have all been simulated with parameters 1 µF MLCC offers a more cost effective solution than a
smoothing performance is translated into cost- MLCC Y5V based on a DC-bias level of 5 V.When reducing the bias 1 µF 16 V tantalum but does not perform as well as the
performance diagrams. Figures 9, 10 and 11 are 1
1 µF level to 3 or 1.5 V, the performance of tantalum 10 µF tantalum capacitor. The 33 µF in case size C and
examples of these diagrams. 2.2 µF capacitors stays the same, but the performance of 100 µF in case size D achieve even better performance
MLCCs improves. In this respect it’s worth noting that levels at, it should be noted, considerably greater cost.
MSD107A 0.1 µF the performance of the Y5V MLCCs improves more Additionally, since the size of these components is much
0 since it is more sensitive to DC-bias. As a result, Y5V greater, a designer may well consider using more than
cost 10-1 1 10
ripple index MLCCs become more cost effective at lower circuit voltages. one MLCC in preference to a larger tantalum capacitor.
100 µF Fig. 10 Cost-performance diagram at 60 °C, 100 kHz, 5 V
3 bias for smoothing Decoupling MSD111A
tantalum When looking at local decoupling one has to assess the
Basically at 60 °C the conclusions differ little from those amount of charge required by the IC to perform its index
10 µF
drawn from Fig.9. The main difference is that the Y5V state change without causing excess voltage ripple.The 100 µF
MLCCs are less competitive as a result of their reduced voltage ripple can seriously degrade IC performance. 3

effective capacitance. The capacitor, therefore, has to respond as a low-

10 µF 1 µF impedance charge source.
2.2 µF 1 µF Figure 11 illustrates the influence of both a further 2
MLCC X7R temperature and frequency increase. The Y5V MLCC To assess the capacitors’ behaviour in this respect, the
MLCC Y5V 10 µF
0.1 µF has been omitted here because it is no longer performance of 0.1 to 10 µF MLCCs and 1 to 100 µF
0 2.2 µF 10 µF
competitive at these high temperature. tantalum capacitors from Table 3 were investigated in 1
1 µF
10-1 1 10
ripple index One further conclusion can be added: the 100 kHz to 1 MHz frequency range. In the initial 1 µF

Fig. 9 Cost-performance diagram at 40 °C, 100 kHz, 5 V • At 1 MHz the competitive position of the X7R MLCC tests, the capacitors were subjected to a 100 kHz MLCC Y5V MLCC X7R
bias for smoothing improves due to the tantalum capacitors’ reduced square wave and in the later tests they were subjected 0.1 µF

effective capacitance and high ESR. to a 1 MHz sine wave.The influence of temperature and 0
10-2 10-1 1 10
In the cost-performance diagram, both cost and intermediate frequencies was simulated using a general ripple index
performance are given relative to the tantalum 1 µF level. decoupling model. Fig.13 Cost-performance diagram at 40 °C, 1 MHz, 5 V
Good performance corresponds to low ripple index. bias for decoupling
Figures 12, 13 and 14 show typical cost-performance
The lines in the figure connect the data for the types diagrams. As with smoothing, performance was seen to Figure 13 shows the influence of increasing the decoupling
from Table 3 manufactured in the same technology. For improve with increasing capacitance. frequency to 1 MHz. Here the situation has changed.We
all 3 series the performance improves with increasing see now that at this frequency the 1 µF X7R MLCC offers
capacitance. a more cost-effective solution than even the 10 µF
tantalum capacitor. Moreover, the cost effectiveness of the
Y5V capacitor has also improved. Both effects come from
the reduced need for effective capacitance at this
8 frequency and the increased importance of low ESR. 9
We also notice that despite the high nominal Future developments More information
capacitance, the 33 µF and 100 µF tantalum capacitors In both technologies, developments continue towards For more information and data, contact your local Yageo
no longer offer the best performance. In this example, further increase of capacitance per unit volume and sales representative or visit our web site on
the 2.2 µF X7R MLCC is, in fact superior to these smaller sizes (Refs 2, 3 and 4). In addition, both
capacitors. technologies are introducing products with lower ESR
levels. In tantalum technology, new series like the References
MSD112A Neocapacitor (Ref.5) and the dedicated Low ESR series 1. Development of large Capacitance Multilayer
are finding their application segments. Likewise, in ceramic Capacitors with thin dielectric layers
MLCC technology increased numbers of layers and H. Kanai, K. Harada,Y.Yamashita, K. Handa,
100 µF greater effective capacitances are leading to reduced Carts USA 1995 page 9-14
3 ESR levels (Ref.6). 2. Dielectric Characteristics of Complex perovskite
Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Thin Dielectric
First indications based on extrapolations of Figs 1 and 2 Layers
2 lead to the expectation that MLCCs will further S.Takakura, K. Katoh, M.Yamada,Y.Yoneda.
penetrate the tantalum area and that tantalum Murata Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
10 µF C
capacitors will strengthen their position in the high Jpn. Journal of applied Phys.Vol. 34 (1995) .
2.2 µF
10 µF 1 µF capacitance area (currently dominated by electrolytics). 3. Spice modeling of capacitors,
1 µF John D. Prymak. Kemet Electronics.
MLCC X7R Conclusions Carts USA 1995 page 39-46.
0.1 µF • MLCCs and tantalum capacitors have been compared 4. New design of tantalum capacitor.
0 on general and functional specifications Ian Salisbury
10-2 10-1 1 10
ripple index • A detailed understanding of the behaviour is needed AVX Corporation
Fig.14 Cost-performance diagram at 60 °C, 1 MHz, 5 V to predict the performance in relation to circuit Carts Europe 1996 page 25-30.
bias for decoupling demands 5. The history and future development of tantalum
• Cost-performance diagrams can help in selecting the capacitors
Figure 14 shows the influence of increasing the optimal capacitor. A. Kobayashi, T. Nishiyama, K. Watamabe,
operating temperature to 60 °C. Compared with the • Both in smoothing and in decoupling, MLCCs have T. Nakata, K. Morimoto.
situation of Fig.13, the major change here is the been shown in most cases to be more cost effective NEC Corporation.
increased cost effectiveness of the X7R MLCCs. In fact, than tantalum capacitors Carts Europe 1996 page 49-58.
under these conditions X7R MLCCs are unique in their • The cost effectiveness of MLCCs improves with 6. Relation between microstructure and characteristics
ability to achieve the best performance. frequency of MLCCs having "core-shell" structure.
• Y5V MLCCs are most cost effective at low bias Y.Yoneda,T. Hosokawa, N. Omori, S.Takeuchi.
From the simulation results it can be concluded that voltage, medium performance levels and temperature Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd
MLCCs with nominal capacitance both in X7R and Y5V up to 40 to 60 °C Carts Europe 1996.
dielectric offer cost-effective alternatives to equivalent • X7R MLCCs are most cost effective at high
tantalum capacitors over a large frequency and performance levels and higher temperatures
temperature range. • The battle between MLCC and tantalum capacitor
technologies will continue.
For frequencies up to 500 kHz, it is possible to improve
the decoupling performance in tantalum technology by
choosing a larger capacitance. Since the ESR of this
larger capacitance is lower, the impedance will also be
lower over a large proportion of the frequency range.
Usually, however, a larger value tantalum capacitor has
the disadvantages of a lower rated voltage or a larger
case size and a poorer performance at higher
frequencies. This can give additional problems if EMC
regulations have to be taken into account.

Moreover, it is often possible to use a much smaller

capacitance in MLCC technology to achieve the same
decoupling performance. This is because in tantalum
technology it is always necessary to choose a larger
capacitance to reduce ESR and compensate for loss of
capacitance at higher frequencies.
10 11


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