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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


I’ve put Briar Farm for this one, because that was the name of the farm that my aunt and uncle

used to own. My mum and my sister and I, we used to go there every summer for our

holidays. I absolutely loved it, all the animals, and going on the tractor with my uncle and stuff

like that. It was just a really special place for me.

There isn’t really any day of the week that I don’t like, but I hate mornings … you know, getting

up first thing in the morning. I’m just not a morning person at all. It’s a bit of a problem at the

moment because I’m a hairdresser, and I do a lot of work for TV and stuff, and normally it’s

fine because I work on programmes that start late, so I get up quite late. But at the moment

I’m working on a film, and I have to be there really, really early. I’m getting up at about five and

it’s killing me! I mean the work itself is really interesting, but I just feel so horrible at that time of

the morning.

For this one, I’ve written ‘Kathy’. I met her when we were both working for this really awful

boss, she was just the most horrible nasty woman, and it was my first job, but I think Kathy

had had a few different jobs before that. Anyway, we became very close because we both

hated this boss so much. We used to go out for a coffee together and compare all the awful

things she’d said to us. We were really good friends for a couple of years – we even went on

holiday together once – but I haven’t seen her for three or four years … I don’t know why,

really … we didn’t fall out or anything, but somehow we’ve lost touch.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1

Let me see … I remember the house where I was born was quite small, but it had a big

garden. My parents had bought the house from an old man and he’d built this amazing pond

at the bottom of the garden. That’s one of my earliest memories really … I used to spend

hours staring at the fish in this pond, I found them fascinating. It was probably quite

dangerous, the pond, but no one seemed to worry very much. I think we lived there for about

five years and then we moved in about 1993, I think it was.

Erm, someone I’ve met quite recently is Emma…I’ve only known her for about six months, I

met her at my exercise class as it happens, we were standing next to each other and we just

started talking. It’s quite a coincidence really because obviously my name’s Emma too and my

boyfriend’s name’s Johnny and her husband’s called John or Johnny. We’ve all been out

together a couple of times, and it gets really confusing!

Erm, can’t think of anything really for this one. Oh I know, my cousin and his wife have had a

baby, I think it was born about three weeks ago, a girl, I think, I don’t remember its name. I’m

not really into babies myself, but it looks quite sweet in the photo on Facebook.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1

1 We used to go there every summer for our holidays. I absolutely loved it.

2 Normally it’s fine because I work on programmes that start late … but at the moment

I’m working on a film.

3 It was my first job, but I think Kathy had had a few different jobs before that.

4 I haven’t seen her for three or four years.

5 Somehow we’ve lost touch.

6 I think we lived there for about five years.

7 We were standing next to each other each other, and we just started talking.

8 It looks quite sweet in the photo on Facebook.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


Alek Wek is one of the world’s most popular models. She has appeared in catwalk shows,

high profile advertising campaigns and on the cover of Vogue magazine. Her life, however

hasn’t been easy.

Alek was born into a poor family in Sudan in 1977, the seventh of nine children. In 1983, civil

war broke out. Alek used to play out in the streets but it got too dangerous to go out. In the

end, Alek’s family decided to leave their town and walk south. Eventually, the family ended up

in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. Unfortunately, in Khartoum, Alek’s father died. Many years

before, he had had an operation on his hip and during their long walk it got badly infected.

In 1991, Alek and her younger sister moved to the UK. Their older sister had moved there

three years earlier, and later their mother joined them.

In 1995 Alek was shopping at a market in London when a modelling scout approached her,

and against her mother’s advice, 18-year-old Alek decided to become a model.

It was the right decision. She has been a top model for over 15 years. She also designs

handbags, and has written an autobiography called Alek. However, these days she is

spending more and more time working for charities to help Africa, like the Refugee Council.

In the 1990s, Alek Wek was changing the stereotype of how a model should look. Now she is

changing the stereotype of how a model should behave.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


A = Anna, M = Maz

A: And everything still going well with Ben? You two still madly in love?

M: Yeah… yeah…well um, I need to talk to you about it some time.

A: Why what’s wrong?

M: No there’s nothing wrong as such, it’s just…I mean we get on really well, and

everything, but I dunno, I don’t think it’s like, going anywhere…I just can’t see

us together in a few years time.

A: No?

M: Not really, no. I just don’t think we really want the same things. I mean he’s

like… perfectly happy living here… doing the same things, seeing the same

people, and well…you know me, I’ve got so many plans and things I want to do.

A: And you don’t think he’s interested?

M: Mmm, he says he is, but sometimes I think he’s just telling me what I want to


A: Do you?

M: And I mean what’s the point of staying together if you don’t think there’s any


A: Poor Ben…

M: I know, I mean I do love him, and we do have a good time

I dunno. You won’t say anything to anyone ,will you? Because I really haven’t

decided what to do.

A: No, of course not, I wouldn’t dream of it. You know you can trust me…

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


J = Joe, A = Anna

J: So have you seen Ben and Maz at all?

A: Yes I have actually. I had coffee with Maz the other day.

J: Yeah? Everything OK?

A: Yeah …

J: You don’t sound very sure!

A: No, well … don’t whatever you do mention this to Ben, will you?

J: No, what?

A: Only I think she’s going to finish with him …

J: You’re not serious? He’ll be devastated.

A: Well, you know, they are very different people, I mean she’s always been

super-ambitious, and super-dynamic, and he’s like, easy-going, happy with

things they way they are. At the end of the day she doesn’t think they really

have that much in common.

J: Poor Ben. So what exactly did she say?

A: I don’t really know if I should say anything more … you must promise you won’t

say a word to him.

J: No, no, I promise, but you’ve got to tell me the whole story now you’ve started!

A: Well what she told me was …

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


J = Joe, B = Ben

J: So everything all right mate? Maz OK?

B: Yeah, great. She’s studying like crazy as usual, but no, everything’s good.

J: Good …

B: Actually I’m planning a bit of a surprise for her.

J: Oh are you? What’s that then?

B: Well you know how she loves the sun, well I’m going to book this big holiday in

the sun for us both, for when she finishes her exams next summer. Two weeks

on a Greek island, she’s going to love it. But it’s a complete surprise, so don’t

say a word to her.

J: Mmm …are you sure Maz likes surprises? Don’t you think you should … erm,

you know, ask her where she wants to go? I mean it’s going to cost you a

fortune, isn’t it?

B: Oh, she’ll like this, I know she will

J: Coz, you know, she does have strong opinions about what she likes, doesn't


B: Nah, mate, it’s cool, you don’t know her like I do, she’ll love it.

J: I dunno, I think it’s a bit of a risk. If it was me, I’d definitely ask her before I

booked it.

B: Hey, you’re just not romantic like me, are you?

J: And also she might make other plans, things that she can’t like change and

then she might not be able to go …

B: Nah, trust me, it’ll be fine.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


A = Anna, M = Maz, J = Joe, B = Ben

A: You don’t think he’s interested?

M: He says he is.

M: I do love him and we do have a good time together …

M: You won’t say anything to anyone, will you?

J: Have you seen Ben and Maz at all?

A: Yes I have actually.

B: I’m planning a bit of a surprise for her.

J: Oh are you?

J: It’s going to cost you a fortune, isn’t it?

B: She’ll like this, I know she will.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


1 I’ve got some really interesting news, do you want to hear it?

2 John, you’re not listening to me, are you?

3 Was the party good on Saturday night?

4 Have you heard? Annie and Phil have got engaged!

5 We had a terrible journey home last night; we were nearly two hours late!

6 I know you don’t believe me …

7 Listen, the neighbours are having an argument! Can you hear what they’re saying?

8 You didn’t tell me you were moving house!

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1

A: I’ve got some really interesting news, do you want to hear it?

B: Of course I do!

A: John, you’re not listening to me, are you?

B: I am listening, darling.

A: Was the party good on Saturday night?

B: No, to be honest, it wasn’t.

A: Have you heard? Annie and Phil have got engaged!

B: Really, have they?

A: We had a terrible journey home last night; we were nearly two hours late!

B: Oh no, were you?

A: I know you don’t believe me …

B: I do believe you!

A: Listen, the neighbours are having an argument! Can you hear what they’re saying?

B: No, I can’t!

A: You didn’t tell me you were moving house!

B: I did, didn’t I?
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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


Do you want to hear it?

John, you’re not listening to me.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


Of course I do.

I am listening, darling.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


W = Woman, M = Man

W: OK. Two. Um, right, what are the pros and cons of coming from a large family?

M: Um, I don't - I don't really know, I don't come from a large family.

W: Well imagine if you did what might be the good points?

M: Well, um, ah, lots of Christmas presents?

W: Would you say that there wouldn't be anything bad about coming from a large family?

M: Ah, if you had a small house it might be a bit cramped.

W: Anything else that you can think of?

M: No not really, no. Well …

W: Oh, I think we’re out of time.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1

W: OK, your go.

M: My go. One, two, three, four, five. Right, oh, that's a good one, um, who have you

fallen out with in the past?

W: Oh no, um - I did fall out with, ah, my sister quite recently, ah, we had an argument

last New Year's Eve but I can't remember what we were arguing about.

M: Oh no, so you don't actually know why you fell out?

W: No, it was – well, we were, I think we were arguing about something that happened to

us in the past that we obviously hadn't brought up before, um, so …

M: Something to do with the family maybe?

W: Yes, yeah if anything it will definitely have been to do with the family.

M: And when was it, it was at Christmas did you say?

W: No, last New Year's Eve.

M: Oh, New Year's Eve.

M: But I think 'cos, because it was New Year's Eve you're feeling quite emotional and,

ah, excitable and …

M: And it was your sister?

W: Yes, but we argue quite a lot anyway. And we're friends now.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1

W: What is the ideal age to get married and why?

M: Well, I don’t necessarily believe that there is an ideal age to get married. Um, I mean

some men feel that they need to be a little bit older before they get married and, um,

a lot of women feel that they’re ready to get married and vice versa as well. Um, er,

let me see, er, I mean, er, in times gone by, people got married quite young, and um,

er, you know, erm, I think my parents got married when they were a lot younger, er I

don’t know. I don’t the answer to this question, I’m sorry.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


A: … and most of the people there seem very friendly, so, yeah, all that side of things is


B: Good.

A: It’s just that … well, I don’t want to sound as if I’m moaning already or anything, but

I’ve got a bit of a problem with my boss somehow. It’s a bit hard to explain. When you

first meet her, she seems perfectly nice, you know, good fun, and young and

everything, but I don’t know. She’s got this way of kind of ignoring whatever I say. She

doesn’t actually criticise me, not openly, but she just doesn’t seem to take any of my

suggestions very seriously.

B: Oh … how annoying.

A: Yeah, well, I’m supposed to be her assistant manager, not some junior who doesn’t

know anything about the job.

B: That sounds awful. Have you tried talking to anyone else about it? Or to her, even?

A: Well, I don’t know. I don’t feel as if I’m really well enough established there yet.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1

A: … well, if we hurry we might just get there. Oh, no!

B: What’s the matter?

A: Look! Look at the traffic! It’s just solid. Oh I don’t believe it. I mean how is anyone

supposed to get around …

B: OK, OK. Calm down, calm down.

A: Will you stop telling me to calm down? It is SO annoying … Come on, will you!!

B: Look, there’s no point in getting upset about it. It’s rush hour. There’s bound to be a lot

of traffic.

A: Yes, and when we turn up an hour late, I can imagine they’re gonna be really happy

about it.

B: OK, come on, we’re not going to be a hour late. I tell you what, I’ll give them a call and

tell them we’re stuck in traffic, okay?

A: Yeah, okay, I mean there’s not much else we can do is there, short of buying a private

helicopter. I mean the traffic in this town is just …

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1

A: Hello?

B: Simon? It’s Linda here.

A: Oh, hi ... How’s it going?

B: There’s a bit of a crisis, actually. That’s why I’m ringing. I don’t know what to do.

A: Oh, dear. You haven’t locked yourself out again, have you?

B: No, no, it’s … it’s Tony.

A: Oh, Tony.

B: He should have been back hours ago. I mean he’s always here when I get in from work,

always, and he’s just not here. He’s disappeared!

A: Well, never mind. I’m sure he’ll come back. He always does, doesn’t he?

B: Yeah, but, you never know what might’ve happened. I mean he’s not used to being out

on his own.

A: Have you looked under the bed? That’s where he was last time.

B: Of course, I have. No, he’s not in the flat. He’s gone. I just

don’t know where.

A: Look, Linda, try not to worry about it. He’s probably out with one of his girlfriends or

something. Have you called him? He could be in the garden.

B: Yeah, I’ve looked everywhere. He’s not in any of his usual places.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


1 A Never mind.

B Never mind.

2 A Cheer up!

B Cheer up.

3 A Try not to worry about it.

B Try not to worry about it.

4 A What a shame.

B What a shame.

5 A Just ignore him.

B Just ignore him.

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Upper Intermediate Audio script Unit 1


1 You must be really worried.

2 Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter.

3 Try not to worry about it.

4 Just ignore it.

5 Don’t take any notice of him.

6 There’s no point in getting upset.

7 That sounds awful!

8 How annoying!

9 Cheer up!

10 Never mind.

11 Calm down!

12 What a shame!

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