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Fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having

beginners luck,
improvising, believing that the Universe provides, having no strings attached, being carefree. Fool reversed indicates new beginnings being
blocked, the path is hidden and the subject is having difficulties seeing the world with fresh eyes.

Magician represents your ability to communicate clearly, to ‘sell’ yourself and to be innovative. The Magician has all the tools and
resources available to manifest his desired outcome, so it is a good card to get if you want to create. Magician reversed indicates empty promises,
false possibilities, a con man, misunderstandings and a lack of substance to make possibilities become a reality.

High Priestess represents secrets, mystery, intuition, wisdom, making the impossible become possible, and magic. High
Priestess reversed indicates blocked psychic abilities, and little to no awareness of the subconscious influence on our reality. Secrets are kept,
answers are not found and instincts are wrong.

Empress represents feminine power, a nurturer and a family oriented person, our mother or a mother figure, abundance, femininity,
fertility and the love of the home and family. Empress reversed indicates neglect and a lack of attention where there should be nurturing. She can
represent a mother who gives little affection and hardly any protection to her child. The child can also symbolize a project, a relationship, an
enterprise, the home and a business that need attention but are instead being left unattended.

Emperor represents masculine energy, the ruler, the head of the household, head of a company, organization and communities. The
Emperor is an authority figure that creates a solid foundation to build and create on. Emperor reversed denotes someone with a childish streak,
who is also inconsistent and unpredictable. If this card represents the subject then something is blocking the energy that gives the person

Hierophant represents group consciousness, religion, your belief system, ceremony, traditions, kindness, charity, giving guidance in
the form of spiritual counselling. Hierophant reversed denotes prudence, silliness and hypocrisy. There are rules but no knowledge of why
these rules are of importance. The ego is without guidance. There is an inflexibility in the system and in the people of the system. It can be an
institution who control information and the leaders make themselves rich while the poor remains poor.

Chariot represents your willpower and determination. It represents victory. The Chariot gives you the green light to charge ahead and
take control in your life or an area of your life that needs your attention. Chariot reversed indicates defeat and cowardice. Instead of charging
ahead and taking control of the inner and outer forces, there is the feeling of giving up before you give it a go. ‘What is the use’ is the energy in
Chariot reversed.

Lovers represents love and relationship, soul mates, physical attractions, choices to be made, The Lovers represents doing the things
that make us feel whole, being with the people who make us feel whole. Lovers reversed indicates a breakup between partners, families and
friends. Whatever it is, the people who split up are not creating the same magic and chemistry on their own and become less whole. Lovers
reversed can also indicate a wrong choice being made.

Strength represents our courage, passions, strength, self-confidence, patience and compassion. Strength reminds us to
follow our passions, to take the time to do the things that make us tick, that makes us strong within ourselves and which builds
confidence and self-worth. Strength reversed denotes a lack of courage, lack of passion, fear, even timidity and impatience. Weak will and lack
of backbone are indicated when this card shows up reversed. The lion remains untamed, often due to a fear of standing out due to peer pressure.

Hermit represents spending time alone, being a lone wolf, soul-searching, seeking spiritual guidance, introspection. Hermit reversed
indicates isolation and paranoia. There is no insight rather there is a twisted and vicious side to the person. This also denotes someone who is
very lonely and is ‘loosing’ their grip on reality due to the amount of time they spend by themselves.

Wheel of Fortune is the Big destiny card in the tarot deck. What is meant to be is meant to be. In the tarot when the Wheel
of Fortune turns up, it means that the events and people in your life are in your life due to it being pre-decided by destiny. Wheel of Fortune
reversed indicates bad luck and misfortune. Instead of hitting the top of the wheel and moving forward, you are hitting the bottom, often
stagnating. The wheel might not be turning at all and much-needed change is eluding you.

Justice represents all kinds of legal matters, the spiritual laws of truth and cause and effect. When the Justice card shows up it reminds
us to be lawful and fair to achieve the best result. Justice reversed denotes injustice, unfairness, imbalance. You are either getting too much or
too little of what you need. Something might be preventing the energy of fairness and balance from succeeding.

Hanged Man represents being temporarily suspended. Life is on hold, but it serves a purpose. Reversed Hanged Man indicates
stubbornness and selfishness, refusing to give up your perspective to gain new insight. This car reversed denotes someone who is feeling apart
from the world and unable to communicate their point of view and their perspective to others.

Death represents transformation, endings and new beginnings. When the Death card shows up it tells you that things will not be the same
again. A transformation is taking place, you are growing and changing with the circumstances you find yourself in. Death reversed indicates that
something that should have come to a blessed end for some reason persists. ‘Not death’ is not a desired thing as it is not living either. For some
reason, the person is holding on. Blocked grief is often a factor.

Temperance represents balanced interaction between the elements to create something new and fresh. Temperance includes all
the elements in such a way that it brings out the best of each substance. When the Temperance card shows up in your life there is great balance
and strength between the different areas and people in your life that are working together. Temperance reversed indicates that the balance
between two opposing elements to create a third goes terribly wrong. This card often shows up when two different people who could bring out
the best in each other instead bring out the worst.

Devil represents the primal source of behavior that shows itself in the form of our desires and earthly needs. It also represents our fears
that causes addiction and compulsive behavior. Reversed Devil indicates temptations resisted, stricter morals kept and they escape the chains
from the devil. The subject might be too restricted in their life, and they have little or no desires that drive them.

Tower represent disaster, emotional ‘meltdowns’ and/or tantrums, anger issues, upheaval, sudden change that is caused by
disruption and revelations that rock the foundation of the person, household, organization or even country, depending on the nature of the
question. Tower reversed denotes secrets and lies that would have brought down the false structures remain hidden and there is no shake-up.
There is no destruction and the Tower remains standing.

Star represents hope, a bright future, joy, optimism, guidance, having answers to your questions, being and feeling the connection to the
divine, serenity and inspiration. The Star shines so brightly that when it shows up in a reading it tells you that you are being the light in
someone’s life. Star reversed indicates that any hope or promise offered is going to be false. There is leading astray rather than finding one’s
way. There is a feeling of being lost with no way out.

Moon represents illusions, intuition, fantasies, fears and anxiety. When the Moon appears, things might not be quite as they seem. Your
insecurities might be running high or you find yourself on the receiving end of other people’s insecurities. Moon reversed indicates primitive
forces at play, a long dark night of the soul. Intuition and creativity are blocked, a sexual block is also possible.

Sun represents success, joy, sunshine, day, warmth and happiness. The Sun shows up when life is sunny and you are enjoying your time
with the people you love. Life is simple rather than complicated. Relationships are blossoming and you are feeling loved. Sun reversed indicates
new beginnings, success and happiness being blocked.  Success is blocked due to reaching the wrong conclusions and having bad reasoning and
poor logic. Things are frustrating and unclear. There might be some problems with pregnancy or raising young children.

Judgement represents taking responsibility for your actions and your life, being a good judge of character, seeing the truth and
knowing what you want. The Judgement card often shows up when you need to step up and be a leader, speaking the truth and being more
assertive. Judgement reversed indicates taken on burdens, digging oneself deeper into the old life, being haunted by the past and unable to let
go. There is something blocking the subject from renewing themselves.

World is the final Major Arcana card and represents fulfilment and successful completion of a cycle. You know your place in the world,
and your life lessons have made you smart and accomplished. The World shows up when the world is ready for you and want what you have to
offer. World reversed indicates staying at home secluded within the comfort zones, projects and ventures remain incomplete. The subject is
unable to finish what they started.

Ace of wands speaks of new beginnings. Be bold and start something new. Follow your
inspiration. Ace of Wands speaks of births of all kinds; the birth of enterprises and job opportunities,
and also the birth of a baby. Ace of Wands reversed indicates that new beginnings are blocked. Ideas
and enterprises do not take hold and there is little if any growth.
Two of Wands is about manifesting using the will and strength of your mind. You might have to
weigh up your options before deciding on the one that is best for you. Two of Wands reversed
indicates difficulties in making a decision, possibly due to the fear of making the wrong choice.
Three of Wands is the card for writers, and writing jobs and freelancers. It is also the card that
follows the manifesting the subject did in Two of Wand, and the subject has now lived a new and
exciting opportunity or dream. Three of Wands reversed indicates there is a delay in rewards and a
delay in a payoff. The seeker might be out of their league, unable to cope with the demands.
Four of Wands is the card for harmony and developing on a larger scale, often expanding your
living situation, and also being stronger connected to a community. Four of Wands reversed indicates
the foundation not laid or not ready.
Five of Wands is about standing up for what is important to you, even if it means meeting some
opposition. Five of Wands reversed indicates loss in individuality. There is a struggle to stand out
among others equally talented.
Six of Wands is the card for popularity, progress, victory and success, self-confidence and getting
what you want. Six of Wands reversed indicates not getting the rewards that are owed, success
delayed of even defeat.
Seven of Wands denotes being defensive and putting up barriers and boundaries. You are
protecting your point of view and your position. Seven of Wands reversed indicates an inability to
hold your ground, especially if it is not popular. There is a lack of defending oneself.
Eight of Wands speaks of swift action and progress. It often shows up when there is a visitor
coming, or when the subject is visiting someone. Eight of Wands reversed indicates lack of energy
and slowness, and things are not moving in the right direction. There might be poor time management
and delays.
Nine of Wands is the card for strength, courage, resilience and endurance. Never give up and
never surrender. Nine of Wands reversed indicates weakness and stubbornness rather than strength
and willpower. There is a waste of energy or lack of energy to save something.
Ten of Wands is the card for hard work and taking on more responsibility. Ten of Wands
reversed indicates fear of responsibilities, and incapability to keep on top of things. The seeker might
be unmotivated and ready to walk away from their duties.
Page of Wands denotes an enthusiastic young person who is eager to explore and gain life
experience. Page of Wands reversed indicates a bully and a mean-tempered person who likes to show
off and is demanding attention.
Knight of Wands denotes a person who is travelling through life at a high-speed, living life in
the fast lane. This is someone who will be the life of the party. Knight of Wands reversed indicates a
bully who wants to win at any costs. This is someone with acting talent who can turn his charm on and
off and manipulate to get his way.
Queen of Wands denotes a warm, kind and passionate woman. She is goal oriented and
determined. She is also a metaphysic who can use her mind both to create harmony and havoc. Queen
of Wands reversed indicates intimidation and domination. There is a lack of faith or even worse, faith
in black magic and darkness.
King of Wands denotes a married man who is a natural and charismatic leader. He has
entrepreneurial skills and loves to run a new and exciting project. King of Wands reversed indicates
dictatorship. This is someone with a god complex and a bad temper, often very violent.

Ace of Cups is the card for new love, compassion, joy and creativity. If this card shows up
with Ace of Pentacles it often means moving in together in a relationship. Ace of Cups reversed
indicates blocked creativity and blocked emotions. Access to the subconscious mind and psychic
ability is also blocked.
Two of Cups is the card for being in love and being in a close relationship, There is real
intimacy in the relationship, and you know and understand each other on a deep level. Two of
Cups reversed indicates being afraid of love and relationship. The seeker might be dreaming of
love, but when it comes down to actually having one, the fear of rejection and abandonment gets
in the way.
Three of Cups is the card for celebration, going out with friends, having a good time and
being part of a community. This card often shows up when someone is getting engaged or
married. Three of Cups reversed can indicate celebration gone wrong, bitching, jealousy and
Four of Cups is the card for contemplation. It often shows up when the subject is dissatisfied
about something and doesn’t fully notice what they are being offered. Four of Cups reversed
indicates the seeker has become unseated and is avoiding something and/or someone important.
Five of Cups is the card for regrets and disappointment, especially in love. A relationship
might not have turned out the way you would have liked it to. Five of Cups reversed indicates
disappointment in love and emotional matters. The two cups that still upright spill out when this
card shows up reversed which denotes the seeker might be emotionally totally drained, usually
by relationships.
Six of Cups is the card for sensuality and pleasure, memories, innocence, nostalgia
and childhood. Sometimes this card shows up when someone from the past is on their way
back into your life again. Six of Cups reversed indicates a difficult childhood and haunting,
even disturbing childhood memories. Memories of all kinds can be an issue when this card
shows up reversed, even memory loss.
Seven of Cups is the card for day dreaming, illusions, wishful thinking, and fantasies. This
card usually shows up when you have plenty of choices and need a vision to make them a
reality. Seven of Cups reversed indicates the seeker’s imagination is blocked. Daydreaming has
turned into thoughts of fears and anxieties.
Eight of Cups is the card for turning your back at something to go and follow your dream.
The day-dreaming that happened in Seven of cups has materialized in a vision that the subject is
going to pursuit. Eight of Cups reversed indicates the seeker has given up their dream to
surrender to a reality that is uncomfortable, loveless and miserable. The seeker might have
surrendered their life to please someone else, sell their business to work at a job they dislike.
Nine of Cups is the card for getting what you want and having a wish come true. This card
speaks of abundance and satisfaction, and also about being proud of what you have achieved.
Nine of Cups reversed indicates that the seeker is not going to get what they wish for. Family
and friendship might be falling apart. There are disintegrating and separation, often due to
lifestyle choices.
Ten of Cups is the card for total spiritual bliss experienced in your relationship, home and
family life. This card is about being in alignment with your true nature and everything in your
life is in harmony with your higher self and purpose on this planet. Ten of Cups reversed
indicates disruption in the harmony, something or someone is making it hard to maintain the
love. The seeker might be pretending everything is still wonderful in the hope that it will
continue forever.
Page of Cups denotes a young person with gentle and sensitive nature. This is someone who
lives in wonder and can be quite naive at times. Page of Cups reversed indicates, someone who
is hard to motivate, they are feeling sad and bring down others with their gloomy nature. They
might promise a lot, but deliver little if any.
Knight of Cups denotes a person on a quest to declare his love. This is your knight in
shining armor. He is a singer, poet, and writer. He paints and creates wherever he goes. He is
artistic and incredibly lovable.  Knight of Cups reversed indicates a person who is walking
away from a relationship and/or a creative venture. The emotional state of the seeker
might be far from romantic, instead it is more likely to be cynical and use their insights
and intuition to make others hurt as much as they do.
Queen of Cups denotes a woman who is highly intuitive and sensitive. She is in touch with
her emotions, her subconscious and the universe. She is compassionate and cares deeply about
her life and those in it. Queen of Cups reversed indicates someone with blocked psychic
abilities and an emotionally unstable nature. This person might be very numb or even worse, has
very dark feelings.
King of Cups denotes a warm, honest and generous man who is kind and fair. This is
someone who is in control over his own emotions. King of Cups reversed indicates someone
who is blocked expressing their feelings, is unable to motivate and be motivated. This is
someone with a selfish streak, often born from fear of rejection. 

Ace of Pentacles symbolizes a new beginning in your financial situation and an opportunity to
deepen your security. Ace of Pentacles reversed indicates financial losses and decrease in security.
There might have been anticipation in regards to increased income and wealth which are not becoming
a reality.
Two of Pentacles symbolizes juggling with finances. You might have income from more than one
source. Two of Pentacles also indicates investing money into different projects, or bartering. Two of
Pentacles reversed indicates the seeker is unable to juggle the demands of life. He loses sight of his
finances and practical aspects of life.
Three of Pentacles symbolizes your work, especially where team work or listening to
clients/customers are concerned. This is a positive card which indicates job satisfaction and taking pride
in your work, but you must put in the effort to see results. Three of Pentacles reversed indicates lack
of quality in work performance.
Four of Pentacles symbolizes the need for security and recognition in your life, to have control
over your possession and to keep abundance and money increasing. This card shows stubbornness in
the situation or in the subject. Four of Pentacles reversed indicates lack of something solid and
dependable. There is nothing reliable to hold on to.
Five of Pentacles symbolizes financial loss or hardship. It can also mean you are in a place where
you feel there is no security and your health might be suffering.  Five of Pentacles reversed indicates
disorder and chaos. Not only is there no money, but there is also a lack of spirituality and friendship.
Six of Pentacles symbolizes generosity towards those who has less than you. It can also mean
receiving generosity from others. Six of Pentacles reversed indicates a lack of generosity. There might
be greediness rather than sharing of wealth.
Seven of Pentacles symbolizes a vision that will pay off in the future. You are planting the seeds
so that you will be able to harvest a more secure and abundant future for yourself. Seven of
Pentacles reversed indicates impatience and moving forward before the time is ripe. This card
reversed can also mean unemployment.
Eight of Pentacles symbolize craftsmanship regarding work. It can also mean doing an
apprenticeship and/or learning a new skill. Eight of Pentacles reversed indicates tedious work with
little gains. The seeker might be overdue for a promotion they deserve but are not getting.
Nine of Pentacles symbolizes luxury, financial security and being on a lavish holiday. Nine of
Pentacles reversed indicates loneliness and unhappiness. The home is neither secure nor very
comfortable. The seeker might feel like a prisoner in their own home.
Ten of Pentacles symbolizes the type of wealth you get when you inherit something, being it your
own retirement money, hand me downs, or possessions from someone who has passes away.  Ten of
Pentacles reversed indicates fortunes or legacies wasted or lost, or on a lesser note, delayed. There
might be restrictive ties that become a burden.
Page of Pentacles indicates reinventing yourself in some way. It often denotes an opportunity to
start something new, whether it is a creative venture, studying, business or a new job offer. Page of
Pentacles is not yet an expert in the field of choice but has a clear goal and dream to achieve. Page of
Pentacles reversed indicates issues with learning and problems with studies. It denotes wasted talents,
unrealistic ambitions and/or intellectual snobbery.
Knight of Pentacles denotes being of service and doing the actual work (in contrast to Page of
Pentacles who enjoys daydreaming about the idea rather than actual living it). Knight of Pentacles is
comfortable with routine and is efficient and conservative. Knight of Pentacles reversed indicates
sloppiness, bitterness and envy. This is someone who is sucking up to those who can help them climb
the ladder to wealth and success, but will do nothing for those who haven’t got money or connections.
Queen of Pentacles is someone with a down to earth and practical approach to life and situations.
It is important to have work/home balance, in fact if you could work from home you probably would.
This card takes enjoyment in material pleasures and success. Queen of Pentacles reversed indicates
poor taste and lack of sensitivity to other people’s needs.
King of Pentacles symbolizes a successful businessman or a person in a manager position. This is
a stable and authoritative character, who is hard-working and dependable. King of Pentacles reversed
indicates someone who is too conservative and who won’t take any chances. He is reluctant in making
any changes in the way things are. He is likely to be a miser and a hoarder.

Ace of Swords is the card for a new thought and belief system. It is the potential of mental energy used to
create clarity and often also justice. Ace of Swords reversed indicates that the stirring of the aces is blocked.
Ideas and communication are blocked.
Two of Swords is the card for compromise, passiveness, keeping the peace (as in not rocking the boat), stalemate,
indecision and avoiding conflict. Two of Swords reversed indicates conflicts are unavoidable and compromises are not
reached. The subject might be exhibiting too much personality and creates drama just to have something to do.
Three of Swords denotes heartbreak. sorrow, pain and separation. Sometimes the separation is only temporary,
other times it is final. Three of Swords reversed indicates there is blocked grief stored in the person’s heart. The subject
might be afraid of grieving and is internalizing. 
Four of Swords is about rest and rejuvenation, getting enough sleep and taking time out to meditate. Four of
Swords reversed denotes restlessness and burn outs. Thoughts and beliefs interrupt the person from recuperating.
Five of Swords is the card for defeat and betrayal, conflict and unhealthy competition. Words will be hurtful, lies
will be told and your weaknesses used against you. Five of Swords reversed denotes conflict and arguments remaining
unresolved, often dragging on indefinitely.
Six of Swords is about crossing the troubled sea and entering into calmer water. This is the card for finding
solutions and implementing them, often bringing other people with you in the process, ie, your family, friends, and
colleagues. Six of Swords reversed indicates travel plans being held up or delayed. It also means difficulty in problem
solving, especially mental tasks like math and science.
Seven of Swords denotes someone is moving forward in less than honorable ways. There is often dishonesty
connected with this card, and trying to get away with something or trying to get out of something by lying. Seven of
Swords reversed indicates clumsiness and forgetfulness, especially when it comes to recollecting what lies have been
told and to whom.
Eight of Swords is the card of being stuck and unable to move on due to confusion and not knowing what is going
on. Often people draw this card when their own gut feeling is being overruled by other people. Eight of Swords
reversed indicates a person who is unable to move forward due to self-doubts, fear, and isolation. The person knows the
way forward, yet chooses to stay put, escaping in their own heads.
Nine of Swords denotes worry and anxiety, sleeplessness and being overwhelmed by negative emotions such as
guilt and regrets. Nine of Swords reversed indicates that issues and problems have been ignored rather than dealt with
and when they resurface the subject might not know how to deal with them.
Ten of Swords is the card for endings and loss, backstabbing and lack of support. Sometimes this card denotes
hitting rock bottom. It has the mentality of ‘when it rains it pours’, and the subject might be feeling there is no end of the
suffering. Ten of Swords reversed indicates a person who is holding on to pain often inflicted by others. This subject
might not be able to let go of what other people have inflicted and is feeling no support. Not just is there no
support, there might even be deliberate sabotage.
Page of Swords denotes a young and mentally very active and clever person. This is someone who can concentrate
over long periods of time and who learns new skills easily, especially mental skills. Page of Swords reversed indicates a
person who lies, gossips and being a know it all. This is someone who says inappropriate things and wastes his time in
chat rooms. They don’t keep secrets or promises.
Knight of Swords denotes a communicative, strong-minded and at times an opinionated person who is very action
oriented and thrive on change. This is someone with a competitive streak and doesn’t like to let go of his/hers position in
an argument. Knight of Swords reversed indicates a person with a speech impediment or learning disabilities. This is
someone who is intelligent but for some reason is unable to express themselves.
Queen of Swords denotes a woman who is cold, professional and smart. She is witty and funny in an intelligent
way (no toilet humor). She often represents single women who have been hurt in love, and is bitter and hurt, but a master
at covering it up. Queen of Swords reversed indicates a woman who has problems with problem solving and
communication. This is the type of person who will make accusations without checking the facts.
King of Swords denotes a professional man who is at the top of his game. This is someone who is an expert in his
field and would have had to study to acquire this knowledge. King of Swords reversed indicates a man who will
manipulate facts to get his own ways. There is a block when it comes to integrity and objectivity. This is someone
opinionated and biased.

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