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Criminology is a body of knowledge regarding crime as a social

phenomenon. “includes the scientific study of making laws, breaking laws,

and reacting toward the breaking of laws.” (Edwin Sutherland, father of
American criminology and Donald Cressey)
In its broadest sense, Criminology is the entire body of knowledge
regarding crimes, criminals and the effort of the society to prevent and
repress them.
In a narrower sense, Criminology is the scientific study of crimes and
Criminology maybe defined as the scientific study of crime and its
treatment. By: Elliot M.A & Merill F. E.
Criminology is the study which includes all the subject matter necessary to
the understanding and prevention of crimes together with punishment and
treatment of delinquents and criminals. By:TAFT.
Criminology is described to be the scientific study of crime as a social
phenomenon, or of criminals and their mental traits, habits and discipline.
By: Webster Dictionary
Criminalist is a person who is trained in the application of instruments and
methods essential in detecting and investigating crimes
Psychological Criminology the science of behavior and mental processes of
the criminal. It is focused on the individual criminal behavior how it is
acquired, evoked, maintained and modified.
Criminogenic Process Explain human behaviour and the experiences,
which help determine the nature of a person’s personality as a reacting
mechanism; that factors of experiences in connection thereto infringe
differentially upon different personalities, producing conflict, which is the
aspect of crime.
Criminal Psychodynamic The study of mental processes of criminals in
action; the study genesis, development, and motivation of human
behaviour that conflicts with accepted norms and standard of society; this
study concentrates on individuals as opposed to general studies of mass
populations with respect to their criminal behaviour.
Cultural Conflicts A clash between societies because of contrary beliefs or
substantial variance in their respective customs, language, institutions,
habits, learning, tradition, etc.
Dementia Praecox A collective term of mental disorders that begin at, or
shortly after puberty and usually lead to general failure of the mental
faculties, with the corresponding physiological impairment.
Criminologist is any person who is a graduate of the Degree of
Criminology, who has passed the examination for Criminologist and is
registered as such by the Board (Section 22, R. A. 6506) - an act creating
the Board of Examiner for Criminologist in the Philippines and for other
Episodic Criminal A non-criminal person who commits a crime when
under extreme emotional stress; a person who breaks down and commits a
crime as a single incident during the regular course of natural and normal
Erotomania A morbid propensity to love or make love; uncontrollable
sexual desire, or excessive sexual craving by members of either sex.
Kleptomaniac an uncontrollable morbid propensity to steal or pathological
stealing. The symptoms of this disease usually consist of peculiar motives
for stealing and hoarding.
Masochism A condition of sexual perversion in which a person derives
pleasure from being dominated or cruelly treated.
Melancholia A mental disorder characterized by excessive brooding and
depression of spirits; typical of manic depressive psychosis.
Necrophilism Morbid craving, usually of an erotic nature for dead bodies.
It is also a form of perversion where sexual gratifications are achieved
either through sexual intercourse with, or mutilation of the dead body.
Bad neighbourhood areas or places in which dwellings or housing
conditions are dilapidated, unsanitary, unhealthy, which are therefore,
detrimental to the morale, health and safety of the populace.

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