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Environmental Impact Assessment: Integrated Evaluation of Bridge

Construction Project in Bangladesh

Article · January 2018


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7 authors, including:

Irteja Hasan Milton Kumar Saha

EQMS Consulting Ltd. Patuakhali Science and Technology University


Md Shafiqul Islam Md. akidul Islam

FHI 360 govt b.l college


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Climate-Smart Agriculture View project

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International Journal of Advanced Geosciences, 6 (1) (2018) 133-139

International Journal of Advanced Geosciences

doi: 10.14419/ijag.v6i1.11633
Research paper

Environmental Impact Assessment: Integrated Evaluation of

Bridge Construction Project in Bangladesh
Irteja Hasan 1 *, Milton Shaha 2, Md. Shafiqul Islam 1, Md. Sirajul Islam 3, Md. Solayman 4,
Miraz Hossen 4, Md. Humayun Kabir 1
1 AssistantConsultant (Environment), EQMS Consulting Ltd, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh
2 Department of Disaster Risk Management, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali-8602, Bangladesh
3 Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Resource Management, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology Univer-

sity, Santosh, Tangail-1902, Bangladesh

4 Faculty of Disaster Management, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali-8602, Bangladesh

*Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) may provide a mechanism for executing sustainable development and it is also becoming a very
significance revision before authorizing of any project plan. EIA helps to decision making process whether the project is beneficial or
harmful effects for the environment. Both on site and off site environmental impacts can be reduced through undertaking EIA for any
bridge construction activities. This paper mainly concentrates on to find out potential environmental impact during the construction, oper-
ation and maintenance phase of the project using different matrix method. It also finds out the effective mitigation measures of the adverse
impacts that will be helpful for the surrounding environment. Primary data were collected from field survey, focus group discussion. Most
of the impacts and other consequences are identified based on public perception and the interview of the key personnel’s. Secondary data
were also collected for conducting the research. The study found that the bridge is connecting three regions (Bauphal, Patuakhali and
Barisal) and it will be a great achievement for the local coastal community. This new bridge project will not only increase the communi-
cation facilities but also other facilities such as economic flow, medical facilities etc. The EIA study founds some major negative Impacts
such as loss of land and resettlement, loss of aquatic habitat, loss of local trees varieties, loss of agricultural lands, loss of vegetation,
potential impact on ecological resources, impact on fish migration etc. But analyzing the overall impact of the environment, the EIA study
found that that the possible negative impact is not so high and the project can be implemented. Different environmental management plans
are suggested for reducing the potential negative impact of the bridge construction project.

Keywords: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Mitigation; Bridge; Bangladesh.

Barisal division and others parts of Bangladesh. It will also make

1. Introduction easier the Dhaka Bauphal route than before. Bauphal and Kalia Ba-
zar are economically important areas from the ancient time. After
Bangladesh is a major developing country that is particularly vul- the completion of the bridge the economic condition of southern
nerable to different type’s environmental change due to climate region especially Baga, Bauphal and Kalia will be rapidly devel-
change and anthropogenic causes [7], [11]. Since independence in oped.
1971, Bangladesh has initiated a number of environmental rules and The proposed Bridge will save both time and money for transporta-
regulations [5-8] that is prominent in the global push for sustainable tion of people and goods services. New employment opportunities
development goals. [12]. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) will be generated for the local people. Now the ferry service has
has a play a vital role in achieving these goals [1], [9], [10], and given connectivity with other places. However, at the ferry point,
[11]. However, EIA has some limitations but it is important for the people have to wait average one and half hour or more. After the
country to improve on these limitations with an aim to building a completion of the bridge, the commercial vehicles will be able to
robust of EIA system for sustainable development. EIA has recently give more trips and people will be able to reach their destination
been made known to the country by the Environment Conservation within a short time. At the time of natural calamity, the ferry service
Act, 1995 and the Environment Conservation Rules, 1997 but there is disrupted which hampers the economic and social activities se-
are a number of inadequacies with the current process [2], [3], [4]. verely. This project will play a significant role for the development
EIA identify the need, gap and mitigation measures for any devel- of southeastern part of Bangladesh, especially Baga, Bauphal,
opmental activities. The proposed Bridge construction project is lo- Kalia. Due to this project, the communication system of this area
cated at Baga ferry Ghat under Patuakhali District. This Bridge is will be developed which will accelerate the development of these
approximately 294 km from Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Bridge areas. The socio-economic status of these areas will be rapidly im-
traverses the Galachipa River and the river takes from Lohalia River proved. This project has a very negligible effect on environment.
near Patuakhali town and flows as Galachipa River. The proposed This project will enhance the export and import system that will
Bridge will connect Bauphal, Kalaia with Ptuakhali district and flourish the economic status of the area. There are four categories
Copyright © 2018 Irteja Hasan et. al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
134 International Journal of Advanced Geosciences

of projects: green, orange A, orange B and red with respectively no, requested to highlight possible solutions that the project should
minor, medium and severe environmental impacts. For the red cat- bring about as per their indigenous knowledge and experiences. The
egory of projects, a full EIA is required. All regional and national baseline environmental condition of the project area was drawn ac-
highway, railway and bridge projects of over 100 m length fall in cording to the information collected from secondary and primary
the red category. The orange B category includes feeder and district data sources through literature review, field investigations and con-
roads and bridges under 100 m length [2]. The proposed Baga sultations with different stakeholders. For primary data collection
Bridge is 700m long. So, it is included in the red category. That’s five focus group discussion, hundred household surveys and twenty
why Environmental Impacts Assessment should include the predic- KII were conducted. The baseline data of water resources, land re-
tion, evaluation and mitigation of environmental impacts based on sources, agriculture, livestock, fishery, ecosystems and socio-eco-
the characteristics of project. The main purpose of this study is to nomic resources were collected from different internet sources. The
find out the adverse environmental impact during the construction matrix has been used for the evaluation of the bridge construction
operation and maintenance phase of the project. The precise pur- projects supported by extensive field checks and surveys. The se-
pose of the study is: lected sites were existing namely Baga Bridge project in Patuakhali
• To find out potential environmental impact during the con- district. These EIA reports of building construction projects were
struction, operation and maintenance phase of the project critically reviewed with ground observations using different build-
• To propose effective mitigation measures of the adverse im- ing construction projects parameters.
pacts from the bridge construction in the project area
3. Description of the project location and ac-
2. Methodology of the study cess ways
Initially a field visit was conducted in the project area to identify The proposed project is located at Baga ferry Ghat of Bauphal
the project and location. Participatory Community Risk Assessment Upazila. The project site lies within geographical coordinates
(CRA), Rural Appraisals (PRAs), Focused Group Discussions 22.420 N and 90.450 E. The location is easy communicated both in
(FGDs) and interviews with key informants were conducted to col- road and river ways. Baga is located near Patuakhali Sadar and their
lect data and information. In the study area, one hundred and distance is 28.8 km by road and 15 km water ways. The proposed
Twenty (120) households were selected for conducting the EIA re- project will be constructed on the river Galachipa at 294 km of
search. The study only focused on one hundred and Twenty house- Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga-Barisal-Labukhali-Pagla-Baga road and 200
holds that were purposively selected for directing the research. The km from Dhaka by water way.
selected respondents’ households were not representative of a larger
sample, but they were cases which demonstrated different contexts. 3.1. Project type
Moreover, different extreme poor household’s compositions such
as female headed, male headed, and female managed, larger family Under the Environmental Conservation Rules (1997), a classifica-
and religious minorities were also kept in mind when selecting the tion system was established for development projects and industries
sample. Ten focus group discussions were organized for conducting on basis of the location, the size and the severity of potential pollu-
the research. These groups were also comprised of men and women. tion. There are four categories of projects: green, orange A, orange
This method was very effective to authenticate the opinion of com- B and red with respectively no, minor, medium and severe environ-
munities and key informant’s personnel. It also provided useful in- mental impacts. For the red category of projects, a full EIA is re-
formation in a short period of time for understanding the real con- quired. All regional and national highway, railway and bridge pro-
ditions of local communities in the study area. The research also jects of over 100 m length fall in the red category. The orange B
conducted key informants interview such as four Key Informants category includes feeder and district roads and bridges under 100 m
Interviews among the local representatives and School teachers and length [2]. The proposed Baga Bridge is 700m long. Therefore, it is
seven Key Informants Interview among NGO Officers. In order to included in the red category. That is why Environmental Impacts
get socio-demographic information of selected households, base- Assessment should include the prediction, evaluation and mitiga-
line surveys have been used for shepherding the research. Similarly, tion of environmental impacts. Based on the characteristics of pro-
during qualitative field work, the study also collected detailed in- ject and an Environmental Man-agreement and Monitoring Plan
formation on their socio demographic status after different disas- will be prepared.
ters. This information helped to compare change over time.
Local knowledgeable persons including community representa-
tives, traders, teachers, and political leaders were interviewed indi-
vidually to know the perception about the project. They were also

Fig. 1: Project Location.

1) Project location
4. Results and discussion The project area is a low laying area which is frequently flooded by
tidal flood. As it is situated southern area of Bangladesh near the
coastline, it is often affected by severe cyclone, storm surge. River
4.1. Environmental impact and mitigation measure erosion is also a great problem of the project. The location of the
project is situated in a remote area so transportation of project goods
For the construction of the project about 750 acres land acquisition is quite difficult.
will be needed where included agricultural land, forest land, flood 2) Emission of gases from bituminous
plain and wetland. Due to this land acquisition many species endan- The design of the bridge includes the approach road surface of the
gered species, natural habitats, agriculture and fish production will main bridge and bituminous will be needed for their construction.
be threatened which make it as a critical issue of the project. A so- This bituminous will emit different harmful gases such as SO x and
cial forest is situated near the Baga ferry Ghat. Due to the construc- COx
tion of approach road and construction yard this forest land will be 3) Dust production
destroyed. As a result of this destruction many natural habitats such The bridge design includes site preparation, construction of ap-
as bird nests, honey comb and the habitat of wild animals will be proach road, main bridge, toll plaza and yard. During construction
hampered. Piling and some other constructions activity will pro- of the part of the design a huge amount of dust will be produced.
duce a lot of vibration. This vibration has a negative impact on fish Beside this, a huge amount dust will be produced as a result of ve-
migration and the breading of porpoise. Beside this, vibration has a hicle transportation.
negative impact on human health. For all of these reasons it is crit- 4) Noise
ical issues. Noise will be generated in every stage of the project. During the
Char land and floodplains will be used for construction purpose. For construction stage, noise will be produced by handling of equip-
being a nutrient and insects enriched land, it is preferred by the mi- ment, wielding, piling construction, transportation of vehicle etc.
gratory birds. As a result of these losses of land, tease migratory More over a huge amount of noise will be produced in the opera-
birds will lose their roaming ground. Due to the implementation of tional stage due to the transportation of vehicles.
the project many people will lose their livelihood such as the 5) Emission of gases from Vehicles
hawker of ferry Ghat, boat man of Galachipa river, Shopkeepers of In the construction stage different harmful gases will be emitted
the both side of the ferry Ghat. It is very hard to change the liveli- during the transportation of different construction materials. After
hood of hawker and boat man. Construction materials will be mix the completion of the project a huge amount of gases will also be
with air and water at different phases as of construction. Emission produced due to vehicles transportation.
of dust and different gases such as CO, SO2 will pollute the air.
Construction water and unused materials will increase the turbidity 4.2. Pre-construction stage excessive emission of gases
of river water which is very much harmful for the breading of fish.
into the environment
Huge amount of noise will generate by mobilization of different
construction materials which. This noise will be harmful for the During construction different types of gases will be emitted for ex-
communication and breading of porpoise. Beside this, these noises ample during the burning of bituminous CO2, SO2 etc. will be emit-
have a harmful impact on the health of workers. Due to the improper ted. A huge amount of dust will be produced during different con-
disposal of waste the odder and other gases will be mixed with air struction activities such as transportation of construction materials,
which will pollute the air. Beside this, the mixing of leachate and handling of construction equipment and materials. Due to the lack
other types of waste will pollute the water which is very harmful for of proper waste disposal system odor and some other gases will
the fish and other aquatic species. As a result of dredging the tur- emit which will enhance air pollution.
bidity of the river water will be increased this has a negative impact
on fish and other aquatic species and their breading process. Due to 4.2.1. Vibration
sloping and channel modification the soft sedimentation will be re-
moved which will hamper the aquatic habitat of river bed. For the Especially pile driving and some other activities will generate vi-
construction of the bridge some agricultural lands will have to be bration. Vibration has a negative impact on fish habitat. Breading
used. As a result, some farmers who are only depended on agricul- of different fish species will be hampered by vibration. Beside this,
ture will lose their livelihood and it will become very hard for them people’s health will be affected by vibration.
to find alternative livelihood. Some households are situated in the
project area which will have to be displaced due to the construction 4.2.2. Environmental impact assessment using the leopold ma-
of the project. When resettlement will be provided they will face trix
many problems as a result of new environment, culture and loss op-
portunity of livelihood. For the construction of the project many Impact factors have been evaluated separately for each environmen-
wetlands will be filled. As a result, many endangered fish species, tal component relevant for the scope of this study, and scored on a
amphibians and nematodes will be destroyed. Due to these losses scale from 0 to 5 for impact magnitude, according to the following
of wetlands annual fish production will be reduced. When the cur- scale:
rent of the river is interrupted by the pier of the bridge it causes 0-No observable effect, 1-Low effect, 2-Tolerable effect, 3- Me-
scours. But it is not the main cause of scouring because in most dium high effect, 4-High effect, 5- Very high effect (devastation)
causes the deepest scour is created by river channel.
Detailed Examination of Unresolved Issues

Table 1: Preconstruction Stage Magnitude of Impact Matrix

Project Activities
Pre-Construction Stage

Copyright © 2018 Irteja Hasan et. al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
136 International Journal of Advanced Geosciences

Land Clearing Removing Earth fill- Mobiliza- Dredgi Con- Disposal Sum of IF Average
Envisaged Ac- of sites of top ing and tion of ng for struc of dredge values by values
Impact quisi- soils compac- equip- slope tion materials types and
Factors tion tion ment’s prepa- of bio. com-
construc- ration em- ponents
tion mate- bank
rials ment
Physical Water 1 1 0 0 2 3 2 4 13 1.63
compo- Air 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 5 0.63
Land 3 2 2 3 0 2 1 0 13 1.63
Noise 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 4 0.50
Vibration 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 6 0.75
Biologi- Flora Di- 4 4 2 1 0 1 1 0 13 1.63
cal Com- versity
ponents Fauna Di- 3 3 2 1 3 0 0 2 14 1.75
Wetland 4 1 0 5 0 0 1 0 11 1.38
Char land 5 1 1 2 0 0 3 0 12 1.50
Socio- Landscape 4 3 1 2 0 2 3 0 15 1.88
Cultural Land use 2 3 4 1 0 0 2 0 12 1.50
1 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 6 0.75

Economy 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 6 0.75
Accidents 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 0.38

Cumulative values of IF
according to Environ- 30 23 13 19 16 10 15 7 IF=1.19 (Accepta-
mental Factors ble)
Average 2.14 1.64 0.93 1.36 1.14 0.71 1.07 0.50

Source: Modified from FAO (1996).

4.3. Construction stage 4.3.2. Biological components

4.3.1. Physical components Land acquisition, mobilization of equipment’s and clearing of sites
will severely affect the flora and fauna diversity but the overall im-
Water will be mainly affected by disposal of dredge materials and pact is tolerable. Due to earth filling and compaction and land ac-
dredging for slope preparation and overall impact is tolerable. Ow- quisition a large number of wetlands will be filled and the overall
ing to excavation of sediments from the river bed in a dredging pro- impact is tolerable. Char lands will be mainly impacted by land ac-
cess degrades the water quality. The suspended sediment load and quisition but the overall impact is tolerable.
turbidity of a river are increased during the removal of bed or bank
material and as a consequence of water quality such as temperature 4.3.3. Socio-cultural components
is affected (Stollenwerk, 2014). Air will be mainly affected due to
Because of land acquisition, clearing of sites, removing of top soil
clearing of site. Site preparation in the construction time may re-
and construction of embankment the land scape of the project area
quire vegetation clearance stripping off of overburden material,
ground leveling and compaction. But the average impact is very will be changed and the overall impact is tolerable. The impact of
low. Land acquisition and earth filling will mainly affect the land different activities on health, safety and hygiene is low except mo-
bilization of equipment’s, construction materials/ vehicles, so the
and the overall effect is tolerable. Noise will be mainly generated
average effect is very low. The economy will be hampered by land
as a result of mobilization of equipment and others materials but the
overall impact is very low. Excessive vibration will be generated acquisition but the entire impact on economy is very low. The prob-
due to earth filling and compaction and the average impact of vi- ability of accident is preconstruction stage is very low.
bration is very low.

Table 2: Construction Stage Magnitude of Impact Matrix

Project Activities
Earth filling and com- Sum of IF values by
Envisaged Im- Disposal of Clearing Removing Average
paction for road em- types and bio. compo- IF
pact Factors wastes of sites of top soils values
bankment nents
Physical Water 2 1 1 1 4.15 0.83
Air 2 2 0 1 5.00 1.00
Land 1 1 1 1 4.00 0.80
Noise 1 0 0 1 2.00 0.40
Vibration 2 1 1 1 5.00 1.00
Biologi- Flora Diver-
1 3 1 1 6.00 1.20 0.63 (Ac-
cal sity
Fauna Diver-
1 1 0 0 2.00 0.40
Wetland 2 1 1 1 5.00 1.00
Char land 1 0 1 0 2.00 0.40
Landscape 1 0 1 1 3.00 0.60
International Journal of Advanced Geosciences 137

Land use 1 1 2 1 5.00 1.00

Health, Safety
and 2 0 0 1 3.00 0.60
Economy 1 0 0 1 2.00 0.40
Accident 2 1 0 1 4.00 0.80
Source: Modified from FAO (1996).

The average assessment effect of cumulative impact factors on en- of super structure; mobilization of construction materials, vehicles
vironmental components is 1.19. So, the overall impact of different etc. and the overall impact is tolerable. The noise involved during
project activities on physical, biological and socio-cultural compo- the construction phase will be the result of operation of excavators,
nents is low. In the preconstruction stage the water, land, flora and Lorries and heavy machinery like electric grinders. Owing to con-
fauna diversity, landscape and land use pattern will be mainly af- struction of substructure the minimum vibration is tolerable.
fected by different construction activities. So, during construction
the authority should be aware of it and take proper mitigation meas- 4.4.2. Biological components
ure for reducing the harmful impact.
Clearing of sites will adversely affect the flora diversity. Construc-
4.4. Operation and maintenance stage impact tion of superstructure and improper disposal of waste will also af-
fect the flora and fauna diversity but the overall effect on flora and
4.4.1. Physical components fauna diversity is low. In the construction state, the impact on wet
land is negligible and char land will be mainly used for construction
In the construction stage, the water quality will be mainly affected of substructure.
by the construction of substructure and disposal of wastes and the
average impact on water is low. During black carpeting air will be 4.4.3. Socio-cultural components
mainly polluted as a result of the gases emitted from bituminous.
The air quality will be affected during the construction phase with Owing to construction of superstructure the landscape of the project
the emission of dust particles from machinery like excavators, elec- site will be impacted but the overall effect is low. Land use pattern
will be changed by the reason of construction of superstructure,
tric grinders and equipment. The substance, which will most signif-
road and clearing of sites and the overall impact on land use is tol-
icantly contribute to air pollution, will be particulate matter (PM 10)
may cause health hazards when inhaled in significant amounts and erable. Disposal of waste has a great impact on health, safety and
can also reduce the visibility. But the general effect is low. Land hygiene but the average impact is low. Due to construction of su-
perstructure and road structure, the local economy will be impacted
acquisition will be required for the construction of super structure,
but the overall impact is very low. There is a very less probability
clearing of sites, earth filling and compaction etc. the overall impact
on land low. In the construction stage, a huge amount of noise will of accidents during construction
be produced on account of mobilization of equipment, construction

Table 3: Operation and maintenance Stage Magnitude of Impact Matrix

Project Activities

Operation and Maintenance Stage

Bridge Sum of IF values by

Envisaged Impact Average
Main Bridge River Training Works Approach roads end facili- types and bio. com-
Factors values
ties ponents
Physical Water 1 3 1 1 6 1.50
Air 3 2 1 1 7 1.75
Land 0 0 0 1 1 0.25
Noise 3 2 2 1 8 2.00
Vibration 2 0 1 0 3 0.75
Biologi- Flora Diversity 0 0 1 0 1 0.25
Compo- Fauna Diversity 0 2 0 0 2 0.50
Wetland 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Char land 0 2 0 0 2 0.50
Landscape 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Land use 3 0 1 1 5 1.25
Health, Safety
Compo- 0 1 0 0 1 0.25
and Hygiene
Economy 4 0 1 0 5 1.25
Accidents 2 0 2 0 4 1.00
Cumulative values of IF ac-
cording to Environmental 18 12 10 5
IF=0.80 (Acceptable)
Average 1.29 0.86 0.71 0.36
Source: Modified from FAO (1996).
The average assessment effect of cumulative impact factors on en- regard, some open fields can be created for roaming of the birds
vironmental components is 0.80. So, in the operation and mainte- near the char land.
nance stage the overall impact of different project activities on 9) Prevent the mixing of waste and other materials with wa-
physical, biological and socio-economic components is low. In the ter
construction stage the vibration, flora and fauna diversity, land use Due to the mixing of construction materials, different wastes and
pattern and health, safety and hygiene will be mainly affected by construction water the water becomes polluted. Mixing of construc-
different construction activities. So, during construction the author- tion water and the materials with river water will have to be reduced
ity should be aware of it and take proper mitigation measure for because the turbidity of river water happens the breading of fishes.
reducing the harmful impact. All the waste will have to be properly disposed to prevent the mix-
ing with water.
4.5. Final result of matrix evaluation 10) Reduction of noise
Due to the high density of vegetation coverage the local community
“In the preconstruction stage, overall effect of different activities on will not be very much affected by the noise of construction activity.
the various environmental components is tolerable and these effect But the construction worker will be affected by it. To reduce this
in both construction and operation stage is low. So, the project is impact construction worker may use ``earplug” in their ear.
accepted.’ 11) Reduction of pollutant in the air
Air is mainly polluted because of dust and odor. Dust is generated
4.6. Mitigation measures mainly for handling of different construction materials which can
be prevent the emission of odor by the proper disposal of wastes.
1) Use of fallow land and prepare them for cultivation Approach road
The fallow land of the project area can be used for production. The 12) Tree plantation in booth sides of road
low land can be filled by dredged materials. Then, Theses land can During the construction of approach road many trees will have to
be used for agriculture and hose stead area. If these fallow lands can be cut which have a significant impact on environment. To reduce
be used for cultivation the crop production will be increased. Beside this impact planting trees in booth side of the approach road will be
this, the impact of agricultural land loss as well as production loss very fruitful.
due to the implementation of this project will reduced. 13) Use of fallow land
2) Preservation of wet land and create new Due to construction of approach road some agriculture land will
The existing wet lands will have to be preserved. Beside this, some have to be consumed. To reduce this loss, the fallow land of the area
new wet lands will have to be dug. Due to river training work and can be used for agriculture, which will help to balance the agricul-
filling of flood plains and pond the natural aquatic habitat will be tural production.
hampered. This impact cannot be removed but by creating new wet- 14) Prepared low land for fish cultivation
lands the environmental impacts can be reduced. Some ponds can be dug for fish cultivation. Beside this, by reserv-
3) Tree plantation ing water in the low land different types of fish can be cultivated
Due to site preparation and other preconstruction activities many which will reduce loss of fish production.
trees will be have to be cut which cannot be prevented. This defor- 15) Reduce the emission of pollutant
estation process has a negative impact on environment. This impact During the melting of bituminous, different gases will be emitted
can be reduced through reforestation program. Tree plantation pro- such as CO, SO2 etc. which will pollute the air. To reduce this im-
gram can be implemented in both sides of road and river. pact these harmful gases should be neutralized. Beside this, the
4) Conservation of ecological resources emission of odor will have to be prevented by the proper disposal
During site preparation, many wet lands and floodplains will have of wastes.
to be filled which have a negative impact on ecological resources. Bridge end facility
Some endangered species such as some fish species, reptile and am- 16) Reduce the impact of noise
phibians will face the threat of extinction due to these activities. To During the utilization of different materials and several activities
preserve these extinct species, new wet lands and other habitats will such as wielding a huge noise will be created. Because of the high
have to be prepared and reducing the use of the critical areas as far vegetation density, the local people will not be affected but for the
as possible. protection of construction workers earplug and some other noise
5) Alternative Livelihood for displaced person protection can be used.
At the time of pre-construction activities, the boatman, street 17) Reforestation
hawker of the ferry and the shopkeepers of the ferry Ghat will lose Due to the construction of different bridge end facilities some lands
their livelihood. In this regard, these occupationally displaced peo- will have to be acquired. For this land acquisition some forest lands
ple due to project activities can be transferred into alternative live- will be destroyed. To mitigate this loss a reforestation program will
lihoods for the measurement of their subsistence. have to be happened.
Construction Stage 18) Preservation of fish habitat
6) Choose the pile construction period with the exception of During construction of the bridge end facilities, some ponds and
breading time other lands will be used. For the preservation of fish habitat new
A construction window is proposed for piling schedule to reduce ponds and others, wetland will be dug. Beside this, during construc-
the impact of fish migration. The construction period must be cho- tion the wetland will have to be avoided.
sen with the exception of breeding time of differently fishes. The 19) Produce high yield variety
breading time of most of the fishes should be avoided. Due to the construction activity mainly, agriculture lands will be
7) Reduce the impact on porpoise used. To mitigate the impact of agriculture production loss the
The vibration and noise of the construction activity has a significant farmers can be trained with modern technique such as they will be
negative impact on porpoise production. For reduction of vibration taught about HYV crops so that the production will not be ham-
and noise the percent method can be applied and reduce sound dur- pered.
ing activity by using high technology. 20) Modification of cultivation system
8) Making open ground for migratory birds Due to the construction activity many agriculture lands will be used
For construction activity the char land and flood plain will be used. for construction of yards. To mitigate the impact of this loss the
At present this land are used by migratory birds in winter season. farmers will have to be trained with modern techniques. The culti-
As they will be used for construction purpose, some lands will have vation of different HYV crops will have to be practiced.
to be prepared for roaming of the winter migratory birds. In this 21) Maintain the air, water and noise quality

Copyright © 2018 Irteja Hasan et. al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Advanced Geosciences 139

For this purpose, the emission of dust and odor will have to be References
stopped. Mixing of waste and other materials with water will have
to be prevented. To prevent the noise pollution some actions can [1] Ahammed, R& Harvey, N. (2004) Evaluation of environmental im-
use earplugs, muffler. pact assessment procedures and practice in Bangladesh, Impact As-
Some mitigation measures will be required after the operation and sessment and Project Appraisal, 22:1, 63-78,
maintenance stage to reduce the negative effect.
[2] DoE, (1997). EIA Guideline for Industries, Department of Environ-
Table 4: Operation and Maintenance Stage Mitigation Measures ment, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of the People’s Re-
Mitigation Stage Activities public of Bangladesh.
a) Reduce the scouring pro- [3] ECA (1995). The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act 1995,
cess (Act no. 1 of 1995) Department of Environment, Ministry of Envi-
Operation and maintenance stage b) Emission reduction ronment and Forest, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
c) Reduction of noise [4] ECR (1997). The Environment Conservation Rules 1997, Depart-
d) River Training works ment of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of
the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
[5] Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice, Unwin Hy-
5. Conclusion and recommendation man: Boston. pp. 129-142. Modak P.and Biswas, A. K., (1999). Con-
ducting environmental impact assessment for developing countries,
Tokyo: United Nations Press
Environmental impact assessment identifies the potential positive
[6] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
and negative environmental, social and economic impacts of the (1996). Environmental impact assessment and environmental audit-
project. The project will connect some vital southern regions such ing in the pulp and paper industry (Working paper 129). Rome.
as Bhuphal, Dhasmina with the district city Patuakhali and the di- [7] Hasan I, Majumder S.I, Islam M.K, Rahman M.M, Hawlader N.H,
visional city Barisal. The major negative Impacts of this project are Sultana I. (2017). Assessment of Community Capacities against Cy-
loss of land and resettlement, loss of aquatic habitat, loss of trees, clone Hazard to Ensure Resilience in South Central Coastal Belt of
loss of agricultural lands, loss of agricultural production, loss of Bangladesh. International Journal of Ecological Science and Envi-
vegetation, potential impact on ecological resources, impact on fish ronmental Engineering. Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-14.
[8] Kabir, S.M.Z., and Momtaz, S., (2011). Implementation of environ-
migration, impact on porpoise, impact on migratory winter birds,
mental mitigation measures and effective EIA practice in Bangla-
impact on other endangered species, impact on surface water qual- desh: a study of three-development project, International Journal of
ity, noise generation from construction activities, impact on air Arts & Sciences, 4(27):1-18.
quality, clearing of vegetation along the road corridors, impact on [9] Kabir, S.M.Z., and Momtaz, S., (2012). The quality of environmental
fisheries, loss of top soil, change in land use pattern. Positive im- impact statements and environmental impact assessment practice in
pacts of this project during construction and maintenance are em- Bangladesh, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 30(2):94-99.
ployment generation, vegetation, reuse of top soil, gender promo-
tion, change in land use, and generation of employments are identi- [10] Kabir, S.M.Z., and Momtaz, S., (2013). Fifteen years of environmen-
tal impact assessment system in Bangladesh: current practice, chal-
fied. Mitigation measures regarding the adverse impacts are use of
lenges and future directions, Journal of Environmental Assessment
fallow land and prepare them for cultivation, preservation of wet Policy and Management, 15(4):1-30.
land and create new, tree plantation at both side of the approach
road and service area, conservation of ecological resources, alter- [11] Majumder SI, Hasan I, Mandal S, Islam M.K, Rahman M.M, Haw-
native livelihood for displaced person, provide compensation for lader N.H, Sultana I. (2017). Climate Change Induced Multi Hazards
resettlement, engage NGOs for implementation of resettlement Disaster Risk Assessment in Southern Coastal Belt of Bangladesh.
plan, compensate the loss of crop production, encourage women American Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science. Vol.
participation in construction works, choose the pile construction pe- 4, No. 1, pp. 1-7.
[12] Islam M.S, Majumder S.I, Hasan I, Yeasmin T, Islam M.K, Rahman
riod with the exception of breading time, reduce the impact on por-
M.M, Hawlader N.H, Sultana I, (2017) Environmental Impact As-
poise, making open ground for migratory birds, prevent the mixing sessment of Lebukhali Bridge Construction Project over the River of
of waste and other materials with water, reduction of pollutant in Paira, Bangladesh, Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical
the air, establishment of sanctuary and char land visitor center, Engineering. Vol. 2, No.1, pp.10-15.
cover haul vehicles carrying materials, minimum grudging of char
land and minimum disturbance to habitat, provide temporary noise
barriers near the sensitive areas, use good quality vehicles, machin-
eries and equipment, unused concrete should not dispose into the
river water, ensure that dredging materials do not contain heavy
metals, proper handling of contaminated soil, modification of culti-
vation system, provide appropriate drainage structure at appropriate
locations to avoid local flooding, emergency response plan is pre-
pared for road accidents, regular monitoring of morphological
change of river at the bridge location. By evaluating different envi-
ronmental impacts, it can be said the negative due to this project is
not so high. So, the project can be implemented. Some recommen-
dations of the study are as follow-
• For constructing the bridge use the shortest distance of the
• Avoiding forest land, agricultural land and other settlements
as far as possible
• Conservation of flora and fauna diversity
• Activities which are harmful for the breeding of different fish
species should be avoided
• Complete all resettlements activities before the starting of the
project activity.

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