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The Finer Points of Basketball

From A to Z


Foreward by Dena Evans
Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z


Being the son of a basketball coach, I grew up reading can’t possibly absorb all their coach throws at them. Yet,
everything I could get my hands on—books of plays, manuals there’s so much they need to know, things the coach
on coaching and instructions on ten different kinds of passes may never have time to mention, let alone emphasize.
and when to use three different heights of dribbles. Despite
my diligent searching then and my continued interest in the So that’s the reason for this book. Page after page of
game as a player, coach and camp director, I have never common-sense ideas about basketball. Not plays to run,
found a book geared to the player who could already play. not drills to use, but the concepts players need to perform
well. The intent is to provide the conscientious player
Let’s face it, who ever really talks about medium dribbles with guidelines he can review over and over to make more
and hook passes and rocker steps? To my knowledge, and more a part of his game. In the quiet and calm of his
there’s never been a winning team that spent time on room, late at night, when you aren’t urging and begging
seven different kinds of passes. A kid can learn those and anguishing over his deficiencies, a player might read
at camp and then “get his pants stolen off him” when over these concepts and make some of them (more of
he meets some athletes on a playground. So... them as time passes) part of his daily habit of play.

I wrote this book for players who can already play the game No one can absorb all these concepts in one reading,
and want to improve and who need not a review of types of but exposure to them should get more of them
passes, but an explanation of fine points and concepts and done as the season progresses—until someday
a breakdown of the little things that great players seem to one of your players is going to save your neck by
do “naturally.” I wanted to write a book that players could doing something well that you never even took
take to bed at night and read in the off-season or just time to explain! (Wouldn’t that be a miracle?)
before a big game—and improve their own technique with.
I wanted to write a book that would be an indispensable tool “Good players just do that naturally,” you might
for the coach and interesting reading for the player. And say. But you know they often don’t. More often
finally, I wanted to write a book that you would recommend you are coaching only pretty good or mediocre
to your players because you know you don’t have time to players, and they don’t do anything naturally. A very
teach them all the things you would like them to know. precious few athletes find ways to win games for you,
You sometimes get to the point where your players are so and the huge majority finds ways to lose them.
conscious of running your offense that suddenly one of your
I am counting on you to put this book in your players’
players has the ball, and his defender darts by and falls, but
hands, and you can count on this book to put into your
the guy just throws the ball and continues the offense—it
players’ heads some vivid ideas that someday will help you
has never occurred to him to shoot a layup. And you start
win some games you otherwise might have lost. I think
asking yourself, “What have I been doing all this time?”
you will find that few of the concepts confl ict with your
It’s tough for the coach and tough for the players. There’s philosophy and many of them may be expressed in
just too much to get across in too little time. Often a coach a way that will enable you to reach players you have so
finds himself saying things like, “Don’t do it because I said it. far been unsuccessful with in certain areas of the game.
This is the way Mike Krzyzewski does it. This is the way Roy
Most of the concepts will be mere confirmations of what
Williams does it.” There’s a need for a special authority, or at
you already teach, but the slightly different angle or
least for a new emphasis. No coach can possibly emphasize
perspective may help fine-tune your players’ concentration
all the things that need to be stressed. In the course of
just a bit more. This book is a tool that should help your
intense practice sessions, players have enough
players help you. It is a giant checklist, you might say, of
trouble just psyching themselves into trying hard—they
the little things, of the STUFF Good Players Should Know.

© 2015 Point Guard College LLP. I

Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z

A FEW WORDS TO PLAYERS go after—I mean actively seek—every rebound after your
team shoots? I don’t mean make a casual effort to go
You’re no good.” toward the ball. I mean, assume someone said, “If you get
the next offensive rebound, I will give you $1,000.” You
No one likes to be told that he’s no good, but most
know what kind of effort you would give. You might not
players, even ones who people say are good, fail to do
get the rebound, but it certainly would be obvious that
many, many important things game after game.
you were after it.
You probably don’t even know all the things you aren’t And yet, during the course of most games, it is rarely
good at. On a night you score 16 or 20 points, you obvious that anyone is making that kind of effort,
probably go home thinking you played well, even though
rarely obvious that you are making that kind of effort,
very few coaches may have been impressed. So you
even though you tell your coach and your friends and
put in a few jumpers, got a couple of layups, picked off
yourself that you want to be a good basketball player.
some rebounds and your man only scored eight. Does
that mean you were good? Maybe. Maybe not.

There are a thousand “little things” that actually decide “A good player contributes
whether or not you can play. Even on nights you shoot
one for nine, you can still play well if you do the little things.
in many ways that the
average fan and even
A good player is good regardless of how he shoots on a
given night and even regardless of how many points his man the average player never
scores. A good player makes it tough for the other team
to score. If they score, okay; they are good, too. But they
notices or thinks about.”
score with difficulty because a good player makes it tough
to get easy baskets. A good player helps his teammates stop
What excuse do you give yourself for not doing your
their men, and he helps his teammates score more. A good
best every time? Have you ever considered that a
player contributes in many ways that the average fan and
coach could watch you play, even on a night you score
even the average player never notices or thinks about. But
20 points, and he could tell you dozens of things
coaches and winning teams know what a good player is, and
you never bothered doing? Undoubtedly, there are
if you want to be a good player, you’d better know, too.
many things that you should do that you don’t.
This book is a sort of giant checklist, a discussion of
But if you really want to be a good player, if you really care
the little things that a good player does and is aware of.
about constant improvement, this book can help you. If
You can’t just read through it once and expect suddenly to
you are willing to read it and really try to make these fine
be a good player. You have to concentrate and make point
points a part of your game... If you strive to do the little
after point part of your habit of play, gradually, consistently.
things consistently, there won’t be any doubt in anyone’s
Habit of play is a crucial phrase. The world is full of players mind what kind of player you are. People may not say
who can properly perform some task when they are told to that you are great or wonderful or fantastic, but coaches
concentrate on just that or when they are asked to do it in a will do better than that. They will say you can play.
drill. But do they do it in games? Do they do it consistently?
There is no higher compliment in the game.
For example, take offensive rebounding. Without even
considering technique, ask yourself one question: Do you

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Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z


The concepts in this book are generally acceptable to

coaches, and they will serve you well on any court, any-
where. However, if your coach disagrees on some particular
“No team ever lost by
point, don’t be stupid and argue with him. Do it his way. playing the wrong defense.
There are many ways to skin a cat, as the saying goes, They lost by playing
and many ways to score a basket or stop an opponent. that defense poorly.”
None of the concepts in this book are stupid, but
there are other ways of doing them. Any coach will be
delighted if you can master these ideas and use them The important point is that you learn to do these things and
in games. So try to learn to do all of them while being that you learn to listen to your coach. Even if your
prepared to alter some of them if your coach feels coach isn’t the best in the world, five guys working together
you can get a slight edge by doing them differently. doing the “wrong” thing have a better chance of winning
than five guys all doing their own thing because each thinks
Take, for example, individual defense. Some of the top he knows best. No team ever lost by playing the wrong
coaches in the nation teach that you should have your defense. They lost by playing that defense poorly.
weight on your front foot, so you can push off it when
your man goes and you need to retreat. But I teach The first rule of this book, then, is, “This book is a tool to
that you should have your weight back, so you get in help you help your coach.” It is not a holy script to be used
your man’s face but are thinking “retreat.” Whatever for arguing. There are a lot more bad players than there are
you lose in push-off, I feel you gain in readiness. bad coaches. Think of it. If players always executed properly,
no one would ever find out a coach did something poorly.
Who is right? Your coach is right. Do it his way. He is
the one who puts you into and out of games. He is the Remember, you don’t lose by playing the
one you have to please. And besides, in a game, things wrong way. You lose by playing poorly.
usually happen so fast, no one, not even your coach,
will likely notice where your weight is when your man
suddenly catches a pass and thrusts forward. Your
coach will want to see that you are ready to go with
your man, to cut him off, to beat him to a spot.

© 2015 Point Guard College LLP. III

Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z Chapter F


FAKING ON DEFENSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

FAKING ON OFFENSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

FAKING SHOTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

FAST BREAK FANCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

FAT DEFENSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

THE FIRST-PASS SHOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

FLEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

FLING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

FLING AGAINST A ZONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

FORGET FADEAWAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

“DON’T GET FOULED” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

FOULING A SHOOTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

FOULING BAD SHOTS .................................. 9

FOULS ARE ERRORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

MUST-FOUL SITUATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

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Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z Chapter F
FAKING ON DEFENSE swing of the ball from one side to the other because the
passer has to worry about what you are going to do.
Faking on defense is something rarely done except by good
players. Most players are merely hoping to get by on When you are playing a man on the low post, you can give
defense; they aren’t really trying to create anything. A player the impression you are about to dart out and intercept a
who does fake on defense stands out as a good player. As pass into him (by playing on the side of him and lunging
with offensive faking, how the good player fakes on defense out a bit the moment the player with the ball looks in)
is not as important a consideration as does he fake on even though you know that your primary concern may
defense. Look at some of the situations where faking on be to stay between your man and the basket.
defense will be helpful.
On the jump circle, it is often possible to discourage the
jumper from tapping to a certain man (even a bigger,

“Are you conscious of stronger player who could certainly get the ball from you).
Stand there looking aggressive as though you are about
faking often in a variety to jump in front of him the moment the ball is tapped.

of situations? If you aren’t, There are times in a full-court press when a back man

don’t fool yourself—you can “play possum” and pretend he is not ready to cover
someone, thereby encouraging a pass to be thrown that
don’t play well.” he is prepared to intercept. All of these situations, and
there are many more, require thinking and effort—
probably the two primary requisites of good defense.
When your man has the ball, fake at him to try to get him to
Ask yourself about your defense. Are you conscious of
commit himself too soon. For example, you may fake with
faking often in a variety of situations? If you aren’t, don’t
your hands to give him the feeling that you are too close, too
fool yourself—you don’t play well. If you do, then you are
worried about his outside shot. Then when he drives for the
very likely a good player, and you should be constantly
basket, you are prepared since you know you are purposely
looking for new situations where fakes can be effective.
acting overaggressively. In the same way, you might fake to
one side to encourage him to go in the other direction. You How can fakes help in defending a 2-on-1 break?
give the impression that you are overplaying one side, while How can fakes help you slow down a fast breaking
knowing that you are trying to get him to go to the other. team’s quick outlet passes? You should be able to find
ways to fake in almost every defensive situation.
When you are not guarding the ball but are on the ball
side of the court, many times you can fake at the dribbler
as though you are about to double-team, even though
you know you are planning to stay with your man. By FAKING ON OFFENSE
doing this, you may get a dribbler to pick up the ball or
discourage him from trying to penetrate to your side. Fakes, almost all fakes, work great in games, and
there is a very good reason why. Most players, even
When you are playing a zone defense, often you can a lot of good ones, don’t fake, or at least not very
pretend that you are about to dart out to intercept a often. As a result, very few defenders have had the
perimeter pass, even though you know you are going to opportunity to react to fakes, so when they meet
stay inside and prevent a pass to the middle. With this one in a game, they fall for it and get faked out.
movement, you may get a player to throw a pass right
into the area you are concentrating on (since he thinks The most important rule on faking is, “Use
you are about to leave it). At least you may slow down the fakes!” Need this be further emphasized?
movement of the ball on the outside and prevent a rapid

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Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z Chapter F
You don’t fake enough. Fake more. Fake more the result is a poor, unconvincing fake. Stay low so you
than you do now. Fake, fake, fake. can maneuver precisely. You may think that by staying
low you are sacrificing speed, but players who fake and
Lead fakes (fake passes that lead the defense put the ball on the floor far out in front of them, just a
away from your pass) are especially useful against few inches off the floor, are very difficult to guard.
zone defenses. They require no particular ability
or effort. Players just forget to use them. The fake-and-crossover and lead fakes against a zone
are two of the more common offensive fakes. There
Foot fakes are extremely useful when you have the ball are, of course, many other situations where faking
in scoring position and you haven’t dribbled yet, but is useful. Don’t worry too much about how to fake.
the biggest problem with these is that players tend to Concentrate instead on your opponent. Keep trying to
hurry foot fakes and walk with the ball, and referees get him to do what you want him to do. You can learn
love to make that call. You have to be careful. by trial-and-error on the playground or in the backyard.
Think about using the fakes you know, and work to
If you are going to step one way and cross over, make sure
incorporate more and more fakes into your normal game.
you step- and-step-again with the same foot. Don’t drag
that back (pivot) foot at all because referees can’t wait to
blow their whistle on this move. This is so true that it isn’t
even wise to try a fake-and-crossover move in the second FAKING SHOTS
half of a close game unless you have already used it earlier
and the referees have learned that you can make the move Shot-fakes work great. It is wonderful fun to watch an
without walking. It doesn’t do you any good to note a day opponent go sailing over your head after a faked shot, just as
later on the game films that you really didn’t walk. Don’t it is fun for him to leap and put your shot into the ninth row.
surprise referees with new things at the end of a big In fact, it is so much fun to knock a ball into the ninth row,
game when they are as tense and anxious as you are. that the mere possibility of it will make most defenders try
for it again and again without even considering how often
As for the fake-and-crossover itself, to do it well and they are getting faked out and made to look stupid instead.
make it work, be sure you don’t just move your foot.
Move your head and your shoulders and your hip and the
ball, and do it all violently so it really looks as though you “Since players do love to please
are going that way. Violently does not necessarily mean
quickly, at least not like lightning. Defenders need time
fans, there will always be
to go for your fakes. Don’t make the mistake of making players who are anxious to
your fakes so fast that defenders, even those who are very
willing to be faked out, don’t have time to go for them. leap and make you look good if
Once your body is down, coiled and ready to spring
you have the patience to fake
to the other side, be sure that you do spring from before you shoot the ball.”
the down-coiled position instead of lifting your head
and coming back before crossing over. The important
thing is to keep your head down and your shoulders The good thing for shot-fakers is that this situation is
down over the ball so you take full advantage of your not likely to change. Fans don’t hate a defender who
opponent’s movement. This way you can protect the ball leaps out of position nearly as much as they love one
and place it on the floor exactly where you want it. who occasionally knocks a ball into the stands. So, since
players do love to please fans, there will always be players
The biggest mistake players make in faking is that they who are anxious to leap and make you look good if you
think they have to get through the fake quickly and get have the patience to fake before you shoot the ball.
on with their real purpose—their move to the basket, and

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Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z Chapter F
The essentials of the shot-fake aren’t difficult at all, though 4-on-3 break. These situations don’t require great plays.
most inexperienced players incorrectly imagine a shot-fake And not only do they not require great plays, a great play
being a motion with the ball toward the basket. A good shot- shows the coach that the player used poor judgment.
fake is a bend of the knees and a look at the rim with the
ball cocked at the chin. From that position you can do There are simple ways to score the 2-on-1 and the
anything—shoot, drive into the basket or throw a quick pass. 3-on-2 break, and these simple ways can work
It is a mistake to go through with the upward motion of the over and over again with simple, sure passes. Why
ball. (You think a blocked shot is bad; imagine the disgrace use passes that often fool your own teammates as
of a blocked fake.) A cock at the chin and a look at the rim is much as or more than they fool the other team?
all you need to make the defender leap provided you are in
a position of danger. Of course, if you are not, the greatest
motion in the world, including an actual shot itself, won’t
“Defensive players usually
make the defender budge. If you cock and look, and the play too passively. A good
defender doesn’t move, it’s time to go for it. Take the shot.
defensive player must learn
The most important thing with a fake-pass or a fake-drive
or a fake- shot is that you fake to a position that will
to stay with his man while
gain you an advantage if your opponent doesn’t go for it. still making fakes and
Step to a position so that you can drive right from there
if the defender doesn’t move. Fake a pass in such a way threatening the ball and
that if the defender doesn’t stick his hand there, you getting the ball to commit.”
can pass right from there. And fake a shot in such a way
that if your opponent doesn’t go for the fake, you are
ready to shoot immediately with no other movement. Learn how to score the advantage fast break situations the
simple ways, the ways your coach gives you (or the ways
Some coaches call the inside shot-fake a “pump fake,” in this book if he doesn’t), and then do that in games. The
since all you do is make a quick pumping motion with your best way to turn on the fans is to win, and winning is most
body while the ball stays by your chin and your knees stay easily done when simple plays are performed simply. If you
bent. You are ready to shoot immediately after the fake, have an urgent need for the spectacular, get your coach’s
or even during the fake if it is clear that the defender permission. Chances are if you ask him before a game,
has no intention (or capability) of blocking your shot. he will let you throw a behind-the-back pass on a 2-on-1
break at the end of the game after you are ahead by 20.

Remember: The best way to win is by learning to do

FAST BREAK FANCY simple things simply. Advantage fast breaks
are not complex. Don’t treat them as if they are.
Many players dream about dribbling downcourt on
a 2-on-1 break and going up in the air and flipping a
behind-the-back pass to a teammate for the score. Wow,
whatta play! The fans go wild, and the coach goes, “Oh FAT DEFENSE
no!” because while the fans are thinking wow, the coach is
thinking, “The more difficult plays you make in a season, “FAT” is a made-up word for “Fake And Threaten.”
the more turnovers you will have.” For every great pass
This is the kind of defense you need to use when you are
you make, you are likely to have a turnover pass as well.
not guarding the ball but the ball is being dribbled toward
A 2-on-1 is an advantage situation. When you have more you, or when you are trying to stop a fast break and
players than they do, you don’t need a great pass or a hoping to get the dribbler to commit himself. You might
fancy play. You simply need to give the ball to the player also use FAT defense in a zone, while you are trying to
who is unguarded. The same is true of a 3-on- 2 or a guard two men, or when you want to guard a man inside

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Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z Chapter F
but give a man outside the impression that you will not
let him shoot. FAT can be anything that indicates to the “Even if the team ‘agrees’
player with the ball that you are about to do something
that you are not really about to do. Defensive players with the shot and the
usually play too passively. A good defensive player must
learn to stay with his man while still making fakes and
shooter, and even if morale
threatening the ball and getting the ball to commit. would not suffer as a result
FAT should help you to remember that a good defender of some first-pass shots
is not content just to run back on defense alongside his
man. Get back and face the ball, and be prepared to fake
being taken, good players
and threaten the ball to discourage a pass or a penetration. will refuse them anyway.”
Defense cannot be played passively if you want to win.

There are, in addition, the added benefits of better

teamwork being fostered by more than one pass each
time down on offense. But that is a byproduct. Even if the
Most players, even lazy ones, give the impression they are team “agrees” with the shot and the shooter, and even
ready to play good defense during the first five seconds of if morale would not suffer as a result of some first-pass
any defensive play. Most of them have been drilled enough shots being taken, good players will refuse them anyway.
that they are even willing to turn and block out the man The percentages favor that refusal. Very, very seldom
they are guarding, if he happens to be near them when the is a first-pass shot rebounded by the offensive team.
shot goes up. As a result, any shot taken after only one
Special note to point guards:
pass is likely to be well defended, and followed by five men
It should go without saying that dribbling down-
blocking out for the rebound, and prepared to fast break
court and shooting anything but a layup—with no
immediately. What could be easier? Two to five seconds
passes at all—should be avoided completely.
on defense, no cuts to guard, no man to chase, no screens
to get over or through, no fakes to worry about. One
from the point guard to the side, and the shot goes up.
It should be obvious, when you think about this, that the
first-pass shot should be refused—even if it is a good shot, Fleet means quick-moving, and here it is also a made-up
so that the same shot can be taken later when each defender word for “FLoored fEET.” Feet on the floor, on defense. If
is not in a position to block out and immediately fast break. you happen to be a great leaper, your coach may give you
a different rule from the one that follows. But if you are
In a midget league, everyone is so happy to have a anything less, you should follow this rule conscientiously.
scoring opportunity that the ball flies upward at the first
sign of daylight. But good players can always find some Never leave your feet on defense, not even to block a pass,
daylight, and the daylight after several passes and cuts not even to block a shot. For every pass you block
will yield a much better scoring opportunity and defensive by jumping, two will get by you, and you will be slow getting
capability than if the shot is put up after the first pass. to a good defensive help-position because you are not
(This of course applies to offense against a set defense, FLEET when you are in the air. You have to wait until you
not fast breaks where the advantage situation may not come down to move. For every shot you block, twice you
come up again and where the rebounding opportunity will foul unnecessarily and another time or two
is even better than it would be in a five-on-five.) the shooter will miss but be able to run by you

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Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z Chapter F
for the rebound since you cannot block out in the touch passes. Keep your hands up, forcing lob passes or
air. You have to wait until you come down. bounce passes (slow passes) and then be ready to move
immediately to get the best possible defensive position.
A great leaper might be permitted to jump occasionally,
and then again a great leaper might just be the guy Don’t jump. Never leave your feet. Keep your feet
on the floor at all times on defense. Stay Fleet.

“Never leave your feet on Are there exceptions to this rule? Yes. On a last-second

defense, not even to block a shot where there will be no rebound or no new defensive
position to get, you will want to distract the shooter as much
pass, not even to block a shot. as possible or even touch the ball, so okay, jump, but make

For every pass you block by sure you don’t jump into the man and foul him. Jumping is
an aggressive move, and referees will be “whistle-ready”
jumping, two will get by you, when you do it even if you don’t touch the man. “With the
body!” referees like to say. The foul was with the body, and
and you will be slow getting to that happens most frequently when the body is in the air.
a good defensive help-position.” In the three-second lane, you or your coach may decide that
it is worth jumping to block a shot since the offensive player
has only three seconds to do something. Perhaps, even if
who needs this rule more than anyone. Because
he does fake you, one of your teammates will have time to
great leapers have the tendency to want to show off
get there to jump and block his shot when he finally takes
their leaping ability, consequently they are frequently
it. If your team has the habit of converging on the man with
in the air and not in good defensive position.
the ball in the lane, then theoretically one of you could go in
By staying on the floor, you stay FLEET, always ready to the air after each fake, and the shot could never be taken.
move, ready to respond immediately to each new position
With or without the exceptions, the facts are that players
of the ball. Do you have to let people shoot? Of course
who are in the habit of leaving their feet are also in the
not. You get a hand in the shooter’s face just like always,
habit of being out of defensive position and in the habit
and you attempt to distract the shooter, and you try to
of fouling unnecessarily. Blocked shots and passes usually
make him think you are going to jump for his shot. If the
occur in easy games you would have won anyway, and the
offensive player is so clever that, even though you are
success that you feel, the easy layup or the crowd applause
crowding him and distracting him, he still puts the ball up
will tend to reinforce your jumping behavior and encourage
right in your face and hits that shot consistently, then it
you to do it in tough games where you won’t touch the ball
might be time to run over to the bench and ask your coach
anyway, but your poor defensive position will hurt your team.
if just once you can put his ball in the ninth row since he
has the idea you will not jump under any circumstances. Most guards should never leap. Keep your feet on
the floor. Like it or not, you are not tall. You do not
Seldom, however, has there been such a clever offensive
command the skies. Rather than try to show that
player. Even more seldom are there players who can
you can compete with the big boys, stay low and
hit consistently from outside when there is a hand
fast and command the floor, getting to big guys’
always threatening to touch the ball as they bring
dribbles and getting underfoot to draw charges.
it up to shoot (and waving in their face as they take
the shot). If there is a player that good, most likely Great leapers should avoid the tendency to show off that
he will score on you regardless of what you do! ability at the wrong times. Show it off rebounding,
not on defense. And on defense, learn to stalk your prey.
Jumping is not a valuable skill on defense (unless you
Slyly wait. Stay in good defensive position, and seek that
are a gifted, intimidating center). Even in a defense
one great opportunity to block a shot. Then the rest of the
such as a 1-3-1 trap, it is wise not to jump to try to

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Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z Chapter F
game you can get the same result (or even a better result) for the fling. Yet, good players will want to be aware of
by simply intimidating but not shot blocking. A missed it because that pass is consistently open and yields not
shot rebounded is more valuable to your team than a shot only an unguarded 15-foot shot most of the time, but it
knocked into the third row. If you learn to stalk your also yields a good offensive rebounding opportunity since
prey and don’t go for fakes very often, you will force a lot of the entire defense concentrates more on shifting to the
too-quick shots that miss. And you will still get your share of other side of the court than on getting position for the
blocked shots on layups and other plays when you see that rebound. The fling pass is such a high-percentage scoring
you can touch a ball after it is already in the air. You are not opportunity that many top coaches don’t even want their
told never to jump, but to jump less often, only when the ball high post men facing the basket when they receive a pass
or shooter is already in the air. from the side. The fling is just too good to pass up.

Forwards and centers who are not great leapers should

concentrate their attention on not letting their man FLING AGAINST A ZONE
get the ball inside in the lane. Never leap on defense,
The “fling” is an easy scoring opportunity against almost
except perhaps when the ball is in the lane. Wave and
all zones. The ball goes from one side, 1, to the high post,
intimidate and fake at the first thrust, and jump straight
3, and immediately to the other side, 5, for the shot.
up on the second. Never do this outside the lane. It is
better to distract and maintain rebounding position. Naturally, on a chalkboard, it is possible to draw in defenders
But in the lane, give a huge-fake-on-first- thrust, to make the play look easy or difficult. But the defenders in the
then jump-straight-up-with-hands-straight-up. drawing aren’t too far off from where they will be in a game.
The defense will make it difficult to get the ball to 3, but if you
can get it to him, the pass to 5 is easy nearly every time.
The main thing to remember? Expect to have to receive the
“Fling” s the name for a play that scores against a zone ball on the run, going toward the ball, and then pivot with
just about every time, but players fail to look for it. your back to the basket. Otherwise, you will have to throw
Not that it can always be done—it can’t. But when it is the ball through a defender carefully instead of being able to
possible to throw the ball from the side of the court to fling it to the open man on the other side.
the corner of the free throw line, it is usually possible
to fling the ball to a teammate on the other side of the
foul circle for an easy shot. It works like magic because
the nature of zone defenses is to put more defenders on
the side of the ball than there are offensive players.

Zone defenses make it difficult to get the ball to the high

post from the side. However, when you finally are able to
get it there on a pass from the side, very often the post
man tries to go one-on-one (even though it’s a zone), or
he passes the ball back out from where it came. It is not
a natural move to turn with your back to the basket and
fling the ball out to the other side, but players who learn to
make that move give their teammates baskets constantly.

The natural thing to do is to turn and face the basket (not

a bad habit at all) and perhaps look for a baseline cutter.
Occasionally, this is open, so players do not learn to look

© 2015 Point Guard College LLP. 7

Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z Chapter F
FORGET FADEAWAYS And the coach responds, “Don’t get fouled!”

Though players, even great players, love shooting fadeaways, What did he say? Is he crazy? How can you help it if you
the game of basketball would be none the worse off get fouled? The point is, you can help it. You can learn to
nor would any teams have worse records, and a lot of play in a way that fouls don’t bother you. You don’t
teams would have much better records, if the fade-away take shots that a slight shove will bother, and you don’t
jump shot were simply banned or called a violation. dribble near enough to the sideline so that a small bump
will put you out of bounds. Good players don’t do things
In the final three seconds of play, there may be a reason that depend on referees’ decisions. When you go for a shot,
for a fade- away sometime, but even then, in most cases a you have to assume that no foul will be called. When you
two-shot foul could be drawn and maybe a three-point play dribble the ball someplace, you have to assume you will
scored if the shooter would take the ball straight up instead. be bumped and be prepared for it. You can’t play hoping
the referee will notice why you missed or why you stepped
Players who rely on fadeaways apparently don’t know that
out of bounds. You can’t rely on referees, you must rely
fadeaways are poor-percentage shots, and they probably
on yourself. Do things decisively, forcefully, prepared for
don’t know how to fake very well either. the bumps and fouls that may or may not be called.
It would be possible to include tables and percent-
ages to prove the case against fadeaways, but that
shouldn’t be necessary. Talk to any winning coach You can’t play hoping the
and find out what he thinks about them. He will tell
you they lose games. Is that simple enough? referee will notice why
Even though you may be good at fadeaways, forget you missed or why you
fadeaways. stepped out of bounds.

“The game of basketball When you play good, solid, decisive basketball, you
would be none the worse understand the phrase, “Don’t get fouled.” You
don’t take the ball to some vulnerable place. You don’t
off… if the fade-away jump get yourself in some whirling loop-dee-loop shooting

shot were simply banned position. You learn to beat your man so decisively
that he can’t even get close enough to foul you.
or called a violation.”
Some players are thinking, “Yeah, but what about when
I get the ball under the basket? How can I keep from
getting fouled down there?” Okay, sure, of course there
are situations where you cannot prevent someone from
fouling you. In fact, under the basket, getting fouled is
precisely what you want to do. You want to take the ball
This phrase may confuse a lot of players, but it up strong, right up through the defender’s nostrils.
doesn’t confuse many coaches. It is a phrase a coach
To have a chance to stop you, he must foul you. That’s great,
might use in practice when you go driving into the
but that is not at all what “Don’t get fouled” applies to.
basket and miss a short shot. The coach says, “Don’t
miss those easy ones. You gotta hit those.” Good players should know that inside play demands tough-
ness, the willingness to seek contact and the ability to score
“But Coach,” you say, “I was fouled.”
despite the foul, while play away from the basket requires

© 2015 Point Guard College LLP. 8

Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z Chapter F
intelligence and good judgment, playing in such a way that worth the possible consequences. Late in the game, the
reaches and bumps can have no effect on the action. trade-off might be well worth it, and your awareness and
quick fouling decision could save your team the game.

“Good players should know

that inside play demands FOULING BAD SHOTS
toughness, the willingness to This situation happens enough, at least once a game, that it

seek contact and the ability needs its own separate explanation even though the details
are very simple. Never foul a difficult shot. Game after
to score despite the foul.” game, players go driving into the basket and get themselves
underneath or stretched out; their only opportunity to
shoot is some off-balance, whirling, loop-dee-loop throw.
Then some eager but stupid defender swings at the ball and
fouls. In a flash, a two-percent shot has become a two-shot
FOULING A SHOOTER foul, almost certainly one point and very possibly two.

Very seldom should a shooter be fouled. When you foul a If they want to hang themselves, give them rope! Don’t
shooter, you give him a chance for three (or four) points, try to prevent a shot that you are happy for them to take.
and often you give two (or three) easy foul shots to a Let them. Whirling, loop-dee-loop throws don’t go in that
guy who was not likely to make his shot anyway. In those often. But they are constantly fouled. Don’t you do that.
cases when a big man gets the ball under the basket, and
you know he is a very poor free throw shooter, and it is If your opponent wants to take a low-percentage shot
late in the game, then if you decide to foul rather than or a long jumper off-balance, let him. Sure, he may
give away the sure two points, be sure you foul decisively. score one sometime. But it won’t happen often.
Grab the shooter’s shooting arm forcefully. Nothing looks
much worse than half-hearted attempts or lazy fouls that Let people shoot their bad shots. Don’t
not only don’t bother the shot, but also give the scorer send them to the free throw line.
another shot from the free throw line as well. Fouling lazily
or hitting the nonshooting arm or pushing the body is a
three-point invitation, and three-point plays spark teams. FOULS ARE ERRORS
Do not give three-point plays. Either foul the shooting arm Players often fail to realize that fouls are errors.
decisively or don’t foul at all. Early in the game, it is probably Not just because five of them will put you on the
better not to foul at all. The foul shooter will not be so nerv- bench, but because they allow mediocre players
ous early in the game and, therefore, has a better chance of to score points on unmolested 15-foot shots.
hitting his free throws. Also you will be putting your oppo-
nents in a bonus situation sooner, and you will put yourself Someone dribbles down the court, you reach out, get called
one foul closer to the disqualifying five. Better to get your for a foul and think, Oh well, no big thing. It is early in the
intentional fouls at late in the game when you know you have game or second half, they only get to take the ball out and
fouls to spare, when the other team is already in a bonus the game goes on. The problem is, several minutes later,
situation and when the circumstances tend to make the free after several of the team members have a similar “harmless”
throw shooter feel the pressure and be more likely to miss. foul, some mediocre player who doesn’t have a single move
in his repertoire gets bumped on a rebound and goes to the
The trade-off early in the game, stopping two sure line for a one-and-one. And you don’t even feel responsible
points in exchange for two free throws, probably is not as the awkward guy struts up to the line and hits two. When

© 2015 Point Guard College LLP. 9

Stuff! Good Players Should Know: The Finer Points of Basketball from A to Z Chapter F
you foul, you are in the habit of thinking, MUST-FOUL SITUATIONS
Oh well, that’s only my first, instead of,
I just gave them two points. If you get to the point in the game when your team is
behind and you must stop the clock and hope they miss
free throws, be sure you foul intelligently. The difference
“The next time you make between a two-shot foul or a one-and-one and two
shots and the ball is obvious and enormous. For this
one of those early “oh well” reason, you must make sure that your intentional foul
fouls, remember that you looks unintentional. You can do that by thinking steal
and by going for the steal aggressively, knowing that if
may be giving the opponent you can’t get the ball cleanly, you are willing to chop the

two points they otherwise arm off at the elbow to be sure you make contact.

never would have gotten.” Go for the steal, not for the foul, but know that you
are going for it very aggressively so that you either
get the ball or the whistle blows. Do go for the ball. By
During the course of a half of aggressive play, there are going for the ball, it will certainly look as though you
likely to be several unavoidable fouls, but not usually are going for the steal (because you are). If your intent
enough to get the other team in the bonus situation is merely to foul, very often it may look just like that,
unless there are careless, needless-error fouls, too. like you are trying to foul... two shots and the ball!

The next time you make one of those early “oh well” Go for the ball. Who knows? You may even surprise
fouls, remember that you may be giving the opponent yourself someday by getting it without fouling and winning
two points they otherwise never would have gotten. Don’t the game. The important thing is to go for the ball. If an
be smug simply because it isn’t obvious to the fans that elbow or wrist gets grabbed in the process, so be it.
you gave those points that eventually lost the game.

Good players know the importance of not fouling.

Except in very few cases, fouls are errors.

© 2015 Point Guard College LLP. 10

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