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• Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a sport in which two or four players (dual) hit a

lightweight ball back and forth across a table using a small paddle.

• The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. Except for the initial serve, the rules are
generally as follows: players must allow a ball played toward them to bounce one time on their
side of the table, and must return it so t that it bounces on the opposite side at least once.

• The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. Except for the initial serve, the rules are
generally as follows:

• Players must allow a ball played toward them to bounce one time on their side of the table,
and must return it so t that it bounces on the opposite side at least once.

• Table tennis is governed by the worldwide organization the International Table

Tennis Federation (ITTF), founded in 1926. ITTF currently includes 220 member associations.

• The table tennis official rules are specified in the ITTF handbook.

• Table tennis has been an Olympic sport since 1988.

• The sport originated in Victorian England, where it was played among the upper- class as an
after-dinner parlour Game.

• The game were developed by British military officers in India in around 1860s or 1870s, who
brought it back with them.

• A row of books stood up along the center of the table as a net, two more books served as
rackets and were used to continuously hit a golf-ball.


• Ping-Pong Ball

• Table

• Paddle/racket
Ping-Pong Ball

• The international rules specify that the game is played with a sphere having a mass of 2.7
grams and a diameter of 40 millimeters.

• The rules say that the ball shall bounce up 24–26 cm when dropped from a height of

30.5 cm onto a standard steel block thereby having a coefficient of restitution (bounce) of 0.89 to 0.92.

• The ball is made of celluloid plastic as of 2015, colored white or orange, with a matte finish.
The choice of ball color is made according to the table color and its surroundings.


• The table is 2.74 m long, 1.525 m wide, and 76 cm high with any continuous material so long
as the table yields a uniform bounce of about 23 cm when a standard ball is dropped onto it
from a height of 30 cm

• The table or playing surface is uniformly dark colored and matte, divided into two halves by a
net at 15.25 cm in height.


• Players are equipped with a laminated wooden racket covered with rubber on one or two
sides depending on the grip of the player.

• The ITTF uses the term “racket", though “bat” is common in Britain, and “paddle” in the U.S.
and Canada.

• According to the ITTF regulations, at least 85% of the blade by thickness shall be of natural

• The average size of the blade is about 17 centimeters long and 15 centimeters wide.

• Although the official restrictions only focus on the flatness and rigidness of the blade itself,
these dimensions are optimal for most play styles.



• According to ITTF rule 2.13.1, the first service is decided by lot, normally a coin toss. It is also
common for one player (or the umpire/scorer) to hide the ball in one or the other hand,
usually hidden under the table, allowing the other player to guess which hand the ball is in.

• A Let is a rally of which the result is not scored, and is called in the following circumstances:

• The ball touches the net in service, provided the service is otherwise correct or the ball is
obstructed by the player on the receiving side. Obstruction means a player touches the ball
when it is above or traveling towards the playing surface, not having touched the player’s court
since last being struck by the player.

• When the player on the receiving side is not ready and the service is delivered.

• Player’s failure to make a service or a return or to comply with the Laws is due to a disturbance
outside the control of the player.

• Play is interrupted by the umpire or assistant umpire.

• A let is also called if the ball hits the server’s side of the table if the ball does not pass further
than the edge. If the ball hits the table edge and hits the net, it is called a foul serve.

Rules of the Game

• If the ball touches the table surface, it is declared in

• If it touches the side of the table, it is declared out

• A player is not allowed to strike the ball in volley, unless the opponent's ball leaves the table
and I strike the ball in volley behind the table, in which case the point would be given to me.


• The initial order of serving is decided by lot. Service changes every 2 points, except during
periods of extra play where it changes each time. Service must adhere to the following rules :

• The ball rests freely on the open palm of the hand.

• The hand holding the ball must be above the level of the table.

• The ball should be projected upwards (at least 16 cm)

• The ball should be struck when it is falling and behind the table.

• The ball should first bounce in one's court, then in the opponent's court.

• Service can be diagonal and also in a straight line in singles


• He strikes the ball in volley (without it bouncing on the table) above his side of the table.

• He moves the table during play.

• He touches the net or a post.

• His free hand touches the table.

• He makes a bad service.

Adding up Points

• The winner of a match is the one who wins the first THREE or FOUR games. (according to the

• A game consists of 11 points.

• There must be a gap of at least two points between opponents.

• If the score is 10-10, the game goes in to extra play until one of the players has gained a lead of
2 points.

• The point goes to the player who successfully ends a rally

• The score of the server is always announced first.

Double Game

• In addition to games between individual players, pairs may also play table tennis. Singles and
doubles are both played in international competition, including the Olympic Games since 1988
and the Commonwealth Games since 2002.

• In 2005, the ITTF announced that doubles table tennis only was featured as a part of team
events in the 2008 Olympics.

• In doubles, all the rules of single play are applied except for the following:

• A line painted along the long axis of the table to create doubles courts bisects the table.

This line’s only purpose is to facilitate the doubles service rule, which is that service must
originate from the right hand “box” in such a way that the first bounce of the serve bounces
once in said right hand box and then must bounce at least once in the opponent side’s right
hand box (far left box for server), or the receiving pair score a point

Order of play, serving and receiving

• 1.

• Players must hit the ball in turn. For example, if A is paired with B, X is paired with Y, A is the
server and X is the receiver.

• The order of play shall be A→X→B→Y. The rally proceeds this way until one side fails to make a
legal return and the other side scores.

• 2.

• At each change of service, the previous receiver shall become the server and the partner of the
previous server shall become the receiver. For example, if the previous order of play is
A→X→B→Y, the order becomes X→B→Y→A after the change of service

• In the second or the latter games of a match, the game begins in reverse order of play. For
example, if the order of play is A→X→B→Y at beginning of the first game, the order begins
with X→A→Y→B or Y→B→X→A in the second game depending on either X or Y being chosen
as the first server of the game.

• That means the first receiver of the game is the player who served to the first server of the
game in the preceding game. In each game of a doubles match, the pair having the right to
serve first shall choose which of them will do so. The receiving pair, however, can only choose
in the first game of the match.

• 4.

• When a pair reaches 5 points in the final game, the pairs must switch ends of the table and
change the receiver to reverse the order of play. For example, when the last order of play
before a pair score 5 points in the final game is A→X→B→Y, the order after change shall be
A→Y→B→X if A still has the second serve. Otherwise, X is the next server and the order
becomes X→A→Y→B.

Expedite system

• If a game is unfinished after 10 minutes’ play and fewer than 18 points have been scored, the
expedite system is initiated.

• Under the expedite system, the server must win the point before the opponent makes 13
consecutive returns or the point goes to the opponent
• The system can also be initiated at any time at the request of both players or pairs. Once
introduced, the expedite system remains in force until the end of the match. A rule to shorten
the time of a match, it is mainly seen in defensive players’ games.

• Video Pre.: How to Play Table Tennis

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