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Wind Power Forecasting & Prediction

Methods for Power Plant

W.A.I.V. M. De Silva
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa
[email protected]

Abstract - Wind energy is fast growing technology compare to other renewable

among all renewable energy resources. energy sources. But due to the stochastic
Unforecasted wind fluctuations increase nature of wind energy, forecasting energy
requirements for spinning reserves and production of these plants is a crucial
raise electricity system production costs. issue for operation and management of
Wind forecasts become essential for wind energy systems. For example, long
effective grid management with high term wind speed prediction is a very
wind penetrations (>5%). This paper will important issue in sitting and sizing of
study predict and forecast the wind wind energy plants, whereas short term
energy and power to be produced by the forecasting of wind speed is vital for
power plant in the future. Wind forecast improving the efficiency of a wind power
depends on several factors like speed, generation systems and the integration of
temperature, humidity, direction of wind wind energy into the power system, as
etc. The data that has been used in this well as selling and buying energy in the
paper is obtained from Sri Lanka electricity market.
Sustainable Energy Authority and applied So, the power system regulators must
in the the site of Pooneryn. The paper make detailed schedule plans and reserve
also predicts and forecasts the wind and a capacity for it. The goal of regulators is
energy to be produced by the wind to reduce the reserved capacity and
turbine in the future. increase the wind power penetration, in
order to reach this goal the accurate
forecasting of wind speed is necessary.
I. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we analyzed wind data in
the site of Pooneryn. Pooneryn area of
Nowadays global warming and decrease Kilinochchi District has been identified as
usage of fossil fuels have caused many a prospective area for wind and solar
problems, so renewable energy sources power development. This particular area
are going to be popular. Renewable is exposed to both south-west and north-
energy sources are very diverse, among east monsoons. Pooneryn receives good
these different types of sources wind wind most of the months of the year and
energy is the most common and the most considered as the second best wind site of
applicable type of renewable energy the island. (Mannar island and surrounded
source worldwide. It is the fastest growing
area are considered as the best place for
wind power development in Sri Lanka.)

In section II we describe the Dataset what

we used. Methodology of the Wind
Energy Predictor for Power Plant is
explained in section III under three
subtopics; Descriptive Analytics,
Diagnostic Analytics and Predictive The variations of annual mean wind
Analytics. speeds for 21 years are depicted in the
fig.1. The wind farm power production
II. CASE STUDY depends on wind speed.

Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority Figure 2. Annually Generated Power &
(SLSEA) is responsible for identification, Energy
conserving and managing renewable
energy resources and to function as the
National Technical Service Agency of
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in
Sri Lanka. The data that has been used in
this paper is obtained from Sri Lanka
Sustainable Energy Authority, collected
from the data loggers installed in wind
turbines at different heights located at the
site of Pooneryn during the period from
2015 to 2017. III. METHODOLOGY
The case study in this paper is the wind
energy plant of Pooneryn, which has been A. Descriptive Analytics
studied from 2015 to 2017 in each 1 hour
By considering the on site data from 2015
period, the average temperature of the
to 2016 following graph fig 4. Obtained.
site is 27.96 0C and the wind speed is
measured every 1 hour at the height of 50
Figure 3. Wind speed -pooneryn wind
A wind power plant is set up to generate
electricity for about 25 years. Therefore, a
minimum of 20 years of data analysis is
required to establish a wind power plant.

Figure 1. Annual Mean Wind Velocity in

the farm
Southwest season (May - September) Estimation of wind power can be obtained
Northeast season (December - March) from the formula;

During the Northeast season wind blows

from the Northeast direction. Northeast
side of the Pooneryn site is covered with
land and the Southwest direction has a
water surface. Thus wind speed during the
Northeast season is lower than the
Southwest season. In addition to that fig4.
Shows that wind speed increases with the
height from the ground level.
Taking one year is not accurate for the
data analysis as if there is high wind
throughout the year, analysis will be over
estimated and if there is low wind
throughout the particular year it will be an
under estimation. To avoid such
circumstances long term correction is
done. The data consists of 184,079
Samples. That included timestamp, wind
speed at the height of 50m, wind
direction and temperature. We calculated
the average annual wind speed, annual
power and annual energy for each year.
According to the calculations total energy
of 190,317.81 MWh (190, 317, 810.82
kWh) could be generated for 21 years
from 1997 to 2017 in the site of Pooneryn.

Figure 4. Pooneryn
Figure 7. Average wind speeds against

Twenty one years mean annual wind

speed variations at 50m level and
produced power and energy calculated
are tabulated below.
B. Diagnostic Analytics spaced at uniform time intervals. It has
many applications in finance,
According to IBM analytics [6], Diagnostic econometrics, signal processing, etc. Time
Analytic is finding reasons as to why it series can be analysis in order to extract
happened. Diagnostic Analytics can be meaningful data and characteristics of
broadly categorized into 3 sections such data. Time series can be used for
as identify anomalies, discover anomalies, forecasting future events based on past
determine hidden relationships. events.
Sometimes analysts have to look into First, we applied an ARMA model to the
patterns outside existing data sets and data set using 80% of data as training
also analyze data from external sources to data. Then we used the ARIMA model to
identify anomalies. Identifying anomalies predict 10000 steps with the parameters
can lead to discovery of Hidden casual (0,1,2) for (p,d,q). Both of the models
relationships as well. were unable to provide a good result,
When we draw the calculated energy when compared with the test data set.
based on the wind speeds collected
through the sensors placed at Pooneryn Figure 9. ARMA results
agins the dates, it is clear that more
energy was created during May to
September than the other months.
During May and September Sri Lanka has
the South-West monsoon season which
brings a lot of wind into the country[8]. So
one of the reasons behind the increment
of energy during that period is caused by Figure 10. ARIMA results
monsoon winds.

Figure 8. Energy generated on each day

Generally time series models are linear

models and forecasting values which
produce by time series models like ARMA
C. Predictive Analytics and ARIMA models are produced by linear
functions. These functions are very
In order to provide predictive analytics for common in forecasting methods but their
the data set first approach we took was drawback is that they are not applicable in
time series analysis. non-linear models, but they can still be
A time series is a sequence of data points, used in special cases of non-linear
measured typically at successive times problems.
Then, according to our Descriptive the weather of the past two days, which
analytics, we predict Wind Speed because may be too short to capture trends in
wind speed is proportional to the wind weather that functional regression
power. Then we predict the Wind requires.
Direction. With this predicted wind In most web resources [4] [5], Neural
direction, we can excel the generated Networks with data processing is
wind power by changing the direction of recommended for weather data
the wind turbine. prediction. Neural networks can take
For predictions, we tried with both different features as input variables to
Machine Learning Models and Deep find nonlinear relationships between
Learning Models. input and output.
For Both of these predictions we use We used LSTM Recurrent Neural
MERRA dataset. First we rearranged the Networks in Python with Keras library.
MERRA [2] dataset manually. Then divide And we had the best results for prediction
the data set to three data frames; Train because our MERRA data set is big enough
Data, Validation Data and Test Data, using to fit the Neural Network. All results are in
python to process Data.. the Result section.
First we tried Machine Learning Models,
Linear Regression and Random IV. RESULTS
ForestRegressor using the Scikit-Learn
Python library. A. Wind Velocity Prediction
Mark Holmstrom et al [3] have concluded
Figure 11. The wind velocity prediction
that, both linear regression and functional
with LinearRegression
regression were outperformed by
professional weather forecasting services,
although the discrepancy in their
performance decreased significantly for
later days, indicating that over longer
periods of time. Linear regression proved
to be a low bias, high variance model
whereas functional regression proved to
be a high bias, low variance model. Linear
Confidence = 0.07243916265021422
regression is inherently a high variance
Figure 12. The wind velocity prediction
model as it is unstable to outliers, so one
with RandomForestRegressor
way to improve the linear regression
model is by collection of more data.
Functional regression, however, was high
bias, indicating that the choice of model
was poor, and that its predictions cannot
be improved by further collection of data.
This bias could be due to the design
choice to forecast weather based upon
Confidence = 0.7739204029335223

Figure 13 The wind velocity prediction



When comparing the results, we can

B. Wind Direction Prediction conclude our predictive analysis; LSTM
RNN is given a better prediction than the
Figure 14. The wind Direction prediction Regression models. Both linear regression
with LinearRegression and functional regression were
outperformed by professional weather
forecasting services, although the
discrepancy in their performance
decreased significantly for later days,
indicating that over longer periods of
With our all analysis, in the future,
generated wind power can be exceeded
by predicting to change the wind turbine
direction and height according to the
Confidence = -0.034839730783395195 predicted data. And can manage the
power storages according to the predicted
Figure 15. The wind Direction prediction power using wind speed predictions.
with RandomForestRegressor

[3] Mark Holmstrom, Dylan Liu, Christopher
Vo, “Machine Learning Applied to Weather
Forecasting”, 2016
Confidence = 0.8083416377008348 machine_learning_algorithm_are_suitable_for
Figure 16. The wind Direction prediction [5]
with LSTM RNN answers/27537

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