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TRACTION CONTROL SYSTEM The temperature of the brakes is calculated by a

mathematical model and TCS is switched passive if
(TCS) DESCRIPTION the calculated temperature is greater than a threshold
General Information value (500 °C). TCS is permitted again, when the
calculated temperature is less than 350 °C.
The traction control system (TCS) is a traction system
by means of brake intervention only, available in a low Lamp Concepts
speed range (< 60 kph). The system is equipped with an TCS information lamp,
It works on µ-split roads with sidewise different friction which is blinking during TCS operation.
coefficients. The activation of the EBD, TCS warning lamp and the
The spinning driven wheel is braked and the drive TCS info lamp is summarized in the following table:
torque can be transferred to the wheel on the high-µ
side. During TCS active, the TCS information lamp is

System Failure (EBD,

ABS TCS TCS Passive Due to
Ignition ON ABS or TCS are Not
Operation Operation Temperature Model
2 second on
ABS Warning
for lamp OFF OFF ON OFF
2 second on
TCS Info Blinking
for lamp OFF OFF ON
2 second on
EBD Warning EBD
for lamp OFF ON OFF
Lamp operation/OFF


Automatic Brake Differential (ABD) Control Algorithm

ABD (Automatic Brake Differential) system is a type The input signals for the control algorithm are the
of the TCS (ASR) system and substitutes the function filtered wheel speed signals from the ABS speed
of the mechanical LSD (Limited Slip Differential) processing.
system. With the speed difference of the driven wheels, the
ABD system operates by controlling the braking forces control deviation is calculated.
only under 60km/h.
If the control deviation exceeds a certain threshold
value, the wheel with the greater slip is braked actively.
TCS System Function
The threshold value depends on the vehicle speed:
Traction control does not have any effect on the
operation of the vehicle until the control module detects It is reduced with increasing vehicle speed down to a
one or both of the front wheels rotating faster than the constant value.
rear wheels. At this time, the electronic brake control
module (EBCM) requests the powertrain control module
to reduce the amount of torque applied to the drive
wheels. The powertrain control module does this by
retarding timing and selectively turning off fuel
injectors. The EBCM applies the front brakes, thus
reducing torque to the front wheels. Once the front
wheel begins to rotate at the same speed as the rear
wheels, the system returns full control to the driver.
During traction control mode, if the brake is applied to
only one front wheel, most of the torque from the engine
is directed to the other front wheel which improves the
traction of the vehicle.

Pressure Modulation V = Faster rear wheel speed - Slower rear wheel

Depending on the control deviation and the wheel speed
acceleration of the spinning wheel, pressure increase, V = Vehicle speed
hold and decrease are made. * TCS is switched passive if the calculated temperature
The pressure modulation is done with the conventional is greater than a threshold value (500 °C).
control with the valves. Prime valve, inlet valve and • TCS (ABD) Indicator turns on but TCS is permitted
outlet valve according to the following table: again, when the calculated temperature is less than
350 °C.
Increase Hold Decrease
Prime Valve Open Open Open Temperature Model
Closed Closed Closed TCS operation is a high thermal load for the brakes.
Pilot Valve
To avoid any damages at the brakes, the disk
Inlet Valve Open Closed Closed
temperature is calculated with a mathematical model
Outlet Valve Closed Closed Open for each driven wheel separately, After ignition on, the
Speed Range calculation starts with 30 ° C and then three different
phases are evaluated separately and added:
TCS is available in the speed range ≤ 60 kph.
TCS operation, braking and cooling phase.
Above 60 kph vehicle speed, TCS is passive.
If the temperature is higher than 500 °C, TCS is disabled
It is possible to initiate TCS operation up to a vehicle for this wheel.
speed of 55 kph.
It is permitted again, if the model has calculated down
the 350 °C.


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