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ganbayan’s denial of her bail application was capricious,

whimsical, arbitrary, or despotic, so as to amount to grave abuse
of discretion. This Court is not a trier of facts. As such, it must be
established that there was a patent and gross abuse of discretion
amounting to an evasion of a positive duty, or a virtual refusal to
  perform a duty enjoined by law, or to act at all in contemplation of
  Same; Criminal Procedure; Bail; While bail may generally be
  granted as a matter of right prior to the conviction of the accused,
  those charged with a capital offense is granted bail only when the
  evidence of guilt is not strong; The trial court may also deny the
  application for bail when the accused is a flight risk,
  notwithstanding the prosecution’s evidence on the guilt of the
  accused.—While bail may generally be granted as a matter of
right prior to the conviction of the accused, those charged with a
capital offense is granted bail only when the evidence of guilt is
G.R. No. 224162. November 7, 2017.* not strong: Section 7. Capital offense of an offense punishable by
  reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, not bailable.—No person
JANET LIM NAPOLES, petitioner, vs. SANDIGANBAYAN charged with a capital offense, or an offense punishable by
(THIRD DIVISION), respondent. reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, shall be admitted to bail
when evidence of guilt is strong, regardless of the stage of the
Remedial Law; Special Civil Actions; Certiorari; Since this is criminal prosecution. (7a) The trial court is thus granted the
a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, the discretion to determine whether there is strong evidence of guilt
Supreme Court’s (SC’s) review is limited to whether the on the part of the accused. The trial court may also deny the
Sandiganbayan gravely abused its discretion amounting to lack or application for bail when the accused is a flight risk,
excess of jurisdiction in issuing its assailed Resolutions denying notwithstanding the prosecution’s evidence on the guilt of the
Napoles’ application for bail.—Preliminarily, it should be accused. In exercising this discretion, the trial court should
emphasized that since this is a petition for certiorari under Rule receive the parties’ evidence at a hearing duly scheduled for this
65 of the Rules of Court, this Court’s review is limited to whether purpose. The prosecution and the accused are granted reasonable
the Sandiganbayan gravely abused its discretion amounting to opportunity to prove their respective positions: on the part of the
lack or excess of jurisdiction in issuing its assailed Resolutions prosecution, that the evidence of guilt against the accused is
denying Napoles’ application for bail. The Court’s certiorari strong, and on the part of the defense, the opposite. The hearing is
jurisdiction covers only errors of jurisdiction on the part of the summary and limited to the determination of the weight of
Sandiganbayan. It should be borne in mind that not every error evidence for purposes of granting or denying bail. The denial or
in the proceedings, or every erroneous conclusion of law or fact, refusal must be supported by a summary of the prosecution’s
constitutes grave abuse of discretion. Errors in the appreciation of evidence.
the parties’ evidence, including the conclusions anchored on these
Same; Same; Same; Since Napoles was charged with the
findings, are not correctible by the writ of certiorari. In this
crime of Plunder, which carries the imposable penalty of reclusion
regard, Napoles bears the burden of showing that the Sandi-
perpetua, she cannot be admitted to bail when the evidence of her
guilt is strong.—Since Napoles was charged with the crime of
_______________ Plunder, which carries the imposable penalty of reclusion
perpetua, she cannot be admitted to bail when the evidence of her
guilt is strong. This

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Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
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Same; Same; As long as the prosecution was able to prove that

was the burden that the prosecution assumed in the two (2) or more persons aimed their acts towards the
subsequent hearings that followed the filing of Napoles’ Petition accomplishment of the same unlawful object, each doing a part so
for Bail before the Sandiganbayan. As a trial court, the that their combined acts, though apparently independent, were in
Sandiganbayan, in turn, possessed the jurisdiction to hear and fact connected and cooperative, indicating a closeness of personal
weigh the evidence of the prosecution and the defense. At that association and a concurrence of sentiment, the conspiracy may be
stage of the proceedings, the bail hearings are limited to the inferred even if no actual meeting among them was proven.—
determination of whether there is a strong presumption of Seeing as it would be difficult to provide direct evidence
Napoles’ guilt. It is merely a preliminary determination, and the establishing the conspiracy among the accused, the
Sandiganbayan may deny admission to bail even when there is Sandiganbayan may infer it “from proof of facts and
reasonable doubt as to the guilt of Napoles. circumstances which, taken together, apparently indicate that
they are merely parts of some complete whole.” It was therefore
Same; Same; Same; As a lesser quantum of proof than guilt
unnecessary for the Sandiganbayan to find direct proof of any
beyond reasonable doubt, the Sandiganbayan may deny the
agreement among Napoles, former Senator Enrile and Reyes. The
application for bail on evidence less than that required for the
conspiracy may be implied from the intentional participation in
conviction of Napoles.—As a lesser quantum of proof than guilt
the transaction that furthers the common design and purpose. As
beyond reasonable doubt, the Sandiganbayan may deny the
long as the prosecution was able to prove that two or more
application for bail on evidence less than that required for the
persons aimed their acts towards the accomplishment of the same
conviction of Napoles. Furthermore, the Sandiganbayan “does not
unlawful object, each doing a part so that their combined acts,
sit to try the merits or to enter into any nice inquiry as to the
though apparently independent, were in fact connected and
weight that ought to be allowed to the evidence for or against
cooperative, indicating a closeness of personal association and a
accused, nor will it speculate on the outcome of the trial or on
concurrence of sentiment, the conspiracy may be inferred even if
what further evidence may be therein offered and admitted.” It
no actual meeting among them was proven.
should not be forgotten that the purpose of the bail hearing is to
determine whether the accused is entitled to provisional liberty Same; Same; Implied Conspiracy; The individuals involved in
before conviction. To require more from the prosecution, as well as this case performed different criminal acts, which contributed,
from the trial court, effectively defeats the purpose of the directly or indirectly, in the amassing, accumulation, and
proceeding. acquisition of ill-gotten wealth. Consistent with the doctrine on
implied conspiracy, these actions on the part of Napoles and her
Criminal Law; Conspiracy; Plunder; The Supreme Court (SC)
co-accused are sufficient to prove the existence of a “concurrence in
has consistently ruled that the conspiracy among the accused to
sentiment,” regardless of any proof that an actual agreement took
commit the crime of Plunder is usually an agreement or
place.—Napoles had access to the bank accounts of the NGOs
connivance to secretly cooperate in doing the unlawful act.—The
because as Sula, Luy, and Suñas testified during the bail hearing,
charge of Plunder against Napoles in this case alleges a
they were required to sign blank withdrawal slips, which were
conspiracy among former Senator Enrile and Reyes, as public
turned over to Napoles together with the corresponding passbook
officers, and Napoles, Lim, and De Asis, as private individuals.
for these accounts. Thus, in the ultimate scheme of things,
On this point, this Court has consistently ruled that the
Napoles received the amounts allocated for the PDAF-funded
conspiracy among the accused to commit the crime of Plunder is
projects of former Senator Enrile, which she later on apportioned
usually an agreement or connivance to secretly cooperate in doing
according to the agreed upon share of the legislators. With respect
the unlawful act. Even Congress, in its Explanatory Note to the
to the actual delivery of the PDAF-funded projects to its intended
proposed bill criminalizing Plunder, recognized that this crime, by
beneficiaries, Sula, Luy, Suñas, and Baltazar admitted that they
its very nature, is committed through a series or combination of
fabricated the liquidation documents. This was done by forging
acts done “in stealth and secrecy over a period of time.”
the receipts and the signatures of the beneficiaries, making it

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Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
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appear that the project was indeed implemented. Again, this

supported the findings of the COA Special Audit Team and the poles to incorporate the NGOs, prepare the requirements for
FIO on the fictitious projects funded by the PDAF of former the release of the PDAF, prepare and deliver the rebates to the
Senator Enrile. It is plain from the foregoing that Napoles and middlepersons, and fabricate the liquidation documents, they
her co-accused, as well as the former employees of Napoles who were competent witnesses on the subject of their respective
were eventually admitted as State witnesses, had a common testimonies. Clearly, the prosecution witnesses and the
design and objective — to divert the PDAF of former Senator documentary evidence supply interlocking pieces of information
Enrile from its lawful purpose and to their own personal accounts. that when taken together, provide a complete picture of the
The individuals involved in this case performed different criminal indispensability of the participation of Napoles in the scheme to
acts, which contributed, directly or indirectly, in the amassing, misappropriate public funds for the benefit of select individuals,
accumulation, and acquisition of ill-gotten wealth. Consistent by using the NGOs as conduits for the PDAF projects of former
with the doctrine on implied conspiracy, these actions on the part Senator Enrile. The directions and instructions she gave to her
of Napoles and her co-accused are sufficient to prove the existence former employees constitute a clear evidence of her active
of a “concurrence in sentiment,” regardless of any proof that an participation, not mere acquiescence or presence, in the
actual agreement took place. conspiracy.

Same; Same; Same; Clearly, the prosecution witnesses and the Same; Same; Same; Witnesses; Testimonial Evidence; The
documentary evidence supply interlocking pieces of information mere fact that the whistleblowers were conspirators themselves
that when taken together, provide a complete picture of the does not automatically render their testimonies incredible and
indispensability of the participation of Napoles in the scheme to unreliable.—Napoles nonetheless challenged the credibility of the
misappropriate public funds for the benefit of select individuals, whistleblowers, arguing that their testimonies should have been
by using the non-government Organizations (NGOs) as conduits received with “grave suspicion,” coming as they were from
for the Priority Development Assistant Fund (PDAF) projects of “polluted source[s].” However, as this Court earlier discussed, the
former Senator Enrile.—Arguably, there is no documentary testimonies of these prosecution witnesses were consistent, clear,
evidence directly linking Napoles to the NGOs used as conduits and corroborative of each other. Other testimonial and
for the PDAF-funded projects of former Senator Enrile. However, documentary evidence also substantiated the veracity of the
her ties to the officers of the NGOs involved in this case reveal whistleblowers’ statements during the bail hearing. In any case, a
otherwise. Napoles’ participation in the conspiracy was careful perusal of the assailed Sandiganbayan Resolutions
established through testimonial evidence, not only from one of her reveals that it considered the prosecution’s other testimonial and
former employees, but from four (4) witnesses — all of whom documentary evidence, and discussed it in relation to one another.
corroborate each other on material points. More importantly, they Among the documents that the Sandiganbayan considered were
testified on the minute details of the scheme that only those privy the letters requesting for the release of former Senator Enrile’s
to the conspiracy would be able to provide. Notably, Napoles did PDAF, the incorporation documents of the NGOs, the liquidation
not even refute their claims that they were her former employees, documents for the PDAF-funded projects, the SAROs itself, and
relying instead on singling out inconsequential details in their the DVs issued by the implementing agencies to the NGOs under
testimonies. Even the testimony of Ruby Chan Tuason, the the control of Napoles. In other words, the Sandiganbayan did not
middleperson who received the rebates of former Senator Enrile rely solely on the testimonies of the whistleblowers. Seeing as
on his behalf, confirmed that Napoles oversaw the there were other available evidence lending credence to their
implementation of the scheme to divert the disbursements of the testimonies, the Sandiganbayan did not gravely abuse its
PDAF. She personally met with Napoles to negotiate the discretion when it considered the testimonies of the
respective shares of the conspirators, and received the amount on whistleblowers in denying Napoles’ bail application, despite their
behalf of former Senator Enrile, which she subsequently turned participation in the conspiracy itself. The mere fact that the
over to Reyes. Since the whistleblowers personally received whistleblowers were conspirators themselves does not
instructions from Na- automatically render their testimonies incredible and unreliable.


249 250

Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) 5/34 6/34

Remedial Law; Evidence; Witnesses; Bail; It is elementary especially when the prosecution more than amply established
that the factual findings of the trial court, especially on the that the evidence of guilt is strong. This is a matter of judicial
assessment or appreciation of the testimonies of witnesses, are discretion on the part of the trial court, which this Court may
accorded great weight and respect. In this case, it is the nullify only when the exercise of this discretion is tainted with
Sandiganbayan that had the opportunity to observe the arbitrariness and capriciousness that the trial court failed to act
deportment and behavior of the witnesses during the bail hearing. within the contemplation of law.
—At this point it should be emphasized that this Court is not the
proper forum to weigh the credibility of the prosecution witnesses. SPECIAL CIVIL ACTION in the Supreme Court.
It is elementary that the factual findings of the trial court, Certiorari.
especially on the assessment or appreciation of the testimonies of The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
witnesses, are accorded great weight and respect. In this case, it    Stephen L. David, et al. for petitioner.
is the Sandiganbayan that had the opportunity to observe the    The Solicitor General for respondent.
deportment and behavior of the witnesses during the bail hearing.
It was in a better position to pass judgment on the credibility of REYES, JR., J.:
these witnesses and the weight of their respective testimonies. At  
any rate, Napoles was unable to establish any motive on the part Before this Court is a petition for certiorari under Rule
of her former employees, which would compel them to falsely 65 of the Rules of Court, which sought to nullify and set
testify against her and her co-accused. aside the Resolutions dated October 16, 20151 and March 2,
20162 of the Sandiganbayan in SB-14-CRM-0238. These
Criminal Law; Plunder; Plunder is a deplorable crime that Resolutions denied Janet Lim Napoles’ (Napoles)
unfairly exploits the trust that the public reposed in its officials. It application for bail because the evidence of her guilt for the
is inherently immoral not only because it involves the corruption of crime of Plunder is strong.
public funds, but also because its essence proceeds from a  
rapacious intent.—The core issue, therefore, of whether there is Factual Antecedents
strong evidence of guilt on the part of Napoles, was resolved by  
the Sandiganbayan in accordance with the relevant laws, rules, On September 16, 2013, the Office of the Ombudsman
and jurisprudence. Plunder is a deplorable crime that unfairly received the report of the National Bureau of Investigation
exploits the trust that the public reposed in its officials. It is (NBI), regarding its investigation on several persons,
inherently immoral not only because it involves the corruption of including Napoles, former Senator Juan Ponce Enrile
public funds, but also because its essence proceeds from a (Enrile) and his former Chief of Staff, Atty. Jessica Lucila
rapacious intent. This Court’s ruling in Estrada v. Reyes (Reyes). In its report, the NBI recommended to
Sandiganbayan, 369 SCRA 394 (2001), is a constant reminder of prosecute Napoles,
the magnitude of this offense.
Same; Same; Capital Punishment; Bail; It is precisely the _______________
enormous gravity of this offense that capital punishment is
imposed on those who are found guilty of Plunder. As a necessary 1   Penned by Presiding Justice Amparo M. Cabotaje-Tang, with
consequence, provisional liberty is not easily granted to those Associate Justices Samuel R. Martires (now a Member of this Court) and
accused of this offense, especially when the prosecution more than Sarah Jane T. Fernandez, concurring; Rollo, pp. 56-304.
amply established that the evidence of guilt is strong.—It is 2  Id., at pp. 339-372.
precisely the enormous gravity of this offense that capital
punishment is imposed on those who are found guilty of Plunder.
As a necessary consequence, provisional liberty is not easily
granted to those accused of this offense, 252


251 Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)

former Senator Enrile, Reyes, and several other named

VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 251
individuals for the crime of Plunder, defined and penalized
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) under Section 2 of Republic Act (RA) No. 7080, as amended, 7/34 8/34


for essentially misappropriating former Senator Enrile’s In 2004 to 2010, or thereabout (sic), in the Philippines, and
Priority Development Assistant Fund (PDAF) through within this Honorable Court’s jurisdiction, above named accused
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that were selected JUAN PONCE ENRILE, then a Philippine Senator, JESSICA
without the required bidding procedure.3 This case was LUCILA G. REYES, then Chief of Staff of Senator Enrile’s Office,
docketed as OMB-C-C-13-0318.4 both public officers, committing the offense in relation to their
Soon after, or on November 18, 2013, the Office of the respective offices, conspiring with one another and with JANET
Ombudsman received a Complaint from its Field LIM NAPOLES, RONALD JOHN LIM, and JOHN RAYMUND
Investigation Office (FIO), criminally charging former DE ASIS, did then and there willfully, unlawfully, and criminally
Senator Enrile, Reyes, Napoles, and fifty-two (52) other amass, accumulate, and/or acquire ill-gotten wealth amounting to
individuals with violations of RA No. 7080 and Section 3(e) at least ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO MILLION EIGHT
of RA No. 3019.5 Said complaint was docketed as OMB-C- HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED
C-13-0396.6 PESOS (Php172,834,500.00) through a combination or series of
In a Joint Resolution dated March 28, 2014, the overt criminal acts, as follows:
Ombudsman Special Panel of Investigators found probable a) by repeatedly receiving from NAPOLES and/or
cause to indict Napoles, among others, with one (1) count of representatives LIM, DE ASIS, and others, kickbacks or
Plunder and fifteen (15) counts of violating Section 3(e) of commissions under the following circumstances: before,
RA No. 3019. They likewise recommended to immediately during and/or after the project identification, NAPOLES
file the necessary Informations against all the named gave, and ENRILE and/or REYES received, a percentage of
accused.7 the cost of a project to be funded from ENRILE’s Priority
Some of the named accused, including Napoles, filed Development Assistance Fund (PDAF), in consideration of
their respective motions for reconsideration. The Special ENRILE’s endorsement, directly or through REYES, to the
Panel of Investigators denied these motions in its Joint appropriate government agencies, of NAPOLES’
Order dated June 4, 2014, but dropped Ruby Chan Tuason nongovernment organizations which became the
as a respondent, in light of her admission as a State recipients and/or target implementors (sic) of
witness and her corresponding immunity from criminal ENRILE’s PDAF projects, which duly-funded projects
prosecution.8 turned out to be ghosts or fictitious, thus enabling
Thus, in an Information dated June 5, 2014, Napoles, NAPOLES to misappropriate the PDAF proceeds for
together with former Senator Enrile, Reyes, Ronald John her personal gain;
Lim and John Raymund De Asis, were charged with
Plunder in _______________

9  Id., at pp. 772-773.


3  Id., at pp. 373-392.  

4  Id., at p. 550.  
5  Id., at pp. 393-545. 254
6  Id., at pp. 550, 552-554.
7  Id., at pp. 546-683.
8  Id., at pp. 706-767.
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
b) by taking undue advantage, on several occasions, of their
253 official positions, authority, relationships, connections, and
influence to unjustly enrich themselves at the expense and
to the damage and prejudice, of the Filipino people and the
VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 253 Republic of the Philippines.
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) CONTRARY TO LAW.10 (Emphasis Ours)

Criminal Case No. SB-14-CRM-0238 filed with the
On July 7, 2014, Napoles filed her Petition for Bail,
Sandiganbayan.9 The pertinent portions of the Information
arguing that the evidence of the prosecution is insufficient
to prove her guilt beyond reasonable doubt. She 9/34 10/34

particularly assailed the credibility of the State witnesses respective municipalities were recipients of livelihood
(otherwise referred to as whistleblowers) as these are projects from former Senator Enrile’s PDAF; (c) they did
allegedly mere hearsay, tainted with bias, and baseless. not receive any agricultural package or livelihood training
Citing the res inter alios acta rule, Napoles submitted that from former Senator Enrile, the implementing agencies of
the testimonies of these whistleblowers are inadmissible his PDAF, or from any NGO; and (d) they did not sign or
against her.11 prepare any acknowledgment receipt or liquidation
In view of Napoles’ application for bail, the documents pertaining to the transactions.13
Sandiganbayan conducted bail hearings. The prosecution Furthermore, the prosecution presented another group
presented the following witnesses: (a) Carmencita N. of beneficiaries, whose testimonies were subject of the same
Delantar, then Director in the Department of Budget and stipulations: (a) Shiela May Cebedo, Municipal Mayor of
Management (DBM); Bacuag, Surigao del Norte; (b) Elyzer C. Chavez, City
(b) Susan P. Garcia, an Assistant Commissioner in the Mayor of Passi, Iloilo; (c) Benito D. Siadto, Municipal
Commission on Audit (COA), and the former Director of the Mayor of Kibungan, Benguet; (d) Florencio Bentrez,
Special Audit Office; (c) Ryan P. Medrano, the Graft Municipal Mayor of Tuba, Benguet; and (e) Jose C. Ginez,
Investigation and Prosecution Officer from the FIO, Office Municipal Mayor of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan. The defense
of the Ombudsman; (d) Marina Cortez Sula, former cross-examined this group of beneficiaries.14
employee of Napoles; (e) Mary Arlene Joyce Baltazar, After the conclusion of the prosecution’s presentation of
former bookkeeper for JLN Corporation; (f) Merlina P. evidence, Napoles manifested that she is not presenting
Suñas, former employee of Napoles; (g) Benhur K. Luy, any evidence for her bail application.15
former finance officer of Napoles; and (h) Ruby Chan
Tuason, former Social Secretary of former President Joseph _______________
E. Estrada.12
13  Id., at pp. 140-141.
14  Id., at pp. 141-143.
15  Id., at pp. 784-785.
10  Id.
11  Id., at pp. 774-783.  
12  Id., at pp. 60-257.  
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)

VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 255

Ruling of the Sandiganbayan
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)  
In the first assailed Sandiganbayan Resolution dated
The prosecution likewise presented the following October 16, 2015, the Petition for Bail of Napoles was
supposed beneficiaries of former Senator Enrile’s PDAF denied for lack of merit.16 The relevant portions of this
projects, all of whom identified their respective sworn Resolution reads:
statements before the Sandiganbayan: (a) Eldred P.
Tumbocon, Municipal Mayor of Umingan, Pangasinan; (b) It is true that none of the prosecution witnesses testified that
Francisco O. Collado, Jr., Municipal Agriculturist of Senator Enrile directly received the
Umingan, Pangasinan; (c) Bartolome Ramos, Municipal kickbacks/commissions/rebates from accused Napoles. Based on
Mayor of Sta. Maria, Bulacan; (d) Ricardo V. Revita, the DDRs of Luy, accused Napoles repeatedly gave
Municipal Mayor of Rosales, Pangasinan; (e) Rodolfo A. kickbacks/commissions/rebates to Senator Enrile’s middlepersons.
Mendoza, Municipal Agriculturist of San Miguel, Bulacan; Also, prosecution witnesses Suñas and Luy categorically testified
and (f) Imelda Alvarado Eudenio, Municipal Agriculturist that they were the ones who prepared the documents and money
of Sta. Maria, Bulacan. The defense also stipulated that: (a) in paying the kickbacks/commissions/rebates for Senator Enrile.
the witnesses occupied their respective positions at the These kickbacks/commissions/rebates were given by them or by
time material to the case; (b) they were unaware that their accused Napoles to Ruby Tuason and other middlepersons for
Senator Enrile. 11/34 12/34

x x x x  
A FINAL WORD Preliminarily, it should be emphasized that since this is
The Court stresses, however, that in resolving this petition for a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court,
bail of accused Napoles, it is not passing judgment on the this Court’s review is limited to whether the
culpability or non-culpability of Senator Enrile, Atty. Reyes, Sandiganbayan gravely abused its discretion amounting to
accused Napoles, Lim[,] and de Asis. Again, in a petition for bail, lack or excess of jurisdiction in issuing its assailed
the Court is only mandated to determine whether based on the Resolutions denying Napoles’ application for bail. The
pieces of evidence presented by the prosecution, proof evident Court’s certiorari jurisdiction
exists or the presumption of guilt is strong. As above discussed,
the prosecution had presented clear and strong evidence which _______________
leads to a well-guarded dispassionate judgment that the offense of
plunder has been committed as charged; that accused Napoles is 17  Id., at pp. 302-304.
guilty thereof, and that she will probably be punished capitally if 18  Id., at pp. 312-337.
the law were administered at this stage of the proceedings. 19  Id., at pp. 339-372.
20  Id., at p. 372.
_______________ 21  Id., at pp. 3-51.

16  Id., at pp. 56-304.  


Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 257
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
covers only errors of jurisdiction on the part of the
Sandiganbayan. It should be borne in mind that not every
WHEREFORE, accused Janet Lim Napoles’s (sic) Petition for error in the proceedings, or every erroneous conclusion of
Bail dated July 7, 2014, is DENIED for lack of merit. law or fact, constitutes grave abuse of discretion. Errors in
SO ORDERED.17 the appreciation of the parties’ evidence, including the
conclusions anchored on these findings, are not correctible
by the writ of certiorari.22
On November 4, 2015, Napoles moved for the
In this regard, Napoles bears the burden of showing that
reconsideration of the Sandiganbayan’s Resolution denying
the Sandiganbayan’s denial of her bail application was
her Petition for Bail.18 This motion was likewise deemed
capricious, whimsical, arbitrary, or despotic, so as to
unmeritorious and the Sandiganbayan denied it in its
amount to grave abuse of discretion. This Court is not a
Resolution dated March 2, 2016,19 viz.:
trier of facts. As such, it must be established that there was
WHEREFORE, accused Janet Lim Napoles’s (sic) Motion for a patent and gross abuse of discretion amounting to an
Reconsideration dated November 4, 2015 is DENIED for lack of evasion of a positive duty, or a virtual refusal to perform a
merit. duty enjoined by law, or to act at all in contemplation of
SO ORDERED.20 law.23
It is within this framework that the Court reviewed the
  assailed Sandiganbayan Resolutions.
Napoles thus filed the present petition before this Court,  
alleging that the Sandiganbayan gravely abused its The prosecution bears the
discretion, amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, in burden of proving that the
denying her bail application. She insists in the present evidence of Napoles’ guilt
petition that the prosecution was unable to discharge its for the crime of Plunder is
burden of proving that the evidence of her guilt is strong.21 strong.
Ruling of this Court 13/34 14/34


Despite the arrest of the accused, or his/her voluntary 24  Maguddatu v. Court of Appeals, 383 Phil. 255, 262; 326 SCRA 362,
surrender as the case may be, the accused may be granted 369 (2000).
provisional liberty under certain conditions. This right to 25  1987 CONSTITUTION, Article III, Section 13.
bail is 26  RULES OF COURT, Rule 114, Section 4.
27  Id., Rule 114, Section 7; See also Rule 114, Section 5.
_______________ 28  People v. Sandiganbayan (Special Division), 556 Phil. 596, 603-604;
529 SCRA 764, 772 (2007).
22  People v. Court of Appeals, 475 Phil. 568; 431 SCRA 610 (2004).
23   Yu v. Reyes-Carpio, 667 Phil. 474; 652 SCRA 341 (2011); see  
Agdeppa v. Office of the Ombudsman, 734 Phil. 1; 723 SCRA 293 (2014);  
see also Aleria, Jr. v. Velez, 359 Phil. 141; 298 SCRA 611 (1998).

259 Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)

In exercising this discretion, the trial court should

VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 259
receive the parties’ evidence at a hearing duly scheduled
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) for this purpose. The prosecution and the accused are
granted reasonable opportunity to prove their respective
guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, except when the accused is positions: on the part of the prosecution, that the evidence
charged with a capital offense,24 viz.: of guilt against the accused is strong, and on the part of the
defense, the opposite.29 The hearing is summary and
Section 13. All persons, except those charged with offenses limited to the determination of the weight of evidence for
punishable by reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is strong, purposes of granting or denying bail. The denial or refusal
shall, before conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, or be must be supported by a summary of the prosecution’s
released on recognizance as may be provided by law. The right to evidence.30
bail shall not be impaired even when the privilege of the writ of In Cortes v. Catral,31 this Court laid down the following
habeas corpus is suspended. Excessive bail shall not be required.25 duties of the trial court in cases of an application for bail:
  1. In all cases, whether bail is a matter of right or of
While bail may generally be granted as a matter of right discretion, notify the prosecutor of the hearing of the application
prior to the conviction of the accused,26 those charged with for bail or require him to submit his recommendation (Section 18,
a capital offense is granted bail only when the evidence of Rule 114 of the Rules of Court as amended);
guilt is not strong: 2. Where bail is a matter of discretion, conduct a hearing of
the application for bail regardless of whether or not the
Section 7. Capital offense of an offense punishable by
prosecution refuses to present evidence to show that the guilt of
reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, not bailable.—No person
the accused is strong for the purpose of enabling the court to
charged with a capital offense, or an offense punishable by
exercise its sound discretion (Sections 7 and 8, supra);
reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, shall be admitted to bail
3. Decide whether the guilt of the accused is strong based on
when evidence of guilt is strong, regardless of the stage of the
the summary of evidence of the prosecution;
criminal prosecution. (7a)27
4. If the guilt of the accused is not strong, discharge the
  accused upon the approval of the bailbond. (Section 19, supra)
The trial court is thus granted the discretion to Otherwise petition should be denied.32
determine whether there is strong evidence of guilt on the
part of the accused. The trial court may also deny the _______________
application for bail when the accused is a flight risk,
notwithstanding the prosecution’s evidence on the guilt of 29  Santos v. Ofilada, 315 Phil. 11; 245 SCRA 56 (1995); See also Basco
the accused.28 v. Rapatalo, 336 Phil. 214; 269 SCRA 220 (1997).
30   Narciso v. Sta. Romana-Cruz, 385 Phil. 208, 221; 328 SCRA 505,
516 (2000).
_______________ 15/34 16/34


31  344 Phil. 415; 279 SCRA 1 (1997). 262

32  Id., at p. 430; p. 18.


  Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
nation of the entire record the presumption is great that accused
is guilty of a capital offense, bail should be refused.36 (Emphasis
VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 261 in the original)
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
As a lesser quantum of proof than guilt beyond
Since Napoles was charged with the crime of Plunder, reasonable doubt, the Sandiganbayan may deny the
which carries the imposable penalty of reclusion perpetua,33 application for bail on evidence less than that required for
she cannot be admitted to bail when the evidence of her the conviction of Napoles. Furthermore, the
guilt is strong. This was the burden that the prosecution Sandiganbayan “does not sit to try the merits or to enter
assumed in the subsequent hearings that followed the into any nice inquiry as to the weight that ought to be
filing of Napoles’ Petition for Bail before the allowed to the evidence for or against accused, nor will it
Sandiganbayan. As a trial court, the Sandiganbayan, in speculate on the outcome of the trial or on what further
turn, possessed the jurisdiction to hear and weigh the evidence may be therein offered and admitted.”37 It should
evidence of the prosecution and the defense. not be forgotten that the purpose of the bail hearing is to
At that stage of the proceedings, the bail hearings are determine whether the accused is entitled to provisional
limited to the determination of whether there is a strong liberty before conviction. To require more from the
presumption of Napoles’ guilt.34 It is merely a preliminary prosecution, as well as from the trial court, effectively
determination, and the Sandiganbayan may deny defeats the purpose of the proceeding.38
admission to bail even when there is reasonable doubt as to  
the guilt of Napoles. Thus, the prosecution can discharge its The Sandiganbayan
burden by proving that the evidence against Napoles shows did not gravely abuse
evident proof of guilt or a great presumption of guilt, which its discretion in deny-
the Court defined in People v. Cabral35 as follows: ing Napoles’ Petition
By judicial discretion, the law mandates the determination of for Bail.
whether proof is evident or the presumption of guilt is strong.  
“Proof evident” or “Evident proof” in this connection has been held Applying these jurisprudential standards to the present
to mean clear, strong evidence which leads a well-guarded case, it is readily apparent that the Sandiganbayan did not
dispassionate judgment to the conclusion that the offense has been gravely abuse its discretion amounting to lack or excess of
committed as charged, that accused is the guilty agent, and that he jurisdiction. Upon receiving Napoles’ Petition for Bail, it
will probably be punished capitally if the law is administered. scheduled hearings to allow the parties to submit their
“Presumption great” exists when the circumstances testified to are respective pieces of evidence. The prosecution submitted
such that the inference of guilt naturally to be drawn therefrom is numerous testimonial and documentary evidence,
strong, clear, and convincing to an unbiased judgment and endeavoring
excludes all reasonable probability of any other conclusion. Even
though there is a reasonable doubt as to the guilt of accused, if on _______________
an exami-
36  Id.
37  Siazon v. The Presiding Judge of the Circuit Criminal Court, 16th
Judicial District, Davao City, 149 Phil. 241, 248; 42 SCRA 184, 188-189
33  Republic Act No. 7080, Section 2, as amended by RA No. 7659. (1971).
34  Magno v. Abbas, 121 Phil. 227; 13 SCRA 232 (1965). 38  Id.
35  362 Phil. 697, 709; 303 SCRA 361, 372 (1999).
  263 17/34 18/34

Reports (DDRs) and Disbursement Vouchers (DVs) that

VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 263
came into in his possession while he was an employee of
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) At first glance, it is apparent that the arguments of
Napoles before this Court are fundamentally allegations of
to establish evident proof of Napoles’ guilt. Napoles, on the serious errors on the part of the Sandiganbayan in
other hand, opted not to submit any evidence on her behalf appreciating the evidence of the prosecution. This is not
and relied instead on the supposed weakness of the within the purview of this Court’s review power under Rule
prosecution’s evidence.39 65 of the Rules of Court. This Court is not a trier of facts
The Sandiganbayan’s first assailed Resolution dated and this proceeding is limited to the determination of
October 16, 2015 also reveals straightaway that the whether the Sandiganbayan patently, grossly, and
evidence of the prosecution was summarized accordingly, arbitrarily exercised its discretion with respect to Napoles’
effectively complying with the due process requirements.40 bail application.
It even extensively discussed the available evidence in In these lights, the succeeding discussion on the
relation to the elements of Plunder, which the prosecution evidence of the prosecution against Napoles is limited only
intended to prove point by point for purposes of to reviewing whether the Sandiganbayan gravely abused
demonstrating Napoles’ great presumption of guilt.41 its discretion in denying the application for bail on the
Napoles points out in her petition, however, that the basis of the evidence of the prosecution. For this purpose, it
Sandiganbayan erred in finding strong evidence of her must be clearly established that the Sandiganbayan
guilt for the crime of Plunder.42 She challenges the arbitrarily ignored the alleged dearth of evidence against
credibility of the prosecution witnesses, particularly the Napoles.
whistleblowers Luy, Suñas, Sula, and Baltazar.43  
She further claims that her bail application should have The prosecution was able
been granted because the prosecution did not present any to establish with evident
documentary evidence directly connecting her to the NGOs proof that Napoles par-
that facilitated the misappropriation of former Senator ticipated in the implied
Enrile’s PDAF.44 In the same manner, she likewise argues conspiracy to misappro-
that there was no direct proof of any agreement with priate public funds and
former Senator Enrile and Reyes to obtain kickbacks from acquire ill-gotten wealth.
the implementation of former Senator Enrile’s PDAF  
projects.45 Napoles particularly repudiates the evidentiary The charge of Plunder against Napoles in this case
value of the Summary of Rebates that Luy prepared from alleges a conspiracy among former Senator Enrile and
the Daily Disbursement Reyes, as public officers, and Napoles, Lim, and De Asis, as
private individuals. On this point, this Court has
_______________ consistently ruled that the conspiracy among the accused to
commit the crime of Plunder is usually an agreement or
39  Rollo, pp. 784-785. connivance to secretly
40  Id., at pp. 59-257.
41  Id., at pp. 257-304. _______________
42  Id., at pp. 13-29, and 43-50.
43  Id., at pp. 29-43. 46  Id., at pp. 31-43.
44  Id., at pp. 13-17.
45  Id., at pp. 20-29.
264 VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 265
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) 19/34 20/34

cooperate in doing the unlawful act. Even Congress, in its When Commissioner Susan P. Garcia (Garcia) testified
Explanatory Note to the proposed bill criminalizing regarding the results of their special audit on the PDAF-
Plunder, recognized that this crime, by its very nature, is funded projects of the government, they found that Napoles
committed through a series or combination of acts done “in and her co-accused committed Plunder through an
stealth and secrecy over a period of time.”48 elaborate scheme. It began through a letter originating
Seeing as it would be difficult to provide direct evidence from the office of former Senator Enrile being sent to the
establishing the conspiracy among the accused, the concerned implementing agency, informing the latter that
Sandiganbayan may infer it “from proof of facts and the office of former Senator Enrile designated Jose Antonio
circumstances which, taken together, apparently indicate Evangelista (Evangelista) as its representative in the
that they are merely parts of some complete whole.”49 It implementation of the PDAF-funded project. Evangelista,
was therefore unnecessary for the Sandiganbayan to find who was likewise the Deputy Chief of Staff of former
direct proof of any agreement among Napoles, former Senator Enrile and acting in representative capacity, then
Senator Enrile and Reyes. The conspiracy may be implied sends another letter to the implementing agency
from the intentional participation in the transaction that designating a specific NGO to implement the PDAF-funded
furthers the common design and purpose. As long as the project. Thereafter, the NGO that was endorsed by
prosecution was able to prove that two or more persons Evangelista submits a project proposal to the implementing
aimed their acts towards the accomplishment of the same agency, and proceeds to enter into a memorandum of
unlawful object, each doing a part so that their combined agreement (MOA) with the implementing agency and
acts, though apparently independent, were in fact former Senator Enrile as the parties.51
connected and cooperative, indicating a closeness of After the signing of the MOA, the project proposal is
personal association and a concurrence of sentiment, the attached to the Special Allotment Release Order (SARO),
conspiracy may be inferred even if no actual meeting among which allows the implementing agency to incur the
them was proven.50 expenses that are stated in it.52 These documents are
Here, the implied conspiracy among Napoles and her co- submitted to the DBM for processing, and if not lacking in
accused was proven through various documentary and requirements, the DBM issues the Notice of Cash
testimonial evidence showing that they acted towards the Allocation (NCA).53 This authorizes the payment of the
common goal of misappropriating the PDAF of former allocated amount to the implementing agency, which is
Senator Enrile. done by way of crediting the same to its account. After the
amount is credited to its account, the implementing agency
_______________ prepares the DVs and checks payable to the identified
NGO.54 The NGO, in turn, drafts and submits the
47   See Enrile v. People, 766 Phil. 75; 766 SCRA 1 (2015), citing requirements for liquidation (i.e., the accomplishment
Separate Opinion of Associate Justice Jose C. Vitug (Ret.) in Serapio v. report, the disbursement report, and the list of
Sandiganbayan, 444 Phil. 499; 396 SCRA 443 (2003). beneficiaries)
48  Explanatory Note to Senate Bill No. 733, which was later on passed
as R.A. No. 7080 as cited in Estrada v. Sandiganbayan, 427 Phil. 820, 851; _______________
377 SCRA 538, 555 (2002).
49  Supra note 28 at p. 610; p. 777. 51  Rollo, pp. 78-79.
50   People v. Del Rosario, 365 Phil. 292; 305 SCRA 740 (1999), citing 52  Id., at p. 64.
Orodio v. Court of Appeals, 247-A Phil. 409, 415-416; 165 SCRA 316, 323 53  Id., at p. 75.
(1988). 54  Id., at pp. 78-79.


266 267

Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) 21/34 22/34

after receiving the check. However, as it turned out, the documents involving transactions with legislators, retained
Special Audit Team found that the beneficiaries denied a copy for their file.59
receiving any proceeds, whether in terms of projects or Suñas also testified that Benhur K. Luy (Luy) prepared
equipment, from the PDAF of former Senator Enrile.56 the letters authorizing Evangelista to implement the
Commissioner Garcia and the rest of the Special Audit PDAF-funded projects on behalf of former Senator Enrile.
Team found that the release of the PDAF to the concerned She likewise participated in the preparation of the MOA
NGOs through this system violated the following: (a) DBM executed among the concerned implementing agency,
National Budget Circular No. 476 dated September 20, former Senator Enrile, and the relevant NGO.60
2001, or the guidelines on the release of the PDAF, which Meanwhile, Luy confirmed that Napoles asked them to
requires national government agencies and government- prepare the documents referred to in Suñas’ testimony. He
owned and -controlled corporations to only implement also substantiated the statement of Suñas that the office of
programs that are within their functions; (b) Government former Senator Enrile furnished them with copies of the
Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) Resolution No. 12-2007, PDAF requirements after its submission to the DBM.61 Luy
which requires the selection of an NGO through public was the first to receive the documents because he had to
bidding or negotiated procurement; and (c) COA Circular verify if the entries as to the name of the NGO and the
No. 2007-001 dated October 25, 2007, or the guidelines on project cost were correct.62
the grant, utilization, accounting and auditing of funds In their separate testimonies, both Suñas and Luy
released to NGOs.57 confirmed that former Senator Enrile received 40% to 50%
Remarkably, the respective testimonies of Commissioner of the project cost.63 According to Luy, they referred to the
Garcia and the supposed beneficiaries58 of former Senator share of the legislators as rebates, which he recorded in line
Enrile’s PDAF were corroborated on material points by the with his position as the finance officer of Napoles.64 The
whistleblowers. These whistleblowers, who were former payment of the rebates was made in tranches starting in
employees of Napoles, participated in different capacities to 2004 — with the first half paid to former Senator Enrile
the conspiracy. upon the listing of the project, and the balance paid upon
Merlina P. Suñas (Suñas), a former employee of the release of the SARO.65 Napoles, on the other hand, took
Napoles, testified that the office of Napoles received copies 5% of the project cost as her share.66 The middlepersons
of the SARO from the office of former Senator Enrile. Upon who received the rebates on behalf
receipt, Napoles held meetings where they would be given
instructions to prepare an indorsement letter addressed to _______________
the implementing agency, and a project proposal
identifying the local government unit that would benefit 59  Id., at pp. 146-150.
from the PDAF-funded project. The drafts of these 60  Id.
documents were sent to Evangelista for 61  Id., at pp. 163-166.
62  Id., at pp. 176-179.
_______________ 63  Id., at pp. 150, 163-164, and 276-277.
64  Id., at pp. 151 and 163.
55  Id. 65  Id., at pp. 164, 170, and 273.
56  Id., at pp. 140-143. 66  Id., at pp. 163, 171, and 277.
57  Id., at pp. 75-90.
58  Id., at pp. 140-143.  

VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 269
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
of former Senator Enrile, such as Tuason,67 were also given
5% of the project cost.68
review, and subsequently, the finalized versions were Another former employee of Napoles, Marina Cortez
returned to their office. Suñas, as the custodian of Sula (Sula), narrated that Napoles gave her instructions to 23/34 24/34

register approximately twenty (20) NGOs, including those Suñas and Luy corroborated the testimony of Sula on
that implemented the ghost projects funded by former the fictitious manner by which the NGOs were
Senator Enrile’s PDAF. The relevant information regarding incorporated. The three of them were all presidents of
these NGOs were listed in a red notebook that Sula kept to different NGOs, and they provided the names of their
assist her in the preparation of the General Information relatives as its officers and incorporators.74 In exchange for
Sheets that were regularly submitted to the Securities and agreeing to become presidents of the NGOs, both Suñas
Exchange Commission (SEC).69 This notebook was and Sula testified that Napoles promised to provide them
presented to the Sandiganbayan during the bail hearing.70 1% of the project cost as their commission.75
Sula also stated that the NGOs were created at the Similar to Suñas and Sula, Mary Arlene Joyce Baltazar
instance of Napoles. According to Sula, Napoles asked her (Baltazar), testified that Napoles likewise promised to give
and the other employees to come up with the names of her a commission in exchange for using her name as the
these NGOs. Upon Napoles’ approval of the name, Sula president of an NGO. As the former bookkeeper of Napoles,
reserved its use at the SEC. Sula also purchased forms for Baltazar further confirmed that Napoles used the names of
the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the NGOs, which her employees, and that of their friends and relatives to
she completed under the direction of Napoles. Napoles then make them appear as incorporators or officers of the
provided the amount necessary for the initial deposit to concerned NGOs.76 Once they became president of an NGO,
open a bank account in the name of the NGO. The bank Napoles instructed them to become voluntary members of
accounts were opened at either Metrobank or Landbank the Social Security System (SSS) and Philippine Health
because the branch managers were already familiar with Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), because Napoles
Napoles, making it easy for Sula to facilitate the process. needed to terminate their employment.77 Baltazar stated
Thereafter, Sula registered the NGOs with the SEC.71 that this was purposely done in order to avoid any
Sula noted that Napoles selected the incorporators and connection between Napoles and the NGOs.78
officers of the NGOs. The incorporators and officers were
usually employees of Napoles, or the relatives of these _______________
employees. Sula testified that those chosen as presidents of
the NGO were aware that their names were used because 72  Id., at pp. 115-118.
they were 73  Id., at p. 126.
74  Id., at pp. 144-145, 198-199.

_______________ 75  Id., at pp. 118-119, 146.

76  Id., at pp. 130-134.
67  Id., at pp. 255-257. 77  Id., at p. 121.
68  Id., at p. 277. 78  Id., at p. 136.
69  Id., at p. 112.
70  Id., at p. 123.  
71  Id., at pp. 113-114.  


VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 271
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
As to the manner by which Napoles obtained the amount
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) allocated for the PDAF-funded projects, Sula narrated that
this was equally done through the employees of Napoles.
made to sign the incorporation documents. In cases where Whenever the DBM disbursed the allocated amount to the
the president was not an employee of Napoles, the implementing agency, a check was issued to the Napoles-
employee who provided the name of the NGO president controlled NGO. Since Sula and the other employees were
was made to sign in their stead.72 Sula likewise admitted to designated as presidents of these NGOs, they were
forging the signatures of the incorporators, or using the authorized to receive the check for the PDAF-funded
incorporators’ names without their knowledge.73 project from the implementing agency.79 25/34 26/34


Napoles had access to the bank accounts of the NGOs PDAF-funded projects of former Senator Enrile. However,
because as Sula, Luy, and Suñas testified during the bail her ties to the officers of the NGOs involved in this case
hearing, they were required to sign blank withdrawal slips, reveal otherwise. Napoles’ participation in the conspiracy
which were turned over to Napoles together with the was established through testimonial evidence, not only
corresponding passbook for these accounts.80 Thus, in the from one of her former employees, but from four (4)
ultimate scheme of things, Napoles received the amounts witnesses — all of whom corroborate each other on material
allocated for the PDAF-funded projects of former Senator points. More importantly, they testified on the minute
Enrile, which she later on apportioned according to the details of the scheme that only those privy to the conspiracy
agreed upon share of the legislators. would be able to provide. Notably, Napoles did not even
With respect to the actual delivery of the PDAF-funded refute their claims that they were her former employees,
projects to its intended beneficiaries, Sula, Luy, Suñas, and relying instead on singling out inconsequential details in
Baltazar admitted that they fabricated the liquidation their testimonies.
documents. This was done by forging the receipts and the Even the testimony of Ruby Chan Tuason, the
signatures of the beneficiaries, making it appear that the middleperson who received the rebates of former Senator
project was indeed implemented.81 Again, this supported Enrile on his behalf, confirmed that Napoles oversaw the
the findings of the COA Special Audit Team82 and the implementation of the scheme to divert the disbursements
FIO83 on the fictitious projects funded by the PDAF of of the PDAF. She personally met with Napoles to negotiate
former Senator Enrile. the respective shares of the conspirators, and received the
It is plain from the foregoing that Napoles and her co- amount on behalf of former Senator Enrile, which she
accused, as well as the former employees of Napoles who subsequently turned over to Reyes.84
were eventually admitted as State witnesses, had a Since the whistleblowers personally received
common design and objective — to divert the PDAF of instructions from Napoles to incorporate the NGOs,
former Senator Enrile from its lawful purpose and to their prepare the requirements for the release of the PDAF,
own personal accounts. prepare and deliver the rebates to the middlepersons, and
fabricate the liquidation documents, they were competent
_______________ witnesses on the subject of

79  Id., at p. 121.
80  Id., at pp. 126-129, 154, 179-180.
81  Id., at pp. 126, 139, 151-154, 160, 174, and 181. 84  Id., at pp. 250-254.
82  Id., at p. 80.
83  Id., at p. 106.
VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 273
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) their respective testimonies.85 Clearly, the prosecution
witnesses and the documentary evidence supply interlocking
The individuals involved in this case performed pieces of information that when taken together, provide a
different criminal acts, which contributed, directly complete picture of the indispensability of the participation
or indirectly, in the amassing, accumulation, and of Napoles in the scheme to misappropriate public funds for
acquisition of ill-gotten wealth. Consistent with the the benefit of select individuals, by using the NGOs as
doctrine on implied conspiracy, these actions on the part of conduits for the PDAF projects of former Senator Enrile.
Napoles and her co-accused are sufficient to prove the The directions and instructions she gave to her former
existence of a “concurrence in sentiment,” regardless of any employees constitute a clear evidence of her active
proof that an actual agreement took place. participation, not mere acquiescence or presence, in the
Arguably, there is no documentary evidence directly conspiracy.
linking Napoles to the NGOs used as conduits for the 27/34 28/34


The Sandiganbayan may rely on the testimonies of the accomplices is admissible and competent. Yet such testimony
whistleblowers, especially since these were corroborated by comes from a “polluted source.” Consequently, it is scrutinized
other available evidence. with care. It is properly subject to grave suspicion. If not
Napoles nonetheless challenged the credibility of the corroborated, credibility is affected. Even then, however, the
whistleblowers, arguing that their testimonies should have defendant may be convicted upon the unsupported evidence of an
been received with “grave suspicion,” coming as they were accomplice. If corroborated absolutely or even to such an extent as
from “polluted source[s].”86 However, as this Court earlier is indicative of trustworthiness, the testimony of the accomplice is
discussed, the testimonies of these prosecution witnesses sufficient to warrant a conviction. This is true even if the
were consistent, clear, and corroborative of each other. accomplice has made previous statements inconsistent with his
Other testimonial and documentary evidence also testimony at the trial and such inconsistencies are satisfactorily
substantiated the veracity of the whistleblowers’ explained.
statements during the bail hearing. x x x x
In any case, a careful perusal of the assailed
Sandiganbayan Resolutions reveals that it considered the _______________
prosecution’s other testimonial and documentary evidence,
and discussed it in relation to one another. Among the 87  Id., at pp. 257-304, 343-372.
documents that the Sandiganbayan considered were the 88  United States v. Remigio, 37 Phil. 599 (1918); See also Salvanera v.
letters requesting for the People, 551 Phil. 147; 523 SCRA 147 (2007); People v. Ponce, 274 Phil.
1035; 197 SCRA 746 (1991).
85  RULES OF COURT, Rule 130, Section 36.  
86  Rollo, p. 29.

  VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 275
274 Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)

274 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Where conspiracy is in issue these principles are even more
certain. A conspiracy is more readily proved by the acts of a
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) fellow criminal than by any other method. If it is shown
that the statements of the conspirator are corroborated by
release of former Senator Enrile’s PDAF, the incorporation other evidence, then we have convincing proof of veracity.
documents of the NGOs, the liquidation documents for the Even if the confirmatory testimony only applies to some
PDAF-funded projects, the SAROs itself, and the DVs particulars, we can properly infer that the witness has told the
issued by the implementing agencies to the NGOs under truth in other respects.89 (Emphasis and underscoring Ours)
the control of Napoles.87
In other words, the Sandiganbayan did not rely solely  
on the testimonies of the whistleblowers. Seeing as there At this point it should be emphasized that this Court is
were other available evidence lending credence to their not the proper forum to weigh the credibility of the
testimonies, the Sandiganbayan did not gravely abuse its prosecution witnesses. It is elementary that the factual
discretion when it considered the testimonies of the findings of the trial court, especially on the assessment or
whistleblowers in denying Napoles’ bail application, despite appreciation of the testimonies of witnesses, are accorded
their participation in the conspiracy itself. The mere fact great weight and respect.90 In this case, it is the
that the whistleblowers were conspirators themselves does Sandiganbayan that had the opportunity to observe the
not automatically render their testimonies incredible and deportment and behavior of the witnesses during the bail
unreliable. The ruling in United States v. Remigio88 is hearing. It was in a better position to pass judgment on the
instructive in this regard: credibility of these witnesses and the weight of their
respective testimonies. At any rate, Napoles was unable to
The true doctrine which should govern the testimony of establish any motive on the part of her former employees,
accomplices, or what may be variously termed principals, which would compel them to falsely testify against her and
confederates, or conspirators, is not in doubt. The evidence of her co-accused. 29/34 30/34

The core issue, therefore, of whether there is strong _______________

evidence of guilt on the part of Napoles, was resolved by
91  421 Phil. 290; 369 SCRA 394 (2001), citing People v. Echegaray, 335
the Sandiganbayan in accordance with the relevant laws,
Phil. 343; 267 SCRA 682 (1997).
rules, and jurisprudence.
Plunder is a deplorable crime that unfairly exploits the  
trust that the public reposed in its officials. It is inherently  
immoral not only because it involves the corruption of
public funds, but also because its essence proceeds from a 277
VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 277
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
89  United States v. Remigio, id., at pp. 610-612.
90  People v. Yambot, 397 Phil. 23, 38; 343 SCRA 20, 33 (2000). murder, rape, parricide, infanticide, kidnapping and
serious illegal detention, where the victim is detained
  for more than three days or serious physical injuries
  were inflicted on the victim or threats to kill him were
276 made or the victim is a minor, robbery with homicide,
rape or intentional mutilation, destructive arson, and
carnapping where the owner, driver or occupant of the
276 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED carnapped vehicle is killed or raped, which are
Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) penalized by reclusion perpetua to death, are clearly
heinous by their very nature.
There are crimes, however, in which the
intent. This Court’s ruling in Estrada v. Sandiganbayan91
abomination lies in the significance and
is a constant reminder of the magnitude of this offense:
implications of the subject criminal acts in the
As regards the third issue, again we agree with Justice scheme of the larger socio-political and
Mendoza that plunder is a malum in se which requires proof of economic context in which the state finds itself
criminal intent. Thus, he says, in his Concurring Opinion — to be struggling to develop and provide for its
x x x x poor and underprivileged masses. Reeling from
Finally, any doubt as to whether the crime of plunder is a decades of corrupt tyrannical rule that bankrupted
malum in se must be deemed to have been resolved in the the government and impoverished the population, the
affirmative by the decision of Congress in 1993 to include it Philippine Government must muster the political will
among the heinous crimes punishable by reclusion perpetua to dismantle the culture of corruption, dishonesty,
to death. Other heinous crimes are punished with death as greed and syndicated criminality that so deeply
a straight penalty in R.A. No. 7659. Referring to these entrenched itself in the structures of society and the
groups of heinous crimes, this Court held in People v. psyche of the populace. [With the government]
Echegaray: terribly lacking the money to provide even the most
The evil of a crime may take various forms. There basic services to its people, any form of
are crimes that are, by their very nature, despicable, misappropriation or misapplication of government
either because life was callously taken or the victim is funds translates to an actual threat to the very
treated like an animal and utterly dehumanized as to existence of government, and in turn,
completely disrupt the normal course of his or her
growth as a human being . . . . Seen in this light, the  
capital crimes of kidnapping and serious illegal  
detention for ransom resulting in the death of the 278
victim or the victim is raped, tortured, or subjected to
dehumanizing acts; destructive arson resulting in
death; and drug offenses involving minors or resulting 278 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
in the death of the victim in the case of other crimes; Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)
as well as 31/34 32/34


the very survival of the people it governs over. Sereno (CJ.), Carpio, Peralta, Bersamin, Leonen, Tijam
Viewed in this context, no less heinous are the and Gesmundo, JJ., concur.
effects and repercussions of crimes like Velasco, Jr., Leonardo-De Castro, Del Castillo and
qualified bribery, destructive arson resulting in Perlas-Bernabe, JJ., On Official Leave.
death, and drug offenses involving government Jardeleza, Caguioa and Martires, JJ., No part.
officials, employees or officers, that their
perpetrators must not be allowed to cause Petition dismissed, resolutions affirmed.
further destruction and damage to society.92
(Emphasis in the original) Notes.—To discern the proper import of the phrase
raids on the public treasury, the key is to look at the
  accompanying words: misappropriation, conversion, misuse
It is precisely the enormous gravity of this offense that or malversation of public funds. (Macapagal-Arroyo vs.
capital punishment is imposed on those who are found People, 797 SCRA 241 [2016])
guilty of Plunder. As a necessary consequence, provisional It has been long-settled that while the primary offender
liberty is not easily granted to those accused of this offense, in the aforesaid crimes are public officers, private
especially when the prosecution more than amply individuals may also be held liable for the same if they are
established that the evidence of guilt is strong. This is a found to have conspired with said officers in committing
matter of judicial discretion on the part of the trial court, the same. (Cambe vs. Office of the Ombudsman, 812 SCRA
which this Court may nullify only when the exercise of this 537 [2016])
discretion is tainted with arbitrariness and capriciousness  
that the trial court failed to act within the contemplation of ——o0o——
Unfortunately for Napoles, there is nothing in the
records showing that the Sandiganbayan gravely abused
its discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. It
has discharged its judicial duty in Napoles’ bail application
in a manner consistent with the applicable laws and
jurisprudence, and the evidence on record. Thus, all things © Copyright 2020 Central Book Supply, Inc. All rights reserved.
considered, the Court finds no reason to nullify the assailed
Sandiganbayan Resolutions. The Petition for Bail of
Napoles was correctly denied.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is
DISMISSED. The Resolutions dated October 16, 2015 and
March 2, 2016 of the Sandiganbayan in SB-14-CRM-0238
are AF-


92  Id., at pp. 365-366; pp. 451-453.


VOL. 844, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 279

Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan (Third Division)

FIRMED, there being no grave abuse of discretion

amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of
the Sandiganbayan.
SO ORDERED. 33/34 34/34

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