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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering

CHE 347 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory - Spring 219/2020

Long Report: Rubric Sheet

Abstract /5
Theory & back ground /10
Procedure /10
Apparatus /10
Results & Discussion /40
Conclusion &Recommendation /10
Reference & Appendix /5
Word Format: Number of pages, fonts, margins, /10
Table of
Contents/List of Tables/List of Figures
TOTAL /100
Instructor: Salaheddin Abu Yahya
T.A: Nadia Harbawi
Experiment title: Measurement of density and viscosity
Group # ( A )
Students Names Students ID
1. Waleed Allala 135017
2. Mohammed Maslati 128914
3. Mahmoud Nidal 132811
Table of Contents

Abstract ......................................................................................... 3

Theory And Background................................................................ 4

Procedure ...................................................................................... 6

1-Density .................................................................................... 6

2-viscosity: .................................................................................. 6

Apparatus ...................................................................................... 8

Results & Discussion ................................................................... 10

1-RESULTS................................................................................. 10

2- Discussion............................................................................. 13

Conclusion &Recommendation .................................................. 15

1- conclusion ........................................................................... 15

2-Recommendation.................................................................. 16

Reference & Appendix ................................................................ 18

1-Reference .............................................................................. 18

2- Appendix .............................................................................. 19
In this experiment we determine densities and
viscosities of several liquids . The liquids are Water,
Engine oil, Glycerin, Caster oil and Silicon.

By using Hydrometer (A devise give a density or

specific gravity for a liquid ) we get the densities,
And then we calculate the viscosities after doing free
fall of ball in a liquid and measuring the velocity that
take it in spend the distance then by relationship
between density , velocity , viscosity we get the
viscosities .
Theory And Background
Density defined as mass per unit volume , And can be
measurement in a several ways ,but in the experiment we
use Hydrometer ( Hydrometer is an instrument used to
measure the specific gravity or density of liquids , usually
made from glass ).

After density we calculated Viscosity of the fluid by The

Falling Sphere Viscometer , The falling ball viscometer
typically measures the viscosity of Newtonian liquids and
gases. The method applies Newton’s law of motion under
force balance on a falling sphere ball when it reaches a
terminal velocity. In Newton’s law of motion for a falling
ball, there exist buoyancy force, weight force, and drag
force, and these three forces reach a net force of zero.
But what is the Viscosity ?
The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to
deformation at a given rate. For liquids, it corresponds to
the informal concept of "thickness": for
example, syrup has a higher viscosity than water.[1]

Density and viscosity are dependent on Temperature.

_ Fill one hydrometer jar with sufficient water to float the hydrometer and
check that the

scale marking corresponding to depth of immersion reads 1.00.

_ Fill three hydrometer jars with the liquids to be tested with sufficient of
the liquids to

float the hydrometer and note for each liquid the scale reading.

_ Fill the three tubes with the liquids under test to a level of just below the
exit from the

capillary tube.

The liquids under test being:

1) An Engine Oil

2) Glycerol

3) Castor Oil
_ Use three balls of different diameters with each liquid; measure
diameters of the balls and mass for each of theme.

_ Drop balls in each liquids and measure the distance traveled by balls
(30cm) with time by using timer.

suggested nominal size of balls: (4mml)_ (5mml)_ (7mml)

_You will drop three balls in each fluid

_Calculate the velocity for each time ,Then take an average velocity.

_using the equation ,calculate viscosity.

1-Hydrometer : to measure density of fluid

2-Viscometer : to calculate viscosity of fluid

3- Stop clock : to measure Time of the ball
Results & Discussion
Part 1 : Measurement of densities and specific gravities

# Temperature : [11.7 ℃]

#Pressure : [708 mmHg]

Density [ρ]
Liquid g/ml Kg/m³
water 0.997 997
Engine oil 0.9 900
glycerin 1.228 1228
Silicon oil 0.975 975
Caster oil 0.964 964

S (specific gravity) =

Ρw = 1000 Kg/m³ = 1 g/cm3

Liquid Specific gravity

water 0.997
Engine oil 0.9
glycerin 1.228
Silicon oil 0.975
Caster oil 0.964
Part 2 : Measurement of viscosity for different liquids

# Temperature : [11.7 ℃]

# Pressure : [708 mmHg]

As we mentioned before we will use the following equation in order to

calculate the viscosity :

Viscosity (μ) =

g = 9.81 m/s2

ρs = 7.8 g/cm3

Fluid #1 : Silicon oil (ρl = 0.975 g/cm3)

- Distance traveled by the steel ball = 30 cm = 0.3 m

Velocity of the ball =

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

weight of steel ball (g) 1.35 0.45 0.2
diameter of steel ball (mm) 7 5 4
radius (m) 0.0035 0.0025 0.002
time (s) 3.38 6.11 9.16
velocity (m/s) 0.089 0.049 0.033
viscosity (Kg/m.s) 2.053 1.894 1.817
Fluid #2 : Glycerin (ρl = 1228 Kg/m3)

- Distance traveled by the steel ball = 30 cm = 0.3 m

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

weight of steel ball (g) 1.35 0.45 0.2
diameter of steel ball
7 5 4
radius (m) 0.0035 0.0025 0.002
time (s) 0.92 1.58 2.09
velocity (m/s) 0.326 0.190 0.144
viscosity (Kg/m.s) 0.538 0.472 0.399

Fluid #3 : caster oil (ρl = 0.964 g/cm3)

- Distance traveled by the steel ball = 30 cm = 0.3 m

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

weight of steel ball (g) 1.35 0.45 0.2
diameter of steel ball (mm) 7 5 4
radius (m) 0.0035 0.0025 0.002
time (s) 4.16 7.55 11.47
velocity (m/s) 0.072 0.040 0.026
viscosity (Kg/m.s) 2.531 2.340 2.275
2- Discussion

Part 1 :
Comparison between Densities of the fluid in our results and the real
densities : ( Temperature 11 c )

Fluid Exp value g/cm3 Real value g/cm3

Water 0.997 0.9997
Engine oil 0.9 0.8725
Glycerin 1.228 1.26
Silicon oil 0.975 0.968
Caster Oil 0.964 0.961

The values are close together ,but the difference because of :

1- The value from the device isn’t seen correctly.
2- An error in the device.

Part 2 :
Comparison between Viscosities of the fluid in our results and the real
Viscosities : ( Temperature 11 c )
Fluid Exp Value Kg/m.s Real Value Kg/m.s
Silicon oil 1.921
Glycerin 0.469 0.02
Caster oil 2.382 2.42

We took the average viscosity for each fluid and compare it with
real viscosity .

The difference between values large ,And that because of :

1) Error in measure Time of the ball

2) The distance is large and that will increase the error

3) Material of the ball effect on the velocity , so change the

viscosity .

1- conclusion

A) Density and viscosity are function of Temperature and Pressure .

B) Density and viscosity independent on mass or volume ,but

dependent on material, Temperature and pressure.

C) Velocity of the ball depend on the viscosity of the fluid ,And the
relation between theme is positive.

D) In the same fluid , Radius of the ball effect on the velocity.

E) Material of the ball effect on the velocity , so change the viscosity .

F) The distance is large and that will increase the error in measure of

There are many aspects of both experiments that should change in order
to improve the experiments and to make the results more accurate. The
work table is very high, which made it difficult to perform the experiments
and take the readings needed to complete the calculations.

The engine oil used in the first experiment is too dark, making it hard to
read the values on the hydrometer, which probably affected the accuracy
of the results. In the second experiment, it would have been better to
repeat the experiment more than just three times to get more accurate

Not only that, but the steel balls should all be new, clean, and the same
size, with standard mass, diameter, and density, to decrease the time
needed to find each of those parameters, and to make sure the results
come out with less errors.
Reference & Appendix

1- Symon, Keith R. (1971). Mechanics (3rd ed.). Addison-

Wesley. ISBN 978-0-201-07392-8.

2- Viscosity (μ) =

3- g = 9.81 m/s2

4- ρs = 7.8 g/cm3

5- S (specific gravity) =

6- Velocity of the ball =

7- Distance traveled by the steel ball = 30 cm = 0.3 m

8- Temperature : [11.7 ℃]

9- Pressure : [708 mmHg]

2- Appendix

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