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ANT-20, ANT-20E

Advanced Network Tester

MTIE / TDEV Analysis
BN 3035/95.21

Software Version 3.03

Operating Manual

BN 3035/98.33
Please direct all enquiries to your
local Wavetek Wandel Goltermann sales
company. The addresses are given at the
end of this handbook.

This product or parts of it are based upon
Recommendations and/or Standards of the
Standardization Sector of the International
Telecommunication Union - ITU-T and/or of the
European Telecommunications Standards Institute -
ETSI. These Recommendations and Standards are
subject to copyrights of these organizations. Without
written permission of the ITU-T and/or ETSI it is not
permitted to copy ITU-T Recommendations or ETSI
standards or parts thereof and/or make them available
to third parties.

Wavetek Wandel Goltermann

Eningen GmbH & Co.
Mühleweg 5, 72800 Eningen u. A.
© 2000
Author: MDD/TD
Translator: John Nutley
Order no.: BN 3035/98.33
Edition: 02/00.04 (V 3.03)
Previous edition:
01/99.08 (V 3.00)
Subject to change without notice.
Our normal guarantee and delivery
terms apply.

Printed in Germany
ANT-20/ANT-20E MTIE/TDEV Analysis



1 New features (compared with Release 2.10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I-1

2 Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I-1

3 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I-1

4 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I-2

5 De-installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I-2

Operation with an ANT-20

1 Starting the MTIE/TDEV Analysis software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-1

1.1 Loading TIE data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-3
1.2 Simulating TIE data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-3

2 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-4
2.1 TIE analysis window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-4
2.1.1 TIE menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-6 Action buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-6
2.1.2 Options menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-7
2.2 MTIE analysis window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-8
2.2.1 Analysis menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-11 Action buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-12
2.2.2 Export menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-12
2.2.3 Options menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-13

3 Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-14
3.1 Loading and comparing two recorded TIE curves. . . . . . . .O-14

4 Calculation formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-16

4.1 TIE analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-16
4.1.1 Frequency offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-16
4.1.2 Drift rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O-16

MTIE/TDEV Analysis ANT-20/ANT-20E

4.2 MTIE/TDEV analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O-17

4.2.1 MTIE (Maximum Time Interval Error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O-17
4.2.2 TDEV (Time Deviation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O-17
4.2.3 MADEV (Modified Allan Deviation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O-17
4.2.4 ADEV (Allan Deviation). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O-18
4.3 Independent clock measurement configuration . . . . . . . . . O-18

ANT-20/ANT-20E MTIE/TDEV Analysis


1 New features (compared with Release 2.10)

• TIE data zoom in and zoom out
• Calculation of frequency offset
• Calculation of drift rate
• TIE data with a resolution of up to 300 samples per second are now supported
(available with ANT-20 Software Release 7.0 and higher)
• Improved printing of TIE and MTIE/TDEV graphs
• MTIE/TDEV calculation for definable analysis ranges
• Improved handling (switching between graphics, mask display, etc.)
• Masks for higher TIE data resolution (pre-defined for ETSI, ANSI and ITU-T)

2 Preface
Quick guide for installation and operation of the WWG ANT-20
“MTIE/TDEV Analysis” software, BN 3035/95.21 V.3.03, April 2000.
The “MTIE/TDEV Analysis” software calculates and evaluates the values of MTIE (Maximum
Time Interval Error) and TDEV (Time Deviation) as recommended in ETSI 300 462, ITU-T
G.811, 812 and 813, ANSI T1.101/GR-253 and compares them against the defined masks.
Calculation results are based on wander data gathered using a standard ANT-20 with jitter and
wander options. This short-form manual only describes the operation of the off-line evaluation
software. For details on how to perform a wander measurement with the ANT-20, please refer
to the appropriate section of the ANT-20 Operating Manual.

3 Requirements
The wander data (TIE/Time Interval Error) must be gathered using an ANT-20 with software
version 7.0 or higher. The ANT-20 or ANT-20E must be equipped with the jitter and wander
options to be able to perform the relevant measurements.
MTIE/TDEV evaluation will run on the built-in ANT-20 PC or on any Windows PC with minimum
16 MB RAM and 50 MB free hard disk space (preferably more if long term wander data are to
be evaluated) on drive C:\. The operating system should be Windows 95/98 or Windows NT.

Introduction I-1
MTIE/TDEV Analysis ANT-20/ANT-20E

4 Installation
1. Insert Disk 1/2 “MTIE/TDEV Analysis” software into the floppy drive “A:” of the ANT-20 or of
a Windows PC.
2. Run “A:\SETUP.EXE” from the “Start” menu.
3. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
After successful installation, you can run the analysis software by clicking on the “TIE &
MTIE_TDEV analysis” item in the “Start” menu (“TIE & MTIE_TDEV analysis” group).
– or –
If the “MTIE/TDEV Analysis” software has been installed on the ANT-20, you can also start it
from the “Jitter Generator/Analyzer” VI of the ANT-20 with the “TIE Analysis” command in the
“View” menu or with the “TDEV” icon in the toolbar.

5 De-installation
1. Click on the “Uninstall TIE & MTIE_TDEV analysis” item in the “Start” menu
(“TIE & MTIE_TDEV analysis” group).
2. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
If de-installation is successful, the analysis software is deleted from the hard disk.

I-2 Introduction
ANT-20/ANT-20E MTIE/TDEV Analysis

Operation with an ANT-20

1 Starting the MTIE/TDEV Analysis software

The software can be started in various ways.

The “MTIE/TDEV Analysis” software is installed on the ANT-20

✓ Windows is running.
⇒ Click on the following icon on the desktop.

The “TIE analysis” window opens (see Fig. O-2).

– or –
✓ Windows is running.
✓ The ANT-20 “Jitter Generator/Analyzer” VI is running.
✓ The appropriate interfaces are connected to the device under test.
1. Click on “TIE” in the “Mode” menu of the “Jitter Generator/Analyzer” VI or click on the “TIE”
icon in the toolbar.
2. Start a TIE measurement by pressing function key “F5”.
The data are recorded in the file named “WANDMSEC.BIN”.

Fig. O-1 ANT-20 “Jitter Generator/Analyzer” VI

3. When the recording is finished, click on “MTIE/TDEV Offline Analyzer” in the “View” menu of
the “Jitter Generator/Analyzer” VI or click on the “TDEV” icon in the toolbar.
The “TIE analysis” window opens.
The data from the last version of “WANDMSEC.BIN” to be saved will be loaded automatically
(see Fig. O-3).

Operation with an ANT-20 O-1

MTIE/TDEV Analysis ANT-20/ANT-20E

The “MTIE/TDEV Analysis” software is installed on an external PC

✓ Windows is running.
⇒ Click on the “TIE & MTIE_TDEV analysis” item in the “Start” menu (“TIE & MTIE_TDEV
analysis” group).
The “TIE analysis” window opens.

Fig. O-2 Empty “TIE analysis” window

The “MTIE/TDEV Analysis” application consists of two main windows:

• “TIE analysis” window: Display of loaded TIE data and marker positions.

• “MTIE analysis” window: Display of calculated values for MTIE and TDEV (MADEV, ADEV)
and the tolerance masks.

Proceed as follows:

1. First load a file containing TIE data. see Sec. 1.1, Page O-3 and
(The last version of “WANDMSEC.BIN” is loaded Sec. 2.1.1, Page O-6
automatically if the software is started from the “Jitter
Generator/Analyzer” VI.)
– or –
Simulate TIE data. see Sec. 1.2, Page O-3 and
Sec. 2.1.1, Page O-6
2. Use the cursors to select a range of values if required. see Sec. 2.1, Page O-4
3. Change to MTIE/TDEV Analysis. see Sec. 2.1.1, Page O-6
4. Select a tolerance mask. see Sec. 2.2, Page O-8
5. Calculate the values. see Sec. 2.2.1, Page O-11
6. Print out the graph if required. see Sec. 2.2.1, Page O-11
7. Export the data in “CSV” format if required. see Sec. 2.2.2, Page O-12

O-2 Operation with an ANT-20

ANT-20/ANT-20E MTIE/TDEV Analysis

1.1 Loading TIE data

To load TIE wander data gathered with the ANT-20, click on the “Load” action button and select
the binary file containing the data you want to evaluate.
See also Sec. 2.1.1, Page O-6.
After an ANT-20 measurement is completed, a file named “WANDMSEC.BIN” is always
available automatically in the “C:\ANT20\RESULTS” folder. It contains the raw data for sample
rates of 1, 30, 60 or 300 per second. If you renamed this file beforehand, you should load the
renamed binary file.
It is also possible to load “*.CSV” ANT-20 data. Simply enter the appropriate file name, e.g.
After the raw data have been loaded, a graph showing TIE versus time is displayed in the “TIE
analysis” window.
Data are organized in blocks. A block runs from the start of the measurement to the next
occurrence of an alarm condition or “Stop”, or from the end of an alarm condition to the start of
the next alarm condition or “Stop”. If the measurement is uninterrupted (i.e. no alarm condition
occurs during the gate time), there will be only one block of measurement data. The evaluation
applies to one block only. It is not possible to extend an evaluation over more than one block.
You can load up to four binary files and display them in the “TIE analysis” window at the same
time. The graphs are displayed in different colors. However, only the last file loaded is used to
calculate the MTIE/TDEV values.

1.2 Simulating TIE data

Extensive simulation facilities are provided for demonstration purposes and to help you become
familiar with some of the characteristics of MTIE/TDEV evaluation. Also refer to
Sec. 2.1.1, Page O-6. The “Simulation - TIE data generation” window opens. In this window you
can select up to three different phase deviation characteristics that may be superimposed. The
selections available are “white noise”, “linear and square with selectable amplitude”, and
“sinewave with selectable amplitude and frequency”.

Operation with an ANT-20 O-3

MTIE/TDEV Analysis ANT-20/ANT-20E

2 Functions

2.1 TIE analysis window

The TIE data are displayed in the “TIE analysis” window when you have loaded a data file.

Fig. O-3 “TIE analysis” window with TIE data

Marker functions
The red and blue markers are used to select a section of the graph. The black marker can only
be moved along the graph itself. Markers are moved using the mouse or the trackball. The three
marker positions are indicated in text boxes at the bottom of the window. You can also enter
values in these boxes using the keyboard.

Zoom in/Zoom out

The “Zoom in” button enlarges the section of the graph that you have marked with the red and
blue markers. The “Drift rate” and “Frequency offset” are recalculated and refer to the section of
the graph that is displayed.
The “Zoom out” button reduces the size of the selected part of the graph.

Additional displays
The “Drift rate” and “Frequency offset” are displayed on the right next to the marker position
If you activate the “eliminate” check box, a second graph is displayed for which the frequency
offset has been compensated out.

O-4 Operation with an ANT-20

ANT-20/ANT-20E MTIE/TDEV Analysis

second graph
(frequency offset

Fig. O-4 “TIE analysis” window with TIE data (“eliminate” check box activated)

The “Frequency offset” and “Drift rate” are refreshed for the area that is set by the cursors.
The values of “Frequency offset” and “Drift rate” are frozen if the “eliminate” check box is
activated. “Zoom in” is activated automatically. “Zoom out” is no longer possible.
If the “eliminate” check box is deactivated, the last TIE data displayed will be reloaded and
displayed over the full time range.

Changing the graph color

A color palette opens when you click on the color mark in the upper right corner of the “TIE
analysis” window. You can select a different color for the graph here. The “More” button opens
the “Select Color” window where you can define and select further colors.

Color mark

Fig. O-5 Changing the graph color

Operation with an ANT-20 O-5

MTIE/TDEV Analysis ANT-20/ANT-20E

2.1.1 TIE menu

Fig. O-6 “TIE” menu

Menu item Meaning

Load TIE data ... Opens the “Load data file” window. You can select a file containing
TIE data captured using an ANT-20 (file name extension “*.BIN” or
“*.CSV”) from this window. Up to four TIE graphs can be displayed at
the same time.
1 C:\...\testdata\wandmsec.bin List of the last files loaded (up to four).
2 ...
Simulate TIE data ... Opens the “Simulation - TIE data generation” window. You can
simulate TIE data from this window.
Print TIE graph Opens the “Comment” and “Print” windows for printing the graph.
Clear TIE graph Clears the TIE graph display.
Copy TIE graph to clipboard Copies the TIE graph onto the Windows clipboard.
MTIE / TDEV analysis Switches to the “MTIE/TDEV analysis” window.
Exit Closes the “TIE analysis” window.

Table O-1 “TIE” menu commands Action buttons

The action buttons correspond to the following commands in the “TIE” menu:

Load TIE - - MTIE / TDEV Clear TIE Print TIE Exit

data ... analysis graph graph

O-6 Operation with an ANT-20

ANT-20/ANT-20E MTIE/TDEV Analysis

2.1.2 Options menu

Fig. O-7 “Options” menu

Menu item Meaning

TIE Y axis LOG scale Switches to logarithmic display for the Y axis.
TIE X axis LOG scale Switches to logarithmic display for the X axis.
About Opens the “About MTIE / TDEV Analysis” window with information
about the software.

Table O-2 “Options” menu commands

Note: The logarithm is undefined at the zero point.

Therefore, select a valid range with the aid of the zoom function before you switch to the
logarithmic display.

Operation with an ANT-20 O-7

MTIE/TDEV Analysis ANT-20/ANT-20E

2.2 MTIE analysis window

When you click on the “Analysis” button, the MTIE/TDEV values are first calculated from the TIE
data that have been loaded and then displayed in the “MTIE analysis” window.

Fig. O-8 “MTIE analysis” window with MTIE and TDEV data and ETSI tolerance masks

Displaying the graphs

The check boxes in front of “MTIE” and “TDEV” are used to select the values that are calculated
and displayed. If the “Analysis with MADEV & ADEV” command is activated in the “Options”
menu, the values for “MADEV” and “ADEV” will also be calculated and displayed.
The points at which the values are calculated are defined in the file “standard.txt”. You can edit
this file if required. The number of fixed points affects the calculation time.

Joining up the MTIE, TDEV, MADEV and ADEV values with straight lines
The calculated values for MTIE, TDEV, MADEV and ADEV will be joined up by straight lines
when you activate the check box in front of “connect points”. Intermediate values are not

Graphics documentation
Use the “Copy analysis graph to clipboard” command in the “Analysis” menu to document the
graph in other Windows applications such as WinWord, or use the “Print analysis graph”
command to obtain a printout.

O-8 Operation with an ANT-20

ANT-20/ANT-20E MTIE/TDEV Analysis

Displaying the pre-defined or user-defined tolerance masks

If the “Masks” check box is activated, you can activate pre-defined tolerance masks or ones that
you define yourself and superimpose them on the display. Pre-defined tolerance masks to
ANSI, ETSI and ITU-T standards are provided.

Interface Standard

ANSI DS1 T1.101

OC-N T1.101

PRS T1.101

ETSI 140 M Netw. IF EN 302 084

2 M Netw. IF EN 302 084

34 M Netw. IF EN 302 084

PDH Distr. IF ETS 300 462-3-1

PRC ETS 300 462-6-1

PRC Netw. IF ETS 300 462-3-1

SEC ETS 300 462-5-1

PRC Netw. IF ETS 300 462-3-1

SSU ETS 300 462-4-1

SSU Netw. IF ETS 300 462-3-1

ITU-T PDH Sync. IF G.823

PRC G.811

PRC Netw. IF G.823, G.825

SEC Netw. IF G.823, G.825

SEC Opt. 1 G.813

SEC Opt. 2 G.813

SSU Netw. IF G.823, G.825

SSU Type I G.812

SSU Type II, III G.812

Table O-3 Pre-defined tolerance masks to ANSI, ETSI and ITU-T standards

To generate your own mask, you must first create a “TXT” format file with the same format as
one of the mask files supplied by Wavetek Wandel Goltermann. The format is simple: x-MTIE,

Operation with an ANT-20 O-9

MTIE/TDEV Analysis ANT-20/ANT-20E

Fig. O-9 Example of a mask file (“template.txt”)

Pass / Fail assessment

The calculated MTIE/TDEV values are compared with the tolerance mask values (Pass / Fail
assessment). If there is no tolerance mask value corresponding to a particular MTIE/TDEV
value, a tolerance value will be interpolated from the mask.
The following applies to the tolerance comparison:

• Tolerance mask: The specified points as well as the interpolated values will be used for the
• Analysis curve: Only the individual result points from the analysis are used for the
comparison. The points on the interpolated lines are not compared. They
merely improve the optical display (see Fig. O-8).


Case 1: The MTIE/TDEV value is compared with the tolerance mask value and assessed.
Case 2: The intersection between the line and the tolerance mask is not compared or
Case 3: The MTIE/TDEV value is compared with the interpolated value of the tolerance
mask and assessed.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Analysis curve (e.g. MTIE) Tolerance mask

Fig. O-10 Special features of the Pass / Fail assessment

O-10 Operation with an ANT-20

ANT-20/ANT-20E MTIE/TDEV Analysis

Changing the color of the graph and the corresponding tolerance mask
A color palette opens if you click on one of the check boxes with a color mark in the lower left
corner of the “MTIE analysis” window. You can select a different color for the graph and the
corresponding tolerance mask (when displayed) here. The “More” button opens the “Select
Color” window where you can define and select further colors.

Check box with color mark

Fig. O-11 Changing the color of the graph and the corresponding tolerance mask

2.2.1 Analysis menu

Fig. O-12 “Analysis” menu

Menu item Meaning

Start analysis Starts calculation of MTIE/TDEV values for the section of the graph
in “TIE analysis” that is defined by the markers.
Print analysis graph Opens the “Comment” and “Print” windows for printing out the
graph using the printer connected. It is possible to insert a user-
defined comment for this graph which may be helpful for future
Clear analysis graph Clears the MTIE/TDEV graph display.
Copy analysis graph to clipboard Copies the MTIE/TDEV graph to the Windows clipboard.
Goto TIE graph Switches to the “TIE analysis” window.

Table O-4 “Analysis” menu commands

Operation with an ANT-20 O-11

MTIE/TDEV Analysis ANT-20/ANT-20E Action buttons

The action buttons correspond to the following commands in the “Analysis” menu:

Start analysis Clear analysis Print analysis Goto TIE graph

graph graph

2.2.2 Export menu

Fig. O-13 “Export” menu

Menu item Meaning

Export MTIE results Opens the “Save MTIE/TDEV results” window. You can specify a
name for the export file in this window. The MTIE results are saved
as “CSV” data in this file. This “CSV” file can then be loaded into
standard Windows applications such as Microsoft Excel for further
data processing and printing purposes.
Export TDEV results Opens the “Save MTIE/TDEV results” window. You can specify a
name for the export file in this window. The TDEV results are saved
as “CSV” data in this file. This “CSV” file can then be loaded into
standard Windows applications such as Microsoft Excel for further
data processing and printing purposes.

Table O-5 “Export” menu commands

O-12 Operation with an ANT-20

ANT-20/ANT-20E MTIE/TDEV Analysis

2.2.3 Options menu

Fig. O-14 “Options” menu

Menu item Meaning

Analysis with MADEV & ADEV Adds the “MADEV” (Modified Allan Deviation) and “ADEV” (Allan
Deviation) check boxes to the “MTIE analysis” window. If these
check boxes are activated, the graphs for MADEV and ADEV will
also be displayed when you click on the “Analysis” action button.
TDEV settings Opens the “Settings for TDEV” window. You can select a value for
the observation time for the TDEV calculation from a list box here.
The selected observation time is shown in the graph,
e.g.: TDEV: N/12 - rec. O.172, TDEV: N/6 - not rec.
or TDEV: N/3 - not rec.

Table O-6 “Options” menu commands

Operation with an ANT-20 O-13

MTIE/TDEV Analysis ANT-20/ANT-20E

3 Example

3.1 Loading and comparing two recorded TIE curves

You can load and display up to four TIE curves at the same time.
✓ The “MTIE/TDEV Analysis” software is running.
✓ The data were recorded using the same sample rate.
1. Load the first file, e.g. “TDEV_10_99new.csv”.
The TIE data are displayed in the “TIE analysis” window.
2. Click on the “MTIE/TDEV ...” button.
The “MTIE analysis” window opens.
3. Click on the “Analysis” button.
The MTIE values will be calculated and displayed.
4. Click on the “Goto TIE graph” button.
The “TIE analysis” window is placed on top.
5. Load the next file, e.g. “TDEV_test1.bin”.
The data from the second file are displayed in addition to those from the first file. The data
can be compared visually (see Fig. O-15).
6. Click on the “Analysis” button.
The MTIE values for the last file loaded will be calculated and displayed (see Fig. O-16).
7. Change the color of the second set of calculated values to distinguish them from the first.
The MTIE values can now be compared visually.
Note: The TIE data must have the same sample rate. The tolerance mask assessment always
applies to the last TIE curve selected.

First file loaded: Last file loaded:

“TDEV_10_99new.csv” “TDEV_test1.bin”

Fig. O-15 “TIE analysis” window with TIE data loaded from two files

O-14 Operation with an ANT-20

ANT-20/ANT-20E MTIE/TDEV Analysis

Tolerance mask for the

last file loaded

MTIE values
calculated from

MTIE values
calculated from

Result of tolerance
mask assessment for
the last file loaded

Fig. O-16 MTIE values calculated from data loaded from two files.

Operation with an ANT-20 O-15

MTIE/TDEV Analysis ANT-20/ANT-20E

4 Calculation formulae
Key to all formulae:

Expression Meaning

xi time error sample

N total number of samples

τ0 time error sampling interval

τ integration time, the independent variable of TDEV

n number of sampling intervals within the integration time τ

Table O-7 Key to all formulae

4.1 TIE analysis

4.1.1 Frequency offset

Frequency offset is calculated using the following formula

(as per ANSI T1.101-199X / T1X1.3/98-002):


0.006 2i 1
y = ------------- x i ---------------- – -------------
Nτ 0
i=1 N –1 N–1

The analysis yields a single numerical value that can also be determined for a selected TIE

4.1.2 Drift rate

Drift rate is calculated using the following formula

(as per ANSI T1.101-199X / T1X1.3/98-002):

N 2

0.06 6i 6i 1
D= ------------ x i --------------------------------- – ------------------------------------------- + ------------------------------
4 2 3 2 2
Nτ20 i = 1 N – 5N + 4 N – N – 4N + 4 N – 3N + 2

O-16 Operation with an ANT-20

ANT-20/ANT-20E MTIE/TDEV Analysis

4.2 MTIE/TDEV analysis

4.2.1 MTIE (Maximum Time Interval Error)

MTIE can be estimated from:

 max x ( i ) – min x ( i )
MTIE ( nτ 0 ) ≅ 1 ≤max
k ≤ N – n k ≤ i ≤ k + n k≤i≤k+n 
n = 1, 2, ..., N-1

The above is a point estimate and is obtained for measurements over a single measurement

4.2.2 TDEV (Time Deviation)

TDEV: A measure of the expected time variation of a signal as a function of integration time.
TDEV can also provide information about the spectral content of the phase (or time) noise of a
signal. TDEV is in units of time and is based on the sequence of time error samples.
TDEV can be estimated from:

N – 3n + 1 n + j – 1

∑ ∑ ( xi + 2n – 2xi + n + xi )
TDEV ( nτ 0 ) ≅ -----------------------------------------
6n ( N – 3n + 1 ) j=1 i=j

n = 1, 2, ..., integer part  ------ , ---- or ----

 12 6 3

4.2.3 MADEV (Modified Allan Deviation)

MADEV can be estimated from:

N – 3n + 1 n + j – 1

∑ ∑ ( xi + 2n– 2x i + n + xi )
MADEV ( nτ 0 ) ≅ -------------------------------------------------
4 2
2n τ 0 ( N – 3n + 1 ) j=1 i=j

n = 1, 2, ..., integer part  ------ , ---- or ----

 12 6 3

Operation with an ANT-20 O-17

MTIE/TDEV Analysis ANT-20/ANT-20E

4.2.4 ADEV (Allan Deviation)

ADEV can be estimated from:

N – 2n

∑ ( xi + 2n– 2x i + n + xi )
ADEV ( nτ 0 ) ≅ 1 2
2 2
2n τ 0 ( N – 2n ) i=j

n = 1, 2, ..., integer part  ------------- 

 2 

4.3 Independent clock measurement configuration

Any situation where there is no common master clock controlling the timing signals between
which the time error is measured is referred to as an independent clock configuration. The time
error measured in independent clock configuration, besides being dependent on internal clock
noises, is affected by any frequency offset or frequency drift of the clocks involved in the
measurement. The “Frequency offset eliminate” check box in the “TIE analysis” window is used
to compensate for this situation.

O-18 Operation with an ANT-20

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