English: Voice of The Verb: Active and Passive

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St. Augustine’s Academy of Patnongon, Inc.

Real St.,Poblacion, Patnongon, 5702 Antique, Philippines


Quarter 1

Voice of the Verb:

Active and Passive
Rio Z. Protacio, LPT
Subject Teacher

This module was prepared and reviewed by the teachers of St. Augustine’s
Academy of Patnongon, Inc. We are encouraging the parents to cooperate with us to
successfully deliver learning to their children. We encourage the parents to help us by
giving feedback, comments and recommendations to [email protected] or contact the
following for individual concerns:
Grade 7 Advisers Grade 8 Advisers
09167735045- Miss Chenny L. Magbanua 09269323314- Mrs. Marlyn I. Alvaniz
09554672066- Mr. Danimar A. Mateo 09062643084- Mr. Norielle S. Oberio
09066293078- Mr. Rio Z. Protacio 09067824564- Mr. Glennford N. Quinto

Grade 9 Advisers Grade 10 Advisers

09751067140- Miss Zyna Lyn Mondido 09266829343- Mr. Mark Joseph T. Reyes
09753066859- Miss Locsin Joy Saturno 09284321181- Mr. Ronie M. Antiza
09164751533- Mr. Ricardo S. Pancubila 09263146051- Mr. Danny C. Francisco

Grade 11 Advisers Grade 12 Advisers

09955629145- Mr. Jerrald D. Estaris 09950345737- Mr. Darrel A. Fadrillan
09263146051- Miss Darlene E. Joy Mena 09164610168/09171372250- Mr. Gaudencio J. Lacaba

09186839578- Mr. Matthew Bangiban 09177237938- Mr. Robert N. Acuisa, M.Ed.-Principal

We appreciate your feedback and comments.

Lesson 2: Active and Passive Voice

No of weeks/days: 1 week

As you may already know, the main difference between the active and passive
voice lies in the role of the subject. A sentence in the active voice has a subject that is
considered the agent, the doer, or the performer of the action. In contrast, the subject of
a sentence is in passive voice does nothing in relation to the action described. It is merely
the receiver of the action done by someone or something else.
In this module, you will be learning some rules on how to change active voice to
passive voice. The voice of the verb can help you enhance your skill in both writing and
speaking. Learn more and have fun!
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
1. Identify the key points for Active Voice and Passive Voice
2. Determine when to use Active Voice and Passive Voice
3. Use appropriate verb tenses to complete sentences in an activities

Target output: Write sentences in active and passive voice using today’s scenario.

Direction: Tell whether the following sentences are true or false.

__________1. All verbs are action words.

__________2. The base form of the verb is the present tense.
__________3. The sentence “I work as a teacher.” is in present form.
__________4. Irregular verbs change its form in the past and past participle.
__________5. Regular verbs is also known as weak verbs.
Tell whether the following verbs are present tense or past tense.
__________6. Freeze ________9. Led
__________7. Began ________10. Did
__________8. Shine

What is it?

Choosing between these two voices is crucial in writing because they cause
difference in emphasis. The active voice is preferred in writing because sentences sound
more natural and direct. Movement and energy are also more easily portrayed using the
active voice. There is more emphasis on the subject and makes your written text easier
to follow for readers.
Voice shows whether the subject is the doer or the receiver of the action.
When the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action expressed by the verb, the
verb is in active voice. When the subject of the sentence is the receiver of the action
expressed by the verb, the verb is in passive voice.

Compare the following examples.

Passive Active
Carlo cleaned, repaired, oiled and The bike was cleaned, repaired, oiled,
polished the bike. and polished by Carlo.
Jasmine picks up and hugs the torn The torn remains of the diary are picked
remains of the diary. up and hugged by Jasmine.

There are instances, however, where the use of the passive voice is necessary.
One of them is when the doer of the action is unknown or unimportant. For example,

Meals are served at the pantry. (It is not important who serves the meals.)
The president was warned of an assassination plot. (The warning may have
come from anonymous informant.)

The use of the passive voice may also be necessary when the emphasis is placed
on the receiver of the action. The writer uses it to intentionally give importance to the
object or person to which something is performed.
Active Passive
The National Museum installed the The controversial portrait was installed
controversial portrait in the main hall. by the National Museum in the main hall.
The architect restored the 100-year-old The 100-year-old palace was restored by
palace to its former glory. the architect to its former glory.

The transformation from active to passive voice alters the focus of the sentence
above. One puts more emphasis on the portrait than the museum, while the other puts
more emphasis on the palace than the architect.

Why Use the Active Voice?

Most writers prefer to use active voice because it is more direct.
The active voice is less awkward and clearly states relationship between
subject and action.
The active voice sentence pattern propels the reader forward through your writing
thus avoiding weak prose.
When to Use the Passive Voice?
The passive voice is less direct, less forceful, and less concise than the active voice.
You may use passive voice in the following situations:
1. When you do not know or do not want to reveal the performer of the action.
2. When you want to emphasize the receiver of the action.
Passive voice sentences usually contain a “by” phrase indicating who or what
performed the action. Passive sentences can be easily transformed into active sentences
when the object of the preposition “by” is moved to the subject position in the sentence.
We change this around, so that the recipient has something done to it by the agent.
Sometimes in passive sentences, the agent is left out.
We usually use the active voice in writing and speaking. While the passive is
generally found in more kinds of text, such as reports, forms, evaluations, etc. sometimes
the passive voice is appropriate in a story because it is used to describe a person being
affected by events.



Use the appropriate verb tense to complete the sentences or clauses below.
Note that all the verbs used to fill out the sentences must be in passive voice.
Follow correct subject-verb agreement in completing the sentence.

1. When the employees went to the office, they _________ all _________ (shock) by
what they saw.
2. The office _________________ (turn) upside down.
3. Office machines ___________________ (switch on).
4. Drawers _____________ (pull) and ___________ never ___________ (return) to
their proper places.
5. Pieces of paper __________________ (scatter) all over the floor.
6. Chairs ______________ (throw) outside the window.
7. Pages ______________ (tear) from the books.
8. Only one thing ____________ untouched (leave) in the office: the boss’s table.
9. Some said, “The office ______________ (rob).”
10. Others replied, “But nothing ___________ (take)”.


Fill in the blanks below with the proper form of the verb, choosing from the
options in the box below. Use the active and passive voice as indicated. The
options cannot be used more than once.

carry begin grow up born push

appear witness name shout possess

injure act discover lie run

Passive 1. On a hot summer of 2019, a baby boy ____________________.

Passive 2. Because of his blue eyes, he ___________________ Sky.
Active 3. He ______________ like a normal boy.
Active 4. But unknown to others, even to him, he _____________ great speed.
Active 5. One day at the subway station, Sky ______________ his special gift.
Passive 6. A woman __________ accidentally ____________ off the train
Passive 7. She __________ badly _____________ and was unable to move.
Active 8. Unfortunately, a train ____________ from afar.
Active 9. Other waiting passengers __________ asking her to grab their hands
but she was too weak to do so.
Active 10. Sky _____________ fast and jumped on to the tracks.
Active 11. Nobody ______________ what happened as the train already
reached the station
Passive 12. When the train stopped, the passengers were sure that the woman
_________ over.
Active 13. To their surprise, however, the woman, _____________ on the floor
behind them.
Passive 14. When woman regained consciousness, all she remembers was that
she ____________ back to the platform.
Active 15. From then on, rumors _______________ to circulate in the city about
a mysterious superhero.
A. Pick out the verb in the sentence and write it on the space provided
before the number. Identify whether this verb is in active voice or passive
voice and write it after the sentence.

___________1. Teacher teaches students.

___________2. Students are taught by teacher.
___________3. The gifts were distributed by John.
___________4. Seat belts were worn by the passenger.
___________5. The dancer is dancing my favourite dance craze.
___________6. The artist signed the contract for GMA7.
___________7. We were discussing the lesson.
___________8. The Grade 9 St. Paul the Apostle students were writing their homework.
___________9. Moments of fear about COVID19 was forgotten by us.
___________10. The Most Reverend Bishop brought the good news to our parish.

B. Write 5 sentences in active to passive voice using today’s scenario.

Ex. The doctor treated the patient who suffers from COVID19.
The patient who suffers from COVID19 was treated by the doctor.

Post Test
The following sentences are in active voice change them into passive voice.
1. Miss Zyna Lyn D. Mondido received an outstanding award.
2. Mr. Danimar A. Mateo answers the students’ query every morning.
3. We will send an invitation to Miss Kimberly T. Zamora.
4. Miss Darlene Joy E. Mena experienced the heart breaking incident.
5. The management considers Miss Locsin Joy B. Saturno a beautiful employee.
6. Mr. Glennford N. Quinto submitted DNA Test result.
7. Mr. Ricardo S. Pancubila prepared the room for examination.
8. Mr. Ronie M. Antiza called the doctor.
9. Mrs. Marlyn I. Alvaniz is singing my favourite song.
10. The teachers gave special examination to those who don’t have permits.
Identify whether the following sentence is in active voice or passive voice. Write your
answer on the space provided.
___________1. A coin purse was lost by Kian.
___________2. SAC offers MarE program.
___________3. Two bags were left by Nicole in the bus.
___________4. Mother called a doctor.
___________5. The carabao eats the grass.
___________6. Paul signed a contract on peace agreement.
___________8. The manuscripts were edited by Professor Gambi.
___________9. The tricycle was driven by a handsome driver.
___________10. Baseball will be played by Alvin and James.
___________11. The bishop will celebrate the Eucharist.
___________12. Jason is taking an Engineering program in Ateneo.
___________13. Mickey pushed the cart.
___________14. The comment was deleted by Patrick yesterday.
___________15. David distributed the balls.

Answer Keys


1. Were ; Shocked 1. false
2. Was turned 2. true
3. Were switched on 3. true
4. Were pulled; were; returned 4. true
5. Were scattered 5. true
6. Were thrown 6. present
7. Were torn 7. past
8. Was left 8. present
9. Was robbed 9. past
10. Was taken 10. past
1. Was born 6. Was; pushed 11. Witnessed
2. Was named 7. Was; injured 12. Was run
3. Grew up 8. Appeared 13. Lay
4. Possessed 9. Shouted 14. Was carried
5. Discovered 10. Acted 15. Began
1. Teaches; active 6. Signed; active
2. Taught; passive 7. Were discussing; active
3. Distributed; passive 8. Were writing; active
4. Were worn; passive 9. Was forgotten; passive
5. Dancing; active 10. Brought; active

Kirong MJV Y, Tumaneng LM, Biliran PJC; EnglishTek Philippine Literature in
English Worktext (2019) Manila, Philippines, 275-277

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