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English Teacher

Curriculum development A talented, well organised and strong classroom performer, who has a proven
track record of achieving excellent pupil attainment. Anthony is passionate about
raising standards across all age groups and subject areas. By using his natural air
Classroom management of authority to maintain discipline, he can foster and maintain a positive school
climate where pupils can reach their full potential. As an outstanding and
Student assessment inspirational teacher with very high personal standards, he is committed to the
learning and development of his students. He has high expectations of both
Promoting inclusion himself and his pupils, and shows an interest in every student as an individual.

Right now he is looking for a suitable position with a reputable school that
treats all employees fairly, consistently and provides equal career opportunities
Preparing teaching
Subject knowledge English One - Banyuwangi
ENGLISHTEACHER Jul 2017 - Present
Teaching skills
Responsible for giving students a rigorous, well-rounded education, & for
maintaining discipline in accordance with school policies. Also in charge of
Grammar instructions monitoring pupils with regard to their attendance, appearance &, punctuality.

Administering examinations Duties

• Working with other teaching staff to set goals, objectives andmethods.
Elementary reading • Encouraging students to ask questions and to express theirdifficulties.
• Establishing effective classroom managementpractices.
Mentoring students • Giving feedback to pupils and writing progress reports for theirparents.
• Identifying special needs pupils and those with learningdisabilities.
Applying educational • Taking students out on fieldtrips.
methodologies • Participating in after school extra-curricularactivities.
• Listening to students to understand their concerns andneeds.
• Responding to misbehavior in a effective but measuredway.
• Teaching pupils who have experienced difficulty with mainstreameducation.
CAREER STATEMENT • Preparing and setting tests, examination papers, andexercises.
• Organising school parties, competitions and fieldtrips.
“I feel that my greatest
strengths are firstly my strong
commitment to teaching to the
highest possiblestandards. Adz Zaka - Banyuwangi
Secondly my skill at working ENGLISH TEACHER 2017 - Present
efficiently as part of a team, Responsible for ensuring that students acquire and consolidate knowledge, skills
and forming personal bonds and understanding appropriate to the subject being taught. Also required to
with other staff members. comply with any reasonable request from the school governors.
Thirdly my desire to do Duties:
everything possible to ensure
that my pupils not only meet • Encouraging students to take responsibility for their ownactions.
but indeed exceed all of the • Collecting homework and course work frompupils.
academic goals and targets set
for them.”
• Keeping accurate student registers and attendancerecords.
• Attending parents evenings and talking topeople.
Yuli Efendi • Preparing students from tests andexaminations.
• Making effective use of online, audio and video resources toachieve
academic aims andobjectives.
• Involved in conducting up to 4 classes everyday.
• Researching potential new areas ofstudy.
• Participating in school departmentalmeetings.
• If required meeting with child welfare officer and educationalpsychologists.
PERSONAL SKILLS Infinity Course - Banyuwangi
ENGLISH TEACHER 2018 - Present


• Comprehensive knowledge of all relevant teaching laws, academic policies,
Super organised and administrativeregulations.
• Using resources and technology to enhancelessons.
Deadline led • Ability to develop ideas and skills that will enhance the teaching of English
across aschool.
Energetic • Modifying the curriculum and coursework whennecessary.
• Experience in developing partnerships with the community and external
Resourceful organisations.
• Having a good clear voice and able to stand for long periods in front of a
Self motivated classroom full ofpupils.
• Ability to cope with the special needs of dyslexic and dyspraxicpupils.
Excellent communicator • Willing to take responsibility for the upkeep of books &classroomresources.

Tactful & articulate

Problem solving

Team player


• Interacting with colleagues on a professional level and able to establish and
maintain productive relationships with them.
• Supporting and promoting the ethos of aschool.
• Enforcing school rules andregulations.
• Active team member with self drive andmotivation.
PROFESSIONAL • Able to accurately use all modern day technological teachingequipment.

Advanced First Aid Personal

• Willing to take full responsibility for own professional development and
French Speaker duties in relation to school policies andpractices.
• Can make quickdecisions.
German Speaker • Possessing a friendly, approachable and reliablenature.
• Can function well in a target driven, hectic and fast-pacedenvironment.



English Literature


Yuli Efendi
Dsn.Krajan RT
01 RW 04
M: 081 234 813 803
E: [email protected]

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