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Scope of work for the geotechnical investigations consists of:

a) Drilling bore holes at 2 locations in water as instructed by the consultant
b) Conducting standard penetration tests (SPT) in bore holes at regular intervals and
collection of disturbed and bulk samples.
c) Collecting undisturbed samples from boreholes at regular intervals.
d) Conducting laboratory tests on disturbed samples for physical and engineering
properties of soil.
e) Conducting laboratory tests on undisturbed samples to find out the shear parameters
of the samples.
f) Submitting a geotechnical report providing details of borings and test details and


3.11 Setting Out Of Boreholes

For setting out positions of boreholes, an existing or established Bench Mark available
at the site will be used. Total Station and Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)
equipment will be used for setting out and establishing locations of boreholes and
CPT’s. The details of the reference Bench Marks used for this purpose and the
coordinates and reduced level of each bore hole will be mentioned.


Boring was done in accordance with the provisions of IS 1892-1979, using rotary calyx
rig technique which is mechanically operated. Boreholes will penetrate through the
sandy and clayey layers and the boreholes will advance up to required depth as per
client requirements or where dense sand/hard clay/hard rock will encounter.

While drilling through the top soil layers sodium bentonite slurry will be circulated in
order to prevent the sides from caving. Standard penetration tests (SPT), will be taken
at various depth using standard split spoon sampler, the sets being driven by 63.5Kg
hammer as per IS 2131-1981 giving a free fall of 750mm. The number of blows required
to penetrate the first 15cm is for seating and is not considered for assessing strength
characteristics. The summation of the number of second and third sets of 15cm each are
termed as SPT value and designated as ‘N’. Results were recorded and graphically
represented in the log of bore holes. Soil samples will be collected in plastic bags for
visual inspection and classification of strata from all the layers as recorded in log sheets
of bore holes.

For marine borehole a floating barge is created by tying two boats/ pontoon above
which a platform is erected on which the rig is mounted. The barge is kept in place by
anchors on all the four direction. To initiate the boring, a temporary casing shall be
provided from the working level up to a certain depth in the sea bed. Rotary drilling
method shall be adopted by Bentonite circulation to progress with the boring works. All
the field tests, collection of samples shall be done as per specifications


Disturbed samples (SPT Samples) obtained from specified sampler were tested for
the following index properties as well as strength properties to classify the strata to
various soil group as per unified soil classification IS: 1498-1970 and IS: 2720.

1. Moisture Content {IS: 2720 (Part II) - 1973}

Natural moisture contents are obtained by oven drying method and the results
are tabulated.
2. Grain Size Distribution {IS: 2720 (Part 4) - 1985}
Both sieve analysis and Hydrometer analysis were conducted on different
samples and the findings are tabulated.
3. Specific Gravity {IS: 2720 (Part III)- 1980}
The specific gravity of soil particles were determined by using pycnometer.
4. Direct Shear Test {IS: 2720 (Part 13)- 1972}
The shear tests can be conducted under three different drainage conditions. The
direct shear test is generally conducted on sandy soils as a consolidated-drained test.

5. Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Shear Test {IS: 2720 (Part XI)- 1981}
This test is done by triaxial apparatus on undisturbed soil samples of cylindrical
shape, subjected to direct stress acting in three mutually perpendicular direction viz
major principal stress in vertical direction and minor principal stress in lateral direction
by fluid pressure and the plane of shear failure is determined on un disturbed
unconsolidated sample .
6. Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Shear Test {IS: 2720 (Part XIl)- 1981}
This test is done by triaxial apparatus on undisturbed soil samples of cylindrical
shape, subjected to direct stress acting in three mutually perpendicular directions viz
major principal stress in vertical direction and minor principal stress in lateral direction
by fluid pressure and the plane of shear failure is determined on consolidated sample.

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