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I. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES adoption of the aspects of the theory is

exemplified by the indeterminate
1. Definition of Criminal Law
sentence law. (Art.4 par 3 of RPC, Art. 68
Is the branch or division of law which defines
and Art. 11 to 14, Art. 63 of RPC)
crimes, treats of their nature, and provides for
their punishment.
Philippine penal law looks at the convict
as a member of society. Among the
Crime is an act committed or omitted in
important factors to be considered in
violation of a public law forbidding or
determining the penalty to be imposed on
commanding it.
him (1) his relationship towards his
(Maxim: “Nullum Crimen, Nulla Peona sine
dependents, family and their relationship
lege” – there is no crime if there is no penal
with him; and (2) his relationship
law punishing it – Article 22)
towards society at the large and the State.

2. Sources of Philippine Criminal Law

The penalties imposed must not only be
1. RPC
retributive but must also be reformative, to
2. Special Laws passed by Legislative (ex.
give the convict an opportunity to live a
Batasang Pambansa)
new life and rejoin society as a productive
3. Presidential Decree issued during Marcos
and civic-spirited member of the
Era Martial Law
3. Elective (mix of classical and positivist).
3. Theories of Criminal Law
This is what the Philippines is practicing.
1. Classical Theory
Basis of criminal liability is human free
4. The State; Police power; authority to
will and the purpose of the penalty is
define and punish crimes
Man is essentially a moral creature with
The State through its police power has the
an absolutely free will to choose between
authority to define and punish crimes and
good and evil. When he commits a
to lay down the rules of criminal
felonious or criminal act (delito doloso),
the act is presumed to have been done
voluntarily. Man, therefore should be
5. Limitations on enacting penal laws
adjudged or held accountable for
1. Ex post facto Law
wrongful acts so long as free will appears
This are laws when retroactively applied
are prejudicial to the accused.
(Aggravates a crime, inflicts greater
2. Positivist Theory
punishment, alters the legal rules of
The positivity theory states that the basis
for criminal liability is the sum total of
the social and economical phenomena to
which the offense is expressed, and the

2. Bill of attainder XPN: As provided in the treaties and

An act which will inflict punishment laws of preferential application
without judicial trial  Sovereigns and other chief of state
3. Criminal Due Process  Ambassadors, ministers resident…
Criminal laws must be of general  Diplomatic Rep and their domestic
application and must clearly define the servants.
acts and omissions punished as crimes. (Consul not entitled to the privileges
and immunities of an ambassador
6. Construction of Criminal Laws and minister)
1. Legal Maxim : “In dubio pro reo1”
The Penal laws are strictly construed 2. Territoriality
against the Government and liberally in 3. Prospective
favor of the accused. (Only construed to
the Government when the law is *Generality- the criminal law is binding to all
ambiguous and there is doubt as to its persons who live and sojourns in the Philippine
interpretation.) territory, regardless of nationality of the offender.

2. Spanish text > English Translation Territoriality –penal laws of the Philippines are
In the construction or interpretation of enforceable only within the territory, including
the provisions of the RPC, the Spanish its atmosphere, interior waters and maritime
text is controlling, because it was zone.
approved by the Philippine Legislature
in its Spanish Text. Prospectively - penal laws cannot make an act
punishable in a manner in which it was not
7. Scope of Application and Characteristics of punishable at the time of their commission,
Criminal Law except where the new law are more favorable the
1. General accused as long as he is not a habitual delinquent
Criminal law is binding on all persons or the law otherwise expressly provides.
who live and sojourns in the Philippine
Person subject to military law, Articles
of war is applied and not the RPC.
(Refer to Sect 1 R.A. No. 7055 page 8) 1. Art 3. Felonies

General Rule: To punish persons for Felonies - are acts and omission punishable by
offence committed within its territory, the RPC. This are committed by means of
regardless of the nationality of the deceit (dolo) and by means of fault (culpa).
Elements of felonies: (AOPDC)

Means innocent until proven.

a. There must be an act or omission (must be  The wrongful act results from
1 2
voluntary) imprudence , negligence , lack of foresight
b. That the act or omissions must be or lack of skill
punishable by the RPC. 
c. That the act is performed and omission 3. Crimes penalized by special laws
incurred by means of dolo or culpa.
2. Dolo or Malice (Intent to do an injury)
Crimes – is punishable by law in general. Requisites of Dolo or Malice: (to be considered
Felonies – is punishable by the RPC as having been performed or incurred with
Offenses – is punishable by special laws deliberate intent)
a. Freedom (voluntary)
Felony by Omission b. Intelligence
There must be a law requiring the doing or c. Intent (being purely mental process, is
performance of an act. presumed and the presumption arises from
a. In Uninhabitable place when the person is the proof of the commission of an unlawful
wounded and in danger of dying. – You can act – killing/Death)
be liable for abandonment of the person in
danger. Criminal Intent is necessary in felonies
b. Officer of collection – voluntarily fails to committed by means of dolo.
issue receipt – Guilty of illegal exaction Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea – the
c. Every one owing allegiance to the dact itself doest nt make a man guilty unless his
Philippines having knowledge of intentions were so.
conspiracy against the government- if not
disclose, you can be liable for misprision Actus me invite factuse non est meus actus –
or treason. an act done by me against my will is not my act.

Classes of crimes: General Intent – element of voluntariness

1. Intentional Felonies Specific Intent – proof of particular specific intent
 The act or omission is malicious is required.
 Performed with deliberate intent
 The act omission has the intention to 3. Mistake of fact (ignorantia facti excusat)
cause an injury Ignorance of the fact relieves the accused of
 The absence of criminal intent is a the criminal liability.
defense An honest mistake of fact destroys the
2. Culpable Felonies presumption of criminal intent which arises
 Not malicious upon the commission of a felonious act.
 Unintentional 1
Deficiency of action in avoiding an injury due to lack of skill.
Deficiency of perception or lack of foresight: the failure to
foresee impending injury, thoughtlessness, failure to use
ordinary care.

As a rule, intent to commit the crime is not

As a defense, requisite of mistake of fact: necessary for crime punished by a special law. It
a. That the act would have been lawful is sufficient that the offender has the intent to
had the facts been as the accused perpetrate the act prohibited by the special law.
believed them to be;
b. That the intention of the accuses in The act alone, irrespective of its motives,
performing the act should be lawful constitutes the offense.
c. That the mistake must be without fault Good faith and absence of criminal intent is not a
or carelessness on the part of the valid defense in crimes punishable by special
accused. laws.

When Mistake of fact cannot be use as 7. Mala in se vs. Mala prohibita

defense: Mala in se, or wrongful from their nature, such as
a. Error in Personae (mistake in the rapes, theft, homicide etc. Mala prohibita, or
identity) - Mistake of fact cannot be use wrong merely because prohibited by statute, such
as a defense. (When the act and as illegal possession of firearms.
intention is unlawful)
b. When accused is negligent (culpable Mala in se - the intent governs
felony) Mala Prohibita
 are violations of mere rules of convenience
4. Mistake of fact vs. Mistake of Law designed to secure a more orderly
Mistake of law excuses no one from regulation of the affairs of society.
compliance. Mistake of fact is a  The only inquiry is, has the law been
misapprehension of fact on the part of the violated?
person who caused injury to another. He is
not, however, criminally liable, because he did When the acts are inherently immoral, they
not act with criminal intent. are mala in se, even if punishes under special
5. Culpa or Fault
Criminal Intent is replaced by negligence and 8. Motive and Intent
imprudence. Motive is the moving power which impels one to
action for a definite result. Intent is the purpose
Requisites of Culpa:
to use a particular means to affect such result.
 Freedom
 Intelligence Motive is not an essential element of crime, hence
 Imprudent, negligent or lack of foresight or need not be proved for purpose if conviction.
Motive when relevant and when need not to
6. Offenses punished by Special Laws established.

 Identity of accused (immaterial when the  Mistake in the blow, when the offender
accused has been positively identified) intending to do an injury to one person actually
 Antagonistic theories (2 theories or versions of inflicts it on another. (aberration ictus)
the killings- gives rise to variant crimes)  The act exceeds the intent, that is the injuries
 No Eyewitnesses result is greater than that intended (praeter
 Circumstantial evidence or sufficient evidence intentionem)
Motive is established by the testimony of
witnesses on the acts or statements of the d. Mistake in identity – error in personae
accused before or immediately after the (People vs Oanis 74 Phil 257)
commission of the offense. e. Mistake in the blow – aberratio ictus
(People vs Mabugat 51 Phil 967)
9. Art. 4 f. Injurious result is greater than what is
Par 1 – a person who performs a criminal act is intended – praeter intentionem
responsible for ALL the consequences of said act (People vs Cagoco 58 Phil 524)
regardless of his intention. (People vs. Mariano
No. L-45966) Par 1 Requisite:
1. That an intentional felony has been committed
Doctrine: “El que es causa de la causa es causa del 2. Wrong done must be direct, natural and
mal causado” - he who is the cause of the cause is logical consequence of felonious act.
the casuse of the evil caused. - Blow was efficient cause of death
- Blow accelerated death
The act or omission should not be punished by a - Blow was proximate cause of death
special law, because the offender violating a
special law may not have the intent to do an No Felony committed:
injury to another. In such cases the wrongful act  When act or omission not punishable by
done could not be different as the offender did the RPC
not intend to do any other injury.  When the act is covered by any of
justifying circumstance enumerated in Art
Committing Felony 11.
- Not merely performing an act
- must be punishable by the RPC ** Act of defense or fulfillment of duty must be
- should be committed by means of dolo (deceit) exercised with due care, otherwise, the accused
with malice will be liable for culpable felony.

Although the wrongful act done be different Any person, who creates in another mind an
from that which he intended immediate sense of danger which causes the
 Mistake in the identity of the victim (error in latter to do something resulting in the latter
personae) injuries, is liable for the resulting injuries.
Ex. Jeepney robbery, threats to shoots passengers
if they don’t bring out their money, (Felony is

committed) if one passenger escapes and the  Act was done with evil intent
escapes cause injury/ death the robber is liable  Its accomplishment is inherently
for attempted robbery with intimidation. impossible or that the means employed is
(PEOPLE VS PAGE 77 SCRA 348 355) either inadequate or in effectual
 Act performed should not constitute a
US VS VALDEZ, 41 PHIL 497 – page 69 violation of another provision of the
10. Doctrine of Proximate Cause (E.g. if there is a grave threats which is
punishable under Art 282 or attempted
Felony committed must be the proximate cause felony)
of the resulting injury.
If act performed against person or property
PROXIMATE CAUSE would be an offense there is no impossible
That cause which in natural and continuous crimes.
sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening
cause produces the injury and which the result Inherent impossibility of its accomplishment,
would not have occurred. there must be:
 Legal impossibility
PROXIMATE LEGAL CAUSE  Physical impossibility
Is that acting first and producing the injury, either
immediately, or setting other events in motion all Purpose of punishing impossible crimes
constituting a natural and continuous chain of To suppress criminal propensity or criminal
events ,each having a close casual connection tendencies objectively, the offender has not
with its immediate predecessor. committed a felony but subjectively he is a
CAUSE: 12. Art 5
 Not direct, natural and logical “IN CONNECTION WITH ACTS WHICH SHOULD
consequence of the felony committed. – If BE REPRESSED BUT WHICH ARE NOT COVERED
there is an active force that intervened BY THE LAW”
between the felonies and the result. That TRIAL OF A CRIMINAL CASE REQUIRES:
active force is distinct or absolute foreign  The act committed by the accused appears
from felonious act. not punishable by any law
 The resulting injury is due to the  But the court deems it proper to repress
intentional act of the victim. such act.
 In that case the court must render the
11. Impossible Crimes proper decision by dismissing the case and
Requisites: acquitting the accused
 The act performed would be against  The judge must them make a report to the
person and property Chief Executive stating the reasons which

induce him too believe that the said act reason of some cause or accident other than his
should be made the subject of penal own spontaneous desistance.
Development Crime Stages (stage from
“IN CASE OF EXESSIVE PENALTY”, REQUIRES: conceiving to realization):
 The court after trial finds the accused 1. Internal Act – Ideas (Intention and effects must
guilty concur)
 Penalty provided by law and which the 2. External Acts
court imposes for the crime committed a. Preparatory Act (ordinarily not punishable)
appear to be clearly excessive A proposal and Conspiracy to commit felony is
o Accused acted with lesser degree of not punishable.
malice XPN:
o There is no injury or the injury  When the law provides for their
caused is less gravity punishment in certain felonies ( Art 8)
 Court shall not suspend the execution of  Preparatory act which are considered by
the sentence law independent crimes punishable
 Judge should submit a statement to Chief o Example: Possession of picklocks
Executive through the Secretary of Justice under Art 304 is a preparatory act
recommending clemency to the commission of Robbery (Art
299 or 303)
* Although the petitioner was convicted under b. Acts of Execution (punishable under the RPC)
special law, the court is not precluded from giving Stages – Attempted, Frustrated and
the RPC suppletory application in light of Art 10 Consummated
and our ruling in PEOPLE VS SIMON, 234 SCRA
55, 574 14. Attempted Stage
13. Art 6 Stages of Execution  Commence the commission directly by
overt acts
1. Consummated – when all the elements  He does not perform all acts of execution
necessary for its execution and accomplishment which should produce the felony
are present.  Non-performance of all acts was due to
2. Frustrated – when the offender performs all cause or accident other than his
the acts of execution which would produce the spontaneous desistance
felony as a consequence but which, do not
produce it by reason of causes independent of COMMENCE COMMISSION OF A FELONY
the will of the perpetrator. DIRECTLY BY OVERTACTS, REQUISITES:
3. Attempted – when the offender commence  There be external acts
the commission of a felony directly by overt  Such external acts have direct connection
acts, and does not perform all the acts of with the crime intended to be committed.
execution which should produce the felony by


PERSON USING FIREARMS – must first fire the 15. Frustrated Stage
same without inflicting a mortal wound Elements:
 Performs all acts f execution
NO blow was struck – Not an overt act  All acts performed would produced the
felony as a consequence
Can be the intent to kill  But felony not produced
 By reason of causes independent of the
External acts must be a direct connection with will of the perpetrator
the crime intended. E.g. Attempted trespassing
(PEOPLE VS LAMAHANG 61 PHIL 703) Determining Felony:
 Nature of offense
Intension  Elements constituting the felony
- Must be viewed from nature of the act  Manner of committing the same
executed by him and not from his
admission ARSON
- Act susceptible to double interpretation Frustrated – having rags set to fire, socks soaked
(in favor/against/innocent/ punishable in kerosene and placing it near wooden partition
act) cannot furnish ground or attempted Attempted – offender was about to strike a
crime. match to set the house on fire when he was
- One who takes part in planning s criminal ESTAFA
act but desists in its actual commission is Frustrated – cashier receive sales which he put
exempt from criminal liability in his pocket, instead of giving to the cashier.
- It is not necessary that it be actuated by a Consummated – Abuse of confidence and
good motive, the code only requires that damage to the offended party must occur.
the discontinuance of the crime comes
from the person who has begun it and he 16. Frustrated Theft
stops at his own free will. THERE IS NO CRIME OF FRUSTRATED THEFT

Attempted Felony – offender never passed Theft is produced when there is deprivation of
subjective phase of the offense. personal property due to its taking by one with
intent to gain.
SUBJECTIVE PHASE – it is the portion of the acts
constituting the crime starting from the point Unlawful taking is deemed complete from the
where the offender begins the commission of moment the offender gains possession of the
the crime to that point where he has still thing, even if he has no opportunity to dispose of
control over his acts; including their natural the same. (People vs Obillom 411 Phil 139,
course. 150[2001]; People vs Bernabe, 448 Phil 269,

280 [2003]; People vs Bustinera, G.R. No. 18. Consummated Stage

148233, June 8, 2004) All elements of the felony for which the accused
is prosecuted must be present in order to hold
Unlawful taking, which is the deprivation of one’s him liable therefore it its consummated stage.
personal property, is the element which produces
the felony in its consummated stage. At the same 19. Art 8 – Conspiracy and Proposal to commit
time, without unlawful taking as an act of felony
execution, the offense could only be attempted
theft. Mere conspiracy or proposal is not a felony.
With this consideration, the court can only (Preparatory acts) Unless there s a specific
conclude that under Article 308 of the RPC theft provision in the RPC providing penalty for
cannot have a frustrated stage. Theft can only be conspiracy or proposal to commit a felony.
attempted or consummated. (Valenzuela vs (Treason, rebellion and sedition)
People, et al G.R. No. 160188, June 21, 2007)
It is sufficient that two or more persons agree and
decide to commit treason, rebellion and sedition.
17. Frustrated or Attempted Homicide
Frustrated Homicide- all the acts of execution is If they commit, say treason, they will be held
performed, however there was an intervention liable for treason and the conspiracy which
(example: medical intervention) the victim they had before committing treason is only a
survived. manner of incurring criminal liability, it is not a
Attempted Homicide- The accused intend to kill separate offense.
his victim but was not able to perform all acts
necessary to consummate the killing. Could be *Conspiracy to commit / is not punished in the
that wound inflicted did not affect vital organs RPC.
and before shooting he gives warning.
Indication of conspiracy:
Manner of Committing the Crime:  Their act aimed at the same object
1. Formal Crime – consummated in one instant  Act must show a common design (there
(e.g. slander - no attempt in formal crime) must be unity of purpose and unity in the
2. Crime Consummated by mere attempt or execution of the unlawful objective)
proposal or by overt acts
3. Felony omission (no attempted stage)
4. Crimes requiring the intervention of two Requisites of conspiracy:
persons to commit them are consummated by  Two or more persons came to an
were agreement. (Bribery, Corruption of public agreement
officer)  That the agreement concerned the
5. Material Crimes (three stages of execution, like commission of a felony
homicide, rape, etc)  That the execution of the felony be
decided upon

21. Art 9 (R.A. No. 10951)

Requisites of proposal: Grave Felonies (Afflictive penalties): R2P3
 That a person has decided to commit a  Reclusion Perpetua
felony  Reclusion Temporal
 That he proposes its execution to some  Perpetual or Temporary absolute
other person or persons disqualification
 Perpetual or Temporary special
CASE: disqualification
 When two or more persons aim their acts  Prision Mayor
towards the accomplishment of the same
unlawful object, each doing a part so that Less Grave Felonies (correctional penalties)
their acts, though apparently independent, PASD:
were in fact connected and cooperative  Prision Correccional
indicating closeness of personal  Arresto Mayor
association and a concurrence of  Suspension
sentiment, conspiracy may be inferred.  Destierro
And where there is conspiracy, the act of
one is deemed the act of all. (People vs Light Felonies:
Aleta G.R. No. 179708. April 16, 2009)  Arresto Menor
  Fine
20. Direct Proof of Conspiracy is not required
22. Art 10
Conspiracy can be presumed from and proven by
acts of the accused themselves when the said acts
point to a joint purpose and design, concerted III. CIRCUMSTANCES
action and community of interest. Conspiracy AFFECTING CRIMINAL
renders all the conspirators as co-principals
regardless of the extent and character of their LIABILITY
participation because in contemplation of law,
the act of one conspirator is the act of all. Article 11
Justifying Circumstances – matters of defense
Quantum of proof required to establish and is incumbent upon the accused.
conspiracy: This article recognizes the acts of such person as
- Evidence of actual cooperation rather justified. Such persons are not criminals, as
than cognizance or approval of an there is no crime committed.
illegal act is required.
- Must be established by positive and ART 11 PAR 1 Self- Defense
conclusive evidence
Self- Defense - The act lacks criminal intent

10 | P a g e

1. Unlawful Aggression- indispensable requisite
2. Reasonable necessity of the means to
employed to prevent or repel it
3. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of
the person defending himself

NOTE: If any of the last 2 requisite is lacking this

renders as incomplete self defense and can be
appreciated as mitigating circumstance rather
than justifying.

4 Subjects of self-defense:
1. Person
2. Rights
3. Property
4. Honor

UNLAWFUL AGGRESSION- is equivalent to

assault or at least threatened assault of an
immediate and imminent kind.
- Has physical force or actual use of weapon

Article 12

Study the different between instigation vs.

entrapment- Bar question page 346


11 | P a g e

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